HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-06-16, Page 7• r". • •1••••••••• . • ! 644•46.vr•74••••• 1 • •-• e . Grading of Uool.' ' ' IiilaCed by.: the British.GOvernment -and .. Address C'worounicationete;Aotontaniat,..730A4-014100. Gt. t„viciti..rwro.niO. ,:i Bp hard over biif web and at 'the bird! " * c•-•-•:-.1 R.,• • . „.„;,•* -f.• 46:111110.;' "--------:;:"•-•:.;;-7-•".-'7"04414C'' ....164......c,.....-- --; ••,---1-: "7 .._,,,..1......., ,5.,?„.. . . . , . .. , • • -, d„ . • ''.' beeatise he w,orlied.Zo hif4d in making!, and ' strengthened. in thei'r . . . •• l hoffey; nt the 'spider betauSe he worked.: .0 • -days-, Worrying ...their neigh jors au.- ' idlertes* • They,lalighed at the bee he-' were always in trouble betause of thetr, alWays induStrions, ' They sipent.their' his nest. TheY-Were,friendlY with the' . eituee'..lie worked AO :ha,r(f at making' are failares could baye '0ue- *Some. eay that ..th.87'r.nts . yere•.not, The- Childrere.s Hour,' • i .. .. A .1lireak4 in eolaficleneelttalt pollaftcoOntitZefaiqflt.tylios..40 lawirit yeoeulthoh; .ifra, .atih.O::::e. ,.0. cifia.10ittlyr . , bad- been properly tia,kfteel... peOple 'are . niany - times .„ -., • .. avomen, Who are On the .alert to keep .whet.not made in• leisure minotes and . the .3toung folks .on the farms, Want to., eXlebited, with Pride, and' success.' -. • • -Many coupties offer spic:al.premiums fruit. is profitable 4so, especiallY. •be- to- Young. People"; bOt.even where there . cause ,.. the . canned fruit' is not • made " alert to make riaancy.vajaci•all men and. els, .table-eoVers, eamisele , Yoltes ru-id .:.. • help them. - The. fair- managera in The domestic. boetir with its canoed' . • Ail normal boxe ced girls are Oti the hage; aprons, %end -embroidered tow. Fait PrenAums For thildreu . „. . v The efftedel grading of Weel hati`had the ••lacle Of ,exportatien facilities •dUe shiftless flies, . • . . . . . are no spesial 'a.wards it ' ii"..easy. to just for the occasion but nnisthe pro- •• • • •si woo:lerful ,effedt; in imprdving the' t'a the .4e,niands• . of the .war,. trans- ' ' • Th.e laziest of ill. the -auti was •a• . ' . . ---,---:-?-f? let the boys and girls.• earn •Money. at ..vided for winter in ,eVery. henie. Ey ...quality ;Ind -preparation of Canadian u'!alini•e- sliiird/Thf-11..Was ,entirely. • at 4 y;oupg ant nained 13i11. There -was: a • Matters:of:A !tura ' 1 #1-e fairs:, .1[00esui of entering faoni takineit, little ext.*. care, :and aelect.. &trim : . .. . wool Or • I•Mrltet ' it. is a'•Well-ko&wfi • standstill for• Stich .corn Modifies: A.S. a certain little-fie:name.," Jezdt, •et•to N.,,•4s . • '. 4 • ivi !produce in. then% own names, fathers .ing jars of the same size and.shape, it .. . 0,00101ilte . , "-• ...1- and. mothers get the children to select Is poieble. to . pick • up many ;,extra' tiet that /let so inanY.Years aftO .(!itzi..-: cinisdeogii7e.e of- this. and because Pf eVen lazier. than. Bill: • The twa•were..". • . • ., . • • 'Silver,bleck. foxes are hencefort10-0 Odien ,wool. waa held in poor -c teem ' other •iliscoprageMents :orchards suf7 perpetually up to mischief, no one' the erticles. and then collect the prem- :dollars in this. departinent. . In soine • . .' abroad. 'owing- to; its- eoarseness and fereil greatly. In addition, during two had ever knoWn either Of then to do 'receive the" benefit of'egistration. A iunis; only 'stipulating that the .y.Oung , cauritieS 'fruit can be entered as single • dehelencY _in purity. „ • New this 'is seakaislhe• weather was unfavorable allytliliig Worth while.- - .• . 'It'. • . stud book h.aa been hPered at -Ottaiva,_ 'Workers:prepare . everything; attends to! exlitints and also, in: groups, so that it - '.• • . •. • largely reineilied, and wool froni. this. and scab developed to such an extent , 111e -rein it is proposed to recerd tIte.• /latticing .the entries and crettiog'• thel. IS possible ,to win twe geparate•prizet .:- •• ne . ay ack•and Bill met a•bee- on. • • ' •• --- . " ' - • • P ' .. . . Producing wain,. .F.0Xps wtrich th!ngs..baCk beme again. .0•••'• • '..'' • ' I on the same display. I. think:nothing :. gives a Areater thr.11 ttl.'a yoong.'4-can, •• ' ;Country is '011 te••tbroliele. in s-omei aS to • iciltice the' vitalitY of the trees.. • way to gather tency4. -4.16Y.14.