HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-06-09, Page 7low -WWI .4 Gives'Ta61`7ac:Cr­-%dit a I& V& WM lUL V& MW WIft ma MR I& vk,va V;k V% vwlift is vb STER DRS IOF., .,T CATION. UM0 did �vatth'...' BY DR. 13. MIDDLFTQN N H EDU R1#1RA ISM Fo. -FROM HERE Tbe "Trouble Mu t be. Ireated a Hearlih. OntariiiiI S Provin;.1iI 8 ard'ot .10 to answer, Q on Public lea 1%rough the Blood. e g!ilkii ue&t1OuW,I, ;ith Dad. K heW, .ter.s um A,Odress him at jl�4, ilarliaindat 131das.. 4, -t I I T J W, sufferer, 1, , 'U. - . , I .. I . it Tpront I. Ij*i?6(I i ind 11mt to get rid (it, it 10--, V& Va Im. Im lege t&m. 1V 41 ",'I Im o yot; IIIf1:;u by, v l- I. - .'l w baye enpaged-,. blow efficient People of bil, dr def 'lio fir Iity" .art! Iproblem maiter f roni -tLey are in Sarrying, put thei e, oritzi ity suits the,-, "Oh that',r for it. aC I I 481411i V� i -.1 t III what viewpoint NVe reg�lird tbeero, Ini.dr whCtb,er,.-tbeIrj1lL I lied tile had to It W Ailhf i-4 a eab t -y arf- doing school,this type of IC tinu particular work tht in the 4 1 dents, often happen throug -it lTo�r$_to the eac IIng Usfyl: to A�411 ;tllQiii 4l:4.- w teil or eareless. 'pt-ople 'not realizi porary ; majority' of heie -it Ilittle_'or no provision 11i.a., for grad- the -,olange�r f �ceplain, kinds of-. Ittin the a Taking Prcetyflons. y Jng- tb "child- -n- aceirding toi - the' aiia*ge�tting..caughtln bilting.;' IT, 'ith of mentalitylivbo )I,-4ve lq)%t fingers, - I.Slo I, alle y%*' Happily t--Tjlg tfine they make. in Studies. f;rp c., e e ge;ira, et en:j)eopie �ii t1w (Tic general j�telljgenee 4k the h our h' and -EducaLlon a . a punc ung Me r-a3m i�oe t �vhcn"O' Villoll Put -amthorities, acewdiId would e4,�,h any. '64 I�e ,Canad n a ia IVile, t, dene, are taking- activ been jaft to 'suell dangpr- Ia neve� have Jil -thi dise-1.138 Il,lental yt Credit, for U. q. �,Oull rileasures. at present' to deal with1ous work. o ri I !,It li,*w.d ,nd you w IIr. sta,6 - of Industrial OW Pills n.�ntal defectives �at eve sfaeistica sh youl. royal to t1ate' for %A�ur lit Ilife. Through the medium o p-hysi- -these mental defectives -are, I -0d; ty ad at biscuit making, 01�colate so.ng. it, and. so .1 cians and' trabled'nurses, surveys 'of ernploy Niel! da. ­Ofl, nn, it Ietcl, and here t Icall"o 'of the. rhellinaLnil. the mental conditiolli of -school dlppin�-,, c, Do you mean to tll(-. t(Th oil, R.R. :�.o. 5, Car.. di;en are being.'nj�ade all through On- lip -Is in their not understanding Ot ap- Ie. of persona firm Is 'tario in i,moperation with the Depart- pfeciitting- 'the, valu "About three years . P Iw h�'rhvqniadsm I . n4 the nee f,or it ment of' Education, a I?ubli'c eleanJineasy especially the: d villi;iuls' Pink Health Nurses stationed brouo��hotlt was:bingF-the hands egular.ly anol'thor- I D to. N "Of t rouVI ij it 1) 0 s I I red, the