HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-06-02, Page 6••••4•414011144•114
-• BACK, TO • 1876.
• Dominion !two First in
gy..ality, Third in Quantity,
in World's Production, -
• Therikis no more atartling feature
In e,griculturaLbistory than the sud-
den ries to preminence as a, wheat
producing area of the Canadian Nerth-
•West. Where but a short span of
years' ago, the buffalo roamed, and
where 'tit. a 'tattle later date pastiired.
. huge herds , of• range" cattle and
horses, ° waving wheat fieldfi that
stretch from the behplder to the' hori-
, -ton laold the vision, and Western
Canada has speedily attained one of
the first places,amoug the wheaapro-
dueing • countries of .the globe. This
• popttion she maintains hot eldte in
the tremendous oat put of her fields,
Paeifie Railway, challenged him to
,opeu the •competition for the prize ter
Canada. M he was for emcee refieen
irnwlfling to do. this, Sir Thorns, on.
behalt of the •Cataclian Facitia
wayoffered a new prize of $1,000 in
gold or the beet bushel Of hard eprieg
wheat grown on the continent o• f
North America.- Ia 1911, the first inr,
erriational cm:lapel:Rion was held uh-
der the auspfces of the Near York
Land Show, Mid the prize was woe hY
Mr. Seeger Wheeler, of ItOsthern,
SaskatelieWan, now familiarly known
all over the continent as the "Wheat
Wizard." It is consinerea that hip
Yield On a small strip of load . ;that
•Year, which worked out at eighty-one
bushels per acre, .in all prpbability
constitutes world's record awe spring
Wheat. ,
In the following yeir, the prize w• ent,
over the provincial herder into Alber:
ta; being secured by Mr. Holmes, et
Raymond. In 1916, it tidelled 'hack'
toeSaskiatchewan, :when Paul Gerlach,
of Allan, Wen Qut against the entire
grain farmers Of the continent. •In
1914, 1915, and 1916, the prize went to
SaskatcheWan each year, when Seeger
Wheeler receented his first success
and took America's first place secede-
sively. Manitoba's turn Came in 1917,
which each fall crowds myriad elevae when one of her farmers, Samuel La -
tors to overflowing and taxes railroad c' ' embe 'of. Bittle . won the first 'prize
. transportation, bet in the high quality for hisDrovincb.' . • ' • ' ' •
of her cereal which has given the
Western prairlei the eread title of the -Saskatchewan's New Champion,
' finest producer .en the American Steiger Wheeler did not .reliacieish
- tinent. ' - ' . ' • .. lthe laurels for long, and at the Iriter
' It has been generally assented, 'and netianel Soil Products Exposition at
with sufficient justificatien:' that the Kansas. City in 1918, "where he eie
Nvceld'e choicest wheat is grown en hibited his Marquis and Red Bobs
tle- 'American continent Thus. the Wh'eat, he , secured the world'e ohm -
'pie -liter. wheat `grower ot the 'coati- pionehib agate, and suceiosfallY con7
nent has •received the distinction .0 tested it the'faIlowing year. . A new.
eliamnion among the world's . wheat .ellanilltou .4-11M In .tlie. same
.. .
: producers; and his product considered in 1920,, when at the International Live
unexcelled the world overThis enStock' Exposition held in Chicago; the
-viable title Canadieh farmers' have honor wes ' wrested from Seeger
., consistently secured without• eXcep- . Wheelete by J. C. Mitthell, of Dane
Um during the past ten years, or from ;de, Saskatchewan, still to stay 'With
the time when the Dominion,first seri- : the Peovince,,and,the Dominion::
- ottsly entered as a dempetitor.againet I Thug for the past ten years; since.
• the older.. grain growing Aides acress:i which time only Western Canada can
• ' the international boundary. , • ' ::' (be said to have haee entered aggressively
If we delve into Western caeaelee-leinte conipetitien with the other giaine
history, • it will he found that this I.•raiOag areeS et the continent, the
area's' fame is ,e producer Of excellent Western ,proeincee of ' the Dominion
' wheat really dates back as far as the j, have carried off each 'year the highest.
year 1876, When the 'prize -wining ; honors for wheat: '. In 'one .year each
.Wheet at the Centennial Exposition at ' has the distioction come to Manitoba
: Philadelphia came from the Peace land Alberta, Saskatehewan :teeing pre-
Itiver , Country, , a region' which as, a• dominantly first ' among . America's
grainprodueng area maY 6/rett• 4t this wheatgrowingareas with eight
championshies; six of which. it ▪ ',5Wes
to that grain g'enine, Seeger Wheeler
*hese name is now renowned in •ag••
ricultutal circles. the' Continent olfer,
-: It is •not long ,Since, the suggeetiori
thatekhea.t could lie grown at all sire -
metal& in the Canadian 19-OrtIFIV-est.
