HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-07-21, Page 3• , p V41'*Iftr+ r , • •ft =mt.= e& -1111CATION JY DL £J. iVIIDDLETON • 71, Hew -0-TA 111Kze, •C`a.a& ilve hundred Mud 'obaohii'b ena thein two hours 1 the cat eh announced by the Anglo-British•Canadian Com- pany, Limited, which organization is now prosecuting the ,ellark fishing in- dustry in the gulf of Georgia. Much has been done in recent years by the Dominion. Experlinental Farms to increase the Production of eggs laid by varying breeds. In the eastern provinces many hens are now laying from 150 to 250 eggsannuallY, while 0 .Provinelal Illoard of Health. Ontario• ar sudstoton wtu b4 glad te- allSWer,qhestlena oie Patine Health 'as 124 jp tees througi this eolunixe , Address him al thio kNiiisinent 11111411, . Teronto. 11111151Voia Ilk vs, vs -j.11, mow las iss 11161 'Whatever the tendencies of. mod-' • ern la,usiness and industrial nietheds- • are, one thing is certain, the hearts of ' the people are right. Ali the profiteer; ing, labor .disputes and social unrest ••that we see to:day, are annateirel cen- ditions, disliked by eVerybody. Broughtjnto being largely by the location of the whole world dur1Tfl the •years: of War; these sedial ab- nennalities -Must ,pass away. They cannot possibly endure; thy 'will not telerated •by the' thinking peoples' • of the' earth. 'Profiteering and labor 'disputes wb:rk tovirarda destruction, but the 'World wants neryiee. e Every:: Where we go this idea of beinref ser,, *4 vice to Our felows is gaining ground. it. What a splendid exampie,•of , this ia• 'afforded by the ROtary Clubs, ,,new organization whiCh 'already has jump- ed -into the lorefrent of the fight for • human hapiness . and betterment. These splendid clulis are now formed , in Most Of our large towns and cities, • and as their watchword is'"Service,," no.drons'or lazy folk are admitted to membership. You must be a worker or you Stay outside. Even after join- ' ing, if you .fail to attend the regular • • meetings or take part in the club's activities, eut-you• . • •-:Tlese clubs being non••seitarfan, all • the most energetic men in the cam - inanity are. eligible for .inembership, and rarely is there any worthy Cause •ef" that fife Rotarians Will not endorse and help forward by every meana in at Indian Head, Sask., /05 pullets had • their power. One of the enes,t interan averageof 1a3.7 -eggs, the highest esting features' of the Rotary Club being 292. At Lethbridge. Productfon has, been increased two or three times meetinge is the prometion of cheerful - owes' and 'friendship. Ali conventions •Over that of nine or ten year ago. tAt are:Set aside and, members are called! the Vancauver, bland farm elle mullet by their Christian riaines. After the; laid over three hundred eggs. ' seoup is served 'there is a sing -song in Several prominent British ilnanciers, 1 Wielf.evetybody Must- join.. • Good- interested in oil development, aro ex- fellewship without formality .reigns peeked in Calgary this sal:Miler, to itt- supreme, premotes digestiOn, and! yestigale jiot only the Northern oil.' rests the aged,' for an hour from the :11,elds hat the Producing area .of Spathe worries. and eoncentration 6f business •erh Albertt. or profesonal lifethe parpOse of • the Rotary ,Club is to of Fort Willie,M, have returned frona a .si. Above everYthingi..