HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-09-15, Page 84
.MEN'S 1070. OUT'I�S' SUJ•TS 48`
Bong& from Manufacturers at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Latest Styles and Fine:Qualites. Priced. for Special Sale.
$20.00 and '$5.00.•
The .Cloth Is !Fiue;,l. Quality, K
Ther.Styles Correct
T'he Price. Is �Irow
oCome find see them. You'll real%ze this .to be
The Suit Buying Opportunity of the year.:
Nu -Way Stretch Suspenders
Somethingw and :very satisfactory: • Guaranteed for one year. Very reason-
• ably prided, Boys' 50c., Men's 75c. and $1.00.
Men's Sweater .Coats
Watch for Import-,
ant 'Announcement
Regarding . CHICK-
ENS Next Week.:
c- - =,...
Phone o'. 1.0 is: at Your
r. rvice
We .Sell For Cash -We Sell Ch aper Thasr. The Cretlit Stores
Miss •Maudaanna, a trained nurse
of Winghanx, and• a daii'ghter of the:
late, Mrs, 'Hanna,; died. at Christie
•Hospital, Toronto, 'on September 6,•
after .a long : illness. Miss Hanna,.
graduated fropi Victoria °Hospital,
'London, and ,on January •. 30, : 1916, '.
she joined the C:A:M.C. and 'went
overseas and served in England and
France. While ' in France she. -con-
tracted diphtheria, and- after„ spend-
ing some time in hospitals in Engem
land. she was =sent -home in';October,
1916,but never fully recovered . from
the effects of . the illness contracted
in trance. • The funeral' was to. - the
Windham. ,CemeteryThurlsday after'
noon of last ,week, The pall -bearers;•
Were all • returned active.; service of-
ficers:—Major Pettigre M• C•,=
Major Campbell, Capti;. Vanwick,
•Capt. Copeland, 'Dr.. Ross, and Dr.
All wool, heavy weight, mice patterns, Price '$6.50., ° w • ;.:.:
Men''s fine quality Pull-Ov•ers with l'ftrge fancy collars, a,'w: special price, $6.50:
Men's Soc...s
Men's heavy weight Socks for every day wear, 35c,
Men's, Fine wool cashmere Socks, 50c.
Men's pure wool. Worsted'• Socks, Special 7 c.
Men's -Work .Shirts
3 Dozen •Men's Work 'Shirts, good weight; nice pattern; neat fitting,
& at $1.25. •
ow priced
Szi Cll11.
air and oncir--t
(The 'Hand -Cuff King) in Star -Part
tilt • of s ctacular feats, thrilling
ull,, pe . and
advent.` romance, with a
g tppiag .,mystery to ther'last foot.
Also the
of the
at the
Reduce\d prices�.
on Wall Paper
Miss. Alba Fox. is visiting friends
in Goderich..
Mss Ada Ciubb:returned home last
Week after spm
ending them summer With
her aunt Mrs. Dow' at Brucefield. ,
Mr. W. d. snnpson of Chicago
spent the -past week with his sister
Mrs.:F. Henry,
;Mi:. and Mrs.' Amos' Cornelis . are.
visiting friends'. at London
Miss Neth a Cottle" is 'visiting- a't
heli honte,:here•
We are ;glad td be able ,to report
that' Mrs. David'' Kennedy • Sr.., who
has been ill; is imnrovino..
,Miss Kate McKenzie, of London;.
and. her; mother :Mrs. McKenzie'
near Langside visited over, Sunday
with' kr. and Mrs; T.�', Gaunt:;
Mr. ' A, E Purden.is at 'London Fair
demonstrating Are'o--Cushion, Tires.
'Itis reported ' that Rev. Kenneth
Beaton; -a•-returned missionary—. f -rani
China, is to have 'charge of the Sex
ices •on :the . Lucknow circuit next
Messrs Will' Henri and Frank Ross
_spent last :w_eek,in_Tor•onto,
Mr and Mrs; Jack Martin are on
a .visit with friends in Ottwa.
