HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-06-23, Page 141.
LUCK110W ONT., i:HUR5DAY, 25„ 1921.
•,. .
..Ate worldard.ay
• - •
Prap. and. Siiottg:on
" fund.
W. E;, tRELeAveri.
"• -Monday, June 20.
• Mrs. G. M."Chown and little daugh-
ter Jane, of. Brussels, •Visited a few •
. days with Mr. and Mra. Wni. Martin.
' Misses Lily. and Helen Paterson
took in the Greyhound excursion last
Week and visited with Rev, and ,Mrs.
J.'. A. Mundell in Detroit. '•
• Mr; and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy vis-
ited on• Sunday with Mr• and Mrs.
Fred Stanley, in Teeswater. •
-Miss . Isabel _Fox left on Saturday
for St Catharines where she intends
to Ternain for a; time.
• Mr. *andMrs.Thos, Henderso'n and
.•sons Charles and Lawrence,' Mr..
RobertHenderson and Mr. Harris
• ‘Purcion motored ,to Barrie On Satur-
• day to Visit a,lew days with Dr. and
Mrs Jamieson
Jamiesim, „ • • :
, Mr. and Mrs, •in°, McGee; Miss
Lily and *aster' Scott • Paterson
spent Sunday With • 'Wks. McGee's
• niother, Mrs. Gordon, in Teeswater. •
Dr. Henderson. • of, Sask.,' will; :
cuPy the pulpit in the 'Presbyterian
ChOrcit next -Sunday; June 2661'. Rev,
• Mr. -Scobie 'expeeta to have charge of
the.. Services• in. the Presbyteriari,
. Church, 'Teeswater, that day?
lgr. Andrew Hamiltori*,• Of -Indian
; Head,' visited the palt two. weeks
with hia pepliew_.; Mr. Jno. Gillespie.
• 'We cong1itti1ate7Miss 'Lettie Fox
tit assing ; her exams- al; the Wing-.
hani ' Business College, attaining
• Miss .Grace..Slieriff, Wingtarn,
her undlee hir."W:.-R. Fan,
, Mr. .Tno.• Falconer was in Goderich
- last- week 'serving.. th'elury,
. The Methodist,
holding-Ta-strawherry -festival
• oil the Parsonage •Lawn on Friday
evening, June 24th. A splendid • pro-:
7- gram Will be given consisting of eel
OS by Mr Wilhs, Wingharn,• Airs.
Munn and Mrs: Dierlatnm, of Ripley,
and • Re -1,7: ;Mr.,- -McTavish; Of 7.'Salein.
•Readings; by (Rey.) Mrs., Henderion,
, whistling by: Miss Deacons music by ,
es' ,hy :Revs; Irvvin' and McTaVish.
LOCAL- AND .qgNEitm. 41.1.•••
• 1
• . •
Mr. Jim; MacCallum is home from
Detroit. • h. '
MiSs Nora' Higgins, of Torthito,, is
the guest�fMrs. Dr. Elliott.
Mrs. •J. E, Agnew is home • after".
stioncling a ,ouple of; Weeks with
Gederich friends. - • • . •
:1VIisS "Daly, of Fergus:, 'spoilt' a
•few day t Of last week with :gr. an.
Rat. Bron. ,•.
; Mr. and Mrs. JOhn Woods were
Waiters with Mr.. and Mrs. Mathew"
,Woods4ho end of 'last week:. ••
.:Mrs. Rev. G. W. Gardner, ,of. Cor-
dova, visited the past week with het`
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas,
Brussels •and Lucknow willplay a
league. game of baseball • in •Cale-
donia Park bhis- -(Thursday), after -
Mr., and M .
Mrs. Alf Armstrong were
• up from London to attend the. mar-
riage of Miss Ethel Arinstrobg last
• Miss Frances" Webster, of • Mine -
tori; New -Brunswick, is spending - a, •
• three -weeks' ,vacation with Liicknovv•
relatives. • • ••
• Mr. and Mrs. Paul &Weitzel' are in
Michigan Spending a • couple • of
weeks withfriends it Detroit and.
• other points. '
• 'LucknoW and 'vicinity were as us-
ual Well represented on the • Grey-
hound excursion, Goderioh to Detroit
•left _
Mrs. BrabsOn and her brother, All -
drew :Hnston,,are spending their, va-
dation with their parents, Ir. and .
