HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-09-01, Page 5THE LITCINOW SENTINEL, •{ THILIAS DA'Y SEPTEMBER fl Ist 11921 q < , .y .1N ( .IF • . CITIZENS`of Ontario•-,-The'onily salvation'fb Ontario's rovenue-producing;forests is: .the preven tiob a forest° fires. Your sdppo:rt and co -opera-: • tion is absolutely essential... '. ,Forest tires are; -rapidly'diminishing 'olr re- sources of timber and pulpwood. Over )O per cent. of Ontario's forest fires:. are caused by human :earelessngss.. '• ... .• If •:everybody ;Was careful u1 t'o prevent the- start of fire, Ontario's..]forest would be.safe. { ratS .B•U.SINT•.;SS MEN of Ontario Lend, • us a•• • ,hand: Thq various'husi;. • . ness associations -= • „of' bankers, -,boards of • r • trade, , manufacturers,, • merchant:., lumbermen; engineers,, ncationr: sts i,tourtst4, and •spot is-, n�ctp;.aud••all other bodies' of weight and lnfiu=. • once, can. do: agrcat work for 'this' province and for their Diva Interests as'well-by' actively:pro= Meting educational •propaganda to, reduce forest • tires. ° RAILWAY OFFICIALS 'din help. Railways cause. 40%- of• ,'Ontario's .Forest fires: ,The,'- Forestry Blanch is .being t e11; supported by • ipnproved co-'operaty:on on the part' oi'railv.ay lots and by the',Dominion Railway Board° • 7;et us reduce the nuinbertof railway fires one h.tlf 'this sumnier.` .. (The train: passenger m Northern Ontario who: nonchalantly throws his, ,cig arette of -Cigar out of the window during' the fire seaad'Lits-'dese'rETmg-of-`a—j'd 4—se" twice!) . ' . ,CAMPETtS;..'totirists, •fishermen, pieknickers, • berry, piekers, prospectors ,and hunters 'should' O"ntario—Forestry : $ranch' r feel their••' resprinsi►p]lity even though, out •of ig:ht at tits 1iolicent t,:: . L.I., s . • S?'T�'.I.L.•., can. co=ot•eratn by e::etetsinr; inert ca i o in .setting out iire .ori..their own pre- ,,LL;ITBT R FIRMS can help t,y imptessin • o'n •till foremen' the. need • for t<1ref,:rlt esu.'- I.iyer- (1ri\`i:rs iri • drys •s'v ot:s sl'ci i1tl be' ,specially , .r ts•arnnd;' :Gangs, ctf iron fi. ntr; i7 'and' ottt .;tci' the camps need .sp((lal„r+11e,•iitin, .because of • ”' ilie`•c]anger -(1c n the';slanli-lined •trails fi`oin the inevitable cig rel,fi:e.. • •TIIE PRESS do more pub,ie spirited :: „e'onstrtirtivc w ork^ to',reduce ' forest :fires 'than •any ':other single ial 1 ncy,' This, is; A• .non -pori- • tical campaign in. winch the whole press could +` - join.. • . LEADERS OF, PUBLIC''O•PINION in every epromu pity•• should''1•e. the • -first to extend a hel in. 'hand.. T&11, t:}i• Chi the Head Office' any..time you have information •„ ,or sug ,estions'• to impart, or questions to aslc.i Gra' US A HA.N4.! .., 'arl7arrierrt i ilclYn. s, T'v'rbrito • • •ivell •ANO Elf $10110 TINE- ' HThe rT V - Phe • 1t\ t1het ton 'Tc lc Stolle is res pansiblesi•ur•;t-hf follow nrg;•:• �Lr. \Z illiairl Irtirinc` the.'Ri(plcy, ho tc11,e_eper, :.7sa `._thousand ,_th 11a1 s lighter in Pio bat}k account owing to an irifratritxnr,1 of Elie` ,week. li'hen. License Inspector Pel low of Hui oit wall :eci •into -.the hotel• •Wcdnifsday. '•evening 'll(. sawa• b trio of gin•sltt}rig behind the :bar. DIV iir_imniedidtely phoned' '. oven : to 1 •wens(. Inspcetor :White' stating .that ale wOuld.,,p east- ;-uilYy._a3id: •arranged to, appear att''o'urt--lieie:'the f' -To Torr-' mx:iltiy I.zuiit. brouerht, La'ivyer •S'ewzat • of Kiri:ocitdme:;- alon{;• to. •(ot t t 1 hui Sclay and pleaded guilty Iii in .1.61d, the courts that, .rot gii':had • been •',in: his possession a L�tttr time; lic.i•haps ; t .year— , 11e ',had .tlkeh it•do,};n5titi•rs to have. a :drink it fh e.;..suppe tbatJeveniitg and'left it isi the bar: • 'After 1istenrigjo�l'r win S story,~ 11ingistrates'•Tolton Richardson 'assessed hint $1,000 :, and • 4545. eoSta, _ MAFEI(ING ' • Ititended. "for last: week. Miss Gledhill. of i3euriellar was `the guests . df Mrs. 