• W, A. Matheson and ay Mo. r HaYrie'• • i ' be, of use, and serViee to others- and,,fgold, Mining location which theY have to themselvei: Thekr a.eed is. pro-! .1.FM4\ Ttr,OU'n r 7hrN''oroli•IUJI-1 aesAive 'and rings true. •Here it is•: "My business• standards shall hav.e in them a note of sympathy f* our corn, innaliurrianity. My'huSineas dealings, enibitions and relations, shalt always •cause me , to take into consideration my highest duties as ri member 'of .so- ciety -to copeider my vocation, worthy and as affording me -distinct oPnortnnity to serve society -to • improve myself, increase • my effi- ciency and ealaege my service, and,by so doing. attest .my faith in the furida, taken -up on the nortili 'shore of the Sa- pante Lake, briagihe with them some yery rich samples of visible geld. The •vein„.ie •a new 'discovery in a district where gold proapectors tetrenty years agoefoUnd some ricn ere, and the vein is said to be from" ten to twenty feet in Width. The fisheries produCtion of Canada for the year 1920 reached, .a. value of $49,321,217, 'according to returns just issued by the Dominion: Bureau of Statistics. British Oolumbia's fishing innnstry 'accounted for $22,300,000 of mental Principle of ReterY, that the total, and that of Nova Scotia for • ' he Profits most who serves best" $12;700,900. Salmon is lay far Canada's ': . • Surely nothjng couldbe more most important fish, the lobster com- - in ,•, line with the Social Service Program second and codhalibut andhern. of Public Health' than this oreou of ing in the order , named,' Nearly K.: 000,090 worth of 1,vhitefish wore mar - the Rotarians. May these club grtivi keted, • On. board.„t•he Canadian Pacific. Rail- way, steamship Victorian Which ar- rived at Quebec recently was a party of twenty-eight English drphan boys en route to Sherbrocike, 'where they will be instructed in the, rudiments of Canadian farming and after. a course of one or tWe months will•be,sent out to'different farms in the Dominion. -Approxi•mately $10,500,000 insurance Js heln by Canadian war veterans mi- ner the proVielorie of the Returned Soldiers lasuralice. Act, represeatiag ltheet -3,800 policies. There has been a marked atierease in the mim.ber of talteif out recentlyesinee wn amennment. te.. the .act arranged !Or the payme'nt of total amounts at death.: • Electricity is being used* • for the first time in New 13runswiete as pOwer _tor rafting purposes; by the NashWook Pulp and Paper Company, • it b•the enouth Of. elteeVaShWaak Itivea.wnere refts tinibee are Made up.!or ship-: ment to .8t. twenty-horse- p9wer -meta rind a Crew of seventy men now do the work formerly' requir- ing a crew, Of 200 men; when. the raft - bag Was. dOne.by hand, aid prosperI. ' • • • • • World's Biggest Saw. There has just been fashioned fon ore of the big •luniber Mills in British Colgmbia the largest circular sw ever To. be"acenrate, there ate"twe of• thein,and their have beee designee to will. give. Yon ae god a .weather for Meet the sPecial requirements the cast • as you . need for everyday pur mill which is 'called' upon to poses. -. • giant fir logs, many of Which, nig from ;If you ere at the seaside; i,vatch the . . ' 'fifteen to twenty-five feet In.gtrth. gulls*: When they fly inland eou may • There are. millions. of • acres . of fir lie. sure there Will be rain. AS the old • . forests in British Columbia there be; prOverb"has ite•• '.