HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-09-15, Page 3•
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Provinellal 'Board oflieleeltrie Ontario
. •
Dr. Middleton, will be glad to, answer questions em Public Ilealtli•eiat.
ters throueh this 'column.. Address bine at \the Parleament.B1dEs,
, Toronto. . .. •
Th'e' Eagle Eye pf the Forest
The use a airplanes in forma pro-
tective:work is bringing to light some
yaluable features that had not been
anticipated. Mosttut ;fres are
caused •by: the- careless ese of 'neaten
beings. If prospector hanitere, camp-
ers, fishermen, and o here who go into.
the woods for b Mess or pleasure
If Your Blood Supply is Kept
Rich and Red,
It Is a *este oflime anti money to
fight merely •the signs disease: in
in Retrospect.
"How did yeti get test ecar'?"
could be educated to les always care- "I got that jumping through a plate-
ful with their camp tires, their match- the twig; ren you are probably worse .glees window in. leOnderi r9VAZMIStiCe
Many people worry a lot about se- such as is indulied in in Youth. Walk -I es and their cigarette stubs over' half of r than when you started. What le night:, .
• called bodily infirmities when there in is r
one of , the best' exercitnises, d
--e; ilia load. would • bp lifted from the far more' important .is that ,YOu iboult1 "What op " 1
ttne,' eriu idf71.1 for"
really is little cause for worry. What even in cities' people should be en- rbohlders of the fire haters. This is intelligently examine the various OAQh, .'..U.rel• I +.td a• good
; they peedte know is that aethe YeerS oeuraged to" do more welking. '4).111141. the•,reason why the fire warning Pester symptome and trace•the cense; When 'idea, at tie. tie: 'e
, go, by the changed inclinations and hem th,eir place of buisinesS. The is preibablY the nicest important single • - •
, requirements are natural, ,and needs inareasing popularity Of; 'golf and the teethe in •forest protection. And here ,
of the body adjust themselves to new' opening, up of menicipel ,golf ini canoes, in a little psychology in. which
conditions„ Fr instanee °lee has some of our large cities is from the the airplane figures. When a man
often heard people' complain abent health .viewpeint a decided motie camps at ,e place where a' warping
their inability to sleep AS manY hours the right direction. In many. the; againsietha careless Ike of fire Is eon;
seicuously 'tested he ts parentl tel put
Gut ,his fire,:but when he camps at w.
spot where he seenis to. be outside' 'Of
other will lament the fact thate, be the menicipalities till indulged an DY the rape. of htunap touch or observe
1 cannot play, baseball. or tennis; -del -i all the citizens esho possibly -cen ar-, .tion, he is apt to grow parelees and
though he waa formerly ateentbuslaatirange the time. " - ' are likely to follow in his trail..
at .these" games. • 1.'4, People 'apProaehing the 'old age. One of the Dominion Foresery B-rene.
inspectors, in reporting on, his .•first
week's experience in, observation from
an airpla'ne, recorde this fact that men
ca.mping in the woods or out from the
City for a few days ereaetveek-end are
suddenly and, effectively rernieded of
what they Might to de. by the'appear-'•
• fully and are inclined to avoid ever0 taken to avid infection, there being ence of an airplape high above them,
yeti temove the cause, 'health will be
Yourse For example, anaemic people
often endure months of sufferieg White
treating its symptoms, such as 'inde
tem of tlneheart and exhaustian after
gektion, shortnese, of breath, palpita-
-et good parrot can be ,beuglot e :- • arty :
Wher. a man 811014.1. get inserled el.. e •""-a
"I underwent • an operation four
11 St, Nertn, Tie nueen, Ont.
any sixtall effort. • . •
. . . • ., ..- ,,.. . years ago and ever slece then I have
: - ,• 1.• The Sweet Toting ThingL-"As usual " ' been in a Very,. weak and rundown con -
The apparent 'stomach an , heart ' .
woman is at a disadventme. A1/4 g',.••:zzly ' a'!'";'a• 14 stataaab.- was so ul)set that" - -
trOttbles are generally n'othinlinere
thee the restit of. an -inseeffielent sup-.
ply et pure blood This ele'entfe sOte
elan 'mere. falroWed sten#11Ppreelouts ille
.rieset oe'an 'attack of Influenza;_ or :-It.
