HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-06-16, Page 3•ee wee,
„ '-•••••••••••
"Ge' el I could beleng to that PALE. AND NEVIOUS .•1
trooP," gaisl Yining" Toronto.' Scout
the other deg when he beard 4efelth
waft :41k la Is ink Mk 711111 Mk Ala 1111 *la 1111" ,With the BO; colits•
...fi plansthe First .PenetanguleheneTroop
BY DR. 4 .1,MIDoLET9i s i - . Oft is Making ter Ite -simmer outing. • it,. . . , • . ...•
• II:, ' . , - • ..
SI' Provincial Board of Heaitti. Ontario . .t, is one et ...the, most interesting ':entee. Need:Foch, Red Blood to Regain
• .-. . . • • • • ft prisea .yet• attempted he °uteri°
is. Or. ilitildpatila will bia g!aal fe viewer Vications on Vettlic Health MO •-:
beouts Mid ialteir the form of an ex •• Healik•aild Strength. 1
PI ' 07111, 'trough Ohl deiumn.... Addrees bine at the. Parlianieiet Ditto. .colf .
. ele pedition ' from l!enetangufshene•dinva,:. Many Children -start sehoOl in eXcel-!
01 =fore:into., . *- .
••:. ; ^ *, A to Ottawa arid perhaps 'Montreal p3.t. le'nt imaith, but after a 'short" time '
114 Vin.iiii). Viclijk 'GLIM ‘1411.I.L " AIL IBA Vat Illik Vile!
the,- route followed hy CheloPlaile aaa- home wile. 'exaaiinatioes, • hilrfied '
, ea., • ... his fleet of two uedred wer, Pancee., Meals, en ,,e,OroWeled eschool relents •
Illehealth in various,f prime and cer- That there are different iitamines is in 615 The hays vvill makethe. \trip..• 1.
1.aise their- blood ; •: to become :woali,
taloa definite diseases can be prevented shown by the different diseases that in eanoes by Way of the Georgian IllaY,` iletr' nerve Over -wrought and their
if Moreattention ia paid to the kinds ,result when certain 'foods are lacking (and French River, across Lake Nipia- color and s•pirlts lost : It :14.0. mistake
of • food we eat This is becOming in certain eseeetiali... 'Take for in-; abag;;; down the eeeteawa and the ot:
• „ . to let mattes'drift When boys-. and
more and more clearly understood and stance the case' of beri-beri, a d1seese! tawa, and if they go to Montreal, down, ;girls min
, show sYptos• ot neryousness
,........., ..,:‘,4 • appretiated; as a result ,. a. reeent that is .very common in certain est -1 the $tLawrencetea. The nu:dimes or weak blood. They are almost sure
• ' ' studies; ell''whett are linevin as accee- ere, countries e Where 'rice farms the; Bay 'Company officers In North • Bay to fallvictims o.t. St Vitus daleCe, 'or
Borer food 4Preehicts or "tainnea" ,ehief article efdiet
'', and were Oliali7i.a.U.4.maltova,are h.•
t endedyoring .tO•;•.Se-: drift into debility that leads to other
. • ' ' On acemint 'a the •abse'=" Of these ed :rice is used. POlished rice.'mnSi.setS: care the ole-titne large! voyageur birch trembles:. . Regular 'meals t doe
, _ .