• ". ' • ••• , . Ing Sufficient. timber in this. sieele pro- „ • "Seeger', Seagull, sit the sande • viece of • the Daminion „to % supply the , It'aneVer fine weather while you're' . world with all•the finance it needs for • ore the land." . • many generations' to ceme'. ' • Weather changes have etriious cf EaCh-eaW is nine -feet in "diameter, ,fects uPan Cows. 'A Yeenaing_ahower ral-boasts-bite-lrundred-and-ninef-y-L-d Crafet-her tachhble teeth of the inserted spiral. ears., If a, thunderetorin As on the - , type' .This an. itnpOrtant.' intotta- way, her'. tail: :Will thump vigorously .' • tiori, mid:Means that sheen.' any of the against_ her rinse; Week thefts on a teeth, get; broken- or dintaged;; :new eouetry reiad at.dusk•indicate .ram. oiles,cen.be inserted without rerativing ' The' humble rooseer, 'too, :is a. god • • the • saw from its;fraine. " : .• . weal lierceek, Ie- usually • can scent • Each blade •was _Oast 'from 'ingats, a' Coming shavver ell in advance _weighing. 1,140 After reheating, "If the Coelegees crowing to bed. rolling,. and trimirfing,..tn& finished. He Wille'certaittla rise. with..a watery ..b.lades•-; turned• the acale at• 7,05_ lb.. . , ' -.apieee. Great care had to be exercised in the' final 'treatment as they "had' to Inatfibliinifennr-trife" • ' and the steel' of a tiniform quality. • • This giant among naws'ts eapable. of attaining' a ,spe.ed of one hundred -'..and thirty nin'es It: 'catc•Siive •through the_greatesteferest giant. that • Wig It Be :Fine? 'Do yeti. kiln* how, te. tell a moil). "teen fine,. me. Matter ',Where you hap,. pen to. he?... e . It- •is.quite," simple. ;Just Watch the- hirds'and the animals. „Their actions • DUE TO THIN BLOOD It Usually Disappears -When -the • Blood is Made Blell and Red. 1 INTROVFMEt71:17 TALK OF FRIENDS.' -TANLAC DID HEIt WORLD Dangerous. OF GOOD SHE. SAYS -Mra. tArris--"MrS. May, y,ou like - aPples?" ' • "Change It. Has.Made in Me is Simply Wonderful,' Says • Toronto, Woman. Thin, bleod is Oae ef the moat cora- Idrs. ,MaY--"ApPles? 1 'ates "ern! mon causes of . stomach trouble. • It wouldn t eat a maple for the world, affects 'the digestion very quickly: The : 1,1y eki mother died of albple-plexyl" glands that furniatt the,digestive fluid's . • are diminished in their activity,. the • • Still; Sir:all-Voice. • Storni:eh •muscles are wbrilc'ened and " • 0 there ig a lcise ot nerve 'force. Pa tilis rilitin'tuut) ienr conT'seien' ce.' tell you you state ef health nothing' will mere wronge, • • • • quickly restore the ap'petite, digestion . : d i ' • Les' replied Tommy, "but rtiOn't and '1'"ralal Putf'ithan than good". r"' believe ev-e-rythnig I hear." ' • ', red blood., . Da Williams' Pink Pills act.directfy .'Almost. Like Nbw- ' e on the bleed, las.ltrig it rich and red; •• ' and ' this enriched blood etren'gtliene • . Caller-e:Isnt that pietareoone Of the weak nerves,' etimulateS tired manecles, ;Old maiters? and awaken a to 'nornial aCtion; the • Mrs. NewricliI.believe:so, but MY glands that supply the digestive Milt's. htisbandliad it varrxished and framed' This is shown'. by an iiiiproved appetite ma Way that makes. it look almost. as. and won the effect- of Moe blood en; good as new. ":".' .,• „. ,. , Welting pills is evident througheue the: . . • . • • ' .......