HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-06-23, Page 7,re +1.40.,rotwetemerite,osort • •TIO••••••••••••••••••,•.••• 0, ler .0*•14, . creern oro the Baleceek text: • neoie'le..'" The Children's Flour., where he ships; his erearn, Can wake • • . - • . =roe. move:. ay anneal -mg teeepeadeee, ' Ilow such A roly-polylittle girt a , inexy,,, moil:tea i eg cream ‘ , coeld aua. about all the time was a - In the first a•tee the firmer- that oe wonder. But Imam timely ..eoulel het. •:a • • r . How Big is a Sal ny, poroi)ly ,C,snfivid Fishex ill keen on s or ng.„ „Oat wes who OA : e . , . . . wmore skim ne illeti. tile frl, ru, . P1' du4''' ." .111°1-teat433"I‘earil 1. :ear heleoheala 114 *Or" "144,111.11 The lecterer Waadeseritelne and act- t° the Pefrit a distractfelk by the notak thus , 'seeing th a ire n • 1: •-; et etion' ills' She batt t� be eax'eftli 11°'' 1" v ting modern,- humane and, intelli Mid .a• etteasend fears he cannot 'ex- . - -. .... breek th6 dolls, andethey alwaye oat ' ehergee and the skitn-nalk et the same thode of -dee. Hag with: you tee plain, With ei.. beginniag of *aeriachee • laeltieetie eommarelcatIone to Aaa.a. nereloa 73 AdelaidO: St. W..isa Toronta . time. - For eaample if a termer sells about .very quietly, anyway. But the, ge.e't me • a_ •eluldreen:e As. he peo. used fer aD, inetnente., trouble: from 'the irregular meals, he • •• • • ' e b bag' Sh ' Id foe li '' ' to - 'KM* and PrinciPlee of Piggery aunt that Week!, be required to brat ,. r a. hundred pounds a butterfat -hi e°431 „'^ e 'eel? , 5 t at uP in . . :at eaoOlves thirty dollare for- the err and run to eatch it. and if she . a g. Int_raxec! :Woman rose u . ."WIN la told by e:Omeorie who does net under- • Construction. . , them to maturity- and the ff.:;.1.alve..oi O.' .:oul did • ' 'at, V.: 'd ° ' .• • ' you answer me one plain question?" stand:children to. Carry a satchel'. m ' ch.. . _ . „ it •• lie et came from . cream. t,estong. ,. . . be allenged lino OThis Shilly- too heavy., for hime Perhaps . .A. censideration, of tYpes.and Orig.. he of such a nature that will .i..vep . . • almost: more *fun to do tbat,' and see- she a4P109 of • piggery construction briaaa them griming rapidly. : ' .• ... . i twej0' pol; tent, he would lietee. to . a fall down' tria little heap . i ;.shallying with chilileen is all.right at would expect a theee-yeareald to eay - ' laa eix ter- allori cans to aold "the — ' - - ' ,„,ups a claaeification a sWine growere, ..1Weatearaa in:the ration is:one of the ' • . . g: , . , , . .,, e., .. „ • I times, but thit're are times when. no. iuniter :such cireutrostances, 'OM ierry, • ; es toau, it really was 9, very thing but . a lite Ininared pounds of•' cream. ' ,He , a•e'• ° Aeeughlr as follows:- . • ..., essential 'feeds that wet keep 'Lli.. 're bean be . It had a blue -tondo givti spanking. will elo. but I'm .not feeling very -well and it 4111,1„..The farmOr. who-keepoi-„tWo- or -.cbioltS ixt.: -good erder...iiOd-• sinee•this A,""'"I'.1.beN'e to pay the trerepertetion nt.„ a a., _ „. , on 'fete. hundeed, pounds of n a: tte-checked gingham eoeer, just Whet dO you de wheel a child etaneps is retelltr quite beyond. my.streng„th," • three 'tsoves, and hare -whien ejaes feed: is generally high in 'price. just 'alntlgto3 " conies the greet 'part of Canada's enough should be fed, to. provide the 'ag'mmll sides Losing the skim- like o11 of fi,,aure'th. romperAnd it's. : -- i The. lechirer.itraited. the foot and stars 'I Wont do itl' ' ; But I dona :blame lain iota for stanip. eeesteener'i ing °his foot •andscrearning. . And etre • . -ii 'a: .hogse a.. the farmer •whaatipeeialieea ehic.ke With the neeessary amount..As. Pl. ilk weal'. fifty cents. per, hundred wae 0 e senoot -, 'tined, ' white - - • net H 'f th' • f bans, Laura. knew because she had - . todded •noth'ng to her question • ' '1 tainly he does nit oeterve