HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-09-15, Page 5• L)Jucknow LL.Q.LL.D, No. 4214 meet 1114 • ` their lodge;, room avert' eeemid Tuei;- •day of `the month at a '.o'clock On. W,M., Jas. IIrwiin; .Rec. Sec'y„ Wm. McQuillin.. 4.F. & A.M., G.R.C. Old Light Lodge meets every Thursday night on or before; the full moon, in the 'Noe- ' onic Hall, Havelock St., Lucknow. W,M., N. G. Mackenzie; S.W., T. S. Reid; . J.W., J. McQuaig;, iSee., W. A. Wilson. i.O'.O.] Lucknow Lodge' meets every Friday evening at 8 o'clock in their Hall, Cariipbe'll street. All brethren. cordially invited. . Officers. Noble Grand, Robt: Johnaton; Vice Grand, Arch. Barbour; Rec. Sec., E. Aitchi- son;. Fin. Sec., Dr. Paterson; Treas. urer, Alex Roes.' • 0. DRINIKWAL1 E.R'' .•• FURNACES: SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED --PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC WIRING.` AGENTS :FOR THE HECLA PIPELESS FURNACE. JOHN,SUTHERLAND" do SONS, Ltd,. Guelph,_ Ont.,:' Insurance,Fire and Marine. ' ,•t CREAM WANTED —FOR-: SEAFORTI CREAMERY. CALL ANY DAY :AND" GET A CAN AT T. SMITH'S STORE. We teat Wednesday and Satur- -day, P.M. Get your can any day. Will 'also buy limited Quantity of good cedar, logs. • WE.'W ILL APRECIATE YOUR. PATRONAGE. • -D ANDREW--- • 25-11-tf. GRAND'TRU; I SYs EM •THE DOUBLE TRACH ROUTE Between MONTREAL: ' TORONTO _DETROIT : and CHICAGO __ - Unexcelled Dining Car Service. a -Sleeping:.cars on Night Trains and Parlor • Cars on principal Day Trains: , Full informatio:i from :'any Grand ;'rank Ticket Agent' cr . C. E. Horn- ing, District Passenger :Agent, Tor: onto ' F. F .�<P.hiilips, Ment, LUOknow - • C. P. 0.S Stands for �Caeadian Pacific. Ocean Service, but with:" us it•meana Courteous; Polite, Obliging Service HighestCash -Prices' for Crealn3 Eggs and: Pmirtitry Our advice •would: be to sell your poultry early this year, Prices, are, expected to be much lower than last year: `�BI,L,�NOW SILVERWO.OD$ PHONE 47* LVCKNOW • _ �Al!1_= 1i THE..HIGH 9OeL ,'CII COURSES OF STUDY • --�,A�-�_-�•important .-cian e s -,-ware being,, made .rat" the Bourses of study taken _ cit e • In each- d 'end>. iof' ;the r+i ddle- 1 -school3eourse-.-contain,--subjects:-_are.., obligatory on . e Pupil: each -u il: Aside -from these ,there are numerotis op- tional subjects, ' a ' certain number of Which must be taken to complete middle either a lower school or a school. course. No student is 'permit ,ted to carry more than eight: sub- jects in all: The selection of optional subjects 'to be take rests not, with ' the pupil but with the Board op the recommendation: of "the prineipal '. Yirho shalt have • authority , to, dttelt. ting the atiub3904 Wh101b • • THS • LVCKNOtit SENTINEL If THIIURSDAY SEPT. I5tlt• I0g1 _7,7777 7*7: wenn um re ease at last pl c is of C . • •6 ' Mr: Edison's gr`Eat+rt ambition has beerito see awry home make use of the power of music • This demanded, first, a phonograph of tom- � ` dr ''. .. •�'�- � �=-' `� t;,;��}•�� ` At a cost of three Etc r a11SIYl, no -less. a dollarei 17e perfected, such aphonograph. He then, put his oew' invention to the tamous. t, mere talking ins= tes which no � • �' hila, h� ever sustained. This drawing (from � � �•:.:� � �� ..� � `. ;' -;r �y?� �,. ;.,`,.��K:�� �R,� '•,�'+ •�,;a phhto For 1 .T search was under the direction of Dr.; W V. Bingham, Director `of . the Department of Applied Psychology, Carnegie I s gY g • ' ' . ,• ,. • . .s by d PY h 1' is and th d f m�trsi rfis. These Psychologists psychologists found that certain -Edison E- RE- � . • ` p banish fatigue, ;. races anal the.:blues._ The.. - a ranged• these selections -under --the.head>tngssuch -as.