HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-05-05, Page 7- .004410 4.• - =•, • n-^ - AUTO •REPAIR POTS for most malice and modulo of cars. Your old., broken or worn-out' parts. replaced. Write or wire Uri deserlh., ing What YOU want. WO carry, the largest rand most "complete :stock 'In Canada of slightly used or new. parts and automobile equipment.• We -ship C.O.D. anywhere In Canada.. 'Satis- factory or refund In full our motto. „Shaiw,s 'Auto Salvage Part SnPvlire aga-eae nntreem at., worm" Out. 4—et RUSH TO OIL FIELD ON RIM OF ARCTIC RICH FINDS' ALONG MAC- KENZIE RIVER. „-, Tremendous Distances and Shed Summer. Season tette . Cut by Inventions. .„ The eyes of the, world are ,rapidly being focuiused upon: the eub-ArctiC region of northern Canada along the banks of the Mackenzie River at a point some fourteen hundred miles from a ratlroad, from which stretches what now aPpears may develop into one of the richest petroleum fields in the world. The first news of the im- i Mense pdssibilitieft became known to: the. world at large in October, 1920, when a discharged entployee of. the -Imperial .011 Company related at Ed- . moistoe, Alberta, how the company had brought in, a gusher aieraging, about 1,000 barrelk e. day.. Ednionton is -the city nearest to the • strike, distance of 1,600 miles, but Where the recording office for the Northwest territories still is. • The news of the new field spread 'rapidly, until by March men in all parts of the -world had ,begun preparing to 'rush - to ; the sub -Arctic region as soon as navigation opens. . The irony of the present excitement is that the knowledge that the Mac- ..-.e.„.„....,-,,,„...1.....eee.--...se keezie !War region IS rieh hi (tit POS. netthwest .or Canada a-,goorir map itli eibilities is ;act at all a new thing. the region ' eheuld be studied While Alexander 11ckeuzie, the celehretedreading the renewing lined regarding' explorer, Made mut% mention Of, the reutee into the new field. The pit efl seepages along.the illaelteezie 130 strike is In,letitode 65 N. and. longt-• ,rs tidi Sir John. Franklin also ttute 120 West, In thin•vicinity beeins mentions. how '-the oll-exuded-irront-the_ the nil field....eThe moSt _direct summer, -•0 BY . . .... , 'tubbing, But by Enrich eerth in reet. quaetities. The. exist. mite is covered by railesteatner and 1•1 . -.4 eke ,of oil wasEthic, euewa* to many 1,1and portae: The new railroad into • jog the Blood. menin recent clays, but the 'immenee the northland rues some threehun- . . distanee of the field from rail head tired mites; to. near Fort McMurray. ;Rheumatism .is e, disorder of the and the- tremendous 'difficulties of , Over this much of which is' still hldbd.• It attacks People when, the navigation and the shortness of the : skeleton track, a light auto rens MA blood li.evercharged with acid and hi- seastin disenuraged .any intliyidnal orpurities, thus setting up . inflaintnation 'rails.. It can trevel faster than a'train seitll company front' gotng intothicOuld with safetY.• ' Fort MeNfurreY in the in and joints. Wet weath- t, s so far field, yieg only 150miles from traffic into the great north goes down er or' Old weather may start the l, he Arctic Circle. • , .. • ' the Athabasca Ritter, •acrosi :Lou, tertures 9r rheinnatisin, but it, Is not Imperial 011 Coln Field. Athabasca and down ••Slave' Ritter te the .eause. The cause is in the blood. Bet the Canadian Government geolo- Fitigerald, here' is a:sixteen mile land Victims of thisnialady have every rea gists had not oVerlooked the fegion. • Portage to Fort Smith„on Ihe illackene sen to fear the first! 