Mrs. David :Huston. ' :
Mr. A. D. Cameron left •oli 'Wean
nesday morning for a.. trip through.
the 'western provinces- where he
visit the •chief points of 'interest' ,
• • Mrs. WM. Smeltzet left On Men,
day of this 'week for Calgary ,where
•Mr. Snieltzer recently. booght a• res-
idence. • ' and'.where the family' will
make their horne. '
Mr. Telford Aitehison.; - -who, has
been teller ..in the Molsons Bank .for
some • time, •:hyis. been tranSfetred to
'the main office of the •bank at Tor;
• Onto. He left' Wednesday inbruing.
„ A number, of casesof.law-bieak-
arising Out • of, the races held.ini
Ripiey a Week ago,; . Will :be• tried"
' here on Thursday before Magistia,„.
ToltiOn, • of Walkerton: •• •• • '
Card of. Thanks -Mrs. D. • 'Camp-
bell and family wish to thank the
Many friends and neighbors: who at.
'..the time • of the ,death. of Mr." Canip-.
The annual meeting of the .shate-
holders of the Lticknow• Elevator
Limited; will be 'held in the Cain •
}Rinse. LticknON.V, on 7 Saturday, !Jul,
2nd, : next,' at three o'clock
'F. ••Ciiir. Preardent.'-':- • ••-• .306•
*MisS ..Lillian :Galbraith. Of Toronto
is the guest of Mrs; K. -T. Armstrong
Miss Galbraith, was among. the 'first.
riot of nurses t� go- overseas, with the -
-.Canadian Army and saw service in,
E-ngland Franceancl-Egy - •
Miss M. Strathdee. principil-OT-
Riplek. School, is presidingat exams
here-thiS week. • Miss Ranson, of the
Lukricivir staff, is; Perforining similai
'duties at Tees*ater. '
Card • of ThanksDaVid Faleeirer
• ,
wishes' through The Sentinel to: eX-
press ,heartfelt:: appreciation of fhe
kindness and gyrripathy -shown',
friends and •neighbors - at. the :time of
4i4ter- ••• ' •
. , .
iENbERs yirAisiTE% AsitriEL4
••Tentiers..will ,be reteived until 12
o',elock .noon on Tuesday, June -2804;
.1921 for the constructiOn of the
lowing Cement Bridges: - •
One -16-f oot--apan- .,on - Side.- Roada-
. and 4. Con'. 2. • , • '
-011-e 10 foot snail on 'Side Roads -
••12 and„;11,..
Tenders for the first, two will be
receivbed.,by, Jno. P. :Campbell, Dun-
pmrinon, and fnr tho hist mentioned
• • bpecitications may be seen •with the
• 1 Councillors to whom the tenders are
to be sent. The lowest or •any.tend."
ernot. necessarily *accepted..
, :C. E. McDonagh, ;Clerk.
Miss Irene Brunt is visiting. with
•,find's near Seaforth, • •
Mt. Will ,McGill, „Miss Etta-- and
- mother spenta-•',day-last---"Week with
Mr., and Mrs. Jas. Ceeke. "
Mr. and Mrs. Watson, 14 the, Nile,.
visiWd- at, 'Alfred, , Sbefvv.pri0 ,Satur-
Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Irwin, Mr.. and
Mrs. Hamilton Irwin, Mrs; Pollock,
• Wis. Quigley, of Wiarbon, attended
the funeral of the late John, Hackett
-which todk place Tuesday.Iast:frain
the boine•M Josepli 'Hackett
• with friends' in the burg,
Mrs. Wm. Irwin is spencling.a few
days with friends in Wawanosh. .
• Mrs. Henry Mullin • and children,
• of ,Lucknow, visited in this vicinity
• Saturday. '
• .
A little daughter arrivedat the
home of 'Mr,. and Mr, Alfred her
wood Friday, 'June 10th-Oongratul.-
ktions. •
Miss Pearl Raynard, of Paramount
has returned home after spending a
•few days last, week with her sister,
Mrs, Welter Alton.
Quite a number from here took in
ooallght pexeurolon Judd loot week, e different garden p‘art1ef1 and the
• Om
• • 40,41,40440,4::‘,41,470:
,,Af the rcntfina1,eat.tim
-Ro al Dental: College, -•Toroitto,•-• out
A delightful. eyening„, f :Bowing a.
hot day, favnred the kart'. .1.piirt`r on,
Mr.. Joseph 'Taylor's lawir, ,TUesilaY.
evg. • Theparty was given by the,
Young. Ladies', Claris 'of,' the Methodt
• ist Chnr4, a- live • • oryanization
.which invariably Succeechi, in its' un-.
• dertakingS,.,Thcre was- a J, Id crowd.
from town • and:.. country. and. all en-.
loyed the•'stipper under 'the treeS. :and
• the.. pregrarn which followed. •
Dr. G. A: NeWten Was clrairmaii,'
and • the- program was entirely •• 'of
•arld all by 'trivet •taient.,.
