HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-08-04, Page 4eellalearialieralleemPlawameweewe • • ., Incorporated. In •1855 _ • CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000 Quer 130 Branches, 1St C LSONS BANK The coat of living is falling,`' aleo .the price , food stuff. o'1hia necessitates, increased production. Produce' more and deposit your surplus' in • The Molsone ,lank where it will be ',ready,for any call .and yet -be �earni.ng'interest! '1. r • 'uCKNOW BR ; T, S. 'RE1D; MANAGER, 4.4 p, q •r, .. f TAM L TC$NOW SENTINEL 1 ,TRUE; AAT, 'AtIGIIST 4th, -1921 5* urkitem t*tttnp 1, ING and McCORMIC.K DE�I� 'FARM MACHI.NES and IMPAIRS L11.e. Tractors and Engines; Geo: White .et Son ,Threshing. Machines; . , Louden'° Litter ,Carriers.; Stalls,.' Stains; and Water Bowls; : Frost's Coiled Wire aiid Woven Fence; • Connor's Perfection Electric Washer; Gourlat, Winter. and Leeming Pianos: • • FOR; SALE BY W..G. ANDREW CKNOWO • *Did LION ESTABLIS . ED 1872 brablished everY`i`h day. min[ .tLLcknow.‘Ontario- - A. R MAOSENZIE. P'ro)rtetO? cod Editor. • THURSDAY, AUGUST 4th, 3921 WESTERN •ONTA)IO CROPS Weetern Ontariowwill, not enjoy a bumper crop :"all along the' line" this year, Blights .which ` have come upon the oat .and potatoe crops makes this impossible, The: prolonged' `hot and -dry, weather of June_ and •early. July caught these 'crops in ";lust the; • v rong..tme, Potatoes. grew , `s good' top, and • selves are the last mord in up-to- date construction. In recent years they «-!lave Torn?' _ acorporation. • to control .the price to g eoiasiolerabi extent. ' • . • The- first binder twine 'Used was called "manila" It was made Irons • tire abaci plant, which grows in° the there was every prospect' of a good crop; but those who have examined the- roots have found 'pat the tubers' are 'few and small. ' .This appears to be the'conditi�on throughout' Old 'Ont- ario.. Late potatoes promis .to be all tight as they were not , f•ar enough • advanced�.to be. arrested in develop- ment • by, the heat. „ It ' is ' different with the • oat crop. The early oats are good' while late oats are almost 'worthless:, • They have been attacked by black rust with the result that the grain did not de- velop and the straw has broken and fallen ` over, making `harvesting •• very difficult; and after the 'stuff . is har vested it is of•very.little value The.: corny �erop••,promis�es:.tea be good::, has iesued�f3.ulletin Nag. "The 'Farm =irt"many seetions,:though down• on' the er's Woodiot" which may, be lhad'freet south western •peninsula, where' corn is one of the• cheif crops, it is report in rather.bad condition. • With many fanners hay was; a fair crop, tied nearly all fall wheat fields were good, but the acreage of .•; fall wheat, was small. • '• 'Another `crop that;'sustained an .al most cotnplete,knock-out is the apple • Th' will Abe the lightest in Philippeee and leeks', much, like the' bane, Much of our binder twine' is still called manila twine, but as a matter of fact nearly all of it is sisal for the reason that the manila twine is altogether. too expensive, on ac - 'count of the large amount of band laboi. used in its: 'production.. ' . SQUIRRELS' AS TREE PLANTERS ed 'had slipped. away. Fearing. k ilts Who would sitteml- 'pt to rob them •of their least (it With not'evatle the• -t tttico..of the. ',olllreis 'of the law ece.they sated), Mclntciyli coeCelved. the bright idea . of 1,utt(te . the, botties into bugs, inateatl°of leav- ing them in -cases, and the farmer Items•••arei,geing,rthe rounds` of the, press to; the effect that tame squir- rels may be taught to hide acorns :and nuts .in holes' in teh ground and thus star.'