P ing -all bly tb e have to For the irst -titne Ply! ,it , Mvince, are also report o tig when 16il-ell ft )it: thL pan'be'positive as'tb I.W, i,d 1,ain heal-fli. than- b4fore,' cases of rriental defectives (J pre-.1-a-r6cles tha't.my be af tervVaids 'used I jnarried.yuur equaint- sebool age, with, notes, a� t% thq hien- for food, Ialso k.j;uw 'Or all Old, lady a who 4as- with tat condition of 'the parents, home, in- Vocational 'and.' Ext��miion. Educa-�. Ke Who Laoghs L;iift. #6emces" a� surroundings, 'etc. In tion..is one of the' most needed re- riv tifnt qui fit hif.r arm land legs,.and d '011ennywortli. .,of ax: -uffered very' Much. , She, too, Tbrorito � im ork alv, po,to-date sQherne'for po:Irtarit w. ng Ulese forin, I, In an ocation i6f 'this kind .'that% t1lie please, air!" isaid. a tiny boy, s h;! Locli* I)?,. winiams' Pink Pills "d Is lin6a is'-,beifig parried. on.'by sch ahy ad stretobed I. , o 3oveli-n�niont.my' undertake, there are to dpi ll�r huus;wo0.k. I tell -agt�Cjes gs the psyebit.ric clinic �atl. Counter. ()It 111:s 'it Ow holie R may be ot,beue- ,al, m-eai- fou'r, measures that �hould' be' given the Toronto 9enerfil Hospit. 11W Idn' fit to otbo,.r .0 wa Cal ins ection�.of sebbols iind sociF4 special I attention.' The that Ip I_0 hygiene of OTC- � rq ab f it !.worken Nyhile' m6fil �h III ation .of industrial.. eon6 is tb care or I.'m Ot-� cripples; the, at deale in ]I edicine mjtte�es are etivel�r engaged I0. 4 iie set at.50 tharineFt, London, Wood- boys inil!'kirls between, 1. lask P4 lt yo it I)y tiwa, St. C4 ripelled td' -Fivii minute,% la -ter, iv. %,w; for $2.50 by stock,' Wi sor, St. -'Thomas, Guelph years of age,. w io -Are -coi :. nd . . . . I . . . 11 I . . . . i .. . -0 4,gain,"- w4th the go to Work but -are entitled to a gr�at- DandrIfinston, The main purpo T. 4. wax f,,educailon; the 'third I-, PARKER" I wliv i'l ]ell 'Out. firesent is td get:an appro *in er, aillount Ixi ate"esti- a 4ges, 'Ash, �Seattle, U'S 4246 Juneau S reef grinfie matie.. of the' mb - the I�rainihj -of - speVial teachers to A tes. im , er of nie�tally de not did 'your' lia, tell fetive children and adul . ts - in I the 'take .charge of part-t�,Me- and 6tber 0-3 inel., and Wh" to lat ing, difforeiWe waqV.,he el ond fircan this -a general idea Vocational' schools; the 'k .11 tb a. Tanlac t(�s- I l)-vei- was slug nd some- .,are., provinc .:"I usbd' to tbin a gish. a iioh that- is, flece�;salry ure is t tTain, I woitlol''nearly v it foremeii in industl1al bit' V' mes. V got so. dizzy k`es' sin" said. the Up "Ile NN* I * 1.11 N%,Ij - d ve so fr:dchle in life,- of -th�e otproizzit e th ith thoi: situa' plants,�'and t U fall. I 'felt tir( -kalil �re'lll tilli salue"difie v­a�'l 'to, eff6ctiVely, grapple. i his-o3an be done'thrOugh have felt thankfu I, a tbousan3`tinl.es, ,,d and iiiiseral7le all the, kow� p ever bLflievgd for days Af pro ween yo and -a tion. . It'.has. airpad-,y been adefin-itely ep-ning %'choois' ed n 'it stronx'en6uill. ILd -said - T J, at a t Ine I w o, wor. ;Vlio�gh small, the C found.