Mr. and' Mrs.' Tlios. Appleby and
son, Ruben' and-fisses Hannah and.
Isabel- Stokes . of, Turnberryr-+gisited-
on Sunday' with Mr. and •Mrs, 'Hen
Mr: and,Mrs Robert_McClenaghan,
Mrs.: Herbert' Laidraw,- Mr; Harry.'
MeClepagnan_anci Mrs. .1VicCleenagIi
air Sr motored to Clinton on• :Satur-
day to
aturday_..to attend the funeral.,of ,the ;.lat-
ter's brother 'Mr. Wm Baker, , of Lon
We are clearing:out cur stock Of
Wall paper to make room for the
neve goods. Our stock is only six.
months old; `so that every roll l; ii
fresh and . in god shape
g and :fill ;
1921 patterns. It is all twenty-
two inches wide and' most of it is
Don't miss this opportunity ' as
our : stock is limited. First come,
first serve e . °
The Luckno l llardware&CoaIC
- - edrresday; Sept•
All exhibits'must be in place
by -1 .30-=a m.
Afternoon Program will begin.
with School Parade led•by' the
`Lucknow ' Juvenile Band, -at
c 1 c clo_ck.shai p
Come out and help ake the'
Fair a success ,`
tvei ybody:. Welcomee�'
9.1°0. p•in.
Lunch: Counter by -Women's
• *1V oke Muh
"Noss VTabel ohnston . ;left this-
week -.for .Stratford where she will`
attend Normal School.
Tlf Typic. in -the Young Peoples •..
�urld on S$nday .Evening Sept. 18th
Us u.:-i•v 'ncln7'Peo,"ic•Mny. Help in
the 'ihree C's .CHmpai r,•: Clean
Speech, Clean Liat;n -, C;i e••in 'Sport,"
ilev.`ll'r .' NGu'uie;'has ch: ge of 'the
The 'following..pupiie_ from., :here
areattending the Wingham High
- School: Misses Irene, .Moore,° Evelyn
Gaunt, Beatrice Johnston, Jean •Dow
6n andMessrs .Ernest Sparl�ng',
and •Fred: Thomson
0 -n -o
D. Maclvor,'' a Huron ,`old,: -boy"•,-
nov► -residing in Winnipeg, who at-
tended the recentr,re-union at.`'God
t w y ha s 'erith, is reported isack' in the west-'
ern city %gain. Mr. Maelvor 'came,
cured The Redmond Concert ,'and returned by, automobile and lake
Co., who promise an entirely, r•
steamer, covering 2 5,00. in has ea
"FIe:had'ver goo Tuck. n his trip,
ew progiam' hits only, trouble :being' puncture.
Concert' -at. $ No .sword bites so fiercely_oaf
f ' e idle tongue.
P -T •.277 an d
's. Store your head-.
s• for'these days:
1111 by o pedal ._Brgains-
Dress Goods, Silks,,Men's and-- _ '
Boys' Clothing, House:` Fur
nishin -s,f1c.�
Read nextWeek's paper and
profit thereby
Mr, • and Mrs Albert Salmon, ,also
Mr. and . Mrs, Hoy •Salu►on- and 'fan's=
.."ily called on. friends herriilast week.
:.Mr" _and. Mrs. • John Henry and Mr.
Tmm:-alobb::.VIsitesi fit etit3s an
'.:anal.-- _-:_. ,.. .._. ...._ __. ...._
;the eighth on Monday`.
Mr. William '. Statters • and neice,
:_Manan' `HAogis�_gpent-a few 'clays -91_
last' week at .the Toronto •Fair.
Mrs. Almer Ackert and daughter
F 'Gwendolin spent' the week end with
' the'former'S parents near Kincardine,
Sehobl opened here on Tuesday
Sept.6th kind we .are glad to have our
teacher Miss Hansattld with us again.
• A large trowd gathered herr last.