substances' many so-called deficiency of • the kernel ;Of the grain with the. bark canoe of the Ohasse,Galerie terete," exeibise and plenty of sleep are neces-
.• diseaseS, such as rickets in title,oun- busks reinoved, tutd this procesipP1-1 in erder that the trip may be made as
. infe and beri-beri In .the East result result. Ye.l'Yes not only the retnoyal of the'
realistfcal1y. higterleal as'•.possible. ,
:As .long as there' is a atifficient var.. husk but else the outer lining of the :••.. ..r .' ,s, .4,•.• ,,; ,# ;..• •,.' ,
• iety of feeds, and the food in its Ina- Rerbel iciloNvn• as tbe "silver: :sltin, . At, the Victoria 'County Boy Scout
' tura' state there is little danger of whidi contains the'vitamine. • ' • ! Rally held in Feneloti Falls on-Victorie
• any such disease developing. But when A type of. disease more heard of in DO the 1st Fel-keen, F'alls, Troop ;cap -
the •variety is limited, or the natural' this country is ,infantile Scurvy; be- Weed. the °eerie Beale 800 yard ,pa -
qualities have, been impaired , or iieved to be due to the absence from trel reiV race troPhy•.•WhiCh is one
• changed through boiling, heating or Or defieieney in a diet; of a vitamine a the big incentives to Seed. athletie
Peeserving, as in canned foods, Plea it 'with 'Well-defined .antiscorbutie pro- work In that Part . of the province.:
is that deficiency diseases raay, Make perties. Infants, fed for long periods In the other held day events, Feneloa
their appearance., • exclusively on condensed Milk or pre: Falls captured five that prizes' ,and
Errors in diet often result in semn- served foods 'have, been shown to tleree seconds, while.' Lindsay took
a,,toci many ineats and statchir sometimes stiffer from a • form of hews- four secondS. 5 -
scuirey, with hemorrhages under "the
., ,.--
. . ' ach troubles, due to over -eating Or the
. • . po es, , . enter layer of the long hones. Wheret The Scout • Movement •"keeps n`ioi-
• ..foode• such as tati bread ete
Other errors Of diet include a too free an, infant is brought up, entirely on ing," . Grimsby had one trOop lhst fall.
'Since then it has grewri so iarge that
use ,of •foods fried in gravy, or of boiled or srilized eitilk, 'a smallo
sauCes, candies,'etc., which often pee- ,,quantity of grape, orifigt 'or, lemon it has been 'bend neceesety toereor,
duce indigestion. . • r. 1 juice should be administered daily', In genies it as three separate 'tree& un-
der a District Scoutmaster, Mr. j.,A.,,
It is not, however, with Over -eating this. coentry scurvy •is selelom seen
M.. •Livingston. And •that As ni)t. all,
or with ,indiscretion ill diet •that :this no eiteept during tirnee of want
becAuse two whole patrols of hoys
Article deals. It is Tether with the or artiong crews a sitips on long voy-
Abe came from Beemsville hays be wher the'di t is of the thmed
sary, to combat the nervus wear of
schoo1•71ife. lent •it is etill 'mew% ,irtie
portene that parents should pee satten-,
tion to the schoql bloodesupplY.,
Keep this rich and red by gritting pr.
Williemi' Pink Pills aiidetlre, 667 Or.
girl' will be 'sturdy and fit' for school.
The value of Dr., Williaets' Pink Pills
in eases Of this kind is shown by the
statement" at Mrs. Watson, Grand
Falls, N.B., Who•says: "In the spring;
of 1919 my daughter •Thistle, then •12
• years et age, began to .seoW symptoms
of nervousness'. which developed into
St. Vitys dende. - She seemed to lose
centre:did her limiss and et times every
muscle In her body seeined to be
.twifching and jerking, and the trouble
seemed .to he growing ' worse. We
finally decided to glee Dr. Williame'
Pink .Pills, and the result was better
Oen thee' we had heped for, and she
is now enjoying the bes of health" '
• Yoe lean get Di. Willi
.fa014 &Tel
, • DeacriptIon,
Tendertoot--"Gee; that dog has° a
•Iong tail. It must,be about three feet:"
First Cies.s Scout--"YeS, that's ilia
OSEPH 'DROWN, of iViontrealk
deciares he suffered six year*
dye. peinia 'but six .bottles %to'
Tatilac made! a pew, man of him -
'Gained -35 pounds.
Al id . ( rt ' + i
a , repo Ingle- 4_ here 8 a inan
at the door with aowooden leg, inure:" .
.; "Thank ybu, Maggie; we don't need
ialey," .
' • : 7.•Ftleht7Descriptiefe
• • . . .,
Podr. Suitor --"Is it true: that your
father has lost his fottune?" • • e :
.• His learly Love (elgleil4)--e"Yes, all .
'ie swept' dway, but you are. left dear!"
