HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-09-15, Page 67." •
ThosOaae Allee„.•
want a. ow yose. get beat op ten erty
acemint." •-• • .• ' '
"Well you needret worry; if I get
beat up ft won't be en yoS'ir accounts
I kin telt you that. 1 don't eita to
let anYisedy throw clubs at law pets,
though. • You drive the cattle • on
down; "I';m pin' up to the ;rave."
.A. gleamof satisfaction lit Anson's ,
shifty eyes'. "All right;" he said short-
ly, and went off 'after the. herd.. '
Billy climbed the • rail fence and •
crossed this„basswood swele to the
highland. He approached the beeeh
grove. .canticaisly , and peered-Aboot
. . . Tasty Salads. •'
• A good little salad which the.honse-
wife should have at her Angers' ends
' father sand stepthother attd •her eon; Hinter smiled. "ISIreYer mind," be head poised on a thick neck. set be's nee goad este be charmingly . served rise, and all play arid no work makes
elsalte Erie, . •delain Keelev„;one of 'th
--?l A spasm of pain crossed the' boy s e 1 g g . • s ries t, , P ., .. . . too s pt ,. •
' ile VII lance te ed -ou from th Your APP,o's: ' ' " , • ° g $ nee P
. r dance halls; and movie ter r •
Pass, • ' e • s Inoinouvt:rs twa derkayty.o:wr oarktointefth dftzeonoef Stein/ .
dish. drainer will sa_ e at, least . t ir i
• Anson, is the leader among the boYs saki gently: °And how is he ststodum tween square shoulders. . . A word about • Daring Jack a lazy' boy, had power to move,
of Scotia, a silencer seillernent near . itf " . . . •• , - I Billy, taking his measure 'With one ins Ind s
ea - e t- ' • 6' - are 1' ii. i " d Th cities with
'trustees, is tellin • the, ritsii teacha••• face. 1•Lilte A• man," he answered trees, •SimultaneouelY the strangoboy Selece of coUrse, the . pretti st and
. • . s es, -
We that tf. wis keep the youfbg folks
on the farnic.Ntie mutt not only elitnin-
late Seated on. a log at the lower ate a Jot of the drudgery, but We %must
Billy Wilion;,-who lives with, bier hira?" he asked. • Jus own age, a boy with round, bullet deYs when early to bed and early
vide entertainment for them. The
f end of a ass glad was a bo about •
. Synopsis of Preceding ChaPters-* 'live' did yetoknew I waethkiti: e. gr e. .Y . made of apples and celery chapped
together and dressed. with maYounesises
.4...mmommov•vo ovvv*ovvv
• 0 0" NE L
•The need . car dialer who show. youl,
how they run inatoad, teakinst about,
what they ore alke,
• xua actiell* *took'
'Percy BreameY „.; : TORONTO*
• lite:Mon this,. oelver.
or • the lighting 'plant or the Water:
system but you need not wait for the, .
little conveniences:. *
• ••
TAM. foe exernsple the inexpensivd.
dish' drainer. • It is estimated that a)
shortly. • °. I rose slowlysheed latreteds fists elenehs firmest yeti can find; peel
,tbe haps their'concerts eed,,,Issectur4si.course
Mr. Johnsten, abatt•his predeceseerk
ed There wes nothing antagonistic in fully; titl out the ctire, and scrape each, ',This IS only one •of
;while sre#e efoin , petite' e esse,s..ifeltls awayfrom that
burning stable. A' will made y 6
a , eady gaze. ,BitlY" =tovierds the BillY'S
be creek then pausea , . oter e o „ •.
new boy .with seriouS grey eyes.. That
latitude as he .surveyed the / out Wrench ,of the inside as is wise
sibie 'without alloviing• y ' kn'f t meAns of earning a living easily, With d42°11
Are too easy to reach. Vaetertes'and ,11°urs
stores offer to both Voyi 'an.4.4girle, a
several hours fun, besides. Se if
s,11(11-1en,ln,_ competitor in hstic combat, and it conveniences that will give the wells.;
more OimPle, lestxpensitre
Prank •Staehope, ,„.-sho was -blind° see
hope's faVdr, coulcrnot be fotind. Billy to k er tho'home" a total Of hours and •
1)P' fooled °Jim Scroggie now. • 'He's scars
fleisure. Think this'oVer and
burat through
- expression bed fooled rnore •than one'
wealthy hertelh, Scroggies in Stan- 1 pan achose ,
Hi ter w
. and MaurSce Keelef'tdan search for owns .,tha t Lest:, Mans Sweeties .
the country is to hold its young folkol'ss-- --
heurs o
. the lost will.,, Twin Oaks store is rob- :You .." • ' . • • ' .. • ed stiff," vii`e the new boy's *thought way,ef eateting to- the pleasurcoeving..make.a.:, few to. ur.chasei the next time' •
vou go to town - • •
It must hustle up and establish some 's - . • '
: •
.„ bed... Scieggie's namesake and aisPai- , 'The mai started. "'NOP' he answer- es- he :swaggered forward. to weerZ,
ent heir takes pbssession. Eeturning ed, "I• don't own it exactlY, but I hope Balt stood, • " ' ' side ef nermal, healthY boys anclgirlt. '
he• Bata.
