HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-06-23, Page 3ggeh PJ -EDUCATIOli . • .1t7:7•8--"•••••••••••- :egg_ „.„. :V"! - r4. 4.0bigui,o4ce„ .thifla Oonton-Y-• Anion! thee. wete re- movpd to the criginal tomb. Poring II. hidden again and afterward pt. Pati),s provincial') postifl of ' r, re:attains, were landed 'the gpot on ad Dr. Middlietea will be rat to ensygir‘gegeSusag, ptigete Begets esete p :which now stands the Cluiret- of St.. / thrOgliin %Ate CotlinVi4 • *Adria.' him lit ParatUlellt 11140: Paul. • • ." v Thd Liber Vontificalls teiligue that d St. Peter shaudd be eneased la silver, Here the bottle& renabsed fere ;more ••: the Valerian peesecution they were DR, J. J. • MIDDIACTON • - • • the. Pmperor Omastientine, efter bie mi„,ame, mia wow Iwo' *Lim loom cee'version ordered that the nedY,of Children as a rule do, net • get e.• enotigh sleep, On account •of thein rapid growth and development and their elineet eeaselese inclinatiop for play .and activity•stheit dittle fratoet get physically exhausted and need • plenty. of rest. Only clueing sleeP Absolute fust obtained for the brain' end nervous -;system generally, 'The • infant should speed mest•of ite thee In •sleep; the child of four at. least -half of ita time. The :child of seven • should haye•at least eleVen houese and tlisechild of nine as much as hefilheurs er more. • Children regalie More sleep Wilts ter than in simmer, and this nehassity should' be recognized; they shouldgo. tiglied early, for the mast refresittag. sleeps obtained in the•firstlew hours • after going to; bed. The child vvill readily • adopt ,thefie carefully arrang„ed. In no case should habits if if it. its :trained to thettig.iggdf the Work given children at home inter - it is just as easy to teach a ch.141 the fere with their thie for recreation or right way as it is the wrong. To let sic* • , a child etay up late' at eight is a The :bedroom shohld be nept airy practice that •has nothing to commeud. well 'ventilated. The body will It. It ie allowed, by seinepare •a Matter of expediency or onal comfort, bercausg they • wi tay the child, if it goes to bed early agpight, .wakes up the whole household at day- break next moreing. This, hewever, Children should also be taught to tiew church,- Della• Porta, opened hole in the-pitvenient and _sent for the Is again a. matter ,of habit. for up till go to the lavatory at the. same time , nine years of age, the • child should eagh day. Thie arrangenient if ort- Pone, Clement VIII., to view ;IL The Pope , tiCcompenied by two gardineise have ateleast, ten hours sleep. iistently carried out nialtes • The brain benefits 'front regillarity ' Bellarinjne and SfonCrati; visited nhl of re.st, po- less' than the Sternlieb from regularity in met's. The shine of ies sufficient sleep are mainly •mental, , but. laegely physical as well, They are mostonarked 'in the ease.of the child, and children Who get toe, little sleep Ite inc. mei to rnuscu ar a 1 . within .4. earcophagus of, liaise. The are incapable of learning. 