*ut.that 4o Vaiije 'to' -go t k: the you, usands of, teacberg.'ean..be obthinQd* you,.. geiit,.ail2t�,he nia'de I eved tile bucee4s ti are at), 'h 'a tirge - througli-� su, onsix1e, 47C C' Farlierl' N�ell-known 'alesman for, !It wwlld� Do y6ii not know ch 'Store, ' res' . ..II - . -friend -of, �iine fiftii1lY 9'Qt- ed Itif(mg I . I . Mig m -e to try,'ranlac, lid -At cgrta flit, d6or.,. out-tbis.Prov &,�Vh,opl aielRt.leaat a.beinninV-�yill be rn�d� ir inly has InIc mSt., Se'uttle, Wash, U.'S,A. Illi: havo. gottcn--ivLkt.you :iavel. dove. a � jood , job '.for mel Aly appe-- reo- pald fo�- an( -ning AM_ living. ra years:, ago -commenced I now and - althi seg. at y Whese., peo-, 'wit'h 4a.- soclal PrObbim that 4216 7. 1� tht, there wollol Jia.ve -1 gd . Sevei I ktklf L. am PIC eAllno,t be, kept III* infstitutibnq nor. needg tile ei�rnest �iterIfin of"al fia;vIhg pL-lriodjo�- ape ig' I want-'hild' 'as" only for yoW. If Hs of siobknesz aild ich req`uire the eating Jast' anytIll; do. ihey'. Come under. ille. jurisdiction cit!'zens' dhd a few! months, go, I haj in atta.6k thit plekse' Iladlarger price, : Fbr . . . I . I . * . �y . tbmacli never.. I L e� X� - trouble. I- bav(s nd Feebl&minded such ;,ted,elf`brts� Of b.ot.h Governm' t and f thouillt would -finish in hen I' uiade the. law erihel te . sianaro e -day In 'tb� '00111163 of Homes for.. the un 6 'I'll a 'thd' .least Rill,, a .1 eo NV It., "was scarcelv"abl�' 8 ''% e§a they people . gl 1p I id -f! I a I g Q t.'U p, 1 T as at ev r,. to' 'Wh pcke in velg�t, Illy 'gteenkth has' ifted. by paid �Y..Otl '-ac: td,go'. -I had:njD. appetite 7ind. 'd I I , . 'me-' an'd -I Am no,*,'eU-' . od. oal c, 'the baiii 7 are �in great, ned 'of slipervision a�d,linpbved, e ba to Itle I orc�d -fii�,self to eat'-' - ii heait -question is rd of.. at the breseiii; joyiht -tlip bes ('a U, no a, 'g'a.s',on my toma�h f'could'hiir& Il�lie.,old red -ca pchithtion. ' The great to he re6 at': the nw-,%,hat has ..."All the hieir ,an.. k 't whe're ffiesieli-mental� df -e iim' d ly get my bmatl),.- IP116 llaa:jai-1 all .vgg WVi '11, .1nit . . .;­ . . .1 . I 0 is. "me .)n 11 a. often. so' bloa Tanlae Dut, me, IN" fe6t..and.1 V,4 , 'I *,f-'. - - � ­At�nlgbt 'I bit e k on n . . N ox,to -one iii melital iN',6ene t inov�r­lai ng sotirm of, A it, tives are'e ted I 'am glad to give this-sta gnient fot Ibould ,hile I�ing �Iown,,and. to a wa.. Vallbot get,,-- what it rhay b. worth: t6 otliprS., gle Tor*air.. an Re. I in b d I` -,-.T - rK 7-9.7sb-I'tT: t es I had a, could lial; y �W' � - ti -Immed uloIN Ivie, priee, e� - -to Ill 'I Uy a a d 1 tfg to,�ts & just.ha(fAQ sit.11ii Alld glf4g It - 1. WELLSATISFIED WITH- fA the B dl 41 . ]a ,day lie RINI%, d Ilit, I ]!oil ti hick ,e'very),khefe.