- whole system You find.thatVliat YOU • ea • . .Took Pitren Him, ., • eat does not distress you, and thet von - - - ' Darling," he cried, in tones of deep are. vigorous inst.eacl of irritable and . emotion,:"at list You are safely in my tintless. It your appetite is fickle, if arms •and nettling shall part as more." you nave any of 'the distressing pains. . The object of his touchingewords• and, symptoms of indigestion., you and pasSionate •embrace made • no • re - Should at once take Dr. Williams' Pink sponse, but remained cold and silent. Pins and profit. by the better condition Tears welled into hla eyes. • • in which they will put your blood. • "Dearest,'!. he continued,. •"Ilew can . These pills a*,re sold by all dealers in I prove, My love? . IS there no seen - medicine, or you •can get them by mail fice I can make foreyeit sweet sake; at, 50 •cents a box or sila boxes for no 'suffering I can endure?" -$2.5(1 frqm The pr. Williaras' Medicine This final appeal was Irresistible. Co., BreekvilleaOnt • . •• "The best thing •you can do, my • —..._..2_....:. . Maxie', said •a•gruff 'voice, "Is to come for me" is the s'ubjece' of a letter cora- 'Pest and led him silently eWay. . . "'What the: Boy Scout training does men unfastened him from the .lamp - With the Boy Scouts. along. with rue," and a ,,br,rital pollee - petition .being' 'conducted for Sarnia• .•. I3oy Scouts' by the local Aseociation. '. Same Old Thiese. , Prizes of .Scout books and. sitbscrip, A Cambridge' Undergreduate, 'ten- dons to Canaciiin Boy, the Boy Scotts"- tint a to :regulations,. was entertaining Magazine, will be awarded to the, boys writing the best letter, and. a ainiiber, of these letters Will be printed. later in. the Scout Column Of the i'Oanadiar. 0beerver.." - „ eft is interesting.. ta n'et' tne team which. won the Howisdh trophy in the. Breekville junior baseball 'coin- psectolutitosli. wa• s eni.irely.caposed of Boy Wlille Bobekville,Scb•uts. seerir'. to 'make basenall their atinetie• Specialty, Sudbury Scouts go in for fdetball. Two games with their chief Opponeeter the Copper. Cliff Cadete, recently re -- milted ilea. tie e.ntd a 2-1 Viethry. for the Sceuts. , • , Afother haejeinen the Seeets!" But on . investigation we found thet she reaTIY-hadif Wlint-stre"diornal:, th.e Ladies' AUXiliary:. of the 51st •Ter- • . onto Troop. The. Scout Mothers .re- cently,beld a garden fete in aid -et the. troo'lecanipieg fund. A good .program; iri which local artists coenierated With:, talented meinhere of the troop, netted ,• tlietreesnrY °yell - The • Catholic Boy Scouts at Es- Panola p.artidipated in the rferenfony of ilium:mating the Statute snrmountin.g the soldiers' -monument on the' Sacred iI4irt•grcunds. • They. : acted as a guard 'Of hOilorrind"gave . • • • as the lights wee:tuinen on.. ScontingegrOWS: .AinetigSt•the most recent teoope,to receive their -Chatters frem headquarters 'are urganization haVing their heedquarters in Blyth It le easy.to' read the -weather signs RED HOT JULY- DAYS. tli6 skye A haloed moon always - ° • ..--ee; ,toreteila rain. The star, toe, -•have ri HARD ON THE -BABY mistappearance before a 'shawer. • ."Wheri the:stars begin- to• huddle; ' The, earth sooh become a pud- '-a:dlei". • • ' If; 'hen the rain 'does,' come, it' ar- • • ever grew as easily ,as .one can •cut rivesfrom the east, it will usually re- , • main for two days 1! • rain threatens for a 'long time; reveillereinala - far butter with a knife. • •." • , . — Eggs WitICWhate Yolks. .. ..,....