HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-05-26, Page 14 • • ememereeemem • $2.04 PER. YEAR iN ADVANCE; ;2.50. OTHERWIB$, U KNOW, . ONT., THURSDAY. MAY 26, 6,,1'921. I11CK1NOW Rolier bills Are 'wo A • �' kin day and n Bran ad short! on - hand. W. E TRELEAVEN. 0_q0 o .. o 0-, . .7 io' . 0 0- • . o LOCAL AND GENERAL 0 .0 -0 0 � • O �a o 0 0 •. o FOR SALE -A Ford car' in good condition.. Apply to W. J, Little, 'Lucknow.. Eggss,down, to 20c. • 'Town was very quiet on the 24th. Reeve :Johnston was • ia. Toronto a few days' of the week.•, •Teeswate'r had a goodcrowd and a `Tueada . on rs y xam off; t good:`ro PR-..- go ',Program . 'Mr. 'and Mrs4 Wm. Habkirk.•were visitors with ..Miss C. Graham last week.' .- • 'Lucknowites, .•who celebrated the holiday, were in .Teeswater or Kin. cardiae.• • - w Messrs. R. Rae And W. Porteous; were in Stratford the early part , of the week... r *AIL CONTRACT • SEALED TENDERS, .: addressed to the Postmaster • General, will be ree-• eived at Ottawa until noon. on. Fri- day, •the ,1st of. July,- 1921, for the conveyance • of His Majesty's Mails, . on a .'proposed •Contract'• for four years', • 18 times per weekbetween Whitechurch Post . Office . and Grand ' Trunk -Ry.. Station front• the let 'of, • October next. , • • Printed notices containing further' • information •.as to conditions: of pro- posed 'Contract 'may be seenand blank °forms . of Tender may be ob- tained at the Post. Offices of . White= • church, W,ingham, °Lucknow; and' at the . office of the' Post Office Inspect • or, . London. . • Chas. ,E: H. •Fisher, Posh Office Inspector. •' Post' Office Inspector's'. Office, • ' • London, May 20th, 1921.. g-6- `a 'Miss Mary Connell is home after completing -the. Arta coarse at. Tor- onto University. • • Mr, Finlay Ross was up from Tof: onto to spend the week -end with Lucknow friends. • • ' Mr. W. Holmes, now of Port Al". taut; is renewing acquaintances Lucknow this .week. . Formal opening .of the Comtnun- ity ' Memorial • Hans at Blyth will take Place on Sunday, June 5th . • , Mrs, RoypRyan, of .Detroit; is vis- iting ' her sister, Mrs. F. Cannell. Their another is also here on a visit.'. Mr. O. W. Richardson, Who ,comes from Toronto, is the new machinist in charge of repair Work at the Cent- ral Garage. • '• • " We are pleased to -note that Mr. J: F. Cooke, One titne .assistant in Arai- • strong's Djug• Store,, is among the: honor graduates, . at:, the. Toronto School of Pharmacy,' • . • • • Mr. J. L. 'Spence , has been success= ful in., passing' his exams.: at the School of Science, Queen's College, COiIRT OF REVISIOIiT'. ° Kingston. He has gone - to Timmins ' '• toget some practical experience . in. = Notice is � , Hereby given'• that a the mining business, • • Court will be held in . , the Council Chamber in theVown Hall in the Mrs. T.. Watson,''who has not been Village of Lucknow alai Tuesday, 'the enjoying the best Of health'for` some Seventh. day of June text, at the ° tune; wits taken to Wingham Hospit- • .. ur .o :.•- . al on Thursday- of last week where • hour of B . o'clock, p.m., to hear and. cieterminetheappeals•- made against -she _underwent on extensive opera- :., • •.:Assessment Roll of the Village. tion for the, removal .of appendix and the _ ._°. t on °well Luck -tidy :: _ z Shins: e - _ , mors. ' r •the- ear -1921 .,tu g fa Y :' of , •° • All. pers ons..having, business.,at. . sa.&Cur..:are_hereby.;notifie1to- tohve- ern themselves accordingly.