the sante • . . . • eeatment as a loutish by of fourteen , a•little anore. on. ,swine growing,' keep:. pear as we can; tell, woe believe that a . .. . • e - "Do you 'call that a pleire question? who rearees te., obey a. aeas.onabfe re- lag- ftve to six broodeows artd,a better, ration of two Parte earn; three :parte. evoeld skim •i•-cr as to,prealuce.Wheavy seeti mother put them in, and then seW .: : O. the out and Out hog -Wig -who goes bran, one part -enititscrati by weiehfi, , eraeni , testing aerty 'per, cent: he i 14p the Corner of the.bago . , . • • though the beans'o . ' t et a ht Ann eeren, Ire elated in. an incriedjie.ul,s.aoluas totkIne,s.wt.: though he could not believe 'bie .eaa , ques•t. And yet Yee ex:peek...some ae- . . • .. 'I ewer that well be q .same for both . those cases."' • . • . . • ' ' - . - in.fot. hogs.excluaively, keeping thirty; supplies. this requirement The chi's', . V - • ., '.. • ,. , , : .,,fortr; fifty orernere 'bee0O sows : and • ought to h wee cracked. tort in add t- . . . . a . n. • • (tbirty dollare) fee• tee. ore hundred' now, she could etel :them through the • . certainly d , . e sa e. amo 0... • . - ; ee • - enoe , . • e _! , . • , ,- . e- eevery alield is,..diffeeettO from every . .., g, , , _ oe et-.. .as - possible, . o , , •• t' • . h ee, as .1 • : • rem pounds of: butterfae contained, tout • P tangliam, and, of e doursee they Must I.iefaction. • : , . • ' ".: - .„1 - still be jiat as white.... ..„ ., • -. ' ' . • "Well; Madetne "t valid .the . laoturer, „ other Child,: and 'only hie . Mother' is in . .„ the.•two:-Iitte•r-a-eear plan. O Thereare'Katie:de:teed, 'wilt' Tequila • lees •-ofe the wn"141 havete.:- ahl•li '`onlet•three ten-. ' me 1.1 li' •Ii ' la th: 'waive gallon .c1 In' to .hold the. two bendred One day Laura's mother Was- help- "I Will eieewer that plain qn.estion.if ajoiitien ,to knew.' how -talte Min: • . • ing her to play with' the • bean bag. OtOu will gnawer one. ox. ;nine. How bit All sets of eircurnetancesearediffereat,:. ' ' StidelealY ,she cried: . : ' 's •houge?"! • . • ... . . ',' ..: fern "alleotitere.ina• ietilyathoser who •-'•"'"--.. "0 'Laura, this •bean. bag is getting The womanetarea.. "That's not a lmoi;v. 'ill about the 'epee. have any sides the eransp,ortatieri elaeges: on ,Worh Oat! We'll have tee. rrielte an- plain. question..What sort of a houserjehanoe :o,f gueseingewhat tia the right the same tWO • hundeed gad fifty other."' .. : , etaa' • ' . "Alesirleala the lecturer, "You can't' thing 'tee do: You 'Must do that. most . pound rie- " '. , :' ••• " • "No, no!" 'cried Laura, shaking_ her answer me•aill•I have teld Yee. what difficultef all.thingi, think, and think • . Aide from the saving of skinamilk head. "i don't went • •another bag, etert of a heuee't 1Fela, I cae't answer hard, before ..you' know what' is the rootherel -went to• keep' title' °net", "you .till yeti tell me what sort of a right thing to do. Just before eteet bee 'That very slay the beanamg cauglit 'cleild.". ' • gin• to think, just nemember -that' if a.- „ .,"I. don't see what that's got to de obild. stamps' his. 'feet iieed .eaye "I virith it, said the *mane but some- won t,” to you • it is.beceuse you have• .what taken 'aback. - , , • • • • brOught.him.up wreage. When yoer see: "Well, here's a ease: A. little thild a dog that. habituellyartarlaand shows . pf three, Very nervous, sensitive, fe, hie•teet.h. yeti do.rpot say "What a dis- ' cently over an illitesseaas been on a agreeablenature.Ohat dog has." You long, hot raillwaY journey. At the end, say, "Heavens! what' a brutal master. •• exhausted from lick' of.sleep., excited the poor !creature. must have had." •. The Welfare of the 'Home few in this class. „ • • - Coneitleripg, hare*, the types. of buileliege required efor., the . above , classification the following bathe prize • cipTes niust apply to alla- • l. Economy. N� buiinese can op- erate efficiently with too muoh over:. head expense. Pork production oper- a -fees on a close ,rniergin of 'profit. In Aloe main, eomparatively cheap. build- ings are advisable, not onlyeceoeet of low cost, but because they are best Otherwise. • • . 