Al.o.rraWs!'--JnyZult;, ...Nina-, enlivened,
•the eveping. and a string. otenestra,
hid by Mr- Mc.Ntorran, a num-
• ber 'of, 'selections. :The. Church:choir
ilOritributed a:vouple, . of 'mon:Frs.
Miss of .T,oronto,-. who, is
visiting' in .town„: 'plaVed, Hawalam.
seleetiptu.l.,, on the 1.4-1.iitar;' a • boys'
band, assistCqi 11 Mrs. T. . -S;;
neared A couple Of tints; Mi145
ina Clark .eCin 1,1:1 lin Led. 'a 'sole;
H. Masey drew loud • applause when
he sang in imitatiob of Harry Laud-
er; If. trio of ladies • of, the 'enoir. and
• a duett. lay• IgesS•rs: Reid and Ilefulor-
son were well •locelyed. . •
• In it financial w'ity the affair. was
'entirely satiistactory;, irate reeeipts..
being • good and., tie ret reShinent
booth having done a land -Whet:
• To The Faiilify. T.he.atre •
"Outside The Law'
• •
ASH FIELD • NoTE.:‘,. •
The ihomeof. Reeve and Mrs.Hen-.
r. :gathers,. - (pf.:ISinloss, was the
scene .6.1 . a pleasing7e),•ent „: on, Wgd-
nesilay last when their only daughter
'ItIlleda X., was united in marriage -to
Mr, Ir,. Earl Wiirhtman; yoUnger son'
Of. Mr. NV: .1. WTitlitiiiiin;. of Wavian••
Aq•-4.?. TO' • tbi.f: s•tiallis. ;of '' the weihi,n?'
wareli, 3.11a3,•eil 'by .1111i:s Leila. Stack;
lvin,s-e,- the •iliariming bride : Z.0 it: riql '
I.n•ylor lean:14f .on the'..arm of her
fittliee aid toidt hir place beneath an
aro' „or..es,•(..1,!..:-I•com: roses and o'rangi
Hilssonis.•:. She' was nrettily atti.,.. •
RI crain -'4•1:00e. Meteor with bridal:
-V,V11•• 'and. 1;14 Ifie'd .. a '.1)1a1110, of 1-11%.lire-
.41'art. 1,..,#:•4 s and maidenhair ferns;
.I.,1!tlit 7,„1,g,..I.:•1,.'oeit ..5it1Lcithou'se„...plece
yr the gronm, attended as flower vitt..
...Ad .. was daintily: dresscd• : in ' nile
g imp . ory p nil ie: •Rev ' it Fulton- di•-•
'iin • otl.,r...., tel. Aft'er the ceremony •
ili,ii ,gin sti•-•••, to • the. nuniber of :ablut.
forty; sat 'down' to .a bountiful repast
'Many lv•antiful and useful gifts • at- •
test. the- eitte( m in ..w1ii,•11 the Young:
cotti,Je ..are held..• . They will •resich!"-
•an. the: wrodm's farin at. Wes;tfield.: •
.11.I1CK2--Alt,.:STRONG •
, . 4). • vety 'prei.I.T.y;,wediling . wris 'sok,
:mini:zed on th••• lawn of Mr. Amt.:11)1i;
, vol. Arm:10%4)12, Lucknor, .June 1i
at 3, .p.ni,. - 'when .. ,theit • daughter,
1' 1110.0(5, laTanfo... the . bride ..of
.:1,11, • .And t,v 1% Illiek, of London., •son
..,-,f•• .11I1.,--41141 Mrs. -Frank- littek„ of C/I••
"tawa, Rev. R. F. irw-in 011101810(1 in
.the preseMl. - of a:lava:v. ''. nuinher of
friends. and ,rclatives; ' ••• The.,..bride
jolliedthe gro:am, leaning: • di -i the:
.. arkof -her father, 'to ;the ..strains of
loll ey ,:rrin:s wed i i'.1ii.r. -MarChl ' iilaye:41
1,'...•:Irs. T., $:;cur.son, -of liond'in." The
bri.d.e.1 lookod'•;chaniiihIr. in a ...14.0‘.11,..i;r:
wl.ijte ..4,[tt•:iip.4.ii. Stitili, \tieh.....dtaped
„fechri, :.tto. werskirt .ailil •seeg , pc at'l
''itin",.•11:4-!:S• ' 1.4.'1' ' Veil Of , ein brifaler:..
, .