'doll - ache 7in the ,' Me, which .portage is now traversed limbs and jbiets,* rollowgd by . sharp and one other concern, unhampered • by modern.caterpillar kraetors and big pains. through the flesh and, muscles; by any leek Pr Means, and ,to which a few years of waiting did net matter, . terries,. • ' , • •these -ere,.the eymptoms of.potion: in 'rom Fort Smith, lee ,emee •eueer the blood, which will shortly leave the a number of years agoand ;kr the Slaye Lake afid.111ackenzle River ode ';_ . Went tato the, la.ckenzie River region . r;...'yictilli'painracked and tielnies.s. LIM- last five at least,* ae far ea can be . • • easy transportation to the krctic Sea Meats , hot applicetions and . rubbing , Ituo;wn; has kept a OtiMber of men" at ' Peace ,lliver Cressing, travelling via pessibly root the trounle opt el the but, calTeet) An altrilate route can be iaken from may give telePeParY •ease, cern was n9 less than the Imperial 011 . , Rive to F't 1 ' ' system. Thal oan'oirly be done blir /n - work prospettieg tor oil. Thie. con- ... tne Peace , r 1 egera d. Deep. both • these routes steamer s „of very Company of Canada. With the. de- light draft, gee boats and fiat scow Maud for petroleum, and particularly boats earry all supnlieseeid InaehinerY its by-product; gasolene, continually • growinito such enormous proportions and to threaten to exceed the supply, it was but ,natural such 'a tame em- ptily should eagerly seek a new field. So immensely itnpertant did the Do: 'minion Government of Catacja .con, wider the new field that on January 25, 1921, all previous peroleum and na- tural gas. regulations were suspended by an 'order in Cotincit .' Following this .on -February 12, neW regulations were made known whicleread: "If oil is discovered the lessee woillbe allowed to. take out a twenty-one year lease for an area ef one square Mile the re- . , maining three-quarters „going ea the - I Government. That is, though the man discover oll• on 2,500 acre, which he is allowed to stake wider his permit, • three,quarters remain Crewe' reserve: Locatlen ofthe Strike. o For those, unfamiliar with. thegreat .rn. EOM** 1 AN BE OVERCOME - ea ma la 1111 IIIL 111 W. lis. iss. ma 'S. ms. va ma /111 NM I* 1= 1=ki 0 'HEALTH .EDUCAfION, . 0 . • 0 , . . • . ______,.._.... . . . . . ,. ii 11 • ' ' BY DR J. J. MIDDLETON • ' Provincial Board of Health. Ontario P1 . .4 Or. Middleton will be glad *to answer questions on Public Health mat,. 111 -- .. , p ters through this column. Address him* at the Parliament Bldg's.' 0 Ilia MB, 1111111 1111. la 111 MOIL • illYsical, Mental and Morat..perfee- that has been called:the asp for • the • . , • • breast of the poor' -is met driVen,to •,tion. for its .people in •se far as it iS (leal the desperate choice of Crimean:death, ,,, • humanly possible is the grand of -suicide or slietne " toward 'which ''the ' Public Health ..'.„"I•see a World wiitioet the begger'S • .orginizationof every • progressive na-• outetretched •the iniaer'S heart- .. tion is striving. At present :the Start has onl been_madein Canada and the number , of .',urgentli ne.egil-- reforms ;..keeps.Continually iriereaeing the more . we see and learn of actual conditions • toeday. .As • Public Health' education niere..,and.-morer..eeidOa_kreek .• ithetho-rising - _ generation;,in.,particular,i edopt --,health.'habits-aed`-'gredially hring abOutte higher standard of Public and have .been made iticlestrial',condiz- • ••. tions .sc; thatc'Werk. will be . carried .on •7•*•;Uii.tlei %conditions' of ventilation and; • sanitation..approaeliing- the:ideal ,*as dpiita-et-Qatiada at. the- present time ...ninth is 'possible,. when - human life; Safety and liaPPinesS are -toneidered . more iniportarice .