HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-08-04, Page 8•
gust Clearing Sale
Full Swing
'Eyery, day is Barg* :DA
Bargains ains in Boots: ane' Shoes.
Big Reductions in en's Clothing.
Rugs, , Linoleums . and Op.dloths at ..
Money Saving` . Prices.
Come every day always' something new
.going on the. Sales tales .••
Remnants and odd pnds of all Kinds.
-Art: •Sateencs - 36ni, wide .at :49c a yard
• •� '12iQ�CG L�r:.Psrra ' He._ry
Marks, and Marked .•t). Second-at/cams
Honors' need '52s marks 'and. ore
marker (B). _
funngan. P.S. •
Mabel Brown, Mildred 1Vloore, John
McNabb, Alice Rogerson (B).'
Cyril Austin, Helen Dalton (B)
Lilian, Dalton, Ella Drennan (B),
Heins, Folex, Elizabeth O'Connor,
Clare O'ielly, Margerite, Sullivan,.
St. Helens P.S. • ° °
Josephine Gaunt, Madeline Hen-
nessey, Fred. McQuillin. Greta, Webb,
Vera Wood$.
, Westfied
Mary Bell, Geo, Howatt (B), Grace
Mason (B).;. •
N1 -Ione . Ashton' (B) Harvie.
Crawford; (A) Fred Dickson;(B).
Nb. 4 -Donald Finlayson (A), Sel-
ena :McDonald, John Robertson .(A)..
No. 6 -Mabel Killougll•
No. 9 --Grace Blake, Palmer Kil-
patrick (A).
No. 11 --Edna Eby - :(B), Bertha
Foster,; Erwin Foster (B), Hector
Tigert (A), --
No. 16 -Elsie Anderson (R) Ruby.
No. • 17. Margaret Black, Dela:
Dennis' (A). •
East Wawonosh,
No. 3 --David :Craig (A), Monica
Cronyh (B).
• No,. 7=Gilbert Beecraft, Gordon
Jaines. (A). • •
No. '8=Beatrice Leishman, Jessie
Menzies. •.. .
No. 13 -Annie Blair (B) Florence
Scott -(AF) Willie•JCelley. (B).
W. Wawonosh
No. 1 -Gus Devereax (B), Am-
brose Gibbons, Laureibo Kinahan. (A)
Eva King' (B) Mary Moir (A)..
No. 2 -Lula Bruce, Myrtle .Finnig-
an, Arthur Johnston.'
No: 3-l.uey, Thompson.
• No. 12. -Gertrude; Aitchison.; (B)..
No.24'-Lenora ,Falconer, Made-
line O'Callaghan (A). • ' '
• No. 15 -Olive Jefferson. '
No. 17- .Velma, ..Finnigan, Myrtle
Sproule- (B).
.. Highet.. total=''innifred Farrier
yd Etta McQuoid ?(by Goderich
Junior Entrance ' To High. Schools c- . k• c * ;.Bciar& S Lillian Rivers • (by Exeter
•or HincaivlimE--•eentre •-'-� '!"-
The following are the succ ul aimtort Jr r1"-rf
�da4c3t'lil--�.1,- �.'.. -
The following will begranted. dip
- . candidates.• The names of . homx,r xatkun d,., mAtAr •
candidates are arranged S.LIzzatacgt
their 3tandunf ;;at.'die •
pass candidates are axraed .:
•betioglty, "Markel . necessary fisc
pass6a for hoaoas iSc, Lam -
_. ..
stole '1050 :•. . .•
gnreariiie '
Honors toil"'Rarrs'i';'Sko l.v-Breelm,
Pass for Rural Schools -Avery
. Ben ell - ':Baird; Lo1a, ; Blown Evelyn,. ; - u . yr 33 tried 20:, passed, .12
_ 1 b fig .-._ __ - . � + .._..
Brown, Viola E., Campbell, Clara'` L, failed, J got honor, '63 plc.` success
Campbell; John, Collins Louse, Fuad- f.,i '
,*.pee„ PriLts•r •: z .;;
3rLss2g:i -5;115- esa5a s N •41-••
e? ii tt S ._rt M-zzie` •'i" 1+-
'EEzr-"=. r 33.Passed, flailed,.
fled-gcol hon -Ora, a p C_ sfi cessful:,
• Tessater, 48.,tr,ed,,, 33 pnssed,.15
failed, 3;got honors, r'Op.c successful.
lay 'Albert, Griffith Clifton, Humph- Kincardine ? # fuel. 52 passed,' 22
Evelyn,Hunter- Robert, -Percy. nares 7O :r: cuccess=
may, failed -14 t ho P
= Elmer •Russel, -John hewf Clara
,-S -fol.