-"-To-Make-You . Joyous"-�`To Bring' '�ou_Peace of Mind", etc-andcalled tklrs, kind of. mus><c ' . �, • • _ _-- _` If you.own�t .New Edison, get graph) shows one of these.tests.. The. super„ is Muzio, prlrri;a donna soprano of the - •�. , � " ,�� r,� � t� r • yt+�Iropolitah' Opera Company. The ilsterler.. - ;�` �� �. •+ ' � >':'"�'� ? : ,• ' Ba�imboschiek PP principal conductor at the' ; ` t - • ' •' t �; a y ; ! , r Metropolitan.. Bambaschek said, "The quality Mime 11[uzio's, voice and the quality , of its `• . . $ lCltswTtox by tfie New Edison are identical." • _ ' ' , i has; at last re- leased This marvelous .invent on: '• seed the mil- lion l now corn power in• music.: es est step forward in Mr. Edisorli's' lin for music in the home. • •�!� p do 1 li rl�i fad. It tells which selections will refresh°you vlihel� you're tired, which - will you when you re nervous. ' • . _ . ' Music'' Lt'•s free. _ - ... • .�tl �, •. This "Mood 'Music" is a.32 page book, -the newest and great- "Mood Music" shows what music Will, for you, -now that the 'phonograph of comp ete rea: s is, a ac . e s cheer .you when . you're depressed,' Which' willcalm Bring or send the. coupon -and: get your copy of "Mood hi wonderful development in• music has own out of a two years research into the effects . of music , This . r e- c ,lovers`who--fill-�ed aft:Mood Chang-e-Gha n�'titute. of Technology. . Dr. Bin -.ham. was as isted : other note.' s •.c _• O ogist ,, , ousan �s ,O ATIONS:had.remarkable`' .ower to nervous- Mood Music. • 0. Use Coupon _and Get Your Copy • i n - a copyof this 'free booklet" at once., _ Begin to use music in this new and practical way. :Ifyou do not own a New. Edison,,.find ou:t.; what this won4erful instrument and Mood Music can be°made:to do for you.. We'll give you three days of Mood Music -at your home.: No charge or obligation. Merely bring "ori !nail' the coupon. ' . D. it today. . • ARNET ARIVISTRONi 9 - • Name This coupon ,entitles you to free copy of >`Mood Music.".- 'If you wish. three '. days of Mood Music free,. check here pupils: or groups of`, pupils: shall, be usual inducement,' :for those not reiaw.i _ carie �� Fac sutlaB yeAo �nsistniugat7eicula lion?o to L ting come, however, there can be little die The -coming Form ' II, students vergence from the . usual high School will feel the effect of these changes subjects, for comparativelyy few , of to' more ' marked degree;- as there our teachers":'hold•certificates•-qualify-- will 'no -longer•:be -any Department-: ing them to teach Agriculture, Span_ al • examinafidn for them in . Reading,` ish, Italian, Miisie,Manual Training, Writing, Shelling or .British History, Household . Science, etc.'w , and their' course in Physics , will` be :,For the coining: 'year those who greatly _shortened; Otherwise • their take'. up the middle'. • school work lower „sehoQI- : entrance to . Normal will be influenced but little ' by the course 'will undergo .no great change, changes, The chief change . will be • The course for `first" µyear stud-' that Canadian History is taken from• 'encsundergoes a still more marked their-courge.