HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-05-12, Page 1,
*AY 12, 1921.'•
Roller Mills
wurkiig day
Bran and Shorts on
) lin: the matter of the Application ' of
the Commissioners for the Tele-
phone System of the Municipal-
ity of Huron 'for authority tore
place old ' cable and to issue de-
bentures to meet the cost. of the
Appointment For Hearing,
. The Ontario Railway and Municip-
al Board, having. directed . Francis
'Dagger, Esq., telephone expert, to
inquire, and report upon the above
' matter, doth appoint Tuesday,, the
tenth, dad of May, A.D., 1921, at the
hour, of ten .o'clock in the, forenoon,
'at tile, Town Hall, Ripley,' for the
holding of such • inquiry, ;at which
time and place all persons having an
interest in this matter and desiring'
to be heard are directed to .. attend.
Dated .at Toronto this 29th. day of
Aril A.D., 1921.., c .
1? , ''
(Signed) H. C. Small; Secretary of
• the Ontario Railway and Municipal•.
. •
---FRII?A�f, 1VIAY--20tTi.;-:L-921, • J`
' . T•at�
llarry Logan's; Purple _Grove. •
• . 4 'Horses
ows-..10•., Grass Cat-
10 New Milk- C ,
--t1 --Other Small ;Cattle
x.24.-Bream—g : Ewes with,. lambs:
• • 2 Brood Sows.
Pawl. ••••"
Corn Binder,: -2 -row Corn- Cultivat-
. asse B>nder; :6=ft Massey
or, 6 -ft. M , y
Mower,: Hay Loader, Btiggy, 'Cutter,.
2 wagons, Ford Car, • Power Attach=
merit for car. -
' Some Household. Futniture:- --
p .O - o 0 0 :o 0 0' .0 0
.I •
I •
o .
o, o o
0 • _.o
o.Q. .
p ._o-
Misa EthelArmstrong is up from m.
London visiting ut her home.
Mrs. Neil McInnes was taken to
the Winghara Hospital for treatment
on Monday.
' n
' Ili;* •Point Week, •referredto
the edit. ..of-; Rae &, Porteous,. see
page 6, wall "be. May 16 3to '21st.
'The Walkerton •School Beard has
asked. the Town Council- for $58,006
for the erection of a new four -room
addition to the school
Mrs. Wm. McNall, Wallaceburg,
Mr. and Mrs., Geo. McNall and Mrs
*G. leNall, Sfr., visited ' this week
with Mr. and Mrs. W. .1, McNeil.
Mr. Stanley Burns, for the past
year •assistant in Armatroltes. Drug
Store, went to . London on Monday
where he has, .taken a position in a
drug store.
Mrs. Chas. Strathdee, of Kinloss,
who lately underwent an . operation
for' appendicitis in 'Kincardine Hos-
pital, is recovering and hopes to be-
home. shortly. ,
Mr.' Arthur MacDonald, of Qrillia,
was in town for a few days of last
week, 'having come down to attend
the funeral a the late Mrs... J. C
MacDonald, of Montreal.
The Lucknow Base Ball League
series will commence', this (Thurs
day). afternoon ' when the Never•
Si eats will 'meet the U.F.O's. The
game will .commence' at 3.30.'
• The' 48th Highland Band is . to be
•one of the ' features of the Old Boys'
Reunion. . at Walkerton—July23 . to
30. ' , This.. famous band will be in. the
Bruce County Town for three days.
A. Hard Times' Bally under, auspic-
es of 'the Ladies' Athletic Club, will.
be given in Lochalsh Hall on the evg.
Of Friday, May 13th. Come one.
Come all., launch < served. ', Admission
$1.00. . '
Mr. Harry Logan, of Purple'.
• Grove, 'has bought the: real estate'
and conthyancing business 'of the
:late 'John: Fara ba n at;Teeswater,
and will be moving' to that town in
the -bear future: ":-He 'has -rented' his
far m. ' and will: have an. auction sale
on .:May ' 20th • -
' Card of Thanks.—Mr. and Mrs. D.
