The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-05-12, Page 10f•.
tt/ 140* B IliVt -111?-11=41, 1 4F l iia,. OH. '
_max. - �, -•
T , •
• r,
When' you buy a suit ,,herea you.
haveoyQur choice of gar><nents from
the best Makers �f Clothes in the;.
Dominion, viz., 20th., Century; Art
Kraft- and ,Sovereign Brands ---names
that in the clothing trade stand •'out,
above all others as a guarantee of
Models we are-showin for
' See the Snappy g - „
the Young Man at $18, $20, $22 and $25.
%" •
For 'the . more conservative dresser . we have a'splendid'range at
$20.00 and $40.00.
.t I
& CO.
-Floor Finish :.
Nothing adds se, much to the beauty of 'a home
;as floors that are properly: cared' for; on the
other hand; (floorsthat are 'not . protected are
unpleasant: to look at, are hard to keep clean;
• and become • injured through wear. Don't
neglect your floors; .beautify them and save
them. Save the -surface: and you save 'all. .
MARBLE -ITE" Floor Finish is the perfect_
POOH: __P _., ':tieatment-t r floors -of all kinds `:It, is the-oae
it wed y a -`~floor -finish that-iias--a;-inoney-back -guarantee:.'•
Saari. --.
- attached every can. ,
In 24: hours MARBLE -ITE dries hard' with. a .:beautiful finish that will_ not .show 'heel %larks.
It has a high gloss, yet is•tough enough to stand
anyamount of wear' without injury. It can be
Washed -with soap and water and it:- will not ---
mat nor scratch white•
We invite youto :call, and 'discuss this methocr
of beautifying and ',protecting your_ floors.. We
cavi-giveyou full details regarding g this :or any
----other painting: or;varnishin' problem _ TtiZebay+s . ;__
U!!9 i1:f`:.-til!'
From pure bled trapnested.
S.C, - White ••Leghorn' r; (Barron.
Strain). The Barron Leghorn 'is"',
an English .bird, and for .a"Leg- -
horn is very large, some of then
being as large ea the.Rock. They.
have the, advantage over the
Rock , in 'that they" very seldom',
if ever ,want to set. With: the
coining' of the warm weather the '
heavy ' breeds seen determined"
to set. Not so with the Leg--
horn„„ "1t this time of the 'year •
she is deterwjned to Tay.. They', 4 .
will: alas lay. in the winter if giv-•
en •. proper carer From Nov,. 1st
to April 1s;t, ten_ f, our trap '
nested leghorns laid 1035.' eggs.
At 'Ian average price of: 75c ,per
doz.; . ,this means `$62.78' cash•.
which- we got. , From these same
birds, and others abed
we are offering you chicks at 22c
each, delivered at' your station.
Walter Rose, . Brussels, dot.
Phone 38x. Boz•34.
the extra water turned into it and
that ' as a result his', property was.
damaged. It appears that he had
something of •a case' - against • the
municipality, and the only way out,
if there is to be further draining in-
to' the -river, is to have it deepened
so that :the -'Water will be .carried.
Notice hereby given 'tl1at, a
Court for the Revision of• the Asses-
stnent Rollfor the Township of Kin-
loss' for 'the year 1921 will be. held.
• at the Township` Hall, • Holyrood, on
•Friday, May 27th,. 1921.,•,at-10'o'clock
ferenodn, , •l
Parties interested teke notice:.: and
'governthemselves accordingly.'
May 9th., 1921;• ' •
12-•5-c., ' Geo. G. Moffat,: Clerk.
Phone No. 10is at Your $trvice
We Sell for .Cash,, -We' Sell Cheaper Mail -The Cruet • S
To Our Tow Customers
• The Time -Saver Electric Washer -is' the
best. 'value • on `-the market ---welt made; easy
, on power and •washes perfectly.. Price com-
plete $105.00:
Point Irons and Toasters; .'`bear the.
- Edison marl; of , efficiency, absolutely guaran ,
Solex Bulbs are 'as•nearly perfect as ityi°s
possible to make.electric light 'bulbs. p5 and
40 watt 45e each. 60 watt 50c each. • 100
watt Nitrogen 1.25 each. ,
We' •.pleased, to demonstrate any
of the above goods, tp you.
Co Our 'Country . Customers -
We have Paristone Jo plastering; Lime
• for whitewashing.
Coiled and Barb Wire.. Galvanized
Staples. Call and see our Even -spaced Wire
-Fence, 8 wires 42 in.' high. • It will please you..
A car of Canada Cement just arrived:
" Sherwin William Paint for. all purposes.