1.(1 .11........',J,4', mt. waS....:.atrangell'-in-Jiii.:
:ot • i•••:, -i)1,:;:•-•111,.,•:..,, Una. (Alight. tfrc with
• ,,. .,11::;.,... 1irti,....i,07.1 s!. -.Q.., Ivoi.0-....a. Iv iN..a.th
?if. 01,-, ,..H.T. ...-1„1,,,,, :.,ip,.:. . •,,911•e•-j:arricd.:41.
:ile800'1•11 1;1//iiptet i/f ftylilt6 ' cir'rint-.
tipn.;,,: 'And , ferns', • .frinn. why.h:,'•fitinit•
. .
:::,•tri,iirmTS., . of • ,:w•hrt.(; _satin ril*ilion,s.'
M; /.1k;• •De a 1 l'i.e • .4.1.1.ni•tinet,.'••sister .of
the • br;(.1,e, • 31l201e.'..8 ••.stii:falile:...liiiiip'•:,
1,ii•':•1,‘,, tv,..:0trilii.,;.. a ..dreSg 'Of ' l•itie •si lk
iy i t h. llezid . trj a imbiks•-.'inid varryiwt• a
1ourphtf.;•4: i.,,•Weet • •peas,". 'El1en!..13.1tl7.-•
- 1%,,11: ' of •I:ondli•i niek, of •••••fhe...:In.•!•itib-•,..
• nuldt• a very. -.pri•fty-,..tio.WIn: . giel',..,
(11(550(1 In 'Whit- , 'Voile ' aml .eitrrying..
..a•:1•.-ts:Ni...t_ !.0' --,-r:irses... f.\'11-'\\. in: -.T.A.rin...
,,'rons.t.,' 1(i:601er . of 'tlu.;--lircle, a*C.tod
..A s .1.1,•:,1F(.1tmlfs.. m a 11‘'.. . t.,
-iiIIM-V7-1.6..iT4'.•-g4;.i;s* i*;-...'iiiiiiiii**Thie It 'about
.... , *sat. - *rt: _tw:a-claint.\'''-'-•'-vc.i2dd ilir
, .
.ilercarlyr.•.,;The evi.'pillc.' 'C'n:.-i,.s.n.elit in-,.
niusio;• -a inglifg :. •iiii.l. :.qt•lr-ailluF,
,,-..!.• ..11.,.' ).-.- .
jne: • v: hen the • crowd. dispersedi. icay-..
. / ., ., .
.1.h.h in( 1 them ;: .n i an y-, co s tly .p re s-
-..The_grod9V.4-::gift t.c..'tli.e!.bride'
. ,w.u,s,'",li'. bj..1ilutifc;•1 ' neck let; '... to.., the,.
Wi'il6"s•-„inaid -a •-g•ilii-,--tiend-tintv--to--tile-•-• -
. . .,
.. - .. •
. • .
-----, • - . • • .
:Rosi,, • it11.0%
'have 'been •visitife friends ih Aurora,
111 have r(turno.(1 • e'to• their .fornicr •
. . • . " .
hoMe in FIeinlock. f1rty. • .
. ,
ltr. and ..•111W.I. Raker, of
are •viitIng•• Ralph 'iNis•on's., of
:Zion.-4-MrS, Baker's- former:.
,Mrs. •\Vc4linton lienderson,. of
ting friends :
moUnt, • • • • • • •• :•• •••• • •
Mis Victor .Thorini-rn, wh .' was
• ftie•nds- 4tt: 7TIVe Hon, hs re,
tti I ti) 'her • bona, at Ainberley;
• - Ws, • J, A. .g1INIV(11.,' W'111rfi pe v,.:
hoi• .J.
_Iie-itin. spettl•
a day -reeentlY: with lier,:fruerar :Jetpl
Long; pf ”IlemloCk City. • . •
Ada .I'icke.ridgC.;- of P.Mc'-unilitit.,. 18.
Dotro it. 1 ft,s4....we '
JaMeS... Bradley itrid-.71.11,.. Or:
Laurier, 'are. 'SpOlding
• hien cis . a.t -.Riyertorr..,,....- • •
. Mrs. j. IIenti-e.rson, who ancici.-`
. •
'w en t !.0pera.tion
. .
. • .
hoi.ne„..th Paramoiint, --is lir 0, '-82..
, - . ' •
iVlis Jds.-Mck'endrie; whp was,.
• ..igit'.1:rg• her. J,
. .
of 1(1(1)21 13 has „rett rued ' kb J81
hone in _Detroit,. •
J‘liss ...Katherine . D
,Methodist .Church. --Rev,
Roultiton, :of ,Staffa; .will preach •
morning; and .evening as the 'pastor
will be absent preaching at .a 'camp
meeting. , ' • .• • . • -
• Anniversary. services will !Le held
in •Ashtield 'Presbyterian Church on
Sunday,' July Ilrd. The Rev. W. R.