May have aelsen frem oeerworle.''Wor;
.ry-ot too...tittle _fresh:air, 'rine obtain
good health the; 'simple and, proper the' quartermaster and hi - essistent bold of 'Tanlac, but titre bottles of the
course is to build up the blood, but to had been partionitig• them out in Pre-, medirine'have simply transformed rip:
do this you must seTeet'. a -reliable. paration ter distribution. • . ' . : WhY, I have actually gained 32 pounde • .
remedy with a reputation such as pr. • The ssistant turned to the quarter.' hi
„ , , weight and am"feeling sireply fine. "
Williernse Pink' kills:. These pills en-.
rich the. blood which, carries nourtarl-
meta to 01 the organs of the body. and• ,
enables them ,to de tne work; nature
expects of them, Thousands cof mee
and •wornep. have•preved thieldr them!
selves, -One of theseis "Mrs. T. Flynn,
-4.R. NO: 1,,Erintville,'Ont„,who says.;
"1.44. . sprilag 'I got .theo e: badly eine
down conditioe. " I had .no energy;
' as they:used to'clei and think in con- centres,, to, modified: exere
seqtience that they must be on the :,:eises for business men have been ar-
verge of a Peretous breakdoVin.. An- renged shoul'cl be develoned by
• How to live-at.vriou, hges •"i's a I of life frequently,00inplamtd not 11,T.
Matter of very great impOtence. The ing able to, sleep well at nights, hue
.young person'has mtwe reserve power,: it shdilld be remembered that this con -
More activity, and requires mere f00(1.j.•dition .is often' not insomnia as it is
. Older people show lees'activity,. Stqcri the .custom 'generally. for oldpeople to.
less nrod do •not•reqUire so •muelbdood.italte rtePs through the day: With e4 -
Besides,' they have to go more care-) eaecivg....,yeem, care should ever be
necessary exercise. • ' , ' I a great tendency for old people to dee attending ,`Strietrie, te its business , of
._ _. Howeve:r phYsite4 '.fit tbo .hest verop bronchitis Ansi pneumonia 'Tp patrolling the forest This impression
athletes' .may appear, they seidem I guard against these it is advieabrafor is deepened when the: men realize
- :show their best farm after ,thietY.! aged folks to avoid crowded. places filet they and their camp have been.
• ,Very few of the players in the Maier 1 And eat get overheated or chilled. seen from the airplane. • Of this they
leagues of baseball are over thirty :.Sunshine is an excellent tonic at this are .certain, when they 'a 'niessage
. years of age, the most notable •excetettitne of life as it is at ane stage of fluttering dcrwn toehenithrough the air
eeetion, however, being Ty Cebb, the fail existence. When the heart's action They naturalljewatch where the paper
- .11 ...moue' Detroit Outfielder.. •,In pugiliseic ' sl'-'eaer's sign ,s of failing, -rest is far bet- falls and, if possible, ge.it it.. They find
• circres Jeck , JoiewiSon eetain0 • tile ter than inedieines. Moderate etier- it a newer& renIn011ig them: tnat' as
world's chorapionshin !when . over else; graded to suit different egos, is :citizens of: dand.dsiethey should assist
thirtY, but stich men as thb.,:e're then one (4'01e...best adjuncts bf health to _the' Forestry Branch and ' the Air
e:o ...option' rather than' the• rule,' : 'Fall clesses of the coffin-nil/4y, and for, Board. ie protecting, their- own proPer,.
