HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-08-04, Page 6' • "••••... 4 ••44,:',...7.4 ,••.! ••••=t•-•-• ••• ' • . . .. - - --,....,•-r.s;73.•.*•,..- ' , , -,--- ..-,-.., ,,,,,,,,... , —........,,,—,... -.',--_,......4,-........-- -_.„._, AU'ISJ USED PARTS : . . 1 sicwinclakeger:ropetauln! icliticommost auntie: n.parootatruluatr. 1 gresprasiongos; actiodmptirtot. enriektroesii.ototoir,e----Litearliete., -I Highest 'prices; _paid tor old cup. 'Write, . wire or • phone . -, - Atre0111[ONITial WPM. ?Luta Cos iiiaO valuta sa wept. -. .woroata ' ram. rixkeud• Op. llie End a. the ' World Prob,.,.. RSES Tho Toronto Hospital for Incur- ables, in atatiation whit llenovue and anted Hoseitals. New York Cite, otters a three FearsCourse of Train- • in/ to eoung woollen, having the ro- eu red eoucatiopt and desirous of be- coming retirees. This Hospital haa .c. °adopted the eight-rtiour system. Tho puptis-receive uniterras orthe school. a monthly allowance arid, travelling expenses to and from New "'root. For _ "further. information apply. to that' Superintendent.. ,. . . SynOnsid of Preceding Chapters. 111-li w-me.rt. them ,.,,er4i7.sharts to hetalt,, Nehat,,I,do Agit& Whatlif yell' should, . Te kion't ive the bab ariytbing but! °us:, Among them was. Itena•'.: . . the result-ot its. store a tadio-aetive aPplicanta Seyeral•of the girls.„-Wilela the temherature et the interior bY ..... . . ,.., .trus.„ es, •is telling. the new teaeher, reacheleduildit the willowe aliang she, had known Slie Was 'mire that •••100.`degreds ,centigrade in.as hundred - shore., pine, teo, ai.n t t . . ti, earxe 6 ".- 1,, • : The baby shotild, sleep s''INIV "Jfihnsten about Iii. PredeceSsers Part ' . two boYs,,hoth larger than! L.:Web 'tarried, imickly toword's a pee:. ,. Don't •fail • to' gie the' baby a- tab . ' ' it 1 . . • • . -. .„ • •••••••,!, ARC1-1IE P. MCKISI-IN1E Lem Puizlea Professors.; BY s• Don't for et that mother'is • Advice, for Warm Weather. !Harrow St... Daily wanted a private tunA,ImbeeifeevitersiI,h' atittethileisecaOrvteorn:tfeardadloit: Copyrighted by Thomas Alien. • • . .• • "WeE 'by dipg! I don't knew but g • - . toe best. nailk for babies. usual,,and the applicant§ were Tanner.: etenog,raphet.::' Th.e salarY was. un-., Cooling, is. steadily 'gating better as - Hilly Wilson who lives with his _You? leo keq et.1"1 arowe. gall! , take' a notion; scale day, to carve up drink :graduates!! Rena met Mr: Iiarrovi confidentlY; ,, spbstances, and n French colleague the best fri food .and "`• father anti stelpmother and hey sorc.,,,after eur punt: , n natd-streara 111M-.1 the „aide a this buildin% bey•T"' • • t) t she knew that her "approach and sip - 1 di hes calculated that if tli`e mass4ef the AILSOT1, la:the leader ambng the her" 'swimming with swrft noes.eless. l3i'ly• crrew 'thoughtful. " a ri • ' • 'pearanee v;•ere exceptional. She soli e earth containa two parts or...radium ot Scotia, a pioneer , settlement !Aar ' thought o' that," he Said SIM1Y..."WS . • Don't clothe or coven the baby t . • to herself when She saw among theinNyery: billion this would increase , Billy was. out LalleErie 4-•Oobin .etler, one ot lee strekes towar3. the Juet .as e, , „ in amolln accor mg o ag , • ' 1 h d 't it. it • • • t g „ - . . . they had no Chance a,t a . ,, , • Era.nic Staah'Ope,' z .•ho_. was . blinded-,• h.unself, made. a. leap for the Pant' ot veds,„.behind whic an. a _ . h'Insell into ' ' , ,,b.oltdb,.daily and!evteral eyongings .in . . . I. . .. h ndible tit -I • , And' for 'a moment it seemed se; ' • Very little at tlil„s beat. can micelle ' .burning• • stable. A• will made by a'..aa.. the t;1.1verrolt t. ht...t tNasr-:od.jum 'ed f -or it' -.--,. 7" o ' cak,cr ,,ht hien t Ann' he. °nInt."."' - ".11 3 " through the 'earth's solid crust, so one; Weallhy hermit; NScroggie, in Rton- !Ili? ate, Tat .eu erooper. 