HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-07-07, Page 5x • .-, .. _.._. .- .w_ 4atlpmDAZ NM 7014 1921. 0,0 n ADOFTEQ .Our garage is.now'on the:flat rate .system.. and we are prepared -to telf you befote'•any work is started, ;the amount you will have to. pay for labor,..,; The flat rate system, has been found by the leading garages of the United States and Canada to be the most satisfactory to cust- omers. This way we sell you labor on the different o'pera'tions at a fixed rate the same as we sell parts,gasoline Or accessories. We have installed special equipment in order to, handle repairs' by thismethod and we can gdarantee: you satisfaction.. Our stock of parts. accessories,' tiles, and oiI is complete. a A .Our air'is free,our-parking space large, 'and' you are welcome to both. RENwIcx FORD DEALER LUCKNOW, How long does it take you to put on'your hocks.? Two minutes. Very well, assunling that' lie has' laced his own boots since he was, five years old. balms given about -a, mouth; --to this task., . We may now' draws . .up a little table' of, the result of our calcula- tions, which will show •us how. ranch: time remains for work= and play- We :have -riot allowed for leap years in. working' out the figures but •as' there could be. no more than twelve of them in the 'half .century `under. dis-. _ctission,_:;this,.:,makesaittie._ difference:.. Here is the• table: Sleet►.. ... . '11 • . Meals... 4 Dressing and undressing. '1' ;'• Shaving: Travelling. , . •.:.. .. • • 2.. 6 Hopi Organized and Conducted in This Province. over 900 Branches With ne,009 Members — Three Annual ('ion.-' ventlona Some • Outstanding .Varieties of Field Crops:. JN'`tiush • Fruit For the Farm.,' ' S`• • (National Crop Improvement Service.), • Agriculture,' Toronto.) '• • In Ontario there are 916 br neti 'Institutes,with a ,meniberahipof approximately 3.0,000:. F1'be 'province .ie divided .intq.'three divisions, •e44.- • ern, central and'western Outariit. Eastern Ontario, contains three, cen- tral Ontario eleven, and `western Ontario three subdivisions•:• •The delegates to the. annual, con-' vention in each, division. Mime. a representative, from their respective.. t• 'subdivision to :forms. a. Board` • of Directors, for the' Provincial Feder-. ation, .These directors, from among themselves, elect' officers oln the exit-- , entire, and also name • representa- tives to the • Dominion `Federation. • The principle and •designation •sof the' standing • committees an the system of holding•and financing their meetings is provided for •in the con- atitution of the provincial organiz- ation and the following committees have been named: Health, Education -and_`_Better Schools; Immigration, Agriculture,•"Legialatlon, :Home too-. nomics and Publicity. Annual conventions are held at :Ottawa, London and Toro 4, plans for the same being mad , n�; co-'•. operation with • represeitt t�tivos' .a` f(l provincial committee and• 4.0 44., i mittees chosen. at th conventions.. 'The %Institutes . * e' en rely. Total. .24 2 The average man of fifty has thus Central•,"E`xperimentai Farm' at ptANI Tho Red Trent Hardware kith Haying At Mand ° -. Remember e carry a 'full.line of all • G pendent, of the Departiie;it, so't��,',b�,; as' ,:.their local meetIngs a,'e ,once ied. 4The • provincial organi'zation'' Yip also quite independent of the depart- _ meat, • but. it is utilize,inai ad- visory capacity.; The• au. i` e: dent of Institutes anggests, li es of wlork for 'the Idstitutes'-from••bine to tine, and places before 'them reports ' of what the Institutes'are doing ili'var- ious' sections'' of the province, all ive1l s''other sectio o't"tlte:-Dutuiuioroe:. The Department •furnishes' wecturers' 'for: 'single' meetings,••, and.» -Instructors' for short courses as outiined,In cir- cular ,No. 18,-. • • • The membership fee of twenty -ave: cents per member is wholly used for local ' .purposes.; The Government grant is $3 to -each -branch haying a mem•bergh-ip.-of-••fifteen:--a-nd. °►oleling- at least, six meetings a year and. furs.-' 'ming the reports -asked for by .tbe. Department, ; •including a list :of members, financial sm tateent• and brief 'reports, of • meetings A • grant of $10' is .:also given to the :district otganisatioipi with an'- dditipn�,of • t3 on- account of each branch 'in, the' district which makes a' satisfactory report.' -;-Geo. A. Putnam Snperinten-' dent;. Farmers' •Institutes, Toronto. required Tools -,--Pitch Forks,' Hay Forks;. Cars, , ]Pulp ys , and Sling Chains; Pure Manilla Plymouth Rope; also Hoes, 'ra1; - es, Scythes and Handles..