7 Swamp, Billy meets Hinter, a new property., 1 ant negotiating now with I'm .goirt, to Ike ewes
•Ih oerVing them, place each apple on
a bed of :Watererees, lettuee leaves,
grape Waves, •naeturtiuma, or.. ether
darty 'green thing; They' May be
de erated, tooewithred beets ill fancy:
shapes. Many delicious salads
be served in these pretty apple cuPs.
A bit of 'erisp cabbage or lettuce
makes a good combination With the
apples an 'celery, and a few .chopped
:from an excursson into Lost 'Man's' tb soon. It, •is part of the Seroggiej " 've been waitin' for you ands/hoW A form of entertainment is
. An Airle#s EMIL
••,‘,7,P • •
may yeatons 'known only to. rnYsel-f." , • about that. His face was round, fl. d t,rhoesyeid:awhisdevipor:ved. of -its eh.' -
growing more.. and more popular in,
' ••• • • of course but I desire to own it .for look like a tough proposition, ntedeubt
has heen worked 'out thoronghlY the OW::
cals. In cemtnunities where the idea mesphere, and existence possible um
der Such conditione', we should find. .
residents " •• • ,: ' Scroggie s, hear for it. It is us.eless, Billy eyed hint appraisingly. He did country places iff home talthit theatri-
CHAPTER X.-i---(Cont'cl.) • hereld the.
• •
Hinter 4.00lt his heed. "Nolescly • "But siiPposin' • or Scroggie'e lost small-featnred. . "That face '11 s
a euestionnair.e, asking those tvho risWg ot the sun in -the darkened easte
method. of organizing has -bees': to send
ith them hecanse:they are fond of 'Mt. Stanhope," *answered Hinter, ai antagenistievilly.4 forward , 'no use Different Combinations of fruits or gOrgeous colors -Mark its Setting
would have them, they're tie Savage; will.comes to lighte • a lot of Rummell& " Billy told himself,
mil join to tell What they can best do.
, haven't the heart to•make away 'Then,. of course, it Will divert to and as henoted the heavy chill, thrust. nuts are always a splendid addition.
and .1 Billy." . .. . . stronglY if Mr. Scroggte ever 'made e cisl,ed. • • • dressing instead of maycinnaite will
actors, according to individual talent. the west The sky Would liekdark by.
me. ree fled those dogs si. long time, must confese," he aded, "I doubt very. bruiein' my knilekles on that," he de- inkiy.he used 'for variety, and a erealn The Volunteer's are then diVided into
scene painters, Costume makers, oi as well as by night' " • .":
.9 understanI," ,said Billy, seenfie- wilr," ' . „ • • 'You heard what I .sals.1, didn't be relished by everybody. To make
'To be successful the Little Country The stari weuld.• shiee . helehtlYI, '
thetieatly. . . BillY Was silent, busy with his devil You?" growled the challenger. • •1
"2111 enough dress ng to serve salad, to six
Theatre mist be ,a real comniunity 'thrOugh the entire twentY-four Ileum!
, • .spoonful of granulated sugar, flavor Working. .
With a little lemon and vanilla extract, work out. . . , . e.learest nighti. They , would . not
affair, le.41.1 everybody...mid his wife t4huetrnw:h:,hn°aurie4 niiiewe.ythis.°Iilbslaelibilns enive°pret.ht
Of course, a, 'suitable 11.011.
w will not twinkls la the least. • ' •
Hinter put his hand in • his coat thoughts. They crossed the bridge, gsiin' . ." ' .: . • people pour. One and one-half table- '
• poeket and drew' out an ivory dog- passed through a beech ridge and des Billy grinned. He had caught the ' .
spoonfuls of vinegar' over one 'tables
A one-person show • • s' • • -
. .
whistle "Would you like to know scended a-naossy slope to the •Cause- gasp at the, end a. the speaker's
and lust before serving add three
found. If you have a censolidated They would be seen almost up to the) •
tablespoonfuls of ' rich 'mane either
school with an assembly rooni, this
must' her veiy edge of the sun itselfebut im-'
sweet or sour. Mix the ingredients,
tures, and toss lightly until well corn-
eintahle, a toviii hall, or umised left scene. ' ' • : - . • . '' . .