0CM-sit:Mall': _signs are Eirtji„ierer t..h,...e.n placed a emit Of geld fy children showing •seeli fouricrin the upper stahrlarde of the wuignAng• *gog. iminds, on Which was i leselbed the name of his mother and eehoole They are often hit.d..W0Tkingtt 1,4,..., if 'The,. it/Mb.' was then decor - 'Clever children. When found, thoY; '':...es'e." 1 whilesthe , alter and simiald be spoken to and advised, awl} aLe`4 With iewe-!., t walis were hugg with silver Mines: the parents also warned of the risk of . The brass Sareophagus was -then overwerking the brain. • Lees tit'nel r Placed tn e •chamber,"which was faced given to etudy,•and More to recreation with gold plates.. -', • ' % and sleep will often work Wonders in • The d-isappearance of all' these such, caseit.,„ In cities, .children of the. jewels and plates tfecureed during the Vere. Poor often show the:effect's . of sacking of Berne in 847, A,D., When the .lacIt of, sleep through selling pipers, old Church' of St. Peter, erected in his soinetinies till midnight. In the cellos, honor by Conetentine, was resecratede try disteices children Often suffer tieg and thief also•hitppened latereen 15:27,. 'neoessary fatigue through. the 'strati' e- lete teppeable. writer of that time tells of home work. Teachers, of eoursel insist that the junior pupils 'do a cer- whether the sacrophagus rWeik desee crated. Only an old letter'discovered tain amotint of homework, and rightly fifteen years ago, written on June 17. so, but the nature of the studei and 1527, by Theodorieue Vafer, wigs that time requh•ed to master it ahead be "the tomb in Which the bones Of the holy Peter and Paul were laid, they, the imperial troops, • , broke and pro- fanated." . Completing the Excavations: ketiera arehaeblogists refuse to be•• lleve this, casual ehronicler4specia11y no suffer ifSivell, and.properly cloths as Father Torrigo, In 1594,..when the ed. If, • conideeptivei and babies,: can basilica, was beingdemollehed to Make sleep inthe ripen, air and thrive on it there isQ:ito reason why healthy adults and uld not do se else. way for the present church of St. Peter, writes that the architect of the in thatit tends to pi.ex eat tonstipa- St.:Betees, and with a -lowered candle Mon witheits eittendent ills arising saw below the church a iffAble sar.. fi.onn'keneral lowering of tone 'and loss of itgpetite. co hag% with a cross of gold on top. , . .* ' ' This cross evidently was that Which. Plenty of restful sleep, . •and the the egginperor COnstantthe.placed there, right kind of out•-cloer exercise; to- but the brass was gone. ' • • gether with geed nourishing food, are Thegfeapgeevai'eo overawed that he are are readily recognized. They are the essentials for a. healthy active ordered the cardinals o diver up the anaeinic, languid, dull, drows.y.• anechildhood. With these supplied, the hole with rubbieh arid rubble The stupid. The appetite! is poor,' the growing , child may ,be expected to , . aechiteet also •sti:ii the tomb. :The spat • growth is einnted: The face is pale; Make the best progress at 'home and wouldehay:e-been exactly where: In the theeyelids are hetivY; the, yes sunken at school' provided' its general health present, St. Peter's, is yenerated _the .-:.and dark ringed; These children are. is good. • • ' s ' iminb of the ApoStlea, Torrigo" writes 1, FIND ROMAN HOUSE have ;unearthed the most itaportant Christian menuments,...because they provide 'absolute proof that St, •Poter t- MAT You WANTI• .S‘initha.-Cairilie Restored, to Healthy ,Condition. • , . Not'to helix:tatted in diet, hut to eat i. whatever :he .pleases is this 'dream of every dyspeptic. No one seen- honeatly ,preanise to •restorit. any stomach to • this happy 'condition, ' because all peepte cannot eat the same things: , with equallyeatisfactory results. But if -is possible to sotone up the -diges- tive 'orgaps that 0, gileasing diet may he selected from artieles of good Melt geuise no discoinfort. When the stoinaclilieks, tone there ie no quicker way to restore it Than wt9bithuoluit ruipcigt,Lbd.1"bid.oodG91triln(1Polgs4:iihi°il 1e and•-"Dr. Williams' Pin1,P1111 'offerthe, besi , way •to enrich the. blood. , For this, reiteott these Pills ate espegially. good in stomachtrouble attended, by .tuts, in attacks of nervon-4• dyspepeia, Preof of the, value of .13n. 