HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-06-02, Page 51111111 II �I Iltll 11 �� VIII 'CREAM- WANTED a .i: • • • • • - . • w'.'t.,• My H ........-..� R?-••'-�.'� ,112:., • _., 41. That iswhat everyone says who :comes to our'store and the pure r3' Y. mr ical tone of Edison's Amberala Phonograph, after listening to shrill !talking machines" and the, metallic 'scund of ordinary phonographs That is what you will say when this revelation of pure .melody greets your ears. No wonder Edison's Amberola has proved .its. marked , superiority over ordinary phonographs in great public . tests.• .A EDISON'S NEW • DIAMOND is "the world's greatest pphonograph value the "master product of Edison's master' mind." Just consider . its genuine. Diamond Point` Reproducer, which forever does away with the bother•.' and' expense of •than¢=. And ilmberol • rcorsdr are just as. far superior toordinary records.. 'They are practically sndattrautibh; and give tsars o enjoyment after ordinary' records have bnokep and been thrown away.. • When yon 'consider that you can own Edison's •Aml erola on prarticallyyour own, terms you imtirst real : at you owe it to yourself .and your family to come to our store withoht'delay and let us play the world's. ' best music. for you on this 'wonderful 'phonograph. Don't delay your visit' -tome rod -y.,, tomorrow, -as- - soon as possible—we will expect you. Bring all the family and your friends„ too --they will;all be welcome. J. G. ARMSTR,ON 1 111111111 tori. 25 for '►POLE' SHOT AT DIJNLL43t4 tl A few •weeks azo it Waa: reported. that qt.. moil S1ri.8 'seen In ;ne 'omen hor'hood of tine village- of Dunlop, .)Huron, Cp. At first tkie story was laughed at; but 'recently tWo farm- ers lad ,sheep Trilled and it , was thought that the wolf might :be soil ty. 'A, few, nimroala got together and remained on watch in a barn, the sheep• being kept in an; enclosure near .by.t The first night, was .pass- ed without result;' but' on the second. th.. wolf appeared and was :promptly shot, •It proved to be a full-grown, male coyote.' It had a leather. col- • lar with ,nickle plate about its neck showing that it had been in captiv- • ity. 'There was no inscription on the plate, so that nothing could be learn- ed ;as to ,where it came. from, " It is 'thought that its . home was, . some- where in :the newer parts of Ontario and.. that. having .escaped; it followed the Lake Huron Shore; southward: Thetre was nothing :• to 'indicate:. that. it had• a companion. --0-o-o— , DIFFICULT••PROPOSITION, • The publication of a newspaper ,is a uitucuit, nnapciai proposition at. any, time and especially under pres- ent Conditions •01 nigh costs for wag - ea and Material. 1f newspapers had' advanced in proportion to advancing costs, 'the reauer would rave -ween paying X10. perey.ear tor his daily newspaper and 'at Least $3 per year for his weekly. As it is .the advertis- er has earried-sopie of the increased costs.Papers •.that have survived• have taken care of the balance of the 'increased costs by • increased pro- duction and '•increased efficiency and economy., in management. • 1. ' SOMEBODY'S BRIGHT IDEA • • An - automobile wrecked .through • • •being "hat' by:.a tirain , leis -Texas. town now' 'serves ' as a warning . to otlier,:auto-drivers: "f be wrecked car : has • been' placed• on a •: substantial piatform •at the' crossing, and on a- Arge sign • attached : fo the ear .'is painted "The . driver' of this 'intorno,' '.,ire did not look and listen:" • The wrecked . car will '.nerve a good : par- po'Se- in^ this. way, resulting no doubt +n saving other ears and lives. There• are many' "wrecks" along life's 'high- way to warn `us of danger: ' The wise man •ls •.on the lookout for these. warn gs in°.and is often 'saved front disast- er by; heeding , their admonition.;- :vashville; Advocate. •' • • , • • u- -FORS- SEAFORTII RIAMI1Y. CALL ANY DAY AND .GET A • CAN AT .T. SMITH'S STORE We test -Wednesday and Satur- _' dac,, P IL Get sour can any day. .Will also buy.. limited quantity -of : good ,cedar logs: "WE WILL APRECIATE'. YOUR PATRONAGE. ---D. ANDREW-- 25-11-tf. GOOD • ROADS-. IN •_ BRU C1'! : (Owen Sound Sen -Times). - 'In•Bruee-.Count}.. the ' ,Good 'Reads Committee have made someremalk-. --stile-Progiess-and" pantisularly on; the' allaaniaMani • W I --t IT -EI STAR•LI N ANNUAL LOW- FARE -EXCURSIQ1'l: •. GDERIC`H 'to DETROIT and RETURN • 11 -- Alii "y.. The Big Steel Steatner:Greyliound :B•l'LLDY, ti U'E, CUJIFt I.IT 3LE. $3.00 RoundiUTrig, 2 Op One Way.