--- '6?st wv` hitherto have bee e nameless' except as . I.Vliere there areboth: boys' and, girls i .measure with the. 'best Weel from NeW.I YliP014;5" 'effurti a're.' now .!baing. made i .4 the • be and • asked him to play itgar.da. apeeies . will: it.ow. . , .. ner "thao to see • her beantiful fruits .' ... . ',Zealand. aalk, Australia an4 .to. torn_ • ta iernedy this 'state 'of things. Meet- hid -e and .Seek• With theta: artier* • the . . extlibitewhilo ' and vegetables. sepurely sealed in tlear. : .he 'given! in a findly,lhe girls nstally take ti . , • ., .111aed.as goata eriee. '.During the war; ing are being „held ia the .., vol.:ins flowe". ...,- :.„ • . .. „ , ._ . narnes, and inthe course cif years will; domestic and vegetable the deniand for wool'. w,as emit -Maus, ' Now 'they havedropPed to •s•ome • eX!•:, and prj'zes naturally soared ve...iiy'.•higli..,..9•4•0Peratieh"bY. Previneinl: and•Pornili7, be ;.coinifig; , and I have. no', time to "arorle-groWingi districts; . conducted in • , , ,,,o, se ... , e . , . iOri '-autlikyriliess, at whIch. clentOnstra- waatei'. ' ,' ' ' ' , • . ''-'' ' " ., . . "No " id thebee. "int.r will:,;toon .acbsniexl.yt°"611014v.ere . ped•igrees;' if not aa•long the• beys. show 'cliftkelis,....giiins,. and 'irl.a.Iss animal,..at least -ais eorl Shei. farm 4...hnimalltle.. -Ilut'..,a's aniilY ..u, r . l‘feanwhile 'the h• .s ' ill 1'.0. oe,..blue:riliber(that marks:the first prize, •• ' 44. ernaMented .With..the red or ft- ' • :tent in', ever,Y'. Market,. but •lhere r0etly •kePt. '• . - ' - .• • • -, • • .. • gir s. ean s ow e grain? along wi 1: ' . . 'i . s.hle• pwehicie,eg4 amil ..:•:, , 1: , the calves torts is:Mans, are 'Oven iii the.•preperniefhedil 6 Ile hurried eff, end ,TaCk en& Bill , Under --Doininion ausnit es, reeOrds, tbe•:. fancy' work and .t alined fiiits;, • , , • , • -abtinclant ,eVidente that with the re-lef prueitig; Spraying, grading, packing It is !laid grains ready for -exhibition. The grains ' Wentto linnt up the spider. The Sn'ider of Perfolimances are to be kept ej. the omitting' only the animals, . turn of of Settled .and nermal. conditions.: and al49iing•'. • Organization and' 10 -,was SlIdniring his' web.' The two friends. pest 'eying hefts on a 'similar prinCiple' for a girl to. enter and. exhibit • a 'Pet, should be Cleaned anzl xecloened, as. the.judgewl;thse a 'powerful glass to • • , pricei Will:he. found 1:entunerittive and ',Operott,n. for ronriteting purposes 1110 .. Were, afraid togorear 'hi8-. lina4e, INA to, that geverning the record of per-. Calf or .lamb,.. and beys. on the othei••, determine.whether•or•not there is .for-' • • illictuation coniiderably eh a . result of these, thystOod.a- short distence away and forminceof • dairy .eattle.., Nqte •will.!..hand 4:19 not like to potter witb: Ve.ie,' ecked. -.The. henig u'rged. As mammoth , p.tanp:. i eign matter i11. the exhibit. Selecting . graders is testified to by the fact that .' h valuable • Work 'done .by the, Official:efforts, officials feel .1,Verianted in say -i made fiirt of him. •• )g• that epple-g•rowers : have_ eery •,.6Why do 3.ou not work I"' the apider , . .. .. . :.... also be kept of the best strains of male tables, unleia it be. birds. . ' - • ' • '• • ' ••• kins or Melons-- • ••' corn for the lair IS en. educatien in. - ..... • - ' the demand- foi 'Canadian wool •The appOintmetyt of a'wornan. Home ' ' EVerybodY Whnts-toitself, and the boys should' be enceur- lies ' reason. teteel optimistit aS to the fn.', said, "Where will you, get yew din - 1 ..• ',.been greatlY inereated„ 'Their .fask-is '-!a, ra..