- • Dated at Lucknow,.this 25th•'day BOYS GOING WRONG. ` : Elsewhere; 'we p blished a short' note about.. boys tampering, with the lock boxes in the Post Office when. they evidently thought there -was no- body about. Evidently •the • boys were, looking for money -to steal. This is bad work and it kept up will sooner or later land these boys On the Jail: Farm or later in. the Peni- tentiary. It ,ale strange how' boys, and occasionally girls too,, Who ,start stealing in a small way peep it u p: • s ad of being Warned hy the .ex- ample of other° criminals being:gent to prison they think that by being. 'just a little cleverer or careful they. will'. get along.. • For le time they may. ' But- the end is niways the same. No boy'. nor young man is clever enough to keep on stealing when he gets a chance and get away with it for any length:of time,. ' . • The death •is announced• over in Normanby town hip -`of' Dfir. Woble Fitzell •whose early home • . was in Culross,.. about five miles • north of Teeswater.' . A brother, Arron Fiteil May,' 19 • — -lived for = some years "in- Luckno in h is 60th• ear y rk J_ able •Fitze s.. _ h w Cie N Jose e P . he of t e_ to_ cancer h_ w s`du -and_death_• __ --o-o o--- liver. He leaves a widow, seven sons and three daughters. ASHFIELD NOTES •• -MM6nday, ay23. 'visited W.11.• McLeod, of Ripley, 'vz , . Lochalsh friends last week v .Ida ice ^ of -Win 11am-Businese :s• •n at., her . home in ..:,_.:. -Colleges-,�s vi.�t? g _._ ..-,-,:. ,..._. .Hemlock City. of=•Laurier call.- -•VioTet"•NtcLetinan', , ed on Wingham' friends last week. ' • Mr, -Joe Raakett, of. near Belfast, called on old- friends at Zion last • week.. _._._._ - _ _ •. • ° • Mrs. Haro1d Evans, of_'Nantieoke, •'• is--visiting-with. her ,Patents, .Mr.,, and = - Mrs -:Robert -Drennan ,- -near Kinta#1.- Ralph=_Bueglass,._ teacber,..a>i~ For inosa, called on Lochalsh friends last Mrs. A. Ritchie,, of. Crewe;, �a1I"ei en Zion friends; last meek,' .- Mr, and Mrs.. T: _Tumbefs, of Tor-_. onto, .are visiting with Mrs. Wna Bueglass, near, Laurier.. ,:"`°' � 'firlist;'`L`uella--Gowan; . �teacher�•of Bluevale spent the_•holiday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Cow -a` an, of ,Lochalsh. ' • -Mrs. -Rissman;�`of Detroit, .is _home. - s resent on, account,of the illness Of her -father; ifs.-TToe Hamilton; of. Iieinlock City: • MissJohnston;- ._. Sadie. Johnston -of:.-Laurier, called on Mrs. Tom,s1tobb, of Ar►iber- I'ey. ~'-Mr:James Gilmore,••-- of, .London,, calledan friends at Lothian during the week. ' 'BELFAST . HOUSE- HIT BY LIGHTNING • During the severe electric':and-rain storm Sunday night the residence of • Mrs. Finlayson, north .of • the. Station was' struck by lightning and a good. deal of damage. done.- No only .that but.:Mrs. Finlayson; who was. in her house at the . time, got enough of the shock to render heruitconscious for a considerable time.:: As she, h. alone ..she. does not .knew how long she was under the influence , of the shock... On coming ;to, she began to look. about •,to• seewhat damage hail,' been done, It appeals that theAight- ning. bolt''.'caine -.down thechimney and; stove pipes: After - scumitne:'. about the floor it went -through the. .floor to the basement.. .• There •.' it 'seemed to,' flit all .about •leaving. Its' mark . in' almost '.every, -.corner. • 'It splintered .a number of joists, broke up: a step -ladder, 'and played ' other: pranks. A small hole Was discovered in the floor where .the•;lightnmg :evid=. ently went .through The building is insured by the West W°aiwanosh Mut- ual: Fire Insurance Co; • • • TEN CATTLE dSILLED Cuirass' Farmer Has Heavy. •Loss By Lightning. William Keitli, a farmer of the 5th Concession of Culross, had ten head of 'cattle - killed by, one lightning belt during the ',storm Sunday. ,night. There were six :fat steers and four yearlings; When foundNnine of the 'animals: were. lying .'in ' a heap -as close ° together, as could .