'he:Lucknow f ardware & CoaI Co.,
Pelroolv I -ort �
are shown here in a variety of colors and widths, light•.
and dark designs, in shadow, tapestry and floral ef-
fects; some are eversible patterns.
C11e1V the old. mm plete stock of MAR phi-SENOUR Paints
s EU.TON E " and Varnishes For every purpose -For every •
••. _. , _ ., .....,surface _ _ - = N
•The wutary, wash . •
for Interior Decor.
ee 1 Rest Ran ae. in, the Country: air
All At -Moderate : Prices.,
i4RGA1 c.
bels, ,
am: 1,1
Duchess 'Satins, also Striped. Taffetas.
Wednesday `Evening '8 to 10, at
$2.92 95 yd:
On 'Sale
7 warrsoHURCFH last week with 4'11r, and Mrs Roland
-. -.. _.- - --..
,;,d,4;acrd-Geo: Garton t�isited
___ --
x.: over-�-tinnday.with--�r-iends=�-a��=I�at'
�.. Ai;awanosh,
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Henderson
visited, on' Sunday • with friends at
Wingham eTct , .•
Beginning on Map 16, the White-
church chopping mill - will run on
Monday only 'of each week . during
the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Mowbray and,
• children were . Sunday visitors ,with
Mr. and" lairs. Wocks, near Teeswater
Mrs. Geo. Rintoul, ofWingham,
spent the week -end at, Mr. Geo. Gar-
ton' .
arton'. '
r. and Mrs, Jas. Plourde and
fsn411yr Of Owen. Sound, and Mrs,
poor, *S Wiiss u►mr war. %Otos
Lower Wingham, visited on Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs, Eli Jacques.' •
Mr,. and ;tars. William. Prince, of
W ngharn,. Visited ouelr`"'the- week -end
with Mr: and 'Mrs. Cornelius. .. ,
o•.o•o -
The long controversy over the
deepen='," of the T cswater River
appeaaa have been• practically.
end( •:%, tr ^'vision- of the town
• ?,)1y interested'•== -Cru]-
cos.- i,,. r uoeici-to :lave the riv-
�. •�•.
el' • deet`+; *t 4 , ;fie Mein ub4Lrneit rf
in the ri .(r is _a bar of. 'sage at the
're of Cuep•nw. `Th.g bar holdi_
,....�_,..: Tri»..r=.. •
t�=_S4ai.']'_.:..�_. �'ff"V,tz�. ; T., .n•f710 xt•
_14,000. acres of land _into _what is.
known as the Greenock Swanip, 'b--
sides rendering, much other landun-
cultivable. „
Agitation for the- removal of this
bar began as far back as 1871, and
it has . been coming an periodically
ever since. Those who would be
benefited most by' the drainage' want-
ed . it done, while those on the 'high
and dry land were not in favor:'Rec-
ently 'some extensive draining into,
the river was done, and a Mr. Ban-
nerman, owner ' ,of some low land,
startedan action against Cnlrnss
Township for , the flooding" of hie
land, claiming that tier* won Oat
sunicient outlet ill the Trit+Ar' to tan
Eivioi "ot :*:1VI M$e ERaOI�f
William MacPherson, it former
well-known ,resident of the vicinity,,..
of 1Io
`y1 -rood, - -•died at his home in
*Wingham on April 29th; foilowine' a
few. ,days': illness' with . pneumonia.
He was taken ill only the 'Sunday be
fere his death. - He leaves a widow
and one daughter. Mr. MacPherson'
went to reside in Wingham twelve
years ago, tori his return from the
Yukon gold fields, , where he .had
spent A number of years prospect-
ing g ottd f}ltnlnt
.—Tuesday, May 10;
Stanley Jarvis 1;u1.. to Pine.
River where . hc' ins t ; . • `poyition
with. 1',1r...13 11:'in th•• s+utcm.
Ada Piee visited at R;
Miss Jetrii ; lie•tchabaw' is spend-
ing a week with _t+ ha cents- itt our
,burg. ,
Jas. Murray, has returned home
from Brantford . much improired in
'.'leitlttl. •''
Atex T;+,•mpsott is assisting Win,
Mar sin with the spring work.
A law. number from our bora
_ .. t. _. . in r>•...:..._.' ..,.
a'tt n ed he services the- Presby.
terian Church,• i ucknow, on,, Sunday , • .
Mr. Wm:' I:empton visited friends ,
in our 'burg on _Sunday. ;' . '
Miss Sadie 'MacDonald, who has
been quite ill, is improved' in 'health.,.
John 'Murdoch, of Lucknow, is as■
stating Geo. Page to make tile.
A mediocre man attracts as much"
attention ,among his .inferiors as •u
brilliant man among his equals,
We are immortal until our . *Or4
to 'done,: