HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-04-28, Page 3.91
J. fa a .44 AWHA •
. - . •
TH. 'EDUCATION t'.!* who will\ walk a mile.wItli
NEED,A TONIC At Q1111;f3 InerrY waY?
Previncial Beard of Health. Ordain;
An Middleton wiff. be glad tee anewer lineations On Public Health mat,
tiara e lithe and full of glee.
Who dares to.letugh out loud aadfree,
ait •
pi -Dr. Winiatu,s' Pink Pills E
nr c And let his frolic fancy play,
Ike happy child through
e. floyzers,gaY ,
'That fill the field and.fringe the w
Where he walks a mile with
And who Will walk a mile with .me,
Alone' life's weary way'? °
, .
A friend whose heart has eyes to see
The eters shine out efer the darkenine
• sea', • • • ,
, And the quiet rest at the end of the
day -
0 • tees' 'through thig. collenuia' .01.ddress Itle4,,a,t, the Parliament /31401. 0
the Blood, 'pus IncreuOing
Your lge;vous Energy.
NerYoue people Who have net Yet
Iva via' via, ma iw va va.va likui° ima vik *if& as. is. viiif. la via va is developed a disease thet can be re-
. . •. cognized and treated by, t e -m dice
trial pursuits; these win •censtitutelprofession, oeten have great •trouble
the Unita in a,,sttong ehain of ;medical in finding relief, Irritation,headache,
supervision fro the cradle to Noting, sleeplessness, nervous indigestion. AU
man.hood and womanhood- , I these discomforta make life miserable,
.,A. necessary adjunct to medical in -1 but, are 'endured' rather than run a
trusteea are, rapidly coming to realize selection of echools is the dental dis-i doctor s bill.
the Importance of this branch of pre- pensary, the imaS portance. of which is! Such suffereshould know the dam-
.. •
becoming increasingly, evident - Justi ger of such a condition, which, fl al
how rnany a the ' More common ail -l lowed ,t() persist, may . result in a .ner-
.ments ofchildhood and 'youth can be vous breakdoWn. In this condition
The need for Medical inspeetiOn of
selmoIs is becoming increasingly evi-
dent Yet people even,in the most re:
4, mete ,districtit of the Province, TO
their credit be it Said that the school
veptive medicine, and. meetings of
. a these officials have :been held recent.
1Y• ,in various rural. districts, with a
• . 'viol! to obtaining medical and flues- directly .0i indirectly traced, to siefecrI what •is needed is rich, rd blood. Asa
, ink hisifeition throughout the schools tive teeth.it would be difficult asyet a tonic.:for the blood and nerves, Dr.
Of their townships . ,` ' • • • to estimate, but ,inyesigation along .Williams' Plnk Pills- have been: need
' • As, educatitnial • work. is Whit • is this line isce d*
pro e ing. . , •.. • • .
- • with Much macaws They have a di-
• • needed at theonteet, a nurse will first It is certain, however, that -netri:- rect action on the blieirdaand through
• ../ of all sPend, some time in each. dip- tional and digestive defects as well as it' carry to the nerves ' the elements
,. trict where .inedical • inspection of sericies secondary disease in other needed to restore their 'normal lunc-
. scheola is to be inaugurated. • She 'wiLl parts of the body, a.re nee great many tion, at the same time improving the
.get , acquainted with the trusteeg, ,. its that fol -
cases' the result of decayed teeth. Oh- general healthThe benefits
membersof the Women'i Iristitilte, servers state that•dental c,aries (tooth low•the use of Dr. Williams' Pink fine
local doctors, newspaper proprietor; decay) is shown by the case of Mrs. Norman
clergy and prominent citizens general,- is present in -progressive
stages in the mouths of ..ninety-five 'elftledi West, MentroCe, Ont., Who
II' . 1Y, and outline the work that is plan- per Centof our 'children. Goad teeth says; "It would behard for me to
aed. Certainly the . comparative as a rule bring 'about go*d digestion, overstate the beilefit I have derived
. 'healthiness of the country, with pure and this in tern develops geed healthfrom the use a Dr. Williams' Pink
Or and 'facilities for enjoying • the But good health is net long maintained Pills.. Before I began taking the Pills
.great out-of-door amid natural stir- if the chi1d4s not supplied with nottre I, was very nervous, weak and run
. ieundings, does /let make the need for ishing feed in adequate amounts. In aewn., I could hardly domee-hOnsfli