-:„....._..;,., .. • . t prevent these troubles or it they CoMe . The -secret of obtaining eggs ••••nritla e • • Flying•Xorpedoes. ' on sliddenly to - fight them. No otter white yelks , has been solvedit is7 • Experiments, throwing. a new light medicine is of such Aid •to ,yucithers stated,. by two ponitryebreederS. on the ProbleMs-of aerial -war; are re- . duringthe • " hot summer as . is, BbY's• . , .,...., „The yolk derives its , line. ..yello* poetic!, as _hexing, been .tseesine place: .0wa. ',:Tablete,....e. Tliex_•^_regalate the. - seeteleacee_e_T„.•-•.. tom a nature' dye, e•carotin, . . , . . . . with great secrecy near Paris. '-• bowels and stomach, and an oecasion- . . . _ • ,t, which a so cons initaTTIThrlafTelit-d ...Small, , heavier-than-air .inaen.,..nee, - ....e. al dose given p 0 . we,. c lid- will: .'().!'tgl',..9„,i)rix91-bej,:itill(11.-gr'd."4"..eDt 4Q -rally the ikibiir.... canots.. ils carotln.1 Ar - ,IS. realle torpedoes with wings, are sent -.Pie.'ielli 'siiiiiii'.ei' er:ii.iii'l.a6ifi`;`.6.r .4, the ' :cal warning: Spare the rod and .Spoil -- .,... well, the ...intenae yellow ...ehleringin., .ap:fato',..ibe...-..:..qa...apaea...their eeiee.epeeeee, it.ouble_deee _genie ea ieudelelilY will the .child ; Cthere-prefer•the.,Promis,:,:' the beak, the earlapd, atid the legs ef and entirely ,pilotlese, and are then banish it •The TabIetp 'are sold by Train up a. child in the 'way he,should egEorns, an"-Itatithrlfreetl:- ' . .eonfielled . by wii•elese te egraphy.. •julye-the month ,of :oppreeslye heat ;, ?ad hot days- 'and; evaelteriegrenightee 'isextrehiely hard onlittle ones:" I)lar• - rhoea, dylifiterye col= and cholera ite Niagara •Falle, EeSex, Elk Wk...., Wino-. .faatem carry off .thousends of..preciOnR: ji[v_Egapvil 1 0 Metci1fe.•0_0:t.ton„liridge. iittle.liv'el7eyer37--auyinnere"-T.he nether Inerg aral•Preston, . e. • • 'inlet._be. eat -latently on her :stern to. ,Taltinlitlie slack -"in a bey'S,Ien.'e----- r.uye. time, is. gee of the niost serious eroblems of the .1f.onre. . The: program .of activities of the_Boy Scouts Aisociae ;flan has stood -•the test-O-f:fweiVerit as: one of the most practical -Solutions hie sister, etnen they h•eard sonieoree• oii the,stairso Hastily hitting his sis- ter behind a curtain, he ivent t� the door and •cenfrented an Aged man Who was 'revisiting the scenes of hie youth, and was desiemis .qf ,seeing is old rooms. - • , • Obtaining 'permideron, 'he lteked round; • and remarked, "Atte, yes, the same old robm." Goirig to the :window he said, "The.same ofd"vievi, and peep - Ing behind the curtain,. he &dein-lea; "T.he same Old ,gamer . Sir," said the Student. . "Oa, yes,"said, the vIrsitor., same :olnestery.„". • , • •Think over the acts of yetir fife earefuliy before you ask for erect justice., Canadian expenditures on riavit and' military defence are the IoWist•cf. any eel:in:try, :in, the world, accoictirig to the -statenient of the Minister of in flouse of,CommonS, the per. iapita experiditnre • for defence, , in- cluding 'that for • Militia, and air 'ft:Tees, •being •onl'Y $1,89. of.he per- eeetege of .annual revenue ,to- be' 4 - voted lip" deferFee purposes this te.tr. is 3.5 Per ,cent. . • . "Tanlac has. .certatrity' had a goad chance in MY case to Shea; what it can do, tor I sure had nip% nerd struggle andehad just ebout,tried eyerything," seid Mrs.. Mary Richards, 2'01 Ashdale Av., 'reroute. ' have beert lit • a badly run-down Condition ;ire!. eince had paeuitionia ' nix Years ago. .Pdy stomach Was near-. ly always out ot order. My, appetite., was very _peer and I.had to be VerY careful about