HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-07-21, Page 5- 4' •
iE latroKimtow SENTINEL frulal.$ll AY, JULY 21st, 1 1.
S dealers in . Ford cars, and
part and, parcel of the Ford:.
Organization, we realize how . tet.
l' h saccepted.'ethCanadian.faniily y � a
Ford Car . as an: institution. •
As a source of 4domestic content-
ment, of wholesome pleasure for
the children and convenience
everyone, the service of the. Ford is
to a lar e,degree .a family service.
Let .us call at, your homeor place of
business and: demonstrate' that Ford.
car your family would so : much ap-.
U.A.C. Bred Varieties of Oats,.
Barley and Wheat.
an Actual, Competition They Lead All
Rivals—Thls' Means. an Annual
Gain .of Millions. of Dollars to the
• 'Co i intry. •
(tltributed: by Ontario Department..of
griculture, Toronto.) ,
' Approximately five m llioai acres
are devoted annually to. the grain'I
•Drops in Ontario. About three;flfths,,
'or this acreage is used` for oats..
Oats.1,,Ai.though there, "are about
one hundred varieties' of oats grown
in general Cultivation in Ontario
about two-thirds•'of the entire "bat'
erop consists. • of two; varieties, viz.,
the Banner. and the 0. A; C. No. 72.
• The Banner: variety of oats was in
troduced at least, twQ score years ago
'under the "name of',Vick'g` American
Banner,' Itwas the leading variety,
of oats in .Ontario' for a number of
years, and is `still prominent in some
Tp" a 0.. A. C. NQ. ,72 variety of oats
originated .at the Ontario Agricul-
tural College , from a single seed in
110.3. It has been included in the
regular College •experiments for the
pant thirteen and in the co-operative
experiments over Ontario in each of
the past seven years. The average
results 'for the thirteen -year period, in
bushels of grain per acre per annum,
has been 86 for the 0. A. C. No. 72
and 75jor the Banner. Ii] each of '
.the past nine years the 0. A. _C.
No. 72 -variety has given a higher
yield per acre in the average 'results
...than any other kind with which it
was tested throughout Ontario Wtth-
in the past four years the standing
flel'd crops of the 0. A. C. No. 72.oats
have taken from three 'ie. four times
am:many first prizes as • those df the
Banner variety in the ' Field Crop
Competitions -throughout ;Ontario; ,,• -'
The. grain of the 0. A: C. No. 72 var•
iety of oats has taken_ the, Champion-
ship prize' at the Ontario Provincial
Winter Fair in: each of the past: dive
years,. '
The .0. A. • C: No 3variety of oats
is •• about Oen days earlier' than the
.Banner,produces' a . medium length
:of. straw and grain which has alower
peecentage -of-.-hull--than-an-y--other
• named" variety -tested at the College.
It is •particularly well suited for mix -
inn with barley when it' is desirable
'to• grow '•these two. grans in combin-
ation; a practice now being followed'
'by. •many . stock :farmers throughout .
•the province.. '
Barley^Forty_ years ago' the Conti -
i -r' wed. • arl,ey wa grown •
almost exclusively in Ontario. In•
1889' the llandscheitri .barley. was
tested '.at the' College for the first.
time. 'Atter proving, its worth in an
experimental way it was
throughout-u.t-�Qntario,:.-through the-me-
diuun.of; the•.Experituental Unioh, and
became. generally grown over "the pro-.
_Vince. This was.: a�decided. ..improve-
ment' over .the fornier variety. 1,'
,The ;Ct;.-•A .-No:•-2•I barley --orifi
mated:• at. the Ontario. Agricultural.
College from a'single seed in 19'03.
_,Aa.tl e.ih.en_papill.a:i':-'liandScliettri:Rtas
an improvement over :'the ' Commou
Six-rowed,so_the 0.=:h C. No •21 is
an improvement Over the meiia-
scheurt-. Largeiy through the into
iif"'titese variette9'the•average:
yield per acre of barley has. increased
• 20 • •per• "Cent. • in the. last - '.eighteen,
years.' as compared with the eighteen •
.years previous..
"-"`--Spring.,;Wheat.=—`"rfev-Witd- robs
variety• of spring 'wheat 'which has
'The Red. Front Hardware
iksummer Requirements
h .p
• . Screen Doors acid Windows. Screen Wire
all widths.
. Granite and Tinware
Who Hesitatef
•:1314Pg 4642' -.11:2"htt-' Ea*
•.siisEttwoOps FOR SERVICE
E. AITCHISON: - phone -47;
educed ^•
:Auto Coaster, Wagons at 25 .per :cent re-'
Y -
Perfection Oil Stove.
Gold." ,1edal Binder Twine, ' Plymouth'
Rope; Slings made to,order.
Bicycle and Auto: Accessories..
:Threshers' Supplies; Leather and Rubber
Do you find
' 'unable''to sleep:well? Are you.iriritated•
by trifles? Do. small.troubles look big
to you? . Do you start at'sud'den.noises?
'Are you unable to concentrate long' on
any one thing?