One reason why strenuous ' ekereise. olcl peoPle,; espetially these who havet'-the foreste-by being careful with
. is inadvisable after y,outh hai 15 aqsect,!•)ivei an aetive life,:it is essential: that .fire. As pm:venting fires is inucn more
• is On account of the blood piessure• in-: they continue to take an. inteee•st in 'economieal and effective 7thaty.f.ighting
fires this feature of airplaire petrel is
; 'creasing as -the years gcr hy. . That tbc 'affairs of the, World: and Some ..
the „kind of exercise one tekes, in mirlinterestieg hobley.ae.pestime that will of great importatiee. •• ...- •• '
• die life is of importance froM a health. kei..p,„their. minds '. s.etene and. em le ' • . . :
standpoint , is• shown' by insitrane.' thein to get about end keep.:theie blood
S .
companies. inquiring' into this" Matter. in circulation. How often , we hear UPflPilER LEAT
an issuing Policles,• ' • . and:see instances of men who have ' -•
After all is said. and done, youeh is 'held- a busy lifey retiring to seika.
. ,
'oaly, old age deferred, Mul the ettente, weehearned:reet in 'their old age, and •
•••• dus life, the- hubbling 'VivecitY and ml.; passed% wetly few weeks or. inenths
most "reaselesel• etiergliif yeuth liter7When...citt Off from t1Te interesta
No seascin of. the year s danger:
• :not help but serve their „purpose.' in apti- activities which:kept thew apnea 'Qin to the, life ,little once' as is the'
:be:e.ging the phyaical .pert of Mar. aellee and their, bodi1y. health sua4 suminbr. • •The .exceSSit••e • lieat thrOWs
•tri k. up to.mattirity, end as a natUral tain•ecl. • • • • . - the l 'cleat scli • out 'of Order soo
.eirisequero'e, prOvide time in after- -The old saStig "Ite.inain in:harn,ess," quickfy that. enless prempt aid is at.
. . .
'ear the development of the mind in; moderation; :is veiy ,often hand tile •paby Juny be beyond all
ant the. capacitf.for study and appli- one of the guideposts *trr, a longer elfe. human help.before the inether realizes
•er:tion in the. nmking, of a; living, •1.... ; he Is ill: • Summer is the season when
At the adult Stage of !life, too, the Will the lady 'signiAg herself eMrs diaerliPenecteiera.infantien, AysenterY
eethand's: of busin e.•-• s and ,pref.essional i• G. D., Ont.,"' kindly 'seed and: cella' are prevalent Any
E;?A.N1 ne.ess tates . a cons,,delable, sten Fed address.ed , epvciope to Dr. ohe df•Iiiese teotriees,rnaY,•Peave deed.*
e . -
.seecrunt of .exerciee which tales the; Middleton ee :the Parliatnent , ly• if not proPeite treated: During the
pi.aoe...of organized' exercise 'and: Play:lees, an;.f. he will 'reply personally: ..*- sultmer the 'mothetes 'besf felepd' is
- Theyregulate
the how.eIt,..s'weeten the stomach and
.Takes Odd Assortment , deligited end under their hoods'
• tee bahv healthy 'The Tablets are
• they--.gigglea -like schoolgirls a-nd ate 1)- • • • . •
of -Eug'age- I b 1 '
. * uns lica_had been purchased fo.r_soldhy medicine' dealers or by ma•il at
'" ' V' '
-P-1,tyloalyly-ntrintrtrtharhas 'ever left.', them at the gil'tion.. They We're a •bit cents.a box from ibe Dr. !Maras .
• • .
- - - - • •
. • •
Sar She Only Weighed pa
Pounds VVhen She Began. N.
• — Taking It.
only weighed 98 pounds when
• started on Tanlae, but I now weigh
11 -ler Cor;ei-Bace. ' • 130 and am feeling like a digerent Per-
• The SaVage eee. son." said. Mrs. rillda Bridges; •$iii
. .
I eould«hatelly eat a, rnersel of solid '
beer' can't be bought for less than ton
Ned and I,eot so tithe people told me
• " I looked like. I "s starving. was
theat.? • -'7•,"! „. • . and niy noryes were so un -.7
• •
Mike's Snare. : I St eg that toted get but very
The tittle had dome i.) dol•e• ont•the .sleep at night.. •
dayeiSfatione, and in an 1401 , eiment "That was my coriditioil When got
mosser ,.• .0.sith a twinkle in his eye,: "I have a splendid appetite and cart •
seed: "Av ye plaze, sorr, there's a loaf eat whatever I want andelever saner,
shore Who'll I eye it to'?" ; . a particle from indigestion. My nerves
• "Keep it yourself, IIike,7 replied the, areesteadY, X sleep v.'ell'at-nielif and -
qu,arterniaster. .1m so nou'clt Stronger that I can de , •
• • ----; • ' -. hOusewerk with ease.
bangers of intellect. ' '. "it is nothing less than, marvelous .