4.. . ' bUgS to bite. the baby. I 1 Don,1- :allow flies, .moskiitoee or ii But ee__. ., • 7 t Sbe elearlY. Made, 'a good impression., olr ParrOW was shreyd; hefgrel day oy other 'there will; be, an explo. , paddle and swung it back It; °tar , • , along and. get ye‘:.1... ded ,o; -4.6 ‘ a,. 1.1.0n.. , . : ., , 'tittte,ealortling'''luts1)1 While 'trying' to sive ,....:Yrses 'from a ..kilcythe boat and ..e.r 1.., hope's favor could not be foityyd. Bally 1 -fairly .on H to tea back until his daugh.er had'. Don't give the babY medicine exceptl Rena realized it lie had 'leorned more of her. varied career than she had; This'is a nenadditiOn't9 ,p1011---:redium will blOW. and Maprice..Keeler go fishing. ••• half int'o the water. . awJill." teed the I lie waited '.elosed the door bel•inr! iter. "146w3, on advice of a,. physician. . • • 1 • • •CHAPT4R his 'shoulder. The ether boy halted in; BillY," he said sternly; "anderstan' me, If the by, sick seed fez yawl ever told any other employer„,, In five! of ways la. which ific end cf tpo woria,, • if You ever Tailebl doctor. - • minute's he shook his head. I .tuni will arritee. . . .• They; had topped a wooded lullan his tracks. Anether mement and the i•when I say that y t. - e • r• Don't -forget that •thr baby gets I sorry, Miss Stone, but I think you m.i.s- The incst Veptilar tbeor,y seems to . were deecending into a,wide.green-val-,113pnt was ficatinf out in midstreom. as la a mite -bled 'c.d.() the Walls- of • ' . ley, •stadtesd wa e .,,,iinding., sat r pp g •' stretch 'of pale green rushes through one' Hear thee" • loWs• and sloping , towards .a: . "Now, maybe the r.ext ti•rne you flashed, ae thotigh in a :smile of wel- twice afore you'take it," shouted Billy. •-,,X est sir- . • . . , Bathe "frequently and, change your clothes as ofteri as possible 1.though doubtles interesting, , , . . A • the Creek?" whine 4,4a..e water, Your beverage. hardly have effaiPlosed you with thesel nines. behind them, they are exceed- whith the white face Of the creek hoet-thieves find a piint you'll think. ...•., . . ,, 7 . *• 4Sed shrilly. from rush and cat -tail. d the vatiquishect•La- overlook the cuttin' of my new benich,1 iu. L. but, by ding!. •I'd ruther• you'd qualities . of • faithfulness, loyalty ,andi ingly•ligh.,f in camped:tido, A collision • • , • C01110..' Re•d- winged•blackbirds clarion -1 "How're We goin' to get back 'cross Fell, her. -:d it, and heed it close, Ill' • brown bittern rose solemnly -and irrade Rose. . . carve I Don't overtvork, overeat, • or over- . . •• t t ' ' it oecurred, . . • • LaRose• hadi crawled ta shore. and! understood, our• need,- What we are be that a cbmet will hump IMP us and, of red wil-;! sere store ru jest ea'OrallSr thirsty '011ie him a 'little water sets.; ' A nifilino• on the hat& I the freckles off'n your- nose, one by'. erat 'times a day • • • Don't wear. heavy clothing yourtself. ma'n. - looking for is a capable young ,,wo-• send us to destruction. As a matter periences. I feel that your career, al -1 more, space than the sun, and pessess .has had e,xperience, not ex•-' of fact, although, some eomets occupy • ' Id (I which ',stream for millions of - . 'thoroughness winch are, iundarnen al with a come , even if 'A blueerane, froggy:10- in the:shallows,: at • • , 1,, , abruptly' and bent on Billy a quizzical' Don't alio* flies. or other insects in • " te any real and lasting suecess," . would hot be atteudedi with •tatab re; • • . .. . .. - , paused in its task Ail it. o - 1 ng neck I , ed"But the. snakes§ an turtles. wag- kek., Stunned and •beivilderecl, Rena left,"sulte. .: , - - - . . Etretclin' then got slowly tb winer,,I : the marooned pair, • "INT'he'se 'aitiale are thela ai4er the house around' or food.' "Oh gash! I dunnei. and cevered. , ., • ' ' 4 the office. She aid not realize that On the other ha.nd; 'Professor 1Flind- , • - °lit .behin•d.. A pair Ctf nesting blilek , one. • Billy- urged the punt feywar Mr Suen4er..1 jest Cat the first ones I Mr. Harrow and Marcia Stevens had l•ers Petrie, the ell -anent Elgyptologiat; . % long pipe -stem legs thrust straight' "Y,ou .getta-take a chance.. I took • d Billy ,started. ienrn r'• lie asked- : • i•Keep the. baby's food in the leebOx . ducks arose: with soft quacks anti_ aerosa•the creek to.vvhere the grinning . - ,- •- e Don't. fail .to clean. thoroughly and I hesies that the end of the world • • Billy we's eilent- Should -he tell thex a physician. I go, Bill?" bass up there' an" lots of -- frogS, flight. b lcwimd, same's I did," Billy called me than carve .this store." Ile paused -drink. rieroSs the marsh in ungainly • 'said The, same thing.. • • The Islander..by drifted up and out, bayward. and high).y delighted Maurice waited. cent° into my :head," .• • • frequently all era:des' used in feeding Billy, who stood still to watch them. --!..!Juniai here, an' let's get fislun'." "Uroph! I'm not so green as I look., the haby. • . Maurice lost. no time. "Where'll. we know whose they be. They're Ann's." I Dolt% 'doctor ,yourself --if III •comitalt was reea.ed •suddenly to earth by his companion s voice. "Bill, our•puret's gene!". • - 'With a bound, Billy we's beside,Idin,. ; and peering through "the rushes into • the :tiny bay in whieh they kept.their boat41411, gee whitticicerl" exclaiin- ed.. "Who de you s'pose hid the nerve Caleb Snencer, Proprietor of the .to- take ' • ; • ' Twin Oaks store, paused at his garden shdok head.. "None 'ef ' ate to light his cornedb pipe, The . • rpor gang !tut take it, - said. 1 - - some Of them Sand-shar" '• ."That's so,"! Billy broke off a marsh" - flag and,ehaniped it in his teeth., • Maurice was clingeing a tall ...poplar • etanding on the bank dif the creek. "1.. • saY,,Billy,r lie cried excitedly. "There she is? Jest 'round the' bend:, They've ' beached-eher-in-thatt_piece of Woods. "13 to %the mouth. There's green tr th and say that he: had carvedl % , • Ann's initials op the bench and. those a Waiter Wetland beneath. them at that young, lady's pleading request? if we- n. eed .'em, fer - ' tHIPTR V. .• • A' 'Wilderness Merchant.: . next, three'. hours would ,be Ins • bus time: • • The :fanners of Scotie..would. -come, driving in for; theiir 4-iiail'and to Make. necessary, ;purchases of his 'wares.- :His to his -Setts,: faCtion.,:teleb •crctsseci the. OS'4, then stood .stial in.his'tracks to fasten. his; admiring gaze, cn the rambling,s „un- -Vailding which wat his..pride 4-•-• • •• t • . • . BY:Grace 'Agnes Timmetmen- . • No love, e'Ould., win' hint, :. In the, Mises:A ' lag only .9-020' per cent. of tho it le Pagan, Untamable, tie hand could iu e, l• . Pin Money. IViethods.- , . ,. scheal ... 'there, plOys an. important part in ilie, 'Wten 4 city girl feels the neea" of No other lad .ao..devage; se- perverbe, - 1 doerat:ioni of•Natirre, 'and pr•ovides :the money -her „own money, ,toaay• .,.to worse ' ' -" ..- . bon, its.'essential food. • ; ;• ; ' •. whole 'Ot•the Vegetable word with , . .i'Weill" ;Caleb et.sked ,finailly; "What. •,, about it r • • • the •thinia• girls imagine „th'e•y • most ;save these days -.--she goes to wore., fitir •ZerPlexed .the tiehop; while from bad. , at length ;„.; ..:,".• , -.1 mi His heathen matleetss'.1.:irei.;:,hlevit:ra..1,: known.' Fren.ch scieatist;:is right, we . M. Melte'', ... the: well; . • . . i log ,,to ber. 'education and Opportunity. . . strength .. thIet..a.htn7o.eapvietle . 200,000 years frehi ' • Billydrew himielf up and.lied•likel •- ' - an office, a.kere,. or a factory, accord- Upon the Biahop., . ch, c,,i i need not worry about the nature Of aig_ • . In. the conntry; o girl... with !nue , The . e . . .. . i .. 1 .ereovsiofftp re nlls cienryreosst4ati on s ' into ..,the: of , the earth s a *gentlentan.• "I guess that's all •there i.• . . . . is. about it" be said with , -It'y . kindiv fae 1 The Bishop' tallied '''11-- ," "Ann's iny girl, in she said ,I• cotild same •Iongings for nice . things and 1 Ood • tunes," leolca to the 'poultryi Y .