Friday to attend •the Rural School
Fan' which was a decided success the
exhibits were splendid and the pupils
of the different schools marched aand
sate well, showing the careful train-
ing $hfr tucbsr,. i
ter; . _-- -.SST AiIGUSTIIV.E.,
Many farmers here are busy„ with
t7te,, faIf thres�}iinl•
Schooi. re -opened•• last week 'with
a latgeE.attenJance.
y ;. lx xt that. b rs,. burp y
is I not keeping-.wellql , 1ate.• „
Quito a -number from our burl`
are attending the' Western Fair at
London this week,
tilr, llugh King is 1l; i„t:.busy,'those.
days with his'dlrties in c1 irge of the.
goods roads work,
Nice are .sorry to •know that Mr;
Fitzpatrick and family are about to
leave the neighborhfiod, •
• gems' rather dull now with so
many of the young ladies away to
their schools again, besides 5 of the
entrance graduates ' going to high
• G.
Mi - tRobertson.—f LuInw.
,ss.�E. lteJ,::o _ ..�_. 4 _
'sponit :the -week end -"with ; Mr. and<
Mrs: J. B. Rutherford.
Mr. and 'Sirs. J, Deyell and child -
rep of Wingham spent" Sunday with
Mr ,:and Mrs.:'Colin McDonald
A ,baby girl -arrived at the of
Mr.. and!' Mft ITerman Phillip, on
:VIOnday"-Sect,-f5;;'C;vrigratu'ihtions, , .
"ilY'i'ss''Eva lI (lilt y f's'" avvsy'.t n,,...,
couple of weeks visit with frie ds at
Goderich Smith's Hill and Aub tri;
Mr..and Mrs. Geo. Stewart rriv.
ed From : from their wedding . •trix
Wedn, ' day ' evening— Congra ulat-,
' Aineng these . attending the
ern Fair .at London this week
Mr. Edward Thom, Mr; "W'.
Miller, Mrs, John Miller Sr, - v
.vteQuillin, James Durran,
McRoberts,Cliff Murray, Harris
'dont Allin . Purinin, John Gilles,
est -
t.'il e6.
Do'youtreali e-thai;''the-station-
ery you use is an:. advertisement
of yourself, and' therefore Should
». li�iorr k
' he begs2 Into eacirletter
• ,steps something of yourself not
�_ written intangible,' invigibl(1,
�.:- .but ti ererettelnsed'I ' Is i Ott-
eipressed in terms of.paper
quality, letter quality.'
Our 'Assortment Is bI the Best
and Highest. Grade
Why, not :choose herel
A. E. McKIxV
alb Store -
Wci uOW, • • ONT4R10.
oes-, a University Education 1)4y?
We all know that a college training is absolutely essential
to engineers,medical ment' chemists, .clergymen,. Scientists, etc:,
but 'statistics sho. that while 'only 2%''b1 tlhe,people.of Artierirr„
mire•co(kege due t ,`ao less than 70% of.the leaders in; business, `
in politics, and in the Church cbme horn tlus'university trained
�troue_ .
Shall your boy become ,:one ;of the Leaders ?:
-•'Western University is,right at your,door find offers
. ' complete courses,in Arts, .Medicine- and, Public Health.
• Entrance is by Junior Matriculation except for -'special.
and nurses courses.:.. They .fees are low. • The teaching
. star numbers 111:professors, lecturers ands instructors.
lindivtdual'ansttuction_.is_.featured. - ; i. -
Moreover: your, boy will get alT the•best i.u---e:-n^'
:of college and home by attending a university inour..:,
._.� turn.__ . , �
•Q d�strictr �. Regtttratior-i..[Du�`.-Oet�l�;er -3rd.-_...�.... ,_...
Western' degrees are universally' recognized.
London, Onr
• —1J)
• ,
Paisley ratepayers' voted in favor
tf getting hydro ' current into tho•
'village, 16,5 for and 12 against, The
cash requirement is• $24,7001 '
` If a niap 'does; not make new ac-
quaintances 'as he passes through
life, ha will , soon findphitnaelf. alone•,
A' mart' should keep his' friendshipq
in constant :repair, . .