$ grove of trees. Such items make fools laugh and the jud- icious .grieye, Forest conservation and reforestatioe in any country is a man'sjob, not 'o. for tante squirrels. 'at is true that trees 'are not a diffi- cult crop iffi- cultcrop to `raise 6, in. this country, still is -plantation requires the exer- ise. of forethought- and judgment. The public does not have to stick to .the tame squirrel theory of planting trees. The different . provinces and the 'Dominion Government have giv- en a great •deal •of attention to this. matter and have issued. bulletins on ,the subject. The :Forestry Branch of the Department of the .Interior w,ith.whom they had Plait the caro suplied the bags• , • McIntosh, in his own story rlr.hint• self; said'lie had: not worked; for two years.' on account of Illness: Proir to that he'was' assistant to the assess,- rnene eomissieners .•or ,sorii i Reel' of-; Tice. He ,}tad' a Remitter caesura. . sit Corunna=.renteci: from Mr. ` !wanting. -1Al1^this came put, in, gnawer ' to the Clown-,AttorrlOy's inquires, the •Irtw providing far enquiries as. to Where •liquor yes, obtained. • ''; Maclntosl e's .$1`,000 fine, wns paid,• down .before the court' ad jou r eed, BUS'INESS' PAPER HIS Bank discounts good .boor• ne:: paper at' reasonable " rates. • ft also accepts such paper as `rcollat eral security or oans. ;. LUCIINOW BRANCH -J.1.• Glennie, pllanager • LONDON. h Q i e t.. LOt Seven. Fou Days .Th. Western Ontario • . . r.. xhit+ltion�f _�-..:_T.. T_ -- _The Popula ,.., ze L Rd r� Oi,Q�Oea tot �. lit Girls Calf CompetitlOf' Boys and . 1 -. owAuto Races Sp..Events -..!Log Sh eed ,. _: m' Shows en; the: MidwAy., • , ' 'Thi V�oartha _ . _ and ,Stand ' Twice Daily Wonde>rlul . ptroaratnme deiore The Grand s Ever dight' .,., e.. • ..Fir-erivork P.1elrttyof !Vlasic Y . ,. - &A7th°-.25c --:-13th,.1:¢fh &_ ,51h* -50c. Admtsaioa, 1-'OtIi;`I2.li►;'i�6th: f Grand Stand usual prices ALL l�1FQ1?*�i>!'rlrfNik E2UIv1 THE S1C:i2GTAi2Y; • . . -,....,:.,... • A t Secretary Y.�.-Co�.�'�` I�"''"i'dal�o �lxre�islrpt_.....,,: M•,.Hnn , Sec y:. . crop. us wi years.. There is talk of a. half crop;' but•,tliere is nothing like a half crop ' in .Bruce or Huron Counties. Indeed in the orchards that have . net been well cord f T 'thee!) 'is•. hardly '',any fruit at uh.' CUT OUT THE DRILL . upon application to the director, of of Forestry, Ottawa. For the Prair- • ie Provinces there is a similar bullet- in N'o 1 "Tree -Planting on'the Prair= .les" which is also sent . free to ap-' plicants. OBITUARY (Mr. Sam,Brad'en)' On July 13th 1921 there payed Ye:d away an Hamilton Mr. Samuel Brie den i t - den who was born in Culrtss in the year' 1863. Mr. Braden • became a member of the Metho 1st Church'. et Salem in the year 187e.. Ile. started el general store at Kinloss, ` in • 1889 • and' in the same year became' united in marriage to' Miss Matilda E. Smith. Mr. Braden carried en his business in Kinloss until the Fall of 11919 . when he,.moved to Hamilton ;where they lived for about "a' year and a half. • 'Captain Potts, ofthe' York; Rangers was .'f rim-440Ofor having bootee. in- -Camp dueing the annual . drill Pat Ni- agara. giving evidence in Police $Oo STRANGE MISERS'' note to ' Though it strikes a strange, hear•' of peaple !silos . and dying in the midst eif .poverty-stricken aur roundings''while they, :are' in• possess- ion of 'quitedecent fortunes, yet we: 'hear now and then of. this happen - • A beautiful short service was con- deeted by tire, Me.. Mee- Wilson, Rev. Banks' Nelson and • Mr. ,Blaine Thefune'ral took enlace from the resi-' .den`ce of 'his mother end brother in Culross The service being conducted' by Rev. Mr. MoKenele; . ;`"a •good 'neighbor" assisted: by .Rev, Mr, Ste- wart of Xnox Church. Teeswater; The pall bearers were Messrs, ".S. Pollock. J.. Huston. 