HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-08-04, Page 3art
t;t," a •
• •
• 7,"
t —X– Ya.713
tte •
' Is 'Always Fidt of Life and
Elergy-,Pailures•Are VValic .
and BloodIeSs.... • ; :
, • Some meneseem to haye .all the lack.
e• If there are. e any good things going
• !beam men:seem to get them. If they
. ere bUsiness. inert they Are successful'i
'll they are worknien'they get.the•fore;
.. .4 nit's Job. : They have the power ei
, influencing peOple) '... . ••
. The same is tree' of..werneti, ...Bettie
have the charm 014 makes met). seek
them' out:. others are .beglocted.. But
ihisle not luck. If,..ls date to a person..
..al. gift -.vitelity, Men and maiden of
.this ' - 'suet are neer .weak,..Ptiny in:
valids. 'They may net be big, bit,t-they '
are lull. ef,„Ille..and energy. '', ',Fite whole
thing is a matter of good blood.. good
nerves and good health. .: Itlyeryona
.would wish to' be like this. Mid 1,10
.qualities that make or. Vitality' and.,
energy aro purely a 1....tter:of health.
By •bull(keieig up the tloed and eterveS,
sleeplessness, went of • energy, 'weak.'
• ness 9f the b. ek, headaches . and the
ineffeetual aiir of presenite which real-
ty comes .fr n .wealtutra:s can be got
rid of. Dr. Wirliatna" Pink l'illa hav.e
made many weak, tired manvigorous,
• andmany. pole dejected. girls and wo-•
men,. rosy • and attractive, .by improv-
ing .their blood 'and toningup their.
nerves, If you • afe weak, 1 ow•spirited
or •tinhealthy,' try -.Dr. Williams' ,Pink
. Pills. and:mite' rheir behead:it eilect.
, You canget these piri,s. through any
medicine .dettlet•-: or by mail at lit) cents
a box Or :->ix- boxes Par $2.60 .front The
p.... wiiiiains' INiedielue Co., Peockvitie,
before they finally close down.
sjds reere4t1oned -work,both- tamps I
carryhig full prOgrammes
eatlonal features...
A training togrse for Roman Oath- 7
'Ole men intending to take Up the work
of Scoutmasters Is being conducted at
the St. John Induitrial bcnool, Torun:
• to. The first class consisted of 4 (Ibsen
youbg members of • the • Qhrlstian
. Tanned Truth. -
A , tanned complexion makes , the
...plain person good-looking, • and the
good -Jacking better leolting. We air
like to be sun -burned,. butoot all of us
kn�,w. how the •tan ,eonies.. • , • . •
The truth is that thousand?, ot the,
tiny !'bloorive'ssIdS,.A•beneath the" -kin F-oxy Telk.
• -
for motst, makee And' modele of care.
Your elci, broken.or worn-out parte
repitierd. W:ite or wire us describ-
jog what you. want. • We carry the
largest :014*x:wet complete• stock in
Canada of slightly used 'or new parte
and automobile equipment. We ship
a,D., anywhere in Canada. Satis-
factory or. refund in full our motto.
Illaaa's Auto Salvage Part SievPlY,
e23-131 rottlfcrlia st., Toronto, Out.
be,raP tired re vie eV. 14,?•4 "Am 1,..tbe ifiri you have ever
i:The heat raYs Of the suo brit inflame loved?. . • , • • e •
amd, theh ruppre f,leeni., the skin an ; •!0•11,.no. 1;i11.:mY taste has° peen.im
reqest tie heatp .proylne "' •
'Shield beneath ihukin his: gene( • • •
' .* • - .
Thoer einOrtunate folk whose,.cent-
plexions change t� a vivid 'red instead
atan attrhc ye broIti Italie, contrary *
. . • 1 P ' , - . . :tougil, tbick.
1 skins:. The latter resist the'rayS, and
; them is ..urf.tee ibliannnotion instead
i of .broweIng. - .. .
. .
, .. ..
! Those whose noses-imet have skins
.; irt. which' the perspifation du.cts are
• Clogged...• Thus. there IS' nothing to
, "oil" We* skin, and itpeels because It
; is thy.• . • .•. '
old y 1 . wiII be news to many
...._bnlythe white races-tati, scorch, peel
or blister fromthe action of the stin.'
• Which? •
First Diner- "rhat waiter is either
e fool •or a very•subtle humorist."
• Second Diner--"Whatt the matter?"
Firet Diner -"f ordered- extract of
beetand he brought,me
• A SUbtle Compliment.
env rather in favor 'of the
Englirli than the American mode of
• She -w -"Yes?"
He -"Yes, • indeed. Take 'parlour,'
for instapcfi.. Having •te in :1t. makes
ail the difference', in the world."
A bliiek man will. get much trotter than •'. '
a white men, becaese black skins ab• . •• :When It Pours.