• . . ;_ 7urface hare Jed, WM 'te, predict ,the. ... sher ,for her spending 'money...11..11er Par' erent.d.i.reen:s.t.t.ie :Itentati 1..tt. ce,,iii*.a ,f07.;ge.7., .. ..,,,,..iii, snitials Under heri if .Iwatited ."g In hepeiess .grief that. e'ad. no .1v-404. AD. 'f. •‘...'011., to she" 'our gal,• li ents are the right kind, if they are, • : part.. --a 'e , ., • , • ' •• ' ' . , e water level of the earth," M. sun nsatT'aily. lieL': ieaelieri.• 'did , tieitll. to lake the chance." .. ' • , .• • • yard,' the milk ,house, or the garden • . --------------- ugh tO help -her and en- i .,,. • . • ' - martePt,ells us;'"is being lowered' con, ...PnYe.4..i,striv3fig herd to keep his fa,e s time went by ,to. change that stub- 1-• , demi. ', "HOW long ,you -and Aim been coutage her .itt,Iier Work, she will soon, r • , tieuelly.,- and '.11nless we can discover - .. „ , . , talely thrust his. hands deep o his. hrl4i7lie-itsked. ' * • . , beria,heart " Will come about 1200,000 .years• henee, refiame of the disappearance •from: •the atmosphere of the last 'track; .of Carbonic'aeldtgas..whIell• th2agl.i It's 'Jcse IfaRe.se an • Art IP Y . and' joy. Hr-,-liad .e bl• 1:herself es• a semi:dependent ' 1_With wi e endeavOri eVerY day""grewA„Ilow Preveut this the heman .race . .r.'"•••• "Then corne'enl":•sheuted thiS after-supper"hour, :he stood Still' on 'a piie of hor'se4lankets, and 13 gas- 71 no hOmO' •:deinonstretion agent, n took bei,. I'll bet a'eaeltie; . They're al- I hinisef With indefatignable pains swee . ea, iturber-of•-tlie family If, as often • , • • , • will perish from lack of. -water in a • ways tare 'cross .there to hunt fer and Patience 'he had fashioned it' to "Rive et six Y.ears;,nititybe .l?hger. ; haPpeni; the, parents. arp not aispese The' ing vision ob.a•lafe success,' 'feat, centurfee, . , , ,• • --t!, strip:ran' ,switn across after her.". • H vin •. quaffed • customary. " • ' • • nOW cOrilt:'• be: much' IT .4 • ' 6 hit the COun • , nee t crate,' he safd a,few'years•ago.. 1"thP•t::Ii• • : . • c.. _ .„ ; /--- tlaY' ' • ' ' ct' '' 1 t 'od" sat. tiyi And ,oh, hew • biter ther e ea . a ,s.ccond sielugp„:.1. • „ , _ •': ' Meturiee droppedlikeh-squirrel-frene -cfraught--ot-delight Item the pieture ''n feur; most:: ; gpeS to. the city and the farming Yea,rs tame and went;' slete •mtracles ' • • • . • - • ]. tompara. ively sior -; ,; t du -e indst'of--the-Aryltiasi--to-.• - "Down eppoiite:the rm gei_nr ing now, . : • . the •pcipler. "An' I -leave. then, •boat before him; Caleb .grewnl-fiftY"-elli Baud Billy,: "Mt an' Ann's 'been,. gpm ih-eogimoonsa-nh(travave, leisy;:t one„, m.,,nre:.p.otentia.1 • .. • ' • I Orin ebont • ' butvioret that Serve ..i.1-1.1.1t1straighteniifto 'place -the -long bench together,;....fer quite a.leng 1 • Many haye Madre, eti. well as . --IBrought-eti•onge: • 'new •bsitiy. t1.1.e les.e.1.() ; g '7u:dotes straiidott?!' lie..-Pnrite.0:', "Ole •the storre, .fp•ausing -at ' its docir 't,o• gravelk. , of grace . • :. • • • • • urged- Billy. "TheY -kept-there loe,the aeecinimodation of ' Caleb, pfae. ei. his eMptY. PI-POILOne''Saved;•-nioney baking;Altesi-Malt!-;or ma ' • ' I lightened. face • , ." -Those who .b•elieve ' They rati quickly; up • h . • . in • difea• contreoldion -the pro- .„ . turtle.s. eggs. . . •• ve•ry evening, Just at . • Te aniSted,l'and..th. e was' phecy 'of .Sit. Archibald >Ge...1.1e.,. . • ' • • .• hi -1" Caleb • weak. -1Y to have •suc'h goings-on,".,and, there is .. • ajik "Where -till" , • , • itt-a-time-te-a•dartireit,_a_s_bewas do7 ed,; "But, PnlY, s•he's only .terellre' *ris' &jab no eittenSiOn werk of any . stwlv • d t that ' caY of: the lend, is going On at suc . • • • ' - " - - Suit his min •-. • . • • • . • . • • " giris ' tang customers. - •As --hr swag__ • 1 -mg •,an inery Aver . ome• a ny.a.._conwort,„ ropy heat, en. '•flat, ii theory eqUillv. fantaqtie • thie poeUtrtslied..in another and drew•out ' d -11" bk I • 1 • in demand ‘f it -- • I- They the portiOn a the' • Frora savagery redeamed__The I3ishop • •• • 1-wOrld which we occupy is bounded-,hY.:e. • A—a.