Was ..met ' with the profOundest seep.;
ticism.' NOw,.Canada bee not only as..,
Suined third place, among -the *Alone
of. the world in, the ernotint•it grows
1 •
. This world is a winner, ea`y reaStersthOugla troithies. May en
. ,
us descend; We always live through the . disesters, and. every-
thing's right in the end.. I've lived theoegh a Surfeit ot, sorrow,
' I've lived tin ough anoceen.bacare, I've, wept throtigb the nightv.
. and the, morrow convinced ine':niee Woe wasn't _there. Some
people are alwaya, abusing the planet whereon we abide; they
• hint that if they had the choosing, on some other. world we would
vide. But, when they are. Scheduled to leave us, end flee. to a
happier Clime, they lOok onethe'joerney as grievousethey think
'their departare a crime. , The:longer 1 live ou this Planet, the
better, ,sninother it , seems,- this mixture oT ginubo and
granite is surely the world 'Of eritiideeems. •The kapekereearel*
dealing in fietihri who call it te wilderness' drear; there's just
enough grief and affliction to season the happinesehete. There's
• just enough hustle arid hurry to spur us to allowing our warth;
• there's just enough trouble and worryto keepatis from dylhg of
mirth. tt athere•are nutting up dirg.es, your voice to the welling
do4't le* the :world' fromall shadows emerges; and every-
thing's right in the end.- °.
Tim giNnunvc•OF . •.rb
4aksuinr:. a rail jeurnee• for
T "• "A-1-1'''''''''''' The comfort of tlie yasseuger Is 41.
D Ail 'Don BAGGAGE ,vays steclied, and, to-deye between the
•11.1111Lit larger cities, ' where transfer com-
Panieg °partite, Pne ,inay have one's
,•— ,
effects ch-eekerl througli from rest.
CANADIAN 'R A I eW AY S deuce or' hotel le one CttY to resi-
• '• date he Said to. be inthe elementary
. •
-stages 'of development. Another part
.of the Same territery Carried off the
'first wheat prize in 1893 at the Chicago
World's Fir. • Western Canada has,
rei--ItoWevera-aeen-a-Serlous 'and-Coritinfie
oug exhibitor and ..competitor emly
since 1910, since Which time the three
previnceSeof Aipet*.. Saskatchewan
41.na 1,4axtitoba.-have held Pie world's.
-dira-nr -rnanst4.Pa---betw.e.en----thentr wiegt-
_,...ateg :the rprize_Onee freina the_atheia on
different ebe.ailons, but neverperariit-
liOnor inehis 'respect
to. pass the boundary of the three th_.
- inisends of acres of land ' of the
..•' Seeger Wheeler's Rise to Farm
. • same fertility, Unproductive, clue in
theeyearLAIDeetheelpeeet ,„„Jeerees'J. t tojt eame quality of ,grain
Vast Accumulation of Un-
claimed Articles --Mummy
' Found in Storage Room.
To those not intimately aemiaiated
with the .week, . the handling of bag-
gage -?11r traille may ebein pp:5.We and
•miimpcietant. This Ls not so,. for the.
annually butgucceWulty ..aneental
ite claim -year: ly-to superiority of
quality ovet...-.9theadancls,, And in the
three Western Previades there are yet'
Hill, 'of the. Great Northern. Railway, and swell he productum of the 'Call"
- 'company, offeeed a gold cup to the
. than West, Many fold. • , ,
, .
1, ---lerelueeof_.0„000to.r-tho-best:busbel_ot. _• _.; .---..•--.. .. _
. hard , spring wheat grown_ in the Visitore to Liverpool recently, ow-
hrg to lack ef hotel 'aceoreinodation,
dence or hotel :in another. 4t, Passau -
ger stilling from the Atlantic ports of.