Macintosh, King Street Church, Lon -
'don, Ont., will preach at both servic-
es, 11 a.m...and 7 p.m.; •
,The Luck new •-Lodp,o •Sz; .
attemted scrViCe. ,at .the Anglican •
21111 !'(l) last •.‘landay..ey:enink rwhen
the Roy: Mr. Ga'rrett, of
pr,ached, an appropriate sermon.-
lorige of lidd fellow's.. wits
out • in force, . ioge thcq•-• with if number
of • visiting.' brethren,' attending div•-
•,:ne •servi4, South Kinloss.
Sunday- 'wiling. • !the service was in
;memory of those memberS Who had
passed .away during the past year,
and thoSe v.bo. fell. in the war. The
Rev, K. A. •Gollan, who is a menthe1.
in•der, preached • a sermon •
whicir.was highly' appreciated.
. •• -•-••
• -.Lueknow and. „Kincardine' • teams-.
,playe0 • :two ,ganies
'week. . At Ripky .ort,1 Thursday of.
• lati't • Week -LucknoW •froni.' Kin-
cardine by 'a score" of :and 'at
KinCard;ne.-01. Tuesday :o.t.'this weer.,
a "keenly et/I-Rested :game of IQ' in -
;flings,. the: Lakeside Town. 'get - 4116:
with a score. yf 54. in Its faVor, The:
ganre ;in' the .• plitic•• this- "(ThurSda.5.T )
• artuilleen :bvtWee.i. RtiuSselS•
: • .•••,'
• •-•-•--7-.
, . . I'01:10.11',',CON:', KIN. LOSS.
. • . • •L--.:T.u.esday, June 21.. .
. Mr. John . Ig:iteGillivraY„ accompan,
:e:1•: b.y. liis SigPi',AMiss• a.l, .1111teGillivli
1:•!ty, .48 4i i1i.! a lii 0 tun •trip , 0 :London
'.\i'li,‘'..v•ti'leal'gh• MacIrite.sli, of Lucknow,.
:NJ' 1130 • nleal:a111. to • learn, is improv-,'
.• tek .M01;12111 on fhe •Oth.
.; Mrs. N'orman MacLeod, •of Huron;
his ..wi,t,,k' with Mr.• turd :NW. Roder-- ,
•1088.1... iris. daugtter "spent' ati 'evening.
-.-,•;11-1.s. Charles.- Striathdee is 'not'. so -
.,•Vell this . week: as she ..lia.s lieeil• .ot :
late. . .:.. ' •
. .
.., ..•;,‘Irs.. Russ' Middleton 'With her two.
f7.ons., .Geoufe. and Guthrie, together
with- her itilce, LtiO•Robertson, -took
. in . the' 'GreY1Mund..'e,Xetirston •, to .De
• trolt .: last Week:: '. . , • .'. .-
i.r•ilNjA...1.*•':1(Ei'i)T11:11h-jetis-Ttl:70°Iaiiits'7"-tiely.hrn.'''fso-r ileIisiLt
.silitge ,.and. „sweet ....ColVer ' promises A
*ii,.11 . harvest. _All -that is. wanted, is
move --IiRp toi.' carp.- for: the varibipi.
crops ifi then.. season.
--;:iTuesdaY,,june 21::
are liolulayling at Mrs..., ',','.• Calaro .s:
• Ai r. /1.- -111. lib`inith received i‘ mes-
sage mi.:Monday tellimt of :the tleath:
graratson 'at -1,-;inbro Mr. Smith
(111 to !attend :the • 11.21102 ti 0(1 11108
'who'.. hasLbsien
. sistu:. at.,Nile,is henni-
! •Mr. :Harris Pliition is aWaY. On a ,
211(111)1 ti trip • tlY 13 1111' • •• •
'ent a. few '
:Nile, •
•:\ 1 iss dYs „Webb._
Stratiord Notmal and- Miss Dot° iy
'iltanlir_•geld. tie pin_and-entl''
--bnivs- • to •• the ihnv •• $• 11'
•13:12)'0c p• oig'ilitis1 go )4);
131 10)1
• ..w. • • --,-.•'!"•xji '•• •••
of,a Class of•i40 gtaduates, Alvin A.:
, Cameron, of -Lucknow, came, fifst„.•
taking,. the highest - standings thus
maintaining his 'excellent record • of
• former years: `.• 7 • '
Dr % 13, D. Stewart. Saskatoon. aijd
itis b&othe,-Dr Robert-,Stowa4ti-of2-,:
Toronto, Who were 'here' at the fun-
eraLpf_Ltligkiate, J.lrother,LDr. H. A
Stewart, were 'guests fEaniTMs.