---plug-of,..-Radiant .Stor che g rea t 'as eered cicsely at two sets ,of newly- tia.Cco: He teolc a:generous bite fram, good ... 7 • ••• ' ' • • • ""." they ran. • By the ' time Billy had earved initials on its.'sniooth surface:1 • ' 'Billy unfesten•mg h•Lis few garmen s p • eh ••••••-•--,-•••-•"- Aceeelds,,,ieh mit_ form a barrier • • reached the, bend. 1S in readiness qtr. NV." he rE:ad,and frowne, , • , . , , . • . . . e n • .• • . • , • 1.'ell.amPecl worked UP" a .-gct• od trade sUP lying ' • b t •ee uS and ecearic- • The ice . .• one , -corner cf. the plug an P. • Upon .the nine•and-nipety; • none the; the-TO/lin- across. ‘WitliCint -a ding! That's that l3;11,1Y Notvi !t_.ntea, • bread to . town •peopie.. • : less Popeorn 'culture and canned oods •F -Tp nra • • • • I barrier it, beingpr, sed continpally by suckers" the beys• called them-'-whichl initials stand fer?" With a shoe eel eye, "seein's te be right; have. helped. one.. girl to -gete7etgartea--. ;• ' • .; •‘' . ' ,lheae oceans. anti ourerni"will. occur thought of 'the Icing leecher.•,---"hlood- !Jet's, see, 'A. S.' filronAir• thern-1 .h.e...saed_witka twinkle_ _ te I or' le Sheen in the wileer• lay on the oeZy -*tom of the• creek's his griZzled thop he entered the store. eloie related, some day, I guess it'si college,- and •she has gone beck t 70 (The Yceth; -vile b.erbaric lite re- . •-•.• when-----theLenaters burst throUgh hnd fiend the land tOitS' . . • bare }WA' -that -.came their way•he ',steed an-frent of the -Counter -plating i Ttn go rightlaleng OVento the hcelee' tWO things again. In addition_ she Ai, times 'reCalleit some truth; that ue • • • _ abt peaks. • ehallevis ready.to, fasten on the first} A. slim girl -in a ginghani "ea me to, 'erive you your supPer.i•the fa.rni thia Sumner to rely•on these • turned,' , •• , ' 1 waded out toviardthe channel. in a ba:sket. •"She' tUrried a. Another idea ds that the sun is a ' , ., tigr?r.;; ; r• . Pencer, • ; finances ,Out. _. , • . . , • . t. The Titter of tile year,s hallibo rie.e.-•wa, 1 -bright ;Deft ttyardS which the -earth-- : • "fhere'S' a big Womper.coiled'etf that eyes, o'rt•Caleht, ae-lie,ceitie in. • , • go. along."' see Anes made, a Mistake; which of the metribers• could pro uc „ . . , . . , , , „ cen't go :back for a. bit,- anSrwaqs, '0i Pense, and-:witli the:1-Oweet Percentage', in -that;_;far Wand at the',southern s,ca ,,,Iliies,:s_e close -.that there will -be no .re.• . in doirit up •Mrs..Keeler's_sarcelo. Yon', the most tomatoes :at the. leaet el-., 1.WhOse missicnarY Work was hilt begun .-Ou• might as•Well•have your stipper."'r of waste. One girl:grew ,3,149 pounds i Where onee 'the boy'.,liad. dwelt Wits :ui tag tbe still's attraction. ' Then: it. ' f • ii nerd ,• . urge.ntlY ." ... • • .. , . i • •. • • • •• • . • ',.w.i. swa.lioei us up, • ' ';•:?4.•-•-• - - '-- •:- .- hl and eat with. Ann:"have a pickle patch -JO helpfthe'. • had-fearned-).--. ." rest the _distance. between : "I see it," 'returned Billy. '" gli "Y ." Crileb bent and .scrutirneed d ake no difference' Yen club started a: contest todetermtne And worzt,had'z entered into walch -out!" Warned IVIanrieel ieled_fece„ lit with brown rogins . • ..1 • bite:ter-its -i-ound and round, it, we are 'suPpose 'lily -root', You're makin' right fir it." "Had your su-pper,'"Pe ?'' 'she ael,ted: -2.1.- BliTsf11•711eklY-',.: - • -,-•,;• ,••-•••_:•;-..:,_, . _I ..., la-laotber;•dt•strieta girls- canal;ng ; A generetion,•an.d the.Bis. ep,, gray .. • L• 1 , I altet- scared of -no- snakes „in lheee !Abe. basket.2_ ' • t •o 'bodies till -eventually • - • .rt "Whose parcels... are. them,' Ann?" • "But tnis beggar is coiled, cried . • .• ne questime , • AU. ft•retyd. -"tit' he strikesyoh, _he'll_ . - • oijeiy with -hie horny neee,,1 Mrs.7:- _daughter ens - yo . .. ,,... . . .. _....,..:- - ,:- • Yi ered• .