HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-09-01, Page 1•
$2:00 EER YEAR 1!hT ADVANCE WO O'11•MB WIf ..
W, E. Treleaven
MONY TO LOAN on mortgages
and notes at reasonable rates.
Fire . Insurance, . both stock and
Mutual Companies. Conveyancing
• done with neatness and despatch.
Geo. A. Siddall; Broker. Lucknow.
D1:t. PARKER, .OTTF'OPATH, at the
• ' Cain" House, Lucknow; every ,Wed-
nesday afternoon: All chronic' dis-
eases successfully treated. . Osteo-
pathy removes tae 'physical, causes
of disease. Adjustments ' of the
sine is mere quickly' secured and
• •.wp`nth fewer ' treatments by Osteo-
pathy than by any other , method.
Car• of •Gun's' Fertilizer has arriv-
ed. Get your supply any time, G. S.
Wanted -=A girl' for 'light ,;house
.work. Apply at G. Drinkwalters,.Offi-
Toronto prices paid for all kinds of
3 -6 -if A. Qrospnpf, Lucknow:
...Ask_about'our Participating Paid Up
Policy.. ,
W. T BOOTH, Windham. Agent.
"In l aacknoue-every-Wednesday-all-day
-. =W J...•=Keleher,.. _ Ripley.,.. `" Phone 634
night' - or day=tf.
• • FOR .SALE -Stove wood,, short or
nv4tit . ehvered:. Apply
at Joynt'.s office, Lucknow.
• FOR SALE -Frame; dwelling.. on
Havelock St:, Lucknow; six rooms,,
in ggood;,leprair,-large •garden. Apply
-to W. G. McMillan. • • . 9-5-tf
FOR RENT -Two, dwellings in
Beaver Block, Campbell St; • Bath
rooms and ,electric -lighting.. Every -
very• thing ,.in , good shape. ' Recentlyoc-.
1` , W..Smith .�=cuP1e'd by Alex Koss ,and. .. :
- -•Apply-at--Joynt'.s• office,.. Luelcnslw,.v.'
Wanted=A U., F. 0' shipper . to
handle , live stock at' Lucknow,' by' the
pound,: head or on Commission State
'tterms. s' . in writinV .on...or; bef�are"Ses
'lith; at $ p:ii»: when.: a .meetingwill
• be held in. Courries Corner Club to
let the- contract-Jno 'Parrish'. Secy.
Tenders Will he received%y ttie'- uffd''
ersigned . for Refreshment, booth pri-
'•:' vilege on the Fair grounds at , the
"rciknpiv" B irbeitel . .
'day September 30th 1921, . .-.
• All tenders to.be received not lat.
Me•r•.,than T.uesday..Se. piesb. e}' 20th.
The lowest ,,or any tender` not nee'
ly :accepted. •.W -
g_g_c Joseph' 'Agnew
FI ,
The %committee -of:.the ' Fire "•Com:
n : �in.-charge oL the baseball, tburn
• .�aY
ament on Labo Day are : looking
' da in. Caledo-
.� _,.�forward to:.a Epj _ _.__,.._1.3'_--....F,,..
.is rogress�-
Hien Park. Everything P
in s lenrd` dly and .=rine . progxarn fV 111::
.g p.
•.:;.,.. he'.carried. opt as announced on -the
from hail
., ::. _ . .•. . The four.,teama,
postersa h ,
erich, V(Tingham, Teeswater, Lticknow
Lochalsh should give an exhibition
of baseball to satisfy the keenest
fans Don't forget the first game
between. Teeswater. and Lucknow-
Lochalsh at 10 o'clock
The Concert 'in the" evening will be
given by the Boil Wilson company of
Toronto. A great company of fun.
;makers. Those Who still desire ,en
teertain'ment after .the • toutnanlant
�, land the contort will bav1" tip OPPer+t
ntt7 ata 4s lr * tfr 61110111161i.. .
O 0 0 0 0'. 0.a :u.ro. •.o,
• LOCAL AND GENERAL ita^ . ' Robert Struthers o '
a0 a 0' o o: w e, o 4 .e a 1 The death of • Mr. Robert Struthers
- d young, farmer of -the r
Bounda y►
•west of Lucknow which occurred. on
Keep Lucknow .in mind for Leber
Day. •
pronto Exhibition is in full swing
this week.