-' dvt. . 11 . 1, 1 - ni.1 D Igg6. of olhig..a -, . ., oing.,.... -just I53 -6uilding 81 gary Alle ti as re. ar indiv-Miial. But'. A MeM o_f 'Cut worms. 'In. ov feiv be- i. IIre. eanle, Zia BABY'9'OWN TABLETS, rds alf our. o n NTorthuniberl'and, lOAv,n Y w nie reco, bac,k- bUtI wa, A' IItho -robii�, as 1nd Ad-d-ingtob Ifeild copfeTelve robi" r. J.a_��er; , -e 4ko. pent o' destiloyer, One, yming D" W�_ Pob- Ei Air --a In lIttj6 dpa'.sheiWill, use.. ell toin r'ec�utly� J) Ip :ertson- I-1 -a- -rrj I; �,,.�,en . -.1i . o I lit Inothing, el�e4 'Hlir "use Of- them . ea Iin, co'lifilie cutw were smeared -M�itb o�llow, its -Ile� el I JAI Scou Had 'he' bti h comilielle t'. officeisl:' rent. .11 , n a oln y. li� to -ed --bits: of-brok�n sliell. _a, ip g _ij nt pay A a, i. Ly v6"bailev ho other, -&-IrW],ONrft food- he onlil caine. ti,l) e er. g "In y 0 Oqual thei foil anY 0 th cille to "h Ving *vIl of �the.poung­llian )late it', s6niewhat,- as he would:-..- 1) r 7' 11 0 1 ii child Fiv. hundred Hanliltliii 130'y S61111;4 I -as 0 liar a; . he.cri I.. A f Olg- -11r9e0- -no I 1 Itel Oil I I� ti Y., & ril eraffig is;-th.e. lack of .lip tat cokc Eu'gene B plicatidil, prepit 'hoo vould, do.wIlefi he. ia( is allafiQn, What. Hamilton has- ev6,r had Sqopk_pilade ast A last.,- 'atu After bid i rign ess, to a llI-Of Babv's abletj- -he pirt;lhe only-tbe juice! I'now Aor III to pa I hi's 'es'ired -enid Theolial N. Vit.i.l. Kruppt, are 'ng e Itse cial 'the iiiq'i ed k emplbyijIlt, :12,00p. -a. O_1v 7 .peopYe btle ilY 6 -d tbeFtft e a it Ask -:f --Unard s an, wi it- wballla$ 1, ni Itat e,. d 0 ii, coinp.aln.- satis a o ! r.'M We'lbeliev6 I I!' , oportion. IThe: Thin ' ' . I 1, . spe"lit allies and fieltl �:ke a in* pr N. no oppoi I en. I.-.25 r6 now ex di g to :bis-'inimovalile pend -------- III nbsi lr6ni Fadii"es... Muting fault' io'oiller Ie� me' fi It i'lis iiiiih"in his m1sa:107L aler rdalitri e. at chetain, the fixity!9 ',dur -life. a )I- b -v -mail at the Town F6 .,,§old by de 11i order -to the, �lj niedicin 'P( 'n Lglndq mad' wovel wity th�e. Yw Council will, in T1 to, Queen 25 cents d lily olje� -issue of a. big te Dn %Villianis' -eie hink how much youl box.fra' Surr(*,'* pi s t�ed lqtlipres oCtlite to of a says ie-,oyi bi" pap6r.� htty,a-cr6l, bf V Co., b` lad lieell-'if Ipf its trees.. C p nk -fine' Ina -Iikt 0 it, -ait-! t it, I, i 6� : ;0.� - .. . , ss, -,:; - � 1 - T ng* a re.sonle lo oweoiie� to 100 -year. be "off five' intilib fi' ton", o e ahol' effld U 11 fn y a rent. r tal it a on-e-uscm, F'K:-O'- M- 0 t h e LiAlabies, de I t IIIIng -thel �abch an. !.A 4�sound hous. Igod. thinks �around Cool .1, t ir: ne 'to -ttle I...... it) oil -The OC IL III Lr T -small In-- 'Colill p -NV I n ; BTItIsl u tit er. a U_ -the tinie h Io e Darlish., TiO6 ;�nd -cub. Fack. 