HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-09-01, Page 7•
.T4CeeetaIreeis Cattle. Whhthrthis. leeted five million dollars •
fer crempeneation and ealarieth • To
ihittsh.bakth amen believe that receive a certificate of accreditation a
le.tuhematosii could be entirely vdt-
e- herd meet lease *three semi-annual
c•ated fr°m• ec4r3T "Plc, the c°n1Plarilt tests without a reactor and at the end
weQuid be reduced at least fifty Perl of a' year he subject t9 another test.
cent. inFan beings. How nkleeSarlt So fox the wok has been epilenee to
efforts in this direetiela lelaY.' heceoha pureehred herds, buteehere is a likeli-
reaY.dus be well underetooth
. &ddress ecanneureCattorie so Amore -meat. 73 Allesiaido et West., erereets.„ operation, between the Dosninion- and creesed geautis •for expenditare, to
- 1 • rovincial clepartinetite ef Agr 1
. . 01) great deal hAs beeri ;and is b!rinue• ac! cl)mr‘zerei41 47"J" Ileill's .1.)f • 41i17
The Perm Plioeitlet Late Slimmer • verk•plaueible fee• believe that raotreY -
.• Pullets- and eockerele that feather °an:be /ts'aVeci.• bY gr
. inding holhe-grown . ) '' 2 cattle. •
. cemplished. Ceneela has behn protiea " -*.
Tepidly retake tile hest laYing and most g . gra) 1) _ to possess- tbe healtluest live stock of
• vigorous. form flock. Such birds should .
. neighbons, Pew large &rah a Powrx- tiny 'country. • The adoption a the Ac-
-be banded so that:they can be retained arii.,sircedr is needed. For small f°1111, Credited Herd Plan iS 111 the way of
"When the floek is -culled in the fall. he. ICS one. of the largeet „eize hancle -
, aenieyitig mach toward the perpetua-
'tiow to feed Rabbit..
A rebbit is the cleanest, most,par-
emu els wil prove ver•Y ticelar animal`When it eomes to eat -
held ever so their ages w1! he kiietvn Q• NOW is the time to clean an oil.4our dairy eattle. In 1917 the plan Was some things he doe eat want lie is
lt pays to band all the hens that are ton of good health, particularly In ing: be will go htingry,rather than eel
:and they will not he held longer than ftfenteeestrteyeeerbr"6.8.. and
°lent iiltr°dured in the United States. and a vegetarian: but does •not cere for
their period of iusefulnees, or confysed I houses they will beontie rusty and.
If Mt in the colonyebas,proven eminently sumessful. Two *ragtveed nor netestarite he will nibble
With birds of a Younger age. hia-nY ,uneerge,, etkeeepipes Will .aleo rust,yeaLrs later. it was .adonte.d. in 'this at curled dock 9r pigweed, and rather
- yearling hoes leek meiph like Pullets qui kly and the should beeirtnnnle'n a Meech
, ''country, and already there is evidence likes plantain and mellow. When
when the hens •gre through the , melt . e gond having been brought„ given the thande, rabbits searcheut
ouread 'stored In a dry room.•••ThP about, especially as aninials belonging' elever: they, eat•the eloivers first, then
them , bends h-elp • to • distinguish ' ' h • • e• ' • - ' • ' .:
fl f '1 ' n n 6 to hereis proven to he absolutely the leaves and stems. - Someiimes
. .
. .. .
. The high normal layees make the out rut ae.. helps tbe stove to deliver..and in, receipt- of certificates to that even the
roots are dug up for bunny
any years sif Service. • r • - - '
• • . r .
. . . ,;. . . . . . effeet..ean be freely ,exported to the does leve hloveri .• e
beet.breedere for the fapn•flotle,Ilens.
with higheegg .eeeercis have Often
proved peer. hreedersee. The highest
Produeerl are apt e to exhaust their
-energy in egg production and this
means low vitality. in the chicks.