'Miss Gwendolin MacLeodhas ret.
turned to New York. ,
The town of -Goderich tax. rate''has
been strt ek at, 441 milts on the ,dol -
Mr 'D.A, Maekenzie -.of Windsor
is: paying his 'annual `,visit to, • Luck -
now .friends.., .4'
Mis. Catherine Murray of Ripley
spent last week visiting Mrs. Char-
les Stewart. •
Lionel 11. Clark,, Iietitenant 'gov-
ernor of Ontario died 'et, Toronto on
Monday afternoon, '
Man Wanted --To learn the. drug
business. Preferably with matricul-
ation and.• about 18 years Of' age
Apply "to A. E. ' McKim. • as.'
Mr. Robert Brown is ` combining'
• pleasure, with business on .a trip to
Toronto, Hamilton and Simcoe. '
Mr. and Mrs. Geo.T. Broks and,
children and •Mr. and,Mrs.
Wm T. Roulston were. on • a .otor,
trip' last week to Woodstock; Brant
ford and Hamilton,. t.
Mrs. Kirby • of Buffalo, the eldest
daughter ofthe late Mr. Jas Martin,
Kinloss,; has been visiting her old
friends. and acquaintances in and ar-
ound. Lucknow.
Mr. Russ .Middleton and family
spent the week -end at 'Forest, motor-
ing there on Saturday aftrnoon, and
•returping. on Monday forenoon..
Rey. R: Fulton Irwin preached in
London last Sunday and ,will MOM
a ' cominitte on conference.•. work be-
fore returning.;
• Mr.' and Mrs. Harold . R. Cantelon
of Toronto were 'the, guests:ov he
week end,, f Mr.. arid_ -Mrs:
Cantelon.• . . • . ••'. .. "
Mrs. poster and Children who spelt
the past two :months re:4h ,Mr, and.
•.Mrs.. Alex McCarrol have returned
to, their 'home .in Pennsylvania. •
Mr, and Mrs:• K. 0. Hardie,of .List:-
wel-theirson-Jack-and Mr: -3•-eslie-
Douglas- of Wroietterr motored -Over
and spent al few' days . of the •'past
week -with Mr. --and Mrs. R. T. Phillips.
M Will Bar
and chnldren • ._-- t
wee 'fortheir.home-in. '
k Ctranbrook,=B.,C:
Mise Lorna Campbell accompanied them -
-part ofthe-way; ancHs••epending-her-va -
catIen wish friends in Toronto. and
Anr automobile ai ident •resulting
in. the 'injury .of _its five --occupants'_
occurred on the hill just west of land
-derson's flak--mill-last-Saturday- ev-,
Mr. D.' G.'•MacKenzie;• of town • was'
returning from Goderich .haying `with
him: in the car four friends from
near Glans '_tMr..,Arcbi"bald Ross,
Mrs. Gilchrist, of Detroit and her two
sisters, Misses . Mac-Leod, nEiees ,of G
Mr.. Ross. Striking ,some : loose gra-
veli' wheir about half way-: down -the
-hip ly-•Mr.•-:MacKenzie -Jost. control1 ..of..
the .car, a Ford, and' a sudden appli-
cation bfthe breaks ora quick turn
of • the wheel caused the ear'to skid;"
take to the ditch and upset., ie sop
was up ,and side -cur tins on, and the
occupants were thrown with consider-
able force to the ground. Mr. ` Alex
McCarrol, his wife and : Mrs. Foster
and others who arrived:later;'got the
occupants- out of •,.the ' wreck. ;•
Gilchrist was unconscious ,.and -app -,-
eared to' _ -be seriously :injured,, Mr.
'Rods, •and "`Mr.' Mackenzie. - were
.both,., very::' badly..bruised, az<d_ t ge.,
Messes. MacLeod 'were bruised and
ahakeen up. Mr` Mackenzie was tali
en"to the home''of his' biotite-lc "ani
the others were oaken to Mr. Mac-
•C,arearr were 'they -got .'medical---atY
-tention-and-Wire-well:taken` care:.oL:sster Mrs_..:Frasel'liT.
Nova Scotia.