2. Dryness and good ventilation.' These mast be obtained in some, way. • Possibly no farm. banding it; more dif- part of the ration. '• and fifty Pounds of cream; He awould By the time the cocleerele are two tints save to • hundred and fifty pounds they:should be marketed for Pounds of skim -milk worth $1.25,' be. broilers and attention ghe 1 to the dee •velopment of the pullets. She sante ration should con•thae throughout the growing, season, we beliette, but, of course', should be changed some near the time the pullets begin to lay. A. good deal of labor and troUble may be saved by proyaling .a large self-feedee with the mash,,where the growing fowls rnay get it Whenever they wish. We':use a feeder that will hold about ten bushels And have, the flcult to ventilete than a piggery, and ration vixed by the feed dealers. In no animal. requires fresh dry air and ,this Way we can .handle several theti- qUatters more than a heti- sand chicks easily in the growing 508 - The Man who keetia two: or three sm." . ' - • ' 613W8 nand§ few, if any, 'special build_ 7- To epe3P1y water, one ofthe easiest Inv. His sows are.wintered in low, means is to secure O. pail oia8ut three gotralveovered eheds, or shelters a.i-i feet in diameterand install:one of the intent to the barnyard, 'They sum- 01d:kashiened floats that were se cern- mer en pasture with ' a cheap lean-to, ..mon in onir.hat. nyard watering troughs: ,or c•alein for shelter. To main re- this maa •be attached to e pressure quisites ate 'automatically acquired: sl'iternor gravity O3refeel and Vogl; of ' _freeli .ait arid:dry quarters and -eaerai course, allowwater to come in as fast . else. At farrowing time • a •hee sten; as -removed. : In ads 'manner if the -; is ..usually available. lf.,ths lifteaot.. 'On is in a protected place, the water comes early,T such quarters Usually- will net become het, and ft/este water ' Itan;e suffiinJJ. 1 for the little is supplied at. all times without any . pigs. These, . after w ning, ine.ybe necessary.,attentioa. ,A device like ' fattened on . paeture or in a paddock this works well on .an:-eleetric pump, or dry let with a .cheatiesbelter, or, if. .ineloor feedeng is preferred,in a shed or empty building improvised for the • purpose. This may sbund like make- shift•practiee, : The feet remains that .,1 net one cent 'more' than is absolutely . °necessary thonlA beexpended in .hog- ' equipment. '' ' '. ' • . . t Consider the 'case of the next•cleea. Will not stead' around • under. bushes -the man who keeps.five or six 'sows. on rainy' days and ;ewer their :aital- . Hie breediiie. stock shoeld Ibe handled LAY, which really,' impairs, them- as as in -the :Lregbing.. •The essential aetataalaYart: :' ' -:•-•'---------. --'-'' building is. for farrowing his sews..If • his sows farrow all .abeet' the otteie . time and. if he plate' for fall litters • early enough -for successful' 'winter „leo:ling?. he •must:. have4stin , heated guar- juent . of the 'eteepi strect;: to Say terse in Other. words, a building all or nothing' of the adjustinent ,Of the rest' part ..,of -1,i•hich ': is warmly built -surlief'-the machine. • • ' tho-efore -1, cernparatively expeneive, .• The cream screw is intended to'con- Struchire. -Generally OPeaking, the ;ft:al the eorisiseency. of •the cream that • best el rata:vie:et .intaiees . potable .tee the separator delivers.'Illoweyer, this dationes are lessfayorable for keeping bean bag -that -used t� tease fat. • --I e1cS!.ing--ofi:-..-t-t-'t,w4 2. -Or• tbreeepette neat; sereta -doesanoteeaseisageneralla-saPe epame. tank flea; e. . • a.