3... Geddes,' S. Moulton; G. JCaake and A. Orr, all of Kinloss. A beautiful' ctontribution to ..the funeral services .eogsis•ted of a Solo given by Mrs. Rev. it1 Kenzie'. thio. Mr.. Braden's special. : request, "Tho City Pour-Square.e2- • Among .the relations' present`]vere Mrs; Robt~Reid, Brandon; Miss Dowd,, Toronto Dr. . and Mrs,J. Moore Lis - A. ease" occurred. in Dublin, where ae old•woman had died alone:. When:, the -police - searched' the house they- found, hidden away in egg=cups, tea pots and'other•utensilsiegold amot`tn ting to :a thousand pounds., -Some-years.. ago an. old. tvomaii was ash Day and Backache ASH day is'the least wel+' come day' of• the week in most homes, though sweeping day is not much better, Both. days are most trying on the back. The strain of washing, ironing And weeping frequently deranges the kidneys, The system is poisoned . and, backaches,' rheumatism,pain in the limbs result. Kidney action must be aroused -- the, liver awakened to action and the. ' bowels regulated by such treatment as Dr. .Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. • This favorite prescription of the well, known Receipt Book' author will not fail you in the hour of need. One pl'1[ s dose;:2lle'v borr:at all• dealem, er nemanson,, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. Dr. Ch'ase's Kiclneg�I,tvea Pills mother, one and Mr, • :Robert :of Culross,; and two' ' sisters,°M. William Scott, ' Crystal Ne D, . and •Mrs. Levi Morgeln Ripley. . . • 'LI1h.;•hORI) PICNIC AT GRAND • ill.. of Ford owners ae Thousan xlealers from`all'over . Western On- tarsal oh Wednesday swoopeld down and Listowel; Dr.: M.H. Moore. and S. arid, ,on the Village of rand Bend , family" , Listowel; 'Mrs: MMoore Trow:, lion!= ,oGseselen of it.%by force of bridge, "7-- •'. Mr: and -Mrs: - Oliver-, Tohnston, : Lucknow; Mrs.- Jos Johnston :and agars. •Mrs, Boyle, Lucknow; Mr,- and Mrs. Court Capt: Potts ;said:;that .the, mil- knocked down' and. killed instantly by iter cam of 1921 was the wetter n Srrtrth_Toronto,-Mrs.•Jas. John . yy • •,, l?. a- dray m the west of If eland. she .,... ... -- „..- °ton,•Is inlough:- 0thera>friends frnrt .a in his 28; years experience and that- ;the police inspected her" `wretclre'd ; - . k d almost distance were bir. G J' Stewart M: is h� k f d f th winfcrs Stanley. New ----York,, Vies Gr -a g:---ane•-•-hacl 'T rontor Mrs W Stewart. Toianto .$o�ever trt.atrttc p. i numbers fur there annual outing, It was the biggest .picnic ' of. the' year Mates', the • number of : and istima placed picnickers at More than 10,000,,, and tht= villas -e =was --almost a't,,a loss., to -fieedinodate'the great 'crowd The committee front the London tie fieh n.. the fob .dwe'lling.they found it pace a mos • - bootleggers were', always o ... P. West Hamilton . Miss- Jane 'M. eof tee Ford Motor`C Company of -Cane - .to sell -:booze to soldiers... What' , is , to the:deer with branchs of trees:and n na�ic}e...--thcis "preparations true -01`• Niagar�.is, a o...very pro_ a„..