Sorb ,the heat and pass it benenth the , There are ;preliteers 'among other erten not hygienrc. ',have just read that okeep peoicle of all .ages we]. -
skin. it. !iils . no. e*,t ern a 1 effeet, ranks than capitalists; and duripg ..o. a• reCommendation from the Medicali These viten-1116'0,e cgatained hi fresh • ••--------* •
.' Soon after leaving port one pasSen-
to a varying thickness. of,the skin. „ ; workman ,..was l'e:tleiving,' . •very high for hand-basins,,soapz towels, ete.,.for ! , It is' easYreto See what good reseilts
At la"' v.' ‘11a141''Ia..16i1L41"';".11k‘""n I DID WORK TWICE "
g-** • - . - HEALTH EDUCATiON
• . .. . ,
_ • • . _ . i
0 .,.. 1 : , BY DR'. .1. 3.' MrboikioN
Provincial Board et Health: Oratorio , 1
0,4,0F. ,::::::il, w/In be glad to answer eueitione oa public Heatus Duo
19, • taro through etto column. address htm at tile'Parltament Bids*. .1.1 Feels Fu• ll of Energy All . the ..
- .
. . 11. ' Time Now Says Hamilton
42, cm va ma laa, ma lei Mk V& ‘11, Ilk II& Will 11111. III Ilk SS la Ili wi t ' '
• Man.
Growing children need plenty • Of Not only does .a hot meal, at school ' •
good nourishing food,. To have' this inaProve the health and Physical don- theArl's11,,soImdeotnh'itn
ge knowabout what Ta nItl alai' that but ,
aloft of the cbildren, but a chance
food aSsimilated properly the. child
ShoUld . he taUght is
' hours. for is tberehj*given to teacii ;them. to eat
• Alr. Leiris ,is a well-known
creisr3t8In4 lQyudeueens Sttil.7go7tirtit,1-1'"asmaliditoAn., 014nett".
eating, and it stomach . given a. rest pbtirpiptoerleyh,exnvoitt twoeihiealtn'dthse:r food dow4
printer and
. . • ' work en the StOtita...11 in cirPyPintglitoo9..;rere:1 has been with the Grimes 'Printing Co.
"Vas sir, I can revommend "Taniae,
between ,meals'. .Continuons' ealing• of
: .in fOr nine 30 ti's
eandiek Tiuts"r ffruit,`; ,etc., ' interfere
with -;the ',digestive processes ier. the Pare the:food for digestion. There "s‘ ' , • , . • . .
also be an..oPportunity for the. teacher
for. it has straightened me, out twice
yoting, aria yet the coverage WW1 if
beliJe it
not, trained; will .eat almost eigtbiOe to deniorrstrate:to the pupils the a;.1. and
. vantage of cleanlinessthe ' ki" ' '
in e vo ng, ,,. , „,. . will hell; anyone 1P.18,
the medicine and
"d who eteles if Two • years ago. I took
he ean get hold of '•in the 'way of
'stkeetineata, ' ; ' ' ... .- • • it fixed ale up in fine.
'When the child is at scheet: there IS general bygierac Surroundings. Food 51 11)0
apd.1 felt
.PrePdkink and sawing of ..fOotl,
good until, a little
less likelihOod of it getting too much shenid be shown protected from,,flies,
rundown., ' I get. to where I just had
While back when 1 commenced to feel'
and .why it Should be, so protected;
to drive myself at • nw work and, as '
children should also be told the most
important food products, and why one
my appetite was gone, I seemed to go .
icirld of food is More valuable than
down hill all the time instead of get-. '
another front a standpoint, of nour-
ting better. '
"Well, lgotnie some' Tanlac and it
Wasn't- long until' my appetite had a
to eat, • in fact, through' the school
day the tendency is in the other direc-
tion: Sometimes bfeakfast is rather,
hastily eaten in the mornings, espe-
cially if the child lives in the country
and has scone dWance to go to school.'
There is not erniugh• time 'at the noen
recess to let the child go honie for.
dinner,. SQ its lalleh .Sclit Ny'ith it,
and eaten at the school building. This
isnot a good plat, for seleral reasons.
Inothe first 'place there is seldem, a
suitable place provided in Country
iihme'nt. Little facts can bee brought
home 'to' children much more easily
and readily than to adults --for the new
start. • I have just ttinisliOd MY •
young 'brain is recePtive; and has not 'second bottle now and .1 can eat anY•
yet clevelopect'anY Of thos4 prejudices ping at any Mute. without its boiling
et lioittleifrie,, ore: ,uneeaeonably Tdrrited
ree. That tired' feeling i's gone, and
I feel .fell of energy all ,thetithe, Tan- .
Ateh.e mitIcley ,schbol. Meal: also, a
lac is all that is claimed for it and
schools for the. Children to . eat their word t orvittiva riot icnoti: those
toldsethe" essentialchildren but
it certainly is the niedicinefor %rue.",
Tanfac is sold by leading druggists
lunches, and the surrotMdings arei v6.3) Small elethents .in, ,nattirel foods e-erywbe,•e Advt..
Appearances DeCeitful.. •
Frecklcs,are hitt tan in pat cbesdue: crit un Imeet particular grade t.,r Officer of Health of • a •rurol 'district, foods such as fresh milk, fruits, etc.
ger approached another en board the •
• • 1 1 d the use of. the pupils during the mid coUld be ex ected froni euch a mid -
• • liner, saying
• . ageg gc ee .