-• a• ' . nee -a. bean -Sag is tern • dear" she - to the foal ro.one, where a heater may:: poie.1, regulkte the. efficiatea of skine- hen ',she* afidefiedsatioXia 'Said, •".and..11 theabeans-ehaveafallen ,he instate -I. -,Thie portietirenneingenaTneetniattireavrila boildingeserreen. le' camp it ought to pay to keep•the best out of it.' • • ., ; ,. • ' • . : e , ernist be &rubleb ' eaeded an .. d ekin) l.tt.t."•ao •:ele4n when -00.1i.var'4:''g a :heifer calves on the Chance that cows . "Fallen pet!". .: ...' : '''• : tightly oiled • and 'with 'a •ventilatien heavy, hightesting cream ... l • •stich as • is •being..iiistalled.. with.the farm lighting seatemae. • • A good bailding.is as •essential dur- ing .the .suremer time as during the falt as the ;tuna's, peed protection, from .the cold rain and 'clean, welavene tallat,ed 'place-to:a-Poet: Young, pulletet. that.. are -accustorried: to a good, house - Heavy ore Light Cream? . • Coniparatieely.few :owners of cream. separators enderstancathe proper ad - and tralistiortatien. charges; the pro- ducer of heavy or thick cream saves in two other ways: First, he has less sream to coel.aed handle, thus saving time and labor; secently, his thick cream can be kept in better condition end he will receive a bette,r pricelor it at the 'creamery; •• • ' If a thick cream will net the pro- ducer minet he had better adjust the ereant SCINV properlYin tie firs • ce and then pay 'attention to. these other factors that cause •the separator to deliver a thick, high,testieg cream Or a thine low -testing cream.: .....a. ---e • o on a satup'ewig that stuck out of the little pear tree in the yard, and Laura had to stand on tiptee and,pull and pulr to 'get it down. At last the twig gave way, ,a-nel the barter -alibied into her hands. • t then a beautiful yellow butter- eame floating past, so near ,to Laura's face that she was sure she could eatoh-him. • •• , - •But she, could not quite reach him; so as he flew; along site ran after him; holding her bean bag tight; she did not mean to lose that. But she did •no -see a Jittle three-oornered tear In the gingham weer of the bag -ea tear just large enotigh.telet a bean slip through 'nicely. ' • The butterfly kept out of Laura's an early age and it will, save* mano reach.' He flew thee way. and that, in tubborn contests tater in tife when an.d'out and round about, fluttering' the animals are strongIf each heifer over the soft earth in the gereten that tt hither' she will be eaidee to Laura'atather had been digging-eip to handle in :tate pasture Jot and soon plent•it with little brown feeds. learn that a tug on the halter means to follow. „ ; ' If.a'farmer neede his skim -milk and lives in a section where fartners are • selling milk, he ean often build up a good bitter trade in h& Own neigh- borhood,• • There are.a- hit of farmers 'Teach the young stock fee lead at •At last the -butteitly rose 'higher, and fie* 'away atogether. •Tura stood still foira moment; shot:wented very _Touch to cry. But then she -had her bean bag! Why, what -what was the' matter.? • •Theeleag wasnoteround or fat or heavy thetbuy all their butter and it is ayty more. It was just an old elite - true that manyfarmers owning herds halm bag, 'quite .empty. Where had of cows really.eat butter ingteiad of all the pretty white beans gone to? oleo. Thi e gives the butter produCer • Laura ran tcemother as fast as ate a. lot. of- skim -milk- foiapoulreee and ceulde toe now -she really- Was crying; stock feeding.and a 'nearby outlet foe the butter. ' • •, ' • • .. Caws that freshen, in the°fall Show it. great **crease...in enille. floot inthe spring whet! placed an past -tire This hel-ps lieetaitti Preeltietieri Until time' .for the cows to. dry - PetyliS that freshen in the spring are more diffi- cult to handle profitably in the 'fall When pastures are often dry and.ain- ana while she ran the eke, too, began to cry,esheddingegreat ewiftedrops. Mothetessei Laura earning; she ran outpicked- liar op in her--arnie-'•and hurried back tO the poreh wieb.her: Seen -as they -Were --under the Torch roof Laura eredi , •-"Mother!. Mother! Just:see the beep bag! What's the matter, with iter • Then Motheilooked at the poor thin .