• • It ..is• alsa • sold- that . although:, ner • tii-day7, .I know; you . will steal Demonstrate! to ,carry on household course, and there •are .a. few, sImplei. aged tO- asklau agrieulturel student to . science extension:work in Peel •county; tricks in the trade that will help suti coach, them •in Pie art of plaid? . , • is de prices. for• instny agricoltoral produets.' honey from the bee." * ' .. • bard and, exacting„ ha: extent . !' ning ears -With .beets and pumpkins • .' ,noted by.' the- fact: that for- the:year-. have , Lumps, size is a ant. t e only re - .de Ontario, it the, first' of the .kind ' and eeSS along. Several. months before the ,•-.. clined, the price' for.the bei4 • Jeek and Bill laughed and,, went .. is official recognititri . of the..greatly fair time, get out the list of,premitinia ' . oPerative organisitiont. .0f thia • ant::: that' • pounds- were:graded for' farmers' . nding . *Uri°, 743,562.. pounds °•frem. Saskat- ..chewan and 1,46.2,161 pounds' froin Al- i'aunt 780,37,9,pounds ;Vete •froni- March ' 31, ' .1.020, ;8.,188,133 ..9uality ot •applea' has not fallen,- nor is away.. At a turn in the path.theY,met . -0a=:. conditions, is not,.greater to da than ti„,, At...likely to, do .,to owing to -,the feet :,.it w.a.sa quarter of .'a tenturyi ago,. and cried, 4..cannot be materially increased for productioni, even. under.favorable:. .ful . that I. am going to feed 'you to little ones, .. The robin -116w down to the a robin who was.•:hunting food Or his ground. "Now I have caught yeiir he , . "You are s'.0 useless and •Riarm- offered .in !the. previous 'year. , Eve.n:df. Look it ever carefully and mark on. al ..."".”.'66 '''''''1''''''''''" piece of paper'"erery item that 'could, ! ah 'Rent ortwo Should be dropped, the'' ,, list will serve as •.4 • first -tate guide. I .,,a,,,,-;.„.,,, A;th„,,,,,_, quit-ern:a; • ".1?, ut . in .seleetinge yocot:4;,...• . -clover 'sped, and .oats• Many other flee. exhlblt Ch) --are always- interesting to r% qualities determioethe •Prine; some ears to ctime. • "*. , my little,birds. ' That's •what ' I'm go. the „system=the followed land being possibly interest.you. If you spe.sorne,:‘-as nurc and . ou ,e y , , , berta. . The system. has und lit dl • ' lag to dol' . •:firtt plowed before July 1, and etilti,• Vegetable or grain • which yOu can i7irith people Of the. country are finding. out.. • • given stability to. the wool industry,' '•• - • '' '7'77' • • . -. • • ' . . plumage well 'washed and coops . sand .lecl• tO azi iriereeSe of• sheePbreed••:;.: Provincial .. lalt t-tallylikkini $tanding. • , 8,piiing, Jack':and 'Sill. 'he fien. off to, • . veted as each trot,' of Weed appears- furiiish, and :in which 'there will, be, Shas that 11 is a sure method a pre- felk . entries; 'mark that 'thing dewn..in good' Order the feathered. pets at- . . . ing, and sheep of an, ittproved quality...I • Ontario does not. a ear ''•to 'stand _ , , pp „ . •his. nest. .' As he. dropped Jack into :into . • tract.. .. on • evei w .ere. Prise ' . also equalises. prices and encourages ..extra 'well as regards butter -making ' fanners .to take. greater care Of and • cempared with other provinces. •Dur... tumbled te..the ground: .11ewas SO the ...big mouth of ; 'a ybeng bird 'Sill paring 'lend to' counteract . the. effeet with. a star, for it's. your. particulaii. are .su:bject. • . . of dry -Seasons to .whiCh .serne sections big chance. , • • • ''. • '' - ' ''. '• . . .• .. •• ,•,. find their way. tebigger • shoWs•tbat..,--• winuera at the Ing county fair uouallito ; . . . . more pride in, their flocks.. Grading,..' ing• the past . year or two Dozninion- lima frightened that he ran Same as .. - • y u ye eta e on ,our offer -bigger inducements, and because: ! after ell,' is Only ,One .stee' that. has wide:Coetests hi been been held With the Iasi as his little legs • conic! •carry-hini.• •, progress' that, hes been made by representatives for. the fair, -_you• eirn . • . • ,k - It .1S interesting to nate- the great . rii,f these the • young folks are easily led", • . been taken to • develop' the • Wool •in - i Objects. of eitablishing 14, uniform tYpe • . ' :When. he. reached.' lionie he cried,'"Q system . of insPection called bat* forte . •dirstrY. Exhibits:have been Made, at 'of".c.reernery butter ';.• throughout • the Mother, Jack . has 'been eaten ..up'. by a ude 'begin to "doll". them up.- - , The finei' te punipldn• must be •,watered in dry' business.: • . - . ,,----_„„ 7 develep 'a ,really•.Profitable :chicken robin, and i wai'nearly 'eaten PP, tool. . untier the Me.at and Canned.Foods A.Ct ..