D. Mackinnon wish. through ' The
•Sentinel to thank the' many friends
--and neighbors... who nvere so kind and
:r -tea m athetie.at,.tlie' tihne of the :death
of their daughter, Mrs. • J. : C. ?lee -
There .died at her home. in Mont-
real, on Monday of last week,, Mrs.
J. C. MacDonald, , youngest 'daughtr
of. Mr. and Mrs. D, ' D, MacKinnon„
of Kinl..o&, at the age of 44 years.
She had; been, ill• for more -than a
yearsuffering' from a ,cancer :Which
developed inside the thigh bone a
very :uncommon trouble , which .com-
pletely baffled ' the doctors in attend-
ance., " Mr. MacDonald, the ]ius,
band, is` a, .brothel; . of
MacDonald, of town, and Mr. Fred
MacDonald, .The deceased was mar-
ried to Mr. MacDonald fifteen years,
ago, when they moved to Montreal,
Besides the'husband there are left' to
mourn, three sons, • the eldest -14
years, the youngest 7., Many friends
of early days attended the funeral
here on Wednesday; ,.when the re-
mains were laid • to rest in Kinloss
a Veteran ActoY Vies With Star In
Big 'Automobile . Feature
In . ,New Picture
Reid is not the only one
Wallace Rei
who proves himself a speed. demon
in ."Excuse My Duet," the new auto-
mobile' racing picture featuring - the'. :
handsome star at • the . Family
Theatre Friday. Theodore Roberts,
the veteran; character actor, pilots 'a
racer in the momentous contest that
provides most of the thrills in the'
Reid feature. : He' did it with all the
nonchalance 'ofan Oldfield, guiding
the 'car at a, seventy:niile clip from
'.Los Atgeles to San Francisco and
deriving been pleasure and healthful
• excitement . from the • experience.
His only, • regret, ''; • according to '. Mr,
.Roberts; was that hp could net keep
lighted the cigar which is constiintly
between his lips •
"Excuse My Dust": is : packed with
fun and excitement: 'It is• a,.com.pen
Jon ,picture to _"The Roaring- :toad,"
a former. Reidy auto' story;and, like
its • Predecessor, .was written .by, By-
ioin-Morgan: Ann L►ttle is the l
. rs •a .Par-
_ • amount Artcraft,=Advt•:._.
The base bill season will open at
Lucknow on • Tuesday of next ' week
'When, a game in the North Welling-
ton League series will be played in
Caledonia Park, Lochalsli will be
the-visitin . team, and as the 'teams.
are keen. rivals; a good .ex'hibition'of
sport may be looked' for. The game
is called for 4:M. o'clock.
, Gaines in tits, N. 'Wellington Lea-
gue will,. bexplayed' as feli'ows
Lucknow, games#,Et .home.
'May rt--aLochalsh: ,,. ",Lucknow
May 31—Brussels.. ,: ..Lucknow
June 3—Teeswaater: :. Lucknow
June. 14=Wngham.. Lueknovy'
June 16—Kincardine:. • , ...Lucknow
June 23.—Brussels.. '.. Lucknow
July 5—Kincardine.. , •.. Lucknow'
July 15 -Lochalsh.. , . ..Lucknow
July 21--Wingliam. , , •: ,.Lucknow
July 28,—Teeswater. :. Lucknow
Lucknow games . away:
May 20—Lucknow.. •.. Brussels
May. 26—Lucknow.., ,Kincardine
June 8—Lucknow.. . . Wingham
June 1O-Lucknow:- :' ..Lochalsh
lune "21-Lucknow.. ...Kincardine
July 7—Lucknow.. ..,' Brussels
July -11—Lucknow.. ::Teeswater
July 18-1nicknow.. ::Teeswater
July; 25—Lucknow.., , . , Lochalsh
".ug. 4--Lucknow.. .. Winghani
o -o -o-- '
Methodist Church—The pastor -Will
•occupy the, pulpit morning and . even.
ing.. In the morning; the;'interestine
service' of the installation .of the.