µThli e`Mio Wislfto Write- 'change -',These'-sterdents will .bO O on the . combined Normal Entrance petted to :make an, : intensive study and Junior .:Matriculation course of, about . one half of the lower will , be 'allowed to ,do so m June, school '. subjects; . "pass a —Denali:" 1922; 'hut • it has been 'deliberately dental examination on such . of hereaftear;ftilt}Q.r Matrrculatron•, st411-, -ars _ex4lt pVt_J� � cs4 dentsy:: and' those- tiikirig, -Neral n traneer_viertl oregr ,1, languages., .must spend two yearsin the : middle school, "As bonus subjects have been abolished, and a foreign , language is not necessary for' any teacher's certificate,, -there ' will not be the ZE.You are not e x p.e rlmentr int 'When MA you use r. h seaOaK stem tor S eetie ' ander kies. lrr ' �alirems tke« Skin x Bonne k t Ir u men ow a N as l n a ! !h► (n IN ibo, sgii ler Lent ,,gy�ppfra .pi1r• t 4 ' ,w msrw# S••,: ."....:,,,,:. .SYN I....wvvs,.,a..•....w'A•."rt. �N 69+y�.+hl..Y theft, -sirup• : - •tlle-.subjeets-::-.on._ ttel the °pass,.and'in-,.like• manner:take, •the remaining subjects' • of the • low- er school during their second year. This will greatly relieve the burden of :, examinations at the end' of the second year, • and will ' make the first year course more signi'ftcant, by giving Form 1. students a Depart ._ .mental geminationtorward to look f to at the end of their{ . first year, • •o---p.p.ti.r�. Littre 'minds . are tamed and . bub. ' clued by .mll+fortuner belt ;ximot nitwit Am *vs fR - "DOC"' HENDERSONS HAPPY EVENING - • pounds " shert,? es, .know it,'� came the calm reply; f told the' driver to tell your but we got new car • of Boal • :this ntoini;ig^ and' the -Wagon is just 'start - .l ing out' •with the rest of your order."' Old' �Dr.•. Henderson retired, was naturally 'suspicious. One day when he 'Ordered a ton of coal; -from Lowry's 4. coal yard=he determined to watch and see that he was not cheated. The coal arrived, but tt appeared to be very small ton. Ike said 'nothing • to• : the drivers w•ho,, lie,considered, gwas.. not to blamett'•but• hedecided-to--ge't- definite.. ,r.¢o of_ the_,•sho .t "e.:. An the best way to :do that was to weigh the Coal. ;After supper he went down info the cellar :..The only scales that be ' lfa2i Wesre., _._..-?iC set :tif. bld'.�ashoned steel'=" _ yards; 'and with' those he 'Weighed' a" ' buck etfulkeea-time-and-set- down-thr weight on a• sheet of •paper, Until long after midnight he sweated and toiled. 'When he had finished he was angry antidirty But he-facaught old Lowly in the act; there were only fifteen hundred pounds of coal. The next day he would settle with him, Early the folowing morning Hen. dersori • telephoned • to Lawry. voice fairly shook with anger, "Say, Joe. Lowry" he shouted wrathfully; 40 .170u kniow !that load of coal.' yeti tent m. yeiter4ay was • avP -tiundro • • Despise.n'o't . small, things, either. #ar ei:i.1 9n c czd;-fc�i :1no1•tn.any- work thy ruin, or aword .create' thy ' wealth. A spark is n little' thing, yet it mnaay ` kindle the word'. • - It is hard, to get -what you want when,. you don't know :what it is. yoUrse unable t•q sleep welt? re you ler itaEeA. by trifles? Do 'small, troubles look big tt t # k 1s:t..nl su tie' • ., �'' .o. a d n. `.Disc Are you. unable- totont e.ntrato:lotit on. any one thing? .__ : '0 r<_: u.. •• If so, there's something wrong with your nervous sys`fein. These are 'danger. *signals. DR. MILES' NERVINE-- $T2�will soothe the irrititted and over•etrained nerves. justoai•or two doses helpsNature' to • restore them to'their norma] functions; Guaranteed Sate and Sure, • SOLD IN L'UCKNOV •� ' ), ARM$ i R'\+(i X. - - et? :s 4l tendency to , ,•.,till find ). /gr F`nrk*�Yoplivc(s ,e! etc,.v. • 41/4 . .*>