"Gteet Scott! • I ileolild „east:4 am i•
left!" ••• .
. ••
• •
natitre . and ingredients of the feod ages e e come the nucleus of a 'new tretip witla r pjlls through any dealer in medicin
used as; regards the presence' OrOf- or canned varie.ty elmost exclusively.
headquarters in their own•tOwn. .Renel or by mail at 50, cents, a 4 box or si
, senee of vitamineCin its.comPosition. It ' has .alSo oceurred in construction
frew,. too, has •exPerienced..a simelar boxes for $2.5.0 from:The Dr. William
• : The .quesfion is:7--Whate'afe %eta_ camps in this country_ where canned
growth ie Scout iptereet, and 'Cinch'', Alediclue Co., .Beeckville, One
• miees? I will inewer in e, sothelltat goods form. the ehief articles of diet,
troOP 'which is. also suffer-, ..e. :: • " ' .' e__e -
• round -about way:, ' and where fresh meate in ilk and vege...° dine -bee' a
leg ft:0m geowingpains and plirip ie ' •
. Seience Tor a. Ion " tables are not eadily procured. This
g time has be- • • being inade to divide. itertotwo. . • - • Ind .,
lieved :Unit essential composition vitariiiine' is aisd :.deficierit an fresh
that h v been dried Or • • . - I • Wheri 'nuist die. shall:not-fear the
of feed that maintaias life consists, of vegetables a e ePreparatidee tor the stinimer•eemPe . going; `•
carbohydratee, fats arid Proteites, 'iti eeen. „ept er.:. peg.... pe se , e
k ' ef I tied with' ant . •
are proceeding wherever .thete: are There 7 Will be daelerea.k;Seineweere,
diving. • .,
certain peopeetions; with dee adenix- - ' • .• ' ' 'Scoutee accordieg ecePreViacial Head-. : ., a; new !sawn . . . .
tyre Of salts. and Water, Though this When YegetaMes are boiled ti:la I"- quarters in TorCalt0:: A recent' double' -Spreading before me and new strength.
is theoretically • cerrect, mc ern -.re- t•ess shall]. d be shert,. and. the''vege-
, nuniber of ."The Trak"- the Ontario., .. ;• :bestowing,
. . .
search on 'nietabolisre his shown. tea tables not allowed to eoak long. The
boiling is finished and the Y
Scout officers! paper; *.tie:cleeeitece ete, . Anci"•I, 'shall. he. no eitore•;am earth-
. .. . .
a pule diet of carbohydrates,,fats, pro- aaenei. the tirel • to the
subject or a ein and I • i)' %ea e • '• '-
. Cauip,..lilanagement.• • • • • • • :- : „*. • 1 . 1
.,- 9 311 •gl • , Olin ',Pallai... 7 .1 •
. • teins,•ealis and 'weeet is; not suffielett 'Yegetables removed- the. there nutri-, ---• ,
to maintain. health. • Something
, ers•e;tiouS they will be. - • . , , . • 41...-..._..... - There will 'be life • itriching; pulses
• .
_must be present, although 'by 'cornea& . vie fear of destroying • the yitamine wHEN .BABy . is /,,,., • id4i,iiig: .., ,.
J,05n it is irifinite'Orna,17in ciimiunt,. and in fresh milk' has been One efo tbh: . , LL . Vision , unveiled before my eager.
. -tbiS ioneething: is., described as et Vita- , : „ • • eles, •. ..
Chief cObjectiond: to. the Wholeage 1:00-. , • ., .. , ' ' .. • . . ' • ' . . '
. •
tnine."'•," . ••• " e. . e . , • teurizatieit of milk. HoweVer, by ex.- • ' ' I • • ' And I shall 'still he lovieg, learning,
. _ •
. , • A professor. ateCeinbride WI() he
• s posing milk that 'hes been .prevueitsly . - y .. ,_ Nsh
When baby is ill• : • en he cries •• ...I
• • keeping - • ••• .. ... - -
., •
. •
a great deal and no ailment of atten-
' e !tmeli -work on this subject.; re- .lea.nicd-bY
• filtration to a toiriperature
tion or petting . makes :hini• hiilli3Y,
The. icst of life in SOMe fair pat:a-
, ' • • -
cent) y fed a,ininiber :of rats and puppy not eeeeeditig 158. deg.. F. for 4 short
dos - On 7 gp. "aitificiaf'diet Of protein,
peritxl, the yieamine in ' the Milk is net
. Ilebre OWn•-'14';.,,blets should be given • ;*„.• ,.. : ' . ;
'w' befit delaeLe-The ablets ar • • •
Dividing It .
