The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-06-16, Page 4.J:
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99- .;c^: --sr�, •...yes,.,,::.: , _.�.
TH ti:6>tDA',.J1TNE 86th.. 1921'
• r
.o,. _ •n-9.-;.}y�ene nx •...rt��F.YMv.tq.1.M1<+rvF.Ma•...
Incorporated in 1855
• Over : 130 Branches , '
There •is no safer or surer way of safegta'ding Tour sur-.
• plus .money than pias ink it in a savings • ac unt �vitl., The
Molsons; .bank..
"Why not begin to -day?
I.H.C,,Tractors and Engines;
Geo. White '& Son 'Threshing Machines;
Louden's Litter Carriers; Stalls, Stancions. and
Water -Bowls;
Frost's Coiled ,Wire and Woven - Fence
r Connor's Perfection Electric Washer;
• GourlaY, Winter- an"`$:_.Leeming Pianos.
�r 'ESTABLISHED ,1872• a•- �!
M b- ON Jf ot. offer to do your
•, ness for nothing, but ;expect
" a reasonable . profit, and :will give
prompt, courteous '•service -the. best
LUCItNOW'BRANCH—UA: Meanie, likanage'r
estern U:niyer.
London, Ontario
s and ' Sciences
ugu •st'l2tk "
51)_Ent know pntisut
Published every°fblu:sday morning
• at y uekaow. Ontario.
&D. M40KENZIE. 'Pro•srietor
and Edit si.
"THIURI DAY. JUNE 16th, 1921 "
t1sewiiere' lire publish an article
from The Chesley Enterprise whet
suggests a new order of thing$ in
the relationship of school boards and
the teachers' they engage
A.' teachers' labor'unien has at last
developedand'it is adopting the same
methods .of ;promoting the interests
of its ' members as ,other laboii Unions
Lave. adopted. Evidently* `a union
scale .qf"salary willbe set and: school.
,boards which refuse :to pay phis: scale
will be refused the services of a
teas elf.. When the' salary asked for
is refused,' menfbers' of +the„teachers
union will be uotiaed -of the fact and
the board will receive no •applications
for the position they have to offer,•
If the teacher's' ,union is strong en-
ough the school boardswill have to
choose between immediate com-
•pliance withthe demand of a. teacher
and closing the . school. .
During the period of high wages
and high salaries which we have just
passed through, there were. some
curious revelations about the •salaries
of teachers. We once saw the state-
;inent made that a city school board
was advertising for a' teacher and a
janitor, 'and was offering higher pay
for a janitor than it was 'offering to
the "teacher. The 'story_ is not at all
improbable as it is well known that
for a time the commonest labor coin.
mended higher pay, than the teaching
profession. . Yet the school, boards
and the tax payers 'have always felt
that they could not 'possibly pay the
teachers: any more.
With ++a strong teachers' organiza-
tion 'the abuse may be on the other
side. ' The teachers could get 'along:
without teaching...: Theycould de
something ,else', But •the school
boards cannot get along without
teachers. : They cannot engage some-,
body else. The factt;that prescribed
qualifications are required , by • the
teachers makesit easier for. them to
act as a united ' body ° than almost
.any other •.wage-earning' or salaried
It will be interesting to watch -the
outcome of the new develgpment. To
escape from an unpleasant 'dilemma.
the school -boards:, :may give niore
favorable consideration to the consol-
idated school
proposition so strongly
advocated• by some. ” Whatever 'dis-
advantages .they-, rnay• have they..
would simplify the teacher, problem.
anal'"give he: teachers air opportnnity-
^to._ earn the : salaries ' :which' their
qualifications entitle them to.
'Ay :4!11 to- � _ ..
:For Informatiton and Calendar write
• K. P R.:NEVILLE, Registrar
Electric Gdmmi$ Iota_
a`re cont'e`mplgtin' -tit erection of • fr-
large cement, 'plant at their quarr;'
'on''the. former John` Scanlon propert:
t•` '-- :rt.�r.'. e.Mit1.4.s .shun - :kLS.d...thateaf.tat';
.!tall_„! take.. 4heir .egnient a"longside,:
their own marl Was,. which"ii~;Ts s`al1
,contain endugh lime'stone.of thie hest
quality.• to . run, a' huge. cement plari
for-;•half..a century.. As no:b'etter Ma-
terial •for 'making- Bement; has : ever
been::loeated in • Ontario- than • that
found: on the, Scanlan,. 'Pelton . ,and
•other, prolierties• in' that ,section'
wh:eh ;the Hydro Commission recent-
ly -purchased for •a.:gtrarry, it. is prop
able _thatone of the biggest cement
industries:, in:• the Dominion will`.