• A '‘v-orriee. mother living in the east how Tanlac has built nie up and I take
side of New York wrote to her boy 's ' pleasgreja maling"this statement for
' t
teecber as follows: . • , • -fh • ' •
Pleage do not Push tetimy too , 'Tanlac is soli by l'eacling drug
work left me exhatisted, and the least .,
boxes,.. I had not been taking the pills • gl Advsts.
exertion' ''A'01.11Cf make `°l'ily le,art' lit71. hard, •for -so much �f his brain is in- 0.eryehere. • , " •
tate vibleatly. 1 hail Often i,ead•of
._ r• telleek that he ought to be hell back ' • . • - ' • ' . ,
Will ialnie 'Pink Pills; and • do S:icled to a good 'deal or he .-wili run to hitelleck t " • -1-lealit from Sind. :
give teem a triel end,:get a•liElif .dezen. _:
entirely, 'end I do .
reit. hesirel le ' SO , • 'One; of the 1..y9t vas of reouperat.."
please„hold him back so EIS to keep his ing jaded neiweseis to week barefooted::
long whet I felt a deefilled imi reVa.. intelleCk front gettieg bigger than his over. a, long stretch of sand. Tbe .
inent.in niy condition and by the'tiMe budy -and injuring him foiellfe." • •-•:'nerves of the feet 'are slightly tril-
1 had used the Six boxes I could (fa' My . . .. • tated by the sand grains, • and the.;
recemmend l)r-. Williant I:"ink Pille • .. ." Don't Cali Me Nameel . " I blood, eig'tbris stiniulated,•eirculates
housework With ease. • I caii •stroaglf •
to all weak people." •• • • _• . •stet:1dg man walked into a moe freely.
shop. • - ; ' .. I D eters say that," apart from. the •
"I *ant a set of lady's! furs,' he said You cOn get these pills throegh any
:dealer in Medicine, Or by Men post,: " physical effects; the mental powers
•paid at pb-cents a box. or sic boxes for••,,- 'Whe! kind?" asked the male .5eles..- are geealle iitt•igmeted by the exer
he -
42:50 from TDr. Williams' Medicine maa• •
. I cise. Their explanation is that ithe
, "That brow!' sef,in the window wet ;long :stretches of sida-rogetitteith
CO., Brdckyille;. Ont. • • '
• '.
. AgLia•Recela;
. . , ____.....),....
, ,
• .., ; -do. if 'lea lierf toce dear,'". ,replied the-etha-absenea'-°f: nc'fs'e.•ali&
mean 'ek'n is: which, ouietly respoadp to ,
ethet diSe.:', '
. . ..._ ..,tettoleei,sisilititraon!,g,ou'in,
-,,,,, s'al.'d• t'ile !,•toulerhannii;e(ls,. Lave a ..sriethirg effe...t on
' in ' the, ' ch 61141 ry'• class .we: 1 eat:med. ; • • ' .. • •
'how abicla act on different 'substaneett n .
. . .
Tho' poor ',salesman:is still 'in- os- ! ,...,L.-,-.,:.--•
: the Aseatni ant, n
. , . . .
SOmettmes •thev• Make ;a Mixture that ; ;
Pitao • '..' , • , •
ave,,fit.:en freril a , jaw aititndo;. the • Orocer,..•"We he,ye some ,, very fine
- •
- , &I inard'o Lin ;pie nt Lu'eribp-rtnan's Friend,
explodes or byrsts* into denies., -Sdme- . ' - ,. • ., . - ..
times they eat ,tip .the •snis ance . o - ....,,,_ • 1
vracnurani.,.! rops are very large they
'which- Viey -ire applied.' 'So.:nett:met. 1.,.. '-
tiler, aileelowlyeeliewine- thet•they, AO.