. A ease. Came before a court tevolv-
ing the osepership of an •eight-day
clock. After elatening to. both sides,
.the judge turned to ' the' plaintiff:
"You get the clock." •
"And What do I ,getr. complained
the defendant
"You get the eight days,".! replie,d
the judge. • ' • '
• . .
• '• , Adding Class,
A .family. named , Stubbs, which .be••
'came very rich during the war, pure
chased 'a .ite,telY hinee. e • I
• It happened that someone who *hi) had
known'theM in less prosperous days:
was In thq:neighborhoOd, and thought
he • would Call. He did so, andea4e4
for "Mi. Stubbs." ' • •
' The butler regarded hire with e per-
fectly :Straight 'face. "There- must be'
some niistalte, sir," he said. ; ".This is
.the' hotise :of Air, St; Ubbs.". •
• • Quite True.
• Alionipous Manufacturer Of inachin-•
ery was showing -a.Stranger over his
. ,
fectory. • • ...* • • : •, . ;
"Fine piece "a isn't hp
said; when -they weep lOoking at very
• ,
•• "Yes," -• Said ebe ' yisttot, • "but' ..yon
'aennol.; hold a candle to the goodsc-We
turf} out." • : • •
Indeetil."•taid the chagrined menu-
factueere :"Wbat: ia your line?" •
"G4unpowder;" was the 'reply,
Hs Title
. • •
The nhie-year-old son'fof h New ',Yciek
doctor recently setight out his father
and Pet te eint this..question:.
fat, stareh'anci sugar: itind be earefully destroyed -but -only slightly impaired: him ' -- I hayeeeneefeal, 'that -le -shale A- A'
. watching .the animale he fot th t This cannot be avoided, however, and a mil
, but thorough laxauve hich lees . blended ' . • • • th-ey gave to N4oleon Bonaparte?"
the Y ceased . to groyealthough the' am; 'the. deficiency •is. more than Counter- gelato,. fbe, bo.welse and sweeten the e
leow the father desired that son
itli Being infinite and undefined;' "
-T.eecnint of •food. they consuiiiid7Witer c;••• balanced to/ the greatly increaee'd pur- atenlaehe'ande-th-a-eeellt only the liffide-1-347the'rbody's ended,
- • • - , • • •
.ally more than hat was necessary to ity of the nulk after pasteurfeation, • g. my...isnhgould have . the plealtire Of; buten-
') e I 'shall not Iese ;my eager soul.,
inaint,alii-InermaLgtHowilL .0n. adding And the deStruetiOn" of practiCally all and simple fevers aid. Make •teethijig WIS. info:Million; so he evaded
ea-small-ematility 7Of'raw.;-fr 'Milt hi:harmful bacteria- that the Milk- uqr"t'ii-C1 -them- Mrs:- Desire • 1.'llY!4(1;„ • • .„ • .
• the reply by' _leitereicigatorste on his.
„di6t )uarvellOus improveraent might - am satisfied bwith my lice of. - • . .
own. Part '••• .
• - Theberge, Trois Pistols, Que., -writes:-
have contained. - • • • •
'shall not •lose love; and You,' "• Avhat..w.e.S. my,son?"_ • _._
in the health and growth 'of- the ani- The .rnore. this sublect of vitamines dearest;
them of great benefit lo.my baby when
ment was not -due to the lad:Albumin bgeomes 7hat t
. . •
• mals .'becaine evident.. .'The iMpreve- -is investiciated, the 'Baby's Own Tabeets. I have feund • • • eeete;hereepoii, to the great astonish -
"I could .hardly believes my eyes
when- I seeped. ori the scales after
taking.sie bottles of Tanlac and found
that I •had aeteally •gained thirty-five.. .•
pounds in weight," •• said • Joseph ,
Drouin, 21.04A St„„Denis St; Montreal,
who, for the past twenty-six years, •
has been passenger 'conductor on•the
Catiadian,PaCific Railway and is well '
and favorably known along' the line
eif his run between Montreal and. •
Mount Laurieisee •- • ' '
• "Before I started on this medicine • .