'Geo. .Tlyamley on day ° Mr. and Mrs: •liiayratorid Finnigan spent Sunday .at°her former home. Mr. • Carman. $tothers , returned 'Monday from, Kingston where he has been studying •the past six weeks. Mrs, Greer iof •Mieh.• is the guest+. of Mt. and Mrs. Jas Edwards. Llsie Anderson, Olive and, Richard Kilpatrick are spending a few days • with-Lucknow :friends. 'Miss Graee "Blaike returned Satur- dav from a two Weeks visite with Clinton' and Stanley relatives. . • Mrs., Richard'' Johnston visited Mrs. 11. White. Stratford last week. The Wr M. S. of the.: Ashfield C]r- - • suit will hold Anniversary Services in Blake's Church Sunday Sent ' 4th:• Miss Caroline Wellwood, who repre- sents the Wingham district as Miss,: .ionary to -China :and, who is..how on furlough• ;will give the addresses, 'in '•the afternoon at 2•.3Q, a'hd .7:30 in the• cv:4f n>iissnta•.Wellwo od comes fresh• -from` the work. ful of enthusiasuin and<in-• formation sb we look' forward to a rare treat; Come and enjoy it wit,, us. On Monday evening Sept. 5th a convert.ivill be givan. Rev De.•. Wi.tt.,Cosens • will • give a s recital entitled "within the walls of • Heaven" which ° with • some musical nunmbers . will'' make a deligtful pro 'granune. - •o -o -o--- Y'OUN'G MAN' DROWNED N The campers•at the beach at GI hes Grove were thrown °into' gloom on Saturday afternoon' • bya drowning accident•in Which ayyoung lad naned Ed. Martin of, Port ;Elgin,. Post. his: life. He' was teaching. a' young lady nante•d, Reta Osborn•e''to Swint' when. he sank ,;in the; water • and .did not 4•bnle tilt#again; The, straggles of the girl 'thus left unaidedin: her: efforts to. keen , afloat were noticed, by Misa, Vennard, "who 'raised '. the •alarm. Kenneth, .son:.af, ltev,1 Dr. McDougall, wasat: the Vile in ,.the ftnily cottage ,c n: the;beach directly, •opposite .thee snot•, • and ,succeeded •in swimming, out• hitilne,.,to rescue'the ;girl. Th body.' of' v'oung &Xarti•n which had :been car' 061 s title distance by. the- undertow, .Was located by„ Jack ` Shoemaker of Fa• sley' and brought to' the surface, afterhe..had,di,ved down and slipped •a` rope around the foot., of •the: drown- -crb. «'as "uoL yip Year's .of-'ag'e, but was ' large .for his age, and; a strong swiininer. • He.*had. h,oweVei, .become afflicted. wt`th heart' 'trouble.'throt•gh-.an attack:of the flue. acid it' is-thouirht th'a`t "the weakness - of the .vital organ was the cause of his drowning • ,a OWN Ac 0011 , * .t_o C;;lizl)..°.•U•1V_-•.ij,..:Ut'►111�,,.,f.,hc lit"t,�t..t�y• ,*with Trigonometry .... • Dl 1a acuiuti gt.dt, beneath' -t . rake with hiy fa 1 teas aneI , c( bldl - lbef6 Fornmr,-•iron 'ci€ 4it� i cut ront • f: and, Mrs, !.1. hn Benner; ] 5th colt , ttic }t(c, svrtq Ulecciut#;:.---1p.tuf(s lye Carrick, : met 'With a sei',icitts. 