•-holneandabroad, • ./fi 'Canada: displayo! 'conntry, to Create a :healthy -rivalry .of lef;i7,. At that time there Were feW- weather and hate have all the ,siiiall purapd: flares,. puppies and offer pets., often . Were' made :at all: the , leading fairs,. i •betWe.en the PreVince.ai and. to help .in 4 1y6 do net; build'ua a house, ;the .robin . . ,er. tOan. 'sixty iespectors employed' will •vhis• •,,,,ffl. ea*. kids and buds picked on .50 • that the come in' .for, special prizes, • . besided ' . • • nothing.;•on its. hands.; ''giving an OpPerf*ty,....to their p.w.p.crs,„_,..,... In ten 'western .exhibitions there weie'the -standardizing of 'methods.' and Will catch us all. • We ought to work; • shown the grades of wool,. proCesseS •pratticein the butter -making Aridits- any -way, like the reit of the • :world:" .28.• 'ettabliiiiinents ...under insapeetion, •and: • 1,079,698', slaughtered. • enimals. but the 'raiaing of •one •big vegetable. •••• " . • • . Of manufacture,Of.both *eel' arid MO- i trY.,,- AS a • result. in. these contests; ,... Sill; trembled :with :earnestness; .he . . ssed• upon in nineteen Menths. •Dut- Theibeice potatoes can.be•picked.•out' coops to take 'home frorre,the fair..., 1 to at a„prefit'and have only, emptycsi . air, a full line of shopherel s •supplies ., Ontario steed last. of .all the, provincds had . learned • a• great'. lesson • ii. a abort. mg the .year ending March 31, -1920, of the early ones and . carefully coni- Exhibiting 'calves• and sheep . and •:- ' • • and saniples' of . the. hest ..feeds for ...for. flavor in 191b and sixth in 1920 . ,.: tiinG• .- • .. : • ' ' ' • -' ' • ta .- • . . . pared to..* that.. they' are of alren• pigs means.: mere ..wOrk' 'than; shOwing '• . . , . , .• . , - • . . . a s ff of. 275inspecfors passed upon' ....alleeP, In the Oast at. several of the! •:. For. worlirnanSbip,• . Ontario'. again .".•!•Let us start right now,".replied his .8,788,214 aniznals slaughtered in.,fifty. size :and.. weight.' The finest, epldea 'Vegetables, lint it pays to Jet the .• ..,;. principal. exhibitions demon Strations''' stood last'. iv 1919..and eighth In •1921X . rnOtheX.' ."Wre • Will build-, Os ..ta honed . plants. These statistics show that Can- -Can •he 'located and all fruit .yemagsters•••ahow off the best stook on • ...i.Vere Oven la' the PreParation. af:WoOl :The l'stariding of •••the. Prodricet ': last •aeiVstore up food for the Winter." . -. ada'S dead meat trade has Mere than removed from the branch on win* the farmaed, enjoy the ."premituns.. The . . for rearket-,,•abearing„., grading of woorii.Year was.likoffist , •. l• ...'''.. • . .; ' .• • That ver3,. moment they began to increased fourfoldin•ft 'dozen. yet,Its. • , • they groW.'..-.Thetematees'ean'be trlin-• boy -Who' leads 11.•'*1)1'*. heifer in the .••: , . ... • • • azid.•dipping: Stationary•wool.exhibits! ''For. flevori •Alberta. iciuebee,• Neva carr y out their reselve' . And all tO.eir hi addition toaftimati, all.egperts and • med so that the sunlight'falls. bit:every ring;, Or raises'the.prize eelk•will have . . • Colleges and placed on. view In niut'terie,'' have' been supplied to the agricultural ' ; Scetia, Manitoba; Saskatehewan,' ON'. ant .neighbors,;seeing them so busy, imports- .of fruit and Niegatables.-tire side of the. fruit; 'and. the Ages'Otio he '-a" more exalted opinion of . ,'fitrming • , .• . ••• British Oehimbiai . Prince "Sd....began to 'fell,* their exarriple: . • inspected.' ; ,. 7 lcarefully tied. to Stakes to' wield. dis- than hundreds of lectures" on the sup-. • • • • . eauMs. •Demonstrations, have furth6r '!.vard ; Wand,. New:,Brunsivieh, : . . ' ; . From that .cley, to this ants have ' . ,• -The bulk of the apple. emir in Ori., • colorations orbruised spots at the Iast, eriority'ef farni We over city exmtente • • • • • . • '. been niad,e by••experte in finishMg ..•• Poi. Workmanship: 'Nova, Setae, Al-- werked. ao .hard that •"as busy as an tail°. IS 'graded and ...peeked .. ..