• abcirodadth.evirringgrsa, nadnett rteod.thfiriineisiirow;suivld; '
pour over the fruit or vegetable, miX- ir$Y
school :or community heifse which. is
mingled: • Wheh. vegetables , are • Used .
they should be • slightly seasoned with with ever a store, or even 4 barn, may be Tim Veidiaca illga.iiittWiloilIg.c.allelp)roianl:5,$,',pa :
;made to do; 14L. +1. the aid of an ipgen- broad bearn olf,.1 i
words; now he knew where lay the
stranger's weak spot ---his wing
"But I ain't Wantiteeto, fight," Billy,
•returned grotty. , • .: ...•
"Why? •Tcared?", ' . . •
"Nice boys don't fleht." Billy shift-
ed his feet uneasily, the mevement
e is pocket. wont let them halt ' , You are either a very brave beY or bringing him a step orotwo closer to
• . .. ,
IC" -I .'* • " •
' 'You. Here they come now." - • a Very foolish one," said Hinter.."Wei the other. - . s
. The oext• instant two greet clogs You tell Me 'what prompted you- tot "Bah! rnIalumW's baby boy, won't
. plunged from the. thicketetheir heavy dare what no ether personln the Set -I -fight!" taunted the eager one. :"But
• jawS. open and dripping and their dement would dare . Was it sirephy by gollies! I'm gein' 'id make you," he
., deep eyes seaTch int foi• 'their master curiosity ;?" . . added scowling fiercely. - se'oep out your .cueuteJacilts after •cut-
„ them, TIWY?” he.asked, his keen eyes way fence, As .they sat for a women s
, • • on the boy's- face. ' • rest on iti t.opmost'rail, Hinter spoke
. .."I wohldet mind," said Billy., ' abruptlY. "I sew you fighting -your
• Hinter put ;the whistle to. his lips .way across the Swamp this afternoon-,
an sent a w a, oling cal/ through the I3illy. Weren't, you taking a useless
' woods, "Stand perfectly OUR," ' he risk?", • • . '
said as he placed,' the. whistle bac• k -in' . Billy made' re reply. •
be -"utilized. _In lieu (if either in) tgel.loYty rci'luar:Inetiisel'14thpea'rrtnwc:iliodti
salt and pepper.. 1 ' . . • ions -carpenter. • Many Manuals are •te.the. left•-ti'f the place 'where the sun ,..
s To serve salad, in eueinnber boats,
published which giVe directions". for had set.. -It wbuid be Possible to study
•building the stage, :end on Scenery and
• end, the reason for is,call. •• ... .. "I guess Mayiei it Was,'' Billy eon- Billy .wantect- to iaugh; but he. was ting them in two- lengthWise••and at
Standing With, feet . plap .c...t wide, „fused'. " A ii y w a y s I'veget all I watt! too good a .iing-general to give wa\. them in boat shape, Then Te'gll with 'oostlimesornaking• hp, ete. - ' • : : ,to . solve anIcicly: tlie mystery whiebi -
. Billy, .felt :his. • heart•:• Oeat ,quickry. of • it: •It'll be a long time afore ,youto his feelings. _ Instead, he 'shifted your shd• hsture "Take settle WItIers takPea•gp.eatntt';'sec ieliZhe!culich-e•:epryarotheoietahne hh,rshceimilgpptiesairta fps so•Many, centuries.
larger of the Use se:rang toward the Hinter'S sigh of relief We's.inaudible'
1 is ee . g ' ; thereby- tt 'within .
reaching distance Of, the One so, anxi- theni: like. three -cornered .tails Upright
in the shape of triarieldi and fasiten.
Work. ese one-act•plaYlets.. with a half \sou e far ti re magn con ; an
, Id b f• • 1 b ifi . t than
pee *a•f , the 1141ky Wey;-
"Eesy, Sphinx'!" Hinter ,crie,, at. the see me there ag'in.".. • .
.in the front of the, canoe -shaped cu- Ontarie, w-ith its it is now, Seen even frem tropical
ts,:d71rIth Loafc•thQiiloricel stories, all,. drip- ' cOuniries•- • * • '' • • : ' • • '
cumber, lay a Wreath Of ' greenery
••• • ping'with dramatic intereet, offers un- A, big .domet whuld'h s • ii. nionths•
boundedmaterial fer pageants. Start-• before -it got to the sun, and•We sheuid.
around on the Plate. , • . . .. . , . . .