• • will•be good -property a :couple of years syetent-Comanals caae..11ent. ihathe_ when . Saimming a tle , .."1 1 , - -g. trait .note• It is •eney to ay thet uows main, .bul..• tbp, farrowirtg pen floor 'cream. The crearit ,s,•:-r,\v .- '.ii7e cheap and there tree 'lots for sale, '..enuatae--of,:we;ad-, ,or :cement 'covered', se.). adju St ed that it will tie, 1\ -: Y .LI.Lti; when yoit stoat . out looking, foi. with 'plank: . '.4.• drainage' system itaist ' thiek eream unles'e: the Oitale -• Lauit had hever thought •of that. --:"Th'aii • please . conie and 'help find thein, moth -ex." . "Oh, no, dear, •we ean't' go olit.in •' thtise eews you find that the 'fariners this rein.--Beeidesothebeitns-Will all :be, providede-to .eyeatee diOness. - :For Ong- the•eiegineby-the• . ___ _ ttia."`te ala -ar etre keeping the best. ones. and same be covered with•dirt, 'We'll just make - the balance' of. the -building excellent Owner:. is'. §e.i.Ang by ti.ckq .vel,umg, , l'ie Of the tows for tale eheep are . not . another bag." - . - • .- . • - . ' . . .results heve been. obtatried tbe• •malc-... should heve his., separattie adjusted so •neeh [mode.- • , ' .. ,.. ""I^ don't want 'another f.hag," : said be , ., . a'aetanarcLiaatheeeaseateeeneentt it will" deliver ei.eam as near the .. . s,.—..... -.......--.A. - '.--le-d- daing 'Coterek•With-StinWp earth .reOliireineitt••aa pogeible because at a".°"a"-"a , • ffloar3 end a TICOrea se,ction.,:exer• 1411,.1).oili,t.::,it ;i7,7111„ net him the:mesa- 11: ..1i,thich is built- a loete •tetraw-cover0prefite oflinee the crettnosereve es al- 1 • • • Laura- ".I'd rather have my Own old beanbag!" • : • ' But mother .only said, "Come in- • doors now, Lau:no" ' • • It rained all that night and all the tha plants.. As this can, be done quite readily it is poesible that it may be •• speead:. by pickers, cultivating mea chinery or pessibly by ineects. • • Control -In view of the fact that next day, and the whole day after diseaged plants, preduce seed' carry - that. After that a day when the Ing the virus, which in turn produces rain 'stopped,but when heavy gray diseased plants, and that "thedisease clouds hung over everything. One more spreads in the 'field under normal day, and then the Wight, warm sun- !conditions, there are certain precau- shine' returied;, Laura's' father said • tin s wILich should be taken until more. that he would like to work in the satisfactory •nreltiliode have been ` garden, but that ' the .etirth. was WO, .govered, The grower,' sheIald ottaino. wet for it. The next day was Sun- his seed, free 'fields or stock e which day. soeLaura.and :her mother and ,Was not in.fected the previous Season. father went ;to church in the morn. If he apes not know : of -a disease-free hig, and to grandmamma's ih the fieldhe should obtain at from excep- afternoon. The day after that tether tioreally high yielding fiekts.• Follotv- wadvery tired when he came home; ing this, .he should ka• over his seed. and besides, it was toe warm to work producieg field repeatedly during thu. in the garden.„ • summer, renteving 11 diseased or eSo just a week had gene by when :Weak plants .