` .. ' will "lea'v odt;t ii li TESDAY, JUNE '4th,' at 9.30 ` w ArrivingPott Huron 2, p.m ;•'s Detl'"oit, 5,3d, . p:nl • Returning; 'leaves petrol 1 'p, m•, Thursday, ,June` 1f•,th:' The only�''brat trip • from Goderich to Detroit this : season. '. Children .between G and 12, ?i 'rare. Visit .your Michigan "friends and see; big busy Detroit. A delightful trip Digi the great. international highwayof lakes .:arid rivers. G'ODERiCH, BAND, MOO N LIG IIT out of Goderich Monday, . June 13th. 8.15 p.nl; Oith �s• tea for dancing in steamer's ball ' rooln, 3 hours on beautiful Lake Huron . for 50c, Children 25c: Last trip to .:Goderich to Detroit Friday June 17th; .9•3'O a.M.. uit the .A Army of :. Washday :Drudgery. Join the ranks of more than 150',000 happy, satisfied women, who never .fear. • wash -day,- because they use the washer that runs easier' Loaded than ctA.'re do. empty. T'he' road' between Kincardine and Port' Elgin is 'their, work noticeable: For. -the".whole` stretch this, road is --in e' cellent condition and is a.,credit-to,the neighbar n eQW tY.:..O1; eoursetherei •.is very- little engineering_ ncork neces sary, such:- as: confronted the' Grey Committee on 'ti►e'Meaford.Rtiac1; •bVt• the work in Bruce seems to hive gone With a swing A. «ell •.known Owen Sordid business ,man •was'•over.. this stretch of road on :Sunday even ins .during the Very worst,,of the !fear' dawnpotir df. rain =and 'lie., ,aid; "l'11 tell 'y:oti that piece of -road : is simply elegant .'You could dti' n as- fast sfast as- your c'ar could go and :there- was nust`"a"buinp:•-or-•4..rut on the, whole -stretch:: _to:o-,o .0 ' .A COLT ` WITH F,IS"E FEET •The 11ildnlay. Gazette isyresponse able for the.A.1- t with •the .5p29.1 eta-gent—b.- a.i'd L-'ur-winged wooden • cirsil� -i't riots so e is,,)-- y :Dail _tap,• O.i ate -it. Positively ti op't injl re et .m. the most deli Or -pees. ,, eaCt.I�l ' ect.s. �-•$a11=1�taratz,�ti;�ali`:automatic • cur tr=li€t; metal faucet;-highl.y:fin , fished-tltb..;'- Guaranteed for 5 Sears, •; -r•out.l:.:oisey ref -untied -ed in 5E•} ,_ saris&ed •- �' -Come NOW—see a itemonstrat,of of ' this remarkable !machine e & Porteo •ii s 111▪ 12 INN NIN ■N INN N E 111▪ 111 N OB 111▪ 11 NMIINN: N MI NM N▪ IN INN IMM NMI e SIM MIN •.41111111I111111111'.l111Ii1I1I_!i!A� Ti`wi'r, � of;`-C;nlroshas •a-;ciirioslty attl.� 'nistarns. h t; is attracting consider.. DRIN>r _ : .• Able attention..' It is a tiny. colt,, a` Et'` tiionth old, with hve'feeC Ali the GRAND TRUNKSYS EM HE' 'D'OUBLE TRACK ROUTE ;. MONTREAL TORONTO - DETROIT. - and CHICAGO • Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars. on Night. Trains and Parlor:Cars, do principal Day Trains. [• 1•"ttll" information from. =any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E.' Horn- ' ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor- onto. n • !', Fs, Phillipd, Agenf, Luckuow. y „• "Ile Who Hesitate • IST Lost y Don't hesitate. Start Start • to -day. • Bring your Cream. Eggs and Poultry to Silverwoods, Ltd. And snake money. SILVERWOODS FOR SERVICE E. AITCHISON. .. Phone 47. FUJRN:ACES' SUPPLIED AND ., •"INSTALLED•-PLUMI3ING -AND., ELECTRIC 'WIRING. 