-M • -the minute!' *Any, flowers and planta to •be ,virig• ever give 'hint . ' • • ' .. • ••• - of sheep and• lambs for • tbe .marlfet . berta, .13ritisli Columbia, 'Quebec, Sas, ani has become a *common Saying' In oreharcl ,.and..Shiptied .ad .. speedily as . shown,•should have special 'attention • 'people sometiimea. earn from' . 'in docking and dipping,' in Shipping; •katcheivan, Prince -.Edward •• Island, the world ..-• .... -.,. , • . .. ,...... • ,,....; Posible,.....there li4ing...ne.facilities-for and. the pots -slionkt,he made clean and. pili to ,$go in :prerebuns-ondt.'tbenlate „_..,. .• Young . ,....jand.: in the. cure of sbeepi.gerierally;-:-NOW-Briintwiek,-• Oetarie'-.11/tanitebk•'-; --;--.--,-.--.=- - ••-.7.7..4,' 7.. , • .. ... ' staring' . and rot no the ;packed ••both on the farm and in.transit. • ' .,Sainples• from 'the. contests are ,ei... ':• 'Canada's - : . ,, . • . fruit against frost.: On the other .hand; attracbve the articles left• for. sale or for horns: . .... .., hibited :at the dair.'ymen's,'conVentionii! • : in NeY.a • Scotia ,and lritish, Colerribia, . gfie.faney-work department always use Often acpnbile•sPirited Merehank. ' offers: great iridneemeit . to. 114.•:giits. .Will' bilY ...the..prize ;Vegetables :to dia.' . i Healthy Lirofe.i Stoek . 'provinces- the• crop is. usually. hauled l. Zy.01.,jf. tite_prOmip:: ie..only Si for 4 play,in• bis-.viititIoNv'togethei'viitlfilie.. . .7 ''. : ' One industry that suffered 6Witta• it', cliantr•conferences,,'•at butter graderi...er.a •-wP • '' + years, tOe 'first part 'for, the...,to a „.,,,,...,.. .,,•:.:. - - .-'0Wing to.. fr.c.eiribargo : on ,--'apples •&onipetitions,.. • • • '` • ''' 'the, war •••ivas- -that' of:„applegrev,r.ing;. _ . . • . V C Ohtel'RnOS'',a.T144er-.1-ng,-,-,.lxttter..stornig17kr'--e 4-4 - . ., • I A . 1 second eart for the twelve eionths ter- •„„, . .. s nt. Pe -d e• t• '.. tn ' - . d' ng March - nd-the-- ' -1•'''''." .F:-.." fel,: 'etqh:t.vroTlr,ke ,looliti:s.eae;.. :eel ,I, ce7ie 5 . yhrE len. laismo ' "al' • ' - 6d• 4,:h4,eNZ(1.1t% first. and fifty...cents', for second prize,' name' el ' tlie greWer.;;or again •Some ;-- oluint_ up..reve.,i'y ,q. pilt anti , b if i'pelts.On ,wIte.•,:eNgeets-:tio-',_.iiibit'.: at 'the,.;•,; ' ik that has a 'mat' Chance Cadadiati National. Fei;r: w:ill. buy, the'. . . . . been ;established -and •d4:34opration• has of -F:winning. _There .: are ..elvrays• • the best of Of the display to. add. to 'his...o.Wieir-• • ;, . . . „ . ,:onniiting-:Martit'll;- 1920.. The :health .'"''' • been -hi-ought ' inte-play-betiveeii 'VW: . . latest thingS, too, In the Way of fancy collectien. - , • • - ., . 4 Of Carib:de:a live sttOck 'during 'both. ..... 41:,. i years:- i.;.--,'shoWn -to- have; been highly; ; • . . .. .. . . ,,... ers! organizations and dowers, .. . .... - . 1...., . .._ , _ ... , ,atLiff....ory. In fact, it •is eesyte., be- . _ ------- ' • . ,. - --, • . , .. 7-411eve---tliat--C-irtada - is: "the liearthiest ..... • '. - . • . . . 0 . : . • .• , . .. l're*entini '‘ft.:thelled:-Eggs4 th*IL:aard.:__:ekt,•aia.l'ail.s' #reiig_er.. .-alld -, - • • • - " 7rthiclierl'afiella Which are' better able to _ , ..'•, , . ' . • One of the beat schemes to discour- Prepotency is.:the' power..which 'gives. country in•the World, for all • breeds of ._ , „ he • • .•• . , .• • Coming -Game Bird, .-- .When the.. hen leye .a. soft-sh.elled! T jeStling:. 't1g,riz_...ta.tinzt_,. .-,t,..-.;-.....:, ,•• .• own tharat -48-;•--f.:ine•-•rin•arke‘able, egg -4,7104.. f oieki.PA-. .age broodinest„....*idely , used .: and in-+. .. ull 'or ..cow !he .abi?ity. to.: . p... ..,. . . .. „.. • ..,. ... - . ...,•. - a - - -•'..,--. . .'. - ' • . ,... ''' .• ... '• -. ,-; the: poultrytiao.. • . The egg -niay. be i• -' 'Platititini-is.nearlY four times 'dearer - . .: • stem its live steel:. - 'NO . country. can cl lin- to. • •• ' ..• • ' . • • • ,4oried by the foremast anthOritie.s, is_ tenstics on Ite .offsprng:.•-be absolutely ' 'teo. from,' ailments !int; etilig., guinea fowl, weighing, about . paten.by• „other . hens or the hen -that ;. than . gold.• • _ ___•'' •-?. ' ' . ' • :" ' • ' ..,: .: The yalue - of the..pli.reAbredhull on theTits dattle:horses, 'sheep and swine aiiy.r • ' to plebe 'the, broody hon in _a cOce.'iliat twO Pounds 26.ecli,. • are.raiiidly ...titicingi laYS.it •and this often develops:Ore.:egg-1 . „. ' ::_.,.:---, .9:_:, ---,_-:.:,..