'Williams' Pink Pills in cases of Indi- gestion is given by' Mg. John A. Mc= Donald, •Tarbot, N.S.; :who says: 'Every sufferer from 'indigestion has en), heartfelt sirnpathy,: as .1 was once Myself a boud',slave to it. Eating at all becamea trial, end as 'time went on •I•beeame a „mere...skeleton of my. • former self. I took all orts Of re- commended mediciee. doctors' and •adyertised, but to n avail. Then a friend Said to try D Williams' Pink Pills.. I got a," bo).E iii..thouglit he - fore. they were done I cdnld feel a: change. ' Their 1 got s1 hetes more, end by the nine, they Were used was eating pk,', Meals with yegularity. and enjoymeut. hly, general health Is now good, and it is no•wender thet .ant an enthusiastic advoeate of Dr Williams' Pink Pilifi." • You an procure Dr. Williams' Pink •Pilis through Any, dealer in medicine. -or they will' beient youby melt at §o Cents. a box orshelmeel ter,0050 by. writing direct •to The. .Dr. Williams' •Igledieine Brockvillri Ont : • - • .What..the Boy ScOtits Are. 'Doing. • • Haig Walkeeton got the "Secratiest7 farollYin °Wash)? Mr. Fred B. games,. County ,Engineer, is •ti. former. Scout - maser and'.a member of •the Troop 'Committee.Of the preseet, 1St Walker- ton Tiemp. His sore. Treire'ffames, is Scoutmaster, : and Aimee • yeunger. sops are reenibees or the Trete). qaughter is Ceptalh of this locel cm - gamy, of Girl: Gulde,s,.end the' youngeet .1nthe familyea little girl, is a mem- ber af the ':"Brgwnies"-gthe '• junior . braucheof the Girt Guides. • • .. • _ , • . , _ g „ ee_ •,,,,The- 51st Termite Troop has. Wo - that the.Tope: bound the cardinals' td. secredY efewhat' they had seen, but the story was enade'pubItch .„ . • . Vieitors, to the. chtiech ere ninny and 0 ETER AND • PAUL stayed and lived 'in Rome. This proofthe sacristan; Frate 'Damian°, an ars Is 'offered' hy the many:inscriptions 'dent archaeologist, • enjoys showing 'uncovered. Heretofore first-hand evig every one the new fledS: It was due dence or Si. Peter's stay in Rome was to'his,pasSion for digging in the cellar. based on Writings and menuseripts, 6 that: runny, vaiueble "inseriptions were In the last .tew days. three tembs..brought to" light before the -official ex ALSO TEMPORARY Tom'? OF THE APOSTLES N. • litsCrifodi)fili on Walls of An- cient Dwelling Show. That •...Saints Were Once .Guests. queetion at the exaet Mining ,the bono the _holy. on hitve• been. found, unique In that theg cavations. Were .undertalMn., .As • he• had filled. them in and covered .,Covered them 'aid the excav,ation.s... ; • ' -1 • 1 _probatele are elle only ones whic,h re- Wish.% to se the teeth cirthe ApoStlea 'Main undeeehriefah—Tfie:-Clitiglifihe 'iletoria he Ales lid -18--TorklaS.Vatrio, th plaster. Outsid -t te Ale orna- • metes.. Auxtliare. withMTS. Witliani P grew. • - • - + + MT? OP ROM OrtilE . fled Difference. I-Iarold "Ieliathi in e, tares/at'? • 7-•-• • Margaret--nWell, before Ton' mar- ried me you used to say, gnlow wo• manly!' whenever I did Anything; Apvi it's, itbut..8 lust like a whits:lir " • • HoW He Wanted It. • "APT sPeolai way you want • Your, hair: triminedreasked the, harber. "Yes, with the seiseore," replied the 'crusty 'patron. 