HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-06-09, Page 8:15 • • • • .-. . • ._ • • • 4* • . • - J. - I Pi r. ,•„, ,440...4-44•4,4,44,444-44,-,e,141-,,114^,,;;T.Iry-JJK • . • • . . • . . .. . . ''.......:-. 4. • LUCKNOW SENTINiL '11-1I.TRSDAY,' JUNE 9th., 191 Cameroti, Murdoch Present • . • . ,' • " ' • • Featured - 10 : ',. • ... . : :. , • waa.-.Dreses, ,.. miral . Middies afltl• . 11ainptpn•WahSkiris •This Production is put on, by somfthe Best . . . - Manufacturers ' in Canada. . .. • MISS CANADA has been starring in Admiral Middies for soiree years • • and is featured by the best storeg.irrevery tot' andcity in Canada. • . ••• . . , • • • . . , . • . , . • • POLLYANNA DRESSES made their ,appearance•two years ago, .and. by their attractive gide, moderation of price and the quality of'mateals have taken the country by storm,and are having a run second only to Ad- miral Middies... • • ..*, , • • • . : , • • - • In including HAMPTON WASH SKIRTS in this 'bill- we believe we are giving the publia„the best production ever staged in LucknOw.-• This display of high class merchandise is now and-will-mnibrough_-! - • -out the summer months at .. ; •,.„ , n,.• ' ---,-. . - . ' ' . - •:, : • . Bruce County's Finest Store IN MEMORI-AM, • . .„ Bernie,eOnt. Mrs. Alex. McDerinitl, . : •• Kinloss, Ont. ' • Dear. Maclam:—.It is with pleaSure that I look back to the acquaintance- ship with your late husband. He had •abroad outlook upon life and was ever, ready to interpret it in terms of religious thouitht. In spite of. the , . Many dark expetiences which he either' underwent or witnessed,. 'he • had . an optimistic vie*which made Conversation, agreeable and pleasant. In the latter day* of his life, real- izing his relationship with this world - and the world to come. 191eard him make -n. splendid confession of faith. SOme men are willing to face the fut-, ':ur taking a chance on their:past re, . coi1 but not st with him; heclaim- -ed- hat it w.mild not depend uribn lin-. man goodness btit•upon the .blood of Christ, that , his. .salvation could be -• se'eGPor'ed. '. he did with ;his.. Goingconies-I sion of an age 'tried faith upon his lins, you must rejoice in bis promised reception into the next or, spirit world. Trustinm that. God may bless and guide you day by day. I mut, Yours in Christ • Geo. Kersey*, Pastor. • SCHOOL REPORTS ' • • S.S. No. 9', Kinloss., Jr. IV—G. McLean 74. - • Sr. Maclntyre 92,4M. Mac- Kenzie. 90, J. MacLean 89, G. Gaunt. 82, K. Mackenzie 73. • Jr. Purves .7,?W. Dawson • Macintyre 91, .A. Fisher 84 • J. Mackenzie 84, J. Pur'Vps 83, Wraith 79, A. Mackenzie 717, j. John- 'aton 70. • F-,C..Tiffin 81, D. Wraith '78', -D. ICenntedy • 70, A. Patterson' 63. • Sr. Pr.—Ii.: Dawson 66, H. Macken- : jr. MPr:—S. Dawson 79; 1"urves,, -78, :10: aadallum 76: ,P4ttei'..soY 73,.B.'Maekenzie 70, C. Paterson 60. • • , A. Patterson, Teacher. Belfast: Schdol • • IVH -L. Hackett, O.. Alton, 'J. iraVin • .4..Vint, (0. ;Hackett, A.