Reinember the peangele and cab-
bages and keep ihenh growing for
' poultry feed next yeinter. Green 'food
United State -h., At- the end Of July . Young rabbiti require little:but their
What Makee• AUCOO }jog Z,. last in thie ,Coutihrtt 522 herds 'were Mether•senill: for the first sex or eight
•, • akin' .undereeing the tuberculin. test to en e -weeke. Once erday they can be given
• To peothice the lean, mild -cured able them to qualify for certificates, a mixture of bread and milk, and after
known as "Wiltshire" we require a At the •saine time there were 100 the first month bay and grain can be
long, deep, smooth pig, pcssessing
male! a hend Proprieters on the welt.- gradually introduced. _ , a seli-expreesion and happiness. horn% haring made goed pictures his
ellei6re of he iome -
Art and the Little «Child
Art is a big word to use in eon- display of bright fruit ..preeerves et
neetion with a little Child WhO at aluminum dishes hin the kitc•hen and
present is able to distinguh.h only the the use of well-selectedpaint and •
primary -colors and whose &hawing wall -papers may accustom gt, child to '
are a fantastic acribbre: But n11 the good taste in the humblest home.
child is:going tci be grows out of What 'All studies. Mit have been made of ,
he is, and all
depends upon the wisdom of Our cate that their first liking is almost* '
that he is ging to !level Cbild'ren's • interest in pictures• '
giving nowwholly for the story. They are not •
yery particular about the color, And
they have no inborn taste', foe the Old
Masters. ,The people in, the pictures
are thirfriends, and It is the dea•ma-
tie rather than, the esthetic ceeeidera-
ther, whether' it may be both to, ell, tion that effects them. •
we reply: It may be a "Means pf Thie suggests what we are to: do. .
happiness to all, .ned although Let us' select hook-picturesand pipe
.to only a few: 'can ,t bea a tue4re41.tfuoir.401thrieshoneinea
t tell
way of .adequate expression, ,yet . .
there is 'little doubt that everkbody Let us implant images that Will al -
When we ask ourselves what att
meane to a hunian being we. soon
answer our own question by sayings
Art is a means of happipesahand a
.Means of expression. If we ask fue-
if .ear,efully trained,, can to Some ways be ,treesuree worth ...while, both
gree, express himself through art. 'The. hehaOse they •ade good art andbereause• •
,sibility, thatewe may 'discover and der - Haying done what we , can,' early
1111POrtance of art then is net thePes.: .they are eternally inspiririge ,
en/I often; tohelp the child enjoy color ,
vette) a few maseereekat that we may
and see beauty in nature and the •• '
open to al' the people new pathwaYa
•e 1
. 4
light head and shoulder, an even back, ing lest, and so numerous were the Oats are the only suitable grain ,for The beginning of et art is io • '
frieeds we may expect to find him II
not too .wide, • but well covered with . .' ready to make some efforts at self- J
appbeations for the service, and the l'abbits, and Must be crushed for the appreciation The The wise mother to -day, : . . •
s boon pr en very necessary. fiesta yet not fat Th id froin consequent demands upon the Meath little fellows under three months of does not have her child "begin musis"lexpression through pictures. Good
as a back of shoulder to ham must be deep, i sense tells us. that we should plate. ,
icy.enter egg' producer ' and: a meats of and long, of Animals stair, that over 220 others age. Alse, mix in, a little bean: Feed by sitting, him down, reluctant, at the
ping the hens healthy., 1 the rib short and sprung -,,hael to: be temporarily refesed Up to tWice a day, except when a doe is piano and having hipa "take ,,,usiGI within his reach a few strong colors,. •
food saves the life of five b-pfngreen out beldlY and •drelMing elmost 'at . . . . , • . ., • , . • . . . . • an easy medium° and models largely
s end right ,angles, the underline. straight'
*the period mentioned no fewer than nursing Give her a noon meat In lessons, like an inoculetion. She sees
, of his own choosing, Soft crayons.
,303G2 tests.and retestsA een made summer the larger part ef each' meal to it that he hears much good mueic...
and -free from flabbiness, • th ham and 3,319 reactors had been cotelemn. should he green etuff-clover, plan- from the cradle days. until he is, as zurnish the beat filet • medium and
.smooth and tapering with the axi- e • :
• h '
. 4 ea, necessitating' the payment of tan and grasses.. FLawnecuttings are it Were, saturatedwst musicoand is adequate colors. His first efforts will
.la to portray an zdea rather than an
eager to find some way. of expressing image If be starts to make a night
music with his voice and fingers.
picture it will probably consist of a
;rtAinscl tosotetiltep hwinart:otofeheetlpiora ecohliolrd; tt:
drorwavvionetawerlsi he his •moo ardi his '
' Design rather than
rejoice in ffre and sunlight and she - cdfcrts to portray action will be ex, '
SloW31 to enjoy tracing out happy de- • trernely "impressionistic." Freeddm,
sighs, and Perhaps best' of • all, to
, :mei. to love pictures. • andjvigor rather than accuracy
• ...