- A ' Lithe, Paristone and Cement• always. fresh: In plastering Silos, .Walls, and building Tanks use:• StTER the only' absolute, water and aid, proof product on•the:market •C1evclaiid Bicycles for sale,. .. 'Also a few second-hand Wheels in good repair: Paris Green, Arsenite of Lead and Bug Death.. Lehigh Valley Chestnut Coal on hand. Coal '011-2 -c per,gal. RAE&PORTEO US PHONE 66. RES. PHONE 1i2i. SLEEP .:6111. what a woncteM word that •is,l : Can yot ' do it'? That is,. drop 'off' into..a good sound' refreshing, • steep? •If you are 'unable to, ; there is something. wrong with your new ous' system... It -is a danger signal. Nervous prostration,. •:melancholia. • . er_wu&dyspepsia are only a few of the serious maladies that 'are liable .to develop: - t' DR.' MIL>:�S•'' NERVII\ =$1.20 will soothe the irritated and over- strained nerves.- • ;lust one or Iwai !N; doses•:t:helps Nature to restore them • ' to their normal functions Guarani-, teed Safe and Sure. _-..' - •.. 'Some Outstanding 3: arieties of Field_ -. Czr�tips• w . Rye.—Of .:the spring •_ varieties of - rye, the 0. A. C "No. 61 has not only given the highest 'average yield : of - gra#n -peso-acre at• -the -college, bot has • surpassed the., common , spx ing rye .'in . -the' eo operative ' experiments throughout Ontario in, :each ---of'the past nine years, the average being practically 'three buslfels Per acre in favor of the former, Field Peas,. --The Canadian Beauty -v.ariety of .fild peas is one, of the best, of. the . large, smooth, white kinds: The Arthur, originated at -the' spent a lata e,more hate hali"hi-rt11Pe to-WWfrentrangliito prominence. It in eating;' sleeping, dressing . and is' a mediuM late: white pea of me; I Mum -size, -The Golden •Yips is .a - travelling. • Z ta1eB .pck . AVERAGE MAN SEVENTEEN YEARS • spend about 'a "fortnight. every year eating' your dinnec? ,YoUr dinner probably occupieS nearly ,an hour each day; that is 365 hours or a little •less "for the year, Mid there Are AnlY '336' lioura in fortnight: If there- . fore, 'You -take --a• 'full hour for the meal, you. will spend in..1921 lesi find that at least SeVenteen`.'arlifa years have been passed in bed, He has been Awake - for, thirty-three years Of his life 'and asleep .for iiiV- enteen1 •• If we suppose that hitt Meals oc- eupy on' an average of tWo hem a day; we find that in fifty years he-lias eaten- solidly for over four Years eon - sliming • in the process over twenty toris of food and about, seven thous- . and*gallorts of .liquid—enough to fill a decent tiZed pond., we may alloW twenty Minutes, :will account for one year and four month's age dt twentir, lie wilt Pout four months of --his. last thirty years in, reMoving about. fifteen feet 'Ile' has probahly, had. -to travel' some distance to and from his home ,every -day since he was Ave oiaik. yeara old. In his early days he Wars going to. school; later en he had to his ,doubli jettiney occupies one and,' a _half years in'Ltravelling:. If his •journeys• averaged foot' Wien, line -0 trine te two and- a' half tirtiere. the earth's circumference. But all of these are fairly long pro, cesies. Let us see what twe find if we deal with some of those which seem in the ordinary way to take tip, no time at all.. To wind up one's watch is g matter of -fifteen seconda or, so. If he .hits hid a *etch since 'he was fifteen.years old, our mkti of fifty will haire spent more than thr, iwhOg days in winding: it up, and he' will have giveili 1464 .2001000 Weir :SEEINO THINGS V.• • •, .. Xt seems'as thiiugh none of us: can ;stand- prosperity. "W --hen- the • Devil. was `'sick the Devil`a saint would be; when the Devil got well, the devil a saint was he." ` The world seemed' to be heading for ',better thins-- when alre•.werein'the'thick of the rest war ,and its b'tekest.days scented tat show up human nature in a ''better' and pSrer`Tigli vier t1ie Tatra •'the. conflict passed,., people seem with oneaccord=-to•«haver=turned--Y.to-= :the Very opposite of the ideals that. were awakened :by the stress of conflict!' I getting up in the morning mid 04 — Foolish 'pleaOure seeking and_dislion - --cent.--larger-yield-o1-.