The'• fu.. ernl'. which •.wa , very, larges
•ely attended was on August 13th, to
Kintail Cemetery: •' Rev: J. S. Hard-.
ie, of, Ashfield churchconducted the
service' Poll bearers were: Wm John-
ston, F. D: MacLennan, Chas.' Stew'
art, Rod McKenzie, Robert Drain-.
en Kenneth MacIvor. -
Monday did not come as a surpri•,e
as he had been .in a decline ,for the
pastyear,, and of late his recovery
was not expected. • • '
Mr. Struthers was' 3v years of age,
was nnarried';,and beside : a widow
leaves three children.` .Mr.- 6trutthers,
was a'_quit, industrions man: desexv
edly esteemed by all who knew .him.
His mother "sister, widow- and broth-
ers; `have.- the , pathy of a •large
circle of friends
Mrs. Jamey D.fannwn:,
Mrs. James Drannen an old and
esteemed resident of Ashfield pass=
ed away on Monday of this week at
the home of her son-in-law, John
Little, of the • 9th Concession, where
she had " of late. been making }ler.
home. Mrs: • Drannen was in 'her
79th .year. Before her marriage she
Was Miss, Sara Ellen Guthrie. The.
remains were laid to rest in Kintail
Cemetery on Wednesday, afternoon,
• Mrh.. Isaac Cradtson •
Very sudden and quite unexpected
was• the death of Mrs. ,Issaac Gran-
stun, of • the nth 'Con. Ashfield which
occurred early Mond;iy morning of
this, week: • •Mrs. Cranston had. not
• been feeling' well since Wednesday of
last week, but was about everyday,.
Dr., Case of Dungannon was called on.
Sunday but her condition was not
thought at all serious: She was no
worse than usual . on retiring Sunday
• night, but when ' Mr. Cranston ` woke
up 'about 2 o'ce ock M"uuday in�.rn-
ing : he ..found th she had . passed
away. ..She': leaves four young-chrld-
ren without -a ;mothers care, and. Mr.
Cranston has ' indeed suffered, an ir-
reparable loss.' The. funeral was on
Wednesday afternoon to, Dungannon.
Mr. John Keith
Therepassed , away at 'his' home . in
Teeswater on Monday evening , Mr.
John Keith a •• - retired' farmer' ` and
life-I6lig resident of Culross.
_._..He_.:.was_,_ a_,__•great sufferer from
•-rhermatism fora the -. pasts twelves
years, and 'daring the greater part- of -
that time' was able - to ` movie -about'
oltly.,,,with .the _greatest difficulty.
Tiirougheu hie long "dissbility-he was
tenderly- ..cared :,for,by.- his. faithful...
wife; • but in spite.. of all. care, he
gredusilly -lost strength and.:through.
out the summer was confined to his
room.. He was 65 years of age. Be-,
sides a widow he leaves a grown-up.,
family of two. sons and three daugh-
Keith was the eldest son'. of the
late Malcolm Keith •a pioneer'.resident
of the., 5th concession of Culross. Be-.
fore....totrrmg.:.. to Teeswater a feew
years ago. Mr. Keith operated a farm
...adjoining the old 'homestead. -Ile was
of a sociable disposition and his i r.
• Mr.' and Mrs. Jno. Gillespie spent
a Ow days. with 'Seaforth friends.
Rev. and Mrs. John Henderson and
family left.on Saturday for their new
home in London.• `
Mr. and Mrs. Mac..R. oss:,Miss Bina
and Mr..,Will henry motored.to Bay-'
fiield t9 spend the week=end' with f rie
nes there. ' , . • •
Miss Bannerman of „pilots is Vis-
iting with her sister Mrs, David Ken-
nedy. • '
Miss Marion Pateinore of : Wing-
ham spent Sunday with Mr..and•Mrs:
Herbert Laidlaw.• •
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hannah and Miss
Margaret Jackson of Toronto and Mr..
Jatines Jackson of Auburn visited
with their Aunt Miss Laidlaw..
Miss Edythe Peddle has been en-
gaged to teach at Murray's •school.
Miss Bella Scott of Teeswater • is
visiting' a ` the home of ber cousin
Mr. K. Patterson:. .
Mrs. A L. Hamilton :and daughter
Sarah visited with 'their Aunt Mrs:'
Eli Jacquess on their Way home to
,Windsor from Bruce Beach.
