HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-08-04, Page 7• a
. • .
WSW, •-•41' .
• • .-aand elcesim. exporeee 1,4 freeing tteto.1
United Stat Tariff Tariff on lb
Valued at 'II 987 461 duty roltaced 5 '
*Agriultural Products. ' ' ."
, cents per gal. These are the principal °
History reecate ittelfe_ Priek tithe agricultural areiclee of exportation . •
civil war in the Urated Stelae tied(' from Canada te the United' States
between that country and Canada, feetut a .dty of 25 13 t. d
• ten-en-et:et-- under the treaty of 1854, was precti-ivelereta is 14180 plated on meat' pre= We all ,recall the old alleged ' Why should mothere and teacteed .
•-•-e4gle:J cally free. This. contiimed daring the pared or preserved, of 15 cents pee dent of the mother who told her ever fall. into the firuitlees ne t'
Ware m
e tie
Positive Versus Negative:, by Brown.
ga .1VO
, f per not to put beans iia lass nose tiering. way, when the good fruitis all on'the •
•.• t •
addeeste temmian)cetions to etinsaii•entlat. 73 Adelaide Ste West. TOronte n the United. States • haying reeeyered gallon olt* freshemilki of ,pas Cente to her "abseacee-*--how the Child receivedj positive' slide of the fence?
. When cern ,gatti Most, , age can raise. a flock of enekette, with
from the devastation caused, by that 30 cente Per bushel .on flak, or 23 to the -suggestion as•A new play, and havtI If we ore lira or eivorried, we cent
eat internecine struggle decided 6 cents per lb. on better, .of 20. to 23 the mether. upon Mk return,- found not insjene our cbildien. We out:
The results cif recent' eipeliments that protection was.iteceesary egainst per tent. advalorennan'eheesa and of that "the' worst had •happened" This Selves must fleet *seek inspiration and '
a reasonable investment 'in feed. ;tithe "17
Int* the effect of .4 varying, supply of knoll farm is not a geed..propositien
importations... The treaty Of -1854 was 10 to 30 Cents., Per bushel on aPples. illustrates the negative mother. • •the calm and poise inthich it bri '.
quently .eat euite a large .amoent-iif mg as,happened now. The demand dee t „with. . . . ; . ferent . method. • In leading het. •ftbild "If you Would itied your little one ‘ -
The positive mother eraploya a"dit- Froebel; sees: . ' • • . '
nutrients at different periods'
in . e •
th for turkey. raising as ehe birda•Will
range on the neighbors' land mid free abrogated •or called off: A sithilar Other articles of farm production are
growth of the corn plant are just re- at' h • • '1 ' ' • - '. • • •
Y 41 AM eelinders eont '
I grain. The farmer with a large acre- for foodstuffs the United States • 'over a muddy street, she says, "Let ' .. you
• ' , , ' ... ,' , i.• , . _ ,
ported: In this Work corn was growl) , ......--.0-e. ---
eoindsequent" upon. the ' • Oetleen. Of a -Home.. us stv eTi ell the, high places," and Bind Your own soulloali that 10 *high ' •
. • 'mg pure white aend. ' A. sta•ndard nu -lege will otten have a woodland. tied. U t. siae!ed
en ing of the wer war, and to offset • • •
elnver „field ' jus t rightefor the forag- aHome is her kingdona, love her dower, they both reachethe other , side dry- • • ' and Ube;
' -to meterit i 1
trieat solution was Made end Olen to I the result whet is called an ereergeriey nee a.eits no other wander power shod. ' • ' t, e • •Aod let. its light shine cleari•thfo_uil•
Some- people
1.0.„eei :Is iviibia,.,
aline at . near, „ .• ." • • soI1
roir „adtuineresr;tolithateroirhteearscenipi::d1, .
,-a vett ef• the plants. Another solueion 1 .iLag af julieeY8' • i• et,,,,, ;tariff tut een adopted. While the .
I h b ' ' To *make heme tWeett bring heatrei ; -
of one -twentieth the -strep,gth of the . Young turkeys need feeautg •atteet tariff is not an particular' • d*
. 'standard wangiven.to plants in other 't
our times' each day. until the are flee neneee Kt, tem
naturally_ effeet ,this To win a girdle and *lee a tear, • ' * • • -
• the littje ones ender her become myst tale of wee and continue fo•talk nelt4"; •
. ..
•Cylindere. ,The standard solution was • country the most as some figures
or .stic weeks old. After that they Will . -
And d h dutyd b d
o • tie. ay y ay . tified and discouraged. If le like eon- Oyes.. ' We tome away fagged Other*.