Newton-an4----144%-ind-Mrs. Henry-
Matberst ,They left ,for their hump:. ,
on Monday':' ' • •
Rpv. • K. :and -Wife
• town of Morewood tO be. Presen•t on
July fitli and take part in the cere-•
.,inony of unVeiling a memorial -Mon-
.,:•te, •the: "herOeg thai�frL
Great War' ..The invitation. Wag ac-
..cormianieci 'by, a Substantial' ,cheue
.coxering eXpotse. And Mrs, .(7;01-
km have accepted • the :invitation and
WM 'spend 'their ;vagatien ,Ea s tern
tr.oit. • is visi•fing with her•;-iNensi,,
ktoti; •"'" I
:City!, •
.1giss Kathleen 9f Loci:now,
spent 4. fsnr,days with ,Mrs.
• • ...
. , , • .
.Lochalsh,47Zi t e,d
• . •. .• •
• friends' at 7,,,,ionlast; 'week;
X.c,K enz e; ;It Laurier...i
Dranneii,, of 18 2.3
tar•,. ••.ii.c./a;; in.
I -I- -bc-Itit.tu tab, e 1-eficrt-t .
:•py ' con pie' .1e•ft.kridaY afternoon_
theii 1)4'*'*V 11 111(.' iniLbnclon. -T he best
; or their many "ftiends
• t
1111. :11i.v.14•Ide 'travelled In n
•• • •-
nit•vy blue . serg suit,' Out *town.
;g9.)6sts, wore; :-'.d.Miss •Irlorenei
T '''.4i;ops•on 4111(1 ,ts•iW Miss J*_ 01
\u nst )(Ing, ".. •Mrs:' .Barrett and
ehililren and -Mr. A. Ai;Mistrent:t.,-,•
hinid-onr -Mitts
nnd .T: jeyeei To 01110,' apd
'it eel 'of Witigliani:••••.;
(1(121 1lI hat •-• •. •- .• • • ••• -Go
P. Bate, sec'reta:-Y'r of the Sask-
atoon Public •Sehttel Board, paid the
'following tribute to the late yr. Har-
ry Stwsrt aticVhis brother"
In day'sjn"Jaelcatoon,,,'
Dr. Stewart and his brother, Dr. P.
D. Stewart, were untiring Workers
Lor the, benefit of the public.. Fees
were of little importanCe. to . these
.two men, who tended ,the sick ,tinder
all ciretnnstalices ' -and at all bours,
thinking more of how thsy... might
serve than of how they wero to be
repaid..°Thevlife of a doctor in these
days was no easy One. The scarcity
of medieal men gave those who were
bete enormous ',territories to cover,
and it is no exaggeration to.:sav that
they worked day'and
• Graham. MoNny, Or Strath.>
Nor -
11)221 School, 84 spending 'his\ vaention•
'With.h.iS. Parents, Mr.: ..auelitr.s.. 1iR•
McNnY, of Pa rani •
of/ •(!oderieh Col egii, are •Visiti tit •
their palCfltS, V10. and Mrs.. R. A,
Grant, -of -Hendoek : ;-
-- • M ss •F in ltWs
.n few „AL:vs t„iLe..c,nt,:ly„witli.,lier... rattle ri
Dunerin Fliiraysork, of. Lochalsh. :
:1•11•I'r, Robert ,Sli:utliers, vl10 •.;.; has.
• &elk Ilespital; •
for the '"Pa'st-1)X-6.iii-Onthir:, bas ;return, .
irr Paramount =it'll
imprOVed in teeth. • • ` • •
'Mcritinald, of •C•!,111,,tur(::,
is :spending: her, va41-ttion with.1111
• parent.v-M-r•-and---Mts:•^4. -K,'Matern-
ata; fidehaftsli, • ' '
GraCe McLennan,' of Laurier, spent
a few days of last' week in Detroit,
Geo, , S. Robertson, of Imclin ow,
Spent a .flay .• last week W1t13 . his
daughter, 'Wk. N. (I, McKenzie, ..!•at
Laurier. ,
••7 'Mrs. Alhert7taMpli'eltre--Aliiherl-
ley, visited with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jno. Johniton, nemiock
City, during the week.
• Misses Annie and Maud McIi.'enzic
of betriAt, are ,visiting with their
brother). Mr, N flMelcomiW.Lapr-
-,..;..k.N. .01•4•••*1•••v•••. "' .`. ,tfi...,titi., 4i:1,i.