I a
was n bad Fay. or ye vs Id had,
to take My meals • bere,• there and....
everywhere and,: as the result of this
irregular, eating, my internal Machin-
e# got all out of • worlditg Order. 1'
lost, all desire tor, food and what little
e ate: would fOrm.gas and bloat me up:
until 1. could hardly breathe. • •be-•
came so fier-Vous i couldn't, sleep at
all Well 'at eight and. wag efthn See
tired In the .moreings I .didn't care'
whether I .took my train "out or. Alit
I'fell off twenty-five pounds in weight.
and 'became. alerined ahout niy condi-
teen, for I led tried all sorts of raedie
eiee withoutgettingany relief: • .
"Then; one day I read a statetnene •
hi the paper that decided .to .• ".
Tanlac ift.theveugh trial. 'Well, I never. "
would have believed' any •Medieine,.*•,:
could do ° a mani so much geed be Such
a short time,. 'It quickly settled my •
stemach and gave me syeh an,appetite
that could eat three good scpiare • .4
nieaI a.•day and: no longer have. any
trouble -with indigestion sor gas -and
r-stien -so *ell at night, even *lien' on.
the road, that.I think it would take a
coil:hien to wake me nix! I now turn
the sca,eeS- at tWo hundred and ten
pounds, which fs, ten •potuids mOre. • •
than -I •• ever -weighed- ineiny- :ee
feel better in, eyeryeweyethan,I have -
for -ta-very-,19ng- -Tanta& is the:;.
best eneeiciee lever tried.e • • .
, • Tanlac sold 'by leading
„ • More my own , • 1*'• •• ye "'
.-beirsetIce -or cl• ezneeei onf--correti
more• eppatent • Seeking yeur. WeYu-111.• meet. once: islerte;:iirct-ot uthileb-pitysician? the led ren.._„_lied fs
everyWhcrc. •
- Qr. Salts.in the aseareeemzel.rate-Iciency - ' • Aird-.wken you tear ve fzirtirest_find enreeseetele ceeeeteele,_
, -assnclated 'man I eed .1. can etrongie ereorntieend 'theme . _nee' nearest; . • , •,,.
cf grovetli was Obtained -ft. -ore protein ,•the diseases Of metabolism which are An tasy Thing. • , • • •
•tb other-tubthers," The Td
and , ash -free extracts of the Milk so obscure, and which hitherto. have
; sold by all medicine' dealerS
. _.....aolido; aed. f rone yeaiti in' exceed:leg:1y beete_diffieult to e.eceent for in human e
, . eat 20 cents, a box from The Dr wilt ‘ . . • ' • - '
.. sinall _quantities.: This :Cambridge beings'. • ': '' - ' *, , •; fiaine,Meclicine CO.; 13roeltville, "Out.' • . . • • . •
--professor therefore tante 'to the con- .'• Mortar.' is cpmparatively an • ex- • . ;.. • .. ...:, . All that is trite -bee truth •does net de-
i ' -".•----- .-.-.4.1eese----,
-Tension that there was some other es- tremely:•sinnli :fraction. in the meter- ; ; • - ., :. , Miset .• , ,
. • I ' • . . . The poor Wise' *cede; no Shield of
se/lila'. factor in food; in adding' to the rt. ials that Make- up a house, but it. is , •• e • • ' • '
• tial to growth.. . , . - '• I thhilarly are an infinitedinal part Of.;
'part.: • v4arnins-,-11 have seen many things .,.