•be -and • one was a little., apart from. the group„ -red ^ • Ml.. Keith. had- his stock i nsu, . with t'hp Cfilross Mutual:: Oh Mon day two Teeswater butchers went out .and tookthe hides off the dead an imals while ten of Mr. Keith's neigh., • bors dug a great trench in which .the carcasses were buried:. This is the. most sensational loss .we have heard of due to the'storm. The loss of a bunch of cattle in this way is not uncommon.` • The . ex - .planation seems to 1,e that •the • c 'ttle taking, shelter from the storm v der a tree, send-up: a• column of v per from 'their damp' .warm bodies. . This vapor being' a better conductor of el- lectricity than the surrounding at. mosphere becomes.. a ,pathway -for the electricity in the` overcharged 'clouds. ebove to • the earth.. • • • • . May 24. --Tuesday, Mr. Tom. Twamley: has purchased • a Ferri car; - :' Mr. --'and Mr's. Alex Beckett . 'arid, family have moved to 'their farm which he pnrchased`fro'ir Malcolm McMillan. ; ' • Mr. and 'Mrs., Victor Whitley •and' 'children', _.of . Lueknow, and ' Mr. , and Mr. s John Emmerson were • visitors 'with Mr. and Mrs._ Ralph , Nixon, on -Sunday. e "Mr."aird'Mrs . Beit Treleaven and. visited:.„ini...thn hiirg Satur- 'daughters .. Missiattia Nixait is visiting . with her' sister in Kinloss, " :Owing.to the moonlight excursion comingg on June lath, the Ashfield Ladies' Aid have Postponed thei*' garden' pard► to "Wednesday • evening Juin. .15th. __ . • ', i lthittit fol the.Luc Mr. Gordon ..Irwin a pi . --know-ball -team- for the sea- , COUNTY' ROAD WORIC, • RAIN, CAME DOWN ' IN TORRENTS'. , The,oldest settler' Will have:some difficulty' in recalling a -rain ,and, el- ectrical : storin, cif : equal severity which lasted longer. than .the. one which visited this part Siinday' after: :noon and night. Beginning some- what. gently . about . noon . there was - a stiecession of showers or storms:with, only • short -spaces, between-. until :about 'midnight. The flash of light ning :and roil of' thunder was: almost' c0 ntinu0 us.' • ' : F The.country needed rain,; IiV fact,', crop conditions. were becoming quite.. serious and everybody wanted rain They got it. .• Twice as. much a§ was needed. However; °there is no cam plaint about the overdose: It has put ' all .vegetation -in first class' con-° dition for the• time being. '' The evening was marked hy. -twn violent wind storms whichdid some damage to orchards and fences.. A number of strikes 'by lightning ,are also reported. • A -•barn on„the Glea , son farm -near 'Langside-was destroy . ed; •another fire is reported out. to. wards the lake, -and the residence 'of 'Mrs, • Finlayson. ; (;elsewhere : ' men-' tioned) north of town, was damaged There was, of course, some wash- ing •out of, roads,. and ' seine: field! . were bbd1y .cut up hy the torrents.. • The Lucknow Table Factory suf . fered something of;• -an• inundation •A ' considerable amount. '•of .'water •the' comes down 'from the high grouts” 1 g a to the: north,, and the boundary, rageyd- dams:this back :.*hen. the' ri1th :'of' tly ' water is •too great; for the culvert'tr the ` carry it. At one time: during th'c • •zed 'weight of the'storm„ there was aF it much • as .:16 'inches ; of. Water, on 0'1(4,,hts, machine ,'room floor:.' , Fortunately her much of .: the ,material on" this • flow' ere- had ,,been 'put • out •of °r'eacl of : tar. inty: a- left I, ho'w but las t. LIGHTNING AND. LIGHTS During •thee storm . on Sunday lightning • appeared to be playin game: of hide-and-seek. with the 1'I to lighting system, -Quite frequently throughout the day and evening current appeared