-Ithan • material .thousands of pen, women- a • profits and sordid greed for gain; deen; smallpox, diphtheria, and other when People knew how to live Clean communicable diseasep not properly -Maltby lives 'and* liVe-7,11)-76--theit7centrelled publie- - ideals, then we can get a glimps,e Of. in Some instances. have -not- great: goar„in ,11)4egh ed tO ,avait _themselves' of such Pre-: re 'May never .attain 46- ide,a1 eondition, teetive measiiree-as vaccine and anti: , •still weran,keep•the vision before,us.toxip; „thirty...per ,Children,a,re : an incentive. InthefolloWitig beau- riving at .school showing PhysiCal .• 1;iful- words a noted Anier•ican orator ,drf t t. Id h rectified eandewriter deserihes•bis,vision of the in Childhood.; -maitY pxpedtant mothers1 future icivineation:* "A, visiOn•of the dying before Or childbirtA. through future : arises. -The- aristocracy of lick *PI: Medieet and nureing aup ; hag :pe,ished,...,froottbe earth.. *jolt; These are :smile of theproblem a:World'xithout et Slave. Man" thAt are awaiting solution. The pros-. • atTleit 'is free. Nature's. forces have pects are bright, however. 'The pub: '' itdeAcer,been-,ensla-Vetke-eJe-_iglitrtietge-Jiee:offscienie--is-,-)ig in ge-aWakened.....to - and light; Wind and .wave, frost midi the !needs. of our time, and the riing flame, and. ell the subtle powers eV generation beingrecognized as the the earth end air are the fireloaajoil- nation's .b.t.st• npsetc. and go'oci health ers for the Inman. race. . • •• . as One of the reads to happiness. "7--ir-'17rairtPW'gkraee--' "gdor triPtelinqi4mtbraDnitfinteithas With every form of -art; with .music's• an active Public Health Department .myriad ,voice S thrilled; while lips are with an -organizatiOn equipped to deal rich with Words -of love and truth; a, with the most pressing problems_in world in....which, no exile. sighel.' no' Public .11ealth that new confront *us - • prisoner Mourns; a world on which the as a, nation. ...koreovere-the .,siihere :of gibbet's shadow does not fall; a world Public, Health activity.' being., con- '. where .work and -worth': :go hand hi tinually • widened, as, the need for . hand where the poor girl,'trying to further extensions. of the Ark - bread' with a needl :needle .letilek.aPparent. . • richleg the 'Wood., •This neW 'blood drives out the poisonous impurities, and the rheumatism disappears. If that goes intothe north. The Atha. You are a sufferer from this painful basca ', _ River opens about May . 1, the maladY, begin the use of Di. Williams' Mackenzie about may 22 butSlave Pink Pills and see. how soon the pains Lake cannot be epended upon until and stiffness ,of .the joints fade away. d July 1, For nearly three centuries Among those who have benefitted by the u,se Of these:pills is Mr7Freeman these great waterways have been tra- velled by white men, first the voyag- Irving, Baiter Hasher, NS., who says; eurs in their canoes and Yorks boats, "Some time ago my blood was in a then the later rivermen intheireflat terrible condition, 'leaving me very bottomed much run down, and with boll break - Not since the KlondYke rush In '98 ing out on my body. To add to my and '99, when Edmonton,'Alberta, was Misery rheumatism set in, and I not one point of entranee, to the gold only, Suffered greatly from .the pain; fields, has excitement reigned so high. but :could only get around -with the All berths on steamers have • been greatest difficeity. After trying sev-• eral medicines without muelf auccese; booked for the.firse trip bi. the spring. • From all parts 'Of the world queries are pouring into the northern metrop- olis. The Htidson's•Day ComPany, the sm.,* —.0•.,....,— -",,,., '"----"i'4fAc.,•,2,-2.