She. Didn't •Rnow,Scans. •
rme.ite..t-a—n-a-1-te• re--1-11-2-41..igt-er-tire-e-1-H- String beaLis. to , ,,.':
not have ..inueh power over wfiat'hal:-$3 ,
,, , . • tu,de front which .ti;ey have' fallen.; 1. •:,311.s. , Newbridoi--"IIi.,* inteli • are
been e.xposed to their actice. .. r
• 9.1, ' , '
. Is the course of mil' ckperiinents the . _ . - .: ' : ' .. ... ' . , , • they a string.
pxofessor gave us a: hit of g6ld and:! • God's Children :A:ere ll'vit,..elade to -- -
tefeeteseettetletteltee-eit: -Weetrieleenteegreeelji '• _ , i -
A A e
aeld after:a/lather., but none had any 'down. , They -ere 'not inade to pineh,...
effect on the 'wild.. We left it all nieh•4'•eforig in poVerty, 'latit for *larger, '
:In the .strengesCaeid we had, but' in '.grander things' Nallingoots_
the meriting' if 1Vards.t as hIcen,4 far Alt•,1 Of the • Prince of
- • . -London. .carr4e1 a stranger- aeeette),-et annoyed wIten•41ie crowd peered. _ .aightfbeferez.Nyg Peace, pothpfg„ too: ..bon.i4 tiT,41 Torn.;hi,
of luggagethan did "the Breir 'df Rat- j-tolem througlf-lhe Wintreivt, but they. • •' :.„ • ! 'have tried to disolve itInwater, We .nimi beings; • nothing, too._ grand,' too
• sina" _ Ltsjed ,:cantlitnatien :•aciesel osphilrne teo mae:nifioerit for . eto
- 5 rap: . - - • - -
left recently for his homeland With his !Just befere the train. pulled Mit an. • •• •• • • . but still the gold „reMained nnaffected : enjoy, • • • •
...e'_inellyeekeeeettleileeeprofeteot thaat
1 -ave yen- ever teen .a spicier con. .
kev.eral wires•_,Ifter_oliaving ,the large quenelle was a-molt:1_1;n,
trheting ...rt.rs one or -the • - the ,B2st 'Known '
• time of bit life in England... . The Emir is going back. to, attend miist interes mg an Ines eau u
t• d • t ,b' _though gold could not be 'dissolved. llYnat One
the:I-travellers hedepe tfurats.i.thre-Mohantramlare-feetieral.-ateeleOce . , . • ;Jce !'I knew .-vou. could riot Tr4'Velle.,r4 Co.nrtflo. Says,
: to 'spealc of 'they toot enough things inif-gt 1 um coMitigbaek,". he said, and ,
sights -in Nature. .--..- .- ,.. -. , . -, . :-. -, , ..,_.• • : ol . ' - t---- ...•.- .4-, --. - - f.• ' .1 • -
nissetve the gold," he eaire "...vet') e,•Oto••''""Now -1:. ore 'F,,,• bog . to gi \ r• \ V '01 iiii-
ntIng :ound a suiteble place, . he
tegins'fitst.to niakethe-spokes:" The e....eida hat yOU'have there, will at-
, .. , , , „,o,
solkited teFtinu.r;:l ;•.s.11•14) --",:iter.• rlitnn,..ftt„Ii.lee '
----- -• ---int0-2 their- si,ecial. train ..cemilartraer.11: I one -vi • the . things I ani..coniing:biek• '
tack it; b t try this,'"fma,lie handed 1,,,1, ;;;i,1'..,f:c--'• •i•'.••-.01`,'1=•1.1)1'4:011,1 ful• pa-
lls -a -bottle labeled, "Nitromiri•iatnie., v111,it1 .. .,n1, I..... r: ; o'...: 1 :1 r.. ,. ..,•83.10,1.
-Acid (Aqua. Itegta )." • • ' ere, • •
e :,
to cause' aoCanadian porter to eon.