to .be neutral' for varying. periods. Y. Sometimes was - just a flickering of the lig but • often they were• off altoget for a half minute o`r• ,more', ,and 'ti always was a feeling,' of uncerta As to when' they would: come on gam: ;The' local; churches' were .iii darkness for two ,•brief periods during ..the evening• service:' We haven't lje,en'. able' to learn just' the trouble :is. brought about, there appears • to be no danger some might suppose during` a firs experience • The big gravel :pit`•west of Rose St. EIGHTH CON, .KINLOSS ,. has throughout -the the peat weekTheerr -. :_ .._:..... ....: ....'. the busiest of in this district;' The • big stonecrusler is kept-busy:c'hew lin '•-u -stone' - and -ravel, -and.-froii• 15 to 18 teams have been hauling the. .rushed.. nmteral out on; to`the bound - a y road .west of town: Nobody; on ab t d holiday it; was _ sd --:Ma 24.- ue a i iced Culbert v Jos. C ' Mrs. J s • ��nd l Mr. a - - - ida. -•. - friends' �-last �Fr . i ri Y• Glom s f ' A' niimbe'r. •of '' the sorts .' on, this 'p lie are • celebrating: ••today,':. 'some n taking .in' the picnic at Silver' Lake the ,•j wane ,a o f ay so and others the races' M Teeswater:, • (4 so fh r as the. - a1 bust ess as usu ni arrived car'has n. work was concerned On the Nth:The `nethernew. a our burg, Mr. • Eichard _Barer being; hauling is being done by farmers th front the neighborhood, most of e happy owner, • Rich, 'says, "Just; . • ' ° ' • 1. themwatch him gonow•„ from -out • on the•Boundary." 1 tr , and Mrs, Chas. Hewitt and Just tow .is a• slack time 'for teams' Miss T.lewin, .of•_Bervie, called •at J. ollers er On the farm and_ the; six .d. _, - Per._ . � ergs Mondayeveiiingi„,,\-. �-- - S° -Culb- day paid by the county billies in'a The' great', storm on. Sunday which bit of read ;cash to take the place of • i d o std- r.. - r ...: - y- ._, passed over •this._d'strict:;dt , g ._. what seems lost . by• the slump --in .. era ble damage.. Mr, Thos. White, of, one `eggia. --� . . cattle hogs, butter a Holyrood, had his`:steble `and `hen- use 'coin Ietel destroyed=by -fire,: ho_ p,.y.. caused‘by-the lightning.A .Also -Mr Mr. James 'McDonald, of Mani-, toba,.an'old Lothian boy, id renewing acquaintances in • Ashfield: The ladies who. are interested in helping in the Goderich Hospital Lad- ,ies' Aid' a`re cordially invited to aft tend a meeting to be held, at the home -of Mrs:- Richard McWhinney, Div. Road; On Wed., June --lst,.at.2.80 p.m. • Important ,intatter5 connected FOURTH CON.,:. KI.N.LOSS.., Tuesday, :May V.:•.. :•••• :-• . • . . On • the .23rd. ,inst ,a fine 'boy •:er•, rived at the home of •Mr and ,lilts: Gee. Christie=Congratulations. We. •`congratulate ; Mr. and. ;Mrs: Norman 'MacLeod, of Huron Tp., on • the birth o1 a son. Mrs ';MacLeod thel-dest -duughter,of Mr_..and• Mrs. 2eke: Hodgkinson:_` •WBo"r 11 -and da agh t e r i. .Ti$'e,:of.Londonv are 'visitinM• McGillivray on the Gth.-.Can. , Mr,, and --Mrs.- Robb and .Kenneth Donald°took in the Wiiighat sales -Saturday: yon Satu . y A good on - de al va�• sulmrer- ed_: ..bo fY -the shperarnpoy-� g.•ra atins - Sund'ay,' However, 'rain 'was bad= ly:.needed, and muchgood will 'result. It= was a_denionstration of the say ing ; that "It” never. rains, but it pours" w• -0-b 4�-^' 'i iW0D. SINGLE, COPIES,. 5..CENTS THE FIRST PAIR OF' GLASSES Looks. t33 • It is very important that .your first glasses should be, right: We do not hesitate to say to you that, our optical work is as good as yeti can get' outside of. the City. We want you to•know this. from actual experience , ' You receive•.here a 'thorough ex- • amination, of the .eyes and"vision AO the roe len 5es to suit your r individual case. No „guess • work, . hut. good work:- Come here, first. and save' time and -'money. We • have all the newest ' styles in .. frames and: mountings. EYES EXAMINED FREE BY.