-grain Pet acre est' krpfit making have taken the small white field pea and one, of the --most'suitable for•• mixing' with' oats'' in the. production of green fodder of hay by, using one, bushel o`.f pea& -and two bushels of oats: per acre. ..The, Golden 'Vine peas,aiid the O.A.11, No. 72 oats make au , admirable combination. • ' 1 • Field. Beans:=The• -Small :White pea bean is the commercial -variety 'of Oritario,and is' one which is grown .'extensively ;The Pearce's'Im'proved Tree .beanls- a _medium late large: yfelding -variety, producing large siz- ed white. -beans --of -excellent-qualit-y ,This variety hay given excellent 'molts in some localities. • buckwheat produces a. grain .of ex cellent quality and is Used consider- ' ablyr •throughout> •the i province. The Rotigh buckwheat is not so well known but it is an exceedingly heavy yielder producing about fifty • per' place of serious ptirpOie and cheerful self-sacrifice. . The only aim many people ,seem to Nave today in like is "a good time." "Where there is no visiOn the people perish." Hist'Ory. that becoine steeped in luxury, greed and vice, go. down to:oblivion and that withOut the "vision", of ; right - a people, no matter ‘h iv great, wilt perish. Can n her ease,with What lie tan get put of his business - either hi money or pleasure? Itave you lost the , "vision?"—Furniture A •man ail. old as he feels, or a wom4i ate says she The joyous June bridegrOoni may not be so joieus wheii he is intro- last mulled varfetY a high yielder, ?the grain possesses a thiek. hull and la not of an attractive apPearaiiee,-_,.'• C. A. Zavitz,. Professor of Field /Lie - • SOLD IN,LLCKNOW BY •- - • • • ,where there is: a tendency to .J. .GARNET . ARMSTRONG . -constipation, you will find , DR. : MtLas Liven Pitts effective in. . . keeping the ;bowels open: - • • -I•itTO-Ee-TI- E-E'DE-D • It::.doesii:'t.take ch• to undermine • and destroy .a great. '•structure: :A ,small .trickle under the founda-tions neglected decay 'in the tiniliers, and -,the--.Whole ` thing;- will :topple ov-ei at Ic n+�tlr' Sonic men .and.•,:some busi. posses go down suddenly and people talk nysteriQ ly• of misfortune grid the waysof. rovidence•}' The apple di ops`-151eaute n -f` he'jvoini at 'the Heart, --the$ a1.ls-because � h4a the bars~ " is:' rottenness.. and- doc.alv Watch 4•t_he .foundations of yout;• bvsi nese.. ,Af that 'is' necessaiy_to ,cause • them to cruthble ' is to lead e . them alone..•Every-business as _i ell at"..ea_ •ei'y man needs constant repnii Ana r•.eadjustment. - Methods and seals that _were all right; a, decade or.•so ago, May, not. answer for .tFie present.. '1'hei e i5 a treiriendoiis `lot of evil aii:i misfortune in tl--... World- through this, liYi'Y•Ming9 "'-or` gi<tttte'e•-,' V - CREAM -WANTED —FOIL -- FORT; CALL `ANX DAY ANO: GET A CANF:AT "TrS11tITH'S•'STORE. - •We -.test Wednesday and Satur- �day, PM get your cap an�_da�. Witt also boy limated' quantity ` ` r of good cedar logs.:. I WE WILE APRECIATE- YOUR -PATRONAGE.:' .0 00.000 Can afford .tti 'leave tile care of his fore the ram begins to ,drop thT.ough. • These ar_g_CIRYs oaten -1,11,11m tions and stop the leaks. -4By ,slofhfulness the building decayeth Ind through idleness' of the hands iho _. Cows in clover. or good-j-une-grasil- DIFP1CC1-T-'(' k-Sf- This is the ideal month for dairy operationao _ gore_ _milk and - better riiillt,Atift produted in the month -of .Juae. than at any other time of the - year, in On:tarlo. If there are -Any 'water, or cold well water. sour milk and cream ,ibre too frequently sent to the factory. Don't forget -to wash the* cream separator and strainer daily, or after each time of using. Fresh Fruit For the Farm. 4 Par a very small suni, any farmer May have a few rows of straiv- berries, two- Ok three dozen of rasp- berries, currants, etc., which will giVe fresh fruit at cheapeat coat. As, few grapes will also pay. Selling strawberry plants and berry ,canes also bring in an odd dollar or , twO for the wiclegwak AuttA os "co "Fin nvagainst:,itii!...Said. flu. doctor,. have, a. Pa:tie-if& soil -elm -Iron nches and pains and .1 'cliiiirCif-nOW. '"That's. the difficulty. Iiiiinrurg' teeth' extracted two yoars ago, I've Mg to .do for him when he's run, out If Abe ordinary man Must , pay hdAV much should social "lion" pay to have hiS locks Shorn?, • • Sdnie peOple 'think they are -worth a. lot Of Money because tniv 111. RAILWAY SYSTEM MONTREAL •. TblIONTO Unexcelled Dining' Car' Service, - Sleeping ears on Night Train's and =Dii.tfict *-Paesdrigef7Agfiif; Tor:: '- Do n t suffer another xlay with ia•-r, or Protrud- Dr.•Cheise's Ointment will relieve you at once • Mid afford lasting ' benefit. 600. a box ; •