--4.1.4ct..L ,k.`4'tciaAr---- ____401k-.=•-• 44, —... , .., A.C4ENTR WANTED. , . 3,...11711N, 1\T EAT APPEARING LADY TO ACT .4.3 as our reereeentatIve Introducing , - I.'44pt;,•' useful line Of taat selling. ..articles. Write. Anderson Dianufacturing Corn- PanY, London, Optarlo. . e A 'oripheal*.kbri.Eiti: Biatiiii ildmtvil• • -CR. Herbs is a. rernedY for 'the relief of 0 ". Constipation, • Indigestion. Billowineas. • Rheumatism,. Kidney Troubles. It ia. vrell-knoWn, having been extensively ad-,', vertised. Bince it was first manufactured fn. 1888, by distribution of la.rge quanti- ties. of Alina.anacs,, Cook Books, Health • Rooks, etc., whiets, are furnished to. .. . ..sgents,freo of charge.' The remedies ere ' Sold at a price . that allovis. agents to :double their money. Write Alonzo. sar 1311es Medical Co.. 124 St. Paul St East. -1 Montreal.• Mention this paver. . :. .. MTV OF HUMOR ROM ME Proving Lig. What right have you to wear that medal for bravery Inoceenhat?" askoo: the Qfficer. 7 , 'Test right in the world, sir'. lick- . ed the fellow it 'was issued to.!' , Worked. "We made a solemn compact onthe day we were married that•in alteninor affairs rni wife's weed should be law, while-! should decide till major ones:" "Hk`sithe schenie worked?" • I think I May` say sp. No major affairs happen to have cropped , Just Like That. : ' ,fTea.oher-:Thomas, will 'you. tell: me what a conjunction is, and compose a sentencecontaining oner- - Thomas (after reflection)"A con- junction is word c-onnecting any- thing, such as :"The horse is hitched to the feece by a halter. Halter is a conjunction because it connects the horse and the: fence:4 , • , . . •••••••••••• What He Frayed For. ., • ' The: pastor was interrogating, .the • . pride Of the fatally. • , "And do. Yen always say yolir",pray.. ers before you go to bed?-" "'It'es, sir," replied Johnnie. ,.. • -"And. what are the things You pray for?". pursued the goad man. , ' . • :-Well," responded Johnnie, thought- fully,.."mostly that pa won't find out I decided to give Dr. Williams' Pink what rve been doin' during the dey1", •• • • J. • • • . . Pitts la trial, as they had been warmly • . teComieended to me,- I think- I used . Wise Willie.. • , , " he eine boxes altogether, but the results the week bet heeted historic trading, company of theland, received et, rnany queriee it had to set, met my every expectation, as both the ; , . It was betters little Willie's .esIde a: special gaff to 'attend to the. boils end the rheumatism disappeared. •his birthilay, and he wbedside petitiona,1 on his knees. at work, Mani firms. are Working ori 'Naturally I feet that I. cannot prosy very .ing for Presents in large ordere to go in in the sPring. .* Pia ,loud 'voice. ' . • '" _ . , . • ' ' • •- me," he . Airplane Route Short " the lls too highly ,''• "Please send • ' • • pycle,.a tool chest, a- . . . You can De Williams' Pink Pills ' hi ' ' . ”. ' - ' through any dealer in .medicine lerby. The feature of greatest' interest to mail at 50e a box .or , six boxes :for.;.