' should be the aim.' Tracing• ,is useless • • .
reoduees tweety dozere.mote eggs next
winter, that will surely:pay for quite
feW. hours' 'labor .spent izt . weeding
. the mengels and setting out the cab: -
bakes. e • • •
mum. amount of .fieelt on the outside. $396;464 in compensation. The extent
The 'pig 'should stand on strong, but -of the woidc•carried on in the United
good, • • - •
Ilay• is a necessery pert of the rab-
e, we . a anc gs an States vrill be understood when it is bit's diet, but it must be sweet and
The yeeng cockerels that show early feet and must be vigorous, healthy anti, state e
This is the hind al, . eet that • this ear Congrese at free' from mold. Some breeders keep
signs cf ineterity and vigor should be a' good feedere • ' . . .
bended for bi ee,ders. eft is assumed pig needed ffer bath hothe and foreign e
• •• that they come fecnn..hens that • are markets. Ile is a type, not a.hteed.• '
. • geed layers. It pays:6) hand a sin:pins. • As a role the weight limits of :the
to snake up for'ankeune,xpected lesses: _bacon hog are fixed at 160 to 200, lbs.
If. many .cockerels are saved it ha best live weight At the•sesne time ' h
og ...• to iso
, late them from the pullets so may 'weigh , slightly more then 200 sed with a m • • ' • ' . 11 - to • me • • ht used to develop the color -sense Bright who makes pictures • his other Ian.'
'• that the pullets ill not be .reterded.lbs. med. still make a geode Wiltshire and inaling.oavla.f:GTrlarlerePP'slntghethMPalateesrliiIno.doreedt7 I ' a couldowrestmehits of pottery, marhles,escraps of guage, who tries to • say, eoMething
in groveth bee heitg crowded from. the :' side •Ifoit hogs 'are; however, liable ,Of houses°, I hever Moved inte a house edge whileq... Washed dishei. IthwaS "
: mkstaarmsuPorprIgthe. . ' • ' ' • • • • •
cloth, shells, , flowers, gold -fish, C11 with his, fingers; has begun •th: clinth e.
feed hOPPere arid trampled Witeri•the to be, too fat, atter they reach the -with one exception that I didift' large enough to hold both dikhParis
. • . : afferedhilY opportunities; and even a the ."Delectable Mountains.° .
scratch ' giant is scattered' On the 290elle. mark.
raege.• : iininedititely want to move a few at once., At the left of the sink, be.:
-' e • ' . •*' '*- • 1 •, We niust.troduce a regular supolyhrooms around, stretch some ,out and tween it and the cupboard, was a hay before the, rabbls„ all the time, t
. .
4 , r
o go, in the meatless for •make• some smaller, no matter hew
with poultry he is often tempted to sii months Of the Year and then go well I thought .1 was going to like it
t Th • ""
e Ideal Kitchen
wonder if every woman is posses-. • The sink was.high enough from' the
• The hemeliest playthings may be and copying vain, bUt the young child '.
. . When a breeder nee A little 's .ec " - . •' ' " ••• "• • •
Want to raise : enough to eDvGr a coueL 'eut.•oe.it, foe. six,enesetee without hav- .before .• • Especially .the kitchena Of Made en:- ideal Clipboard -fer diehpane, sure to ..1)1hke•
With one broad shelf hbeneath. , Thee "greees"e*„.T.Q0',Inuclx -green stuff ds THi CHILDREN. !S•
11 .
. .
. • the • very Young •.-ptit- I .*
figuring.; to., ,leesea the -• appetite for
•built-in. table,ecevered .with zinc, and
011 it is goo le, eance cal'e- ' ing a general average of nriee'that,is course, .mea growl . at this 'propensity,. ecatiting material, exera;soep, baking
..._ bellied. Never feed green stuffwhen
, luny an •reinernber that quality ,,iS •unprofitable eboth • •to :preciticee hand .buCthe., t i4 ,h6eause they ,1:10' nesoheve tirise•etch' The rernainitig ehace•ln the :.ft••• i'S
. . , ,• • • •-• „' . . , ,
wet with, dew. or •rain....
•every Important- and a few-. peer hens paekeil.. Stich.. si .4iiese.. breaks trade t d hth " • - k • - Th . ' ' t hate. * '' f th 'cupboards' divided
. ... , . . ... .....Tlae :utak rabbl.t that his •a liberal .- 'the 'Filipintsa, like all - Oriental
•hr a ler ell - ' ' . . . . .. , 0. le . e aor , e reason most • , m o e was , . . . •.
in g . oeh will. cut. doWnePhefihs coneectionee'leies Customers . and. Ul- houses .sle, pot suit womenees because into space for a tour' bin and -drawers, Meal of green food ire °the mOrning races, ,use rice as their prineleal or -
, . • • ' • . . . - . .,. . .
