HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-04-21, Page 80 O ifl103014N6W SgliltINOt 'thi1tt bAY; AFRI •21 t., t�;ifl, - ..§lY.:.+F�"'F?K-;T..............J...........-.-....,..-.. Y"'"YH%.7^'"'.?"f'1 :'?C¢.•'?:�."'..'. m.:.'Cn_ • °P. °" 4 •. `tom,.', a • 44 7 Spring Cleaning. is under.', way in most homes, and now, is the time to replace those , curtains that you . have intended to. do "for'the past two seasons; or per- chance it is a new rug for` the living room, •or•' it may be .. new linoleum for the kitchen or' dining . room. Whatever•• you want we. stand ready to supply it.. - .See, the pretty and attractive Chintz we are showing . for,overcurtains or coverings, Prices • 50c to $i 1.00 per yard. Heavy Ta try ,Covering for "doing over"' ' that couch or•davenport that is too, good to throw away.' This is a beautiful . heavy 'quality, ane the price: is back to pre-war prices' for a material of thus. quality. Comes • in ". two pretty patterns,`50 inches wide, at . $2.. i5iyard;• ' ! NO Scrim and.Marquisette• Curtains in white and ivory,. $1.50, to *5.00 the pair.. Tapestry or ' Brussels in all'the popular sizes • $15.00 to $45.00. s in t h e� four yard. widths •ver attractive patterns, at 1.25 Linoleum h Y, >• Y P � and $1.50 per square.yard.. •We• are showing an Attractive range of Curtain' Material by 'the' yard, m, Scrims, Marquisettes and Madras, 25c to $1.00 yd. • owellins ' Table Linen.. are here Sheetings, Cottons, Pillow Cottons, T g , e in abundance and all at the New :Lower Prices. • Phone No.` 10 is at 'Your' Service: We' ton, _ a1K- We Sell Chea • er Than The •Credit Stores Towu Cusfomerso Ou � The' "Tiine-Saver 1lectric ,Washer 'is the :;best value on the market --well made, easy. on power and :washes. perfectly - Price -corn: plate $105.00. Hot Point Irons .and Toasters bear the. ' Edison mark of e' den y; absolutely guarani rl ' Solex. Bulbs are ` as nearly perfect as it. is possible, to',make, electric light bulbi. 25 and 40 watt .45c..each " GO •watt 50c each. :100 -.:.°.watt�Nitrogrexri 5 eacll. We would be pleased to demonstrate any .of the•above goods to.you., • • D o• .49th ANNUAL STATEMENT 2 Felb nary, - 1921 Bankort a _' ;. BOARD OS DIRECTORS.. K BIIi JOHN HL"SiDRIi!7; I�.C.11i.G , C.S:.p President'. CYRUS A, EiIRc.F, V e -C•17. dt•nt '• H. 8...6.3 UROSF7 • C C. DALTON . ROM, 1•' ORSON' W. E. RHIN I. i'ITI3I ADO. I .C. .: W. ? . RILEY J. TURNBULIL ° 'W. A..W.00D. A.1. YOUNG' i , i e$ •'nM rrncl --- . a Head OfSca—Hamilton J. ERT, General Cper to F. E. iiILVEFiT, Western �;dpsrintendent • • PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Bala a at credit of Profit and Loss ,A�eoclgnt, 28th Feb nary, 1'920 $ 85,249.79 F.'roflttS for twelve months ended 26th -February. •1921 1 after, deducting. charges of :management,. Interest •ac& ued 0'0 deposits, rebate on current dt;•:outets, and making provision for bad and 588.018.27 499,120,00 R • Premium, on. New Stock' DISPOSED OF AS. FOLLOWS: a Quarterly Dividends at raete•of 12 pep cent. pier annum , 4 Two bonuses .of, of 1,per cent; each. ,.. • Total distribution• to sharelwiders of 13 per cent: for the, year .•a To Pension `.F'Und. Annual Asse •sment S . • .... , ` For <Dominion Government Tax •s , . $ Transferred to Reserve Fund—:'robs Curront ' Profits ` , • • • . • —From .Premium on New. Stock Balance of Profits :' carried • for •are ... •1,472,378.01 551,156.29. 