• "What are you praying so loud forr : htsi ..the average ' man' and. particularly to $2.50 from Tbe Dr. • Williams' medi. .aie.iyo.dueangter hrotherinterr,epted.'7Od• the histortanis the Part the aeroplaae- eine Co., •Drodiville; Ont, will play lhie summer In eonquertng •"! know he ain't,*” said little Willie,. this .last .frontier, this' fastness of Na-. . ,.. • Winking toward the .next room, 'but BO ture which, ,but. for this; "strike might -,- y Scout Notes: grandma is." .• .. .. : .... . 7. • • • have remained forever the: 'haunt of ' - Hariiitton's Bay Scout Camp will be „ ., --,- , , . • Collecting Overdone the Indian ;and the fur trading white held thlayear at Woodlawn Park, near .:..' :far has' led all others in preparatiOn. 'during the whole montheof .July and 11.P ' Miss: Madge was making her first niaa.., The Imperial Oil ConiPany. se Selkire en Litke'ttie.,'It will operate ' It has twO all steel monoplanes ready August and an .equipmeht 1 large in a train, • ', . • ' • .•• „ , to go north. These niaehines were:, eneugli ie.' take care of one hundred_ : The:ticket-Colleetor .cattie along and fiewn from New York tteEdreouton,•a ',eye a day will bp, installed: Harhil- celled for the tieketa. Madge readilY dtstalice, of oyer two thous'and miles, ton Troupe under thetr own Seout- * give up her ticket , '' ...., • . Ip the dead' of Winfdr, but though this masters will go into Camyr: at -.dates put.later they stopped at a station; was a very im,portant event in the ay new being 'aSsigned.' and a station boy came,doWn.,...the plat - nothing was.inade Iteown .of it 'The • e. . form calling:: or a. • croes : continent. flight,- • almost . • • .. e '` • "Chocolates!'" •* •L''... . , Dominion. Government is preparing to ihel3ey Scouts Association is now . "Nev.er!" cried:Madge hrtiVely„"Yee. for tile first time giving 'definite re- can take my•ticket,"but not itay choce-. ` , put on a Seeplane',service to .carry eegeetee to the pieee of athie.ties by . this epring. for seonte attaining to Certain stand- - Strew-'"a--*LI•itt:ie-'6:.: eaiitude*-P°1 WeS,-Stony-staree-the- piteous wail of lateS•' . want, ..the livid :Iip of hes, the citel mail and members or the -geological . eyes of acorn. I see a, race -wit , i mi'dregiiiry staffti which ill go north _es* tablishing a new Proficiency badge ' disease -of ,flesh torbrain-shapely arid _ fair,' married harmony df forni .and . • • ••r• ' ads of proficiency's along vaiioue ath, "funetion-.-and, ats•I look life lengthens,. ;joy sleepenep love „,&nop.i.e_Sikee,„ettrthe. and over aliln'tlie 'greet -dome --shines the eternal • star of •humarf.hope,", . : - -.What' a icontrast• between this ideal, - ism .and- what we -see -to-day! infant -Out of every ten dying :bpf reaehibg one year of tigewhen -in inany instances the little life eodld, be Saved;.' approximately ' :120,000 resi: . ,The value of the 417 route is its - A.•••centain .in the Mereantile Marine, be following. tbe.directioeiaed dosage . to-the.=seade-of-tliastrikeLis;:caily,:foun.....ey!"4"4,1111 letielines: To as a Boy spout i who received much 'CoMmendatich foe tumbage Ind for Pain'. -Then you will.% W.orlied, olit. by , physicians diiring hundred miles:in an 'airline, cutting _ a Scout must nese 'tests in- ! his Nyonderfel tourage and endu'rance • i a lyieti,eii - - _ : _. e.,., . ,._ ..: -.7.t,Tve:e.i4U:at:YARMARPIAtre.:VA-4.----0.4a .•bys, , sliOrtness, as • front Peace Rive'r toivie ,„ ..:, the diatince by riVer more than In , the base,ball,' chinning . the bar; push: •s-pribeitegeTjuMpingr. thre-wing4,-(111.r_illg_the' War,: Wes. asked to eddreee millions. Handy •tia boxes Of tWeive . • -lie-ft.:The itripetial: Oil ComPany has' up from neer, 8,rieeed shot Mit, "scout.: The 3941 mayor spoke Ilist and at: '..eonsicier , payer •Tehlete..of. .4sptrin • ,opet . few tielft.