'If I wanted it trim- med •with,pessementerie and a bird's wing I'd linve gone to .a , Not Poesible. • • When a lady who ,,,WaS:"burpipg up •the road" on; theeboulegard was oyer - taken by a tram e officer -and -motioned ..e. t he indi /mutt' 'asked:, • • "What ;do You waits with Me?" ` ' "Yen were miming for-0-441es an • hour," answered, the officer. "Forty miles an houreeeNhy,,ofticer, I haven't been out an ,Eour," ssed the ' "Go ahead," said the Officer. 'That's a new One pa me.1". • .Wrong . • • The book agent rang the bell. s "Have you a • Charles • Dickewi ' in your house?" "No, we haven't!: Said the Womee who Answered the ring. "Or a Nathaniel' Hawtherne?" "No. •1- guess, mister, you got our house, Mixed up' with the bardin' houee two doors •fitrther along, Try tile re. ,•• • And she shat the daere ON STREET ALONE, - :MM. BEVERAGE LIVED IN FEAR OF ATTACKS. Dizzy Spells. OverconteAfter • • Taking Tanlac and Doesn't Feel take ,Same Person: 'Taniac hes relieved ape of sty auf- tering •cued -I just can't' gerahll enough," eald. Mrs. Margaret Beverage, 305 Biugheon St. North, HamiltOin Qat ' • "For two years my„ •appetite was • •eery poor and I suffered a great deal from formatton of gas on'mje etorhach.s was also troubled With, frequent at- tacks of dizziness and was actually ., 1 afeaicl to go out or even get away . 'film something to hold on to. • Clue • • el these dizzy /Veils came on. While • Was ca. iig ope Y a ren Otte day and I just:alrright dogin 'he Ion the Last -spring,. When: ; I atarted taking Tatilae,.I.hed been cow •fined to My bed for a II:Muth and Wait leo weak I could not walk. • • "Tanlac helped' me frorn the very • - e start, as Iehave not had a weak spell' ; since I started taking it and I feel •so g-ood lean hardly realize that Ihn.the same woman. The dizzy spells are gone, my •appetite is line and every- thing I eat ageees with nie perSectly. 1 • have recomEnended Tanlac atty..: • nuniber of my friends' and, Lena glad ••• to say, it has. benefitted theni all. I • just wieh _I could tell everybody who. • suffers as I 'did: what Tanlac did for • ine:" • • Pantie hi sold by leading druggists eterywhere.• • •• Adv. -.Glassinaking 41 Belgium.' Glessmaking fa one of the great na- • tienal industri s. of Beigiuna., Evee. . before the wa it was a•sourch of largo. • weeith, ahd. to -day it IS playing an im- eaertant part in 'rehabilitating the coun- .try.. :Belgium has beenfanious for its , glaesmaking for many centurie.s, and ' at 'the present time glass holds first ,rahk aiming the general exports from Belgium to all other countries There ' is Scarcely a 'civilized. nation in the ' world that is net more .or.less, degend, • ant upon, Beigitim for otiindoW glass, mirrors au e.g ass. • • , . Not Sisters, . "I Say," heasked, as he Stood in the ..streeti of Paris for the first tinie.and eirefehed testi Sisters of Mereiegeass, "'what kind ef Witnmen is then. I seen go along, all- In blaek, with a white thing rohnd their face and neck?" "ph," replied the • man addreesed, "they're Sisters of pt. John' the Bap- tist." • 4, ' : "Get ,out!" was the, „sneerieg an- swer, "Yon can't fool me. Why; John the. Baptist has been dead ter -•cen turlea." • .., They 'Wes' %Valli: 'After a block of new housee had been partly, finished,. the builder ;and toreman event on a tom. of •iespec- titan. The fornaer left his assietant In one'honse and went into the adjbining •• one, when the foliew.ing .coriversatioe Wished: •' , "Cao•yon."'eer roe,..Jam_ ..esee,es g _ • helm you see. mer mented with arches of travertine', ins The builder rejoined the foremae, _ ._ side are marble, sargiephagi still een- 11 SMILE IN EVERY •DOSE president. The •auxiliar,y is arianging• _ .ana remarked, ..y.i ti se' -satisfted th r . . , . A for e,garderefetel for the Troop to be leelesele...tee.:_grmuLds_04,.Beecii.m.e1131.0 .awignirsi:':,1$17, them's :$$•hat you can call .. loc-iirifficriti•Vii-iffigiiii-y: iiiiiiT ti,"f"Thb ati-d'Ibe• ceilings ase -decorated wi as''' OF—BABY'S-0WrIA-BLETS-- - • • i , , elethedist Church ope.rtin„e 18th._ _ .... • e 1. • • MI -nerd's Liniment RelleveseNeuraigla: • Lucky the boy•who lives,in the land , of trout streams! To push through.. • the tail ferns, crawling foot by foot to •, Within reach of the deep, quiet pool just under the lank, ihere" to etheple .• over the Willowe•hush and have the fly light neatly Oil the glassy our:. faces, then to feel it spin away at. the ; strike -of sorne-lulty- patrjarcheof river—that_ is•eltie 'beyishe delight and -; • -, for lasting Inemortes in Weed' remote gechseigg :Peter:Met -Panietnity. eeopelan l• ightestuceo.hesee-shesegs. 4' :.*Ct‘ settled (lea; if the .exceentione. undei'. the i:enr' by has been :thaeoyered- a p eghereit egf ,Sdn., Seheitiang beg auhtneefeetiessereseee ee etilesinelume .seelle• .„..1.11.4„,.7L.,Are....._•eattplereti • :Attc.Cesrfully. thesetheessige IS what ts suppesed gni ere ..baYe. been; manY. deliteiregigligh; :hapt-istry,-.4et ,sotne-•-h to lack of. fundS,.nliti;-dui•ing'Alie !war, shrine..'. It is for this 'reaeion filet P to•laek Of men, lit the•hiet . six years. --tut-i-YHtthout-.one ear -$-,:$y ark-. Ii•,lis__been. dello.. . • to Joy ever : to the little one—they have been -Boy Scouts throughout„ the province Work,. the Solution. , - er- Babk's Own Tabletg are a regular to- never fail. to make the cross babe, cal-contnittees-liav„ing_t„11,e_Re busy recently assisting -lo• I ra the &Antral -ton. oI a. businesS. --,erin the-e-orirc A . ilf all preiPepty. ., el resho POng. -Ithen...ba4Y.--is-rilss--035:14ret- r an/1—Na testa Semi:Megan Agee -elation 1- eff-elregintrelitgef t en ins. . . , • . . I am the sa e g ves ,excatations • tilread have light_the remains ot. a villa --Wlaell'appIt-relitlir Ito lOti 't o -pagan, .• faintly of gealth, turned hrislian dur- e tug tae :time of St. Peter. It 'is first tettfurY andOe'•itsgsvalls are ;lived here 'and Were entertaired :bodies were . taken smite • holF • fatuillot Totffits-Laellul. petv-ler washed,- chrefutly,_erntmtmesi, gnetre .14Uen: „And buried on the Via • l'oniite Coellus refritteerfit fed." Cotmelia;.,close to the Circus. of.N.er6, :those e-:,Spett._anarked. With .an WaYS o'cratch-eti :nzi 'the Walls...1;0th'. thin. eghenevei! tit#!_gL).y.as eroehle, ro- till the methereay he sure something Campaigns in -charge ..corent6 geouts It th t 1 lif tosser elerucchi• argues that the tomb •is the matter for it is aot 'baby's ea -4 alone distributed emterebution envel- ' • ' ! .0Pes to 75,00-0' homes,id a fely da.ys 'have laid the fothids4ion of e,very of the apOstleeeStePeterganci Paul tare to .he • cities- unlese 'he is ailing. must be near by. • •• . • ' Mothees, if Your habg.ig. erbes; if he :later returned' to 'gather them.uii 4gain• tor:tune: . •I . America% Plpneee,„ Dog , ./tosiedissi • • . Book on •-• . DOC- DISEASE$-- and Ho* to Feed Sfailed.rree to &WA& dress by the Atrthor. Glover CO., eat -Mt -1131:Fis9:7... New York. 17.9.A. • • eri At I • • . • • Tradition tells qs*--thrct Peterand •I'aul were ilthrty_ted the__Salie day, -June 1S-, or - Si. Peter W.IIS crucified in L'O'it:);$ e s On the Vafican w.hile Paul was, beheaded On the site of• the pre, seirt-ehuit.b. e al (ioneogin e^/fl$ and es a gre dea nn,d.nee( s your con./ , * - -111 I ean do -more to advance :ASPIRIN staitt 'attentibu. day- and night, give •_g_ Carietoe Place Sc•opts have .d hase•gth,an his eWneparents be they elier• ; gi • - hhicridoie of ntaby'S.