31111Ch: e hi -
rapidly. Large poultry tio.1-4 reerie tiniately *sults •irt a cutting of Prices a 'man Plana end -builds. thOni•' YerY for iiiihtorrOls;kitehen •aPhens, cutlery,' will -relish a handful 9f oats* ape, some eat food.Thisrice is cultivated.under
.. . .
.a Meat and the work• is con- -.on the•earteotthe.oacker to t th • ''seldomd • hied ' - • .*d ...I kept ;the spicesflee:ate-alfalfa in the evening. Rabbits -must
fusing- d discouragingt- . get these o you a .house planeed an paper.
., . ,.e.s . e custofriers back, The farmer must paY, by •a woman That is Why in most ing . *etc ' in .the • •cuplenarde over thel, have green - food in the winter. toe, great handichpe, Most of, the 'large .
'breed. or hs• sidliful 'and has 'plenty *of . the -prieeelor 'this'. ire•egalarity " The. kitchen' s:the•;hileis - i * - ' i reou'r- wee,' 7 • re,; itee:ours•linceein fr.oin• the Beets; kale and turtlipS • are &acid.
so ow you neee y- . rkee-krevrers.M the vicinity ofehlaniler ,..•
'genital and • 'equipment on • whiCh • to British bilyer Must.-hiVe the assurance break •your back erery -Eine you '-wash table l• could reach everything. I need- --
'. . - ' • .`• ' theugh.‘ifthe'ttarnins are wilted they .stpioe: lilioet fi41divil:itt.a•t*:•ebtuhanffa1o
Vs. h '
exezeiee *kill. ' ..e
Egg " production ' • • rl - • ' • o a•regular eapplyr otherwise he will'ehe dishes., I Was: hi one the other ed With which to ..bake. . ,
: '1. -e- - '
•-. e aye. • i . e . qo va ue.e.• oine raisers or cerabeos, The rice is transplanted '
g p • . • on .an ,milkpreeuetion utilize pow-cos...where the s1,44T.IY. Is day where the•onlythay a worn:a/x.0f • At. the. right of -the. sink • WaS though I have seen
tinulth.gail..noliba:dnin•r.e.cenibttbs7.fgreni: its..niedeiate, nee- .fmandn•leti• e.setelediaS?a-CheriavieMesont'ellte;-12-1a; c-*hliaiellt ..•'•
...• are often •••eceopered ;as ,if .they.weee..-eepenstatee, In shoet; einheeP•Ply must-. Medium height could .e.ver Make use wooden -drip.' board, geohved, '
' m
quite ilar ' But .
. , . , the .cow produces he organized lie' meet the supply Of Of. the,sink.'would he to elf' down. The from. iiiik to west wall. , AlengsideI t- ' Watch the ,cindunt of . grain food . ..en . a Very . mohntainenie: section of e .
. one calf .a. year and the :furnishes' the trade. ••• If -the.market2want$ hogs cuPbeartisare_bitarighly. iri-tlie wren t of thisehooh ..tleerange, and, past north 'consiinied;._ if ...1t..ed. UP ..not clean '-PQ.itite Philippiree- Islaricis-theeinhabitantss
. .
Soed'foretile:h_alt. T.lielienseformatlie-74C--SeptendhereetherreOitotrei-Marlcetee * -7*. ." f • - * "--i-ecl"---;liftek"--114. -0T-fit . •-the-cthhhileadinh Iiitee•the'hrOd":;-eot-Illemrefion till it is.. Trampled- linve onlyethe very •steepi .inouttlain-
• d3osiit*ifitY a a lively-'*hihk with • • ***•• ' ' h. • 'h.' -'•' '. - :e°1•11"71t-111-421-." h ..°-"•* - el. . •1"all-ge7 . • - . g „
. . , ,. c. ic wi ..every•eing will not do. It •iney suit our' con- stove as fat front. the, table as. it .can yard.. Over th4S ,door wa4 4' transom : alahl -.speed., , . n ..the etch tioor sides on which
.. .thateis a greater strain on the.vitalityeductabn • of our. hogs that has, been can Ile put ' ' ' . "
stove a your e as et . one o ors .an . , ,..._,;_teillelell-ho '1•LiS,et-i:eibiir erops. of
• eggeiiredeced.. In Qathereowonieed_the-eranieeeeebet:dt-ewilihneeebuild.Ui biereebeepatehandetth antrkosit-threk--Cen---Wit-it-the-traneoneoPen-and4Ite kiedien •
Is wasted,. as rabbit . food, -.1.1e. is tee
hen ,that is laying liee.Vily is *eoristent- business. : • ' e ' • ' ' ' ' - •• d e (1 te• ' .• ' '' " - -'•• tiny . lc t the le. ' ' muele of. an epicure to eat it unless a • tee pe ti nof ref ' * t' be- " ' • • .•
ler.estrieingeto - ' • - •• ' ' ' • • ' • • • • •-• ' .. h. • - - ' • ,s,: -P . • --P---
ve you one at ali, as .far window, -open a • crac a e: o:- .. „ , . _.,,„ . . ---e_ ,..... - . . ore__ en (vans, e o eeinah --7- • • • !;• • • •
.- -.;•,-... , . : .-rePreduce. - herself- and 1-:--U.-/s-this-irregulatity-iii: the Preh from the. ste• nel htabl -• . h t - d d steam were sucked out- - . ungrY• ..,-. ' • : ---,. .- . .." .-,..... gine *Aid say that it Wai.utterls, bees.:
. .