Smith Mary_ d., Sutherland Wtlltam,
White .Jona:;
_.c -_ rr ;
"Walpole• ine
'Kincardine :T,own
Honors-Cobean Eola, Sparling •
Edna, -Riggin Margarets ::' Allan
s j Beullah, Hartwick Evelyn,'' Baker
-.' -...______,,.v -• •--Stuart.,... 'wers
• :Ilarence, :i5e�cm�th , � , .
on Isabela Rae. Harold
:. _Jessie, Anderson ,, .
" ioi insoii ,; Ira, • --Mooney,. IC-er neth.
Kearns Burton.=
Pass --Anderson 'Earnest, Ander-
"-son Reginald, .Bell Harold, Browning
Kathleen, C1arr7 Eric, Davey Itoy,
Grattan Isabel,' Griffith Jean, Hart
wick Alfred, bard' Evelyn, Kitchen
`Iiia, Luxton Helen; -McKay •-Verna,
-. Mullen:" -`Clarence; --Nelson ; WalIade-
-�Needham--Eelnia,:--Richard's__ Naim
'•Ross Norman Shell's Grace. Wittig
Honors -Line Jean,
Pass Alton . Elizabeth, Beaton.
7ohii`---�Ckeatnnt-Bessie -J.,; Carter --F.
�..• •
Bayfield 'I':.S -r- David • Dewar (A)
C?reliiiron P S Herbert Beavers laid against three. men' were.' heard
Nola Hoist, Ll'ovd ` Hoist •O3•). Gra by Magistrates Talton' and Riohardson'
'yells Lamport, Ruth, Lamport • (B) of_Walkerton. Robert Ocborne, Of 16
Vera Mawhinney (B).. Greenock;on whose preni�fses
Dashwood P S con. Green
Ferrol Hartlesb good' samples of:wheat mash: were
"- • 'Hoffman -1 erc 'Kleinstiver gond spi _ =,.laicals..... on;, the
IdaAbel eF Y •found -spilled freni b__
Ravefle �: _ ' edge. sof 'a• swale;__wasr assessed' $500
un annon .P S- Georgie Allen
D . g... acrd„t costs: W -.--.,t.,_ Wilson,of.'con._.
Caruaan Anderson (B) Harvey Er- 2, Greenock, was favored with a
rington; Margaret McNabb. • visit' from the officers at, the. same'
Hensall P.S.-Garfield Braoderick, ,,time. This was a return call, a pre-
'GraeeCh pnran�(;B), Hazel-Coxworth-Mous vis s,wasng' return.
ed'� nothing--
?Siarguerite Fisher, . 'Lillian .Rivers 'suspjcioua, A reconnoiture of ' the
(A) ' Gerald Warrener. woods, however; brought to light a
Kin sbrid 'e ..P S Willie ' Carney,` - _ ar-rels of blacksti'ap...
. g g . ,.w.._ ...cache .. of .four... b
Edwin Garvey_ hlin bes)des-a~ nimber- of=,;empty' barrels,”
Norman O,Loughlin• (A) Dui
raid by Inspector"White .of
erto'ti ' into' the -Township of,.Green
ock conducted a few -Weeks 'ago bore
considerable fruit when later charges
Phone No 10 is at 'dour WeService
S1ell for Cash -We Sell. Cheaper b3n'° 'Alit Coedit Stores •
Reduced proe eft ' Rot Poen:
lectical Appliances,. •
seg. Sale '
• 81b..Don estic Irons 8.Q0 6.00°
•Rmad•iant � •r lls •1'6.00 12,50
Toaster 10.0 8.50
- Iot•Plate 18.40.500 x
lex and 4O:Witt 45c each
60, watt . :50c eac` i .
-100 watt Nitrogen , 1.25 each
These prices are low - Our steep is
l ltnited . .
Reduced prices 'ort oil stoves.:
The Lticknow Hardware & Coal Co..
,.Kincardine - Ton, 39- candidates
::: Chool.
from the � Kincardine:-;.Publle S
„lied ', 13 got honors, one .oL whom
Eola Cobean 'is• in the running for
the Halliday 'Gold Medal. The•"pri
cia T Mr; Patterson, :recompmended`
X34 candidates .arid -33 were succ$5fu1:
Conditions. of,:--kmlenl•_''•
't nsuccessful eatttli . ates ugori Tet.
s Dal; and .this was considered to be more
tAx:: su 1 than.. any mere• --farmer--
• St.. -Helena 1'.S.-Whid nifre• Far
• should have; on. hand In court' Wil=
xier (A) Vera .Todd' Alvin•Woodss.(B). son` acknowledged the corn 'by • plead-
-. i -Dou Douglas'... was .im-.
Westfield P.S..-' g ling guilty and• a. fine of $500
Norman McDowell, Edward Rodger,. posed. A third .cane was that of':.
' Leila ..Stackhouse: ant'.of lig
Redmond, u
_, . ace . mol .... .... • : ,� . .. ,: • he o _..-- ..__.