• The M.O.H. states thOt•eS day meal and' litlie•-•,talks to, the chil-
*** •er • • er BilPfrodges- returned from work Ofie•I'day recess.
fif mites out of hie. pocket - ttleir lemon to sebool-„, these facilities' 1)e as.- much- necessity -in rural schools twe'en a team of Married men arid a
'We- are getting a tug-of,war be;
1 • FRA Silturaday night, arid 'dreix big ilearlY` cyery One, of :the mipils bring itren
at the finish. This feature shatild"
• , • Boy. Scout's. -
' •'Here and TheroWiih the
IS forWas the blackboardteam' of single men.. Yonaare mai tied,.
"How much do' you we...nt, thit„ week, ' I'lshn
;)g*,•are badly needed'. lt .•
, and chalk, .and
. . • .
A Toronto boy,now resident:hi 130..
.'falo,..N.Y., where -he is ex member, of
troop Of .the Bey. .*cenit4 of America.,
recently wen • Ely, 'cluinipioiisltip' for
bugling inaScouj ipeet in Mi1a:10. He
Bertram (1..lintriF, ged • 12. end a'
grandson of Mr.., and.:11rs. S. L. Taufie",,
ofPori-dale -11e;ielons vel: -known.• •
,,citir.ens of. Toronto.' • . . • ...• • ' -
". on Dominion I),tY -Oshawa Whitby
and -Thornton's t'orners Troops: and -a
• few bey s •frein, the, .1.st. Newcastle
. Troop osnaWa. for "ia.spec-
aren't • you? '
Chia -lora infatrturn ds..ene of the fatal ,becatige theee is scheei• however.'far baek. in the' couri.
Tatio,e7 he asked hii.i Wr'e riot entirely, lio•wever;
• •
mi).1-day ,cold luneh-is'..objectionable.
' • "NO " • the • other •ansW•
that'S What makes' me look
tlat -ceiees-. sudilehle, es pe . • than e," the ,ielfe mcmatra ted 1
••••••Too often the. ..queStien::of.-; what.. t o ;
dining the' sumnier. ta:nd oin:Cha'raly'.got btarted last'w•Lek-: warm mea]•freshly.ceoked .1s, Meck. eat..and 1w to. eat- '‘' ne .1 ete 1 l."
e.- • is e ( ,
•• • • • .
• ailiw.,nts of ihilditeocl.' Tt is a trenhle' . Good' grociouS, • 13111; give Use.• a • g. should be Nil.t.119Ut. it. : • •" ' m
, more .nourishing and sustaihing"to a' the. home circle. -Man "
10.?is prompt "actign..is' taken the•little .
y a • aen.,y • ere. ,
one may soon., he beyond Baby:s:
• 'little ic•hoolbdy or girl- than a cold
. y the . Liniment for eale everywhere
,Own ere, an „ideal medicine in • - ••• ••Truti.Great. - coo, .. • .„
Id be Children need.a hot -not only' ha's _to. attend -to the ren
'coon try 'where ; i nerd's
• Meal at mid-dayi•-beca'ase they.:, 1.cridon.bas aclopte 1 A'eeduti,' as welli •
late the boWela And sweeten the stain- .1-y'aPnottited *confindmiont liked•yeting. :14.te
. food quicker' than gr.own-up§, A
assimi-• 'Ind the house v.• 6,1*V• hilt ,She.'alo cceoks
aP•-• ,.- food for ' the live ...stock.; feed's ,„Eind .
• - - • . • • .as several. villag,ss '.in :he 'Meuse ..Val -I.
ach and• thus prevent...411 the dreaded' 'en:en, but not when they .iveie "fresh." MnSt be* fed oftener. It 18 .',•••oo dong,,a , folds
.tii • mien meal when -the selle.oi children ;hay. i
. other small :but . necessary jobs that - • ' • . ' •
the. chickens; and. many 'of. the ..'er, . • . • ., '
tiro hetWeen' breakfast •and the af ter- ,
6 'Le be dime - t.2 f '." • • . ..• One-cluttrter' of the.' ineoine • tax'' 1‘
, . , a a.. arm, •. ' .. . .
Sunitur,r coluplaints. •C.oncerning the.m One -div he chanced. to oVerhear...a .
4.)Ira. Fred Rose, of. Smith Bay, Ont;• -Cu bfbc • • f • t h* ' If
, .y Jag et le pi c o - unse . t e .
warding oft this trouble. They regm a'eertain military academy,A new. •
, • t •• zet home; • •
I .The.children Must' bbv:iously 'the' Unite'd,•
'King-dont .is'...doIleeted
•feel. Baby's. Own Tablets ..eonimandent, by name .withou .,any, . • •
•• • . • • . . e • o our y n s te • ; e. , TT', • . - • , ." ...../1:1-s°141-e-.-114"-In--the--.1)*()441446-jv*-leetecl-Welee-net-aell St,..te.447-alTairs e
• • lion an.d. d! (lay spor s.
ley. were
nu.d7day meals are prepares! for .the
• , •
..ing.jreOed by •• ,•meLaughi,in, bad..chplern.Intenturn and l• woUld not: "Ilal-" the 'offender had said- te• ists, and it of ten'. p,xists .hreCause the
:Who, •,.wifh Col. .(1flersoh ,,and ',Major. 'be Without them," 'Tablets. irre• .grettp of. fellow eddefs. scheme:, a• work has, to be done' and there. js:no-
•.‘.uall?.., ,c ddren, but -•-te*,niake, the -
Alfred' Hinds, tl. , „ . eaters 'or by. 'Mail. a. mighty splendid ..fellow.".. , 0 u Me • • • • .