. For a very easily prepared .dish on
ing with the „Opining 'a :the . French Witeest It' svveep. tbund the. gen with 1
the talad, order, there could be nothing'
-and followinh many— 0. d' • s i ' a il'o • •
daintierg with t ethrilling i cre„ ible „peel p.„ dart. IT , into
and rriore.. -appetizing: than •
events of the Trench: and Indiao ,Wars, afiecoagaitos. • S ,
whole: ttoinhattisties served with • rilayori-
in I the, British, conquet, corning . of the el.troury tool Venus eoull leave, their .
naise e mattes are dropped,
•• • United Etirnire Loyalists, the War •:•of. ino V emen te . followed . yth •ea•se; •a ad. ' - •
. . . . .
this. remarkible 'object, and .no doubt.'
• •••••'.s:;"
boy. •LninediatelY the dog senke down, to the .boy. :"'rhat's a ,gpod resolve,'
the personifitation of eubteission; but he • commended. "Stick to it; that
its bloodshot eyes flashed, up at Billy swamp is a teeecherous place.".. '
• and in them the boy glimpsed a epirit "it's - awful," • said Billy in awed
unquelled. • • • . 'tones.: "I gist as far as the first pond.
. "Be careful, Billy,' totich, It was far eneughfor me." •
him!' -waited Hinter,. hilt lie spoke "Yeu got as • far 'as the pond!" Bin-
too late. Billy had bent .anci laid his , ter eried in wander.. The 'eyes turned
Is'end , gently on 'Use . dog'i quivering I.on I3ille's face Were •see-relthig.e."Ahd. esti one: of his lightning, .streight-arm
yeti found brtly•a, long shallow of stags`, Pu9dies. 'fait on'the sneering' lips of
oiis for battle, .
, "NOW, •then," • declared' .Scroggie,
teasing his hat on the sward. and dry-
ing his •moist palnis on his. trkser-
legs. "I'm -gel& •te. black "Your eyes
and psirnmel the nose off your faec.".
. • The,last word waedrowned in a re-
sounding "smack." Billy had deliver -
beck; ..Thelsee growl died tne ani-
mal's throat. Slowirthi • muSz.
lifted •until his nose touched 'Billy's
cheek,. Then his long flair -like tail be-
gall to wag. . • • ,
"Boy, you're ..a wonier!" Hinter geysers of the yeti -de -then chancing to "
chanCe.„, ,h the xp ' • *O J-1,* fecese-grunteds U•lee*e'e a new .orie for you,
ifeTgeished,'"Jest v,lhat You .sa,Ava elg-stleete"- -Thatelhiew- dee"- tria:eseeest.
table "liey-maker.." Had it landed
'pond .of s tinkin. 'deed water; treseiln•
1 - • cr.) I sta ered back.
' king-waters-Plioise-bon . •
he laughed, uneasily. . : ' . re coyered his 'balancee. and .thieW him-
"! "foun 1.-•---"' BillY , comninced, his selflon the defensive in time to block.
:mirici %flashing bock to the babbling Billyts Well -aimed eight to the neek.
•I • ., ' • ' 't 9" he•
• 1
. "Dexter!" he veld • to • the ..o..lsee dog,
. "den% you'watitte be•frieriii with this
• wild -animal tamer, too? . .. '
:•,_Bililye, his arm Lent- •Sfillink's •neck,
.7 •. &peke.... "COnie, 'or feller;:"Ceine here,'.."
_she said. ' • • - , byehe called ba,clt over. his shoul-.
. ....T-The-,-greaVang'rose..ariAL:axiia.T.s1.&-vii5 -dei•*,:::..-"T,Thee€:...--.-41-d._:...Olterry"ladWisiti7",fer-,
_,,.._ .•• a,cioss •to •him, - :"Good boy!" .--. Billy,i.drnk," --... • .,-'- - '7-
- -- • • - • - - - sla ped nTip, rouh-ly on-Ifii7ilibilair, • iiireTTV-07,-aill seated'bn.--titeitence-
' :- • he ..whiried„..1...............e.....se..' _es." :es:sot...when Nib- ster_necl the en:re:0 .i.n. the
_. -7•Weil;--it's-- beyond eita-f-tlifif site -Ili -oath -41- vi,optier.:what;•-tie-wantee-Of
...••• 'Hinter. ••••'"I'Ve- heard that- you cotact Lost Min's • Swathes," orusedstheehays
-,• •s• Srshatedle-dogs-eyoungsfel•lowebut Jeclicleete-"Anctiesitynclesewha-telecessetaredesoine-
. th-ink there was anybodir in. the world body '11 find tbere?"
...-____LbesideiLrnyself who. 'Could bring.. a• • k • • .
- whimper of -gladness freeze that pairs . , . ...
Now then, Dexter! •SAinx! away home• CHAPTER 'NI.
with you." • •• Obediently -the big dogs Edueating:the-New-BOY. —
. .... ..._ .