'; te' • '
, for,is teenjoY te.day$ hunting in•E•ng-,
w1 ite There-werdozensof packages ancl
blinales done up cloth,,tea.;Potso'.. • •' n.•
ana, colored: vases, butotbe , prize 'Beggars!' Hotel in China.
. bit of -luggage, was a :gigantic; ceePer In all_large: citiet• in China: are lu.
jythtub which.,was carried" into' the!.tels Patronized exclusively -by -beggar's,.
car With great ceregiony. It' was not I - ' '• •
• , A • .
Slated tb what tile -the -Emir lintended-r- France's population has '.decreased
spokes are_made' of a: different kind of
material front. theweb:Proper-they.
are ilat:_s tIolty - -
Now 1iegin.3 the realebusiness • of,
.thaking the trap "itself.. Starting at
one of the. spokes, the spider ..guins'
down a thread, and then moves in a
reekon,....sriirai n, mit the threed
to put the bathtilh, the wafer with i2,5Q0,000 since 1911, Without
t edirectiopaying
• wikel 'all the palls and teapots were; rag Alsace Lorraine and Algeria. • aie es. •is ganuned firmly clown
teledeit-WersearpiaMecleevould be tised-1. ' •
to eacii smite, and,it la provided .with
thousands, of tiny drolIs ef gem in y the party befere,the prayers utieh Antong the steres.in a gree$ Van-
tspokeS. • •
--„..theyWould fie :compelled •:,.to'.,utalte. -,in tic,linerfor onevOYage.Will be ;00ween the '0 - T . •
This `gaine' seareted py, a special
,•• 'thelrain. , ,” • . POiincis of .nrieat,' 50 tont of Potatoes` gland. in the ipidef,...,holds...-captive.anY
. - • •Tife. Emir's •Wives • "
'flY n. that. touches .one Of the spiral
and,reurid---goes the spider=
Weaving the..stiolcy net end spacingAS
ipeehes" SO that no fly can "pass be-•
tWeert•thern, •- • • -• •
.As soon as the lief). isoperfeet, the
spider '-igket up his 'position at its
centre, laying each -of -his* ;'
en one
•eble tre' feelat 'once the. arrival of •
'-f1-3r---'4n---Jrny---pir+--of7-the'--net..: Woke
The FC161, Of Cheati' IVaiure
.-IVIanyelPeOple-,getethe -i-tereit-ixeuedeseeve-ip
idea that. they can keep •.,Order. bead(); Yoter test,
ethe',--e--etereeeseon4-ele,?-• vticirlsroadie, arwotax-ion.indo•,---
, their digestion upset year ,to quit tea arid 'coffee for .
.`after year; and "get away awhile -and ,drink deli- .
With it," They bleep only eious, appetieing Fiostunt'
half as much as they instead, • . • • ',
. should and , never get
properly' and thoroughly Pbsturn perntite
.rested e ' - -• - sound', ref-A:eel:tin:: Sleep
"Which buil-els strength
.1f you tire out easily; '-
energy and endurance,.
if you are .getting pale and
anemic, if yOur food , °
• 'doe • sn't digeSt as if giatild, Order Postum from
your GFacer today. Drink
- .-would it --not .-be. -
stop‘and consider whetheg this hot', r*e6inRbetrar''''
tea or. coffee is _having its Age in_place of tea or coffee *
., for •10 days and see what
effect On yon? ' •
, . wonderful difference it
thein_and „ nlake.in the, „yew:repel:le
:found itiTea7--c6ffee- -16'0;7 " 7=
I are drugs, as any doctOr
- ' tWx/ •
;fonms: lostallatoSt1.1h14n titre) -
-WefridtrillattieSiffaCtSrtl$0: e instantly IIY
of these drugs sometimes' rand - -
the addidon of boiling water.
causes ser:ous darriage?