than i- the caee 'vetth the - --h.' ' - ' • .• • • - ' 'Side, ....Standing sit-theesihk-I-eouldeleyeee If 'the; ralA'Ate• "911;,-t-M-11/1-de-Witne ". ble,; but eethese..enceniteiheerser ,, ...
- • b _ .e - „le cow gering.direetly'hesponeible-fer_a/Thet.:iseoLtene• '1.-haveehicieshieltitclieer workehops;,.en'eetepreiteh etraeh Or ehnbeahrk `Bak- 13:)'°°•elless of ethe b'olVela, ent-down.:0 _1-1- 7.
-7.01ffle... - --; - .. - .. '- . -- • • , • ese_tieteimposeibleetot eheynneet liate.,_._e__
• • ... . 1,:wroneee..,,thy termed • peer-p•roductione "ia4ay househ ' • , • da , .,d. iu ••c>ne• g-.-Wa-s--a--dre'aan;:'and-7-'-meal--ge-t-tbig4tk-g--""-l):a1;44;':':'a"'"ra=_ 13-4°Inerlia4r-- ""•Q wrlicl--thilrilill'tlre'rorllril-W-
..._ caporra-for home use,•w:11 be- A' •study of. our . Canadian • market ...- :, h. ' ' • ' ''' • • . - ' . • with the geain... Fresh water • should on. which thee eee raise it. , eq,
. greatly.Appieciated during the evinter;deshiee•e:,encheireeploariekeeefei11
-j... aeltating-..' 'Z41/WV-
'..••,*•.;'•-. ' r- -••• - . . .ba..ba,f430...t.liet3.1.-'-'-ali-111-A---11111#-.1111-_-k-Set• toworkwith etieksind'bere-lrands-eeh- -'
..'•Bilt,-a•m;tetifee-hapanhteeile ie net .a Sure:14i., -e,‘,..jst..... ,....,-,.. -. ..4.... :_ _ , •- -,--- - - '• --- • . 44901.. piece of rock salt. . The latter will and actually,terrace aesteep ineunteene • ...
•-•• •roact to 'profit . with cockerels. Caponel• - 'Zhe above extrigs are fecieretene . make :salting of the - food
la„*.e fearriee and:plenty•Of Meat -Ae Market," issued by the De/Wilily/it:of ,./.00e4•7:7 ,•11 I.. in winter; rabbits ,should .have". a
li•TMeePs-sarY•••-eide, -niaking-leYel -seetions-hin WIn't.., , - - - -
7--.• must -have- plenty of -.foe* develop ! Phlet,;"The Raco og and the.British .....,....._....,..
-- __-the present _ceist.-..eregoewinge_poultar !Agriculture. *Sunplenven • „ales --ine
, ,
rez osi Warm -Mask Once ,•ai day, erefertablyeter.,
••'.to Plant their Crape.... Itecke dr. 1 ststree h.
arehallotakenevirt7-and -laid ae : !e- -in-
. - meatit does' .not •seezneepoSsilite-t ohefOrmationighthe s. - len i.n: a sec -
•the morning. Give the wiping doe. all
of this she witheat. 'One goad. mash
Is Miele ot gronachalfalta,-Wheat bran,
ollederrate, etptal parts, With some
- make.. much _profit_ en capons'. , These • oriel pannehlet,.."BaSiene..Pige'. in. -Oane
that-are-raised-nuest--be-skillfultrurarehada," when at
lteted wheretheyare iiPpteciated. • -. 1 the Central_Eiperithental Farm, - thatA. visit •
to the poultry show at'the'"Pigis nibh-Ceearly confeemitig.to the .'