---1-,7"'payfititr:'faird-Calitr:Ffaa We' method' of sitting, -standing-and- run-. - ,.wliVi he hat -#1:ristred the audienee" 'en's' •••-•!" allri9st. 467 -a-'111";--to'l.eli'Ye;--..thi'7' ...!4th:"sitrittle mark (registered in Cariadai ablet length: ' ' - :: _ •• 'I,. 4.. , !page," a . denionstilation of .proPer. ngare -at Peace River --Crossing.- . re ibts also sell r • . Made in Canada. , .0V -tin ie• -,J. gg . I .arger pack • Call, • two „famous Canadian aVibtera it 4,4,--ineth* Or itartibritf eizi-ei aitiros:A;--- Miming.: . ' ' ' ° with notable •records, . have ordered„e....,.- e..... • - - , . . , dieting and, regular exercise: A dif- . of Ileyee-Karniracto-re et-Fendleeltd-7 'from .Eriglead' tWO S4' 111.4 designed e ' 'oh ag ferent 'set ..a tandards i laid d• en The mayor snrang :to his feet again gsroup 'of • Sc• souts - anti: to. '. 'drushed the 'edge f and to e •o the plat-- ,...• 2_,. ,., ,. ' ! • . .. .. . . at? Waster .of Salt c'Yti ea el a: • PoimlatiOn of Patis is 2,880,000. The population of Paris based on this year's, census figures iu siiteen out of- the twenty districts is in the neighborhood 01,4,8,80,000 persons, an increase of 41000 since 1911. But Paris will retain her place in, world ;statistics when the subway and street car exteesione are, carried out as ero- vided in the greater Paige Plan, which, la including tlie-suburbe of the Seinel departmencwill bring the ,total pepu- lationeto nearly 4,000,000. MONEY ()RISERS., Send a Dominion Express MoneY Order, Five Dollars costs three cents. ' • .Nattirally. • Mrs. A. --"My husband adnilres everything about me -my hair, my ey.es, iny hands, mY voice-" -Mrs. B. ---"Well, what do you admire about him?" : ' : Mrs. A. --."Why, his good taste." filinard'e Liniment Relieves Distemper • • „ . German guns were recently being dieStreyed under the Peace, Treaty at ' ' the rate of 1,000 a week. - -"There are three 'kinds of employ7. • ees; the one who does it, the one who -- wishes •he had done it, and the one who promises to 'do„it.". ASPIRIN nly "Bayer" is GenUine Warning! „Unless you see the rianie "Bayer" on package or on tablets -you are net getting Aspirin at :all. Take. Aspirin Only as told in the Bayer pack•,. e.; for. Colds ; tleadeehe, Neuralgia, Rheumatism; Earache, ,* 'Toothache., .. more et=less-afflicted -mental ereal disease sepping-. the ' vitality. of or •ea , q. to :fields is one thensand. passenger seaplanes. The quoted farkt:hoht:thi6Amdge ' . 0111) STANDBY, FO ,,,,,,..... , . , •,. , , pima Y. 0 . • dOl- j-th •teets a 11 * ••• - 4 ,•-• • 1--,; 1' . O.:me back and take your Seat:el.”- .:• ' - -4, ,. • - he, called •excitedlye "Come.'7--baCk„ , • entb. bei must repass ' fo ' ' '... . ' . . .... . . „Another troop . -*Which 871,;.-aae:0-.n*alirseatdilY•e ete-cry; one of yon: - This -,man spent:- C . ' - D _ .. ... .... .. . . A SPLENDID MEDICI .. St George'i ,fireop, Sarnia. : The po•• • startedlts 1921 ceitiping some rotten hours for us during the ,, way, and it iS 01) to ne no:* to do the • ', ••;---.;----,-,:-.." - . • - - Any man or, 'woman who ' keeps • . • ' 4,iy:, trbTli La eyacryns 1 and ,--el,.14•deee-eatimODY :'Ra-'--.133,7::_f9r.itial'i -., ,-.7.-"-t- : ,:.'m 1•%."77-Slimittr's4 :handy -wi11 -tell - you7.--.... ., 1 ce . - •e.ek- - • - - ' — -.: . e .. .Y. .. .FORIIIE-CIIILDREN ' -e. • ' I' - " . . . ..___....0.4.----,-....-. • • . • .. . .. , . 4 • that same. thult= ' -. • , .. : .- . . _ , :on. the. shOres of Lake-Hitron..•., .... • . J"Whencyer.-.1 T., feeling blue; : . ,... - -S-PECiALiff-,-.