newly elected Sunday. , •School . stafl
will be .conducted. ,•
Epworth League. - The regulai
meeting• of the Epworth League. on
Monday, night opened with .singing
and • prayer. Mrs, Naylor read . the
scripture lesson'. .arid Mrs. Andrew.
gave thef, topic on .Missions, followed
by Via; piano duet' by Mrs: Reid • and
Mrs.•Newton,•and' a reading' by 'Irene:
'• Largecongregations attended the
anniversary, services sin..,the Presby-
terian Church Jast unday mon-dirg
and evening; the country roundabout
being .especially _represented• in the
evening.. _The Rev. Dr. Drunyrriond,
of ;St Paul's Church, Tiamiltbiit con-
ducted the services in a:very ac-
ceptable - manner. Rev. K;.A.. Gel.:
len .and Rev. 'R. F. Irwin took' part lir
the.; evening' service , _
The •Guild The -regular meeting
of. the.Guild was heltEon-Monday ev
ening when , the Adult 'Bible ..Class
supplied the program. The' meeting.
opened with' singing and prayer, and
Mrs. Cannell'. read the scripture les
son. '.Two splendid papers were giv-.
en on the•topic, "Christian Principles
In•'Community_ Life:' Duets._,_were:.
rendered by Mrs. McKenzie arid .Mrs.,
c rs _Agnew and Mrs::
Murdo h ,••„_
Douglas; "a couple of d orasesb5`
the class,' a reading ,by Mrs;. _ Robt.:
Thompson, . a piano duet by Misses
A1-maa-and Ada ..._McI ay, 'and a solo.
by.Mrs. 6race Aitcheson., The
meeting nHext week will be in the
hands_lif_the• Literary Cottimittee
The regular meeting of •South Kin
loss W.M.S was -held-in' the church
on Wed May-'ith.7„'Itihe-,Study-topic-
was .conducted by, Miss MacKay in
,:the -form of. a contest on the map of
Henan while 'Miss 'Gertie 1V1aclin�osb
... _Tuesday.•Ma '10
Mr- °find-Nlrs. B _Treleaven .aid;
family spent Sunday ;with. Mr.% Hun-
-Z' n.:
ter, to
Mr..S.'Sherwood 'visited his father,
Mr: P. Sherwood,. of Belfast, one -day
last week.•
The m_ onihly:meeting_'of the W_ .M.•
he d ' at the home of ` Mr—
Dave; McWhinney, 'Tuesday:: •
• Anyone wishing , to he a' member
of The Hospital Ladies Aid, Goder
.'c ma` secure, a membership' ticket
1 h,. _ ,Y
r for 60e: from Mis 'Jessie`;`Sto't]ters ors
Miss Sturgeon, Mafeking. •
ova▪ a▪ aaos+po04s0sssssas■ Aa MIMI I r r 1TI`aasseslee
22 COWS, with `calf' at font or
due 'in' 2 weeks : will be 'sold by :
public ' auction: at the Cain 'House-"
Barn, on Saturday, May_21st.
15 Grade Durhams, 4 "Holsteins,
Jetties.' Every Cow a...lst class
• Terms -9 mos. -credit, with bank
interest added •_
Wm. Sprott, P'rop.' J .Purvis; Auc.
Mrs..: E. Mackenzie will have an
auction saTir `iirlitii'seliOld effects;' at
her former residence, Havelock St.,.
hucknow, ' on Saturday, May 14, com-
mene'ing: a"t`2 30 ti'cloek,=R: Me-
Charles, -Axe..• • :
_OFyLA. -
▪ •ria 'oltL
;4y, Room I. .
C. Class. Ex.—(C.. Greer, J..Brab-
son) ties, A. Watson. ' Good; 4,, Ain -
drew, (A.' Durnin; H, Johnston) ties,
J .Stewart, 'S. Steward, A, Murdoch.
Fair—G. ' Anderson, M. .. Banton, '1'.
Menary, A.' Smith, S. Mullin, 1,
Whitby, E: Nixon. �. '
13•' Class Ex. - -M. Robinson, I.
McMillan,. D. ' Henderson..' Good—lt.