els pressing as in the city. However, Education in some countries like Eng-
work tc
Department .of work, and ae, there Is a great deal on
i do about,a home on a. fern',
continual inepection and Supervision this cenneetion the
a systematic sc'heme 'for medical ' in- land, provides mealsfor scheol chil- I felt very much discouraged. One
sr/action and. nursing . of school chit- dren, • and recover the cost •frota the day while reading a newspaper I saw
dren is very necessary, even in cOun- •parent, ' where possible Where tis an, 'advertisement of Dr. Williams'
., ,try districts` fer removed from any preis made MadePlek Pilland decided to give them a
.* at the schools, the
•: . hgreat Centre of population. -Ailments teachere eften assist in the cooktrialI ecild notice beneficial effects
ing„ •
round. mailbag cityebred children are
;alto prevalent to an even greater de-
gree 'in feral schools, 'ow,i,eg to the
• lack of skilled attention,'" *These ail-
Ments include:: defective vision,' de-
fective hearing, defective teeth, defece
;Eve nasal breathing, hypertrophied or
diseased tonsils, defective nittrition,
heart disease, lung, troubles, nervous
'dise.ases, orthopedic defects', skip and
•snalp conditions.
• ," ,Of' all :these defects taken together,
medical and nursing . attention; has
• torieeted about siity .per cent and
a large per. Fent. of the remainder
after tekingaa box of the pills, and by,
and the elder girls are also encouraged
the time I had taken a few boxes, I
to de so, the latter thus receive some
&mid eagain to nay work with ease,
of the instruction in simple cooking
was no longer Week or nervous,. Slept
whiele is so necessary. . • , , . , ,
well at night And awoke in the more;
On first thoughts .it iv",otild seen!. Ing 'feeling well and .strong. ••I ani
there would be little ateecl for these happy to 'say that the pillso: greatly
measures in a land of plenty such as •benefitted me.".•
Canada,. But it has been 'found intheia
, Jar.• Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
rural districts" especially, that many 411 dealers in medicine or i11 be sent
of the children coining some distance by mall.on receipt of 50 cents 4 box
to school bripg cold. lunches , and eat or,*2.50 for six boxes by writing The
them under somewhat unhygienic sur- Dr. Williams' Medieizte Coe troekville,
roundings.' To obviate this, the On- eine ' • r . . ,
tario Department of. Education, iri . '• • _______________ ,
many dietriets•provides hat lunches at ' ••Saving .81e Treea..
.. could have ben corrected before they the mideday 'recess, and' eupervises.the
beeatne chrome, lead' the children, be children While eating. Not °ply do
fore school age been tinder the super- the ypungsters thin get the benefit of
•,:Visien of the Division of Maternal and
Child Welfare. Think of what an lin-
menee , blessing • such ' . combined
.selierne,will be ,when properly Organ-
ized! pre -natal chides instructing the
mother how to diet and dear with
• danger 1 e
,s gna s Veil laefOre; the birth
•-•••• ;of the Child; clinics to look after both'
_.- mother and the 'child at. .:birthe:and mense. boon to .children of 411 agek.
._....r, •___illelp_ the mother* With advice and e '--ata'will-, .. . g , a, ier . ho
it _te e. - 34 .,.• them. were living. when King,Solcitnee, .
tie ma. e . e :re - , generetiern ..; _e____
regardeadils.heene'.as a saneteery'aet .
,, bright and delicate fancies • and •• 1.'
_ _
operation m ringing up. the .baby Stronger anci'More free from quick and hnmbiaue,synaPathy, so that
through the eritical.first•yeara of life; defects than 'any preceding-, One, and i'
PhYsicai relgned hi .rerusalem, When the p ra- '
mids were :built' •ancl •when Babylon himself and wants'onlY to be let; alone
wee_ at ,tee.,neigite,__oe,.ate glory: elle; Witlehinnewenaperahis_niegazIne ,the aesociation IS a deastire 211 toe
then- inepection 'followed:later lay ,the foundations -for a rang lof- - and brief. and rare:. '' - . - 1 ; ' ..: • " • '
,• and. superwomen in 'genera- i. power. . Their years can 6e 40uoted :by his pipe:7-none Of ;them is. by way a To keep a chara'eter Worthy of:one's
lby-a medical inspection'Of young boys, supermen .