;.' •
- '!i',A.1 ": al
. '. 1 ' .,' .A7,4
,,,...... .... ,,.. ,i$.•:i .0•-• . --• -
,• •ike,o1 . ,.„ , •••ie .4::14”.18 . 2 ...,,„
35 halite :fru in , Whigham,:
11 igh, School. ' -•• ' •
• .•'•.• liss AV..; RU Weds:1:d :Lima go,ne -to--
.,(mfq _x
ife- ,he is op the i.itintm,-
ng lioar,11. :for, the •Lt,Aver.....Schoel -pap
cis- in Grinimar ••• • '
• • •Mrs.
S411 nd -t1-,---and,datins•literv-7--•
;..-r-d• (0-onty, arezvisltunr thoir -daug•h-
, ter, :\ 1 rs. C rum') a t Marrs
Th.: lielens Wonien's lnstittito
of ...1.11..r1Sv.1S.IC$1•17ca:••••7371°...r.,DITuirriTi'lirtnr':(71 ii-Tehh.litT7rStlistvirtlayf
.1 nil :The Govetinnent
2.11. addrc the,;
• •Inst;tutes • in ,gerterat. Miss,: Bessie
M tun av, 1LN., ;Of-I-korai°, ...who: went
• • EiGjITH •coKINLoss
. •
;... ..-•,-.`ilu(,`:;.-itlakc • June .21,
, .
.•• Tine:1(c:- ,isa visitor at:
l'. 01.pi
Eliot :and, LI 20,' and .• ?Jr: • 1...qt-
-a day
••Glanl-••••,s',.-f--rionds:....'" • --.-0••• -
1:-.?PiCIC.;.'•';,1•',1.1;),•. 1 fl II' ‘41'
- •
June • 211, 1.-1Ziplv?,
"7120 • will detra_te the gr•rve..
of deVeaSe(T-TIVefili.en. A,fte.r • d (worn:.
service' will lay•• •voiniticted 111 .,S t,
Ilan) (7111•11`01...• Menilyers • -ure ;re-'
1.30. ..Vb;rting
quested to,13s•sentbly at lodge team at
day 110(1 report an exciting tittle.
Mt. • Roilt,. F.liot, •Jr., met witit
• 5:18e15 accident' last Sunday oven
ing i•et.urning :from TeeswAter.
,his buggy being hip, by a var. ilin
'harness, mid Inialq. are centsiderithic
'the worse, lait fOrtimately-Robt. es -
;grin() rh, ...irdttrieS- and a bad'
shock. •
. nye r.S(' /1S W11.11. the 13014211 to Rase
.1111•44111; ttg1711\s'y ‘.\!•,1!1 1.11'),(;(trle).111111it>4;:il•fytilde.1;TIt-ile'ill•Lo
-:jireseni7:::1,4,pn,elip was.
r•V .a ra LE a pleasant.. tithe enjoyed.
annual' gar(len MIT t:y 11i., id last
Priday' evening lyas:nuitc.i.u:•cessfur..:
11)a, musical part of .the in•tigrarit was.-
vP . 13Y ..Ilac....:11:esttiej.d.. Ors:hostra,
Rh_ Vocal mithliers by. 111e.ssrs..
601hin. Rev,
Si;o1rle;, (1f 4iehure h• .,' , .gayl•
prith:f--i-,.. The p,roifec.(Is.. a-
,A,L1•3•3111., 11, 0 81)1)1 $21, ' 2,.. •
"..At.• the -Rifle Raill!,•es-..i-Thi.,••f.6liow_ •
in.". 'art, the mai e ,at the 200
1111(1 n,00 yawl Tan ee • on ".Wednersdity,.
1:;11,1, • • 71106 the:F:06nd shoot
fu ih' 'Dominion 'SA lve,r •at the. 200'
.•oird 1111144.,: 7`;'71is: rea••1(ift712),
k 'Miller 41, l'Jnier llurdon. 11; wEr
.meQuimo, Sr,, .1o,' I), Anderson
10,, Geo,' Stuart 89,.' Welts't ot•
MUrray .Tas.
110,' 'AleQuillin; Jo., 29, Wilqou
Woods 2:1.. At tbe::100 .yartl -range
out of a possible .los. D. Ander-
"Webster 23, 'IV, I. 'Miller 22, jno;
'Webster. 21, Wallact-ol‘filler 20, Har-
ris .Ptirclim 20, Cairns. Aitelieson 10,
-'Wobster 18, Geo. Stuart 18, (1,
Murray 18, Will McQuillin 14, Wil-
son 'Woods 10, Jas, Aitchison 0.