Fair is often a Stip-tutus :to the noel-direqu'ireinenti are Sound in greatest ,
try keener on •the • them., Visits with numbers - among Large ' Unproved
-.' other breeders are often encouraging.! Yorkshires, Tamworths, and, Perk- Ce
The sight of many fine hirdi inspires' shires and among..their- grades' and.
e.....theethuitrY-IteellerAo makeituoreeeffort.' irossehredse- --The
_ _ . ved
, enareagenrent-617hiSh6Whi-iteaTiliverlaires conte Very riehili
And the feinrItiy.sheve• isneeded to bob* ideal.baeofiliigser They furniali
• . . .
keen up the .interest in the ,,standard- a very large prepertion Of •careasses
bred fowls. • • : answering the eequirentente of the
It seem e Its if the time hili,arrived beetebaccetteedee, :The ha...ala ate:Weat.
, should. "develefted quid the' proportion Of at
go With every i.poultry Hoek o any t lean 15 Usually about right. Tam4- .
thee, ,grinders ,it is pos- almost moan-
-. 'vitae to crack email grains atedescie ablyede-epes•idedand longeliodied, but
:the haying of 'fine •• chick eescretele are not infrespiently 'rather,eliglit
e. growing stock, 2 On rainy -days the conformation are . -not quite so; well
grain for niash earibe -greund hp and suited for the bacon trade as •sOme
imbue. At the preeent Prire'of grain of the other hreele; hitt they are. Vet,
And commercial' dry .mash it seem e Wellesiateedeiser..naelearine.:"
NAL -4
c2 orma •
. • ,
If /7;CHE N'
/2 X /.3
order to htild-avall ground:tilt-. tcr,.• :
races, for rice needs ,plente .cf water'
ando_tbese • sectiorei emoet held the'''. • .
water that i$* diverted into 'them..
nhopped-Up 1:vegetable like carrots. . .
Sometimea the4..e wane ore very high,
Corn fodder make a pleasant change
but average about fifteen fest and
occasionally- Beextremely careful in
experimenting on the rabbits' food,
and guard particularly againSt, bowel.
--...... ..,_
trouble, '
• .
Reading has been the source of
education. and inspiration to most of
our great men. 'Books have been -their
Wide ;enough so that the .te'les ran be '
used as paths, along Whiclithe fam-.
ars Walk, : •
_ These • traceSare „irrigated.
" Streams, of -Water -far t he -
other interesting things
e Plait:Tines are the -cora-
him:len-bearers -ef the Is-
but': •
• Amo
seen. in
hoes, t
ins' .tht.
•tthirleiisresuccestilsre'firge therfr "trtals i•ina" they Are used.forbeavy-hauling-Of -
In some places everywhere there are sorts.. Workeherses as we know them •
families in whose homes book* are in this country:are seldcm- seen in ;the'.
unknown. In such homes, the people 1 .phi.i.4ppineei... ea 'they do net
. : live--vIrithiir-themselTes as -11110r 11"1-1 the het.elimate. The homes there are
; are lfrnited to their Own' experiences. small and mach Hee eur ponies, sild • ,
They 11Qt klitlw J°1'. Of drawinf iiiii-usc4.abnost entirely for.earriagei
from the weal's aOcuniulate& *know - 'Tethe,eerse • neje ederee",hheee eere. veer doe:
edge and IngRirAtiOn-aS__IireSerr natiVes seem to
. Good Livestock Pays More the keeping. and. breeding' of better ler# ! ..
• *)14r Le's; hoines boys and giri;'• a.r.ii) 'vvislbe' habwilj.e•tlitooliguidk aentnliegmle lwinteroejperert"PS : ..
1:11(611 -Good, Crops.