'for ngrunibl rr P ty'.niffliolli'tolis �ve Ig Tfie. 6ucjIv�ptus`tre6 o tqii A**rdws- t. ttn is -hearty 8I egp�:sleep, ji,�tle modse! hre'W bang in tile t _("tibbing are- of, upply. I " ' , _. __;_ - 0 lana stra III, an( -d kourfifat4er,ploughs' Outing. and supl, friend, A,6-bt� You vall, -y,6ur ul�. i The Vel ll,4erlla ge da native of Aus g'"I the,'QiV Z�w -t-h-q- ;ull eo In 't m Arep- It. or We Limber c n.. h Ofl . . 1. : S lSPON 'Figiand m U zth.it 1ou lilv�, heIl Come and'slaly-you.'whei IAe e 7v Nv' e -en S Inveiito th. large quantities Iil'i III Dili ork, 499 b IDR, MtNARD r 0 a iP, ii*ii I lt�qttae. Do, yoWr bes.L4__ ..'6on' siiines n Ca from 11tt ;I, i ,, . I 111.7 conipeddo �­th6 followin�: yearly. Ile it: _�brjgbt. rine corps �Iroilr sel dis- C e Wbx a fe d t d allek. n olaxts:swift.and 1ight;.. . the. paper -farnitle Irbin. whicli t lt�, Old 200-; v Girl .-Guldis. fid'otlier organizatfolig- MINAR-DS IIs T ee A a bab . (�ft , - --white. -z e -1 r� -Is-. gulteiiii, att, al --- -_ ­­­­ .-Se- t� prf ­-­ nol �a' young -afid 44 III is,* Shortage ba for a, fa.)Ililv f is Pf? f A Ili, bf this PQhiI.l,Jl,)Tli6r or % off awudith. 1. ricaps planoileir iu�olr Item Bri-taiii. pys, $879, AUAI& or,,the., cauattian U civ ell t to t A)) t_�bo,,L ill, size. I Ill I n c etz DISFASIM lance Ass O 01 7 M rl ey are In extei 6 being 1 Illny ��,Russidi-Pllssv eflipbs, the. big r0en., pine. '$660. Itly $372. th The Ontario Were (be 2n (I $769, 4ollier, tilk'ns lh� millstone; and How to*,Feed b I 14 t siobs. to 'Marolb: uts. , The. Mailed Plr*e'td any- Ad- Father, to it a 9,583; dr6io by the Autholi. depleted.- m erineu 'to.! ig 'di liave bootti Js Ottawa--_Troo� - of o Sc 111.,ili p gfie'. l)"soll pomp�qlling the -lu.' I,' 011neements are. 34, 920, 6 ill it of 1), I, - . 3, '. -, � : . Mi -Clay 610VOT 004 X321116 'co'nipatition ann of idl, 'pTal y C � dpNvit. . - — . . I _., J. (I. -A ' . 0 e-e_xp�eted to' , . , , I . . III Weef 81st NU .- "' ' I ­ " olittq_ar , , clagaes. 8700. Street Pik MinAed'i Lifi.iffient Re IeVes -est._ alWav's Il,l I t 01al'i A Ile aga n.mali� '.a big showifig: ".Once. A,sPrud� fol IL oruce, fore'1st.'!-.Js, the III LI'i, but -less' O_W I,gOia_fofrl1I goid, 'y I-b A- very, but nevertb�.le RIN ails eil byl� L by me .AI quickly planfied, A'SPI i. "I iti The produc tnkYre, burdens, 'r - lfugtry wl I do niort, to I Of i I "lebs or reflecting wirror. Ia. due to 1 Scoutmaster NV. N;-NIorrie of'the 23rd" Ala our a. Toronio Tr' and 'his ,13ayer is -Genume. INGIASH el�jl! 11lit i.4 uppO alt the tren,g slin .11"e - of the oop eeven of the faot that CO4ts.'x,eqult. the -.rin(li;)g- Of eolnlpara�! concentrated, atall area, producing degree of boat little. four-yeir-Qld girl very soon af. thl Ie I_# siz r ODY f its -t ing 