- BoWles). • III—M.: Hackett; R. :Nicholson, A. .Granston. Hackett,.K-. •M. Hackett," J. Bowles (abserit)7. • •". Sr. - Henry. ` Jr, G., 'Cameron; N. • Cranston. • - 'Sr. Pr.. -Lt:: Vint .PhilllipS; Thompsonk-:;•:-. . • Jr. Pr . —W. LaSenby, R. Nicholson . M. Walela, 'teacher. ••••Torrrary....—.7.444.4,44•4444 4444w • • • Phone No. 10 is at Yciur-Srvice The ii:tiredit Sferes • , Paroid Poolind'in t-oritoPliv " We `haste' sold Neponsert. Shingles Are, !feoiorr: :11 :7:: rsso'fl pl Oa iMaoir*de74tolli obni r 75 ver cealt of Responsible fhehaltvu have en d. in -stock s tthhee r ebietsety ireogl lc • reciting martWactureel. We PONSET 1.-1)1Y Faroid, $4.00 per PatOid NE • •I the hros that Roofing .ss made from a pure wool, • 2-nry, et? CAdi $4.25 per squate. 040'Of ti3.0 Ti11-1il (rTeSte p 3 -ply • Canadian. Brad-• •NEPONS4 Roofings . pee sheet Has. saved valualo proporty from $1.50i .• . . We have stock Ne -pot -sat Wall Board, eak finish, snotion: , • T71 • SEL IT • YOU WILL REWIRE A COOD • SCYTHE; a 110EL-either field or • tarnin-Halso a Manure Fork. We handle the SAMSON LINE, built :on "correct lines, fust class material, and every one guaranteed. 'See them . • before you buy. i. • . ' . . • • • . ' . • o . . , LASTS÷We have a bargain in Sherwin 'Williams paints, colors which -the Man .0 actu ters,. .haye discontinued.. It Consists of many' mice Shad4s suitable Or almost laity room; Quarts $1.20; Pints 6Sic. • • .• LWAys 1N sTocK—c.iitio (ht. Cemeat, Barb Wi+," Coiled Wire, oven Fence and Vence S 'ap les. . W The Lucknow Hardware & CoalCo.. ',.------.111E S'TORE -TIIAT-...INIEVER DIS rPOINTS ' , - --•,-.......--••••••••••• ......-•—•"''''"'"'""'""' ,,..: • • , , • — • •'• • • Ttr, --'1141te ...-rnonograp • —Ever -cl_ AVIU14NS' STORE, IS IN THE RACE for.your TRADE and are in the lead with the best val ue"s largest variety of highest qual- itylaCiles' and Men's wear to-b-e4tad--. TOIT-CANSTAKE-YOUR MON.-- - EY on. a MUNN SUIT ofDRESS. is the winner in every event MeStore Wtil) The Stock., • ' • 4tvoca4. • , • WHITECIIIIRCII • Mrs, Beeeroft, . 'isited at Sea- ,forth on Sunday., • , • „ • —Monday, June. 6th. Mrs' Smeltzer, 'of *Inghm a, visit- - -ed•a few days •with'" -Mrs Js Me- Clenaglaan. Miss Flossie MeGregor, �rT�orttb „• • •• . is visiting her:parents, Mr. and Mrs. _ "Jas.-MeGiTg01. • ' ' ' Miss Maud COittl spent Sunday at • '• . •=14,*._-____.•.•;,—.1eren.t.8' benne. • • ,Mr iiarrY,McCIeiagha1, of el.' ' '''” gilive,:spent• Sunday' with his mother¼•• • I Mrs. Jas. McCl'enaghan, who is not • r r., • • • t;:t Jas: Morrisdn; D'ungsinnon, Visited' the 1VI ,.onday. • Anniversary services twill be bold 'in the Br4sbyterian bhurch on -Sun-. day,' June ,121h, *heii 'Rev. lir. Laugbline of- Torprito, proach, Monday evening to.ri old-time tea Meeting- .41 beSulMer: from 6 to 8 o'clock. - • •• • Don'tthe 'Golden Jubilee services at Brie,k.•Clatirch; East. Wa- •*anosfri Sunifayi''Efti;ne' 194; -`ark!