�,; ;chant _s o . wo®, or a ;, ,; ; _' ,, i ation_of:.Just sue<; true of of other camps and,the Minister fuel.. Further search resealed a ,o ”' . - ' e • and' the 'events were of Militia would be_ well_ advised • to' hoard_of rftor ezt' Two: buckets and a'' 'Mrs:. Wm Cross. • Harriston;, : Mrs,::a bumper crowd, Patterson d M E Hat son ff-withoet 'loss of'#an�e. - - �iC ham Heavy rants p cut-out'•the expensive annual, drill in tin trunk were full `to over flowing an rs r e runes _ ._ _; v • ' ' _. ; , -_ i�iter�-u eci-:�th� Pro! this efter=the-war peeled. , when -the- with • ell- kinds of current -•coin¢ both -= ins , 1 ---Besides: -the . many ;'hind -friends -of-•- gramme -fur 'aboithe lair an,.b:Cnt •. in ii. _g n and was the ' immolate net hborhood Mr the middle �of'the afternloo -Bradereeleld- -:neighbors ein-_K nless-- responsible for.. -the. cancellation tof a seeined:to be,present en -masse ;to,pay couple of .then aie`events;';The.d'own their last respects to "a good •Citi° pour comiioeneed without. warning lien." • 'while.:the 'endurance contest for Ford :Mr. Braden :was ,of 'fine discerning ears .«�as:in 'pt sores, and this con- dis ened with. It lintellect and never::,fniled. ; to::gene.r� . , ,test ,:had . bo_ be . p _....... ..., ...,...�.. ousaly acknowleded icer wort• ' was wit some, d>sapp eiitnretrt that t}t committee• reeehectet} is, .conelus • !national.. debt is . piling up•and .the _gold and silver,.- as_'we ll• - as a still whole, world,, is talking disarment: - larger wooden box and 'about a _dozen When Premier Meighen, 'returns he mugs,1 When the looney was col= had better pass the at. the first. lected arid weighed it was over: a -meeting .of tlui cabinet 'eounsil at hundred weight. ' • eee • • which 'he: presides that the majority An old -age pensioner. died alone in le of Ganada would be in �of, the scop a •Keilt -village, yett-when the, author - factor orf ,camps° rsv ge ,out. --thee militnr euttinb ri;ies�sear.Elied—'.lPr:' 1Srsur• _•-d'w�Tlilig` �. .ease of Niagara hick m the e at least was only a jahlhoree at the country's ,expense..:' If: Meighen, does -not start the good work Cferar• -or -Xing'yi'i11:-==-Cliesley Enterprize. BINDER TWINE •To bind enough bundles to, produce, le, bushel of:: grain -tikes `on' the- aver: age fifty 'feet of` binding. twines. Just think; of it,' the' average farm.pro- ,,,it •,itu eee bushels_ of small grain. uses each year about to m lea o binding ,twine, ",Most of the' binder. 'twine convex from: Yucatan in south- -Vein-raid-6 outh- e n Taizo •acid `abet tetr':1ie r ccnt:•- from the•. Philippine 'Islands,, If -a- :war`'between Mexico and •the' United States were to break out it right be necessary to try to find something to take • the place of the sisal fiber which we get 'from Mexico. Flax fiber makes -a good twine, but iinfortiunat• ely crickets and grasshoppers eat it. •.. -`^- Srsx'T-'- ii#irc�-eco'FhZ��•4�rtn==.a.-°_plant ,which -looks. much like the, ylicca. It also• looks ' something like the. 'pine- apple plant.' The leaves are sharp, stiff and swordlike, "In Mexico they c t• out -large acreages of this- eisal J b E rt$ Reduce 'Crosti . r FIRST CHOiCE:0.r ONTARIO FAR _:.E tiiuzernS L � BOOKLET WRITE R .AND__PRIC1=S th o ;diseovered_:,tliree .bags Qf--gtekl e,•_ wherever, he found it.; *'is `home was One :contained I:344, : another £225, and the third •163,. all in; Victorian, always'•open to the stranger and he soveriegns. It was. found,. too, that dispensed hospitality with a lavish 9 Plant, •Afton tive-'or. Six "yeafa tthe ------ " {�I" t - frlants-areslarg+ enough ao that,, a . L FAIRS teethe -bleb DATES OF PALL ;J 1ozen leaves or so can be cut off of they then took to -the distillery and ,,;', ,, ...Sept.29410 (Intcndc l tied u e a year. The'- leaves are got filled. Mr; McIntosh did not L i•c;rr..ow them twice bundles and carried to'a know anything as to whether the or- p Yllr.:eel l:'.'