Wheeled.back into the thicket. . . . - - :
' ' As Billseround-eda-curve-inetheeread
Billit 'Started to • Move . away. ".I lie met -'the cattle. Anson wise driving
'Must be gettire lieme," he Said: k "The them; . "YOU : needn't - Mind thrill&
cow§ '11' be wraiths' to be_watered.", , back, Bill," hi. Said. ill don't: mind
•• "Well; Ill lust walk along. with you weteree, ,ese fer you., , . .... ,.
• as 'far at, -the Causeway,".said Hinter. Billy Whistled. "Gosh! yoU•Te getti&
• •"My , saddle -horse his Wandered Off I kind all at .onee, Anse," he exclaimed.
. • somewhere. • I haVe en idea. he 'made]. “I don't mind dein' it," Anse repeats
---'-''''-'4•°T;citiligehtl•*'sa'as-'"'I'llig'''' ' '-'"' - •77'•••fiiiE7.-"Tii-_iteptitisi•face'aVerteet- :Billy,.
•--:------.11V-fell-in besititiEilly, adjuding his
!"Seenting .mystery, walked _over to him
•• .1 stride to the-shortetsone•of the -boys -Ms.
,. . atid- swung him. abet -tee Antilles- llse
ellenCe they walked until reecneti I was eswonen . and ,sene eyewas pertly
". 'a rise, pf Fend' letifeli'liad •beele cleat•ed
°---,-Feto-s--ed and his freckled face bore the
of all mafieties of trees -except Maples. ' marks of recent. cenfliet. . ••
" sesseeSep-atielserse twittered isishhe ,s.yellLungl .
"i "Gee"Whittickerre gasped Rillyo"-yo.0
heactelewenward• and Leed 04:forret:Li .chatS iniust been havi& An argument with, a
tete& shrillY.. In a :cleared spot in mule. !Who give you that black', ey-o
wood, beside* 4 sPring4e1-creek,-StOod an; sot hp, Anse e o. , .. .
•sesaesaeareshanty.setw.o-geeatecauldrense;1---ms-seess His--hung-his-head.- "You
• •- ', unsides-cloWeegleaming 'like bleat eyes ' needn't go to kiibtin it in," he whined;
-',-.-.--- --,--fisilit-itasethallowysinteriore' A il f
----P--e-°'•-"„rtildiffliave-nci..Chance• with him. He
: S ., !swede!' sapetroughs .etood .iliEt 6.114id,! Oiled .4iit'.. me from. behind, when 1•.
'. . the shanty door. . ••.. I.wasn't lookin." , • . •
. Billy's eyes' brightened' di tnesf,. "Who' piled on you 'from behind?"
• s's'ePt tic° •1"*1 siligar-bi.„? . .°11. • ManY °,'' "That new boy; his • name's. ',Jim
-.•' . • pieY--apring-Enight li2.......1.4:,......he__etijoya,4 !, sertep4e7,-.HiRe,.....aaat,4.,.,,rented the,„a•af,
• here, , `sugarin! off" --rhe and Teacher. lee
Stanhope. Tho briglaeesi faded from, "Likely house on the hill." .
y story that' about his iiilin.'
his eyes and his Up quivered. % Never 'osie you from. behind," •scoffed . Billy.
' itgain Would..the. man who was beYs.,•"You...met • hint :on the -path..an•-.tried•
frieled. to him pont'Out the, frost -clear -.1 toget gay with him, more likes an' he
ed, stars that swam lew down above•I pasted you a few:You ,shouldn't hunt
the:me-pies and ,deteribe• to him • their ' trouble, Anse; you can't fight, an' you
. wondere. Those stars were shut out khow• it What's. this new'boy like?"'
eyitir•-+alkiricla'sof bloodesuckersesean'e•°Ihere it was ifitended to land the
:things." fi-ght 'must Rave ended thetvand-there
, . •
. He leaped from the fence "Geed:.
7.7 • xi.k
--:•••••••e---• '
.Bitt it didn't.... .saiseit einning And
dtieked. • : . doubled its.' business- dating the , war
----Scroggies rushed, Managing' .to get and now taw it shrinking again .to
in a' etlffe jab body -Mid rres normal sate- ' That' atiemit that tria'AY_
•Jceiv.ingssineretureesone---which •IseenenstlY.- employees Could -no: longerobe keel-
cleeed one of hie:snail optics; He
hot 'water to loosest the skins,w . .