1111-..r • _ he, wag. ,Vito .ti11(1 L. �'ii',. fryt.lef;er L°(n4Vey(.ir -•-_.._taeitazl t y� yowler to the ltotisc. I)r. ;talker was called and 'on .his 'arrival it `was furan] that foul` ribs on . the 'victim's left stile'Were broken. and had•piere- ed .his lung, as well as being' badly bruised about the body. So ser ort was his• condition .. that the antbut- anee' •wag ordered and 1.''einier. tak- en to the •Bruee County' Ilospital where he.is stated .to be slowly itis- proving. • ' . '. -accident :when: tt.: team Pr ---',1)().1s" ai o tri t(]t to t to crt its driving became: frightened at the breaking of a portion of the. harness, and ran away. ' Fenner, fell between `the Tioraes and the ralcei ..and was dragged• over the field .until the int- , *men% struck the fence and be- came detached• from the' maddeti'ed team Nothing Wettliflown 0? the of accident until . Mr. Rap Krueger the Itrueger & Lettner' meat market who- called.'ot the Fenner £oral ,to purchase a .calf;: noticed ' the team standing• at the barn' in an eitci.teed tate and on'notifying Mrs; Fennerhey' ;date, to .ha iel4 axed #'aurid the ptIto tto' m> c• 4106 la a $enni Ufa. *.Tf'ydu eau to go 'to heaven: on the tostiniolty, o your drQ5ntalcc; ', could Yo' d'o COURSE FOR IST CLASS • Tlt'e.. attention ..of .tlte• holders . of •\fiddle ,School. Normal, Entrance ter- titleates anis • thea ,,parents, is .called • tor: the new'eburse --foi ° a first-class certificate ;hick can .be . aecluir.ed in y can and not is . }t((ar tofol•c requiring two. '•zoti:rs The subjects _to, be en ai'& I.11 '•liyil (literature...and com-., 1, ( ...alt cl I ,position)'; Modern European history, Ai';gebra,°t;erintetrr, ny Irwo of'::(iiot.- •tits and Zoology). (d) ,I'hyTics .and ;tittar f t `= either `o 1,Itege:-two. 'lioFe i�lai> �:it (�tiito i"1�3s ceiiiifictrte tjll.take tlte lea,hea._tra'iriiu _'QUr s'e,at'ri' Normal St;hool (London for this district) and w'ili receive qualifi- cations enablin r' them to teach' in ther Public schools. or' .continuation and high scliools.` '13y 'this ' itiearfs• they have. the opportunity of secur- ing' positions commanding consider: i r salaries tlian second c a ably h ghe .< a s l ss. Normal certificates are able to at- tarn; . " DO'G"BITES LITTLE` GIRL ` F'i otn The';'Mildniay Gazette) - - , ,I •},the 4 year old daughter :of i1lt and Mrs: Chas.':Schmidt of the 14th .c. nee;4 i-o:t1r.aiiet. With :a very ,pi bifuL*, clangorous. experience • on_'_ Ionday When a' dog belonging to a •neiirhbor; i1 ' S't'ilt. Pe sc1 acher,,-atta(+lred' he,, i• i I ery • badly,: •Mr•. -Ar'i?Yn Pe-rsebacher's -Ii•ttle son,. -was, singing in the yard,_; and the .do canto' .along, got, in : the , wary' of the' swing 1`The,°anilnal 'was .given quite. a .bump,.ewhielf._so' :angered it that,it :tuned, savagely on ''Iva,,.'. ,standing. cruse by; :and';fastened_ its teeth in hor .leg-°-alio e •-tlte -lase- Ali =•fa 4 1y� did the anilttsl:.laold''its hold on tile,: child •that the, united aid, ,of - three persons Were required to 'force it to Teat go," The li tie g}i1';s flesh 'wrs ,'t'erribly lacerated :and r.torn, and she • suffered ,badly also from'shock arzd fright Mt Perse'basher 'ith `medlatcly ,sent for • Dr. Carpenter,•. -who "dressed the wounds--Land--took: evo7T-' c nt nn--ta.-'-pretreat- Don p'1i :`eatiofis from' setting in.: The dog was :locked, up, and will be carefully, watched• for any .symptoms of rabies, and;.: in the meant:inerthe• patient `'is. doing `as' well as can be .expected, • • S]LIEEP Ohl whata wonderful word that is l Can you do it ? That iso drop off into a goorl sound refreshing -sleep? .If yoix are unable -to, there/ is something wrong with your nervi ons `system. It, is: a danger signal.:' Nervous.' prostration, . melancholia, nervous dyspepsia are only a few of the serious maladies 'that are liable to develop, ' • DR. ,MILES' NERVINL—$I,20 will soothe- the irritated and, over- strained nerves. Just one or two doses helps. Nature tq restore them to their ,normal functions. Guaran- teed: $af aped. Sure. SOL' D' IN L CIi.Now BY A. E. McKIM LUCKNQW Where there iia tendency tot 1 onetipation1 you will find DR. flLrts LIVER PILLSefectfVb in „ keeping the bowels open, z. It's Fun to Re -finish Your Home.