'who' 1) tI •
titer to do it Everr 4americiiii Pioneer Dog Remo:the .
decided .'Suecee.s the teachefa:•••
...atter pre,iileet o eold by medicine d .•
11 0 1
-.1 4 , .•
t' -.TT .•CAttliic•-a•te--ss. w,-.1,4rg:-.that*,-' -theY--,-hav`e" 41-eutd'hq....uffed to."-pfdki4..10r.0-rW-:
.tinclertAei the •cooking. should have. O 'father of a faniilv:•..in the cbunta- - _Dec .DISEASES, -
Book on
• ,the Oshawa lloy ScCuts -•:Asscciati ' 1, at 2.5- eents a box ' front The' Dr. Wil- •The ,:eommoliciant 'Joined the. 'grotiP; .. . . • ..
' - al7 0 .ailllisesser tirom • (R) ...,ip.r, appear liattra'--:1-.1ttlicitte Co.; BroIfkViti•-e;--0-ht- . ithirdiit'lifo-wintd -sitehce: -
.:. • .,.. . 7.11,:htir. to- the, beeolid lipu,tendtt he 'taltert a ,• course ..i'n•'dietetics: .. ' Assi,s- his Wifo -te. attend 1.6 the.proper, cook: •' ,c ..;- • and. How to Fee4 .
, _miLile.d.J.'We toanAd.--
. . •
aPer..,.and their work: . .„,..._.......,:......._, • . ... • ••• , _ . . •
-Exeter•recentlYhad a real iloy scout
- .- , . - ..- . - •tanee •coula .'he gin e . hY-Some of the mg •and choice ef...mealsofor the chil- :0'. -*' '
_ , mercies:I,. eGel'iti3i.:rAcuothrms.or. .
• . • Personal Efforti', said. liteiiily 7 . , , . ,
.bnior .ptipiii7;, This arrangement7 dren. .These, Meals nre often. prepayed .•.,
-, its West -slat .Street• •
'church, E.ci.vitc. --Till., members of the. .. '.1 think, sir, when yeti. refehred to.
---- 1St-eklxeter Troon oeer.pi'ed %the .-ch"-elf;" -"The lest thfilg-to give to your•ene..... me-"friti,..M.Ight--haVeiTile..:?.Geiteral '_ee.1:11'1;t::`;`r01---it -*t-th:i1Y-:Priis'Idea aclei.hurriedly; and' 'With no thortifth-r4a-lo.,
_ ..., ., . -• .Neiv-..Tork . t7:11 --As - .- - •
,.. 10.,rt . at .v.ave...n.77..n..6,,5y teriail.-cliriedri•-isi...,c',, ,T.zi,, .(-0-24ii,,,0fiFign-7,-ily -in,- -,6---).-6,ii-elit..,.- •mor•-ly•-•• ••••,- -. -,:: - •• • :.•,-. - - :1; -'•.: -, - -.: v,1:ditieh?1-1,•help in-attemling• - td,th.c.'-gn.r''T thetr-iiiitriticrn al ',"artie'.,'"It71-§ ' pi ely 'i,- ---'''.------•'. ----------: - -- r ---•---
mg of the' fooclr'-but also -teaches--the7ouestioir -of:expediency; sO,111Tierl 0:1-rerr; '
. .
--.• •'....-titie•sang -1-667...T'atrol'..11(ei(16-r ' Slnarf 'teleran ce.;,,1.0 a friend, "your. heart; to , -"I'M serry, sir,'"-- st-arninered-the. de-
. r3-ta:ti1)u1 pre,,,Lided.-...att 0-e, ..olganandy.ourechild.goed_.ex•itenplee. ,A0 -m,. fix tee....Llitiquer,I.Vthehrigiltenect.-.aillitias be --s- bigg.gl.jr4A--:-';',1-.1v--•:•,it-..ze...00-k.'-a.a&Pre:P.,..Ore-...,-;.chltidge,.' ry.:'has.„: to...he...done:: ThiS•:..011:i• ;.:.
„Many. kind:S.:Of ,•c.lisltes-.'Tlitia, they 'ore .elitien of things. should nat be. . Every
-.-.•ployed all the-hymna
s. n(t.accoinpaniedr
d , , deferetteeto ; - ' y Car - :Mother ,' • con:- ' lidded.: '"But , 51,r, did you es hear . ., . -.,-;,..• \ \ .