° He •Will alse:•eadn father ,said, after .supper : , ' .vantege by Selecting geed from . "Coming to help. me in the garden, healthy, vigorous, iagh - yielding Loath?' ' plaate. • • '" Laura quickly ft:tuba hea rake and • -Head-selection of seed, seed treat - the paper of brown -seals that father -mente or spraying wilt-•:'"Yetta 'Contra; had ixtught on _Purpose for her. Mother- camee-too, and -they all veent int;o 'the garden. , • • -what---do you. suppose7they.saw "WhY,--'-what's --cried---fathea "Oh, oh, whars-this?" cried ,Laura. "I can guess,", laughed niothor. ' There- was something in the garden that had never been there •before -e a funny, orooked row otlittle strange plants, growing ria a bit .as plant§ Theegraadest-eof-heroic-edeedeo --areoex-pectedetoogrow;eoneatfteraette those which.. are perfoemed. :lather in a' straight line. Thisoline °T,teT1 jest within foal- walls -and in donieitic prie ran in and otit.•ancl. foand about, ae a little girl runs when elle. is'play- 7trig--br whert she is chasing a btieter- . The "Poultry 'feeding problem' I; greatly- Ornpified" if • females • of -.about 7 theesameege are-kept:together. -What is in ideal r'etierefor old hens may be .. entirely wrong for .pullets .• Separate' "smooth, round, white beans, that used ,to sewed_upn_o_ginghanLbag theni So asetb obtain aPiaroXimate re- - "Igo:their!" Lougee - 'To bean, sults Whjle. feeditia. the disease. •• e. e • • , - While amaare•cian-plaitting of hard - timesthe other fellow is getting the -•••.• Milk at the Moly food that emiteine ' all the elements riedeSsary to build up --- and. repair- the tissues of the human *' ' Oa?. • "Their hx?k,like beans," said father, puzzled- - — "They are . beans," said--' methe.r; I- WOR-1(ED-VUT _ ,• .. . • • --eleernegabertb. Stelt quarters ex-ejtisted to proper „placts;,the Owner - -: - milt rot- for -young -weaned . pi ke. A r 'for - nature like e ontlu tlesethat• all-the'crearn. . R :FINANCES:. TOGETI1ERT ...,,t.,..i„.....hogs e at any , ante .of the '.'skiinnaidavill tet the Sams or nearly .. ..year. .. Ventilation • is autoniatk.. The Ither.lainis,'". ''''.erisequently - When .thel. ' . "..0.4)Op'si.ve • .copstru eti on i3. liniited to -cheque arrives, forhis, shipment . of • , • .. tin- . . w:h6e it is re011y. essential: -T.-11...1)Al-•!;ereairtiffidliefirids-..that-it-did-nOttest.-- _ By Ralpli Esban . .. . .. ince 'Is" of cheap 'cons,truetiOn.. 'Plant . neally as high , its.' the previous oaliip.; , - P , . : .; . • of piggeries of '. thiS tine may be 4-5b;..Ment,. he;:r`-enciers'why, •,..'.Usualli hol.--1'..sespe?,,,t.thet-..teo,-,inenf of Us' WM.- "the price I was' , right:Or wrong.: ,I•knovi e. :tained. from the . •Anineel •Ilitiletteldrea"blemeo the,.coneiinee- and says_ .ithelTers'do not 'give ,eur , wives" &edit for what to pay fel...my :stela -and. she - Division., Centaele:Experineentat Farm,' cream •Was not-TrOperly- tested-. - ! -:. -, - "TooloWiroge-a-nythiege. about ' handling -daes tea - Threas:, allothereette. to the eanet-ettawa. ,. .,• e' ...• ' .• O.., .e,•:atieleenisanderetionslingearesultiagia,„inoner-H-except to • 041,41 -it. Ofteun-...MOney_'41.34110.n _,Th..„, •:'••"_...4...:,-....;........L. '-• . '•e': catepette l'i(aearatioo :need::: eia'.. tile eteeito 1-4.adithcr.ateuZing.the dealer tin -toil d Mh. fk.will i•all on the Phone and ...` -Bile 11' arrA tte-sata...4e4 'With 1,,,,-t : •:,cial.bnildAits..u..,..Nev.e.rthelei,sale rniiiiiLlt‘imprep±r,.. j.o.s.ti,nt...._,c.„art_..oftek_battt to, talk to ,nie• yet _.,,itt4 he we/eta ..thia arrantementil.'Sunnosing„1ita • e aeaboemee in ..conotruc: tit4idede of the owner. Of' -a separator kuu'w o . iy-v ' in--.1-ceam--eion-gn, e ureace o cover :iiri. Expensive or .c:oroparatively ex.-:-know-s- that a numbei'• of factors other Write just as well. In fact, I doubt if . our indebtedness, but insurance inoneY p.entiveeconetruetiori IS acquit -ea' only titan the adjustment '.