1812; and pioneer life in.OntsirloOthere my other planet tsere neeet e
. fullY--strippidee-e-Ar-,
,be drawn„ upoes• for :par te e'en elierewisespert-itwestri, '
range each tomato on a bed of green; .is much
• geaets with a provincial appeal... Then soonbe• dist:Livered:, • . •• .. •
•peur a spoonful •of :dressing • •
4*•rieaklyi etteriio.e4ity has. its own pert • . •
and, Chill -before •servirig,••.: .•:.' '
- limiter • :history' SS hi•ch . is • replete with : ". • • Gaiicf4q 14-i
beer it
'local interest,. Aspegiant-WrItten, . • . f..A •
• • -± e•cted-aridted-bili-on' talenFshould
- . .
...•,..Ev,eryOU0 knew ...that the bine •farnitli el -es -ugh entertainment to keep • Eat plenty. of garlic endr.yntrarter-,
. , • •
velopes-iveria, caning: pike'• lnindreds • • • •• • • ... - • • . . •
a•neighborlwad busysalmost a seeson..ies!will eetshaeclen„ a.ecordiegs to e, re-. s
• •
of Other firms, "Copeland &' Co. had : • . • • • • • • port Just Made' by- tiriSe "lorencli-•Odoer
' • e ' • ' tag tettie-131ologital SOciety he:patios,-
Would You bpend •Ten Dollars?' • taken In
eon_ ,tbrenaet.ritiyi tiirt it or
cenyerpences, eommon terideney iS cif it mav.be lelectee into
The -fir to• think lit ,terrns of the hundreds 0fItthe :•
The advantage- seen in • the , • ., eee,
-Week out wtfdly;-but-BillYs-waeprane-
ing six feet 'awaY. •Siroggie'.S sWall-eff
and bleeding mouthLtissiated:in ge•in
"0117.-1•11 get -ymi," he -promised. "Stall
if you wantraeit's all one to me. You
-won't finderne-sleepi&-again,-1,prornise
you." .
Billy, ailyanced in a Crouching attis
tilde. • His eyes were on -Scroggle's
thinjured'eye and eroggiee now grown
waryeread that lookasBilTfintended
he'should: Older fighters have made
the tame mistake that Scroggie made.
As Billy leaped in Scroggie raised his
guard to his face and :Billy's right and
left thudded home to the flabby etern-
aeh of his adversary.
- With-a:gasp. &niggle swerftsto •earths
_where he lay' writhing; eAfter time
be-stieiggled to a- siding -postures• -. --
, . • .(Toe be contipued.)
' • "
from him forever, as were -the tints 1 he stoked ' curiously. •
. a skies -dud -flowers and all glad lights' "Oh; y,ou'll find that . out 'soon
of the world.- • • • ' I eeo g ," p „ • " • s • .
..11inter's voice brought him baek. to '
---e me to -tell yen theta° would ele tee .Weather Janne for fightire-and
,..- what most of us know : .
As over the Lillis and hollows_ strug•
• glinglisr_JOY We gOfs
Weather 14 line for singing •
And ,swinging and stuffing' away
To the filt-ortlie lobina-of tWiliglit; -
. . , 'The boom Of the mIllesof. day.
s -Bi ly- 'pinehede off a- fee -tall- stock
Fine Weather,
hesliseasdriiyane-astre nthis. notice
oe the eomin __cuts -yet __en .:It came &tilers -that,are ecessery in -order
, ,
• . . . to- Iettee,reethod is that -the -garlic setae_ I - .
• — — - , - • .. . . . . . .
it nevertheless seemed. ike •-a. thunder- .buy the furnace the lighting plant, . (ion is. alcoholic, . •• • . . •
- . . ,
• ' _ the -wat r system or other faii•Is, ex- By- t eping- ghttio tuses."fer• three- -
bolt ._ _"..e. . _. se' ._ _
Eight of the 'office girls were aii- peesiVe necessities. Every- farm home weeks in. fbeir times -their weight -or •
iOf is entitled W such modern conven- alcohol a filtering 11410111s obtained-, • ., .
.i.ences., hut they come only ..in time as and .-. by taking thirty drcPS Cif. Oils'. . • •
the .purchase money. becomes avail- daily, according, to the report, a rapid
able e - "" ' •- • ' ' -softening of* the affected as -tellies -it
-Did You ever stop to thinkeihet fa c r-aln to result. __.
about ten dollars...you can purchase At ' .. ....... ' ______ese-. . 1_ _
, . . . .
any good hardware store esometwenty-
A man who lives on liope,will spend ,
five convenience's -that will save.
inissect.snorrieArm_ wet,
toursee-Frerrie!s :AU ude, toWarde her
work had. nev,ei been serious. She onlY
laughed at her dismissal and rernaeks
_edotherTsliCtiTieTild not worry
here. Scott, who also lest her
place, -turned pale but said nothing.