. •-• ..- *)/'
the paloiits..- Three other. Scouts -„Bob tinc,t--.that. will Make het p1 of you?' .People refer' to. _Get:Oral._ ACIiii-les...br. fort with-aanal..fnatAltAnd exper-;:l.ttcirii 'On 'qIii-utAl be •g;Ven to fie 'chit .. '
, • .„. , ience tn .one. of the most. importapt• dren'S feeding. up till the are • .11 s c : - II'
: 0 ambrilj, Tom Ear and heniwili Stan... tor:yonrself, '. respect; to air . men, ' Getter it Julius L'aarf'.>". - . .•
.- • • 1 f i e • li s . - -; • S ' '' ' . —
. i. . . eatu 6„. of. ou.,el.pe_Long, bebatet,he . .vegus_of.,:„.tg.eLdrit.v.te gtart..schoTol,''...
bur added the ,..Strain a., of y roll n s to _ cha ri t y...!!--.-,..11.al four: ., ... '••,., .,..÷ .. . . :. . , .: ; • , .... 't - : it .. a.: ,1 , – aZ w:•–...L...1. " it • • • • .
the Singing,. while Bob Gambrill Played 1 ,..We.. often -hear. the retnark:- ,-This , - .•:, . h • . . 1,1/
J. .e., wiii tcx, . :ork, .,,. , lea. scbodflrii.11 ' .... •, .. *--4-,
cirai:ge::.-oicAlre .Sery.i.el, rield.•Shotteta0 easT.y for, firem. 1;6 do trig-,Ithings. 111 the Y..iii:. agailyw here_ that those ,Y.,,‘, -,b, 0 ..si,i_.,in... eid.ed..-. I:3y , the . _sehoe.li. s.tziff• fat' the eltil.---iinnirelf --w (.:1 l:,..rid mdthing- else sho„uld•-• "
.shoitid.'''r-pil.'ord life ft,•e,.-sti-n-;,g._ ,,--
,. ' . le Many. riiiir.se-ctions, - however, -of her:, chiltiren.)as. One of; :if not -t• e.,
--• --
the offertorolo. • Ivir:3-.--6:',-S-tall'inn7;tbr 'Ilia t- person' ns a -wonderful:. bEaiti.".. ,It ii. *strange ti:, :find the 'belief' sur there are no such •reid,clay meals. Pio- most 'Arnportant teaks.... in her: -daily.
.Presidclit 01' the Troop C'entinittee,-lhad If is tissamed-that It is comparatively . . ,
' to oi.cate t , t. _ the shade,, twitifiltng their..thenibs end ,.dren„ and it istoencourage 'the schOot".she•-..alloy_,"•_ te-intertere."..-W-ith-it.-....'",,-,
revinciol -Hdtidtinarters bus i ll'e.iS • woi Id,
• • . - • e . . ina'.v =loos
. . . . ,
•DaviSon: Of: :P ..
. , Staff givieig-atli-e. liddres,s, on •Cit . iment ons . .. . ,, -.with their to iigues,:: deserve triiStees and 'people -in every 'rural' -, The .Way :a. ciaild, is .fed in. the-fii;•-. ..t‘
. .. . . ..
' ' ------- - ' ' ---- --- - " mem - • i • for the ben.efit of mankitid ..t:wa• d411 -..11-g.
pay'• for. it, 'as though. they worked and...;_ditriet..ito utge.±13.e_necessityhie..-,1111e,r..NnITfk4Liite-'-jta-S,...,e--laiwe-.-beat iriat
• 61.111)4'• l'uilt---414-1,by Seenting;.-",:-.-..S.C-041-• `•.tti-•-iti-teke _AVOLI-aettaltseientifie ,discover: ,
firodfiE617-7. ,--..- • ''' • . ' - '...nitioh,,nedet,1_' fea,t'n7r-e--.iri -'sclio-Of life on its pi•vsiVel•,-66.;;ATition- in= Neat s te-
• " - matter -Thornasf-:-Prytie.-- .was -alSp•-.ase-les,--anet.to. produce 'works et art that , ., .. . .
• „ _. • The .rule. eaf.....laher. • in the.itntlerp•in, -teat.'this•artiele.fia N'ritten '' • ' ' -.Caine . • • : ' " ' ' • 1.-
. ' soeia-ted :,.wi,th,..:1-1essre. : Stanhury- and :endure -through niaft3i,:lederatiors-, ' '-'-- , - . .
• nIno'-of the universe. The Creator. ... :..., . .... ._ __
- ,e•
- Davison. On the.platferni.•• ,, . • -I Ti• Urmsses.conclude11 t,these no
..;:tA garden partY recently' arranged -1w , piareplislimeilts- ere '-easy for these iiin.elf 'Set..the example., • fieetolled •,. , • •.•
. ., . ,.. • . 'Soh -Ie. -Best Thins ..." - :, Absencel;roln-.6littr.th•,was'a''Put;:ish- '
- ' • • ..
-..,•,....-2-.•••:!-v• -.netted • the.- ard - Sii., Cathariee's7-"Tr-oap:::,-gifted•---,:ande•talented.' -- ilinci'w..,1edge:-and+a.:::1,!:-
.. la , •
' 1 members ,,of the -troop. And its frienda peeple ,bee-its'e they natairalii..are'so --
, - •
0V:eri' 'frad0•!; ''' Ma4iL...rafgad'e
e..,.i.T.es, tie, d;•i_H.;,e...is, .the,a. Master:..o.... ,.• ' ,. • -
in .•,1..c/is. The Best ..Late, „
The -Gorden' it,iile...'• '-.:•' ••
. , . • ;alc,e offerfc.e ' in the • seventeenth • cen,i•
...treasurY,te niCe Ainount.' Tbr it', c'..1.111p .,, wisslOrn. neVer Come to any inai••;Or - '
'' 41thj•-iLie a:.--i•p')..tiy-s..44.c.•••S•n-d-tes----
nuae, . cp. n tar y expect iy me favor . . .