aanct--g-irlsAireparing--eo---enter:=Inthiseleeiene-to-eareee,_ ,,,.......,' . ' ..:,,,,.... ,their rings of n•n•nnni:Ekew•-tli: - . , eultivatnie his boy's friendl,bin. icnne,, i i, 6 1 1.1 _sof_ .,otz_laro!__.•__
_ . -- o In esp ct • map es-, -nentr r
. will the. re.spect, of others b'won if
hot, well -cooked food during school
hours; but they are early. taught • the
advantages of hygienic principles at
the ,table, and these youthful impres-
sions very often' remain through life.
This combines! ,seheme of medical
and dental insPectiori, •systematically
conducted; 'cannot fail to, be an
*a A publie-spirited, organization call-
ing itself the "Save. the Redwoods
League,'' is at the :Preeeet time. melt:
Ing great'efferteto secure the preser-
vation of seine •of the *lent' trees • In
,California, Which are in way the
tnost interesting of created things.' .
They are -by .far •the Most Ancient
of hiving things, Many of these trees
were -Well grown and flourishing dur-,:
ing :the lifetime of Christ Some; of
Tarlicteli; atonarobtheerr.ihitauseueonedesBf5ahhey'swOouwind
US e 'nothing -elate-- :The Tablets- give
he Mich reelable that the, mallet- hp. ilOth-
' Mg but Words of .praiseand thataful-
y nese for them. Aminik the thousou4s
a inothere, thrtingliont Canada •• velie•
praise the Tablets. is Mrs: David A.
Anderson,- ,• New Glasgeve, N.S„ • who
writes: -"I: have used Baby'rl Own
Tablets foi my children and fromany
exiierience I would •rtiat be without
them. ' I would • urge ;every other
enothe,r to, keep ,s1,- box of the Tablets I
in the• house.' The Tablets are a mild i
A friend WhInioUrsand !dame, to but thorough laxative.' which regulate
• ,• a ;' -,.. ' ' - • '-' "' • the bowels a•ncl sweeten the storoftelif:
The brave; sweet word s that. cheer drive Out constipation and indigestion' •
- • • ,. , r
•;.:. illQ way , . , 'break up .coldre'end simple fevers and
''irbere he walks danileWith me.
'Medicine dealers' or bY. mei] at 25.*
With pitch a eontrade, such e friend, tentak a box from •The, Dr: William -is'
t fain,wenild: walk till, Joatneyis end, • •medidne,Co.,.13roeltillle, 0,4, ' ," '
' 'Through sninpfer srinshine Winter:- ''. ' ....-......-...• ' '
make teething easy. They are sOld bY
And then? 'Farewell, we shall meet • •
again! . When we use the •Word sliecees, we
-HnryVinpyke, • tee often Mean a fortune. But the bet-
ter kind of wealth is not the wealth of
Father 'and Son. dollars, houses, lands aid vested hi-
teyer4s. It is the wealth of a good
We Will hazard the aesertion k that
1 name and the essential quality in man
by far ...the greater number- •of men
iipinart that inakes sUch a' iiartie-
whose lives are usefql, fauitful and •and stands behind' it
Some who maintain d'very respect -
reasonably happy had fathers atho
made friends of their hays, and that
the greater number of Men whose
• lives are wasted or evil. hed fathers
whO never made friends of their boys.
-It is froin the father the'hpy.ehould
get his first ilessopg in good humor,
sportsmanshle, generosity, • good fel-
lowship, perseverance, industry -in-
deed; he all. the qualities that ,should
eventually enable billet° be,,ar- himself
as he should In the rough:andaunible
of life: From the Another comes usual-
ly the , foeterireg of the gentler and
No Mere. for ,
'"Does your liUsb.and :ever help you
with the•dish.eer .. •
."No. He says did all the kitchen
police duty he ever Intends Ao de lid
. .
the iirmy."''
• ,
• , All. He 'Owned.'