Misses Fanny Lillie 'anti Helen
P•aterson,Visited"a day with ,Mr, and
Mrs. WalteSe.. at .Brussels,"
• Mrs. Dan. McIntosr and Mrs.Days;
Gillies are visiting friends in Toronto
Mrs.' Dan" O'eeaiahan is visiting her',
daughter Mrs: Jamieson in Toronto.
„Mrs. Walkam of Sault StgA Marie
spent a day with Mr: and Mrs. 'Cot-'
rto •
• •Mr:. Kirk Lyon and Miss Margaret
Lyon of Lonesboro°`.sPent the week-
end with their cousins Mr, ,and Mrs.
J. D. Beeeroft.
o -o -o-=
ver) body' Enjoy
a fine cup of `lea. .
Inr hely Superior to
tl,►e best of :japans.
is truly delicious at all
.times. ° 50 years';re-
putation Tor` fine' teas.
Dr. McGregor of Chicago called on
friends here on Monday. '
• Mr. • Shorts of • Brookland, Mrs.
Reid. of Goderich and` Mrs. Andrew
of Lucknow,'were recentovisitors with
with their cousin Mr. W. McQuillin
lean: ' ' .• •
Mr.s Wallace Miller. and/ Children
are holidaying at Goderich.'
Mr. and Mrs: if. Ja 'Woods Alvin
and Miss Vera Motored .to Fergus on
Saturday to visit their daughter Mrs.
Arnold Barbour. .
Miss Eva Woods of Mitchel spent a
a few days with her -friend Miss May
Mr.'' and Mrs. Will Rutherford re-
turned . from their wedding trip,. on
Friday. -'
Mr. and" Mrs ';Geo. 'McRoberts 'Mr.
Well McQuillian, Miss. Mary .and.
Beatrice left Saturday.. .on a,. Motor
trip to' • Grand valley, ..Orangeville
and Tgronto.
Mrs. W. McDonald , and daughter
are spending'a week 'at Hamilton.
Mr. ' Levis has bought theproper-:
ty -of Mrs. Buchanan and took poss-
essin on Friday. We; are pleased . to
have •Mr..' and Mrs, Levis" in our
neighborhood , T•
he Womens Institute held their
August meeting on Thursday :at the
home of Mrs.. Clark.
The Kinloss' ' School .Fair 'Will ' be
held here on ore Sept ' 9th. Come and
help the teachers and' . children to.
make it a success. '
Fide of our baseball :fans motored'
to-•^Teteswater last Monday to see the
,best-game-•sof: the; season.
David--Eadie-lies returned "to
his home - at Glenannan after :help-
ing 'his_brother with the harvest
.Mr. George; Burt.' who has'- been
el in Mr. John •• Purvis . with the,
p g �
harvest has'returned to his home_' in.
Miss: Helen Burt is :spending a few
days with friends in Toronto.
Mr.. Wes. McPherson is tri ki
onto Exhtbitnon.
Mrs: Dr. Gardiner'.has`•.returned to.
her . home in Lucknow after spend-
ing a, few weeks here. ' ` • rt •
kr.: and• Mrs. • Emma Ackert and
family motored to :Ether St: Mary
.and•, other parrs'dnnnethe week.:`
Family Theatre
Friday Sept. i,st
Thepicture you ''will
never forget
.Saturday Sept.. Znd.
o' TuesdayCOL,OR-ro
►�BLUE, 'Mh ,
in: •
ars oun-t 27r .
`Two- Interesting-gapersr-were- -read;
A • talk from' Mr; Neil Stuart. of Chi-
cago on their work was'a' enjoyed,
`ala_ti a 'c.,olo Mrss: oleira Clnrk
It was .decided that we have .e
,counter • a. the School fair •on Sept.
21. Proceeds` to• go •to'.•the neighbor-.ing schools. _ - .
•Miss --May .and: Miss Josie Canner
on are'.'leavinig :•on. Wednesday- .for.
Toronto -after�•-spending thlr holiday
at home.
A"`cou-pie sof items of last' -Week*
mixed and should:.read
Mrs:*John Matheson of `Detroit is
.visiting •. friends around 'iittail and
Lochalsh. ' . •
Miss 'Ma McIienzieryof-Tetroi.