Gr •. Julius Koch, now P •
Elwood Stackhouse (A) ld'ho$eT ax the'Devil'Slbow, North°
Winchelsea : F S -'Tennyson' ol?ris, Julius
,- .,..-,-• Bruce:.: J.ujrus is a vendor of "slit
'Forrest, Walter
5'' h fid (1 consult
• e advisability,a en,Ira
•'that if ' : Zurick PSGreta. (.B)
of enterjng an"appeal:: (2) n actin abet
they decide; to appeal ,sliould'.do so in 1:guriel • Howald, Lylya . M .. , M
cell Preeter(B). Veola 'Prang.
the first"instance to the' Entrance! • :. •. � , •
• _ •Shackleton.
. ...: �: r ]d--No..•9. Finle
Board net later than-�'nesday, Aug- Ash€ e , ' y
lust 23rd; (3) that rf tiYe E'rt slice
.Board,..rejets their, appeal; :they may
.make—.further—'—appeal ,,o toe Deputy,
'Minister,: so th'a`t. it •ma> he ,in•,11-",s-.:
ex E an• Turnball (E)
the flee will be ,$5.00. .(4) ; that the ($l.
Starl�r1. '� hk 4.5outh I.eti)seF.t r.
il"d l s aha appeai'to'the=Depart-„t:- r...,
Johns :: Barg
Here, Clifford.
-ceipt of the mar sou p 11 T Sherr
their .teacher about fill
drinks, n eiuding.,:a brant' of an e,
lion ' wine . which under analysis,
stood.. up to test , of 18 per • cent
proof .spirits.; The, law.. can't allow
this • strength of wet goods to: be'
On sale, so Julius was ' •compeled .to
nieet': a •tax"of"'$500 also,:•with court'
costs added ' Itwas a clear- cateh,:.oh-
the:':part of; the officers,.as -none••of
the' offenders offered ally -`:defence
.court. ThP results should• be a warn-
.to, th,�r..,meu: mho are tempted_
pis. , ...,..
to dabble ,fn the hoot&' .trade:
tshfeid •No16-Etta McQuoid--.(A)
f oihorneL. No: 1 -Willie S. Dodd.
' rr?xlench No. 4 --Elsie Snyder.,
Hay -g o,- ---.Edward Aldi -worth �(B).
1117 :� o. 1:> -Grace. Turnbull,' Mar-
a ttarl� No. �iFdell Grainger
appeal received . •af ter , August 30th. y
..can i s e ra
David" Douglas Marjorie; Everett'i . • u ' p.r IEt Gifford.ntran • 1St Agate Etue.
ment:against the result of their a gets 11 S. Entrance Cirrtificate.) •
e' Board hall not- �.
'Ruby M., Grant Evelyn, Henderson
r • y5atrgias, Hodginson•Grafts, $amii=:.
ton Gertrude, Johnston Cecil, John
stop Eva, Jobnaton. Beatrice, Ken-
nedy- Olive; Mon're -Irene, : MacDonald
Annie McGillivarli Lola; • Murdock'.
�, x.�k #_ ._,o�►e�1x_ Mackenzie Stuart, ..Robinson
Lena Bparling .Earnest A. .
i Teeawater
Aonors-Lar%e"Il-Helen, .: biireXines:.
Mary B., Maelnnes' Gordon:: '
' Pass••-Arrscott Hallie, Austin •Myr:
-:tie, Bannerman EelLLaura,-
Brown Dorothea, Brown Rhea, Cam
':p�eli.. Catherine, Carter Edgar, _ of
�;,..,_}inaoii;--Gertrude, Fisk _.Iinrii�Gio98.-
fellow• George, • • Green' Cedric E.,
Ruth, Hall Annie Hall
Jeans Hammond Kenneth,. Harkness
Mildred,. Hetherington.Lillian, Hugh-
' es Gladye, Hing Edwin, McBurney,
Andrew, McKenzie Allan, .McKinnon`
Euphernia, McPherson . Mary.,' Mun-.
(le11'%alvolm, Murray Wti lter, O'.Mal-
cker Mabel; Waechter
,� s �� • � l,e.yy�, T.P.;:'�
s Q e ;bets.
4.:Pv • •. • Ripley
Honors -.-)3e11 Margaret, McGregor
Gladys, Chapintut . Ferne, Farnell
Marr $6,; li[or'san Joseph; Campbell
Peart 3., * bhuon Wiatam, Mat:Ks
Fes' p fr XI1., P. 1d
peal'•to the Entrane 4 o
oa'rd- to:this -effOet--• at the.. d5tePhon No 6--G' rtrude Carey ,•
the. � ; . s _. • _.