— When You Use • the Right. Varnish D'O.you know that a good floor varnish is not necessarily a,gaodfurniture varnish That is one of the things we•have learned in • our 'long experience in selling varnishes.. Otir''. knowledge is at your; disposal, so be sure'to,tell us what you are going to re -finish and we will give you the right varnish at the right price. i • R•ae . & Porteous. L ow • '747' �.,� /Ili% ' ii/i.i%L./�/ // ,./. ,,•iii //; r , / / .�,, /tea . is �- - i/ / i • / ��':i.. s j' .i •+41 r p j" i %j Fresh 'car. Portland Cement Nut -Stove an 1gg Goal on :hanb,, • LucknoW L O.L:, .No. .128., meet in, their lodge. ;room _every.. second ;Tues-- -: day of .the month 'at' 8 : o'clock pan. W.11'I.,Jess. Irwin; Rec. Secy:, Wm. - bcQuflliii ' A.F.-& A.M., • G.R.C. Ofd Light,,Lodge: • zheets every, Thursday, night on or', before^'the Tiil1 moon, iri tYie 'Muhl onic 1•:Yal1, Havelock St., Lueknow. N-. 'G. -Mackenzie Sr'9V.;' F:- S. Reid;' J.W.;' J McQuai•g,• .Sec, WY-A-"Vilson. • Spend as much' time 'in .'Couflting your ,Ittoreioo as : yolt'' do you,; mono and'you will. soo4.1bo riche y.- Fever _. SUMMER coo* 'ASTHMA, -spoil .i;Yi'ic` iri'• ho1iditiy, rr Positive stops these troubles 1 'Slneczinweox idg,-coUgh>i►g, Weeping -eyes- aren't neCessa - - • _unlass you .like •being that way:, •_:, $1.00', at your druggists, or write Temple'tens, Toronto, for a' trial. - SOLD BY A. E 'Ihi ra CKNOW 1.0.O.F.. Lucknow Lode 'meets every I''iiday evening at 8'.o'elock,in•tliieir Catbell-street-14• t cordially invited. 'Officers:, Noble Grand, Relit. Johnston; Vice 'Grand, �Areh..•Barbour1 Rec. Sec., E. Aitchi- son; Firs. Se% ., Dr. iaterson; Tress Oct; Alex • ROOL- `' C.'DR1NWALTE`R I Amemmueseemssime CREAM . WANTED. FORT AM E R CALL ANY DAY AND. -GET ,A `': AT T. SMITH'S STORE: ; We "test Wedtte$day and` Satur ; ---•-day;=I?:111-,-Get-your•:cai'any- Will also buy• limited quantity -'_- of good cedar logs. IiATRONAGE..: mat - ANDREW• =-='. 25-h1=tf, , AND 1 'SYSTEM. • '1LlRNACES SUPPLIED AND �. ..._- r r ...'T'HE I7 nf-'iltAcK li , iii1' 'i' 1? INSTALLED --PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC WIRING. AGENTS ,FOR THE HECLA Who- liesitatef— Is Lost Don't hesitate. Start to -day. Bring, your Cre.$m,,, Eggs and •poultry to • Siiv *O.Ods; • Ltd., ' ' And mak mone,Yo SILVERWOOt'S FOR SERVICE fit 4 X 'CUI$O11a nivai ext. rm '•-Between-- •. MONTREAL --•TORONTO DHi'EtSIT lout • ICAGO--•:.. ..• sure to his; agents in forei count ries let; collected $8,000;000,, oitstand-• JOHN SUTHERLAND, & SONS, 'Ltd. Guelph, Ont., Insurance, Fixe and Marine. I The, only • hopeless failure it1 the'. person who has oeastd to iairl+ Vq gor• •51c9e1/N1 .. ,.. s C 1 • ., t• .... ....:.:..:. x.,1;21,......, er • Unexcelled Dining Car Servide. ,leeping ears on Night Trains and ' Parlor•Cara on prhjciva1-Day' Trains. Full tafiirmation from any .Grand Trunk Ttakst' Agent or C. E. $ora -4 mg, District Passenger. Agent, Tor- onto. V. 'F. Phillips, Agent, Luclarow.. The quickest way for fi pian to find ortt what others think of him is t tug tcr oirioi • J 1