•ot. the. Cream there. is .ally 'business on earth about' won't do much good if ylotNenkt ow for farrowing 'quarter:a ."Opee," sties aceea• -will-eatiee' a Variation „T.P. tha-ik'hielia ifiag% wife knows AS Inilai as hew- to :useit..;--.11r-wits heir ''Vr With streWacoveted• Slecaing* .querters'• test efethe 'eream delivered., . ..e, • ' .. farining. The igenwife lives' 'right •lainecheques when, : neceesa.ry. halal proveo:exeellent•foi:winfer :fate , A feW of the factors.tItet causepin .On,the•job;.ehe has A .olvateeto hear fact, if I have' a few cheques . to de- . tertinkeef -huge: • The--e:t:ta•W=lott; eareli-oereatitala- be' data:ere(' .freni-iliesep, ""what fs, going on, and to talk' it over posit, I 'sometimes purposely forget, Ileer;-erieleied4iertli.'type..iir, 151i:tiding' a eater.; 6 -thee -than tlieltatiatitig,•,en that theee. •times a...day- -Dhave-.11.earned-' to than 6114" let- her -lake Tame of -theme media an eacelleot and cbmearatioele re Tri screti.,eree ' . • e ' • • . _.... ,teek the -Woman who.a.neWers tae -phone It •took .qtrite a While -Tar her to get • cheep Structure, Willett -.embodies .411 of • 1..• Skininting, the Milk When . it is• .: before: • having her callher man in Occuatorned. to thissort of work. But ‘‘.tlieessentiale and, uluch is usefultor exceseively warm: . - ' •• ' froni the field. And. I ',usuoilit . get . eevery :class of heg, with the •fietesibla O....Ettenieg the "speed'of... thi, inipar. the information I want: ' ... . eacePtioneoef the 'enily. farrowing sow etor bawl too letv. :' • • ••• • . , When my :wife, and. I...Started out • and thosow „tinringthe.ges ta ti en. per- •-e-•43;e1tereing --;the-•ntilic. . , theettghoetbeem*aeur4arin-Alfe,honeyectioneafter :a .,-•, iod;..,. The . cheap, portoble•,cabin .is a sephistitOt too eaPidly.. e • : .. • few days of the usual kind; I decided I) ' . building., much in dentied on the lag .e,4:. Flushingethe separator bowl out it. was time to get: sohnewhere .fineue. hog farm, both in", :winter and euria. th laege ittneuets of skim -milk er dillYfeiiey-er`f.hO-laelt-of it--L:iiiii. nter. Plans of . the 'larger aypee of Wattee ovater, and permitting the Cream , • :P1Kg'efiete- 'Pali -i:itt setured. ..frem.:sthe dalv.ered. :from these-il.U•shingS-•to.."Mis source elreatiO reentiomed... 0' • .: . feVith the ether cream. '''' •' ' , ' . • ' —7-----7.• .. • ' .; . • .5.i Skimming •a • low-testipg xrilk. Keep' the -ciiiektie ataitilitaa''''''°- •••••'elietheo3ther`leitittlagoateeofetheefeta: 'We have often notteed a -seriotis ''. tees cans:lite .a heavy cream -to -bade; seetbeek in growing thicks •-• if: the livered, when the ceeam,screw is .not proper ration is not .provided at the tampered with, ate:. .. ' •• • ' • • time the -chicks • ia'e• able , to' rinigo' 1..Skiniiiiing cold milit. about ••and 'begin to hunt for '111tn- '2. liicrensing ,thil• speed of the •Sep lv-- sees -too:erten at this time`tlie feedarater .bowl. • : . .' ' • . necess:iry rtir their .quiek devOlopliterir a Reduchig'' the row of milk into .. . . ' lOwithheld. ' , : • • -' the separator bowl. • . . . • This 1..i v.h; n we. brilir ;Mr chick -I. . Not putting Abe bowl ilushings self-rue:4mi into • their greatest use In the cream enn. .. • • and pire evi,•a r, iod mash that will • 5. ,.51:inming a riCher mirk. - • mlik-t the ecirk• in grow•rpr. 3 good • .111N0 factors. arothe mast import - Or iihnuno, and keep -ant epos ihat cause the vari a ti on in e tat ,1: `,e ':: fat!' Overaina oeare•Wher t he test ofethe „cream . deliverod train lb: , i..I.1; . ...-,,.,!. b ubmli a eeund apitzet; eho :seperatoe. • • • ' . . el' l',. :' !'s.,ti!•• / ' . they are lea:ale It is easy' to o'oneltide that both'.the III . '10 1 ,". : i l. r .:. 11 e: e.. t I toy ,relpi i re heavy iind the light'crearn haver their cr rJo..i.,..yer nothing ex- ' market. Which is bi%st• tor the average ..i oomp;trison to the ani - farmer 1 Any ' person that .1.11 'ullint it we's worth theetfort. Now site can borrow money at our bank if we need' It. ' I don't need to Make the :trip t� towiletesigeLaemoten,,The bank knews she. does nosiness as well as.' do. , This tiainirig 1.14 not hard_for some - tor many Atfis: it hag healla Idalt afterthey're lost?"]