-• . , . -. ..fitted•With-o'slatted-Tbettoin7.-The=hen----gralier.lherd-,,rests-- in this --atillty to ni-ore than-. iv. can that .evefl,Arconarc-tire. Place Or :Wild gatne on the tablesi6ating" habit. •If the egg is 'ciroppd!' • If your • fie** , garden is :a .pretty: • . ,'''.•-• • '., is unable to squat in 4 comfortable Po-, • • • ' • . • - eitilin; healinse - her ..leet" 'Praiude I•fate--1- • in -ark the Calve's. and make -them both.' being: id. health -Perfect; Sat. Ganacita;19f the e..701uSiN'e Thege-birdsare-eaty Verne/1g Other....eggiirtIre-',..rresytifert' - ...,, terie-Oneis°••SUreqo be stenitteif to oo• cers;'•and-pat„ta.....pi.o,i1,0e.ri ;it is safe ,. ,,comes nearer to the, to raiSe, !fequiring hut 'little .;eare .arid i-aiCes all soiled' and haVe to .be Waihed ; "Make �e like it: • ' . . • • • • to as'sert- r .. , . • . ..,throtigh the • 'Openings, between •the ,„, thantlieir niethers'..: , .:. : . --: . :. I. ideal State Oen. any other taros,. ,:',..;one! feed ,after reaching *the,age of •Criel..4ndiVasliing eggs, is injlitioust o. thei;:". '.; ' , ' • ' • .. 4,1 , -`•--;----.- ---.. • , • -• ,• 7 iilitU: She ha noTierise..ef •Privacy or -,-roe .gestation-peried of the cow' is .of. 'the eprzootie ,diseates that' caUsd' month... TheY are• marketed' at .the age' keeping.' ualities .' • • . '' . ' ' ' . • I"..' ' • ':' • ' ' : . . . ' ' • seturity,--end the sensation of 'currents -ft • • • - - • - •••• . • 'hie ifid one• halt morth • ' '- ' '; ',' •-• t ,. . •" - ' - s, or tvo.bun. most . anxit 1 to sanitary_„,..er.ficials44...th-r-.4e-M' initlia,or'-ear-l-laini.e•Writerf. q '.. ---- . ' .. I An. over !-far hen -rs• apt tTlay, .sqf t... • .. . A .T..ht e..osms....a.re.4n •thei....cornt-Land- ,t4erte ' • , 7.7:77Orthe3 browse al -r under .her is.' not to her liking:;' -'"F`:` and,. eighty day.s..._•Sci:ftietimek a, Such as .foet,and mbuth. disea;ses, cat -.1 has- reeeived:as higli, as $2.,50 'pen:pair i ..4rellecl.' eggs, as the fat hind re the • • ''• . • ' ' 7.' ' • 7..Tieira . -an threedays....of .:thrs-harnilessi- . . -er'-iiPeretien• 7 af ' the' :: 'itiAl-fLinin.:1- . • • . I put rf your., fence, •wat, down.,.••fden",t , breeder. fignres. it • as pine.:Monthi.;•to:. tle „plagne„,..and -,tontrigious -:- Pletiro-; and ari-.1.evr-as.,$1,75, wheifthe'EbirdaProp .the'dav arid (hen• Ave '6 ' ' 1 ' . ' • ... '. • f. .. "'' ' - • ..• ". • ' -''' ' ' : villoiy .ugually disgustasher with the . .. - , . • /Tr. s because, it., pneumorna,.ei e . °uric! within .our• bor... arm ed at a weight of, two . peunds.l.gielids, ;Such a' hen should be isolated . . ..,. • blame the toWs.. ..,:. ... • - • .7i ;'• notion of 'OE Settiffe,Jin .f.Llii•jjeaLt elt aSed: ' ,t seeins• to.•rug.over,i -c..at.rial,e; . of ypveks•Aerg. --DiSeases.that..dftexistto'a:very, Poultry and. eenuniesion..:hou'aep• in the! freiri* the 'ilbek. and••• fed 'a .eition 'of she is.,enly too . anxious . te rejoin. lier.Hati,d'the''call'is..-Mitl.--born-4Wheri-eup-,:_•.1irnited Went iiitIlinders.„ hog!. large eitieS buy Won alive; If •market - .' ; "and .'water and•oeta. eAn.-replade' ----1. ..cotripanions-M-0,e-:-hkyiiig--houtti..., . • oaegrisr.:40.L.:.:For eiamplera-4..o‘r:ed,„:c_belere,..,and- ..cattlem-alige-,--the •repert • ed deg& the head- eint fee:016ra .are, not..Tinost .of Abe! eterrein.the ration-. If the, .It la understood-that:feed arid Willer' • : '. , ' - ' -. ' • . - . . , ', • • • -I-. ` • on--JanuarV 7 i weiald":•ber..-due- eb ill: .4hioNt:S are' bell); 'kepi, Well' ' . -. ' z ' ' • " •' ! ' '" ' '' . ' :'' ' • ' ' ' ' .. ' ' '' ' . o. ...., . • . . • • .. . . - uftder. con. . 1(11 0' .. • , .. , , . • • , • ... I hen continues to lay soft-she.led 'eggs " November -8, net•on November! I - - The.. trol and are dilrinishing in nti b .. 1.T•tialIV it •' 1!) tt- • 'to h tab' the' h 'should b . .'It tea f ' b' ' are kept in the eeop' at all .tiTheS, for, ,d • .• • • ' - • • •• • . ". ' • ...• , . . , . , . . . • ,.. . • in er, • • -.. . ., e er„ _. a.