. . Postutn Cereal"(in packages of
larger bulk, for those who pre -
rear Y want id fer mak e the drink while the
be fair with yourself, arid • meat
..s being prepared) tnado
/give yourself the oppOle • by boiling tor 20 minutese
Postum. for. Health'
"There's a Iteasoni"
egt lege
• \\re, poured s.ome .Of th-e contents of sco;
the bottle into the ratie that held._the
Pioco- of gold. And the goidethet had •Aiciio•o.•••:.1"
thy- slush of
reSisted •sci ,the..6flior aci.dg 1114
3;.• , • • : , hin-1-
11416111:1-diSaripeared• in the 'royal w'eter. enesicat e,Ileteeffeee.e.. r;1/44) -r• yr,
The gele •at. In ?f. haft:four:a its piast.er.
, The net da3,. la the elessrione.the :Lherre,' eeel, ee re-
knew_why.lt ‘1 • •c.r
es,called;royalThear . 1 Bove roe ,th,t?1 11
-i",•"••-,11.'e-Sr.AVe:.-.1tefilitilettli-,:eselieeierrie- it --.141Itlireg. 1-L1 ' ••
tne .master of gold,: which can re- • •.t
.sist altncist everything. else„tliat-• Can ' • • •
••'• ••••-• - , „ o „ knierfetVo Pioneer Dog •gemesillep
be poured- on it •• ' • • , '
,etticlene.:theln •not
putt the'.1esson'toAciay it 1.7 take tier,
tootell you tlra,t,there ohe ether sub-,
stance that is • Jast .as hriperViou,b. as
gold; It eantiot lie.tail'eheil on Changed
theughta ,handrea ati-omlyts '6„rd .ma de
'tipon it Thaf.Letibitance othe sinfnl
rea it. own; r ies and I (Mar W..
pot Softh_ti it; imprisonment
o si aY b 1 tl • i 1 e•
captures., an .inseet: top ' large, to be
dealt with summarily, 'lie weaves a
fine web round it, ,and does met come'
o i'ltie.qUarters Mktil 4t is so sectire
ly bounclAhafit Canna movealimb.
. Raiding the. Icebergs.
Tbedailger from ieebergs in the .
North A.tlatitie is becomirig so great
that a destroyer has been sent out by
)3ritain to see if it is possible to. dis-
, . .
perse ionfe of the.,e floating messes
by means. of 'terpedoes. •
'Attliough this. is a ne•W development,
iceberg-letintint Is a Perf•-ef
miemaite'r it. Even edti- ,
cation, and „culture' Will . net :dissolve.
thethtful• h,eart -and purify it o.fits
•dross.: --The but..ane..e-lement..tbat-
has poiver, ever. blood -of-Jesus
Christ•the. Saviour, t1it aguaeregla GI
1 I • id 1
tie7-sou Yours s-rtue prec n
(lithely- :more .preefous- than. the gold
,you•have been w oij ingwith Do .not
trust your souls o the ection'of these
other influences ,• The5'' vannottouch
or Change Went,' Ilta• bring iltem.:un,
dr.r tire blood Of' s nd -the
In- the pn.,i•celcut blood Of the Son' of .
'Gee' ' • • - - • -1
,•• -and-Bow to Feed-
iLmatied Pre() fo any Ad-
dress by the Author.
St. May Glover CO., lag
115 \Vest 31st S treat
• -- New York. T.T.S.A.
• •
• Btith tarlbts
- TO BO N Ttt-, SA LT -WO -R.15 3-
• Only
the :work „of American Nroty vessels: • •
Bach year vigorpus raids on the ice- ' .MONEY ORD5118. I
_fields ere carried Out. ---- ,..---•••0 Senda wlenninion. , Express,--M1-eney -,
:The laternationtrl- lee -Patrol; iii---•ther-- 0 rdor."-;:rire-,,Do liti-t-s- •Vests- th-far•Cetta;'; -
fleet is culled, eame into existence as • "eee—eee--: •
the result of the sitikin of the Tie,. "c Panama . peePetuatei 'One Of the
. ,
"Bay0'.74js :Genpifie
Let Clitiiara Be
First Tliovillt
When the first signi Of r:Irrge:4.
or rougliLess pore RE;:t.:•; : •
CUti4:11: ()in hr.. suot.ite L
• then, bc.,,lq...v.,rh •-(7.1tic.trn •Sum> ;
(41 the,'refrtshtrx Lt.:1,717a Ti,rar4, ;retitdr If..