'."1..wonder *ill Sipithers alwaYs Ala
luck to bis wife • so lovingly' as ,'my.:
'Wellr she is lila own. ; Ev.ery-flilng
ekee in the liouse he Is pay:lig od •
the in8ialinetit plan
Net HIS 6ort"..
,-„- • ,
, The Other d'ai• a; ',little ',fellow' iVas-
haVing,„4 merry. tenni, regardless of •••
elethee. entirely. Dbririg• a pauSe
In his play, hid° Mother said to him,. '
pointing' to tWb boys in: immactilate
•White suits •"Look, dear, wouldn'A You
,chilkii6ldrteonbtehenriee" and el"'n like
a 1
"Huh!" replied the youngster scorn-.
fully, • "they're not children,- they're
able 'Character in the community think
they are better than others.who fell,
when the truth is that the); 'v;•ere never
similarly' tempted. • They Were cush-•
„toned on all sides against a Shock:
They were sheltered from the tempest
others had to face.: •, '
It takea extremes -either of advet-
SlitY or' of presperity-to Jaring ' the
,real..character. We Mid certain inen
who nave inherited. preposterously
large sums of "money •• 'genie all to
, nieces morally, "drank with sight of
more•spiritual side of hisepature; but 'peaver,"' failing .to rellize 'their sew7
that outgrowth is likeiY to, be'erreat- ardshit. Quite as bad as to be 'prod",
ed and May even die unlese it. is an- .gal'ie 'to, be niegardly, In, fact,- the,
eompenied by krowth of the- Manlier • •
virtues. Those may be fostered in •
Laying the Ghost.
-A Young Itishman went to • the priest
aid told with a ioxig face, that
lie -had seen a ghost. '•
' "When and where?" said the pastor.
"Last night," replied the timid man;
"I was passing.by the ehurch, and up
against he wall Of ,it did I behold the
spectre." . •• , '
' "•
In what slitpe did it appear' . . _ _
quired the 'priest.. ••• . . :
"reappearedin the shape of a great
"Go home anil hold your tongue
about it, .,rejeined the priestf;area
are A veryetimidmen, and halve been
frigntened 1Ty your 'own slitidOW."
• pictureof a dissolute,rake flinging his •
money away is rather more, attiaCtiye,
school, by, teaehers and by aspo'clation +,, ----------------------.'an 'e.miser
with ,other, boys; but here is nooln- sitting on top of 'a Pile of money and
fluence 50potent in nourishing them 191,ing it to death,
'in shaping the boy's character as that Charaeter •ie not: ta be'Sinaulated.
•of Atte father who mtakes friend of leow and 'again one encoanters the
min ; Who thinks' he can go to •the
PaternitY implies • nearly,. • always stores. And buy 'the' makings. a it
• „ MONS oRDERS. •
• The safo'Way o send money by meg
is by Dominion Bxpresseigeney Order.
Scene measure of affection,' but it does gentleinen. • The:swagger outfit. of ea-•
not always imply 'some 'measure of ternals will: not do -it •remain s obyi-.
friendship:, There are' many fathers in
the world Who have a kinder and more reinierite
lately on outfit,. merely the external
tender feeling for 'their hays When entirely Separable from the
eulifiterice and the.spirit of a •Man. .
they are awee frOm them 'then when .' How aniaZing i.s the differente .:be -
father' wheise high-spirited ; Soli .Is
eintree of annoyance rather • than of clay!,
a_ ly; in God's .1thage and df the" same
pleasure, Abe oVerworked.. father who :One breathes 'benignity and the.
other is inalign. • One is. spiritual, 'the
they See theni. The neryousi irritable tween two that are fasbioned
conres oine.too tited to have any zest , ot her: is ,Of the -earth One -has
C'Etntiet. s'llalte* 'off rohlern s ,and iinagination, the 9ther abound§ in
for- play.... the preoccupied father Whirr emly cOmmenelace ideas aid a, terpid
• Unfortunately,' nearly all of the Sur- ef-•theni Is Meeting the proper spill
• :Poppies:, , 'Squirrel as Tree Planter.
• .. thy gaadbn is a poppy bed, • A. tame squirrel, kept as e• house
Withhloisoms-otaeliriliiaet red:- :petard'all9Wed liberty from ;its take,
drolN y eupplied With-ditts, 'hay, -.th
in • the most- curious:-nlacee;It ivill
They softly sigh. .: hide them in peOnle'S pockets or even
inaide their Collars..