- Ow a Tabgeti: They :leg/. -teem.. .wetteeste•- me talk 0e. thcvt. t;.....ectif.„..%,.. • -ayer- is :are a ipild buethorough laxative. which WhOift count On ' 01.1, ictoria Day' they I . taase be loved, before I ben bestow': will quickly regulate the bowels EkOd „joitr'neyed to Laeark nue defeated the ley'greatestblessingegand pfenni,ch.7. and • thuS•t., teligee.'eenetiPa- „Laitark cii,jut;r0r- teang to the 1111e• greatest etide. -. • • " " •••• • • ;site 11 e sweet, purpose- •feversehterdenialte-..huhy theigig,egthere•,- •• • . s • • •-es'"`"7- • fulsand fruitful. . • • 'gargles:le n gesille lir 'ever) "nose ottictO i hio.e.t Ohtarie groove- were .. 'on' I .,. ant repreee.nteesin the humblest • . • bi enedieine 4440,!,4 (J by intithat 24.1.aise oh tile iii,g's ,I3trthdae: ,Lirldsee•••• All prOgrec•s spria,,c7froin nie.. : 1 tt a neld,_-41.tiv With_k_e_tesiett_L .,•.--W-Ii'a- am. i?. ' ' • , - ,••••' 'Aledicine Co:, BroSitville; Ong, ,,•• , ,' "1°Falfg et the latter' plac'e. The, 1st • <shell) instrument, and on 'the (ley that, I perteCittf6ii br inv•tion the Oh hts '• • • . , _ „ , _ , s .. .,rts iane " I am WORk. ; retie and Paeles ' were seutertained. Imatelteil •to the burial spotf :ot-the e.:stuageguestheigeiatteadanteaftegtettstil ' a_POstles' and-__.1'..rie_d .1.110._:.:-...bt.idie.$ to ' . - welting- LO this ,great event. . Besides . seem eafe pleee in the" eatacomps of nab$7aw-n •,...amt,,,s are se.,.14 trekzOnffie.toria..pu..11,-W.4 gr.e4,t. inethe highest •sieche eebon b centeeeliog trein The-. Dr., Williams' Scouts bolo' ' , -.3Cst Fisfiiii%. • . Or questions big end great„e• "4 Ogee., • The two eieneeilie gseees..iettette - .8:thither; Defuseithe Express: --'M-Orret :Boger. -0.11 Package or tablets 'you, • 'Whitby and, tile 3td.:__Cishricth. . . hiked together to Qttigs Woods for. • . only. Genuine •••• g .1 • • Warning' 'Cheese you* see the name ; • - 'MONEY ORDEes • • ;et ' -• "" • - One deceat care ter inSittinS ...gattles. • Cookjngand other eier; •.- • • , • • • .1,uscripieu-therseetere-guteeteginaglegngie--0.1-hisne- • '• inn ineoea lone to etei and Pail' all . 0_01:dere •Tnes gess-Pee. els' e see -ere -wit ,.-..--are -hetegett:rigggeniliffiiinai.iiirin alfe , ., ...Or aepittee--tteedig. -lite:hales— "`" Troop With .their sports, tied the Weet-' ,,•,,' _.' ....• '"'—'-''., -, . •' ''. ' •--'• • -_:__ ''' — __• 'pOtt Trottp i•ileat'T-t11-e--ttay't4 -tit ' .. Jule '('''''in':"'t."' '''..:-.1"'":4.1:1';1 7'1 ." .4--t' t°r• C'Ql".:-14eaaaelleIrLtigla. Ejlezi". -' Ile doesia..t - tbink. of .sickiteii. . .brother.„ scout s of "nreckville.. :As the 're6•••at great tlirthee:'••''4'. ''n Chirla i'z' -Fert,d 111-:(6r pueracirie, 'Er:,-H--Tecreath:- eltiTt'7Eeltintteoees g.e.e7-+Ht : Scout hiovenient Spreads • througleni:e ,,,..,,,,•,,ele viola' • .ply••;: r.Larr,''''', a, t'•• itn•A•• • tablets . that. it Ii.:,eral:S• indire .the wf.....1:0 .:‘,V6 -',i , . I. ,' .,. 1,,.,,i twelve cost few cents. Drig- ...khi ht? never Cotild he ill liS fse. ie ;le: 1 in s .1- t ae, hi' . . ,theepro•inuce slimier get-togetki rs NN -1 . , . ,,va„,„04144.,u4re_.