97,412.45.' , . Balance, 28th. February, 1920 Premium on New Stock Transferred from Profits • • ,• 1198,568.74 20,434.82 65,000.00 ' 150,000,00 - 499.,110.00 649,110.00; ••'139,264,96 $ 1.472.378.01 , RESERVE FUND ' 4{200,060.00 • •r 499,110,00 1511;000:00 'GENERAL STATEMENT LIABILITIES ' TO THE .PUBLIC: •- Notes of the Bank in circulation$ 5,493,376.00 Deposits. not bearing interest $17,996,910'.08.,, 17 996;910 08.'' •' Deposita bearing Fntereet, - ' .1 nein d`l h g- 'interest :• - accrued to date of-. - statement • .. ; . - 50,528,661.00 *, • 68,525,57L08 Balancesdue to other Banka in Canada . - 47,270.56 Balances due to' Banks and Banking Correspondents in the. United Kingdom 240,726.00 Balances due to Banks and Banking Correspondents elsewhere_ 423,240.94. Acccptaaeea under Letters of Credit , .456,802.07. i` 75,186,986.65, r ' TO TIIE SHAI EFIOr 7ERS Capital Stock paid in 4,908,220:00 '-Reserve Fund .., ... .4,81,'110.(0 Balance •of Profits carried `forward..... .139 264.95 - Dividend No. 127 payable 1st Maroh,-1921 ' • •171 273.27 Former Di4idends unpaid ...'. 616.63•' $ 85;348,503.50 ASSETS. Gold and Current Coin • $ 4,819,110.1)0 $� 924,581.40 Dominion Government Noes .... . 8,198,111.00 Deposit in Central Gold Reserves . . .. 500.000.00• • Ndtes of. Other • Banks • 645,058.00 Cheques on other Banks • • .2,701,696.77 Balances flue by other I3anks In .Canada • -468,185.04 Balances 'due by 'Banits. and , Banking • Correspondents in the United Kingdom • • 12,018.85 .. . Balances due . by BanksO and Banking 878 046,94 Correspondents elsewhere ...; •• $•14,027,697.00 Dominion , ' and, , Provincial Government Securities, not exceeding market value 2,452,798.28. Canadian Municipal and British, Foreign, - and Colonial Public Secui'tttes 6,018,117 82 Railway and other Bonds, Debentures ' •anti Stocks, not exceeding - market value , Ca11 and Short Loans (not exceedtnl thirty. •days) In Canada, on Bonds, Stocks, `etc ..., - 6;686.445.94. '' • $29,601,193.89 Other . Current 'Loans and''Discottnte in - • Canada (less rebate of interest) , -50;416,647.20-. Real Estate other than Batik Premises.. 601,077.99 ,Overdue Debts, •estimated loss 'provided• for...... . . . ... . • 206,563.0,1 Bank Premise, at not morethan cost,: • less amounts. written off ' 8,101.785.78 • Other Assets not'included in thn foregoing. : 646,453.56 Deposit with tho'Minister of finance for the purposes 'Of the Cireulatibn Fund ' • 225,000.00 . Liabilities , of Customers under -Lettere of Credit has per ' centra 456,802.07 -• $ 85,348,503.50 • • dOiiN 8. HE:\IIRI�, `President. J P. BELL,: Genoral Manager AUDITORS' REPORT• In accordance with 'the provisions• of sub°section. 19 and 20. of secttne 55 of Tule Bank Act. 1913 we'rabort to 'tho shareholders as .follows We haul audited. the above Balance Sheet and compared It with the books and vouchers at .li.ad Office. and with tto'eerlifl:d returns . • • from th. branches'. We, have catatonia ail the.infarmatloo•'and aisplanatiuns'U at wo have requ,red, an- aro,:01 t' Opinion that the transaction. . of the Bank which havrcome 'Under our notice harp been within the powers el the Bang: • 1 a We hgye checked the cash and verified the securities: representing the investments of thy';Bank, et Ito Chlef:Oince and principal Branches at.i date 'other than that of the'verifleat,on at the. Chief Office oh' the '28th FebruarY, - 14t;' -'arid found that they wore in -agreement. with. the ' s*trin In the books of thq Bank relating thereto, • a000rding to the liesteof our Information. nd•t s explanations p given to pa. and, as shown byatt.ho books -010u hthe stato?ot the alfsln of the Bank r ., - Bank. - : C. S.,:SCOTT F:C.A„ of n. S Soon '4 • Co, (i pUDITOfitt. Hamilton. 