Halifax, St.:7Johri, 'Quebec' or Mcentreal
mey check 'ing away the 'ears with nothing to, sports will do so. ., The conqucit- o
his baggage through from f
an interior point."' in •Canada or the: show for it but the irfemery,cfesinoth 'F,veiaat will .go far 'to establish 'new ,
United States•eo his port of landing La and shining 'floors, darce earls and climbing. dntres . and open . new re-
Greet•Britain or the Etiropeen coati cinnedeliers and incligietible.."ref. reale. 'sorts ato;touristS, holiday-makers and. .
: ' • ' huntere., The grand rarige: of the
One,: of its .mournful duties • is the The hdlf-lieing are those 3:viiii filling ."Abatie,of.S11DW,",Wial,itS MI11114
trailsportation 'of the hodiee of the a fagged and listless body toetle day's peaks eXeceding 25,000 feet in height,'
. • , e• '
work because they are litei:nlly played p.rornises u.' pleyground w;orthy of the
deadCarefulchoolinghas educated ee„
railroad :• '- ' , .. , , . " • - eugenic race that is to dome upon our
employeesto exereise the ""-
greatest respect •and. COnsideration in' What keeps . some men .robtistly. on -planet 'when the, elk
acers and the •
the 'moving cif this elass of traille.ead, . iletlanti have passed awny.. .
gergeefuils and prompt bendling cif :great personal ietereshag-
ror the feellnge of relativee or friends. the go at an age When others are opt a
of the race, and even. broken,: is. ;-the
t. T. ,.
An Unelaimeci lylumeiy. ..habit . they . have followed alarays of
the owner, and the lose or abuse h Ie ot , ,.. .
or delay to, that properte, pauses bq . the uneleinied storage reems a ,plirrttyin.r.If it ian hut
each hour all ti
for ret
hat it Will
the railWays there is a Nast aeCumula, e., e :s e:s, then
criticisth:and Onderimation. . ••
It Is estimated that the average • n•o . ,, .
f trunks valises and many typos •-• .
they n11. that hent;with ,reet„which'.is
piece eat baggage today to -day ,,,is valued.. at , swmhuch:a. man's 'clarty as hts leer . .
pity • oureerves for'. 'being
of .MiscelleneouS articlet,„such as um- a
• Half Living, .
. . Mount Everest,
A riffeat thinker once midthat we. „11;:of coarse, VW whole earth is into.
can, always do mor o than, VY'e think l'ested in, the organized assault of the '
we are eble"to do. ' Wont. Geographieal Society and th
Ocearta of. talk cannot cover up a. Alpine Club upon, its highest summit.
failure. „ Ail that. an .einployer wants "Dun. would, lw be of sOur' who did
tb know is whether he goo4s were not eave. Botany, io4logy- and gen,
.delivered or not. Exclises do n'et logy will be enriched hy discoveries,
matterand medical science -Will derive •data
EVerywhere are people who are Only -of valtie as to the 'perforniallee Of,
halfealiveonly half ° their.werl. the human' Inachine in*a earified, at- ..
--barely teaseirig niusten7scraping mosphere. But it is not for. the sale
through like a schoolhoYin anOmni- of science that men are ' -primarily
rnatio, with .a madric just. high enough seeking tht supreme altittule of Mttunt .
to quilifyEveiest They are • conquering tribes
7ore`ier we have to fight our own arid jungles and ,,native • Emperstitions
inertia. 'When.we speak of being the and chilling .*iows arid avalancheper-
victims ot circumstance, we Misuse ils hecaUse, being men, the old thrill
the word circumstances.. .It is not the 'of an exploreree quest of the unknown':
"standing around" ' us, as the and the .unseen allures them beyond
;word signifies, but the ' - things in.; all power to resist it.. They are climb4.:
dwelling-ethe bad habits WhoSehold ing, Everest for the reason that Peary
is so tenatioese-.that.liciid tie hack anti arid Amundsen went to. - the Poles.
'pall us down, and keep us from reelia- Their effort" is to all the world an.
ing the fulness of .the :promise 'of our • inspiration, • " • • -
youth. • • Senile cabinet voyagers are saying,
We talk of !`seeing life," and when •"Why don't they fly"' 'Because there -
we say that, what do we mean'? We is no suitable place to start or to and ,
ntean h loafer's definition of pleaeure; The approe dies to the mouetairt are
we mean luxerioes trifling; frivolity. themselves -unknown. The map$. have
and inanition. -- • . . • nothing to say of _the .puelieris 'of
"Seeing life'' might mean visiting a Evereot The .hoight of 29,002 feet (let.,
steel mill, er watching the building. Of pot that two' feet be left off on pain
ships or hate or locchnotivesa; but in- of the dispteesere Of the shades of e
stead we use the/ word ..to indicate the faithful telgorieneeters) was taken g
sonae sort of "slummingr expedition, by triangulationa long disten.ce off --
in high life or law. • . and 4 Jere. ti_rie ago.- -The motintaire:
"You're missing -the best of yogi' might. ha.,:e' .heen:er. tined Qacen Vic -
life," some tempter urges. poiefing three but •glery,' enailah hi the . geo- •
the way towed gilded, rose -hung .apd graphy 'is he., •insteed, the ron of,
dazzling inzquit. the 1-Iirrealayaa . the name. cef the
But that ...istiql• hfo 1:31irniCg the modest•head of the eurvey'. •
candle it both end e in rietoas e,Xceesee It 'is an elh•Brilish. expedition'. The
is the destructiot.of life.- These who- United -States, people ,insty, :subecribe;.,
are h•alf •living are.lhOS.0 Whenre"fool- and sortie of. these who Me good
'An ilateiefiting PuiWicatiori.
The Vniveraity 'PrIerOnto has just
issued 'a bulletin "Which will d'ie off
.: • • .. , .
especiel• inteeest, to students in' the • :
.. . Celleglate Institutes; Higha -Scho'ols,..
'brellas, canes,. eoetsi. hats, rubbers, and Continuation Schools, Who are a
approximately, two hundred. dollars,
although the' liability of railided.traiie • -.:
buoy carriaggeaand Puce in 'a- while:a: "tired,"' we bIanie it On •the work `we .
plain -ling .. their . university cbureesa
portation companies is limited ,tdeone eintelf err a wooden leg; ea .of 8enfe4, did -'-it Ought to have been the 1s- 'It ..,, .,
the - ettiff" in science
apparently, the owners got net. tiignk is Vanity' Fair that. is only half living, ' r`lared• by the
r this -faci- aoxity of -Areaig booklet 'Ont--'
hundred dollars for all the baggage of :
Itis the world's busy Workehop that ,-
en adult passenger.' The average bag- worth while! inquiring.ter. ' Not long, • • • :- - . , . •,..- •iines first the chjec.ts of:. the :Course's. .
ago a mummy, possibly . destendant i.s 'wholly end ineessautly alive, arivo .. . . • . .. •
ries about ' one hundred • pieeep Per
ga,ge ,car, between given points, '..car -
of the 'Pharaohs. crept in and eras, sold on iill the sags of men. • ,. . ,. .plains to 'what. Vocations, theie.coilises*.:
- in each ef •the ..emences and : then ei...: .
, . , .
a'• ' ing forward.,with the toil that is put
by "publie auction other' effects.. • .- lead, •thats is,. in each ease :a ,list
trIP• is '.,-
T -Willi -n total car average;ralue of
$20,000:00.. The average trunk -albite ,.. The Baggage ,Department ot a rail- The partly awake 'and the ',PartlY
given. of .pesitieria •WhiCh: 'a graduete ,
•$25.90, .a way;also has ender it..1' wing. the hand-
. ., alive, 'giving .hut a poi -tip of their
in any • :course 'amid .hatic:. to. abthin
to day coets not less than ,
good grip or suit -ease...not _mach -leas; •hrig,o. the_most_v_alua.ble and neri
: . ee feeble, eleeny selves to their work,. are
after..he leave's. the "UniVevsity• Thu • • •
, . .. ----4-4-1.-far7-1 , hunietous. We a-Inst.:strike-4%
n- •-belletin ..9.1101.1id,.helP "I o '1,51.1e-ae,. for *the ;-
therefore, great euro shouldbe exer ablefood eoninindity; milk, which ew abalanee . between the ovetladen '
cised in- theliamilingneatliesera-rtielese
and the uncierehargea 44--•°. till.. each muse b6Y 6r eh% the Problem:. of vocational :
mast he hanttled-jwith-lbe-greateet-tios
, guidanc.0; it -sThouril also -be' ..neetal to
parents who., are callecl.upon to adriee
their eh il ciren: lie 1'67 :We -ebli, The-.O'f.-74:. -,
rife -work. ,The, Provincial I niveLsita .
is alive to ,the---1.esp'.8sity•not.ronlY
bottling and detirert ap, coestimera. ... ,....e.e. - providing the very best of instruction .,.