*: .1:r". eon t- e •er P.I. ...*- • Y,1% 't. Va. an peneer-wa-tcliede,of-tomatees,on,en_:-._ 9,..,___ . "Balii. he's • uneoilie, •Main'ice• he :.`liunipli.„? he 'ad; .b11.1 ' .1WelIr'let. s'As.i.n.i.cross...,,VAroat•rand''enter-the•--cot-41-art-a--cost-ofje.,.3.1.A0 audjr_j__el ,r_etifrOi7of --41•1137-off-,-ee if--he-doillt-,-There:_t_v_hat, see the slip." He took the piece of: tage. "Well, n. he elnicided, "ain't 1109..- •With the, same -exuen,,,her„ •Don't ,kq, •-Bill.' • , aid I tell* ytn.t?'' as the :icing mottled: paper frern tile cOuTirc--r-and-reacl-:- at---hay.-A---ter?—Birt;" he edded.-•;'•sister greW.1',0*21:i pounds and had• a • -snake slide stftly into the water.' "-OU 1 One box Iruitzcrackera. ., - ' ' ' be sli ker 'than he Cs to' net • return 151$107.89. 'A thlr-d--gir - shauld get lield ef :your toe?" shud- ------':"" P°"'" !."-• - • . . . can' tell me ariythin' ihotit WoMpers,", 19 pounds granulated sugar • ..„, "But what if a. snappin'-turtle'l n. ..-- ' „.,.,d7 ,... • • • • dertd-Maliike.' .. • . , •• . ,•' .1 1)01414(r4sas311. . . "Shut up!" Hilly coinniardel, "Dopound.,ienaCit peel 7.6,.one wherrr=tristlii"g7illness7-had..L.7.,....„.• „ . .. .„.,... . ...4_,„: fitt. e.a:ted.7'.'artnessenger lo• -go-...- ... . , ''''•-lvitriaTiPs1;:ininient4or,Suree!.-reie'''' --. 4uadr...bteos‘tdee!th: The'bestOr with ,.• ; .Rambo* Reyeia ions. , . ,. . An arched rainliew 1-•,- a pretty-eiglit--_'_—:, , .. . fohl old Caleb.. 'yen- )'eSt. watch,----------------- ng $27, ,, 'he s go. , , • •••• • He:lifted the basket to the', counter ..foUrthliad:3;07.9 pounds' coating' s reurneY,•:fitidies in:. the • Maii-they ' 'are. learned iii rainbow Here, it may be •assurned that few, of. uS • . • . mit retui51 ,of ,$•16•iiq 'and- AceeraPanied the Man gs he,rtetrated but land, t,aking thepateela ffom4'.--Calte-,-withnet-returns--of--,$.48.--',---: • : songiat ' ". then, ari some -interesting retake*. ;1' Cana sainion ' •i-ftill-N-.:-.0triptied‘their--epritents-back.„.intb : ".rovelations. • • : ' A...native Who.: at ,.aaFa ttrde:-„Irati been :stieks lieurtihountly • . the drawers trent Whieli-theiliad beer,: • 316"-ii5erience,•_. • _ RICII- TAMIN l• To produce al rambott-therie,ftpust.. . -There were other it - •conr_seLot - -1)W falling rain, bright- gun, -anitr:i a c- . . 50 diVided ; . .•rid witll ex- Rena...Stolle' hadbeld-fourteendifferentl:::::Y;T-Itar.ae44-7-7:'''----‘-"------i----""- --: ,--•Licleuils-...-the-datter 41Ways oppesite the - .. :::.,14art,ii..1:-"art :a:t:n1111 11,gi 't °:::..b):a:t1,, 'sere The mull rays .4reiltkep . • 1 into colors. by, the raindreps, •••whiell . • read no further. He ..sterid ' atick- tee:. he draw 'out a bdx• :Positions: :TheY'••were getid. potiitiort, 1:::.:IS ' • ! ing the btelik: of hie pipe thonOhtfully. qu,i4te vgi'n.„finea c,c.h.‘ a the eiriPtY, : Anzio,' he -0-1,4.-4-7,s1:•-f--cm-Ifth..--,--•._, - +.7- Re tied tbe, begs...Reeked thein . et/. , ',.oti're all niogt--,grow-n rdund uyert.4-,._ii...„1±11,s;vaStor thought; lo•,grant him. his, 1' • Spurned • . . • . •• . creeuest, • , • ' .: ' .'--- "-t,';',`Tlfe-COtitlimed-span: of ii---rain-bote..in Ili: in exactly'. the same way . es 'ai' ."Whereabouts . did that ..,Billy :go, bags, and ene ci,:o.r.l.i...--box. with S...w-, t-,,,,wee.trintriphant. • .. ' , • i • "Why, he didn't • ge.. He in the in the basket, tucked a ro ff-ortzli:lieiir..slie declar0,-.-p-- prism...or triongular‘piece .tif e'eAss,.• ' - -i.-2-e-,- • •,. - -r. - ..! . ..e_..„- • ',. _ .,• . , weight,„_e:nd placed it. on the cotinter. taw's, Visit •to the crhtVi in 'Ain,ild de; Yet-' ' "Leek at You, ',plodding on at - 4.nd !bat without delay;'ea•after Prayer 'caused hy s bAlions of r•aindr6ps split- .' no op settin? a. trap for ti -.at r -at.,• lead in the, bottom; to give the treskat "Oh he is,' eh/. Wel!. te".1 hirn to Then be 'wept eutii„ae: 0 -sit ,.t,y1-- tht • N iiiavsli,,oiw.litor,•01,4n ema ine.exh, ..,.4,.A `earne4t cenverise'-suited tO pre- . tint. . the. sun's 'rayi into (0101-. 