Others •of the distniasedlirls sputter-
ed angrily, Of thern,all only Gertrude
Ellis walked •Straight to Mr. Cepe-
land's 'office. . . • • *;
-Sltiehadeteeral t-li La:sat-lieut. lief ore
"Coeild 'lees hims • end -of -it
she• was facing Mr.Copelatid" Across
his • desk. • Her eyes met his steadilY..
She even managed to smile. :
•"Ione,,. or the blue .envelope girls,
Copelane she ecild.- °I'Ve
Y°u I -his old age at somebody else's- eXpense,-
almost as much labor and trouble at .• • .
the More eipetsive improvements? ' , • . ' • .
You ma Y have to wait for the furnace,
M Ward's. Liniment used by ,Physicians.
Or -the Doctor
, A woman ;iat rocking her 'baby one Mouth. .carried• no surgeon, put her
• .
1;yetith•eir '14 line for •livin'-and that's Satiirday at Sentitsweeirethe eteantehip comMender'..;eecured wiretees coin-
owhatinost-ofue want • • to askyou for a little= help. I know Venetian; homeward bourid in the flay inunleatien 'withi the Allen liner Ifep.
As much as we do the shadows Of of course that I am being dismissed Of' BiscaY, from klexandria-7.-:----For-:.-a_ perian;,,giveAlcbsils of the Man's symp, .
• glory that honnd and haunte . because M.y work isn't. segeoil as that .week past she .hed Inirsed her dying tains,. ead rescelyed daily prescriptions
Weather fine for loving; •••
And dreataitig•and -sitting by 2 .•
tt the iris who are .staying. :Would ehild, and their Ara,s-On .•*tiodittr- on' from theecloCtor °es -board the eSespOri- •
You. yeind7t-ellitif'""-•vl-,h---e-te--I • he
-failed? You see, want to get some-
thing out of this: I may be dismissed
somewhere else, but I .don't intend
shalLhe.for_the Satre thing,"
Mr. • opeland's* keen eyes looke
' . • a 'rho flreinan was well r,n the road
. ,
t•o recovery when he reached . Mont -
Hearing the harp of .the'evenitig Wind, • The grey c;utline of aenanroesvar ap-
The.lark of the morning eky. 'peered ih the dletance, and .11. vvirelese reel • . • In
The TaPtain of a tremp atearaer
measage was sent asking 'for hells.
• weather in fine for Iittighinand that s Tbtk-War-v.essel-flashed back a reply. the Gulf of Mexico iva.staken 'ill .with'
interested.' 1 -le tented. to his .fites 'arid
5: e`'Ylati. MitlerstatidOSIVies 'Elliss" -he put out tt•Olter; .•:'." ••• - •.• ', ,., •• • ' 1•' :
drew to within' a smarter of a,p,ille, and
Well a lifehaat,
tool out,*her iating card.
said, "that neither we nor anyone else , • ss
th spite of the heaiy. s
Would' ofineider yo,u., a fathire. Yoe do rasserigers On the Venetian'watched•
good ,average work,-eyen itheve the, ethi:I.L:.trogertvresins_breLatplessly ea" ilie .lit -
t g uv end. dOwn• intire
average, -but -"naturally •We are ,keepe•
r •"/nderstitiid: • Bitt I 'hien 'to bee
trough of the tea; • At length the side
in the:biat;"",---
.thei'beat...MYe.elf,Seme, f•ft.Y• APd.i .f.‘'Vi.-t IL .°iiielfeit. tii,lih:ii:tiell.Vch6-e,i1"1.i.t.Iril.dea.Plilli'e.7*,11:15'4.16:cirashlic)rieeealil'YjA' aiiedidiiii?6;
to know what I.:have to coried," • • . 1...
Mr Copeland glanoed at the ard.,1 hint • Tii'1'1!//11?6'.1•ife Wit8 saved.; The•
'Moo -are a little .elosel .
• • ottu, _0 ea 1.....1 'name of thebaby_._... waslElliatxbeth.47.b9.._
tronblei 'seems to be yotir spelling." . ' .
eciti'esf ne.linelielseotfh.t;il,e±.......-wesitril.' '' .73.-i,,..e-,, 11,7" :
,not ...the, Best TecluitIte,.'' Yo' -11.-.r.:7
A dome tinie ago Iantes Artlitter.a fires
s-p'ellle-lre."-Ptilvertititieti.-„IL:111nd:'!WlotrIetillral ' 'an 'of-the-Canacliatt.Paelfielinerlfetie
siesbut--evidettly I'll have stoevberk mee-t--.h
'•- wag': attacked In midocema
the words that trip inc till 1 -
, , .. e j , can ace •
y. Iv' ails:lititii:::v*i fth-ls ev of6 •-tnternaWienuirtliage.----__•../Te- Adm-lralty-Tter-e-stliespesseneer,--waef..„
owes his lite 'AosWirtilegtt - --The -Men.' :promPtlyattehded: to, • . • .-_? •• . ' •
. _.