Surely this is important traili , .
rat's.: show Whiali aeay.' the .1,,,i1141 laut,--alio Ilif--„%txkvp-Wing . advice- rtell-: .
The' question- -cite-promptaeSS, is pi-. paichr.----on-arirnai Of-a•traie carrying . his .. .
Ihit4 4t, the larger. een_t_eees one Inn), hifiaseheiiihee and do hifeNVO,Pk NY'llYitii
• g lielding. nothing back. .
see the vehicles or a hundred dealers. ,
around the milk, platforni taking the . - .
milk to.the faCtoty for peeteurization, - A fillgele,P6st.
.gent. .it,isepleesieg to the passenger,
to find hie. or 'her property': in the
:honSe or Itote/ room within a retie -on --
able thee after arrival, as •clean'
lathes or change of dre,ss, .desired,
and the commercial man may wastrio
exhibit . his samples promptly. • Delay deserving of the best. care and attene wows,in
Soviet Befssia.• guidance to pareetsi and children in a
te_heggage geneeally 'Means. in *I
no -a Um' 'that can he...gNen,..it. Odr Cepee .•
Not Icing' -before .lihe •theviilalleof educational matters : • This' bulletin is"
•._0•tvited States..• Sir .Thpmas Shaugh- T.Wrahgel .in the Crirnea the '-ruble he suliPliedi en. .•-fil3Plicaffone
venience and loften lesi ot -ternpeia aion-railayseaPpreciate this face, sand.
while the property that -has- diagaJPeart hive -gone -far -towards oromot,ing -of-Lwai esine•went to 20,000 to the del- a- .•
nessy, • President of . the-- Canadian' were hotteed .an a liner lyiegt. itadock. •
e causes a great dearefdiScomfort to-. -went handling. `Speclal•trains . • •SucCeeS Nugget& ,
ar. eThenat sanl. to an. aby.ana vel .
• mind andtody and serious'inonetary been run -to care. for- a' few PieeeS of • tvliere 'it ceased to inea,n anything as •-Being thpreughbrede noestet de-
• •' •• • • baggage that had iinfortunetely been euenee yaw - . pend upon ybur endesters. hats epee
Dr.. Bell on kace Suicide
. • 014 Stage Coach Days • -' overlooked.' In the year 1920, the
Cana eu Pacc Itaihray alone' han .In Moscew the Soviet has 'decreed Yhu.
.. •
Why-eliould the _railways tarry arty
led 6,371,0'00' piece's of paseen wall: 'that 0.9 rubles -arid the„goid franc Wbee a Irian etoes leardieg ha stops
... •
+hasiZ ' - 0 0 On '
ler-LAleeancie.recrah ell. inventethtelephone; 7-1e. -the -uirei
nuenher, of the ejpurnal of Heredity,
suggests -.a; new; point of- view Of .the.-
acsuiCid'quegtion. He says:
• ea,
' J 7
e' (*. • 7
' ''.F..,0••;%fr
baggage, free is•a questiem t g are equiyalent This means 2 hying. So does a business. , •
rtiotia that 9 per ‚cent.' of the
re; .
pecaileetedeeldeatoaltave..no-e. rem- J`-!l1-7-keel-...!`as-rt°4""." -•-atage-4---geea-ea--aaereel eae rublesateathe :dollar' It seen& , ern: , "No is eeet -lost we , once have
age, mad o this vas.t'lituriberablit 71 '
..In the 015 ii7tfaiieller-wrsvermitted:, '1,1 • , d. . - eyear_ the ;. Soviete .8e en ; • Nkr".070:1W.Itkr tete 51'
haTve 'been."
V ill thepoPulation of the iSland die ore o, lees, ea • about 50 pieces de, ,was held "at 5;000 and 6,000 as theni ht
9.! t-hee' layed so.ornall-a-Pereeirta o 'n - - • ' • -- r
I -Nec er admit: you re ,discouragechea •
Otit9, ' • ' • Ao..oer.r.Y hie,poetnneteee op top
een-etae epach witlieut..cherge and .this este - t IUII or the . If the, ex-
change Wag -Made -by 'way of' Esthon- Oren ti) Ybarself.; ' .
Theanis'i,-i."IS 'ie. 'The nett' in theethousandedecimali: • eTh.ere -- '-
lashed prectiee which hie remained
• tioo will be • composed exclesivelysa
"acnee people -Jove ehildrell,
.desteridante ef the 1 per cent. who de-.