. ltinds..' Th ere ...Witi..ab "e-keefient atteaweniail" di"- ilfree': -gff t; .5..0Me.tiiitei,„..„...0,t-°'ritst.lielry)°1-11-1Icityd-----e-Hi:Thect.H:" e.v. e;.r::i.--..;;,,---':' s-e.:e' .7'..:r•Ve-i'!f7lefe'E-orier't'Plil'Olci&L'Iti"„qr.....
. tien. yea•;.:s 'ago.
;ince ie 'spite Of "Many -!coulirei7ilttrac-somewhe-re,-they have given personal . • • , • ' -. , . ' -' - --- Toiew ii3s, Bki.10004y,..,
.l• ' 1, enje• trying to craWl: untles.;.or, oVer . 41 , ..• .
II th) ki i n !thereft4-7Ort'llke -night th•o party:::-elfort leen& in aceerdence with. iMentt- -- . -- • :
I•able and ov.erOperatiVolaws of "nature,''"''
,uretin.d that, uneOnifertable preacrip-,:i :,.. 4 •contilded ,mind. .'
put :on. .`,.• :•• .: . *.,-.....,:, - • ' '. . •
•o&s.:Iiread '_ia _the ' Th'e Best . ledic.'ne--.
Cheerfulness nrid. temperorrce.,•...,
, thin about, earning • • • • •
. . '
• , .. it et( .1,(_ b flog .1,,,e1 em tiny Wilt Vittee Alli.ey,haVe,reeeivKirlIelfretirdienti p`eivt -f • ' .• ' • ' ' • . .
Sef.i.-7-of 011..•S 1.),19;%S. On the tlance-' 7 :
.itoor :.the._,..t.AO,steii eTa.n.d._ 'the., one-step • ' 'tt.11.1S.,A.L.T._
. ‘ .. -.. on tha s tops . of SI. 'Mere' AtigAcitn ••,• nia n eta. soul aCqtlisiti on, ' and,. incitleut= The Best Wt-tr-- :..., - . •,4'.'' ., • ••
• . "--- 7.•••Chtir:0117,Stretford','-a--•few. eventli-gs.ago,.J.-oxy;'toill'eviir-r,-. Material lien efifS- fer ; The light again.s.t. ones. ,own iv.cak- •
• rimy. coMo.Alidio; ' _Mit jri, the work, - - ,Atilli .e.ariOtil.•••• --.••••.
--.-'.-:When the 0 -Op -Charter. was lirese pled -,, therilielves,- : .: •-• . . , : ' ,.
..-..,;te. •tlro.'-ist: ki., ti•trfford-.Tr.oem..;"". MaYer-i• :,NO-- :-..clifeventent '.. is , possible,. en). 'U. , shen:the• Sidestep and the Sideste 'Pe . ' ,, ,les:' ';' .• • ''' •• . ..' .
'..-,-:-TO•FIGNT•0-13A4T loseciRK:$7 ---i
riL ''are tilwayi 'with us . . ----. ". 1)- , r ' •Tife-'13-6'sr '-.MitS•id-,,`.7.---'-- ' •I''-'-'
-•:-Gr-egicry-7.41.16.if-I-)4.Col.--:'.1.. 1.,•,.: .:•Young,s, '• 161th-tient .0 t -.the-sing -Is-. Possible -with -e.- - - - , • : ' ' •• '' ' ' . ' .-.Theiltuaglit ar of - .a cliii,11, ..:. .
J. OL4PF .• ;" • ''TORONT.Q--
, • . • , ........ . ..-YO-Mig-, in.'en ••are 11 ini ti ite,- ,' for .:*,iioji• :. -°
' lNI.C.,., ofileidjed at the c..reitiony• Prizei:•:, out:lab-Or, wIthent effOrt, inde6.1 ;mere. - •,. • _ , . ., •,, 1,-• . ..
The ReSt-..Art,--., • .• . . ,,.
cuts • to 'Wealth.. The slioAl.est. cut is ,..
• ' Were. else. presenft.(1 to, the. Scouts who.; wohld lle ',more 'just,leequi,ty.__In ... •••. ,,....e, • , . 2 .
_ . ' l'aintine-tr-ba'ale UptSV-thiqfroW Ot a 1
rlhe stt,t1611t, no...of tesponiijillitY ,And - .. .