:811thCierit. to produce* norinal corn.: follow' the eurkey, bee. In bee 'foraging, ' ' ' • ' '
officially ' promulgateid at Ottawa / h ' ,
In .er own qu e place and
I t" -
way. . stantlen knocking down blocks before talleetbout the beautiful, seehig• good
... „ . Anything has been built ' : ill nboueus: We are then able to *Ivo
r Fleas, while the- weak solution was and Pick iip Much of Omit living fr.oen ab 'd" tl •Th • '
un an y prove. e artic4es most ;
'barely: etrong ;enough:. to. 'keep the ,
Aed round nee childish' heartn. age . fine ---OSitiie . ,ethicitor cOnstructs something ' - *
, • consteuctive to those wss
plants. 'alive and produced very little
war and for some tune after Then bushel on Indian corn o 2 cents
the woode * and meadows. -TnrkeYs directly 'affected and a,ffeeted 'te the
have ii•ravenous eppetite for:bugs and greatest .exterit, are; wheat; of Which
seeds and it is very expensive to raise
7 in 1920.11 we Oxpoited ;to the United
-them property unless they have the States 42,324;894 bushel's vatued at
advantages of a broad range. The feed ee4,442,298, and on which a duttr of
for the young turkeys can at first con- 35 cents per bushel has been edaetnII
sist of bread and milk squeezed nearly wheat flout, Of which we similarly ex:.
dry, Later rolled oats will be of bene- ported 1,187,750 bushels %valued at
, . •
' • twinede • . • A. bit of .honest preise for stenething meet, esPecially to the children, wha;
_growth. As round some revorent saint en- *ell dorm ltuilds up. within the heart .exill eurely grow through our rectteta
shrines', • ' •• of a little 'child love for the one Who tion and nurture of every little im&
some et the plants receiving the itand-
erd solution were changed to the low And following her the childish feet .
Are led to ideals true.and sweet: right, 'confidence in the good that he .them. '' •
probes, .diseernment and love of the pulse of geed, spriziging tip yrithi,n .
At the end of, thirty days. grewth
ration while others receiving the weak And find all purity and goog, , can do;_a and a great desir'e to do an If we look for good in our little
solution, Mere changed to the standard In hen divinest niotherhood. • -other good thing. Such moments of , ones we mill surely find it Yet wa
or •opthnum treatment At the -end $12,023,090, and on which a duty of . . recognition please even the grown- I must _leek 'searchingly with those.
At to'the.ybung birds, As they grow
of sixty daye the solutions *ere again to ' `• f• d t till -
rn can be e WO- or ee In‘ • placed; potatoee, exported • 4,204,684 An for tho liutishlue of her face. helped! The mother says, "My -child; tive things, are .far• too easy to see. ••
ups;- and how much meet are childrenlwiser eyes of Love, for alas! the pega-
. .
* - • older wheat screenings and ,cracked 20 ' per cent." ad vabtrent has been 'Phis sect old earth!s a brighter place;
Her very smile a blessing throws, was generous •to -day in sharing, .his So". let us •try for one day to em4
And hearts are happier ..whero ,alte. •titiya, viith his visiting: COUSii1,!' 'MI6 the, phasize the good in those about us, to
'child glows with joy at the words, 'recognize every .good. attempt in our
A gentle, clear-eyed messenger,• .. pozidering over them., Thus his char-. children;' however- sniall, and *we will
To whisper leve --thank G°d. for •lierl acter it 'being firmed and -on the side find ourselves on the true highway Of
. ....-----oe-e•--- • . . ' of good. • .peace.
-changed until all pessible combine- each day. When screenipgs can not bushels valued at $8,328,862, duty
, tions ,of growing periods and strength
.3. 'of !volution wee obtained.
' the ie* 'grains sueh as are used for the laing
be obtained, very good results are ;ob.. placed 25 cents per bushel, • cattle not
Mined from the coputereial scratch for breeding, exported 294;009 head,
The results of this experment 'sh
that plants having a gOcel supply Of hons, . - valued at. $21,232,551, dety placed 30
plant food (hiring the middle period are .streng • per cent a& valorem; meat, fresh or
- When turkeys and well frozen, exported . 430,142 cwt. valued
or from e time 'e • plants were
. . feathered they will spend Much. of .at $7,740 443 duty placed 2 cents per
thirty to sixty days old useally.made '
their time on the range and may wan-
, Ib, wool, exported 7;128,065 lbs. 1. -al -
the best growth, . Thie' period, -there- der far from . the house, They slionla ued'at $2,094,693 duty Placed 15 cents
• fore, leen:wed to bo the time at which.
plents need the. gre:itest elle- be encouraged to roost' near home as te.45 cents per lb. according to quid -
the torn
, ply of . plant food. . a -safeguard against thieees, If they it :.