. to hare' children of ', their
own: Others -fez .Intriarra-e,„ frildren-Lid • :siret:H•thhave'nhildrenr'nud-theriroffilt
enees-Perhaps neoessaey evile be na descendants at all of the• other,
99 .per•
-fatathe ceulnthey tirivanco ef „the receelie bothered with ebut
"."The stritienera against - malearraY
Why shod '
will not disanpear an one generation;
' abehi avhen they don't want thema
._ ahd the second kettelibn 1•Iilit be re-
'-e-aiaLet-:-thoSe-whealeatir.e..thildreteaar_e_ - -
. ;teem., and those who don't Want them
. _ • : -•
have none, and see.hOW'.it will work
eat. - '-- - - • ,-- 'a: ---'..-- '
•-oll. -
,heritable- characteristic. Obvieuely,
e filen, the neXt -generation' Will Inherit
it-•fram their _naAnts...to... a. eertain_e_k,
- tendentS; at , aii ' to inherit the •phihi-- •,Bggage7.7,fiepartr4.0nt Le,. by„np Japans,
tion e baby c enages, does, ea.., the
tent, whereas there Will be no des- "la yeti Speak another ward, you' lump
. Of pork, ill soa cut you.-Shortt-" :
hatred of those-WIRTIthatattreiltruni urea eeepaying-oae-,athe.-reeentte .cellected
. . f• .
. eliCatatne•-•filiort, yOu elieeSeem'aet"'
• .sprieg, • -
f . Would. net pay'ene•terith the cost. el e . .. ,. , . , 1 •----.
, F., bute the .enraged c,i.int.
. "To seapiffy tile nrnPosition, •• iin. will be more foeund then. the..last.. The..: Net ;.onlY s' the Per.§flnat sa,ggage. •-Yes, awl 'heat, goe:s•Z," .stv: I I
. agirfe, Per netive•raee to be placed up • desire to tivoid maternity, will ete out ot the passenger.taken Cier'h .iit,' ' but • - ma' t le
on an island prptecied.by •suiteble-ine- to a great extent. on acCount of the lack baby earria*eF, d91;4, 'bi6relea, fehl.
• - ' Migration, 18.A.g. froin. 'the ceirmetition 4 Of offspring to Inherit it. The spirit of clidsts, guns, fishing .rods, Curling
race iMiCide.will itself commit seichie, •Otones, skis, tohokgans: and. the plilt--
of other races:, . . . -.
s.v.),0561that, eii eheeisland,the. Un- .end )cu,ve a more fertile race than be. mernalia ef -the golfer are 'harrted.
pOPtilantY of inaternlir 1 caches . such fore.
' weee 13;000 ,f)iycl6§,- 21,000 5.1ogs, 2g.,- jan.and-c&•mallpfiti.ks, it was ramibie '• .Don'i' die- on •third liege.
in:"effect ever .singe, • •ir•reallY Means "We will. all be equal, arid"I.' will be
-that. irenfildifi one to the 'passeirger-get---aa
00''':ijar 'ticleetrr..t.atntit'r2
1,494:50,90,00.n.fettelris a.anf-l.,t..o. procure , as ..much cis 11,000 malice
• ' • ' ' '
ting transportation ' for ..himeelt for a souse
. , far; adollar. . But thie' present„ level' YoLliri.alrlegt•01.,r'' 1$
certain f..re• he gets- also v.-ithout•tua , • , • - • • - e ' • eh' t ts-- , - 1 ' 1
e , • - 'pink ' ' ' ' ' : '. '• • .' is ou .ice.• ea ow as the dwesti . theapoor man's 'cep tal'..
In -the Parcel --rodiris; '';%. -IA , .. ,
they charge the free ' 'Carriage of 150 '
Crime iindet theenaministaathin of tlifoil
•••-h..-h-aafafrtep-eitit-the: Sealet-riffilg---hriza time -lied .4V -ha -4-4O- we -Hie for-etralleteteen: lc* .
re`eieusly: ' ' • - ' -, ' ' • - " life less •difileult.to one.anather,e -. •
*NS. of tiaggage; With insurance, of $160...: Bag.g4ge,. Dou4i.t4leit,. 1,189,1:a00,,...p.ar.. .
in. ease the Preperty is..ibst dr dam , ... , • , ,. . . It Will. not do -to, ,isistint. because
of 'e: :-..ikilling.SurpruTtitrifakies; * _
•: - e. e . ehe _low - velefe-pf the Tunieethet. Bol- - • , - . .2 , -
the Perceritage, of the; Seebnci genera e eent -ley .ele, ., cels ..ere.,si. e. e ...