.:° . ''.Sept, 27:28 ar y machine which shreds- riff -the- green der went to'Buffalo'.br not, but he. )'i&.ri`•rsrl •� • ••• ice when the part and ]caves, the fiber. It takes. ,supposed it did. Mr. Leeming; claum- , ,--o-o-o-r RUM=RUNNERS• . (Goderich Star) E, 'H: McIntosh of Port'liuron, and Ile -was a marlof few words .and -literally-a1ly-acted--the .injunctions. "Do good by stealth • And c blush to -= find fame." •.11e, at London -;arid the_ Lucan nine, hack ni ro }ii Goss- is- w.. his o :: a e& • e o 'ion: hut with wet beach, it was not possible that the. cars` which :compet- • •cd before and afteithe. rain. would . tin The baseball. be on_ a -equal'. foo g garne, ,ncheduled for- '1.20 !o'loc.k, be tween the team from the Ford plant' Chas.. C:' Leaniing;` Ot'Corunna, . the leave to no , .s h , kr' t b lled ff also men'. who were taken into custody, al- one with the $685 lot whiskey . they ,ire,„ t inn to get !some- with,* on Tuesday. of last wee c, •:Were before Magistrate 'Reid on ' Friday after- • neon. • They both pleaded; . guilty to. the :charge 'of" having "th"O hr unr con-� trery to law and a fine cif-'$T,h00:on eae was' ...imposed: AA'airist Mr. Learning there west a further`• charge -of driving an automobile while intox- stated and to." this )te niso: pleaded" guilty 'The sentence was a week in, jail, dating "ft or i the :Tues clay when he was first brought to the count3Tlatl:= '1Vf`110 Cr=C;ameron'�uvir� counsel for the two men., s. According to the `story of the young men they went to Waterloo be. get the booze, the order was wired to'. Bu 40.0 a11d in an interval of from two to; four hours' -licit they went- bac1 - ,( for 'eat week) Chase pion was. the vietom nasty' aceii}ent`reeccntly, l'ie Wa$ rt shay e ir,g the 'horses to run awayi• 'I''alling in freint'drf the .rake be •was tial e . Sept.et - to a %1�•.ri best Z223 -16. d.t sic ,r h Sept., 15'016 b nrfu drr,pI,Fr� to th ground rrtus- the ftiier.frnm about one hundred' els- al ed'to know that it dial. At all events. b°r act:te(cl • . •r!r-t, F.-? plants to supply enough ttwine for they got 'their seventeen:cases and ,rirtts:irrypr,n ice. v l r -?.r, 1 i the average farmer. Ordinariy, in started out homeward bound, They it let •t o•-'' 1•,r ssr,(r,t' eo reds,.: Ile' suffered a Mexico, they plant about 1,000 of,the' had gonoobnly a few miles' into . the with the car and theyN found they 6, er:0icountry, when something went wreng P;;,r;s tr; i,,,,,,q re. 4}.al.ra °,ir and got a few bad 'sisal .plants to an acre, so you. can d,rltNii' w ,• ryr I{atrr",:% of Wingharn was "see that an acre of sisal is about en leli;rR�a 7A„ •,�� . •'I',it.Wa,1,. f(".00 ••4a1:r' :iia l . r.,; .a f:/r•�l nee up putting ' ough' to supply, binder twine for, ten would have to- return • o have. it re- • Zurich ... Worry is' a' fotwrl ,,f r•%,i/rxi',ii'" 11; :s N •ill .omNa Rr°airs die • am of Tarsi and e uerie>ta` ttutt -We are riot equal to tit the dlsataetes that o demit s !,R e ', e , ,>, lie is Pet- farmers, paired, They ,got permission to un ,;c, , y, I a u >,? wr t r4. The Mexicans who have developed load the cargo into a farmer's bawl E ylrr+,;,, Lad • r,r„4r.X txa. Q,»nt sisal production ill Yucatan have until they returned to have it repair- f.ilai'irs ute,rrart •id Art. done it •Ili typical big business way,ed The next Any. they got started liq tri, see ire, ea-ras e,rla,r.,t:r;r, 144 large planfcettionsi are laid outse again with the repaired car and picks vas to the the s VI get the sisal lest +fid up'theit' ealgd but in' the , ,mean .,r:' ,.rlq +1ls tq. f'al,Y to, 4,v`1! 'Q;YIPr�.Ft 8 ,14t�yi If, `a .;t ;s„ir, take ewe. te, tele . iteeisitafi6 rnarihifee. with ' the least time the prasioui hours in which t10 (ot) oxhibltic,lla., least, t e+i4l'. and. the maelnee Oahu , 091. cupid 40414 ba try 111y troop** • Diad ti t 41 Adage e