Lely metlioa,od croo,.o. ely r
Os-ea:Eft r.ifera::-„v-tOlicttfat.trtz7. s,
Soap 2se. Oitniest2.,SaelSP;- 25e. Sold
• throughout theDO:hinjon. CanaLl'anilzpot:
1.77111TOI; timited,.344 Si. rad) St., W.,' bt,oplarl.
•jar cuLicura soap shaves ,witbout Educ.
•.. •
Thh rio a; Slier Lettar, But
• Provos tlie Aetability Of.
•Lyclia. Pin'24.ard's Weg
• table ConapOunclo
-Dethwell, 'Ont ..--" I 'wee ,weakLeit4
run down, had no eniceite r.nd ‘v.a..1 nen.
V,A1A. The nurse who
took .care of me tokt
In;.sariktiolatti.;;;/s.L.?.,-sintioing2le:."... -
T table., Canipo u nd, : 1.- •
lend now I.= set- .
+ 117thenti 'your roletiteir,4;-:- .
lei I rilto thy !ripe lel, ard
• 11 11,,:l.Voti May u...a.? my
1.1!tit:Y.1,7,41;tr.,.13in'aitilly.ir',..1.k?4',1-•- __:.„,..
pottrWell„: On t, -
The v.:ascii vhy '. •
..k7te•A'"at'a'-t6-604.1111.116-jokel'od 1110.11— - • j'r ,,.,(tdls7.1Osr:°••I'llrli-1-‘'‘923-'‘‘41•12.12' 4#". — •
" .•
Since then it has done mtich good who visit it: The, direction of ethe substitutes for !Tenni:I c " il a Y e r tali- 'woman', 'II ' 1 " '. ' "
. 1 s is khmnse it contains, the
.,SS 11 I'l co-ereorning•
work, On more than one occasion penal from the Atlantic to the, Pacific lots of ' Aspirin.u. Ivnless you seo the . t me, strengthc• ing properties of good ,
ships have'been saved front danger ifrom nerthwest to sOutheaSt,and
name 'Payer"' on paeloP'e or 011 11(1) o d -fashioned re )ti and herbs, which
: get .I„l,s .
bY -the palrolts Ww
ireless arnings. ' the Atlantic end is actually further' y
lets ou ae m
ret gettine,- Ail:drill at 1111on ll part,thet,fems oe organism: Wernen theite country are eon -
The cost or the work is borne by an West than the .Pacific end. Another In e'er Y Bayer package,are direCtions ina
ff °
ntaritimc nations using the Atlantic, in geegl'al'ilie puzzler is that i'rem Port- for Colds, 14adaehe, Neuralgia, Been- i;oen3eficial!nduence,'and as it contains •
ritually. testifying to strengthening,
propertion to the number of Ships sail- land, Maine,•you must sail south a matsin, Earaili, Toothaehe, , Lurn- utreotics or harmed drugs it ' a
ing ,under their resPeetiveVillgs. • east to get by he tip of Nova Scotia . bago and for Pain. itandy tin boxes. safe medicine for women ' 1.5
. . to; ,
of twelve tablets CCAt few cents. Drug- If you want special' advice write
up twenty things Parliameht ought to known ta hind on, ti ship 'in mid. In Canrecla.. Aspirin ls the trado nrl'ili
do for them before they ean think of .Atlaritie, 1,200 milei from land, I (registered in Canada), of Bayer
Sa'ys Sant: "Seine fellow's can thinks' A swarm of locusts have been gistS als.o sell larger paeltnees. made Lydia E. Pi nLynn,k hmtalsesd.icknyoolCoir
'Manufacture of Mori,oaciictichicster of will be opened, road,, and answered by '
voitten only. ,,' - / ' "
a single thing they 'eughtl:'to do for • • . ' . '
theniselvoi. Ask for Minard'S and take no other. Salleyltcacid. 1 P , ISSUE No. e7 -'2'e,.
0,0,0 •
• . •