• Cur captain, Mr, 1. C, Pardon, has
arranged sf o.t,xj• jai olthrlotio ti b4ota•yoeoeini: of; 04,,
• •- 9
• Mr. and Mrs, Jas. 'Neerlham,.. Can.
10','were •visitors on this line the first
of. the Week. ' : •• •
• Don't ,forget the • garden party.
Thorsilav , ,
Mi Pl1i2('IIC (Imp:Tram, 4s home -
NI 1 2) a ftvr •oomploing her eourse. in •
• .
..• • • • :
Farnily Theatre
"EASIY orm.
4ATIIRDAY, 25.th.
• • • .0
• •
. • r -in- 4
• ttlESDAY, JUNE 28th.
Ifedticed. :Admission
Adults 20c; Children 10c.:
. .1
MONEY. To LOAN on, mortgages
:andnes :at. •reasonable rates.
Tire Inaurance,•.both stock and
Mutual CoMpanies.. Conveyancing
•. done with neatness 'and despatch:
Geo. A. '.Siddall Bktker.
DR. PARKER, ,OSTKOF'ATI-4. •at the
H.013se",: Luaknow;: every Wed-
nesdaY •afterriooriv :All chrOnie dis-' •
eases. sueceslifully treated. Oste• p-,
p4t11 rep -loves •the phySiCal causes
,of - disease:T. Adjustment of the
snine is, More quickly _Secured and'.
with fewer• treatments' :by 'Oster•'-
puthyL"tlian: any Other method,.
, •
• for e-ngagements: '•at • • Celebrations, ,
Garden Parties and Lawn: Socials. -.
.E. Aitaiison, See'y.' 19-9-tf.
• •
night �r daY:--tf." •
,IIighest- prices paid for- ,poultry • • •
and junk.LLA. "Groskiipf. -7 ;‘
, .
FOIf • SlicLE-Franit •••••-oit
St.4.-Lneknoye; -Six rooms, .
in good repair; large garden._
to W._ G. Molgillan., : .9 t•-tf.:
• •
Fo,R. SALE -2* registered' Short -
bulls 18, months old'. Apply to
Alex Cameron,: T. • •
23-9- ,.
' p'. • • •
-Grass •
:Fa1isTriT'Ptice7; 'Ind.:ter-nig' reasonable.' '
Apply • to •Mrs:. Jonil Gamble, R.
'.Sheppardton, Ont. • •
A N•TRP-,-•.F.A--.4nap."--Yriung-oi--ni-irl.
die age, full of energy, who would.
income 1ff Ira-
-_,spare • time: . the. man,„
Write Box 25, Lucknow: • 74:• -n. -
HEIFER ASTRAY -Came to the • • -
premises of • the•,undersigned, Lot 47, .
Olin. '1. Kinloss; abotit May 15, 1921
heifer., •apParentlY one- 'ear old
•,--OW•netirrna-Y have --satire---.'on 'proving
prop'erty arid payin expenses -John
• Grabant. . •• •• , ; • • .7-7-p.-.
CALF FOR SALE -5 weet old
'Apply to Miss Cliffon, one ni1e 4onth...
of •Lucknow.
1. VIC 'S\CI...N.:•—r-5
co onies ces• ,
. , .
,with Supplies will be, sold as..,:a• lot -
or. 'separately. Apply to .Mrs,
••Luelthart,,-Lnekno,„..-- •..•-•-•7•••-Y-p."--". •
FOR S'ALE-•-•Comfortat.el house
with ono' acre of land, 'located north
of G '1 11 depot Very reaSoriable:,
•for, ()nick sale, as 'owner is. moving -•
avay.... Apply Mrs: Alexy
•R.R..... Lucknow.: •- '
•: • • • - - - • • -
FOR SALE.-:•-••Five,:room,7'Frame
Housegood# large woodshed, --
-barn; ,and
One acre of land.L-Iniiiiedia.te pOsses•-
.•sion Koht. 'Johnston' •• 5 tf
_ Iv • • • .• •
-,,-...:..„-4.1MELEXTENDEli.'•• •
• :
• The Ten :Days Care, ending. I. phi,
Thursday', Jur.? ire.' A, R.;•Fin-
laYson's 'store. has been so far very
satisfactory and in grateful • sck-
no.wledgemont we are extending the
'date tili 1 p.m: -quite 30th. Arri -till '
end .of June the: bargains advertised
in ' oitculat recent12,f istiel *Ill be ,
laTe" *bile, they-
A. R. Fui1e.y4ln,,, Luelin•W.
. 4
q4si... 86-82
••••Butter.., 4 43 t *4 • • t " 1.20-25
11991,1-0 .1 wi 144(li II I 3.212§
' 1,