• • .. - wheri we remninbet 'tii;it the • C ' •
- a .. • • . .. e . • 4.-. fi-gft7 oTf-1:alt7e:erpt:r'yslf for pergOual..1. . • •: . ...Long7Range Valor' ' Pee.aBtit -•-• Thealacteneein, the . nuieher :of' hae. .
press iieilfroostaehe ciwire't aleotte-imeet. ...., .. ----' --- .-4.,-.;.,:- ' i .': O'nyisi 'rill° is' 4.11.0:tlia
tion Who will •heve. children will be . - • ' %pox fajoe-S7In --lkffaio Para, ,Wifinsiriglit7;':•:
, . . , . 4 ... you re . a 'Hari" . dueled the little eaehelseee; eeee'reae. a.e;ace ieeee....eirlIa:i '..,%-elta..., ',hito reached .Suela .preportions
"greateratianate-aheaffeiteandthe P'14-°4'!--‘--,'''. -.:-:-L... ', . ''. ''' ' .. ' . ' ' • • • ' . . ' '
• '; 41'4-1Y11.0. Ceitt'4. r",i1 1"`", hov;. that it is maimed. to slatighter. 1,000
' -inTaV-9-eieeketne.P.nacaliewasehteetithieealara.,
secle-filinaleenfey- • •
rxr..u.o..utg7 „
St itelP4R1 IJT
• ' , charges on baggage Of ekcess-Weig leg a huge hoe • Do you dare ine
4 '
• ed. that ea vonsidenable :awn .vtail be • "
'credithaslallefie No.,Government',can
. "Thus in each sticceeding •genera• .a.ftd excess 1,1Talue and for Storage of it, ' • •
that yeti realized. fieen the sale of the meet;
• , PQ01 pu y puppy . •
n 9" 6110 tO 'rear a peintanent. etatcture
tion -the-number- of people. w,ho. d;eeire. . in:addition to 'charges for tran§porta-
oi came back the defiant-J:41Y. onethe-fotindation ItholvencV, hicles.anp.3.10^2tds. "
. ,
children. and heeP "them will' inetease,
the. .eiglitY-three,
ilifetien-Wietad fro. in telrewith ttiot eburego.". easel the teacher...Many possesserl 'during the war,' thir-
Znp1ju1s Gr
sult that 'each gucceed•ing generation
.and • the percentage averdhig -tepree
• . •
,rt.d of Qerman Zeep's.... •
r •
o o A
515'T E.C2.:
NS -Tee -VW
5 nq
f -AC. REP-,
A i-kALf
/11.4 r••••0
•e.e-,Y• '
• ':11Q //,
7'is the eouraier.lhat meketi a boY do ty-four Were 8hot doW11 anti' destroyed, '
theilts lb .right, reetitallaas.. at thitteee, caught Rile "ireetientally,•and
poor puny phl)PY, hharidY, itnd ,before wbut,ite
the biirly one could' utter ,a word 'ireilie jeers of his.comptinione." .a; . s
ninete ii other wereadesiiereci in ,
hung ire the teleplione'rekaiirei. ' .. -:- -- hen, "4 ti, ‘1' iLti4*, if a aaaeltae• eater 0,1,a4,Q,....,,
' '" ':-......;.--..::•:-..-'-:: ' '" '' S‘VV('-atli • and 'eats 'e in ill li lin-sett,: area - ..e.—....e.....,,-.....1-1.4,- 0
"Civilization'. is respeniible for •a, ain't -afraid.-of. th ...nther 'boye• caller" - The balance Whgel Cif a watch moves
This really includim alltlint on'might ...
steads- dci;cf,eratiort. in OM tcen. . I hail -stingy, is '''tlia itioeti .equritgera. niore:Ithrin,a500 Miles in tt.':,t-estr.
.4 . . .
t(4.34riligijniEkg."-=-Ey d-eri-6 .4BylriteS . ' ' ' ''' ' • " . , . ........,
, •
At4" t4e.ves4,
4 4,,
-rtAtto.),..41=t F I czs-r