• •• wallet de When 1-yett-JoStatleenraini.. garden,", father *powered? eniiling. _ "Theeare'prettieretreenthan-white •eried Laura. "I'm glad lost them!" - Diseases of Beans: • Bean Mosaic is 'one qf the turnkrons heredititryalandeintectieraielant easee . which have Coale theteeproinin, mum alluring the last :few years; It has. (*used ocorisiderahle. 1055-betoe-geteadageeloistrects•-ofo" :southern Ontario and 10,4;1 belmi rootea in mierie totreagetettee....and theeajani. The jeaves of •infected plants Shaw egulaa. mottled end crinkled or pocketed rareaa; 1/10 &teed or crinkle ed area •ils of a yellowegreen color, At 'first otily tasmall. portion may be: of the yellow -green cixlior;• gradually increases. until the mhele 'reef andliethapea all the leaves on the plant assume the same Shade and tex- ,ture. :Infected plants • are • us-ually smaE and readily crowded' out or hid- den by the more vigorous,' healthy Tinder normal iield'eonditions, the P Oetteno or...xteapoefs'at allaand' the pods produced are 'usualty sniala Seemingly the biggesteproblent ef the can't be aone det a single morale 1 This, netkally greatly reduces' the older tollte.I kneW., The women hated, remeraber ',hoir my 'wife dreadect'to yielictadep_ending en thepercentage of to aek. for •mosiey every' tile they cash her first cheque at the Sank. She infected plants in- tbe--fleld. Diseased, . needed it ' The .men usually gave wanted some change and 1 Wouldn't piants, however, are found peoducing 'grudgingly 'nerrnaVormearlphormatryieldssess.- •retter;,..•-• - - - ----- • and • ititroduted ter.'INI the &Shier. plants may have been infected late in our case we, had just bought a .Now, atter three years, she :writes, during the .growing season. Seed from farm and were in the hole quite a bit and. cashes a cheque as easily as she diseased t)lents is tieuallY but not itt on It Neither of us had any lifts buys a leaf of bread. She goes to variably infected, and produces' dis-. ftom, home, •nor 'did we expect any. the elevator and settles for what he eas'ed plants. Such iced had a low - germinating quelity and frequently produees weak' plants. Safficieut le' known concerning the loss which may be tallStd by this disease to justify emery &ewer in taking-Pre&intionSto avoid and eaiminate it. It is carried in tha seed from year to year and meads front dizeo.sed. to hertIthy pinnts ender field cotelio amis. , ;last how this tettnIsetission takes plate is not Totowa Ikeyever, em he' transferred by trusting dis- eased leaves, and the/1 rubbillot attotea julati on the loavoto ot heal - C) • . . -- Panic up yonr.lo't and ship.to us. Nye lo -the: test -for gradIng-o: highelit• pacesaespot eaah. pay; .ment .17 as, '4-- STONE: SONS, LIMITEDWOODSTOCK,ONTARIO •Ebtabilahest_1870.., Both vvete able to earn' a little on ()Flogs home, an4. po.ye for whatever the side, which helped 11 lot elo first is delivered to the farm. Once in a few months. .Anyone who has ever bought'a."etaxabetaturniture„ fann- ing- tools, stock,- • and 'so ono-knowa. what it means to start out in ilelet • We have eieran„geit Our 'finances. like thisWe each have, a theepte book, but we only' have one account. When there Is money to epenca my wife spends it As she needs or wants to. I do. the same. I thont,t ask her how:much her 11.01,V walat *rshoes cost, 1 don't care, and, anyWay, 1 wouldn't kW,* whetter while he forgete something; but so do i and I've been titling business with banks- for fifteet yeatse t I am net adiatteing 'a theory, but, instead, advocating a practical working systern. Its easy to say that a husband and wile should be equal partners, but it's pretty hard to inst. 'tic° it when the *man has to ask for $10 itteriever she needs, it. She shouldn't hoye to ask for t, no Matter hoii--freelY ft is given, • • • *liVA Z ED. .P9ST —*Ithaca FAULT 41- No Stapies • 'Neces'sazy Manufaetnred ' By •TIIE - _ CANADIAN 7STER and WIRE Coi, giusiwros pitx44, 4