• ,' _,, They us.uelly oi•igina.e.en • the OiZen.r. .1.'1'' 41'''''..- '2e11.1``its." i''':''`'"6"; -',,q-7.' . -. ,..,........,,......,r--.4........,..,-",,,,..-.565-610:iiiii6aV41,466:6•_eEdAr,,PWri.,461.44kairilittx.""-AAW.0,,VaRiii i.',5 The piace te lay asi yoer cares,. . . , Ter yearuite.and vt . • • . , , • , heel- itTy ,..„.--,-„,-; Li .ztecr.L1_11.,;...;ty;,tie.,..t}:....,:;.: raci...--.1...., , • i .art .11.....(fr4ecgistered in Canada), ef B4ye.rotli.sR'awii. .. tUre'Of:higreaestiedeidest•er , . J,eSt sittitt•"there'ii,tgshin‘•• ; . Is in agnoat beneath the b. ,14.,e1 at:yds.hpeur.oe:Ft.,1,4r...1S.tnsilte:Itl..t:ert:d.t.(:eif:iiirct:1•11,t..ti.C.Ltitiohgzrt'Sott,t.g13ylitr'tthallet. atekl; .1:-.'1;7i1:2.5na's't'''T.""11•1Y-‘ Wr...el t. j.n .,.- 0., „)e tr. ni• ri...t.1, ...) • • • one hungred "mile:: in. zhfc.krit.ss.,P!.115'3",eid.• .......' ,•,..•• ., -; ' ' ., . . . 1 Bi?y.SL'outs of Lindsey, i'enelon I•sal:S fronletitn• *-0 •tnne onagggg• readjust - 'Ask ,fer Meinhard's an cita k -e- nO. o t Icel. ''', and c aikaillgs oil. 'sthe..eth es eveiirs bee nient ..teesehaie-ge gelgeeeeisgsgheat and__, i.ltelli .1t1P.kilie"re'"!ors,i‘ edlAitthre .. • . ...7.-ee_esee....—.. , • • • i ing capeelled because p had weather. to otheirhiaitneieirli, " . Invocation. . . ... To ScLtute there is nti ebed" weather, eitalie.. . ' t5i- 1 i'-. - r 't*.13 • • •h -f • ;Tliete ifr'h lase a 1! 1t' lot ef different ••whole world. sayer ii-ureasual„- f •r', ' .. , celeste his. reitet 4.s_41.13,,tte'r_mtiiny neyed to Foxboro to 13..elottito-F-o. -xte-r . • •- - • e- e• - - -• . every Bever paekaee. are direction& • en cer_e_gentury, ... . -- ' new carefully-putseegetherewhitervtlge---- .---" • - , , . ............ .. . I SOO,n•-a•fter their thartyrdeth elre Ore .be carried away to " Some museum.. • ' ;:..ental Christieulsedeeided to Come tO The steeple welig'with theltextintiaga nothe aud.carre the tilidneshhagh tg the • will lie left in the' church for all visg I. . . • • East for burial.. They succeedeleiu With that je.}:vos_gert of.,• in,,,,t, .chitiTh win not be replapt. . , 4,1 " I •_. . 4 . . •. . • . 1 barsea. on their homeward journey. ge Peter L....Ned:iv ROme. The) had had- reached the Appian 'Way Professor, Marucchi, the Well knegoe When IS terrible thUtoier .s.toeleheinie 'ttrehaeJlogig, who has visited the ex- ,.lip tied they sought' shelter' trete' the casett loge and wiitcleed. the-gork dug.; storte. NS hlie they were-Witheues the Ing ' the last two months, insists Wet; Roman Christians discovered the theft tb,,is discoveries of 'Professor Steger,1bC the bodies and starttld Lifter theni. it.s well as thoSe ofmore reeehtsdate, i They eaught up„ with them.' mid teolt, SaVeslinte -Saves Hea 1-1ere- is a table drink. made as (wieldy- as you can otir,hot water into_ the KuP NSTANT OSTU delights the taste. and causes none of the harm that often conies frtnn tea Ana coffee. ".77ieres a Rea 3011 4.. - $1,11..tht, 'f• OndrUN 'A sinettiat mely*, Wt. or Piot prat. • ime ikriss„,4 4. Atiit ••• te. ishine, I th ig t eaut) Nr. s creNer . htettga. • . , - • ' ••• • Itift:des oh geodeweathere g • g . . ,.. •1 . • • . 7 -eget, S • .' e • • ut 0 ...1._ ,I•ter...13. tie tecel i 1- sieefeehe - •-• ---- ----:,--,'-'-" "' W ---"-'' :7-7'4 -:- 4 4 ... - ' ' :" -k.ln-Vel, W ko -P.114-'. FA! s r...etgeer „jir,)re.- - 'And"..twiiliright. t,ill!Ps in.' my i;arLI-etttfr."'ta-6 iltiMr-*ir"tYlw- trtott:'n-rer.'g',Q-'a'ist'-z'.'-'=c'-xra'l-'-'-'F-ti-.