10(1 corne-OUt here. I 'want tO. s4. -e .hirrir. beneh end awkait Billy's ret -urn. ,;out. I der,i't See -IOW you steed , it,' Pare. • :, ' • , • - --.:nrairtitg- lily:and- or :serioi_ati.lbent„,•,,,.._, ...„ , hineath-the- ' • •4- NIADE IN CANADA 'irliportanoti. Vitamines'In load. •being recognized at tl!e iir,esent dm, to' a treater-e24ent, thati,-,feWar- before'. It has'..been:co'n'- atistiat -dertionstfated-:- that yeast is rich in this all important element. ny pe-o.pl have re- ceived great ben'efit physically.ranply by tak- ing', ona. two or three Royal Yeast Cakes a do.y. Send name and address for free copy "Royal Yeast Cakes for Better Ilealtk." mu -Err COMPANY utorge) • roaeorto.ekiikAtiA • 2 whoSe ri!ii4"ht.ant., A double rainbow .19 not, •as some . Caleb Wai :tea until his 'ding -liter • (To- be continue) • • Tion.15..., iive..tmeil in ao jat,±0141,11je off•K;e;%: Th6 intger co.iiveri•• turned execite iiIi-drder";-therrehe• • _ ...: I fold stock ter an ice cOmpar.yhad - t4al • • . ' ' -.think, the shntiew or rtlection of the • to disclose the, amt. • gaoh-raineoe is trio -not ,,rff melted from, his face and a • • Good Fruit. '00. -.T1 at t..e rea...-esfa T ••;-----"r• .-.1 wide grill 'took, its place. "The Y.0*.raig .. Healey sPent •-all his time talking ceived the patients' of tht.1 faviees Dr, . • , ' ..°: "'' ._ • - lOne:We-,:ete-tfie•itia,41iis entering.the . -- frown.. 1.,, 4 i .of „1-14, dark life, he 9tiesti011e(?,. "lly 41 raindrops .. -1*-,-„Yobate," he .metatad...,...' .."Vi`hat'l. 6f..,:mit liti, hea.lt-l-i.; Itt was •11-1%va.s ill, It -Se -0 • d 1 ' + ti- _, ,,, • . . - 0 . c .. an .- :wen. a, ...e... '10:T11/ ei.n 8 , : . at the top. an if 1,e. ileeting llip, . that boy bd iip-tO .iieixt,' I iv-,.eridet? -.I'.v,e-. and-'11:,ttal..4..iiiher.arlyi,. tie weri te see' "de ' "r• "5"., --?•i",3e PI- e'• -f '''' 'to ,iey-n,'•-•:.;'-': • -• • what nate!! .. , , -called-4?-:- 'IlitifillIt''. "'hid ci•• -•'''' - ' 1,-. - - ••• : ' ` ,. . I colon; ta the eye from the buttoni,' In • get e tei0..:rzh Min .a lessen, ding Yil'e r ' h'iM ,h ii -.V.ILS 'in li..d with -a. hea-de.rhi.:,„ iii-ili`iiii•citif.•••thee,-kinds---of-oraces. ...XVI_ N.C.'-:. • ! 1.,,,11 ' . . :- : )-- , , ., the sevens ..r.o.lribow •thezun-s-rays ,en• • -, ' 1- haven't.' It'iVieleaY.. enengll 1.::._,'Ine , rhetimtisiet..er...sernethng else... ' . ,* living:. One of:, these•days III detide ..aarile ••• ' . .,. r '.• ' 4-."'-..\;-----,-- L --ter .the -drops !at the liottnM; and re• ' ., -that. hina.nnd that7Yetit.,#'--, Iteeler -axe- - Or.ofda.y:Xeaikl".i,ria•t?t.,terng,,ini7er- ',....i.N.:hat::::I'L-1:i.:"..5(-:st,..,arld '. then I'll iiet_ti „ ._ ...... .. •• Spoke. in the, Velee, tied , grateful ' . hr tte ' ' ; . - • . :. , Pas- '.. fleet the Coloes from 'the -tali ,sha,pire fee- a little exeursion, UP li*,-..r.h.,PT-dows .the ro.adl• when be le:1 le-AdOwel„.. on.4 •rr,u.k4...--o---r4iii,:_f:or:iii-hollkie--.,_-7,--_,_. ; -*AAA... , • I And- W.ho. haw !let Iced t•liat the I , , , • co ora I and this -is the way they take to, get withir :h a l..c. fi-•,.3;..,-,.tl of Itits ni.‘,.:.d Jen., But new Pri-,-tifte;r7e,ii•pe.rielare!' '. . ..--44i", (411.-11144.7.15t0:1114- ti4'1"1.1....-44°--111,8-.:I,OttI10:66-'011111:,bP71-..a.re, 'N'Vhil comparesk‘,.. 1 their foddet." ' ' ' . . '.'k hs•'• . • .. ''' '-• . ' : - : . ' ..4"-EXPerienee. t...r.4 • exeeriences ••afe ... ., • P'ivae., : ' . ' ' . ' . ,.. • : '.', with the 'first ;.Of priitiark, froW.,•-a-11;1.0;..".'- ,L,._IPt..-Aurnek.t.ilowly;a4,-hii daitzht,-.1.,', • "Jer.ktns," • he „ex:el, ."I'd give reit t,ilvrays tiae-sime '.. thing, • Ttenn,,r.•!„...cle,ve .Ine tT.J.•,.. nairre...Jolin Selwyn; • It ', Versed? ' The causet.tb of this is elors thesainii -,vid-i:h.iiy-ehteted-sreni Te i,he. reer of the tiring Oil- be: St,c.,g,..-.i.,14.:7eAxid,t,,-i•ie--„tree_ma•,•_,...,i,a_ At,4.,$„.