It li were.`you, and* death did thiis,
protein fat fat -end sugar, that is essen,f a'-verY eleceearY CoIllf Oil ,.121a -lie ; . . . , .., ' • ' %
-, , . Too betuitiful for wordi; .. . •••
eThe next qUestion• ie gelee 'there! the ninount Of food nepeesary for the'..Twilightes fremeloies•with 'mist= :.„ ..:,."....ber'eaie me,--- ' ., . • , .
'If I were •oue-ev ere yo je-ine? he air '
.. ze ..-ewouitle;lerefakeeeeeeee.e4e---e-e. '
blete are • •
411 that is' tree, tgough eachmuit kb•
or-by'mati '
.tary1jilfs'g. ill An .011e7!..e.„Xeeatairiteetanceeofellealtlieenclegroivth
eeto the present ...there are three ekirt,cis ithe .indivi.dnel, but 'Win -vett these ae_
. • - -footle Preducts-,tire-ebeede will: L hey -P
, " •
(1) The' Fat Soluble A; "vitaniine, not thrive: The „small fraction of vita- That was to , Ward's ,Ltniment RelieOes, Neuralgia
• ,•
.His Hearing Restored
The inVielble ear drtini invented by
Megaphone fitting inside" the .ear en, .
Xork ;City, "Air. Leoria:rd ineepted this lefTt°eeloleallth. 'il,a-ruPith;t°ogrut-aiPrill teNIPeem 7-itahtear.
_ _
tirely out of ,sight, is restoring the
hearii* of buedred,s of .pooPle New
• Next' to making' his own 'infetakee
the easiest thing in the world is to
criticize the mistakes of• others.
'and a' littl•C ammonia.' •Dry •Nvitle • an::
drem to relieve. hiniself 'ef deafness
And head .noisese and. (lees •this so other cloth-
succee -ful'y 'that' no' one eduld `tell lee
• . .
. . .
• Present. in resh:flulkutter, amme es u . aninus:tally yielded by areee.e.. that. Soft as the clin•ging fligerb • - „, ..___
-.=.......„.•-•... - .. :: •••. ••• .- -.- .-- :,.- • •- -
. • , _..______
2 (3) The Water Soluble C, or enei- 'that vitainines ire' in. 'themselve '
s ne-
in ' . e .
fats, etc.. ..\ • • ., • , contain them is a serious difficulty (3t.11e. sre H.- w Tail Are Yoti? . .•
(2) The Water Soluble B,• or anei••-' the•way 'of finding opt their -ex -act na- - • . , ' -
Nos- I an lti•:,---• ' .. their,.exact height alai weUld -become • ____. 1 t
indignant- "if •yoti -questioned the ae-- - •- •
• n.1 - , o . , mp o a e , . • .
• '• Hew Did •He ,Kriew
Most trien arCeqiiite, lies:litre as to
berieberi vite ine • • 2 • Aire and coinpbeiti n It is i r b bl Unee y cpealpeny thiegee .
ce.afnees Is,eatieed bY catarrh or_ bl
perforate:I, or wholly destroyed natur-
al' drums.: sintfitmation
CO. A. 0. Leonard,•••Sulte .48?;'7-0 Fifth
, .
Avenue..:4•'ew York City, will be-giVen
a prompt teply, • ••
•-.• .4advt
" • ti but they '
seurvye. _ •anene presen resh tritive,ley produce co-ordination 1 ant.
mis r •
-n •• •• curicyenf. theirestateinenn
. • • Fictidle--1e la What " is. the .1.3ahy's°
-.fruits, Negetahlei, ete.. • .! ._ , of:,me#13-dtts-th„:, y . tills Tri , thel ,,„:_ , . , __,..
Nor are tbkIse. carrying On tlie fee bedy le able' to adiuSt itself •to cerry . • ' ' 'mONEY Ofilpt71:1S... ' • - '
,-------------,1-spee , , .as- anlatt-n-r---ot-ln- •,-..— - yinnTer.....-,.---,---_ --,...-•,-:--•,.. • --1,-.2_,..--..•-•--FOr--0S
. pritinS_and Wruises .,
iT-he-first think to de, w.1.1,,In.you
irijnry is ,to af+:11:- .1f,1 nara' a tarnoia s Id nt-
ment. It Is antiseptic: :soilthing, healkng
'and 'gives quick relief.