spring .yi11 on the Durham Road west
of WaII crton. The long round about`
haul of marl, as it now goes over the
Gy'1' R -via llarristeri 'to the_ ceftt nt
plant -at Ilarrnver,—c.°oupled with=lite_.
recent raise in the price of freight,
-are said to have been factors in de-
termining the Commission to Gr(,ct.a
cement manufactory b of their own
`ylunft'irke their* Walkerton works.. It
Is estimated that between • the quarry
and the big factrlry that, upwards of
2r,0 tier w`iIr"Ile' emriluye(r`�attht ce-
rnent camp, which willmean the per;
manent establishing ' of a prominent
settlement wet of •the town.
• • ------ 0
• cO.O—•—r •
We test. "'"einesday 'and StOr-
. ' Will also buy limited quantity
of . good cedar iogs.
Will Morning
CES; tkis- illustration pie.
• tube your experience?
What is,more distressing .
than being nable to sleep?
Sleeplessness is one of the
first and most certain symp-
toms of exhausted nerves.
This is" the warning that you need' •
the 'assistance of Dr. Chase's Nerve
Rood' to restore vigor to the nerve
cells and thereby avoid the develop•
in+ent of serious nervous troubles
By improving- the eilality of the
blood and building up the nervous
;;System this food 'cure brings ne',
energy and strength to the '*hole;.
60cents a box, 6 for $275, all dealers, or •
Edmanson, Bates. & Ca, Ltd., Toronto'
The idea of golden harvests' being
reaped in 'Manitoba has long .been.
familiar= golden :'harvests' of wheat
But`" ever Nought'that the•A-Post-
age stamp" prairie: province could
-becorne the'. scene of a rush for
gold as= -it -is found in the rocks:
Yet the otherday it was announc-
,ed. that in: Manitoba the lilt-gat—ore.
body- on the- 'continent _.has been -die;,
.covered. Allowing much for exag=
gera'tion, it •isyet likely. •true` that a
considerable magnitude has been
madein-' Manitoba. • •
But that is not the old fashipned
1Iaittainrrriearl3 `-611--f1at:•:prair4_et Duk
Tooking I ikelroostoge`atainp--on 'the•
limp- of Canada. Manitoba now in-
cludes much ,of old:IfeWatin dist:, t
extension- being much Larger than the
original province. :Much of this new:
ly acquired '• territory 'i's rock and;
-timber - landthere that the
-gold-bearing rock As. said.' to have
been clissoveredi
Let us. hope there is truth in •the
reports The, country needs all the
gplt3 that can be du -it while- the'
excitQment and •aetivtty incidental to
a gold t-usli w 1T::Fie7p brigFilen up the•
prevailing rather dull ,times
Council -inet as• a•Court of 'Revision.:
After. the members • 1tad subscribed to,
tie: necessary declaration, IIt.iiry,
Mathers; Reeve, was appointed chair''-.,
pian, , The...appeal '''of Mrs, I of inn
Hodgkinson' against• her assessment
'was heard and considered:-.11oved by
lies=, seconded by' Ferrs.that thf a,p-
peal be` dismissed and the assessment
be sustained= Carried, :Moved by
Colwell; seconded by Ross • ,hat the
'Court of Revision be ad,}o.udned-;-
• i.
til `�'�•'
iii l ° . ), , • v . �'
The Councih'resumed for the trails " -
action. of general business -
The tender of ;the Archibald Con
atructi-ori---Co I. -Ad., fut the
the Ackert Drain was- presented Af-
teir considerable discussion :with . Mr;
Bowes,- the Vice-ipx'esident` - of the, •
con'tpanY, it. was '.moved by --.Ackert,
Sec. `by ' Uol e 1;liat tliz: ertdvr ,n f
the Archibald 'Construction, Co l e •
accepted and thathReee be auth=
prized to sign .the ccontract-Carried....
Contract duly signed:.
Cheques issued, Municipal M'orlii
=supF plies -as per.accL, $2.56; Jas •plc-.