Lahr me -'.o: -1t>=- lherta Douglas;
,same• t]me'that they :notify the' bels- Evelyn Whitlock' ($): .
uty, Minister. E.. lira..:r.riofih•' fol 11?. -Peter fcott
_ (B) •Ellwood Ni''col A.gne:1 Mason
.0, .
Y.-�'V'E$1';-• H.0 -ROOT _._,JU�II,U.R-,... P,�,_ .:._:
Total number of marks 1.100, to
pass , 660 with :i � least 40 per cent,
lin ,man--siibj a -: to::_obtain L C1as sin
honors' '$25,•'.an..a II Class • (1» hnnors:
.'i n+atks This highest rOa'k, ' h-•:
+d nc 1 •ere
Reading -Lillian • Rivers 45,." " :
Writing -Hazel 'Keating 4`2.
Literature-•Winnifred Farrier, El-
lwood Nicol 91. • ,
Composition -Mabel Preeter 82.
:. Grammer Etta 1v1cQuoid,, : Lillian
Rivera Lloyd Haist 100. -
History -••Louise Etue, Etta .11ic
Quoid 90. , • ,
''. C ography-•Winnifred Farrier”, 92.
Arithnietic-Georgie Allen, 100.
Art- Herbert Beavers, 90.
Science --Vera Mawhinney, • Ferrol.
Hartleib, Ida Ravelle, 84.
y Book-keeping--1,1111an Rivers, 87,
AggieuittlpirpArdeu, costlier . G$,
• W.` -4W awnnr
`Tile ftlit�win }ria ei1 '`�3r. 'Pnlilir,
School . Cradiiation and, Lower, Sebooi.
fdr Entrance tonNrmal School:".
_BayArl+lp—C1if€ord: C._ Clark.,''.
fllirrigatiiion' P;S:-Laverene B. Pent.'
land ..
• 1 a51i oti-:'P S" -'Evelyn- ';lifuward;
Lower -Shoot only' Alai Stein/ix:-
gen'. -
.Winchelsea E.S.•-Dori¢ McNugh
ton. , • r
St. Helens E.S. ':- Madeline 'Gaunt
Zurich* P.S.--Eul'oine Geiger, Hen-;
nie 1.. Weber Lower School only -
.Hilda Neusclrwanger acid Gordon 1.
Wanner, -
Goderich to Detroit and Return
o T :u•C. da ,•. _s&..
', . _ NLN:.G ....l.eaa!e ��tr tk h _.,_. _'
TUR � Y .�►�•$�.
lith, 2.330 p..m., • on :Ste. Owana
Last 'tt i to Detroit Friday, Aug. lath,. at'7.a.m.•
: on Str.' Gwana . •
'Don't'"miss. this midsummer_opportunit Visit beautiful Detroit.
9 ,deli' )itfu:, bide across .-Lake _Flurori. and down:,the. St.:__
g p
' Clair and Detroit Rivers .' ,,
h and Moon
li ht
grey � �
. Oat a �
.d .i :h
ni*st 8th -$. i 5 .m.
••f$r dancing -in the Urei1lonnd',13a11 Boum '
50c; ° :. Children Under 1�2, 25c.
• roll 6 -
Total number of Mark# obtainable
750. Marks necessary to pass 450,
with at least 40 per e4nr in esiels, Nub.
nets 1?iFf .,g4ui lionori tegi4rd 50!
•••The ildirray Gazette' is responsi
ble for the followings ,S•M
:Two., Carrick" young, men •tooka
iir�r„tor: trip last Week down the eoun-
try,.'and' near .'1'i.istow.el' they found.
n- good auto tire on the side of the
road. . Tiley 'sitiol ped °their .gear' -to`
pick pp the tire,;,but when they were
jut -getting -"their •has l .nn -i -the-tire
moved away from'; them: The boys
heard sounds of suppressed' :laught-
er on•tlie-other .bide:st f. the -fence, -and
realizingthat the' joke was'• on them
.,thews got into their car and continued
:their___.triil,_ leaving the tire there to
fool the next victims.
11. Last Call Last*
Call;Last •
st Call Last
Last Call
all Last
•' . st Call .
• 80,000,.FAitNi ,I.ABOitT itS .,_
' It is estimated that to harvest this
year's Crop in .Manitoba; Sasskatrhe-
wan and•.Alberta, it willroluire ti)'
proxionimat,el'y • 30,000 men.. The.
Canadian •Pacifiq 'Railway has ar-'
ranged and is advertising usual spee-
al, fare of "1615.00' to 'Winnipeg anrr
will run Special:'trains !Arm 'rr rotta,
August '$tar, t"f)th, IItri and • 2234.
See any Cana41, ti Pa4Uic agent, kr
full detail',
Cali. La
Last Call
Call Last
Last Call Las
Call .-Last Call
Last Call Last Cal
Call Last Cal :Las
, _ ,M.,�✓t.
- •