• • . •
. eau sey, ,unless..he.,has.ettee
-"estarchet by any' me-ans.. certain • that on • life , and, , tinder, : eelieee.,e' alwavs saf.e.„.4p_a7. enq ._._,„elneasare. „.. j .tall, , •
, eThe habYfbasn't any eeame.
'Dominion " exartle low '
' tlrere-three areethiseenty. dues:: . • ., • Ildr.tiariS' arnrStirroun gS. .he-1--atis- • ' •
reedeffiesee lien low dra • • OA
' three c'enta.
Express *env, Order: Flye: dol ars any yartietilar Aline. If the .eriglaal
e „ ..einent on whieli be bases his belonged here' '
' Allowirt Pleny• of Time. 14"643141-4:-W1-" early fn
.thP morn
•..ne has be'ett crediting himself ' • ed f
, ....tarmarani ••• — ,
..=:itt1:41•111'"•14`ttiliinfrI, •7
etr. qu o.,their turkey. the postage will be a dollar while he: has not given lizniself all.the ." • • • -
— -
- 1 - • lir nisda'ilaily baths' e'empulry,..Trinoh,
, . .
• ......• , • •to ,the surprise and indignatip of
w , 00, 1, (- • , -
*hip• • may becotne. compitlsory• for ll whoni• had ,net be e 6 f" '
clothes for Monthel. ' ' , l• • arid .thirtY Cente."... ' • hogat,..to which .lie is,entitled if theth
.. . • firesbenefit'ne one and the
'- '•
;rob e, .workingmen, the. merchant, .
Every di.ty, during 'i. recent itgage The .POUltryinan-L•:"Guess I'll start- ineasiiiremin
ent' was'ade. ;the 'eVen-
the steerage passengers 'were' invited him. on ''foue hits': Werth of stampe•• for the 'reason' that,. all4ei the farritet. And indireetly every
Zen. Forest •fie's are -fought not only.
•tii..bdthe.• ebey'PrOtestedethey were aapect,..belf.loSe enough w7eight On.tlie go. ns'a,re tiller in .th..e morning. • . - • -
, • •
• in -the bush; but in to‘vas and. cities. •
, . steerege- paseetigerte Tbis knowledge
eie struck terror • in the. hearts, of
some of those • einigraats who prefer.
to he warrrefei •the winter time"
• .
-This sudden 'attack Of ecleatiliness is
6.1norloalb pteueer Dog itentedlei
A .
...voc DISEASES.
, and }tow to Peed
! Mailed Free to any Ad-
- dresa by the,Author.
M. Clay Glover Co., le%
_118 west Streit
Weir, Verk.
seized and scrybbed, free of ••charge, way to make that about right We're
dile to the fact that a steamehiP of the. bY the doetees batliing battalion' he'- delivered." : . . ,
Holland,-Atnerican line ,possesses 'a; which coesisted of stewards, ser- • „ • ' •
' • 'very PaitlCular PhYsielati who used to geants-at-ar,ts, end e few of the more Ask fbr Minard's. and take no other
be with the United 'States intelligent; immigra.nt'S. ' — t "
, ,
- • Health, ServiCO. After 'inspecting the The fact that no diseases Invite cut D• sied Ilk
-- re 0- antether.bodt. isyit•f• a:reu
cmbent _position: -
twenty -our yeriebrae the'beekbone When; 'Cam"' lian's ton and farm
considerably to the preSSure due,
arid f,oresti.are all. deterniined
'o top
to tliely,eight pr the bay whoa it is forest fires, then 'our forests Will be ,
erect; an a expand thernaelie,§ •cs,4110 freed :f in the -rev s'of this &lid,
• immigrants in pfs boat .he immediate- during this 'voyage speaks fur itself."