. e v ,
alue• milk, prepared or condene-
• are given only, one meal .a day during ted exported 14,919,288 lbs. valued at. stage it is estimated that 20,0 , ;
00 000
Commence fitting your live stock
for the fall fairs at once.' •-• •
During the twenty-one Years • that
"Ben Hui" was being Produced on -the
. •
the summer season' it should be at $2 359 319 dut • placed 2 cents per people -saw the play..
Where the plants' had- plent • .
y of food
during' the fent snety dees they .would, night, at this' helps to cede them home • •
take up most -of •the injected netrients. - -
If the. et-drlia. roost in a • colony , . • . • . •
to roost " • --- • - • . • • .
"necessaty 'for their .development, eniy . , • • .
quirecl to .1)ring-them to hoete•••it should he open clear across. . . ;
Cover Crops or the Orch4
. smell add Monet- amounts be. tn g ie -7
%Vhere large aniounts plaht feed ,,, he front to insere a plentiful supply e.
of air. Eneugh• reests must. be pro- e ..• !..
• :nnee. present the nteiksn leaves andevideci 'to pr.etent overcrowdipg. If the•
weak eselutice but where eexcestive Is their inetincewill••soonnend • In Mos frint- towin dionicts• chase commercial ferttlizer to• re trice 'to, wearlier second -to -best one unti
••• end matter thee plants ; groWn in- the• .• Doris .starect .in• amazement at .the.
..,amounti at „nutrients were pretente
them to the trees.at night 'Ind then 'it the' is not enc. /gle berneard miner& the clover_ this •-green manure would the fairs teweler. should' fashion an- • - • • • .
, itoeele country , and at the dear little •
tiering' the tale*r• :stages Very.' difficult to •tea‘ch them to te, ' rn* eintradtte •-the .fe.rtility; limes exPense 'in- 'ether -go'ld. one for htr. •• - ,3
;queen who waS• brush ng eff her rose -
11 1
took up ;More Allan% was necettary fQr., roo.st in apy kind eif a le:luso:et-Seine some other method ninust ' be , usedei•curred in this speak Method; ntnleceit • "A.. most have flown Off. With it, petal .frocke . Doris was ate much
*earl were -richer •protelit anti min
roosting piece is not 'entiefactotty . to, • •• • '
C , .
meet sound asleep. in a rose but at
. -Dorjs's words she was jerked into a .
treetop and then rudely shakento the'.
. ' HOUR . ground.' , • : . ,
. .
e • ',Gen:acmes! shuddered 'her Mae
std." jesty, picking herself up. •
• . Once- eponta, time the •Quen 'of the "Slime one must. hate foued my --
T.:elides' lost her crown -}ler very, best ,
croien, Oh,.tlear; what "%till they wish .
g•nolletrraehlietnamil, With its row of .lovely
s • cl..dirmeontis. . " • ; neje, I wucinnddeerr, it'u' r iiS101reisdiliderin6olti cli:1;fee
1.1ong to w
. All the , little people hunted and • .
..tvas.rio,r1w.re ,_ i falling. headlong into Taireland, hey-
beeted, but the crown "-'• ing wished to tee the queennwhose
be found, and her majesty was ftreed crown 'the was Wearing.
• • • . • .
. • '
their develoPinent-end did • t
710 1.1sO
i, turkey breetlere builO a itoof on_peles Cpver erops add organic platter. toi ten pemids should be seededner, etre.. your IIigimess;' id h I
sa-e e"-° fair!'" -target than the houtet and elaces
and then eover the iides with fine- 'the Still, and if -the': 'Rio legumniteatt Clean •ctiltivation. •the•early
. entre pritne Minister. gioetaily, • , .•
• . • P •
autiful little forests 'that she •
•Plents stunted by. a , limited _feed
' 1- • i mesh nvire•. This keeps the rain pont
food, materials ecenotnically. , •
:supittynt the beginning, of the growth. the birds' but furnishes an abundance
period and then -given a I ni rd : O of fresh air. If such a house is, closed .
- a- ' a. .-'s 7" at night it Should be, opened .in .thq °eel:lard "up •to a 'high. standard of Pre -e can be. used ,with goe&•retsults more
., lutioneelerin_g. the • fast. sixty dant -pi-ea • - • t "Iltl• d duction"'•than any: othei one• inethod geneially-' than an other syetein of
• dueed shorter- •etallte,' • WW1 -fewer .111-eralug-hefemeestartmgt Q int or o ,
ther farm vtork ol the birds find thehe we can •use. . •••.• ' • • ' soil rim. Agement. • , .
. . • ' -
ui e• • ..