Made An e xe '(1 1 ent.' reeord, •iri' the. 7,Do• ,•eeohninies ie.labor Ceuta • be esttibliSh- . child) '-..• , .
tints; vid`gOiid•feth 'vial onc'e cm- ).,5,-.. . ' • .7 '
. „nil tilt': ii'' rThp----•,e'„utpi•tit.lon",-• -1',Tio-t-r-FieP 1L'ed as, theineasure Of all •values: , : • . - 7 ' - ' • ", . '': I" -T • Best . '
e Sc-enee
4s,•4144.o.....3seli,•,)•,_r.4,41.44e.nt'.41400,•••many4...••.,-_MA,,y,wini-kas.:-....occirtklazed....-leasi4eiltei. ---ITY-on-ileinPleYer:liapPeriS to he -lour , Letriceting -rrtinnlle rom a cleu y " .:„ ,
. ebtr.t.,,i! eties.•• , .. . . • ! and wisdom, and power, ia undei' a ' • ,,,L..„„ --,-%.1-,:#,...,.e,• ,
. 1: • ..- -- . . - : . owit,selfhere , tare ,eertaiii' tliings you .. .(1'''Y• " f.).....--
• •1.4
;r4q -eeme-Pe. tote • ifowineftill .sw,-i n g. -They; hie .dissemina.t.e.,t116111,' - .Theie- op quisitions -
," °Marie's , two largeiitc Boy Scout , personal obligation rightly to; nse and o*e: Yourself just •as mueh ••As though The 1.3e.i.;t. Tele,„rdphy- . .
iflosh Lug.. a ray cent' sitnalittirc ntura - ... ,..:-....., fivaNt rfr;iL
, . . ,:• It. I
•s oinehO dY-,,:e Ise TitriirfaV.T'Yon .o We it " : ••••-.
the Selkirk Camp. of ''..e Hamilton Ae...cannot be used for the higheat good,. . . 0 yeur. elf torePort for'
the days glooin,y heart. : •.
, .b., , e' ".' " • . . , •
. • 80eialion:-douni on Lalw Erie) and .. the i and to attaiti salvia woil
unfoldment. . _
ViGu....1•ALeLitito_1.,,,mtr,..Thizt...130.4t Inograph-Y.,-.--..... ....„„ ,_411...
.131a et:Rapids-Ca inn. tif Alre-Ottati.ta--,,,1:4-1, Tian's. we see we cannot diiiilete Mir. t.-111-to2-do-it,
Tbe 'lift flint ,writes-cha'rity, 10 1111'
:self ' to keep' your a'pli.bintinetiti al the •'.
--eke at het: - Appr•oXiiii a tely :3.0o- hays 'al stook' pt. --ltn-o:WIedge:,and ..Wistlinn;--toe....-ifin.e-i-a-m-f frie.m., i..os, ova •rt1-6-sceni.,..--,- :.- . 4treest• letters;-- , ----. `. ,' :YAIbit)ISTII. N. S.•-• .. • . -
If to' be steadif tinItistr'ouS ' Y •The IlestMathoinatics- - 'The Orittinal' 'irid, On'IV Genu;nt
• • -
ill', -mine the attemlni,ce. at the, Oti 1 The man who is ,alwaYs striving' to • . . • . a , A ' •• , • . , , '. • ', • -- ' - - - --'--- ''• ' -
51eirie.S.S anti Recovery,,
week will be talteh enre of .111 the fere); ! the more we,giVe the More we t.'eceive:. -
. . .. . . •
refir:41rea1 iiS
?'the treattrient .of
.troubles bath -e freely Nvih Cuti-
,cura .Soap and hot watcf, dry .
gentlY,-and."..ar ply-Cuticura.
Ointment to the Affected pafts:
„Do -not fail to include the
'Cuticura Taltum 'in your tOliet
preparations:1-• ,
throuzllotL ie Dr.sro ih ion. Cannair.Depot:.
friLITSF:ViT, Matreal.
.7113r.'Cuticgra Soar) shaves willort num.
• , • e -.`‘•';e• ••••• '
.Telis rteinarllable Story of
'Callnot .in e$,p6Ot take ni6ney that' ^ lultiply ine-the joy s • ,ind ,d,,v4ding • Be'were of 'Imitatiens acid the,
etcnneiS running about Zia Scbuta take advantage 'of , neighbbr "•
•.. nierit'S cf • *
the sorrews of others.
1-atr hove. not ..earned` nor deniond a . )
. , • .
fabuleus-inconie •for a ll'etitious".effort. -
• A -Little Wisdom..
Creation's cry gees hp op high' , .
..... _.ii_.,rtiiii age to crie-a-tee, iige.,. .. . , Arr'6r ages and worry WeRES. : I
.-. Rend 4„is •111 e . men ..who,-tio„-the work 71-77- TE'ret•-'°Yer 01`e, INISt•'-am,1 -n1111' tnit-1)1-------'-
•-• .1 tlie future .
per wPelc.. efirops will continue 1 hever a benefactor O the race, bow-
, . .
untit the-end:Of, 'August,:mul ;will have ever meat May-advertiee. ha ohori:
_takoix city e•ptitany'41xun d reda, boysi., ties. !, •
it y t
rience ofot er
i :LI, has .taught ,ththiSafids
: 1st; ItPosturn: is better
for 11.244.;.ta than tea-' or coffee'.
Pc,13,511,Uvi. fla.vor
simila,r to coffee, but con. -
tains nothin,d ;that can•diSturb
health. and' Eorafort.
!Iliere, a Reason"
Sold by grocers everywhere
" semscammul
1111•01.11•11101.1# .v.seasomsemicserea • als===se
`•-'.• •*- -For which theY' draw the ;wage!"
! ',' Be, slow entleg------------ck enough.; : .4., . .. .. • . .. a
, .. , • , . • . . . . • .