, •
'bearing 4,,,niessagelkom a distaindand,_ IS evident that, in a:State Of na
• Bringing;.a memory of a noble band' titre, squirrels.' are not able' to keep
3,,v.h_O..Ated,:, for,. freednue a Valiant. track ef:ineny 01 the nuts -theyhpry in
stand ; ' ' odd snots. Thanks' to this feet, they
\Viler!' theydie.: , are quite useful • in helping to • seed
burned On•logged.areas in, Seine parts
Pil;:11 little floiter seems' to tell. or one Of the Cotintry.' : • • ,.
fro losf-TitOffe ere itched quile'be- . This- fact -kae;.been.' particulel
gun„ , ni-tee!:•111e."-ffiates,ko.f. .0
iih now is sleeping 'net, .-te. tarok 76(:.” aington, where: ehipmenks are
-sun, . • ng important: assistance ...In
• t
. viying giant, redwoods are on land be the responsibilities of •parefithbode-- .- ..
'we lia,i-e reasen to despise ourselves
longing to private .9lieners, 'meet of - eyen. • thmeoug4huArt:yr9nria3;heallbel7litha,ka,intig • ' .
whom -ere- di sponecl-tO -log • them off; 're.. - linene•-r ,... .
d - One orrch-e-gi wi11 Bloke: war:Meld_
, gorging- their *monervaltie: as of more sellPOling-of-theirathildree,- - e- -''' • "
a'sitieratioa& attaching to them, The
importa-nee-tIraff-ay-sentillleut4i tatitf:77-'Frienciiii,-----
amolwofHei7g91.tv_a:oi,_cei.re41.;_a_r_allvouenytta,01,1 suf A cient i
•for .11i#3people
', ..._
The firsteeaplorer te crOSS the Gap -
league has undertaken to obtain pos- self-sacrifice, 'yielding frequently youi adien Rockies Whs . Alexander Mect-.
own desires to. theee or • the person - - • , T “ '
that yu befrie----kenaie On a great rotk at ie Water
, sissioe of some. Of the tracts by Pur-
tbase: , . . --,---- ' 'ondT
. .he bailer 'itlo - . • - - -
is the iesctilition': -"Alekander. Mac-•
• ••• .
Many Of the giant trees are more readsaloud to his boys and discusses kenzie• from Caneda:by land, July 22,
-thana300 feet tallOld Goliathr iththem_ the.books bodice thattheread
which was hlown down ia•a storm, a Who? helps them with their lessense ..7-91r.:_:lagt. ',_ 4.a. N.'_',__Iln alsodis
which bears his
7r•-• . -" w_ , - y ,d 1
.few years ago, had weircumfererfoe of who. teaches' then' the pse of tools; 77Ziew171.:t}:le. rIver
...morel...11am- 100 -feet -atthe base, and the nlanes of • trees ;-,and.- flowers--and-1---- ae--- - • ---7----"--
one. -of its limbi was :eleven '.' feet in . birclevho Inattes--lielltlaYS-and -p-un--.
diamifsr The "41.rathel of the -pore -a •,, ! dAYfsr:e-ani: 1.,;Ctliaen-ir etitt.a" tn_.oli:ogri4iriiiiiigneait-d.efc;rer...,
Ili..9-iv laiiii-iiianie, has had :its ••-i)e,Art ' to
Oriental Goldfish.
Ooldfisk as bred in: Japan' and
China, assume etrange shapes; the
Celestial, hag -eyes ate top_e:if ite:, head,
the.. Telescope, hes .grotefilque protriad-
ing eyes, while the -Tumbler cermet
niaintain its ,equilibiluth .in the water
owng t4-tts curious shape ••
'Every workman irt'Japin wears On
his ;Cap. an inscription stating his husi-
nees.and hie 'einployer's name.. .• •
.; Fait; years4.hav.never 'considered my ...."
qf honsthold- remedies 'cornPleia
unless a hottle ; of; Minard'S. Liniment
sprainsWas - • • • ,
it, d 'Por •.•; burns,--bruisee,H„....-
frbstbltes • or, .chilblains • it 'ex- • •-
c'els, "and; 1 •lptoW of, no better . reatedY !