. . lieestock--all about twice the inertia- has salted nle.' :Of ' Course, • it was a *took so ...few. steno you couldn't
...wroorwldTsg-alicptiVaititaesi.le thetteplaceeln the
city. liatchezi; but the arrangement tired. The entry. to the ...lining -roam
"LiVestock is the . market -' through ..it iseoe...peeiio. e04. .11On°, When :they .are net'. working
:A survey of 242 farms in Durh•ant
• - 63`11110: t0-•g-ro7iviriebetter er Owe • - ••
would be perfectly -practical for a . -cern that th • b ed • they are usually found in soine'of the -
county, Ontariorjast issued be the -De- was on tie north side -opposite the . ttany, arter9s .0.1„ ,waterwnyn; wanow..,
whic.h • the iiiireed--farinet -"sells 'the ecrantey home_ With a_wasirrooln .ad- .eink. - Between the tWt: rooles Wa& 3,- •-cienteitizenshiph- They need access to
parbnent of Parra 'Fee -ethnics, furnish- greater ,portl'on• of ,his crops. If then, joining; it would be large: enotigh, too witty with immense enpbeards which
.` carabaci 'lettuce." : ' ' , • '.. '• -
good ' books so that, their. editcation. ing iit theh mud, ert• grazing on* the
ea renewed : proof that good livestock- the quality. of his steele rankO 'low' in for the heat Wei* *Of. a-kite:hen, inetier-
. . . The leleturechtue _ni'pet 1.-1..u.ts ..-e.f... 'the"
held dishes and tilmiagraota supplies. May be broad.: . . ' :
;"-A. eminty Ilbraii-witt Meet the needs'
Is a more Potent factor in the.auceess :44tinitty,. the %feet. ho,receivesfor his jak. too(1.• -, :,-::-., ...„ . • Thera were drAt*erg. ., here fortablenatiVes are interesting when . you,
of -mixed farming than areg'ood-crops: -graiii; hia-y-, "Sihi'gev,:aiid- recite: Viitl -he This kitaaen, W11.3 14111 _fe0,, , T‘ „ hnea. auct ;owes?. „,., utidee the window of these•yeung folks and theirparentsv think that they 14ie Nen timitniated -..
.The..folitaityie is 'it summary of the
''.COlieliiiietis - In -the' recent -report Of tillIty__of. :growing : large, =reps...tn.
•PPT:r-P'14,!..4:„ICT.Q..-s*W.,143.7..;14.1.9.: ju-.. through.u.halleonteoe.,whiehsweet..h.oth,uuteweereep,,, sinit..... _II* ,elethes.., . ,_ . .. tos
entry* from the living -room was was apace for the refrigerator, with It Will ;meet the needs of all rural without. a„.eoet,oe.henehee, „aeneet A.,.....----::,,,
auth- residents•rerhiseareto 'Wein boolise - - - • - - • . e ••-• • 7' . ; . - • . . -..
._,,. .L.___M pound of hardware,: wit out paint •
. . the aurvey. It shows the returns which market through poor stock. • '.-telliii; aaiii ifid -Staiii-leaiding in the for drepphig soiled linen into the as it veill bring to them, to a certain.
. , _plaster. pktrobing„atone brick, or tile. _ _:,-„:_ '
. the -farmers „cenceraed,fIcesved -I i:41,11husli:ealizloa--sEtfol-/-72.-tfatitd-thaw-
-i AIPPe-rxmlnk.%Thhi -11.0,/t.,011410- it -Poo- 1•11.11114x7...b. Vat&-bas'ement-. ....,__-,::•.....:, ..,.......... . deireere-tho -'43onveniences- of a itbrarr _yet:. aixii7siddistiiiioniaitIciiiiiksi.:ita...=
their year's viottli . which. varied „ix- pie, 47._en,t,c„4, single, fse4,, ma*t fc.x. gib1e- to -keep the erderte of -booking .... To me it Was on-idear ah-angeme-fitt '5Yetera-suCh-qif`eitiala-hr-iiidariOiid:
stoien.:and -heat,. ad tied "pieturesqUe • • .
, the quality of the livesteekthek kept.
... ... .heefeet.,dnity.,...0i„einbced,eis.ahhigher the kithlien in the east sade, next to try between kitchen and diningtrootn,
from the Living_roOm, :, ft -epetiod into Some women Might tabled to the Pin:, Scoihtniedt-r-th_truansess.a._11d,lcitt.1.eiamicis
the north Fieria-iliiiii,ibriyak, fei - but the few extra-sfenale-nielde Wein" '
. . ./
magazinee free te anybody.- --in- -th
:...boo- yrs-I:Li' d: as. well. - In certain. parts of manila. .