„.,; s ,e ..e mar .e , . or..ta • ..euse.; ate..of .calying•is. fonnd by , rOunting year by .year:' ' qitinders . ie, pro4ren to -..youngStets with••ternmon .hens;',e'onfin-it. in ntany casei`iime i's ..se N'ed .by. 11 Irk 7 t• he: "cluelcs"• should. be entail -rag d . . . • t •to. • • _for_w.ard,_the-two,-. undred-end-eigh y•- have-existed-only-in-liort eini -Saska-t•-=-Trig-the- little birds do t -f- --th•--------ting f ' •b - • they •A 1 • ?maintain- then Pliiiital iii -iii 4nd. not 6 : • -_, . , .t.h d • • '• •••• . - ' , :. • - 7 ' • ' - • • . - - • ' • ' se y or. . e first',e. a,, ens as. seen as ey cre ' b• e atitired.' The coop Should'be,kept; • s vorp , 0., ate of serv.ice.. -:: . e. hpwan .,and , Nan i toba - entl • in • those • fetv weeks. Once the feathers get al found .insteed. et: taking the trouble to .in :it tvelt-ventitated.plaed; imder per ' 'WeaknesS ,ie'breecling'stock'-ia•eften provinces .extremelY-feW cased are re,,,rstartythe:birds may go anywhere with...-; rechiCe , their. -weigbt.• •••Sometinies the. feet sanitary... ethiditionS;; preferably 'laid to inbreeding -but facts pivve that; -ii-ort ed. ,,wthe.-outhrea-ks;'-the--Nreter:Aitit,aarlget::-IVO grass' ia fatal at, the : ..accuinulation : of ''.fat seems .to-'reOult:: .-where,there-,-is--,stronglight;. becabse the greatest progresS in.prodtts'ing,fine inary.Director-Generai is ablettsta'' start but .latett'ihey ::.seeni4intnitne.401\0eii a heithasla lazy: di.,.-speaition "and ;] • ' ple,nly of light. i8 dittractin :•to. the Cowt 'has . boon .1.3y • 'Skilled,. men' Who . have ,beeri etfieiently -..dealt, with. and- '• iliffeSS and hardship; 1 As tO feeding, i__.1 refUses to Scratch t andiSuth ''a.; bird is ' heve-usedinhreeding:-,Bitt-Ls4aeli4rreed..-41r.-7(i-isease 'el./id-irate/17 'sitting. hen, who ' haturallY .:-seelci-V- ,.7.7....7,Tilere--tiog---nrrY'PrOrliain. ..wl•ncli'bringslaucgets,11o,•._voroable.,:316.43`ii,er. Arid:. ' Should -, ' ' • extended sphere that women have en- tered „upon in rural life. . The advantage of summer fallowing is abundantly Proven tia the Prairie, Provinces: Thirty years ef •trial with ill ,eVery Province Of the Dorninion,, air The report of •the . Veterinary _The Apple Growing .Induitry• • the dairy- schools,- - im:octfice'- trier-_-1,-Direet-or•-Generaf. recently -raw& co' , the.. Atlier__,,iniportantmapplegrowiny „ . , . Pack up Ytilti 10t zt4shit) to list We do., the rept-lair grading-- highest_prlees,-epOt-eask •-pay- meat: 'Try ito. • . , •WIVI• SrONE 048,. LiM141•IkD WOODSTOCK,.• ONTARIO , - ,ketablithecil•1870 : • . .. ,..:..fs. hg,..e...t,:row•h.,•tbp .:41pr'4.1_,?.,iiinT ,. .-',! .e.)14),)prn /Ira, cp.ttla fklankii i.k. it.,i:.!,.,4-1-..s.17:14-k7orinliii.f chicks wirTlia'suctess' iiiiTer'lie used as a 'breeder, . • -, e t.cillik.:c..:1:4el.acfriletd - .1.•'°.• II. in- whi.a, :1.- a. -4.)!.!.n..k, , their stock, and thk)" are plUS .11:131tto ed . v.:gm:out Lietieji_kaa.:mtelediately.:,itithArnifteaft....T.Thrin Hlateeinniner4tridl-:-O-rainaud-14. - ' • '' ••••••1...... •,. „i• •„., .....,..., ••••.- .....,•„ • ,,•e„ • • •„.......•,...... ............• • ...,•••••••••...-,, • AN 0,1 / 4..,.• .....*. , • „ • • . . In mild; '..: pleasant: weather', the id tmletial‘eall.:. • Bathurst'. -7d -;" bree e.rs, aro the lerge, ° MU- -VI , e ••, . „ , v,i ••• 1 resu t 'at con. , car y fall the Youngetera , v,,ill• pick up I amfrunC, of Hine • 'Which Made stronger. instead Ofweak poi its ' tagion 'has: been . every -where' checked ' most of their' . feed • from , the., Nide.; 'stifficie'nt for ti". :lien' to' Make • stron .; ' ' •,,, • '"broodies" can be turned ' into a ya:rd :made • . , g' e' r 1 Y • mitturieg,--'-• trap rested and made made lb 'Sleep- anfdabil. ",116.:What ,;.,t,fi':-. " •-i-i ' 't,,i. - • , ' i. a. ' .. . ... . .. .. . s•Weaker,,•• as ' is'.'eften.„the .casa .arftl.distriets id'. c' e'd..Regard.. ;1..IsnallY the 'olcVguitieaswill'adopt-•"thes on •p.tits egalitednced. • -Iloiviier,! ' . .. 4. ' .. shell.bt-ecito-lay S.C..'White Leghorns.- ,e ess i ig hog c o e. i a. experience sho.'ss that young•hirds:wliett t1 -.TY are about..half , some *hens will • net seem to obtitini you will will with them to distract the 'in; . :,,,.'