for'n,•ae•t•ere"ccird-• rn the head, or that will .'
give .more immedia.te..reilef, than to in. • '
hale . from the; eettie _through tile nasal -
And '43.s to M.k •of veterinary,
reinedies it is essential, AS in .vety,
anemainstanceeenrea-en its _
cent • experience in: reclaiming 'What was "
stippsed..'M be-a,lost section cif• a-valti- • 7-t'
able cow's sadder has again demolidtraten_:,
great worth and .prompts me to '17.6.;•
cofinnend it in 'the highest terms to all • •
.who;kirry_e typist:1_0f-
thrtilt ain safe in saying; among all -
the:aatent:_mediciliesi -there- is_ none, that:, _
as iarge, ITe 1 d of •usefiithess..as .
.(30es Minard!S Liniment. A real trueitre •
good -furman or beast. • • ;
- ' • 'CHAS. Ic..110m3INs, •••
' --Chebogue Point. N.S.
iei t by 'fire, i hat', r
idehimself, ser l es net hii Sens btit
•- • ,
1..rteCt liorselidek 1. -i. .cgootrY• •
bpsiness. of re,estahlisbing_ forests of !tor." it distance of eighty•One feet•
\'. hen standing it was more than Ott YaP Mcolle3r- •
-May' nothing evermar their pelt Cefur aced'. from the • fir cones:and litany of feet n height., , The "Mother bf „-the ,The isiaed.of npJs' noted'. ,mplong
sleepthose they bury ehq forget 2proauee ',Forest," team, agensl rinlied ofeits hark, other, things, for.,..having,the tunit•ex
AS noddieglioppiesthe long Vigil hee,P.. young Creed. 'elice•dia.mueh good *ork Measures (Without -the hark). fort)- traordinary ctn1euc n the avoeldea,
-tareetalye theatrarreetaaftureatlievalfair ellie seine kind:— • - fihree and a lialf het in kirth-seventy Besidee the 'ordinary shelr ni-onee
. * .
.3,--,- "A ' ' • feet' front the gronud. It is estimated there is a stone edinagel.ponstisin of
, In the ,baaand-liy:et: ' ' : ' Should Make ue-ii is miiie, , to canIhrfl. MAO' feet,-..'Siatind,, inch' -naleite,..lbialiinaterte di:84a that":
. , The newly arrived visitor froni• tne.i-Iumbur. . . T.: ., '.. 0 ' !. ; Troilf sil iirelfes-to`twelyeteet-Tif-arif
BrightlY:CCdei•ed wails ,and '' ether ": ' ' " '
sticks. etood et the ,ciarbetone Wateh:4,.: .. *
* . , . .
--•)---• , , etcr- The'Atirget stones., ,wieen... ere
. gaY 'hues in factories arideeebritshops 'Ing the traffic cop11 it sema phere'l tiinArtrs Liniment Relieves Ditemper s
. rtha
ailiet tokens n inoney'are
,' piled(' •
' ere 'said to, 3 .0 Increased Pretluc 10' sonte:bewildernient..'"SaY, ntister4" i ' ' ' i-- . ' • ' up tcaind Alie ehiers ,fielieure house,
, -........... .
• —
le """'""`•••-•7--,-'-'''.-=.,7•7-'"--,----,- 7-74-1-1r 'tra., OX'aParr.qt4W/a.--•--`1tuji:,.f-liffir•-iflil::74FIZZ222*B"Pralklara-....-_-telFal,,Sek,Eriat*CY-Uairti350-114.-tti-ff-111%r4T4VITPulr7fik--777-
Onterio has •the: lat'kest. and 'one.A.
, . ; cer,niake unehis niipd? First he sake 1 '. ' .Finance in Canada. ° .aliOns i114,Whi'c1 hey %figure. though •••
. the longest hydre-eheetrie transinis;:, I. * C"P' iiid then he' says Go On, that I ' The painplilet entitled:. "Munieipal,_the.awnership ehanges. One buge fee.