harder.•, Tit 'plaster . m
-Ptomaine stsr; •
What most of us need . • " • V flan stepped the: war veffsel -lee him se the face on eccOunt Of In •
To hurry. the heal et the Wesindi ,adeguete medical aid, he decided to
•- • ' tetal-:Wheet .soreepieees Ca.11 by. wire4ess for ase.,Atinee .frem a
. bleed.; - • naval ;flatten iiiapy " " •
. • , .
ed up the call, and the ship's, surgeon ,
• A liner 700 miles farther"away
Weather is 'fine for dancirig,, .
'To hel.p psedong to the smileand song made haste te reply with. the-reecee•
Ahd"delYing witliswhat life seeds.
And the heatitifel faith of friends: ." eery prescription,,••vvhich, WasL.. then
. .,
. . ... 'filled from the tramp steanier'S wed'. -
• • - • -• .
'dine -cheat, and the'ettptaln recogerell,
....11P-A411.1?ac.Icet...as,,, ,Oroeshig from- •
Ostend to, Dover, and one -of '•the-Istig-T-• '-•••
sehgers, donning his overcoat in half .
sa:Sies-e; -vat h_IP-,Shontdar-Ipint2eittiztlid r ' -' "---.-;-,
•was.4n great. pain.„A irlielessiaisedgel:,„Z,ss
*as gent front the Vessel to Ostend.
?'- % 14.41,!4elf... .42.-11-: -11:-./211r41- 4 -1e -r- -44- ..1-11!i :tiatiteehing to.yousfirstelsancehe.got."...
4-5.t• ' • - ; 1" "Oh, no he didn't neither," laughed
1.$,,,.. &, zed, 44,--hin), ,wonderinglY,q3i4,,,.4e.tan"t be:,
that feolieltshs__.,....-
--- '' " A till you size -Inn u -*"
"You oval ,. ,. y , p, ,
• • .esaid Anon. -4 Hes taller It youttre.an
1 heavier, . to o. Oh, , you'll have your
• -hands-ftill'when he tticklee yotteMister
data per -13111.!'
. . .
• s.
q!.....cue; No. 27-'21: I''' •
and' cheWed thoUghtftillY.Maylie;"=„*••••
he said, cheerfullY, "He certainly' tap-
ped ,
::YLnI4dio rt 6-k_b4.-kisicklovro ti,-19.Y.I.
hentin' trouble, tie it surto e you
.1 right."
I "Lietert to me!" j'inssn cried. 'Ile
all the trouble, I tell' you. All
--A rTI wee telleitimenet -to-throw -clubs
I at Ritigdo-" - • :
"What!' Was he thenwin' club t at
• my coon •t!' Billy shouted.,
"Ylkii het he was. Had Ringdo op
'1 a tree an' wals (loin' his best to knock
hint out." k•
1 Billy spit out the fox -tail. "Where'a
this feller Scroggie now ?" he asked in
,a'business-like tone. •
I "I dunito: 1 e'pose he' s• prowlint
'round the hoseh grove, up there. Ile
I said he intended liekin' every boy in
1 anti settlement, on sight, ,You best
' not go leoliin' for hint, Bill. •...t.d.on'z
- _• ^
Building New Plane in
and the time they will occur aro kept
sand theece to novel' for .a surgeon to ,
meet the liAat,-1-and-driviii-
them- withernyeeyeteshut! - Thank yeto
. Much is expected from the Wsts of Mre •CoPeland.'ksei• •
Great Britain's new secretly construct, She had' eisen, eit Mr. Copeland" deed .
tabled, her. "One minute, Miss Ellis,
lielioeopter • (vertical flying ' ma-
chine), -made 'at' fhb' Royal Aircraft We eannot afford to it giri-go who •
Works at Va.rnsborough by a few is determined to mitkeher defects help
her to victory. You are what wri son -
trusted workers, Saye a ,London des -
older to be a very good title .You will
patch, ,
report as usual Monday morning,"
• Tdictraordiaary precautions are being
taken to insure that no spy will gain And thenovith a blue enVelope,still
the slightest inkling of the principles "cfasped tightly in her hand, a (limed
is but Smiling girl found herself out In
of construction. 'Pile place of the test
the corridor.
Start a LittIe Country Theatte.
More and Moro since the hos came
secret and It is not improbable that
the tests may be made at dusk.,
• .:, ,
Keep Minhrd'a Llnitheet in the house. hack, country folk are eoming t� • real.
esse S.