Gregor, cul.,. lot 35, con. 2, $.1:$04 •Jr
B, Hodgkinson, `•sharpening ' grades
blade, 1 traces. and -8.'bol'tst $4:50; F
Brown, planks and rep bridge,' con::
�4r•�$3; I�-�k'Irnejl,:taking- pigs.-atit .oF
road, con 14,'.$6, J :•Johnston, griid,
WWI aridwidening 'rgatITtbli:-1 t9;: -
•W -Tweedie',fencing gravel"plt, con .•:'
14, $-14Y owes & Dawson, '31'4 •dl`s:;
grading, :3' days picking stents, .
ing grader,' $45, Jno,:.,McKenzie,'cov;-
Jridge., 52.0 ft. _planl ancl:spilkes, $ 0
H. Mclnt'osh, . caretaker of hall till.
May 27th, $5; D ,i ntyre_ giadin`M:.
0.75 'Jno:• Graham,• cutting bi-u-J,
1i'tIr57,: at Hays' 'Lakkels- * Jffo 1,1c-'
Leod, *trading; and 'filling hill, con.. 8`
87:50; H. M•athers,`salery, :$16; •J::o..
Coitvell.;. c,1inrirt 515; ,.E.. Axake�-f ::4
'ary, $15, M.,.Ross, sal , $1.5; G T; errs
sal.; $15, Jno.,Murray, sal , $2a, Ceo
Moffet :' 1;, MO, ......:
At the adjourned meeting of the
Court .Qf itEY.1s1ofr,,'hfter ,the;; addition
of 'some Legislative Franchise -Voters
•to the Roll, it was moved by Colwt;11
see. by It'oss that the Assessment` f G tit -,,ri I `. •:ar :i; t
Roll as now,
presented be ''accepted, Two rat; rr:rtt. t-;,
and adopted as -the basis'of'aIi rates Grill r,n ii` i+
ouncil the yearadjou15rne21,-'
daCto arn setrie€1;:. on titott r. Suntja' lt''• , n , !-
of �•1r.' u r mr t ..i r+ n
C . el. _aittl c,h:1J. ,„Ri.. I t .: - :1. • ,;.
day, Juice fltlt,
the usli t:r1 e iei'1,iu.�
and place `. _ •_ r , fir fir,
• . Geo.••G. 'Moffat,. Cler1c IS'.iph ,)+ rr 1 :l ' ,,.: r •t'
A turn at the: w n+tE 1 t 1L t ,
she all A (J 1t,- 1.. 3,• i r , 1' .', ,? •
• •_.' ttY.��a'.
. -.... a' CURIOUS E. j��i'i
mnvn east,N
ntl..'tl' ..'t. 1 M..,�:113t+.
As another posSible effect Of dry-
peO will be *long lobor 110.0(
and Mrs, 'Galbrai•th, of .Arron Town-
shi•n, up in North. Bruce,. has beep
in Ireland. Her unr•le, John Belment
'who died eight months *igo, ,willed
her the property.' The estate eon-
s'sts of a sheep farm, and a condi-
tion of the bequest is thal Mthe
braith shall live on . that prop-erty.
She has lieen over to Ireland and
back home however,, will'
*Won to the N11101114 Iola thle lall.
the seeretarY of anotherHigh Scheel
Board 'this -County as. fellows:
haVe been instructed by our
High Sehool Board to write You and
.aiik ;your opinion as to the action
taken by the, Teachers'. Federation,
and if youigie aware cif+ such action
Pit -their Ipairt:-It-appeors:. that ease.
Sehool Board ' paying its
teachers:the salaries asked; they:not-
circular letter is at once issued to an
teachers not to apply for a position
in response° to that Board's advertise-
ment for teachers. We know that
this tourse has been taken with ref-,
erenee to 'other schools of the Prov-
ince, and is liable to hit either -your
scirool-or-mirs if -we de,not give the -
teachers . very neatly their ewri Way
as te salaries, •
It the opinion of ithe Board that
tbe demands of some of the teacher's
are unreasonable, and ,,nre would like
'to aiicertain if wa will be obliged to
submit to them. This will depend
largely on the action of the Boards
of other "arnall'schools in a like pos
ition. The Board Will be °Weed if
you will'let ns know if yoti have tak-•
en any action :towards meeting the
increases as set bY the Teachers'
Federatioi. and also what you expect
to pay your 'Principal and. assistants
• •
• �• Oey,ad d - .r
U 6 I: 4•b.. till .-• ^
• t• eal �4>';',.4.-42:•c•?q���,y+'�nd�),. 'llw'..n -^"•r'Y y,Yp,1 .k P
+t'*' lc'a. i•t €rtr'D YW4+'e '' •r� . +, �1
i+ a7 ut. •; w e wt. �;` l �lr �q ,, w ��''.