Finlayson,. Fairer -F; Thompson;
Armstrong, H. McLeod,:'A. Wilson,.
*A. • Class. , Ex.G. McDonald, 1?;
Steward,. Is, _Naylor, L, Brabson, K.
Brown,' .L' °Webster. Good -T.
Kenzie,. Winifred, 'Armstrong. ],'air
—D. McKenzie,„ T. Anderson, M. Mc-
Donald, A. McKenzie, R: Mullin,
Wilson Armstrong,. W.'. Bradley, .L.
Irwin, C. Finlayson,. B. Drinkwalter,
•K. Ferris, E, Baker; W. Robinson, E.
Agar, . M. • Cousins, .E, Whitby, T.
McDonald, C. Johnston, J. C. Durnin,
W. Taylor, G. Purvis. ., •
• 1.. Murdie, 'Teacher..
Room rII.
Jr. -IV Ex,—K.' Mackenzie*, W.
Webster*, M. ,.Watson`", Clifford Web-
ster, M. McAllister, .V.. Sherriff*.
Good= -B. • M'ilne, H. MacDonald, S.
MacLeod*, , Charlie ' Webster*, • F.
Eaton. (absent •on`account of illness)•,
R. ' Bradley.,., Fair -R: ' Watson, L:
Robinson, A: McMillan; 1`S. Jewitt,. ,I:.
Drinkwalter. '
Sr. Il. Ex.—(M.., Stewart*, • B
Tlenderson*) ties, ,
Libel.`, M. Qui1iin*, N. Wilson*.
^ood—A. n rew* E. MacDona ld*
L. Menary*, •`W; Nixon • (absent •.foi!
several days):
• neither' late•• not •absent du;ine
die _month.'.. •
J. MacCallutn, Teacher.
Room: III
Subjects, -A,rith,, Art, Corrie.,
erature.. `' '
•rSr. `III—W..Douglas 84, ..R
lyonald • bt2,. M;, Arzlistrang• fit),• :-G:
Johnston 80, U..Smeltzer 'i J, li A 1,i-.
derson' 9,; 111, Henderson 72 U. ,ai -
'..enzie 72, ,L: Webster. 71, C 41,c1 -
_tie.• 71,._A'V'..1:J. at_on_ 70,. IL,•'11IcCal4un,
r0, : C:..Milne69, D. liclnnes 68;• •
puller. 67, P. Nixon 65, 'G. Webster
0,' C.•: Blit stein 60;; Y'Webster 5e,
I', Webster 58;. A Irwin' 50::
::';Su '.sets—Axith.; :Cone,- Aft
Stewart 82, M. Doug-
.:. ps• hot t or -76f 1:..•McInnes_ r5, -._K.-7, i A
72;„1-1. Webster 68, S: D'eekel . 65, J.
='A g g ar
13akex�•'64, D:--ltlilne`(aD; W. 57,
'•.V. E. Cam bell Teacher.
p �
Boon; :Ii.`
Subjects --Spell.,;' Arith.,,
re Grammar .
Sr.:IV.-M ,Douglas 86,'; .S. Mac-
kenzie 83, E ..M Ori 75, E Johnston
72, J. Beaton. 70,.L. Murdoch G0, Al.:
1'atteson: 63; 41Is .Alton•
Jr. I *tt Anderson- SE;;'' J.
S:tetvart $5, . : E, Armstrong 74, . E.
Burns 73; W. Sproul 68,:A. 'Thonip-
son 66;•'M. Geddes' 61, L'.',Sinith 58,,
J. Osgood 55, C: lVl idle 5. , 'IJ Web
ster .49. •
*' absent .,for one: or more= exams.
C' 1VI Claalt, Teaeher.
Family Theatre
1'R DAY, MAY 13th.
Wallace Re
billy: West Comedy
Government Scenic'
Star. Cpme�dy'
, Pathe News and
• °o-o—o-=0=0—o , _C o . o o: o
o••-o—o.ti-0-•C (r 3-0-0
VIONEY' TO LDAP`' "* r''° ;ages an • d
notes .at reasonaole: 'rarzs. Fire:
'Insurance, both stock and Mutual
Com)?anies. Conveyancing done,
"with neatness and, despatch.