whet ate; as I euffer-. ' ed terribly train Mini:eaten, broil- phitis and pain§ in my ch,est. MY sleep' -- ‘4Ja., -never spund. and I liad a tired.' irorn-,eat ell , the. time:. I ledd dr4acifut . headaches and week. spells . and had'fallen off In welgbt until I waa scarcely more than a shadow of tny former self, and I ••,va.'s absolutely . unfit. Par work of any kind• : 'But Tanlad'has aone me'a world of good. My stomach is in fine con- dition anti eat all I want and every. - thing agrees. wifh me 'Perfectly. All - my aches, and pains are a thing of tne past and I'm strOnger than I've been fir a long time. In fact, Tanlachas the smile' as made e'new person of me, for. Ie cart do my housewoik with ease and.: • mY friends are -talking about the won- derful change that has come over me, I don't believe anyone who suffers as I did can do better than take Tanlac." Tenlic. is. sold by leading •clniggists everywhere. „ Advt. Not for Vulgar Eyes. • There must be: many Japanese still. . . • living who can .rethember when their• eountrymen`wauld have regarded' with horror the Manner in,which theCroWn ' Prince allows himself to be gazed aeI3-,' eneby fereign. erewds.. • .-. •• - - Se late as 18.67 no Japanese ,was al- Iowed to • leek upon the Empetar, Who- • 'Nen' life apart in the •S•eoluilon of • hie•palasa. that was seen of him ••• • by those • who 'waited' riri mamas wad nis back. NVinse tne rule , Wae• first monified'to the eitent of his leaving the palace all Shutters:hat' tee • be put up, WOO drawn,•and even. • the. crevices coVered with paper, and. ' •no one wits permitted in the streets. Vast; •eharige.s have taken Place since ;. then, but even te,day.it is net „consici- , • • ered qtilte. let Ter aad reseeetfhl by _ the masses bf the ,peopleete look at the Emperer ar his heir when they drive - througb the streets.. '•." ninerfeeIs Byeliminating-air-eat:attn. feOni the .Maeleines 'are flovin fOr 'considerable . feed 'sit Wa,S, possible to produee per-"dialances and . made; to carry Out wliite-Leiahern tit 'esf;•-nntimiayres-:„While Under -. Wireleas. hens in '1,11rii laid °eggs With White rection frein the•groan'd. • . yolks; their fertility. was not, Levee- A further developm,eut conionanlated ever., limited in theleast; . •Is for. a method to be be perfected by The frequent disappearance of the 'Means of :^which a pilot; in an aere- e yellow pigment' 'from eerlapee .lege, 1,,plaile den, control the movementi 'etc., which:has beep ohserved Leg one on6 •ot,these air torpedoes. • "•• • •- horns.--.-dirring-Alie-i•laying•--peaitrilf-is,„--,-T-itis-would-anean-that-'rifter4-14-for. 'enused by the fact that dining this I DPrin had been Jannefied and controlled • "Mash hay e 'nether room," •insisted .. • thegneet.- :' • ' • "Wirittf`SAlferiTatter-rititIlre-Oairi• you " -1"Welli,. if • yen, tfsb eci"the'' dianetsfiedtenant,' on inantelAredeniere or- by email.. t 911— 4" "-- go and when, he is oniThe. will -net (le, . eeitie-n •laax -from "Th,a . Dr,: *Willideas' ' p :Tr t. . therefrom.: .The Boy' Sant Mbve- Medieine Co., Beockyille, Ont. , neent is .based -on the -latter prineiale enctinraged- thei3figh in: •-'Wahta-Tccrfthfge,:-r-- -,-'-',c'T-8,1!,(-1-0. -91114:-:1"-! • • •crel*ed leadership -13y meneableA:0--da-- " „A .. somewhat befitddled- guest •• all:. !vete time..to flits great peered before the-glelk-Of h _. sniart :'. ,• .. . ,: a.., , ., „, „:, hotel • and • don -landed in, thiek • but firni Canadian Forest Investi tones that bia roeth.bethangeti. • "I'm sorry," thecei..ir told him;"but • : , , . , • • . . l. gations. 