. . "Anil now Weesha11.11AVe 'no end ,of .
was afraid to move fot .fe•ar ertreade
crops, also. add eitregen. 'they do •note. of the ,season; follOwe by recto e p
altogether rtplece barnyard .ntanuree later, is the ,most „up-to-date rie&best •-r . • , , . ong on some of theni. 'She no longer
t Diable" Juit what he meant by :that • • •
but -11 de more 40Ward keel:Ong the Meted of handling orchard :toite, and will' be vety clear to ys ,ie!er ore 3
f felt cross.
'Whet a * lovely' ring!' Detres ex-'
I "Give me triy crown," said the little .
claireed.in delight, "and iVjnst fits my fairy gently: 'It it .en, ttou.r linger?' -
little finneetenteon! . Doris had . been For _the fleet tineDorie stared at he
.picicing anolett and there biddin dittve ring,•then ,elowlrelrawing it off- hartaz----":"'
ander the leavee had come upon. the, ee it to the queen: • ' :•• .,, ,
gold circlet With its Ni•holc eo*. of tiny i. "One turn to the right sends one up• ' •
neeee and white stones. a.,.. and one to the left sends _one -down.
"*Intiltt",•eend,evervendaintif the etearer is grant- -
"Thihkink-hoiv suenrited her
would be, she slipped it on her leger, ecl,"• eierairied.her majesty, laughing • --
*and gatnering, up; her 'violets . ran at the .little erre puzzled face: , t •
.• • • e • . Good-bve,. Doris; thank yeti. foe ,
,mulipas:ittl......i.rIstiltani•lond---fyisil.)11,1i, ileBgiungt i iid-ultuetckv,taoritmteu?tiu 3....e -t_ 1-"
Doris nes er _ . ,. senteme
, ..,
'Come thew it . tee' me " said her
. 'leaves 'and the time. Of maturity was :bett huntiea in the cooreiornipgthouts
• ..
. • •
deleyed tee to tweitty elaya.they: did,
• ,howeVer, come out. and. produce good when the insecteite 18 not se active as
later in the day.. • ' •t• • • •
• • Plants end •fair eters-regertilesitoLeneet eeleeeneye. nen' ateteasettele, the fannle
: -neeet-s.eae,ing n• low sn-• 1,;p'''itt._:of'71,0i''..ne•I:t.h.. at is trbubled.with ,grassheppers AS
!early. stupting. ' •."
- the enniunt bf theta'. insecfs whieh
. The theinteepace of. the re -eductive • t**Legumes• arid Non -Legumes. ...
pewee' et soils deeends in a large d;et. • -There areetwonnein tepee of cover
gree 'upon the upkeep of the yegetable,.erepe -that can 'be grown, the legumes
3.rinitter an*. the. ,soll.e. ',Humus: is _One .ot. eed eiteeionneeeitiestneteeetenetent arp,
'the last stage§ in the dederaposition
matter in.eanie .family, as the peas, vete-hes,
all those .plants 'it'd-iich belong • to the
th ' 'Ile 1 ' up in• a few weeks as fit. "1 and its benefits may be sem- • • •
of the vegetable and animal
; pertod.'prodeiced larger and. enereell- - b tins elover. • etc mid the. non -lege
txtents near :the- end :ef the. growing.
nee -throes. . rota systerne, them, OA \O1*very large. gaily Of the losses in
. ,, .tiopplied vi.0,.0,-trit.ifoco, notittlin--;eirv -turkey railing are- due ternitig,the
t :growth .wheee ehe ;supply .ed min-
i- •ositYs,birds on -: the - mine too,' early in ',life
tetyaittlew-tirentveiglit -of -tiootst.waseevithOut giving th.ent stiefttain tq slip-
Ie`teent the -feed -that' they What for
• med up about as follows: ; , t included in -this
" Effects lir -Good- Drainege.-- - • family. . &gullies are more" veluable•
• . -
•,:k.Welltdraine& nth in humus is than the Pen-legnines, because they -
also -rich, rutr,o.gen; qyidepeenshows are 'eeltahle lif gathering. hitt-agate
• • f the foerriation"; from theentlie-and-whineturnettettnder:
:Sletaig -the:entry to. 'the kitting inetm, • e • 'finished • the. •- ' ,•;;;',.
• • ! for the queen, ' setting the little -crown
plenty o • plant o was -available . mother-de--,'"Whertereareenotinartywavett • • . _ ._ . - • .
.e• , . no n t,,, :e„ on her own levitythendetersitedelaoris i :
*eight of toes' was •,twice th.at •of ..tne_
...•le a. temptation to cut it put of thei
. , t. grain -.t- --• -• - 1 of humus; etelds are produced Which', increase the nitrogen content of the . «win - ,
back in her. homvee and she was nevei
f, f .64:1 • t. • . the tthemselvese A hep is high there -• • P •
greeter than that of the tops. Where -. • . • . - • la 1
. ratite: -Arthe 'time -of traitairiene-ta--Pr-ke-X".A-4"-#141 at .least:until fatten -1. ._ e. .. . .1 ..