'FOR_ • H AGES A TS F _.T E �ECLA tPIPELESS FURNACE.., JUNE .ROD 'AND, -G0. except' the ,right• front .leg, ,on which' there; are two' feet. The firs..t .joint, en this -leg is' about' double • the size ot the others, and on this' are grow: 'ng two ,perfectly fsirnied'hoofs, The colt is 'doing well, and appears to .ex- perience no ditlicuity by the extra appendage.,, ' i- o-o.o•T--. -: Followers of Iteak Walton will look forward to the 'June issue,' of Rod and 'Guii in Canada, which is now on sale at the.n>rws stands: In _tni._,.number-.thrice_•are,fi,`•ti fishing_ stories. and articles - . by such well knot ni authors as A. Bryan Williams F. V. Williams, S. C. Cain, Robert Page Lincoln and S. H. Howard '•Tie Silver Doctor" an interesting story of fishing in the Shekel: Can yon, i worthy' of especial mention. The hunter and firearms: elan has been well looked after in this issue by C. S. Landis, the guns and atn- nttinition expert. In addition to this feature, the latest propas,ed amend- ntents to the fit•esrnts permitlaws • are published in gull. • ".THE WESTERN FAIR • —•--Ltondoni. Ont. • Sept. 10th to 17th Although early in. 'the season the, managemelit',of_: The,: "Western Fair are . act`t'p pr'esarin -°ivr the -big Exhibition in_ September.. The Prize List Will' scan lye reac)y for :d strtbfz- tion. Six thousand dollars has. been added t ' the list this year. It has required considerable nerve on 'the .part of ./the Board to ntake this niag- nifitent cash addition but the man- agement beli_er"e' the Exhibitors and the general p)ibiiyi Will appreciate. these efforts to make London's Ex= • hibition'second to none ,in the Dom- inion as far as prizes are concerned. All information regarding the Ex- hibition may • be obtained from. the Secretary, A. :J f, Hunt, Dominion Saving Building, London, Ont. - E' TEST A\'D`P C FOR--THE- TORONTO- CIT HETORON O --CRF A NilzRir .; (U• F, O.)' OCCIJ RATE.S.TS - BEST: • PRIC CANS •SUPPLIED,;: AT ; McClure Bldg.. L. R. TAYLO JD SI:?THE�,Ei.A ii_.& S0NS,• Ltd. Guelph, Ont,, Insurance, Fire and Marine: Lacknow. L.O.L.;: No- 428, meet .in t::eir. ledge' ro n1,. e»ezk:-seconds Tues • tiny .-t;f the month at S o'cloci pini.' ; .Wt-:' 1:, Jas.: Ir\sin, Rec. Se`c't'.; Wm.'. "". ".Hina .. , b , „ NOTICE ,iU t ltT;l?I"1'UI:b In the matter 'ot the Estate of John .laantbie, late Of' the. •Tou'ilmhip ut t t)inerne, in t4,1s •.-1 ouitty, oL ::t4•ur on, deceased. \u.11�r..is i<reoy given pili„tint to .:ct uzr . o, L apze il.i,• 1Jl�l : tele. a 1 efeit., t•1 'tit1.t ot'i '` A a1:411; t a'i112� a�a:I: t .tae rJatts.tt v2 the or .1.•�« i file t4� Mir .t ?i t r.'J t 1Ji:4. :.ietYtliiltd V:' Vi ..elite ::w luta'a:«.} Ot )U'Xt, A.L1, )_.wit, t s.i;u by .•prep.lii tai oe tri tV th.J.g1- a r • :.4 ; .tt.. .it l 11; 1 _ t ltl t ,i :due said _i »- 'c,. lull. pal:- any/ ta,any/ ilt tai'-' by them. •-itta take nulae, 'that ; a: er s:l 11 last n:entiosn.'d dote.ii trix �� :11 proceed to dati•toi.tt: the .ia- 4ets •uf t11e said' deccasecl anions; •inn parties "csat t«.i tileret.,•,. • -nae •ng • re- gard llly. to Mile claims of' vOl E 1 ... said Agent ur the aid .d:t ..lsila".• r1� s:ait then have"snotice. • • ' Dated !lay, Geo. A. Siddall, Agent for Atl uttlis tratrix, •r.F'..0 C"t l f lit 1Lod s _ ti los Bei eft- Tl l ad y.;rnght an . before the -full ntovny in tile• Mas- onic Hall, . Hay elock . St•; Lucbnow. ` V \I.,. N..G: Mackenzie;' ` S. Reid; J:ti":,• J. etc Quaig;. Sec., W::A ilson. , 1,0.0.F: Liickrow' Lodge meets every Friday"ei ening nt 8 •oclook in theiir • ail„gam Flpbell •street.-- •',11 -brethren-.' •'cold.all'•'- inc=ited • Officers:"noble Grand,' Rebt., Johnston; Vice Grand,' Arch. $arbour;„Ret: Sec:, E4. Aitch}—. • se .,• tai_Sea, Dr. Paterson; Treas- usr, Alex•Ross • • :t. optimist is a_.:nan'who thinks tat:. cap. 'toy, ,front'a''Scotchnian• and- • 1 'z ell *.to a . Jew and make a:'protit, a -�(1i•t•• 4a„illt _,S_.a.-.titan ,3410 .•. Thet's otlly one. individual ^'n'to tan slap his fellow• man in the face and »zet away with it, anti•that'sthe Barber: . 10=4-540 •Lai:kilos,, Ont: -----0' O' 0--- ' Wonder ..civ many young lad.es will observe "Paint Up Week,” .�0 "n 0 t suffer ;.t,other+i t} wan itc'Inttt , .•t i'r •trod itiI•lle+ Nov sarual rper. at 1.. a required,. Dr. Chaos's Ointm;t:t nal tele ve )i.a• at once and •ittotd 1 tstluz benefit 'cue. a bet • all dealers, cr xar. ••='r, to ..es S Ca., is€Witted, • Tervntp. S1n1p a 1301 treeft } n twentlon this plysr !tact eaciose zc. stamp to pay posiage.. v • + Vis. • • 1 4 4 41 4 4 4 .4 4 4