C8y �� dtL.1�.7+'..ti+U'•Eta'� ��66'�6+-�!• ��,t-IfiP�t+t�+•,�'h:
or ears
,that °tolic'la of.. r tenet;lent. • that fint bf .cgior
• that•impros,ed appeltrance which increases the
value of your hoine:by roofing .it•.with `
A'basisanaylsis is given, below:
ITIAL COSTS ( jt%ATe.RIA .5• -Brantford Asphalt Slates
arb sometimes higher in !'!~final cost for the 'notarial. •
'NAILS REQLTIRFD' Brantf- r5 Asphalt Slates termite ONLY
i`;1.6pp.tils to la} a square: Brantford Asphalt Slab Sates require'
.ONLY 450 nate
COST OF' LAY lit. Brantford Asphalt Slab Siston aro four
2, -COST OF'
-require only one operation in bandlink, one aper-°
!!ileo in sia.ufgLido: stales are 8`x ll y inches -Cut•
Yfao=uil'', ta SeatliS,Ot.ipte.rotvtettUa,gltelcia!)t.lagb.end ovround surface$
. .
NO PAiN'PU OR' STAIN" REQ- ']) •The surface:of :Brun '
ford 4.t•h.:th Sites t> 10 ti t Te.'s perd,ant nt colors, green and :
•red,.p..fadrdble ahyips attractive., requiring no stain to pro-
duce a;ti=de efte(ts; no liquid' make thou fire-resistant.
5—svrt.• o ,04 I^i .tF tiCE Bri ttt•trtt A -t h.tit.. Slates • aro
Cia}.,e•t .rt Pru w�+al i! t> t.,lu ht I! c it ttr iL.e-companies--a
direct =seta, Qf from 10 to 2) per cent. on pren1it nts is effected, -...
In certain loiati(irs tire• reAalattons demand asbt los _paper
un r'some. roof, n ter'ala, hut Brantford Asphalt Slates aro
fire resistant and are haintuna from special regulations.
=COSC OF.REPAtRS •-Fri1. t the days they aro.laid:Brantford
Ar,' •.It ;late.roots show. almost 100 .per cent of the original roof
uatou he t.:' Br tntf.+rd Asphalt Slates do not earl, spat, 0'004
• or ;ret. 'l.:•ttnprete }trptection and ptertnanent protection aro
bhlltinto Brantford Asphalt slaw .RDots.
There are Brantford' Roofs in your neighborhood.
Look .one up.' ` ' You will: be :c,(l vinGed that our roofg•
e )dy all t'' e, good -features of other roofing 'withOtit.
•v ea .ne- -.5:
L� •Limited
.'Head Qffice and Factory .Brantford,:Canada
Branches aT_runto; `.iaitrea1,.l•?elifaa and Winnipeg
For Sate.
c ' ,O RT IEQt
Right- In dour. Homy ..”
Com• b. to -our store 4.-itht,aQial--select an n_ Amberola
phonograph,and a dozen :records -and we'll deliver
therm•p-reinpt4y'-to-your.-.honie' for:
trial. which will not costyou a cent or place you..
• underany obligation to'buyl 'low canwe afford to
do;thist . `Because • .
is the wori,d'• greatest plymograph value and will .
.p.lit,n0graiiiss fel, If the Free Trial ;7!
-• convinces you, .yre'l let you
ga to .chttrch, every Sunday in that nia.rka'.1,.. ,I;;„, v.;
time When arraigned before "Judge r ;-
John F. Haas, charger with stealineg. •na.;.`,; .4„ par' ".••••if•
from loop stores. Miss- Alma J. Or- shaken .iin. 1;1 th;. 74,4.8,1
departinent store, Mileage, was char- 'Lillian -
ked 'with ernbezzlenient Of $38 frit'Inli Father' r,rii • "I„;
mount each month. -• "You are platerl • • lb, -
on • probation . for a Year,". "Jiidge and wit: ••••
ordered•to pay back part of„ thik a.. the. -crash.. •
Haas Said, "and you are go 'to left J. .•) ,•• •
time. You must be home at. JO o'elod<
. &very night, and -.Wash and dry the
dishes for your meother every do..
aide bent; tale :u i
the gyasS broken, • It rm. rai
inv'entive. farmer
(irFonot•le. Tovv.nshin, 'has "devised
for • motor .vellieles:
trenate.s•••• ury-the- :drtve•ksh.
a:, on, being.: anonljed it 'grips
•1•:nstlitt,(.11•,strY that, it comes quite up
for it.
taarl'elniving worked for -Borne