F° 'canabIe of dissolving' mineral' soil • • '
.plantroetntana IP. all Pre -Peel -4Y- -2'1----' - 4 z .3 _ _ one ..et. tho *1)est, of non- and touched her Mother's' hand. • • .•
Vial' ' -tli" I ' li 't is ' • ' ' • '.• •''. ' . • ' betide --yecua'7,,, ..;a5h9dT4-- Dorise!le.feaehinedri'pent able to find Fair land :And if
yOu should find 11"tittle ingd •th f ' •
weight of tbps tvas 'from three t."'"• ••to. mg time: Xining iiirliene frequenten
, le how they become available to the' legumes. It growe readily."dri- most --Betenteor Ilre---Blikel At' the- touCh• ' - ' • , T II. or-
* . sed -en tlines as triuch as the toots de- r.eceltre; no. attention tie; eoon as 'their . ii t ' • ' ' • 1 ' • - t • • • - • at 'Kart •15-e-ntineful luteretetrivishefor -' t -
. , plut ;• humus increases t e Op. soils, catches easily, .as barely apd of a hand the poor ladv 1°PPI.ed °,.rer fairy crowns are very inagic:
. pending tueinia_thelanionee ef aeaileble p seents to centeie enough • food aeit °flight seils by con-dfurnishes a lar e amount of' geeenstuff in a' faint:end •ie was .sorneetime be- .
l'd t' th ne• d let* • •th nel t ' g'
_ plane Too. _ _ theye have found on the. range.
;o a a mg - ere Ma_ tng- , o etory• under . ths .spring, besides: „fore Doris,. mild bring, her • to. The
A tee -en -e--- ent•teeteenuenteetni. AeregalangrMiih should- be prameted
increased the proportion Of nitrogen from the temenhey, are hatched.
ese porouse-It acts es n soil sponge; furnishing:tee' excellent mulch during More Doris tried" to • coniforte-hel-the___:__*" Pure Milk.Products. ,
1 Is.• the-wi '
• -t h
thrifty. condition, es en with the best so. "that "pi•oPri •eeration- ise ,se.c:ttretiti.1 .W,;2:lter Wheat deen.: Food ififeetlyninvistbie. Tme-ginel "**"., •sized. ek-ny-etepsetaken tn. nny •coun- - •
u d nteretntenthhe. ,a--...bn.beut.•tatety morte-sherehieer0... ; •-•_The_neeetsity fettepirrityea-mi-cleante-t-:.-e:--e
etavnb.. i!et e, d
ndisisediertian-dinatetOteisjittn7:found Ye1.5'7••tlif 1°Tal'etl:
ig alp° n s per acre oul e sown. No wonder." the little girl was. Pet:Illness in food cannot be oveteempka- ••
the toots over that *obtained tthere e •4°"7-1#414:!et•Utlr.liaelt-to • em eas ''•-'C'"•* a - •
tulneuit • , Tuekeys:. nee tee, hyrnios genera yencreases the o arm rye e unavailable sotvn at the sane • er lutist be dreaming. that .I hear, try ..to further this deeirajele tend- lereteet '
..._ itresene_______: n _ • ..e_e___.•_e_..-......_ , __ .fecCling. Met -11'3(1s. . Th tl k" • t -f d vs l'r t ' altheneh Inickwheat,ti.ts,,Itatoered.1?iolr:sit.utatkinge`. nniritnered.,.1tfre,..T31,eeke7itherefore of. meth importence to Cane - •
::_egrew , .. ain more , • f Van to raise la•rge. hi:miters of them
.one. • humus furnish, et food ntatterial Poor winter „protectien."'RaPe.is eery find the child!" PaStind no tt• ttention when action is taken in the country
th inli7 *. nhr. .1...N -di Ave-. .._ ....