I.Ill/111/0141.11J011114114/11•ItIll1111/ 41
• 1
t it /1/ 1trtSTi
In the wilds of the Chichi u'
The effe tin the cas. of a feirly heavy
. t lot oP Japan- liVe ok !noun; 'Man eveeege.heigl t eriay aneount.to
Let This Food
:HeiiiNcittoIU. aft
With no overloadiiig ahd no tax upon the
digestion,is secured from
_ r _ _ _ -a group
ra.Pe UtS
"it embodies the nutrition Ofthe field
A*taing, and it makes for better, health
nd bodily efficiency. •
'Ready to serve—;,an ideal break- .
' fast or luncli."There's a .Reasonn
.1e half enteititheense oteepoltcee •
tainere clad lonly in, the coitne7Of
Adam. .Their existence Was unknown roan•or• postman who.Walics pipit Payee .,
'rheas all day the difference in height^
until the taking of a recent census re-
yealed their whereabouts. . at mcfning alid'hight might amount to
Passing •through. the. Crystal Val_ three quarters of an inch: ,
ley,- census ediralais -were aniaied..to -TlieSe- are- factS -worth • kee'pjng 111'
meet hunian beings,• ',"•wearidg Gag niuztdIrfoit dout0rn,iatti'.`10Viitiowt.:
„hair whose. on,iY. ,c or e ring was .leuves, eeentieetten foiesteme appointment re-
. They matte reponse .w iti Poke quiiing.A-Ceitaltilielfilitineioil 'are -5-
to. • Their Chief occupation. 'seeme to, very neai:the Minimum,' Do not stand
be hunting with the bow and arrciw of waik much before the eeamination
and the making of"chzheceibolti, nevghdictist. Hand take___,.._‘it in maiming.
they exchange in the.no
tricts for teecessitiee,
. • . In.Clerintiny thereelette nus onle„.811
It is .thoUgV• that theancestors of tnen
betwen the ages a twenty .and
these weird folk were rougestuft
e'of the to every 1,000 women
Samurai class, who, defeated in ba,---------------
tie linnfiretie of years ago, for
"Bayey"- Qenuine
, • 11,!,.11 h I` angtillagicatpiglatMINIarattlfia, ,artrIttalipal 1l mita. '11r11110*
safety to the lonely heights which sur-
round the Crystal Valley.
Uruguay has,, about 1,600 miles of
tirilkoads, but only one tunnel.
§ufferers front rheumatism:1 'Should
eat' celery; "while bananas aro useftil'
•• in the ease of those Suffering front
• chest etimplaints.! - •
for iiitibt makes and molela of cam
Your old,. broken or worn-oat...parts
replaced. Write" or wire us describ-
ing what you want We carry the
largest and most complete, stohlt In
Canada of I:lightly Used or riew parte
ancrittiternobile equipment. We ship
CO.1). anywhere in ,Canada. Satis-
factory or refun,1 In full our motto.
Shave Auto salvage Part fito,PPIYI
ssa-0 ••roarterin gt.. Toronto, Ont.
Warning! • Take .nts chances with
sebetitiftes `Tor goneine "Ilaicr Tab-
4inti ot Aseii-iii.:- Ainiesg you see ,the .
name "Ilnyer" otn package or :On tab-
lets you. are not •getting Aspirin at all..
In every Payer packageat* diree‘ions
for Celds, Headache, Neuralgia Itheue ;
matism. Earaelte, Tootliache„Ltmbago :
and for Falq.- Itandy 'tin boxes of '
1 twelve tablets cost few opts. Drug-
gists also sell larger packages. Mae° •
Ilit Canada. Aspirin is the trade nark
(registered in Cartada),4 'Of • Bayer' .
1 elanefaetuie 'a Monoaceticacidester .....
of Salicylicactd. , • • .
Use Cutieura Soap daily' for the toe
let ahd have h healthy cleat complet-
ion, sett white hands and good hair.
Assist when necessary by touch4of
Ctiticera Ointment. Tbe.Cuticura
• Talcum is•also ideal for the skin,
Seap25e. Oleheeett.SeeiStc. Talons 2Sc. gold
throughout theDominten. CanachanDepot:
Ityin_ks. Limited, 344 St. Paid $t., W. tdoatnalt
•Cutieure Soap shaves witLout moth,
ISSUE No. 24e—'2e,