=--Nv-41 e sbed . ,e J., .. ..., • .., i : „ie.,' foresee or ela.trocils:,: .reoirgtatn2ed ..11`..0:10. ' ' ,... . 5 . .. ' - -.1i: ' " i'n- ' '1)", -- I' - l'itl ' at• qt ' -•ThetiVi* t,"tVrte'I •CI'I'l't In "te : ::' .',5,\ ges-1`.• And • sei ee s...n e ',eon: , tn.. . , e s - - ...-"- . '. • ''' ' . Iotors •"‘ ' ' . - ' ' .r. . .. ... - . Pv 7,, ti t: 9... , 1yTei,...71;:s.. La wrent;,?. 'Alan r To a, ititer_ ...t she are .hittetivohii:acese g . 1 .thetteet tgat .ehef i,..,:,•„,...d nei,..r gb .indrai- plpterirr!se: '1 ati1w6th, CheSter• in. the worh'g-ore where Isis 'eweeie . e•r Jeete....meh, g , . ... • , vele. Iroquois. .Cardina'.;...Kingstx:. heart is an,: the tgher where ihe iSn't . Yet how wonderfel 'are all the days; ('l.3, .10 • 3.1t2i`:''''*i°' . alus=ieu. \-°1•1:',.'a a eller tto leteger Lttri, behtniseree and Avennwre through the' efforts cf •It'ut-‘1 }I. -It,: N '• r .M -I -s' ".-k .`;• '`V -It;'' 2 - • " - - '-' . Vili,,a1.1.::!1:-: I '+'. '' 7:.- liitt''Wilti With ..joy,-*LII.d.eseeteessgs. wfth,.. Ole:. two speeial, 1101., r.eprc.s.t:LI.at:ty-eS.... s,:r,s--.4.-..1 : .....:1'.:.: 'L ..--•.,.,•.1.1.-L.,- .4 - ;es e,she.„.....„ • • eheeeme at the PrOvincial t'otine!1 fox'. ota,ttio. 1- (3. -efogigsletgeiet "eisagitegiTT-SW-te-feari;h:g!••-ti . , fan, • . yet. drop a line to the Boy Se6uts ' 'it • • Noe /et yout bu,;110s .Wootti Otte l3leor,aed ,raert.1 time ; r.„ 11,1N .4 tt +11 should 11 nas •••etttng I .1..4I.1 4,.,, uot bear the beauty' 'of it i make it one. • small Nide. . orotito. and ask ht.)w You can bele tti I tthreble ti s.. wh'ereltys:' eutbarrassr•Ig pahlk that tt i!‘)r,• For I wou,.ld:pause • eette ewe- hefore.! . • statit wt. rt.!, At.•,Ut thrtpe. tnio.ltk:0 . t got t be,t`lo votri'l•ton4-t , eaeh flower ' • •• • gOpgestintS*, hshirh were ir•trodueed o';.vw ge*tiPs . t , • ntany years Ago, hay. ereased .unti: , Ug'tte•Stieeiret.e7Ittit7tchm%,cirlcsi.rtLY.;:tiel;riviljttrteftisin.etdshileht,Ni„liet''ehl.: And touch each hioesom wiiii hie fin- . into New Zealand from Australia • And feel the wind's- tirsgsweetneee on they have becotne a peat in the truit- alt trace of the turner ardwere itauct my lips. , growillg regents. Nevertheless, their that they hag ben cut:afgeen Y es • r.‘ mark n will bo sow-,hav. rt.4,t beVr.' 1 at1 .. or fur outeseighs the khinutge•seitea ter this tk.,stitri:±tita'' " .->r t l'c'7.1 ear. Photography is •eighty-tsvc• .ears they do. It 1'. 'herefore proposed to: il" It " Yt't1 "1,.. Ilt • ' old nett August, the Secret of the give them every chance to br I ittLiet: s.I.INI!er‘lee`tel,, "s'lltgrZtelr'heete'"Itt;!„,....•):11,e; s first pictures, those of liaguerrep liev- the forested -' ee regtons. 'Watermelons, i AL 'ard s . tenant. and am. h..pltas for s mo re -tilt's: I.: n t tnehe erf marfk. I, tt. i ing been disclosed in 1$3:). i ttin ..o, grow' New Zee•• PPJ:IIe Zeeland.. ' • • • All' over -baby's _fade., Carrie water blisters and then fOrMed a solid giElin','Intigalitid-Itelegifieirberite soh had to bandage his hands as he Wanted to scratch. Face was badly disfigured. Trouble lasted emenths. Beg:muting CtnicuraSoap and Oka.. mem. Used one cake Soap and one box Oltim*at when he Was healed. . Fromsigned statement o Mrs. Albert Ellis, Wetteriberg, N. S. • .>For every purpose of the toilet CUtiCtIrd Soap, Ointraent and Tale mum are stmreme. • &Nip 25e. Ointment 1;.1 and SOe..„, ,Soid throughouttheDomision.Catischanuepon •1. ars. Limited. Si. Patti $t.. MentreaL ore Soap 'Aires without mug. ISSUE NO. 25-41. 0 v.