..n.,argainent.for fall fietirening of :,nearlY all eases. ori .' 'le • - '' ' gi ; r'd., ' le- ' ""li ' ° • id' a. hough • Shelf -making. Material ',teem" „._,Thei,- are Prelate whiter Ja.yers . . ' clination to 'sit,'p,roVideril they ' •,. , .oeganse they are- Canadian ertd ..''..- . . gi..,no •,on premises, .own..,I 1. WI... •.: • - em. over a w, e,.: e ! • ail rat CoWs is .the fact •that.Suren-rer is .a busy ' -cvlaere • garbage, iS,fed;to the animals.: range. We have never •lost a yn-ling. their regular ration 2" for thiareasen. . " bijUred,'frightened' or impaired in any, !..564goll •• . ; Mr 'the firm and it ia:difileult.•"qopking. ifPrOP0.1.3"-sienc,; 'is' atated . bird_throdgh_luiwks arid' foxes,,iisqiasef-,:ciyatet'Shelid-nitist'be proltia4Ltirlitg5- .41--1111411-"Ict-tg:-.auieVe!r-c*Ikl •.,..,..-.,,...,,,.,:4-,,..--, titaY;---13y- all -nleans-feed.."-and:Wate„r -fo-giii-e--•:6-*-i-theTb-gai".'iii-d-mosf i•egu.:,.1 to 1i an -cffeettial .sefegnaid. . Ispii.: often •been'Ithecase with the ehiCkent.F.pers it :all,' Ulnae" We haVe peverl . t4"ieffi liberally. . •, ..• .. • - - :- .. • The chief lemisideration. is to -segere- ' ' lar attention . about harveit time. If statistics . Are .given. hi the report. of : 'The beat liftre• to -.Market guinea] found ' Many soft-shelled eggs • in '?5,ofilci.o144 Speclai Prices for .• tem, 'For June.delivery ,_. ' .....". - i'00 Chicks $20* 50 Chick's $10' '. gate .the,f-Iliefisi. a§ to0n, at they be- • . the milking work is reduced :when: tbetheattiVities undertaken .all over the broilerisie from the middle.. Of Nove-iii..! houses where the Oltater•.sOell hOpperl • , larger -.quantities, - Free 'circular. n• It&ark • with crops. is licav,iest i E. . II' a'. country Which indieate the. -remarkable: bee to the thit of January. Bircia;' is alWays filled.; ''A',;soft-shelled • egg", day. : ' A...hen removed from the nest tows ' 000143 breedsr, if 'PessiNe oa„.tha-first greai-help,.., on • tile -farm; . Then. the.1,resulti achieved., ,:-"A-- :marked-inereade; hatched' in 'Julrare ready- for ' miliket i• is' a; are .fInd„in inzeh' a limise.-Even, if r • ...• Bathiltilit:POoltrii:Faripi. can freshen" in. , the U,hen 'is •shoWn in theniimber of 'live ,stoac, in .Octolvi,b,ut suetially...this.ie,,a little, the:heils..m.aRetair.01.1.alltY•shells-V4tht4 ,-2•Ate-H•MOND HILL ..:''''- , '014;r:' --70 ' Als- tiMel - is t(83 111 ' eaalaie:•t-0. t•he.'-weather N --eo(ilet-ffirft-lhe*--field iliSpeeted fef'exPhrtittioft'inithe. year- early' for highest- priCes. .. .cliscourage.,than;-when She -has been-./-Ase't Stiminer,:-.iput oYster Aells, it 18 better to supply], work. less heavy......................••.--... , 11919--213' .CoMpareawith the previous :'wo -hatched in 'August and 'marketed I ""'"' -- - --1- •-..--- 44"10Weff to indige. liar fancy !or_ Et: • '. ,tt'-..017"---7.,..,---•_ • ' . . •• year; the figures being 3.10,000 as cant.' An 'Nevember. , Septembek-- heath -0r ' irofk or more. . . :Horses and Motors. . pared with 100,0,00. .. - . • - . . i would -proire'Profitabris but gra§Shop-! . insure getting t,kn .'laroodies". at ; . •, • • . ; Pero are not as Plentiful is the .season ;• : ,...aarly:, otege;•,..tho ,poilltrY ,keeper • of special interest both to fariners-L...,...L.- . ,.-1.-..-., 1..•'--7-- • .. _ .,,. , •,._... .1 • - • - .-.; d fast. rata and 'hers/mum:1.s the -effheeti-itOat.finet,ev,4 H.: Th'- : -e -pipping_ of .m.iich co. uld-inake it a hard- an , , traction is having on t e ors. n Us- . . . W8. ''aalv.1 i4.tiltleeesm' more. Ci'• • trrhhile441gattilMneagemrwleqlulfrelss •I . to go over the Pests. ,every evening . -if Irv, : I ti the United ..5tat'es • itiv•Ostigii..: .,----g*P-crimenls . Pr, pc's_ -41u4 - the• sobjee--!. eara.similar--to,that -given-the-turkey-I a! an hour befere•iiitincleivb;.diiring tijm,-..is.,.heing....inade _ort..•the _Cottbelt .0)11.01 Mani Steck:teen tO:the..,dipping1,butas.not subject to the',ills that •liave. .- the Ofiring*ina.•suninier mOntlit,' and to :Torras- wi h. the -object of finding out of mileh cows•ls.not-well-founded,'-ai 'made the ralAng•Lotthe-tinckeY4iiiiie; ✓