14th Pd,reh, 1921 E. S,• BEAD :C.K.. "ot, George A: Touche 'di; 60.8(' . . • No. 5593-=ari Empress Low Cut, • • in .' the fashionable 2=eyelet • tie: The: finest ,Black Kid._ _Note_ ke _. .sensible ,and heel. Our best _selling lo* shoe. Price $7.50 pair. CAMERON, .• MURDOCH & cO. 'no r--$Cp-u'ntryY Cnstom We have Paaistone for plastering,,: _Lime'- --for Whitewashing. `: • Coiled and Barb ..Wiirr.._„,:.._�1van:L Cal •;'and see, our -•Even -spaced ---Wire Pence, 8 wires 42 in: high.:' It will please you. A car of Canada .Cementjust arrived. Sherwin William Paint for all purposes. The Iucknow Hardware & Coal Co THE ,8TOItE THAT NEVER DISH paella 'S osoommwoneseeessonseeenswe • 0 FATALITY AT RIVERSDALE' John Valad, . --a- young . farmer of nr-:'Riau al -.Green k... , ..;a iW. was the. victim of a peculiar and fat- al accident on Priddy' night of last week. on: Saturday morning he was found" by a' brother, -;his body hang.. Ing out, -of -his --buggy -and- wedged be •tween•' the: front , wheel ::and the spring. ' - Ort - the • e'iiening before he had driven over =to ••visit a friend, Jim McGlynn, ,on the 12th',Conees- sion of Culross. He , left McGlynn's about ten`' o'clock at night, and was not again seen alive, He had been,, driving his horse for • the past 'year without a 'bit, and it is thought. that ,the animal, , by making a• sudden start:, M. -stop,- threw Naiad- forward - 'and: -:that he "sell partly =over the. %front -of the buggy. ' .&.cut on the .head....:_aug s i?at the h*rse_ ltad Whew ha kicked him -Whe-fell.. Th r rarse' ' evidently 'went quietly home and in- to the yard where it was found still - hitched to the rig in the' Morning. Drs. Gillies, of-Teeswater, was called but .decided that an inquest 'was un . ncessary. ' :The !deceased, - who war; 27 - years of age., was a On of Mr. and Mrs, Peter Valad, of Riveradale; and rues unlna�'ried. ' `. r • • • • w • • • :UNUSUAL_ CHARM anctorlginal design_ are epithet' wvhich. mean what they. say when applied to our stock -of, New 'Draperies. This showin ,com ' prises the' best and latest ideas 'iri the art of tasteful decoration. A "see—c- • the, tion from our s -tock of Marciuisettes, 'Scrtrn or adr--ases ;wii trap form your 'windows into a veritable..-fairy1ancL as ,f by in2glc. '- But with all their novelty, Quality and Value are._ the "real : secret of our •. Curtain Department. Many.•.people come miles to see our curtains and • always purchase. Why not YOU?, L. Buillnlan, of •Mildmay. has • se,. cured thecontract for.the brick work of the atlditien W: by built;, to the R. Ct hard; at Tomato, ato , ,off• . TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, A - LINOLEUM, CONGOLEUI uAD ' IN ,ALL SIZES WE DEMONSTRATE from. an. immense stock of designs where . ity_-and Valus'-again-xeign• sup reme ,% Floor -.Coverings_ .. from- .1r. rom ::r IP YOU NEED NewWindow Shade5,.,Curtai•n Poles • Or -gods, Shade -Rollers, Lino Binding. or any. house furnishing trimnmings consult use .Wen know •:What you want; • • < ; 01101.0111111841110011 0,14 •v 9• .. • • -