- o•o-oma . :.
els of`f iers& wasas""wide-as.-his'••ae-_ ..,__ atito`sli `a nt..:a ttrnned-to:Detroit of r:.a t:.
1Vtasfer' . Haro�`ld`-'M' pe }`
• iivafz tisnoe:-- The•- funeral -' - to -•-Tees- few days with friends'in Ashfield;
water Cemetery will:, be held Thurs-
day afternoon. '
el; Sherdon of Prole, Kansas . spent
"_:' exander MacGregor. -
the week visiting their cousins and
Uncle Roger Corrigan...
Thursday . August _,_11th .1921 Messrs Ferris . , and $ :. McQuaig .'. of
.saw_ the passing away ,'of , one of the -redecorating the: school
Lucknow. are g
few ,remaining pioneers of . Ashfield;
which will greatly . iimprove its app -
•.Miss Agnes • Taylet and .Mise. Has -
with friends stere , -�
Mr, and Mrs. E.: Watson and fam'
ily ' of Chicago are s isitinu 'With
friends in- Paramount.
Miss•.Marguerite McLennan of 'Dor
onto,' is spending her vacation with
her `mother-..: at,:Lanrier
a, -few d_ay_s• with friends at Cinnron
• a�
- .
Miss Annie ' McDonald of :Para-
mount is. visiting with her.. Grand
-.parents Mr: --and .Mrs: -=J .Iohnston'
ll:.enilocl;. Ci--��ty..•••,
Mr JackMclvor :o`i Detroit
spending�a compile O weeksthe_guest__ ¢„
of h4 brother, Keni th, near Kinitail:-
: Mr. and Mrs. Tom `Glazier- of Tor
onto are' visiting- his - sister Mrs:
Mrs. Margaret MacLennan . Who :.
has been in Toronto ,the past few
years- is -spending: her -vacation at her _.:
old.hortie at=Laurier
r: and Mrs: Tom Gilmore, of _
Chicago are visiting,: his mother and
brothers•'at_Lothian. + •
Mr:_Charlie„MacLean '.'and __ little
daughter, 'of Chicago' are visiting •
his_arents at Lothian..
Jessie Andrew-of-;l&ion is spending'
•CAD .
,;SI�EED• �
-.Citizens who Were on Qpeen • St.
on Saturda evening_and there were
many of them) says t ie: Knneardine
Reveiw, were forted to. take' to the
'stores..im.a..burry when .a.large Baby
'Grand _touring,: car centaiining three
young _men well-known in town, came '
rn the person o exon er ac. rg- -
ed the aod''old 'a a Velma Wilkie of Kincardine spent over the -brow 'of tlieThill' a£the;
Or, who had'rech g g
t • be 5Q. miles lin" bout tore along
of 83 years and 3month., Mr. Mac -
Nova Scotia Sixty-two years.ago he
came west to Ontario and. settled on.
lot 29, Lake - Range `where he •cpm
tinued to. reside until his death. Ile
was '-•a Presbyterian,• and,, while_
°The 'Township Hall is also looking , $ few days recently . with her friend,' hall, and at a rate estimaed; :by many`
ain-o. u,® to date Nein_ reshingleti lid
health permitted,, -•a= regular -attend-'
abt at Ashfield Presbyterian„ church,
He is survived by a widow and nine
sone:, Thdpie are Hector, ' League
City, Texas; Calvin, of Detroit: Alex
Murdock- --and---William, :=of--Halkirkr
Alberta,. ;•Dan,.- a1, LUckaow,•, Charles,
of Kitchener;. Roderick and Fred on
the old - homesteads A brother, Don-
ald gives' at Granum, Alta., and an-
other `Duncan;' 111 i'SpC 'Breton; --.A•
The women::..:were ; -able to" Jid
and :: Mr..•
home to- Glamis >-on Monday_
Ross tiofigh wQlnk- Yd1Ufl*eriiii ''a
great deal; was taken home on Tues-
day Mr. MacKenzie is "also well on
the way to recovery: . -
Mr. Ross had many friends .and
relations' in Ashfield, his early home.
having been near Kintail. He • mov-
ed to , near Glamis 26 years ago. He
and the ladies were being taken' on
a' trip, :by Mr. Mackenzie, to visit
friends at Goderich and 011 ilsd bun
bsvitur 'very plow* ilur unll
Alit WOW*: .01! "x 0.
i t
4 :;lx _.i4.4.14
The man Who ' spends six nights a
wiisk away front home,, blames hiss'
vhf s 11101011 Ills 4,n'$ lidos •iroN
.�w..'°..mow.:. ..
t, :. w . • w . IP_r• _
Messers Henderson and Fisher of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, West of Kintail •Queen St.. We tiiilirstand•''one cite-
Lucknow. - Spent a day -last weep.. -with their claimed. for a victim.