coutaging to the -fatnier that endean ta-1.4tensed•
" Corn . plants that were •normel. in more meat an „. e ig er-co ore co erten:et) , eevy. land:- . y st :go downstairs and •tre to da edit. • Patticularly ne ,_this: the • cote. • '"
he nitrogen of the tops itath - , wi------------ Areprofitable• •
' th cent' • ed th' ' half
. Turkeye• as e Side Linen . stack and feedeenotighegleitti-tttegteet ninny -valuable fe,atures. of n.l'falla eta- *•-• ' • "IV•alatrafttlreetck----•• • tnrn te-batrighteeellefer. she 'Wee sure, xaarket. en entente.. ef feed .undett earen ._ t
• , . •,
The fanner who has tufficient•acree the birds a chenee to grow. - ° • - „en orchard' crop; Becapse 'of.'exper- ;Haary Vete is an exee lent legunit• ,tliat-lier' matite-------------------------------------- .cl• as Iiiirtifitiebattedth
• •
. .... ..„ , ,
plentiful. -supply - of , plant food we's
b t rral annonenethetsalle.---ea..• -goodesonnent thatiente.ef. 41LettalintIS tO Derinte Onversation,:' 'she. •ruehed totthe south of us. • • *
-e- - .. • • - in the heeds of the greeter who will
, . •
- • : • . teen: -,vrgorolistettineenstetteedereedtag: etemeete :a -titers. haire told us of.:Acre. ' • : • , down the steps, and noNiqt Was Der -lett, --teteere lies 'n-teeetezentereeeeneeteen _
. . ..... •
ienee and observation with 'this ceop, COVer."0.T0p, givee good re- Without -thinking; she.. twisted the .cOmi---ng he.knoasmfilled
. • .
.5: Keep them le a eoel, •dry late. I' Must ..lisagree with. these men," ancl seltS. 'It is etttreme•len barda, will. with- little •riDg ,,to ..tite, left and tbe. next
, ;Filled •ertille is a .mixture. of skinti• Milk •,.
- . .. -- tatheiethan Priictice:sgenerialf.spealc anti.its ebitity le 'gather nitrogen from 'even ;.beeat:hee .. :On: elle_ wnezzed* ;1
. eltdei _An inttettigation, ib . now . going on '
_ 1
- ••• believe that tonolten their reeonimen- stand hot . summer drought,' and is. a -nnnute had flewn eut of the ittudow and sonie vegetAbles oil, whieh tale§
awan from the flies: •
dation has been based upon. theory fest grower. Because of these features so fast thet she did not' have time to tnepleee of the pine better. fat..
6. Min:net thint at least twice, each
• • -
ee ring tire hatelp g nee- .quality graded basis. • . gone _eetven trope fat the:average er°P'• iTontre ehotednbeeseeded et 'where. :elaet•gottbadly tangled in the At) House • of
Represeetatives at
ean,teteifa ;has, pet ,proved to be ••the. air, it is,-perlilips, Abe' besi• -cover flew • nntil she ituMped• irate a.• tree,. befell) the Agri:cultUral Covinittee ot
The -rooster a Very nedeesare Pelt thg.. 'they: he bought :on a .
*n • • ••
soll .....etteenteeteneee9ote ge the lest setting , e :__ • et--__- • tend: orchardtst. ' Ae'lewent the ••ehint. tho•r41-te of fnele:tweineet-to-twenentfitteteletaachese .•.-..• •*•*- - •- ,**. ••••• • . • • • 'Wttehingtee' as:to tbe'atiyieafility of ..
" has been made his usefulpess ,isnendedi Acts Affecting Agricultiiii:-.-"TWO*Ire• as follttatt'e---Let-- , '-"Polmili'ner gore.: • - . : . ,, : t:What klo 7oll mean by tbalchig inf -setipteseing or regultaing fined milk!. ---**---
henee•-this-tette 7i17'.kreat, Aft -1Y 6Ciea.-r-, lay .m*7 A number Of et - has
.1 Crimson elated. seedia-tat .the rate
• RdOstmeent considerable feed during i the agrieultural industry were passed ttchenepleOted itlfalfa it.. y r_ ,..,, . 1 I mem! a goou., _ .... -- ,. , A ['Teat; -.blackbird
eA a tress eeicet • nail- been siirnincited. to give evidenee as Ccittt:-
" .ne it is time to bid him .good -be -e. I • 'Three iniportant Acts •relethig ..tO • .... Alfalfa fee. Coeer Croix. . . ..
