HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-06-23, Page 8•
With the 1st of July only.about a week away, you
are no . doubt 'plain] to spend . Canada's national hol
iday. by the wate. ° In fact, from now on picnics will
be. the order of,the day. lri. orderto thoroughly en
joy yourself you have to weal" clothes appropriate for.
the occasion.:,
White Skirts and Middies'
•Nothing more ' serviceable . ' than white for the shore ---so easily
washed and done up'. See the splendid litre of Wash Skirts we are
selling at $1,50. Other -lines lines at $2.25 to $3.00.
•MIDDIES at from $1.25 to '$2.25. Same qualities' as other stores
ask much more for.
'Bathing Suits
For Men, Women and Children in Cotton and Wool..
ng Suits
Ladies' Pure Wool Bathi in Navy, Green: Maroon, 'with. •
contrasting colors for trimming. Sire
s 34 to 42: Special at $5.00..
hite:'Cotton Hose. For Children'
10 Dozen Ribbed Cotton Hose (white only),, a splendid stocking •
at a low price. Sizes 61-2 to 91 24 While they. last 29c a pair. •
NOTE --Store hours Next Week
On ;'account of July 1st 'coming on Friday, there
will be no'Thursday :half -holiday. ; Store will be open '.
Wednesday evening as usual, but will close. Thursday
at six o'clock.
ter.,. . •
Fo save move an oar : unmet.' Dress..
i '4•
AV : t: 1+e:.o r .,.. -_.
omnirnion Day
Palmerston vs Lucknvw
(Teeswater vs Winghall%)
':(Hanover vs,Wirigham)
Henderson's .Juvemde Itiltta`
Band, London, .. '
and Cittzers' Band.
Palmers. Big Mrdway.
Big Doings Morning, After -
'noon and Evening.,
;Spend Dominion I2 ay,
The I•Iol'yrood Women's: Institute
met. May: 5th in Mechanic::,Hall and
•the following officers .were . elected
• for' the year 1920;21:. Pres:, ,Mrs.
Thos. Harris;.. 1st: Vice Pres.; ,Mrs..
Jas. •Hodgins;' 2nd. Vice • Pres:, Mrs.
Croas. Congram; Sec.-treas,.,
Maclntosh; Asst. Treas., MTs. Jim •
Murray; • Directors, Misses M. Baker
and Daisy Ayles, ',Mrs. E. . Ackert,
this Cotigram,•Mre. Joe Hodgins
• and Mrs. Wm: Wall; . District . Dir.
ector, Mrs: Wm.. Hodgins: Annual
.report for. the year, 1920-21:' .Cash
on hand May 3.4st 1920; $48.96; mem-
bers' fees . $7.50; grants M; donations
$15; •miscellaneous. '$41441,;'Total
receipts $4$8.87, .:Expenditures: Ex-
pensesfor'hall 50c; postage and sta-
tidnery' $3.88; printing and adverts
ung $9.74; lectures, . expenses and
.wages '$4,; Armenian fund.'$25; ,Chin
ese fund . •$35;' ,Fruit; . ice cream!' and
tent supplies $262.65; fowl and • other
expenses 'to Rouse of Refuge and
clothing =for ---poor $-72:{16; tatri $412-
83. Cash 4on band 486:04. - Auditors;
Lizzie ,Pierce,.. Mrs. T. Harris; Sec.
trgas; Mrs Jas.Hodgins-
Road. work `is theorder of.'Che day.
Mr. •1 salter' Ross had a very sue
cess u • ; raising • on r on • • __-c; •-•li"Ts=
Mrs..' -Geo°: Richardson ,is -,spending
* a -week --with' her -sister,' Mrs-Glen>-
Harrmgton, of Detroit:
: IVIr T. 'Row- e,'of Kinloss, • spent
,' , Saturday of.Yast week atr, the home
,of his sister; Mrs. Harry . McKague,
•Miss, ~Lizzie McDonald, of Detroit,
is' visiting. for a few weeks 'With.
f r-iendsr.and-.relatives,;her-e
;Mr T ':M Kenz►e ,arid; Miss:"Anne;'
of Con. 10, Kinloss, spent. Friday af-
teir;: at_he hone_ of :Mr.:ansl Mrs:
".Mrs: Robert' McCullough and child-
.. Qu'Appelle, Sask., are spent;;
Mg.a,couple'of months sit' 'r
and• • relatives here, ••
The Brost . beautiful as well as the finest -quality,..
Voiles in Light or Dark shades, Navy, Brown, Grey
......«..-. yp.;�l,•....._..:._.-............... .W. ' -�1���� fir.,..:,...,. �..._,.,...,..... !'�9`. ::. ir-,:;;�I, � ,."»...' � ♦,•+
.. _.
to $2.25 yd; Clearing out a
Fmin o s, ' Americanto and Canadian Check. or.
Stripe.... g`. _.__ .. ,6 inches:wide; from:.•,90c to
- -$1.25 per yd; Clearing
• •
c Cana,dlan•Ginghams
TheStore With. The Stoek::
. yv.
iPt'tl 't
Phpne Q 10 is, at Vour Service
We Se11•afor Cash--- We Se11 Chcap. r' Than The Credit Stores.
-- -
Pure Zinc Fruit Jar Rings,
Aluminv;n kettles in all'. sizes,,
a Aluminum Fruit Jar .Fillers, •
Enamelled • Preseriing Kettles, , .
(from 3;duart size up to 12 •etuarts;
`SCREEN DOORS and SCREEN. 'ii'1NDu4'i- ^e• has°e a.
good assortment:. •` .