•,� _ nen was almost
p Chief Farrell -was' immediately :called .
• ;, . eau liter ', Mrs..Geo.::. Elliott:_of: Am=
*rte-a-r� g T • and -after a :chs"se `iia:, silo"tlier car
• landed the runaways on.the outskirts',; .
BELFAST .:.Miss• Thelma_, McIntyre.; eifnear pia- ' _
Kintaii • s visits with r., a ids• eat -of he town. Their names and
. ens°. number. werewtalten•-and a`•'charge...-.
Mr Robert Nelson is busy thresh- - Parkdale. • , !..said-• a ainst- rhes.•with Crown Attor-
is Mr .F' of Lochalsh n. g
mg the•:grann in this vicinity. D. _AicLennan Hey Divan at Wallcertoit
..-:isi ing made. a business trip to Gue:ph .lust ..,,, •
•. Mrs.: James• -Hackett: Sr..,is v t g _
• :week .
,..with, her sons ins Detroit:• . , . .... ...... . 4,... , .. ....... ,... «.".d.o.f • y.. wr_..
Miss Lily Alton returned to Luck= Miss Vena -`Stroud of Tiiertori--1 ' R`H1 = SCHOO _OPEr` "-"-
now after spending a week with 'her visiting'"facies• at Zion "-.°-'-':`•-'--.-.-
brothers ,. ..here, ,--•:". ;Miss --E: �ant
Spton-ls- visiti1tg-with -Th-e-opening .-date_ sof_. schools, ac-
1 .
large number fromthe tiurg at .her friend ` Qennie' Ketehabow, , Of cording.to the. official calendar is as
i ' ded -the-Decorattion Service -held sit P nwuiit..:. y.-..,.;.- - ,w,.w,--: folows., Continuation public and sep- ,,
•_-arat schools,• Open._ Thui:_i id= Sep.
• un niioli::..'Ccti"Cet�ry-_Sunday after- hI'rs� .lt.-Balmer_ of Port- Daver . . • p -
» .
ieniber 1; IiigH: Schools i'olYtg=:•
noon. • • » : :; • • is'•spending a few days With-•J.Barger a,•
leo'"TMeMillisit'of Liieknow;
is spending a few days in the burg. •
Messrs Deihl Archer and John.
McKee of Lucknow are painting.
Hackett's' Church.
• •Mrs. Topp, has returned to Toron-
to after visiting
, ting with her sister _Mrs.
A woman never felt sure that'her
hose"blind had loose habits until he
11114' hot r tighi, •-
of•Lothian.,-. . 1
iitte' Institues open ' e -ty eptem-
�... . Petr fithh ind Pro_ a-- ornta't
• • Mr: enc Mrs. • N. G.: Mckenzie of • ' •
September e
open Sp
Laurier • spent a 'day recently• with Schools;h. •
friends in Goderich.. ' • , •-o.o-e-- ;
Mrs. R. Hamilton of Lochalsh Was
visitingfriends in Paramount last • Engagement Rtni..,t.,teed . .
week. .
.• Y
• Mr. and •. :. B. Doggone..
Mr. •Jas. Barnby. of Lothian is ...e f... k .
. ha Orth u. e t!i ..engagement'
spending a' few days with,�nis son, Dr. of their 1at..gi:•:er. 1' ' lie to Mr. Ger-
A. •E. Barnby of Hamilton.: .. • don. E. W' stt.r, son. .if Mr and 14,04 `
Mr. Jack McDonald'. d Laurier 18. ..1..,g,
apendiiitgifi'epster Seaforth the' Ynar
n two' weeks with his daugh=' :'a$e to take' place . an September, ., .
ter Mme. »llwood Drannen a# London. • - ,•• '
• , i, , .. - + . 4*.
. •