HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-05-26, Page 41 • • Incexporated in 1855 • CAPITAL op RESERVE $9,00000 " Over. 130 'Tranches - , • r Titt ateitt4 lisp 1 „ j 1! p 1lliREttrituntu, Ortitturt r- -Published evergThu$'$dIY =Malt Lueknew, Ontario `• B,•' SLACK NZ1h1 ptp;arletor pad latter, • 'THv&SDAY, MAT 26th,, 1921. THE " •M O LSON,S IAN • The Molsons Bank.wants every farmer to feel that he base a real friend inthe Vianager,.that ,he will receive ,a hearty' •d welcome'and Can safely diseuss With him liii'Moiieyneeds. S. .R311),. •MANAGER, . LUCKNOW BRANCH cCO M1CK NGS and. M R DURING FARM MACHINES and .REPAIRS• hH.C," Tractors. and Engines; , Geo. • White & Son Threshing'' Mac hines; Louden's : Litter Carriers; Stalls, Stancions and Water .Bowls; Frost's Coiled Wire and Woven Fence; Connor's , Perfection. Electric Washer; Ganglia', Whites; aiid Lee ming Pianos. .. , • FOR SALE BY Ft - We W•-•. LUCKNOW.a. ESTABLISHED 1872. HEN you start . your child- ren's Savings Accouinta take them with you 'teethe Bank. Let the see . what:tthe Bank is. :.like. and impress them with the , fact that successful "Grown ,i)p" business men and womenare doing just the . f same thing with , larger .:amounts. The 'Lesson will not . be, wasted! DAIK =HAMILTOI 1[sUCKNOW BRANCH -J• A. G1ennie, Manager , EDITORIAL ;TAM. • . A court ',of industrial - relatiarle down in the state of Kansas • has made a ruling that women who4ier- form lien's work are entitled to the same wages as men. This toot may some day have to decide as to: .what is men's work and women's work. no easy task wheli•woinen are enter- ,i[ig almost every walk- of. life .i wA Chicago fudge :recently sentenc- ed • two convicted pickpockets to at- tend church every Sunday, for six consecutive t inntha, One Scarcely • knows . whether • to regard, this • as a • slander on the church or a compli- ment to it. • If , the purpose ofthe sentence was to punish the criminals it was a rather. Yard" one on the church; but if the judge expected that .the regular attendance ati church would tend to reform 'the thieves. thepreacher might well feel complimented. Among , the thoughtful and sens- ible element of .thepeople there is no sympathy being expressed for the .murderers Hotrum' and McFadden, recentlY~ennuenene4 t . death at Tor - e4„.,. or-e.u., #t J c .,,t' . ouwi Oa 'risen ne- ap. lli,l.-. +.-••• ,••►e sl•ui,ittals nad ne- ti°.J Alio' juries hook a re w' hours 'in agreeing - upon a ' •ver - diet may be accounted for by• .:the• natural reluctance. *of many men' t • make a pronouncement .,which •virtu= ally,coidemns another to death. The. action : of the:. juries, ,however, will have- the approval. of sensible peopte throughout the country. .'Men. such as those condemned:are.`not. fit to be at large, and. it appears that,: there is still an element of the human race which' can be restrained ,from violent' crime' only by`the:fear of death- The tate of the Garfrelllrothers ` and the capture and conviction' ,_.of • the laiionto gang will have •a sobering tttiect upon Otte; 'young ,men who im- tigiie that law -breaking can be carCar- ried on i>, real life with as -much im- "Miiity' as it appears to be in the ',movies , tr the . cheap.' novel: oa- HON. JOHN • OLIVER,.; B C. • +n M • a. ° SPROING POTATOE • •Absolutely Necessary to Prevent Blight and Rot. Bow ter. Fight These Fungus En•emies :Directions for, Spraying -•-Mast ' 113e .Timely and Be `. ThoroughI- Done• . • (Contributed 'by Ontario :Department 01 'Atirtcuiture, Toronto.). - Potatoes are sprayed to :prevent such fungus diseases as Early Plight and . Late Blight and Rot, •-E®cient' spraying depends upon an. under- standing - and appreciation of what fungus d$seases are. Fangos • diseases " are .caused by . •plantsknown as fungi. These plants,, a unlike ordinary, . powetinti }plants, have no 'green coloring matter; (chlorophyll), and are unable there- fore to. manufacture their own food. All 'their nourishment must- be ok- tained • from •decaying • animal • or_ vegetable remains or •*from living animals or plants. Those fungi which derive their nourishment front living planta .i!ijure them in so doing in various ways, and •thus, give,riae to what are known as fungus diseased Late Blight and Rot is the most destructive disease et potatoee in Ontario. In wet seasons it frequently destroys' a very large proportion of the crop and causes a loss of many thousands of dollars' to the fanners of the province.. This is to a large, • 4 f77.2.7 • itaatariMESMSBRAil • r :