•• '' Pion lines in the World,. .ccaoperating j there contraption of his`n..• Can't he :.(eiti . heal- Estate Finante in Cana'dafe• Or Stdne• Coin, was losrin .a satorin'
, with 248' municipalities.alul with 'lineal, d.eCid,e, el3ce:aad for i11 ,;^,', ' : ., .;Juat isStied bY:the Commisalon of COno ',while being fertied item. One place to
, eieenatieet leeeeeeeeeernitor.t4r6.6-gii-z-t:,.---,-,4----„,---......„... ....,.......„---___I-:7,, tiv4,1,1.4411,1,titi tre,,i t ,, , f.,.. • . ,,'Onother, but is 'still renrded as rand •
. ,. , , s , 0 , , t• e trcm erane el uallff-
'out the, prOvincn.' Ite. capaeity • wili I • 'Cane& kads' the Nvorla in the 'pp, / da',d. mast' ci i m otilt 'finandal proifieras.' mope!: and hae peon Used many thees.....
ertra,s --Ploneer—Dog Remo&
• Book ori
and liow to Feed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
' dress, by the„Author.
N. Clay Glover Co., Dia.'
119 West tlst Street
New York. U.S.A.
.• reach': a 'Million horsepower with the Auction of nickel and aebestoe, ;85 per )t' hi a clear anti Tonvincing statemerit.
: ae a medium' of trade, itithough it lies •
a. , • at t he heti cm of the sea. • Ey id el -10y
' compleCon ...of the Chippavra7Qtteens- .eeee, .4, each,.,, nicil;,1.1 on.tal.10, 4ndo. by.: ,Alr., ,Tp 00 . Ad, 4'115%:. -T?Wn • j'iMlnig‘ there. is einnethingle. be learned'from .
ibii power canal in1022. * ' .- _ ....1,•asbeitos in •Quebec. i
• Adviser to the Cemuniateon. regard' e Pe.Telose your tune!, and still- have„I.
housing. lipid -slide:Wall:0i' ' and bliglihg.:11
_?..„ i--- ..... . _ - - ., _ _. the Use. a it appeals even to a dull , 1 ' ••• •
waste end mismanhgement. 1 . , • :..grai0.T•!••• .1:Syqr,'! iS: cm ly. c..4„.)14.1,T.10,:, . 1
taiatime- • restilting....froni •• mun,icipal..riiiity..c.._..,aii,a,, lite._ cduld hardly
... . ,,
, l'onational preblein in eat ado, ,ts, inosnightrtoonsti‘lunrr:lialaid, t,lovuble3yie'e•oitfIesttiliiie.
of sg/r.eater iMinortance than that Which foorIgrihitsfotes down, lo the corner i
• ha to dewiththe cOnservition of store when ,you.want. a grape,fruit'on a
human and, financial resources in nur, j...,emt,t, e .
a e
L eitiea --inni -toWnf.- Phi* intirlication , .
. .. -.. . • ........,......---,
* entpliasiics the fltet that until we ene ' , IJsetess AppenCiix. • • . ,
_ .', ploy sealer ntellteds. In ilevtslopIng our . ,re
. a- etorinuttnity life 'aiieffarts, loving niatle,:fett:k.fitiaiiii-1.0 ,,,;vitit, iii.- tilt, c(iii4f,i,ii,... .
'apt long- Op_ A ' lliimber of 111;L'.••0118,1
to . c°11,;lorY • VII' nat6ral-iescurecs. ()tie of' them wrote. ta his wife 's'ilcittly:
•• •
• a,
A Quick Relief .
A bnadache is frequently caused
by badly digested fo od; the gases-.
• and acids resulting therefrorri are
turn irrstates nerves
causes painful symptoms called
headache, neuralgia, rheuma.
dam, 15 to 30 drops of
Mother; SelgePs Syrup will correct'
faulty digestion and afford relief.
Warming relief for
rheurnatT -• Aches: •
HE'S 'just Used Sloan's .
• ,,
- Liriiinent.andthequiele
- ' comfort -hall -brought a smile
. „ef pleasure to • his face. ,
---.:. frote-Wel-th-efTeiaposUre.---•
Goon for aches resulting_aa',.