''. COAL OIL STOVES.. -We hare x.few :Florence' :Autoi'natc.
Oil Stoves which are going at bargain prlccs=3-Burner with' oven
$28.00; 4 -Burner with oven, $36.00.
BERGER'S PiJRE I'ARtS GREEN -fresh from .the I 'aetory,'.
Compressed -Air Sprayer s'and ,Iland Sprayers, Spray' your '
•sows with Crenoid and save them the sU fering caused, by Hies..
Samson Hay Forks, Mac June .Oils. Pure Manilla Hoy Fork '
Rope, Hay Fork Pulleys.. • ; •
COAL,. OIL ; reduced to 27. cents iwr gal. .
The Lucknow hardware & Coal Co.
R •
In :Canvas. F.��twear,
White or Brown --Rubber Seles
Child's . sizes .5-1, Were $1.:25, now 9.8c
Youth's sizes, $-13. were 1.75, now ,81.1i
Misses."sizes, 11-2, were 1•.50, ' now_ $1.4)
'-Boys' sizes 1 i,., .z :ere 2,00, now '$.1":.69
Women's:sizee, 3 7, ,were 2.-10, now Si 9
-Men's, sizes- -6i:10--were-2;
Also some:Ladies' Pomps and :oxfords, -__
. leather soles, si'es. 7:"`:To clear..
Men's oxfords; ; good fitters, , siccs. 3.7.:
Clearing at;$2.79;
- A:Full 'Stock To- Choose F 'o n
eneral Merchant,
A iarge .crowd. attere4r'd ,c oar -
tinge" sermon on Suri,
raii : tate v oiun ee-: ,air .•
Mr. Bro'sari
of weeks at Wm. Ito.i;'e :zaet ..:p•
Tenth ; . ;
Mrs.. A« S'zz;:", ^o«r ;c °►°''8 d t. f;
hound errurs.b rL •:_•
her daugnt'er, Jfr.7. .:'?rY«:., i« ;, irid ,
is stopping 'at Lonrlr..r: ,n her realm
to spend .a fe c; da7s wit:rr her- lough--
ter, Mrs. L' E.ackwell. ' • '
Mr; and '00'e'1:to sse}' IanrJ'
and Mrs,. Walter Kaake went to ford
eri^h Iast Monday to'.meet friends •
,.eAnnng..in _on the • Greyhound =Excur-
The ^nate :n• Sunday Stool end-
ed- tin Sunday. ' . Class -' o. -5 has' to
put up a su aper and get a prog
gram on 'Wedneedap evening, June
;.=lf . kn=. ilpat Ck, of Brantford, -
is friends around 'here.
Mr n -Mrs. George Twamley, of
-, spent a few days" last week
... 4 here.
,armie Grey. of Clinton, is
^,aster, Mrs. M. 'Shackle
51r. and Mrs. Patsy Sherwood, of
i;elfa,t spent Sunday with their .son
, Mr. Sam Sherwood.
.:;gs Mae 11i(enary, who has been
a.,,und "hese parts for some time,;
returned to her home at Shepardton.
Miss Irene .McQuoid• is Koine from
Stratford Normal.
Mr. Sam Sherwood and Mr, Percy
Finnigan have purchased Ford Cars.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ritehi of
Lanes "aging : 8uillday a ' W�e;ley
err-�' +rifl .
T: EDISO' ' spent S rritliioit dollar4, to de-.'''
- 1-v-r:lnp-an,,1I1 trument %stnkit46W (111)ti,r nr t}te
*-:e beadtie, and fullbenefitsof•musie into every..
� Sr:I'di�utt old'ers_;-IO,;t1Atl_.in-.oa J pr.•i�es` -
fora,phrase that will diytingursli this new inven tion
:from ordinary talking machine.. • l:1s! tis- for a
Mitis or UPI II,-,r
124(1i. f("rr three, di\ f1 ti ud, `i'n order that yoli'
. may loam whist good music Will do for you; :':`Phis
expx_raencd to iv iii tkc i.t.. ep,sier, fctr.Iyiou- Lo. win.a
• prize. &t,quicLly situ expense or oblii at,iau,oru
your part:
-Monday, June 26..,
We extend to ';lir. 'and Mrs.. Itay-
mond Finnigan heartiest congratul.:
ations and best wishes for'a -happy.
itiTil`-pros{terous voyage through 1i,fc's
Matrimoniai sea. • ',qrs. Finnigan
was one of our -most highly esteemed:
young ladies and we *are glad her
future home is in the neighborhood,
.Mr. and.Mrs. '4Irs. St
e hen
Stothers. Stephen others, of•
Clinton, Mrs. C1ei;horn, of Guelph,
and Mrs, Tuck and' -little Florence•
Fisk,. of . Edritonton, were guests of
Mra. • Wm. Stothorsrgeon this weekend,
Miss Rota Stuvisited "her
home ,near . Bettie aver; Sunday. : -
t .,-
, .t.. ..•
lr� 1,i --In thr township of Iluron,
1,0 ,Jurlr' 1i;, '19.21, to Mr.. and Mrs.
Janes irwin,,a 'son.
Sherwood --Jar " the • township o£
Ashfield, .,on June 11, 1921', to Mr,
and,lkirs. Alfred ;Sherwood, a (laugh.
ter. ,
`.`-. o -o -o---•--
Mr. and stirs, D. McDonald, of
1t�intrhatn , anttctunce the eng.agemetit
,ot tlttir" daughter, MISS ' .Mabel E.,
to Mr. Walter Van Wyck, son of Mr.
J: A. Vara Wyek, of Orangeville,.tho
marriage tp take place l`> to1n June '
. .t