one -may st&R-see rows of-theser-nipa-;---Q----
e- • ,- cording' to the Crepe' they raised, :pins :successful Si:est/Mk farming, either
A county library is. supported by
labor ineothe,-fromego-----e-e•-•
On Farms rut poor -crops: • . quality of liveitochc." . •h, '
t. law,.eo, iloopou,ivithi,:reaawall it.iwgere.crretio4r.d.tso_ Niviiii;lith tomeneatroc;oth4.4re than .,;otlff:e..t t:o.,febyti.,th..,,,viei*-fa_il- couoty.- Distribiition-.'*-a.f,tfa:'.Ma4e-h-Y-
; ,- POOL lirreathek ;h. , . ... . . :27`.00 .Roloifor Flarvestinglkio-ples, . it -ng • • ' - • •-.-- ..- - ' - 7 the kitelien.from the diiiing-roo.o.47-miQd: a bode truck which ' mekes regttlar
Aviktit• livestock, .,-..... 8.. 100 • I. Piek .lower,Aimhs first. :2. Seel. In the middle of the south wall were aho helped ' to. keep smt. odors, Thera
'',Oood-*-liveStack.--:-.'•-;--. :....-:'1.1676-.0 that leddef iieetisherinte-the treat tore winiteiVill-Ve feet from the floor, was no rOorn-in the'lciichen for loung-
On Farina with a.verage crops, ' gently so as not to knock off or braze '•beneo.th which; was the ,sink,- with ei.-e, gledo:pace for one chair next the
Labor income frora- • the fruit. 3. Deng .the ba.sket so as pipes going into the *all in.stead of pant r, and this was so obviously
peer Livestock 331.06 t,4)..be Ale to pick with both Intends. ede into the floor. This way that discouraged visitors
Average livestock* • 1,568.00 Layetheenesticlesein: hot -drop -or throw Crefee around under•the sink, as theiv sitting there long, Th.s might also
Good lieresteek ;J....". 1,729.00 diem. 5. -Pick TIO specked -,vere no pipes to catch` the dirt bahk. he a drawback to some worehre'but
e Pick no small, green ones. 7. Do not of them, but this arrangement proved ycu are one of the sort can't
On Farms with good crops: take much time picking a dew the one flaw in an oeherwise perfeet work eest talk, mid do not like to stay
Zeibor income from- * apples out of reach. 8. In emptying, kitehen. In Luilding, the pipes had in the kitchen forever, it iS good
Poor liveetock . ..„.$ 1.44.00 pour gently, as • s"ott, wotiht eges.• 9. net been perfeetly •proteteed front the Plan. Q.., •
Average livestoek 1,46.00 Do not set one 'brisket or crtee heild, and every wieter they froze up. .• 1 always kept a high sloe; slipped
Gocrd livestock 1,234.00 r.nother so tluit the. eppl...s helely Will ',Builders have to:d me, hoevever, that under the etrtic board for my ewn use.
"Inereaset of $455, $'892' raid $h17: hruised. 10. Lift nod Ect driven ; this 11 ,.h' tecn avoided, by pro- It wItA the -,voilt of 'i momeet to p it
ren craditchl," tepee. adith, "to' gently all filled crafeS. 11. the', Sering, te.:1:11'4. the idees where they entcred out t n3 Sit down te prepara
ti -c ,,rrewitig et better trops, nod ee8fe4 wagon in hauling:avoid raurherro•ni, tre•veill with an extra coet of ,cold- or fruit ,fer n•eal, or even to dry
and f,';.1,:144 thee- le ereelizeal to cal go slowd excsPt .s:.'e."-bAl road- defying...material. • .
'-; • •
' KM& off the- theei eitd `.ttiffil' 04.44
oatsel in pasture for 'i. weekorree,
trIN-f--t° t.11-4,-----hOlneare-°f-ethe---tarinerg:h W•lieh sintmer everic-iiiever.
collections' of books may be pieced in
stores; schools, ch.urehes, granges and
.other rural societies, or the'eural de-'
livery may be used for d1stribntnigthe
'bootee:, and/ breech libraries may be
established in towns and villages.' The
whole systern shOuld be in charge•of
experienced librarians Who wottld be
to give countel and hatorma-
tion person; by mall or over the
telephone. -
Towns .ikad cities with tax supported
iibrariee already eetahlished can eon:- , %cents wniitod by
.their independent libraries, in see etno. rt. nnottOnmelt 00.
trliitt ease they Would be taxed for
the eounty library system. • SC4; 114 P1111 Nt.t.. 101*.b1; tont 1§21,..,
ies Wellington st. W., Tororite
-'81.01kottit BOO.
5tt0.e,entire1y of STMEXQ
MU' bold LOCO MI.
3;iresante. •
- Saves buying new tires. nest for tun..
argenoy. the Spare tire in the toot
box. 'Wears fo•• thousands of tnilea.
Your hands the Q:ctly 0011 you'll need.
At all Jobbers end dealers.esilient..
Neat, Cheap, QUI:k and. Noriskid.
We eteuretatee each 11.14.8.
<4h -eta
eresere-Lre- ,