, e,-- eprainse--,strains, lame•hack;-----
A--)..wl 'overworked museles. Pene- ,
700 lrato.„spifizaut rubln.:nLzal
0140 druggists have it, - •
ii a
Lin, •inie
, .
ats "Km"- Experience?
f earkale-eias you
chan e
---'. -nni.4"1:.-111lPeftr'n tV.A1M-C"Ile, ,after 'his tirtival, and instructed herArafliPter 'InsT''''fraiiirt-t"'fra"r-
pr7teedd. ,),,,yrotioth,,zi,..il.:,,,,,f,,,,,l,,zu , c1i,,,,,,.(,,,,..1.,:pi tt,lio4seelln'atl;seairg'tit.00pullitooldhiiiii;lo.peyTtrmaigitol (tluo ',. :).'''''.")('P on. any sulist,Ittite for gennine
careless ••way .in Which the wealth de-
wife.had.a neighbor who) caniP 'to het; ' '111.:13.1)111;:iht(i41;ent: offc''''s1:11:.e11:1;t3• !()Iiiit'eb°:.el awl:41'i '
Conservation,' °Mamie: of, • neighbor examined if elesely and thelef I, c4;;A:.0)411 . .
ment, . • . ,
., This pamphlet• may be obtained free .'
. , ' her with the packing., In the Midst of 1""' •,"'''r --- - •
it. they fell u ion Th ' '' ' . .
lin application to the Coinniission' 1 omas eakch. •••Th you see tne name "Bayer' on pacicage
.tena•;;11 t : Tyfeou yarem. iinioitongs.ettin: Aesss..
' ' . .... said: "It's, .114ranil 'Watch, Catherine. i.'00.111 8,.t'a',''' •"`11 eve" "Yer 1)1165age '
The Hindus huve 110 Word moaning 'Yell 4 lalth't 11..,,/° Yer; ' "Nn' "a:...1.are 'tliff‘'et'"i4 foe colds, .• Ileadache,.
............_-__..............._ .,..,
"triend.:'1 . . . was the reply. "At, Wild he 6-..uito ese ''••s'f'"•:."11gi'l, . Uheutn9t131P' ' Earaelle' •
• • oot thereafor Thomas l'ells nee 1,11 his i' l'ef)1114(:11('' -14111ibag° -and tor 1.'alli.
Of the elaty•-three 'Zeppelins Ger; leiter that there is smile -oera of (lit. !lltilltlY1:111:boxes of 'twelve. tablets cost ,
nien'Y Pe"e'ised (Ining • tile war,' ference hetWeen the Cane. here end in.: few. ("1". nrtiggkil 411.114(1 1...e11•• huger
'thirty-four were shot Awn arid dee noimia, 1,;,,0 nee,tha be teem. oti.e!ess i P." i,(" 'Made in .e"eleulti. Apirlit •
.'stroyed, thirteen caught tire' secident. /ph,' • : . is the' trade mar c (registered five:Anita
• ilitl,'1,1' Bayer ,11 tenffamare or ;Acme
aceticacideeter o .8alicylicitehl,
, .
- .. -a delicious. meal -time diin}5, ,whole-
- some and,' satisFyinq , but containing •
• . • • •
. ,.• .
nothinethat will • distuth your rest.
Ecoiiomidal ;--13etter for Ibu
. ,
era's • a Reason,"
ally, and nineteen were destroyed in j • • .•.
other ways. ••' • inard'a Llnim ant. for Dandital:
P4r-niiigfiriFland:C.o.u1(1 NotPut
Thom In Water, Lost Sleep..
"My 1.iiii Wefd•varsipt.-usitt
could not put them in wave to wash
* ,thern.- 'There Wcre Dottie
\k,r, •pimpleaceetny. hands,ond •
the haling and burning
-N. lawereelioalliterret-thatA"
scratched andirritated
them' end I' ceuld not
sleepat night. ' .•
."The trouble Seated two
Weeks before I tried Cuticura. When
I had used two cakes of Cuticius
Soap and one box of Cuticura Oint-
ment for gib:Mt -two weeka I wall
healed." (Signed) rieginald Daigle,.'
R. F. 13..! 2, Port Kent, Maine.
, Use Cuticura for every -day toilet
purposes; Bathe with Sap, soothe
with Gintihent, dust With Talcum.
Sono 2Se: Pintoesero 26 and 5114, Sold'
throanhout CatiticlianDOPOti
1.jg_o, Limit6d, 344 St Peel St; W. Mostrsat.
gpop—Cutic_ors soap shareswiebOld mug,