Geo. A. Siddkll,' Broker,Lucknow
House, Lucknow, every•,Wed
'•nesday, afternoon. All ::.hronic dis-
eases successfully' treaty d. • Osteo-
pathy removes Veale hi'.1..,ical,.causes
of ,disease ' :.4,ta u�' ient of the• ::
spine is niers' quickly secured and •
with .fewer__ -treatments .by Osteo-,
. pathy -than by any other method, `
W.. J.:Keheler, Ripley, • .P.1 -
6'3; -.
nii;ht or' dei tf. - r
When; 'at -tine Poic ice_ ,._.call; next
door and see the: electric" washer at •
No -G.— .'5
walk, .trouble:: to; 'sho G
Robertson, 12-5--
S• - cialPrices
After..taking._atock we find that we'' -_
have too heavy a stock of 'watches, .. :•
and in order to reduce -these' we -ere, �•_ .:...::.
offering a special discount. ofd 10 per
cent off all watches'in stock from
MAY 1$th.'toh23rd.m •
i m e .to bu that watch
o _.
lv : time. ...
• you -have -been -thinking ,_of for .:some •
titin -and: --make --a•-saviin -°°of 10 ^ per-
. Dent. Remember the dates—MAY '
13th. -23rd.,
�l" lT Regina Wetehes . cam a uni-
vernal 'guarantee, "Good any place
in Canada."
n' er an. •y v r ue o '• a ,powers
granted to the.undersigned: by 'the
Surrogate Cou t of the • County of '
Huron in : the'Estate' of . the late
. Thomas . Joynt,. there will: be , offered
fol.. sale • by public auction on Satur-
day;•the..fourteenth. day of May,
1921, at the hour' of two o'clock in
the- afternoon at. •Miller's -store at St.
Helens; by T. R. -Bennett, auctioneer,
tha .: following •property, namely: .the •
East •Half of . the Ekat Halt df ' Lot
number twentytwo . in . the•Eleventh'
Concession of the. Township of, West
Wawauosh. in ..:the. County. ofs Huron,
less a roadway. ' : . •; .
, There. iA situated on the'property
n rame
ibhe-followiing, buildings, ;....9 .e,,f .r
bar-ri avith--stbnek..foundation,_,36x4Q
xand=a frame° -house: atone=foundation
18x28,. aasrpring creek runs through
the farm. This property: will make::
.0 good grazing farm. •
'Terms: of sale:, Ten, percent at -the •
time of . sale and the balance within
30 drys. .
For further partiirulars and condi-
tions of sale apply to the undersign°.
Dated rt Wingb&m ,the 2nd day •of
May, A.I .; 1921.. •
T. it, • 1enfett, ' d411n dbynt, .
Auetinneer. ' Adminiiitater
'bt MOW Heinlein
! $aliiItor,
:..a. paper• o e-GreFc
Societies," • and •Mrs: Alex MacLeod
quoted an extract on Y.1VI.C.A. work.
Them Easter Thankoffering took the
for'of a: Life-,Meiiibership -Certifiez-
.ate to Mrs. Kinnon 1VIaciiinnon; in.
connection with which Mrs: Martin
made -the presentation and Mrs:GoI-`
Lan: re4 the following address
Dear Mrs' MacKinnon.;-lt .gives
us,'yourfellow-workers in -the -W.M.
S., great,pleasure to -have' you Pres-
ent With us' .in; our .meeting today:
We rejoice. that..you have' come safe-
ly through
afe-lyz:..through your trying and_ painful
ordeal, and, are enjoying the great`
blessing of restored eight. We
""rkilary 7vtatvar Bass°` ieCuincu"
FOR SALE=New Idea Washer
and: Wringer, in first class condition..,..
Apply to Robt. • Brown, Lucknow:
28 4-tf•
.F0 a Di—An'.- automobile tire
Owner ,;niaw have same an proving
property.. Apply to - Jake Libel,
Lucknow.- 19-5-75c .•
-Moving," delivery . or= other -work.",.
that, .can .Lae• dons with. a . motor,true k . ,.
will be ' done .l at • reasonable ..rates._lays. `.:.'.