° THE SHADOW TEST SYsflfl1 T. AR1KSTRONG Jeweler & Optician • 0-0-0-0 o 0. o 0' 0 0 I • o EVERYBO'DPS COLUMN. Kt* 3 • gOXi Y TO LOAN on mortgages and notes •at reasonable. rates. 'Fire Insurance, , both stock and • Mutual G.onipanies. Conveyancing • done with neatness and de patch:•Geo. A. A. 'Slidell, Broker,: Lucknow. -1. 0• o-0 • • DR;PARKER, ER, OSTEOPATH, at. the • Cain House,•lueknow, every Wed- nesday' afternoon. A11.'chronic dig- , - eases. successfully, treated. Osteo"- . pathy':removes the physical causes of • disease. Adjustziient of : the. spine" is more quickly ,secured and r with , fewer . treatments • by Osteo • - pathy than by any other method: :LUCK LU CIiNOW •: PIPE BAND .--:Open „oil' engagements.. at Celebrations. ' garden Parties and. Lawn Sochits.-- C.:•Aitchison, Sec'y. • '•19-9-tf.:- • • VETERINARY. SURGEON,. . -7 Dr. W. J. Keheler, Ripley; ' Phone 63,, �night :or day.-tf. FOR'. SALE -New; , Idea Was"her • and Wringer, in first; class' Condition.. • Apply to Relit. Brown, Lucknow. 28-4-tf.'' .., NOW OLD BOY ' Sutherland, on the faith" Con., '_L st.- his m DIES •OUT ',WEST : `same manner., 'I'h`e � barn 'in the. Word has been received by friends' in. Kinloss. of the .death of Alexander Morrison,_ `-at..,.P.ortageL_La _-Prairie', Man, on May 14th. lie was in his 74th .year. Mr. Morrison was •a tail or. and had a.' ahop, : in Lucknow. for -some -yeast h-- effere^-genre" ° years •ago. He had also ;been for a time in Dungannon, son. The heavy rainstorin which • pass- ed ever this locality Sunday .caused'' e 'ut. increased -the growth no; -dams _b. a .._ _ greatly.• so Mr: and Mrs. John •Coolie andn ietarned -to:•Toronto- Saturday -after visiting fith.. Mr.Cooke's parents here:. ::. . '• . -and_ Mrsw-Wifson,? x , J:.s peri_ t Sunday` vithMrandMrs hn J.- Bradle3r, Maltake' the following• from the e and Empire: "The, results of the. final examination. at' the Ontario 'College' of Pharmacy were ,annotinc- ed fast night Out of. 166 writing, 114' took l onord:' ,Thisis the largest percentage of honors in the history of the 'college -Honors, John. F. Cooke, Toronto*.'" : 'John is one of our famous Belfast••boys, having beenno clever • as IC 'pass .all exams. since i li h A ail'1d Memorial Fund are' Wt t e $ e . to be dealt with. Membership curds commencing Scheel.. Wa Wilk him ,114K 1)0 recur 4 On 4#' 9t month» l fl l, Balli ii9,cap1A i~iA ' Qui! ewr �vf 6 i•1.• A ----0 00-•,---• DUNGAN1yON 1/4 �M4i day M'ay. 23.~ '"Mr... :Sam' Treleaven has so far re- covered that he is able'torbe around again. • 'Miss Sarah-� Mallough: - has • return- ed ' •to ' the village after spending a few weeks in Hamilton., Mrd Culbert has finished lis` cut 01 logs at the mill. visited .for a Mrs.Gilldes -Haines few clays:„ 'fastweek with" friends -at Patefson's last week. <Wingliam „ - - v "1Vflss`Ca'tlizl:ill#'Svaarthe'uf• Viiaer"‘' FOR, SALE -Village property, 1% a-e� :in the'Villageof Lucknow' realand- • On 'the • land are an, orchard, ..good = razue--d'wellii' with large.w.00dshed,._.. _3ard and; soft water. 'good, barn. For r ars �a 1 to-Franlr�'-IVic�Cha 1 ,..... ��- articul pp y-- `�G • .ass R.R.RIt3: -Lucknow.. P• '_Th'e'Institute will =hold :-their :reg reg - Afar: monthly. r ineefng on Thizrsd'aY, 'June --2nd, at.the bome, of Mrs .Al- - i•bert Thoinpso . Mrs.Robert. Button which- was -long -looked--fox ,by, -.-far _ n.f. Lucknow wi11-acidic,, the nt tig niers did considerable good and pros- pects' are' •now very "much +better. ;