11 the.....i.00ns,....azi,.....taken,!.! -, , .. _,.......,...,_ .....:•_.W1).11e •ine•-111' 4ietricts.„....w.liere.,,th.e4e, 0 1."A ' ItOehriehil, t1•71 in q *. inrPqfnrs In-.. :tilted • thpreare obtervafions; belpg' traderarial•^4aveatirattess..o^f-IrAtrrotaiat: less- detailed .eharneter .bellige:rrie.d -:- -on, theorganized seieetific %Volt . In thede'lifyeenriond hen been' Mainly .cen tred hi the fore:it experimental station' _ , „. .. • . • • • . •at ,PetaWasiete'.e.Ont., and at the forest Minaries Linithent for sale everywhere 'nursery. station at Indian. Afead, 'Sask. -At -inalark-:11-entilittg e-IIII-ItOff-n1 'Plantations Mr small area, • in' seine cases of singlespeciee.. and . in ,otheit, clises „Of eVarione mixtereS, have been stit.,ekistence for seine years.' Careful records have beell kept Irate- yeirrete - ,a .L.year__O_ _01 the .nrWth: Mid ..dieuvrecillo..iflimi'; etiiiiulatied t a tore: of :i: ef the trees and there ie'being,steallily 'that - Win .-be-';'fit' tlie-gre-a7test -yr:flue . in ' •future piantingAvork , on feynis or the farestsee-Anniial_lteporteDire•ctor - ,.. . . - 'of l'orestry, Ottawa. • gloom, Dog Rem el • • • Book mi .„ KM DISEASES and How to Feed ' Maned Free to any Ad- - dress by .the Aut or. • U. Clay (HovelCo., !no. 118 ,Weet tlet Street. • New York, U.S.A. irmommosimisimir COAR$E SALT. ' Al\i'D` 6AL T. Artilk.CarkitA TORONTO' liAtT ViTCYRKs- o. ,TQaONTO ACirg ECZEMA,- . UPAS HEAD. Faeo-itkok,krni::-Terribl& Sight Etched And Burned„ Cutiouit.Heals, . - • "Baby was, two "yeeenths old when I noticed little punpree' on lidraliend: gettiAt,worse. and screed feee; necit_an.d..artne., were one/ease of crpptlons, barniny,„ itching,-nnekiceding., 1 wet tof.k ' • ' war/Acute eczema'. I lind to ecw ' arms 'arid -lecrs izi lincn.• .4.31aett- A terrilAle For one year I no rest nIg▪ lit day: • ”We got Cutict:ra Soarer.. • - ment Iti 1cstlic.:41twO --bc,7an,td-richcl " ' ol-44e„w7is , Boofinan,'2 • se et c II tslia 25`a,-b1liraaa4 PT end- throu ohouvluDoir.inion. CC. PacIfit..rAcna-ci I. • 0/4.4r'Cetticura Soap shaves without timo carotia is eXereted, first .of all In i• up to a :-certain height by -the' hind sta “erdif,'"ItS-"dlireetrOte-WeefIrfie-takeii *. In. the case ,of laying --,frenslzwiileli, I by Et' pilot -1A -a--epeciarairen"Plane; who _ Treditted :eggs With white-yalkse the would enti,„:•it On aherrit until lie .",fia.a • carotin contents, of Ilie4ifterent feeds' I guided it to its target, lie !himself re- cOuld be eximileed• very eriaily. ,'•• It Maining at som'e• distance., . • preyed that carotin is "containedin " :•,•. , greatest tinicilmi in Indian Cern.' and • • rh 1.7.S..navy has notv in its sei•- -nteenfitilletttorier pigeons '4` • Ler- e • atuies 'St. °rehouse The. delicious, Crisp Oral -Jules oE the wheat 41-id;bal,:leytftiod• contain 'all thenaluibrup-tiutild,- ing vahies of thegrains.includin_i, minerarsalts so essential tohealth A food eogally well suited to the .oregyirernents of young and old. 7heresl a Reas'adh-rerap. Aids. Sold by gtooprs .eyetywhere saa " Digging for Fish., ' Walton would searcely-bc • fella his eyes if he were to Walk throngif New. Smyram;_ Florida, and encOnnter Negroes digging live fish front the grounda*i.f.,they2.were,potathea-w- A certain variet.Y of mud ilali found In nearli.all Tarts' of the State .14....reL sponsible •'for, thii.state affaies. This queer menthe]: of the • finny tripe inhubits-Sirea ma or 14:lids whieli have mud banks" or bottoms.It is black, and weighs up o to „ave. ' r sLx 0 N.E:y-otin E evaiidtnths -.Pla-lt-dlieg 4 itartlig ' lanntinio ii•-•-ExIn4e8r's 'MP It clt 'Ora er aea6dI1i1- a:-:10.