ev.....7,11.e. net • of fifteen nourids. per •atere is else Very. teret"3,iniipp
. • the moonier ana do'hot add tti--therreg 'teetmette eeeeteeten-e---e-te •---"tte--------ne-• • ' ...A'' 14 .,1'7 g.11Q(1' An C °kill" •%.‘ I ' ' ' pi'"'" ' "f". "-4T'''''q' • . '
t sevsion 'Di tile' Donimion ClistatVeratataan - ter-c-Iltineweenete • 6---Att. the neitilts•of their investigateons and •
PeodUcelon, This putt then' .. in • the Parliamenn one is " to d signed'ont pro p
roved SUceessful on a' deep soil with -ere elirtfrizilrf-rifil-git47350•frrtilrikt'a"-"e'atel•lorlea ...11ead-tin-Jerateintinetnesearehetn, sheen:otter op preteintee
eve A lerne annanit of or.earee. little;giii pet up. her hand and 4..tin.y. foods,. The first witneti-Ciilred-adatt'-
.. game class the Cull liens and,they ; tect and maintain; Canada's • ce. oft-, an abundant supply Of nioistune chi& * under; it a geed crop. to branch -caught the ring• lied :turned it .Dr.: E...17. MC-olIam of johns Iroekine
'At least iiinety-pine per rat, of.the I,
I l'''aa'e "in 'dalie liteddiefa; It elteVidesting the..stionnee:eneattlenenTnateeetnee 'Matter 'tetturn
that on the recommendatiOn• of. the '*on 'Ilene soila' had led .narrine-• tot Siete'Vr13117-7-7"..: ' ---.......:. 7. tthe. the .eighte_ ', , •• ' ....„."•;,... ..'• eatteineestten 2 Baltlinore, a selentitt •
trogsfees-sho.uld-be,either _sold Or
ellt_trin•tenderai_eltihister Of Agriculture ee - 'alfalfa •on tho lig,hter soils where•-thcil:' July,and A.uttust are thencie-enerop t The next miiiitte- she Was „jtik"ed"vliese., eerie iS*Wel-a7kitivtdialinqiiided
should bo given ethe tante ttretitinent:
th uetially thenirg the . ground teem the tree- arel itarteti *Dr:. lteColluta teetifled that hia" .
• .3000..44......WP -breeding seasen hee iations shall ,be formulAted for the MoittilneLeepplynistnilreetlytedeAeient-ntene-se
tros:::1-tiewn-Ny#11: ineredibletineenle'Sbeirdneed eindles continced him fleet .dairy pro.
It yessed and all others shouldhe'caret gradind-4;-:. dairy •• preithiets- tinteridedt. Some - orchardS have transferred astnble-'r stnilne-g-.glriyirtiOgd phereyeetanettexpected.te sten With 'in deete.eu_PPIY. the onr:-) .P6fectWe.fikele. •
flatly penned away from the liensfor export for • the establishing Of into .hay" fields, the tilfelfa.. receiving
,of mere care and Ihought than the ore -*g.etneentete nee into an •exCellent teats
tion, thee conserving, ritoleturet and thump When she reaChed eheegroenClikely to be tiled in sufficient;
--Itealers are gled to , buy .discarded grading etoragese for the issue
Males,arenoftenepay a good. preminin *grading` Certifitates for •_the sPecial, ‘Urcl t Tod mach Of the ei-On, is
• . , for the seeclt.to, germiriatee Nnhere
ordertee_eee_theen-outufttlie,eallatetraarlangtoad.airy_p_nelee, Oces to be gr-idfrom the land: 0 •
• • • .
try. ed, f.5r the establis meo .0 s an r -,1-"Weelettet- remeMberethat-te•e- 11111a.t.:.treS are net 15ttling 11'16 hearing as
Butno .siree, riglit through she felt ties • In the -chet to promote norMal
untll tiot,hhig but fier.head.,was,abeye growth in children, optirnuth well-tecan •
the earth, and its no One tOuld see nag -in itclults and. ta prevent;theta&
• haunt- beeaute--ef -the ler, ond, Yeti Can imaginellOW fright-. wince ,of eende xlecay. The great races ,
"Only , the) .e.icd.eptiottai . 'rooster ip definitioli ahd erodes ofetucirprOdects, beet) sufficient enoisture to feed both (•''elr " the
excessive. .'growth, sewing ,den•a me& she wee- t'of the wOrld.iire-theiciihO-4:iiilift •
gtt -
;ea etneentnortheetteing, „,fer, the ..„-treet entfor,, the anrangemente�f 'eesefOrleliti the -alfalfa. and the' orchard duringth tci
et --f. nterone ee. wa ever get outt the, users of , milk and its products. The
luiwe peals . t� the' Dairy, Cbinmissioner . as aiy.'iunitiiej-"Mn'ti-ill-S4rhere irer-'Verr;109-ehara-ir •Wa-411.•ed. • • • ".• ieme,ofeannisOlaalttetis in. a milk, erett -
the older birds arid arnte be peeierred to grading and for the appointment of few erchards with' soils. capable of eerlier in the season, This will tend ' "Oh: dear, -I were safel7 duct should bediscouraged as
breeding pen. Yearling males are
and _give better, fertility than
grader: and the dafirtitioe peniet dqing .thiensinee Orellardb 'aro. tisnally •,
14o; oil land ivent to .cher.ic nrotettit end throw the'.tcps home again!" Nio sooner had the a tendeney towards weakened disease
: "exeeptity -the man -wchotieepracticing •ttea: . _Areather arneastitee -desi tee locitted
on tho hill' , • int* ftnit•ing, Words Pepped •ollt . t -----e landed,' resistance, ahd- the encouragement of,
line Wang If a ropster Is to be August 31- 1922,tfor the limitatient drarnat rather than ea- iletteill lailda't Cover, Crops Make Good Stand-, „wi. th-et, t.611)altilairld`etg° 411n°11g °f711431112124.;°±S` 1"t
h It • -too tewmered to -.even 't Aild Dr-. ASOCollum's opinion every person.
saved for the .nent year s breeditig, i_
toe manefaeture or iinnoitatioileof. The veep en g -- , .