Jake 'Libel. Phone 86.:. • 26-5-75 •
,WANTED -•7-A' few student nurses.'
, Apply to' the; City of Stratford -Gen-
eral hospital,' Stratford,'Ontario.
WORK ..WANTED -BY :man can,:
awe o.tiotng :ani �ordkna' r,�r.::w'ayk __T
Infortnation at. The Sentinel .Office.
ow" 15 ..tae -ti ne tier `ydilf ..w ,;
just, ari,ived:—Geo: S. Robertson.
week with' her parents' near Kjntail;`
Miss 1Ida ;Hamilton,. .of Stratford
Normal, spent. the week -end .at her
-home--o4—account •of- tho seraou4 Y11-
ness of •her, •father; Mr.:Joseph Ham
ilton ,: • .t
blrst • Wui. •Bt#ckingham is not as
as.her many. friends would wish,:
Miss. Tena';Keniptoit, •of Chatham,
_is visiting_ her parents at Laurier.
', Mrs. W. J. Evans, of::Hamilton, is
visiting her. parents, Mr':, and Mrs..
Jas. Wilkie,' of Amberley, _
• While motoring home. from; Luck-
now- .ot1 Friday eve•ning,- John Rosa
had the misfortune to overturn his
--FOUND:—Ry:Jacob ��Iil_Lrx, i
Lucknow; . a signet ring. • Owner:...:
may •have same on proving property.
Particulars .sit The Sentinel Office.'
FOR • SALE'.—Five-room, • Frame :
House, good. cellar, large woddshedT
, barn, • cement tiled' well, and';about''
,one acre of:land: Immediate posses-
siou.—Robt. Johnston..
r FOR SALE—Section 'of large •
e'to car:. Some new .gravel caused the. frame d'welling', 'suitable for anyone
wouid,,._unite-with you in g e,
o rest loirlti . kindness.' ' car: �tcr ' :skid', anti: ,t- --took-4o-.-'th -'
.God: cknew g --ditalc." Mater Ross .and • Catherine:
T o this and All �� •.
�Iei� acknontledg'�extt f �
:many mercies we decided to
make a special Easter , offering in
the form of this. -life membership
certifltate to you—oneof the chart-
er meinhers of this -auxiliary and al-
so its oldest member in years. ' We
trust you will regard It as a•token
of our :appreciation of your faithful
work and ' attendance in the least and
fink between us and you during
the year% that may yet IN, granted
yo Next 'meeting will ' de • al largely
with the ,Presbyterial which meets
itt Taf 0votex! oft 2eV Oohs •
-1VTaardwald; :: Vvlt ' 'vt�ere =;lair tlr car,
suffered from strained arms and cuts
and a general shaking up. ;The' car
was' not much damaged.
Wm. Pockley,.who has .been stop.
ping with, J. X. MacDonald, ' near.
Lochalsh, has returned to Detroit,
Miss Margaret Hardie, who was
nursing her father, Reit, J. S. Hµrd-
le, during his recent illne6s, has re-
turned to her duties. in Chicago.
°To do totalling' worth while is I-,
tett the f:llepteiit kind s# /11ee0btirtj.
4ri,toncling..toisat..91_t9_enlowe their
ho4'ne:__Can.-also-sepal$ l4Vnearby-, if
k'sired;• Phone --.-X1.4,—,-_ L.__Mae _,
Kenzie, ', 14-3_tf
" . FOR 'SALE -5 -Grass •Farm, 104
acres, well wateredyN. half of Lot..
6, Con: 12; W:D:, Ashfield: For tsar;' •
ticulars apply to R. H. Dignan, Lon
don,' dr *Jos. Agnew, Lucknow.
24.3=tfc.•. •
,-, . ,. ...;loci
Eg'ggs�! ••1;''41 ,�1,,i'� 'r;i$4~=`�►i
jQ� I il(l. '„!i Ifi, 1,;1,71•,