--thes - frequently -...,, ... 4. 0. i . 0, • -,S(ialet:hiTik TOr Someone -else go de.'"-- .t• ' . ___77__..,..,;..7.,.-7.--..s. , • .. .,-E..attacked y r eumatie twingeq...,•-• ; - 'Itabka." laiiii -Tableti-ar-e-lhe test • .A,. Scout-.conferenceof:-.farTeaeliing .: ;" "A-counter-trrit Medicine.:4 _mother can :eve her little Poestbilities ..eas . held last'. week ,in • ler e.ile lithe :tit 'Pr , ebilp'ult te.hei man:i: 1. ari rit,;'•:;214;77;..1.:t717./fai; s. ,without rubbing :V:r the afflicted „..„ 97:..- :. 1, '3/lent 'ecatters'the congestion and%peni- blifis. ..Tbey-sare a mild laxative whin, Toronto, the, participants. le ing, meire. about regulate the bowels- and. etoin- 'here.. of 'the: Dominion ;Hesedatlarterse . • ' part, soon -relieving the ,acheand pain.. • aeli" and -are guaranteed tobe, entirely • • Staff ''..of the Boy Seouts.„ ...A.:-sociation-176-aida-tsitil-e•:inmedle•eienasrh•-96.-Giir:Pc.-tle!Ti;....ial_i4le...., .1,64eedeuf citreaiydalidaileys:dilin'eivimerywi4htehrte4; free. from atiy injurious .drugs. Con; f the Isi ti • ..1 II cl. , t . ; ,pains anti aches of Iiimbato, neuralgia, eernilig•thelit..MTS:-A.:,'D: Iy.egf, ie. staff of the Boy -Scouts of AmeriCa.. I . 1 -English. I. muscle •strain , joint -stiffness sprain ' Tablets have given me more satisfae I was to, decide on the best poesiblier--1-ereek of household remedies. co ii. bruiseS,, and the results' of expl osare. s Yoult stlinow-front its etimulatinge ... ,_ Y - , burn • Saak., wites:.-"BabY's OW4The printery,. purpose of the Meeting -1 Fel.. year); I :have nerer donSidern11..TtYe : er-e,con..el,uenleee a :bottle of: Misiard's I -thistles -Al -1-Tinittili.in-ebyttin--•--ig'.'elee-1-`110a-•-eNtaf ••71'angentent.--, de•-••matertal ... nd. ' ' - * as-...."---inetuded..--"0„-Jsur-as;.- ..1,...sn,q4es...s131C4oal.rittlt Lcgifyin,..11,nattlit iwill. do you good t , '61-Cliv--bli'ditic-;--- given My . children. , They are eesiti. 701deration • for use in. the 'creation oc, sprain', frOstbites .0r. chilblains it ex - taken; :'alwaYs WOrk'Weil and theugh new all-Carnadlan scouting literatiire. ' Cre6.1,•%.,' :erTe^rle ckenitidwia.°tfaelettie:erriereer-etderi . 35 70c -1 40 - . .. gists c,, , $ . . - 1 .have givenquite e fee,to my baby In discitittg t lie -possibilitles-o-p'sbut.i.4.4typ..inere i I n m e il I n te re, ft e f,• .t1inn to in- , ,,...........A.T. ,J0kihk - ,itaiellidoi-10 tl,4 ik. - one' Of the ireet• oliataeter•-buildin- e nrsny initassees -wavers Its value, A re- iensediesit is eeieritittl,..ag; it has in very '''""•''`'' c•-•.`1". .--!,;..,er, filyL,Aoknua:,..w.ozu,..B;Llyaliow, ./1-1.07 ing in , 'Tele eniphasis *Ss -laid 'on ' h41° f rim "the hetlle'lltr6trkh ".t" hasal ' , rat, w c . s some ing o er axa- "" ' - ' "Ltflifillillifir/aLlr414-0 - at .25 Cents' a 'hex from The Dr. Won- the furtherance of •theie ideals both ! in. _.. Iintiert dyes 'seldom do." 'The -Tablets are ' add by medicine dealers or by 'mail factors in the life of -the nation. To Cents experience in re .1 1 itg vl 1. 4. Hams' Medicine ,Co.-, -Brobkville; • CLIC.' •----,..----.- . able cows -oder has. again desisoriqtrNated. ' iii4e2 supposed to :be a lost" stlecntilion ci"Izzi 1 1,-Si3iiis ere's- Afore ban favor Manyfoods,while p1eaing to taste, tOrit4in but little miiirishment: • combines with its riCh, sweet flavor the 4ful1 nutriment of wheat and maltedbarley which rnakes it an ideal food; • pc! , it has been the favorite' ready -to -eat. cereal for :a ckuarter of a tenttiry: ee'lYh'""d's 'w”` it • ft "There a eason the Canadian and the ,American or- its great *twos and -promVts 10410re= , foits•, Several important features of a ganizatione are directing -all theie c°"1"'"d'it i"" (he higheg- terms th the Boy Scout .sellezne of o rifin izati On :-t7hbirjleiPrisa111114 r; iesenaidt‘l;1..