--thenhe'shouldtbreltemearribeepeined. oleotettegeries and :entree 1, eees, aa were .turned under er%••Iielte4 int& the' • 'Many. make the objection -that -
during the summer to heop him away the limit for its sale. orchard soil; blit to 'think of harvest crote Will itht'eattlt- in' tha-late-, siant-
from the laying hens. The infertile A third Act extends the perl, d A itig botli•fruit and alfalfa it out Oe,thei men This •inay be true on soils very
et ur-
egg it the °hist:quality egg in sum- itig adtieh compensation shall be paid question, . ! devoid of eiganie Matter, but where Et
mer aim
nd to produce infertile eggs all for anals' officiallyA Good Soil B
slaughtered to ' • • 1 proper sestein Of soil taanagenterit has
;uilder. - •
Males Inuit be kept away fi'm prevent and check nontagion CO blay been maintairted in the early part Of
• the laying flock. . • ' 24, •1924; or for three yeare. . At the s Clover. is an excellent soil blinder) 'the slimmer there will betittle tr?uble
Here aro Seven -rules for gettleg same geSSIOn apprvriations for the and it used as n cover •erop, Will sup-, in getting any of the Criiii iicentione
trona ,the sutnmer purpose of agricUlture, includhlg the ply nitrogen and organic matter to.the t'o come, thus sown below the mulch
If a seeder can be -used, the
float: • $.1,100,000 div'idell aniong the . prop, sell. The , sarne difficulties are' en- 'seed is
.ing the toasters from the flock in ttion Act, aineiniting to $6;649,2,14.50 and niaat be guarded against- As a
,seinnier time. Were passed. No branch of itgrieul-. rale, elover shoeld teven be left• in an,
g. Provide cleat rieste ttrid, Iteei the tare is 'overlooked in the ti,pportion. orcherd for raore than two years with.,
eggs clean. '' -• • but in edattentiont th
inent,creas o e out beteg turned Under Sped
. al care
8., too not wash emit. health'ef animals and to the purity of should .be taken on light. soils, where
4. Gather eggs twice daily . clueing meat And canned foods is provided for. the crop should be turned untler by all
the summer to prevent them from be- , • " means, and will prove the beet pos-
ing beatc,1 by the hen. 'Keep the Watet troughs filled. Bible crop for this Purpose. To pur- and.grO3 trouble.
1. Produce infertile eggs by temov- inces under the Agricultural Itistruc- conteted with elever as with,alfalfa where. ••the soil- is motet o.nd the per-
centage of germination will be In-
The croe should be terned under ,..at
soon as there is a good artioinit ctf
greenstuff to turn Wider. Do net wait
for the fast•growilig crops, .Sitoli as
cir they are liable to get ahead
strange'as,.'50.11- mai- tbink It, honey, could Usettwo.•qUsrts of pure feillt-Per•
she never nottietted her queer •ex1cr-,'1 daydnith- aditinitaalacttt tte;•••".tkellettf:-
iences with the ring. She ,ectuld hear: Ile 'fii:VZisled Ilia prohibition oa the
sho mother calling her "iloddiStairit, 1 sale of filled m • ilk, • ' '
e .,
but was tbo breatlilees to answe. . r I • -
.: „ --..... „ ..... •. s -
"I wish I knew what was the matter, kceP Ole c°thiletti clean. '
with me," she cried In a frighteriedl •
1 ilieliorv Is ono of t,he strongest Can.,
"You've got the queen's era= on,arl n"
dlaIctaP• •IVIIell krePeril se'ae •
hand flew to:hei bead, but, of course, 1 a 'weight of twelve tons Per spatel
a hickory • ebliihin will shPrort.
' Silly,''' whispered a little voice. Ddris's:gali-ea- -
cross-. CC •
there was no crown there, and th! 1114 e
more she thought, eatetit her tratibleel tee e----%•%7Ftif-'1' 3 4
the more erots she becatee, •••• • i the inereasdnoulbnttshiveilpirlictett'o6:fthttplos.fbaueie
Every farmer 870. e g..A.,. .1/4• see,
"Well, I • with shed , blow up in a' softie, no
tree and fall out agatnl" elle exclaimed that they have none tc sell..' -i7
q* '5'
.•••A .
1 11131110511.,
Produbeti.oft., is elee ,safest plat in tht
ulTi(hi'le'V.Fairy @linen was 9/. t that Ino. hog