- the strawbeiiy. festival on. Monday 4„.'enjoying very good health at present niiht, June '20th in, John Beecrofts • Miss Edythe Peddle, of 13enmiller, otcbard.. Raymond Redmond Oiches 'spent the week -end with •her 'sister, Mrs. G, Gillespie. . Mr, and Mrs.,Archie Patterson :and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor spent a day at Chesley, last week. Mr. Gordon Rintoul, n student 'at , Knox College, Toronto; preachd , in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday, • -and was mach enjoyed by all pres. ent. , He ;Was the guest of Mr. and ' lifrfil3. G. Gillespie while.here: 1; , Mr. and 1VIrs..'lliek Burehe%. of "e, Turnherry, visited on Sunday with •( Xt. and Mrs, Law) Grain. • Net 1014 ?fttt Dustin Boiorigt An/14, ' e • _ tra. will be 'present. jnaLyIwr .There's onlY. One place: :to judge a' phonograph— this right in your own - bate. ..1,et,....Lus_b_ting_an. hclisonAMberola FREE trial. No atringsto thilolker--7doesn't edit you a fbent or place you under any obligatton to buy, At , the end of the 3. days if ;:you:Ayant_. *o keep the.. Aniberola well. trange terms' to suit .you. If .ion don't want the,liniberola we'll take it away and thank you%fir giving it a trig, • That', a fair propbsition„ isn't ids- . 5 Edison'a-New Ditimond- When we react - that "tbe wedding "take place •ciuletly jii June”nre we to infer that some weddings will take phioe noisily at it letter date? • The average girl never hears of a. transaction involving an engagement ririg without wishing she had a fiiig•. er in'it. We won't 6/611 be able to 04110 day-. light this 91400110r, 1. P. . Ix. 74, • .. by Music , • Comf. orted Accept our 3 d offer a try for •AMBER,Q14. A. is the world's greatest phonon graph value—so superior to -v-rd ary-pit on o gr ap he_ and. !talkirvaachines" there no vihy can afford ,to glie 'these Free Arials. • . • • Visit our store lileaty:Or tomer- *10, select your Ainberola and a dozen records. We willdez. liver .them promptly: Then enjoy:3 days Of real ',loud( at, our expenses. of, this offer , „ LtICKNOW, ONT, • Mt E iso R EDISON will 'pay $,10,000 .for. the 23 phrases which best distiiir,uish the Ncw Edison •ti.:61n1 orditury - • i- vrinr'sinstrudtions out af. the folder of in • forrnatiorf we ere spp,plying:,:iree. Gef-YOUr ideg8 bY'expefirrienting-77'77- • with..the New Edson in your own home, --and txperiencing its '' • - .--. power to 'bfing,you. the fun bebeAts of niusic-•• ' . • `'• ' - -,-;-1--- - :-*----------------, :-Thre -Dys- ofIthisic Fee_ • .. . .. ''„,, . __L _ ' - - __ _ ., ,_„‘ • • • .If you ,,clon't ovvii a Nevit•Hdison, bring 6r rnail•the totipon. below. We wi11 lend,you a New Edison for thr.i:c= without charge or obligation. Actmt orino,--We hive,o-.11/ a feiVinsiruments to sand out kr th way, What will bailily give"for4radua.tion? botil-you thrnh good tnus'e is the finest,7 most approprime. • -- gift for this day Of days? Let ,daddy With a ttott • . • k $10,0bainPriipti . , • • Thrt'o Day Experiment • . Couport, Ile provInt0 thet Ivor n ocher& dr oblI , tntion, I aceetiit your deer. to lend m6.140w:Thilsoli and. p egrem .or Itti1.,CF:R--,- AtIONS in drc10.r that 1 ,,1 1y experiment with it In , ihy • • • J. GI1 ArliaStr()Iig Name adtetta " • •' It is nitturallY diftlettlt for a ,/urio bride to undoratanil where the di. ygeoo aourtoget thole b'oluom tom, tr0 • - • .it•k-irt•••-44A4e11.0,0#4,:•_•,,i.,..