°Roe.iellaNnir:gserarcjrni(Illeensg-nt7laallit ist Canada. have recently beell adapted ' does .11/41iiiiird's Liniment. A 1.ea'i tru‘.:1:,'11191 ,.-The Best Ford Story. it not perhaps generally known that 1Vire.,teeery e era 40eps"..a, *look Ja. se the neede, of ,the-A,..4eertcan 61"0..n4.1 good ne- . ... . A" IC BoBBT' which are pasted ail. the many :bun- zation. .Tbe Most. iniPertant of these:l. * • ' ceee6tme dredvid-different Jekea;that:have-an- :changeS,hawbeen:theestabliShment-al,_ peered in the American and English ''twelve-regionali'eouncils correspond newspapers concerning his careing to the previncial couneits in : .--Soefar_iroin sentthg the s.iy Aga L'aii de' he rather Welcomes theme iq afford-,' ing him a good free advertisement, tied- recently; fie birriself-told this -one in pUblic, -with the ,added comment. that it was thebest tif the batch. • heed or ft' geVertififeli t dePaft- nient :at Washington- (said 'Mr. Ford) --Wayttetra-7-thr;ianderang-itp-41M-garitg - Where they were, kept • '• • . "Sorry," came the reply. "We've ".only a couple obrords in Juelmnow." right. send One along. And I Bay, while yotere about it, send a 'squirrel With it, Will ,your. "Squirrel? Whet do You want a Squirrel for?" asked the puzzled gar- age keeper. "To pick up the nuts," 1 -Why is it that a man cOnsiders his wife extravafgant N'vben she- spends a (falai' and Inmeelf prudent when ,he spends five? • , Might Be •Either! .1 certain officer brought home With him froth Africa an intelligent but literate7ISkIlir :•td* entity- on -with -the-' defies, of it batman he had learnt in ythe.Service, • • 7•, • i4day tlie-oilleee---* 6--retellite . $ • when he became ,painfully conscious bf Pete constantly peeping over hie •MU -Alder. "What dcyou want, Peter, he asked at length., • , . • "I wants ter ' • ask yer' a tinealiain, sah," replied the nigger, grinning.. • "Well, What is it?" invited the oni- cor'ItindlY.. ' "1 has seen folks reading peeks and de like, an' 1 Jess wanta tor, knew which it is yer reads -'-de white or 'de blaCkr ' ,alemommommp.' kinericaPs PiODIOr Dog Remedies Book on _ DOC. DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Pres to any Ad - 1 dress by -the Author. 4. 21„ti1ey Glower Clown% 118 Weed Slst Streat New York, U.S.A. t „ .44 ....... ,0 60 41 it 44„,,,, .. ' • CORNS II, Lift Right Off • 1.1ir without , Pain. Magic! Drop a little "E'reezone" iti an aching corn, • hietantlY that :cern steps hutting, then shortly you lift it right Off whir. fingers. **1[Yoesift Mitt a bit, • • . Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of '"Freezone" for a,few cents. stiffi,cient • te reinter eVery.hard corm soft'corn, Oinfirgtj.Inlm. tits Psinl.rune' „ , or oqra b wean the toed, and oalluees,, lumniantlair. -Tromoted '41 By Cuticura, Cuticure kills dandruff. stops itching, the cause of dry, thin and fallincliair. Treatment: Gently rub Cuticura dint. ment with emend of the finger. onspots of dandruff and itching. Follow next morning with 11 hot shampoo of Cuticura SostP. Repeat in two weeks. Nothing better than these fragrant, super -creamy emollients for all skin and Scalp troubles. 8res25e. OistswatISaaJbe. 14ca.156. Sold throughouttheDomlnion. CanadianDepot: beam Malta. 344 $C Paid 81., w.. Meavesi. iparCedevaralokpoiloave• without msg. ASSUE No, 18-'21. v.