It so, there'ssornething wrong with your
'nervous system. These are danger
signals. DR. MILES' NERVINE —
$1:20 , will soothe. the irritated' and
over -strained -nerves. -° Juit-one Or -two
doses helps Nature to* restore, them
to their normal functi,,zte. Guaranteed
cOnitipaitiVp: yew' Will find'
Mums' LiVstt Pzu.seffeetive in
s -Guelph,. Ont., Insurtnice, Fire and_
-„--been Ontario for :many
-is, however, a:clitrurn wheatiland is
more suitable for the' manufacture of
. The• gamuts variety • of spring-.
;Sr loose .leaLtObicco sales '-warehouse
.• Wife)rt. he receive -A 'Ks' sales Slill'and
.bank Cheque was missing.' • ,
money. tor this- here-tubaceol" The
sales sheet was- donstaced. *" •
day -of the Inri:itniitih; :It'atec8;
not only. a geod. yielder, but it IS a
.wheat of excellent quality for .11read
production, and. one which is increa,s-
Provinces And in Ontario. In the
Experiments at 'Guelph it , occupiea
fourth place inLayerage yield' per atre
of. twelve varieties -of spring. wheat
1.1trililier'•-thii,--"t he -expense for • for flour PreductiOn -War 'if
Winter Wheat. -=-The..• Dawson's
Golden Chaff .va.riety of winter wheat -
1881; and has been grown exten-
'for ..selling Y.ouk• tobacco •amounted, to
London Ontario'
c'ire', 'than the' .tobacco ,Wat. worth.
You still owe. us 59 cents,' eXplained
.. W.;ti that's all righ , I gueas;' laut Yeara. It has a stiff straw, beardless
1 a.n,t 0.t ii, cent wall. met , . . head, red chaff; add White grain. 'of
y nie tom quality for read pro7
:A..F.•& A.M., G.R.C. 'Old Light Lodge
befOre :the full meon, in the Mas-
onic _ Havelock St., Luckriow;
ov.i,r ,r.e. rive bring along
ti.lcittti with you at, i wt: will call
u week the colored:man ap-
peared in tbe office with two..chickens,
"Here are the „chickens."
'4:Sure—but you' didn't. hiVe 'to
bring -two of them, 'one. 'would* have
otherload of tobacco.'"
yatid'has. been very- popular. with the ,
farmers of Ontarie. •
Whiter Wheat originated at the Otir
tario Agricultural College as a cross
between the •Dawsott's Golden. Chaff
%Bo• sses a tall comparatively stiff straw,.
bearded head ;-red- th ft.ff' and 'red ',grain-
- of good' quality.- It is a vigorous.
_grower,_.arid.itythe. experiments at
Guelph has given a:larger yield per
ii&e and hale killed' bilt losrbi- the
winter than.' either. of its Parents. In,
the co-operative experiments throngh-
out •Cintaria for the last foul' yeara
has headed the list hi yield:Per acre'
.,,It is generally recognized 'that, in
a comPa/atively new country such as
Ontario there is .a tendency for a
gradual .decrease in croP prciductiOrt
Luckndw Lodge meets every
Friday 'evening: at 8 o'clock in their
Grand, •Robt. Johnston; Vice" Grand,1
Arai. Barbour; Rec. See, E. Aitchi-
son; Ain, Sec,_Dr. Paterson; Treasr
We teat Wedn.eday and Situr-
Will alSo -buy 'quantity-
nr-good "cedar ,logs.
For Information and Calendar write . .
Nu you do it well Just Ole or two
doles of DR. HMIS, NERVINE—$1.20
will soothe the Irritated and over -strain;
oftnetves. Guarahtsed Safe and Sure;
An, Irishman returning home after
gathering dollars in . Canada; decided
to giVe his old father an outing.
The old fellow had never been iri a per acre owing to the natnral deple-
partment with much fear and ireful,- • ing and suggestive. to' note, 'however,
ling, and with many outspo e antic
ipationss of what woTtYlkhappen. 1 tion obtainable there has been an
, actual increase oT front ten to twenty
Suddenly the train dived into a '•per eetit. in yield per 'acre et three
tunnel,.and as suddenly the old chap's of ihe principal farm crops of Ontario
fist hew out and dealt his son '8'hetty . for the last eighteepiyears as com-
, pared with the ,prev ous period of
blow on the nose. • • ' eighteen years. This increase in yield
. "tie jebers," 'he roared, "Oi tould ber acre for -these .three erops, reclt
yes something would hipper), Orin wieti at thar1W-Pil6e8' his made in
• 'Th rohibition jokes do not ap-
• "But," said his friend, "•I like
therm • I am fond of dry humor."
"Bone-dry" is designed to keep
men irmit going tie the 'doge. ..
efts.* hlainei estimated inerease in money value of
Hay.- Fever
.spc0 many a holiday.
Positively stops these troubles
Sneezing, %vetoing, coughing,
weeping eysa aren't necessarY---
Unless you likhe being that way.
$1.00 at Our druggist's or write
Templetoria, Toronto, for a' fret trial.
Unexcelled, Dining Car Service.
Sleeping, cars On: N.,ight Trains and. '
Parlor Carp on Principal -PAY-. "
• Full informatiol from any Grand
Trunk Ticicet -Agent or -
mg, District *Passenger Agent, 'Tor -
F. F. Phillips, Agent, Luelow
Clone. lt
taper and A ever. raauy knot!