„etti„...iernin*,4: hen_ , .' '• , N,C111: 111 • 1 ' ' : ',. ' • .• ' :' " ! ai that: which makes. the cpo - ..siliceinnidlet his ayes at on the1x> 'YOU.' Actili -do You.."..*:va.,..:Iir..:.??"▪ l,---0---R- 'i-i'''''-'-'-±-11V-Ilts.-"whi'.3- 1--iitrea? hlln sho,,W_Oditho '• e d ry bow Weak • ' T • t tl ' ,-4.hGI:„ _ark ...n. -....t , en -.-re- . ----. • _;__ _-___L-.,__. - . _i_s.e..on 4._ , , _.,. , ,, er. 0. ge le - -tied:.t.-"II-nve.w.lyfiti;-.1311Fy..12-athtrt.' "I live c.11...fr#11-:" 4•7••:-"s±f-,te'l •Ter,:r.a. tor -Led. ."It'ti ;Iik-e ta.e• afferefeA;lii•-•`;', :•.-' (''.1'-'11'rt .''''''''''''' atter there hes been tWo reflocifeni-' . . _. . \ ..,..• .... .. , Ifitt DE No. 30-116 • .,•••1 rnareof thoinst thLXfl cot, geniaflu I "I'm well, thenks," and Billy gized, "That fiwimis goo& it 'Awn. end :s,g a e!'..zeti of the *gild." , - • . • . dlnlcal •Iintiocently back into Caleb's e•yt . "1 'What kind of frti.t. •JeLk.1,-* ' ye,u forget a f roverh :AL.; "The fruit ef labor," Jenk 1"•.; re- ' ,therefore, wealten-ed, • ise,,,rge,,n. v: !us rt ng hope your rhettrnatiz is hate: . • ,1.14..,4,1•44et*.ajr,k Of t '1.40 . fin evening rainbow 111 the east is a Speneer." 1 sign fiertz.1..y. ••-$ y t' y tR4 Y"'" g '"' • I •• irHI Agit or flee weatlier. The ra4 - I d at•eot.1 rar'ed n roi . , , . ,n c ou s, "/".. tr',4 rfo' 7 : Eurgef-ti l'1111#4.. by tho whIch generally &itile to Us ori west "It is," said t..aieu "at" ' • "" compony, • • - • , of a doubtful eo..1.is and; south•we: t are 'passing, ef,t)(34.11tUrPti, ;Or vlie had Just „NGti, verinettiel.:„ 1,, thin away. , ' • * • .• f...t1 • tikp 1..t1 Gra te .4 • r re..or Sern,ething." • th...ned 'a posit.f.r; the pay of • . eYe1.1 -are' ketting she.rper every . . Billy." „ "That:a good," said• Billy and beet Mistress ---"Wel, Jane, •witak it?"' to piok up the basket. "Jest a rnintite, young man." Caleb'e voice wee, sten. "I se.c, you've cut, 'yotn• owe and your heat gal's initials onto my new bench; Did yOU have ninth trouble (VOW it, might. I ask'?" • 13i1y. stood tip, a grin on lils face, "Thtut pine tieneh looked BO irtV hit° I jekvt couldn't help tryin" my "new knife on it," he- explolned. "But I didn't s'pose ter a minute that yoeed , 1 rnitid!" 4:17-.(•:o9ded.' by 6; e Jraired de''.1aris a • a ewe. tor ()Para f,r1 9" ,r1 Arnold • neos.drid 450,eb df,,vidtel if was tiOt se 1.1 .09 . tip Thi.4 lo.Udt-Os. road rt lboir - • Jane (cryitg -• ••1 fe ettry is/yrry. • year thk• pity ;any 4. Couldn't help It & Y(tms.,m's. "You re (*al( to. .kmv .cp e for opt-rati)s' Mietrese•-• -"Don't be kIlly, Jote, */ "1 .9:** 4'19/14r48• f'''"•'"t)-k4'. ' '`..'tei itfe 411 Vy f 01 , teAl nie what It Is." , (Art& or4 ei•ttcomet:me; say •ad. - • "1 shun teer •late• -"Ob, 'ma'am, the .1 "J•i:Vrf.t./0$4' ' kW?) fifteen." lireat le 'Ile World." was crooked, and Beeitg you t.,...,,d .c,t,,,,,,„., 71(Jete wk:re turves in the next year 1 ,oxt petifu lunatu pony I tried to bend it stragbt ' . or two. wiail. some of the giris Won- derroj 4.40f,,illy •wl,e•ther Rena were itt the serzcou Ile it,oked at the ' It is well epough to (Le happy •••...ft „t 4't. tiett. 1t• Tat"1 be wW1,edui tfj. i • 4) )4U Wiii,'4,' is lar bettat t.o_,,l_ive that way. 1 51110 ee mew./ expeeieneee mos, meel 80 - tio, "Twelve to 0 I it aty 'different kiroin (d teo_ pie. Theo I suriix. Give me my Mittard's Lininient for Dandruff. I a...',g happier:O. Mr. Harrow of • ig,- cald tho isttr. • 12 nmagny .sELLs. TIMM; 1.113ED , ,., , „, • .1 JILP care ot all typos; all Care sold sob. ale '":1"rrow 11.• 'Joel to delivery tip to BOO rallesoor teat • • . IITOcn(7,•Ptorgadelar6 allist:recehasif ed.r cmoi"vith*Orel.hallan. " •d out of the. bed t niod(Lta, and then 1 1IND Nine o of Your own chotoli l!trefunlinded, take teon'ylootarit ttboetacit.yorererp, roesrenastattd. vase for litc:54 eissidaizo(tliide mid!: 1 ban.lnisplecntiroenn.keY;:yul:tedrge. Car sta:switalv:sri,i GS clutitai." 401 trollitti Mr's% . .4. tirrit011 • , ,,,.4 t,