-•,ii.vedolhts-tests -three •ceni,3:-:, itiosii of mud, .which on.dithe surface Is almost dry,it doesn't -.Worry -At- Regular Rates, • The fish merely burrow •tato 'the imid to wait for rain; and apparently continue to live as long an the earth Is wet. • The Negroes locaite the ilsh by exploring trie inua.wiiii their bare feet., The fish is edible, but is nut a fa- vorite because of,lts stringy mid coarse. flesh, • It is much easier to keep up than to cat& up. • ;Mi.ss • Margaret More hung on the *arm et the' editor of the Titusville Leader, to whom she had been engitg- ad for thr'ee avs. and.,endenvored to turn his gaze W1,00406 sky.' ' "just noticeAthe, Moon, cirirepeer ,sne saiff, .in n melting voice, ."At the .usual rates, Margaret, he happy to do so," he replied, • • tinineent Relleyes Neuralgia- fai', X,•6•E-A • • • ' 1%11Q10E1'11i :N. 8.. 1 _The QriginaLan4only.liGennine • beware Of imitatlone cold on thci' • ••' Merits. ef ' • 7.7.141C,a153gIllItaLTIT 1. 'ASPIRIN: I1In1N NO What .Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Did for Mrs. Baker:ind • , . rs..IKnever. . „ • • . vandouver, 13;c1.•=1 I am pleased tot' say.thati.ydia E. rtuklialn!s Vegetable a• Con:pan-rid-has ileac niC'Et lottirgood., I can now •Nvajk• allettl without the,aid. r of aeupport and feel real strong again., A, nurse :advised 'nal: to 'take ntifica ' :N'egtaUeCompouflil and it is certainly.,.: helping. pie, It seems like •Ileaveri• to: . • 1.10 relieved after months of Pain."•-•-, , • ▪ Bairat,- 8874 -10th• AVe.i` Mest,17,aneopkvar,,.]3,,q, . ..„ 'medicines and: • they havnq.iiea.lotoigocd.Sinee,6. ' their 1 hai-e 1,4en Ellie to do My house-• •• iritt have a ;la of• Work to do as toO • .1-f,1 on a firm. Sing yotir adveri tisement nt th Tapera is what neeelso ,,r4cie_-'---nro-thin-keeefe wrnig initY:-.71feineeeonhe bile • •ele_e , -••• AsPirlir 01-dY ns-toltt-itt• ikty,crirack.- I'V'sfc--. Eaviar :13-p..Per 1\'07V Only “Bayer" is Genuine Warning! Unless you see 111 !All'Ety..eafAsen..pwitage„_utt,rin..lali -fI i•e. 'not getting-, Af,pirin--tie olta, • ' , _ „. age lair Conle,llLtd.u.ka ,,uiz1gia i Ilorton, Albert Co., Rheumatism. ptraclie, .. :Toothache, Linnbago and •for Pain. Then you wfil b•0 follewiag the direeelons end dosage worked out by physicians during twenty-one .years and proved aril° by millions. 'Handy tin bexes � tWelve Bayer Tnblete of AsPirin • Cost foil.' cents. . Druggists.also selklarger pack- ages. • Made In Canada. Aspirin IS tlie. trade mark (rogiltered hii Otinada), of Bayer iNianufactare of Mononecticaeld- eater of Sailcyrieacid. - 0. a .111, I' The! reaseti wirnen'Write such lettere' , to the Lydia L. Pinkliam Medicine' Cn. and tell their .friends hew they are ' helped is that Lydia. E. Pinithain'sVege- '. table Compound has brought health an ; happiness into their lives. Freed f4PV , their illness they want to pass th/OUSI news along V. other sufferinat Ova\ that tliey,also may be relieye teeavie If there are any coinp ic,„ het Understand write to ham Medicine Co., Ly...":"-* - 4*.iry butinessk ° ISSUI ervor many knoll' I.*