4 Is. Ahe�Ahlrd_Joat vUld. + .1 ANA been Ifu t n-dir ing--,t irr-pwst t wroW Dread AS Tho- -niiWt - n1 0 � Irtill lie s [yeari and each -time they -have r f&Are let. I Rest - Cuflcu rd Heals. meep story is, t hei�l hi he o ad by Ar -stroy, Aid, e r -wq-rrtV0. . . . . . . . Ile lfotk4t: -t,o -th 1`1 r bad an-it6ing rash'on my bact e4 due td the 1) p I M�ill g' 1311t ii Atr effect$ were an ra Which ,�as very' W'rJ- -the, tr6uble I$- oft ! , ( . " q, d shouide er (.I( I 'I. glass IL t kept ste;4_ tating tind tires6rne, bo y and broke 7 Ing all ovcr�rn: lout 0r tea the ano:i&lent, r the usj�.Of 001 f e L L lie leliq of filtit-glass, liiii of WWI! Oub,s haVe been r0l,; Itch Ing,,, and. w�en. I would rub or three diameter told %%'ItIIL double coliumend'ed for , special 11preas th6i they* burned dreadfully Ugamds ave. turnecl �tO' I e'c lition of their Day I -t tand i could hot.enj py a night's -test. in , o, on H.cliage (it 4) ta III oe I ot ich an awards ogi re n.ot getihig. Asp bad given upL. hope �h�n I -to wCub' OI(lerL i.e. or, a' 0 94-- ful eftVt's -Soa'p and Oinitwent,' feet,.' fliall eitilell: Of theill, frol AsplOn o it,; told in the U, tried Qfticura II. ICCIIL it dro-widuk age f0f. and it w.A6 aboutJoUr Vneko L � Lit e YtAl, through tliq'106 oil the A beat - of 0),etl rayn of' 165,626 wh ef wall healed, -after using eight R)i Pit niat I s in. �b Orel. vorage I of 1, �king an ellipern. -'Alcint-yre River. Instead of running cakes of,Sopip and, three, bftts' Itiles oil, I Lumbago and for Pain, T1101i eeq, L w I(Signed) Mis w -Ibll . helly ... whell they bleir Coln. .4 io foi a N%rle & ture'of seventy degi d. Offitment." -bLndfoUncl.coniolete.Sat4.u.c- .. I I . I . I -e a to . out .be following the 'and :dog! Bennett, Valleyt Washington. hilat equivaleift.-to 793,49,q pallion III danger they to�i .9 JJy All Lol (IL during Urth eclollit fixjiih 'Irril, -, - I *.. (&Ilie I gp, pushed It Out Opf age worliod out by P'llysio. cutitura, 96,ap, OintintinIt andTal. re , . � i ( VgI e" ov ]to Pritire . brid firoved bY i tation to nerves or dfg�.,,41011 ' - 11 I . I 'Ali pplivlioil..of al second the - ic CUM promote and ittiaintAin s�inpuru el, aqd One of flie boys, Xlobert-� cI 0 to .11andy ifil Awx ot tN�Plye'l . fly, altin conif6vt and skin, 11ft1th ST heilt ft) 160,311M Ide- -ept out oil it nd'.maug (I ' .. ! Often when all clee fdils. i 011 I nayeIr Tlibltts of (,,()'at feky .14d -r -IL CMAL glwet;. bing tlio . d I, (owning boy it) safety. Velits. 01,11.9gists also rell 4 t-PlIll"'Iti a$012 I - - --C- , 'L V�aughoutVielliominioti. Canadfaril) A A tile IA W. M$ Ills tells iioi, tbirt ONEY OAbERs. tPlitt St. W. me shoWeiwil out inux. heat of It wall to iiix, graills. oul-of-to IA lilt- 01c, it -y Ord4,r.. FIV,� (IA) Of ", of -MoIlloave f "i Ilea (I e" I (l r 4 tP,VO,sts IA OF I$" lit ttL 4 III