....., :Ho who._ s•Wella.:..iit.Priastierity will. ' •..: . . .e,T, 1,'.. .,..
econtiiiii-tinial-,eaSe-atter--.readjtietinent. __....._ _ . , .
!:hrin.lt An ,tidiii.rsity, . _ • .., _: • .. .
TbeY have -bethi• -s-..atigh.t bet wi'x'.1. grind - ' Strong language le: often the Prop -----.e-
ing millstones of `cireunn.tance, • They :
4rese-rve.-sympathy,and, a, hearineirlitt- . -". ' It--"ea4tst:''' '''''' - - ' '''''''•"•-.4'''''-- -;
The only .wa)7 to` keep a..Se'Cret 'is to -
Alt opportunity. That Oppertunity. iss: Sa..Y.• nothing..
likely to eolue,,,se,Oe and suddenly, if •
, , . , . .1 .• Don't•let the only suer to- our work.• .
-they hold on. , '' ..,
- -.But-there ere ethers, who deaerVeito 1, ilei„.T1.1,., ,,611,1,1p)lat?''„e, i.t.)%'f"eff.e4d '1-'1',1--6.---se7ti"'s-e.-.--oi: ,..1
:sympathy; , 'Ishey deliberately .elected ' ''''':"' - `-‘"
'to be idle. 'I'lleyr defied :Goers law --- 1 . - ' Wartie,g,.. • feet no (11'.! ('2''forth woman t'...;‘-ei'vitlia: IP' '1 441-.7-
. . end I WOuld etro-gl.
Y0111, 0Wp: worth and, consegnenee,
_ .
they condemned likewise 111 doncili'-***----- -- ' '
Pi 1
• .•6\ ;here are • inen out of. employment • to. 136 , • ,
. .
Baye.1," onlv, is -.C.Tcn.-airt.
tiki-morning who ;lie the. Victinni, of • •
.0•1•,• a •
Y14'ek A t
° Toronto, Qut..-: '1 sUtTcrod
from Avt ;fr,rned to be tired :x11 •
1111,11111,111,11 ti!ne, -
+,7 .atelet-tt•iri- to y.•••• •
113 ..ly 11,,,,evi. 1 v:t.r,., i:i
'oti...1 shape. 1 c 1:1 i
il„tt- sl'e:.:sp a•t• nigi.t, ,
nild - then cattle a
, Lyclio 'I'.:.
tieWsii,1/),•-1.11 11,id ,,,,....-
otill (if i't. f:i;• • dp
1 abls.• to c'i.)
• 4 1:10 1;
01 111 ttircleylott, •.me. • .
h' 'g V I '
tion' and censideratlon tha‘t' w " • — MONEY ORDE,RS' atibtat.itities for gennine ''.;11wyer: 1
. 4 a I• hi $ egetao On11.101.111t1 a tria..' ••••-•••
of their own selftili and cveoecty`e n_ot,, I. A lyominion ExPress Aloney, Order ;
lets of ASpir.in." Unless you see the MrSt CHAULES WAINLIN, 272 Chri,,tie
St., Toronto., Ont
1 die for five dollars costs. three cetth., . .name 'Bayer" <11 package er on tab;
tatorship. •
lets you are .tio
t getting 'Aspirin at TM makers of Lydia E. Put . •
Certainly the chance to °mil, a Liv., • More ii.an 10.00 .pminds or flaiis . in every Bayer me, nage aro. etri,doms 'leghetable componmi haN•e, ththousar,14,t.
ucers as teil
ing-which. Ls tilie grenteSt sine° bless-. are 'eaten • every da"y. by the residents for Colde, Headaehe, IN,:earaigia,,Itheo- truth;lettelse' they tbat above-ev mild not have been ob.:,
Mg that Is vouchsafed mankind -ought . ofraris, • . I matism, Flaroche, , Toothache, . Lulutaint d for love or money, This rneclivine
to go to those Wh�. have the will to 1 , • • . .• ' --.-. .. N . . I bag° mid for Pain. Handy tin boxes .is no stranger -it hargtabd the 14'1
work and not the, desire to stir up In. Theft nre a Million and a bal Jew e ' of twelve. taliietS '.j0i4t: •feW 1,,,cynts. niorelhan forty years:
surrectionarY discontent and make in New ,Ynrit, as MailY OS 'in all the; Druggh•ts aiso selllnrger packligeS, ' • if there are any complications •y•on dc
trOuble in the penee-loving, law.abld- rest,of the United States, arid.'a tenih ' Made in C3111 11 Aspirin is the t 1;ad - not . umierstond•write.to .T)velia.F., r il.k-- -:--
trig ran'its . of • thi) indUstrious, who ef all the Jews in the World. ... i. earl* (reeletered in Canada), -of .11aie. r .liat'ae Ii1ttdie4l1", 00; (conlidentiall,.1.,ynn, •
'know of toil and the ena, of toil; Melo' • . ... — . . : Mannfafture ef 11,10nOacetleac:dester M
.168.1)0, No, 30--.11.
knew Ood's law is . .1 Mitiard'a Lini1
nlealt Relieved Neuralgia , et Salicyllcacid.