HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-04-21, Page 5• • err - `r" • /AMINO, 'SENTINEL r VliligiA° i' b414 wArul.,i '1021i-_..: .. —. 6;:_.. ...mac r.. .• jj:ji rert•!c .irror, •F 9Q n • .,k R. FARMER!; What .about `necessary*.spria re-: modelling:and repairs?We can sat- isfy yon'on the prices of . CLEVELANn COIL and BARB. WIRE .WOVEN FENCE and 'POULTRY NET- TING,`]FRESH PORTLAND CEMENT,, LIME, • PLASTER' a,. PULPSTONE • • niniftwiy. /RAY oleluen.em•on MINI/ !111 ids t'1l•1t• EW EINS `'he Pjofiograph with a $OU!. The New Edison is like the perfect mirror that reflects form and feature, -true to every line and subtlety of coloring. It, gives you an •`exact : RE-CREATIO I of the singing or .play - : ing of the . living artist or artists. Mr. Edisony spent 7 years of his time and 3 millionsof his dollars to develop the perfect rcahsm of the New Edison.:' He has. proved this perfect . realism by comparing the New disork with living artists 5,000 times&before more than- 5 million people.. The New Edison is positively y the only phonograph • which : can t Y •. sustain -this -test, _ We have, for you, 'a proof on offset :,paper of the famous .Franklin _Bootfi_ Etching of .Mr. Edison, as he looks toddy. Size. 12 x 19 inches. ' Bears no advertis; ... _Just • ;ng ' matter;.: suitable for'framiti ng• fill. out e. •• allot, ---and bring or mall it to tis., re. Are - Selling• eaperMileage, • You-may-�get_ext-r-a©rd1 ay m rileagt',nutt.:...•. Qf any one tire—but that's not, the way to figure mileage. pair; of tires or a set:7-and you will get • hearer to the actual"cost of mileage to be charged to the:.upkeep of your car. ' It's just because we've taken the trouble to figure values that"way, that werecomT mend Ames Holden "Auto -Shoes. We`know'they'are giving real thileageover the' worst''road"s`'in the country and their average performance leaves no• doubt in our minds. -that :Alpe Holden !'Auto -Shoes" will ` ;hie you -tIsh.r �e cheae&t ntl'age you c.it.y. dtheY-- guaranteed ri}hout tithe t`tnileage limits. Drop In and.let us show you and tell you about' -AMES HOLDEN AUtOE_ �'(� �t�srt�::arid-�'aYIY%'�t'ce.�lln •Stfif SIVLITH LUGKNOW PHQNE.348., BALLOT • • (B ring ormail'tllabWUot)_ Mr. Edison has just Made a • list of .his e5 .favorite tunes. What other' welt kn.own•: :person's favorite tunes would you like to ' know? Write his or her name here ,'tour name Address This ballot entitles you: free: to' any ofall of the'.iterns .listed below. Check whichyou want: p Franklin Booth Portrait of . Edition • • - p What Edison tikes in Mu,ic • (Booklet) ' p Edison and Music' (nice- • ° . Crated. Booklet) „ p What Did Edison Do Dur. 1nathe, War?(Bulletin) ' • NOTICE- TO CREDITOR$ • 'Iii the ' matter of i •the estate of Annie. -Tsabella ` Boyd, late of ;the `Village ___- f-Litrcknow; ` 1n :the:`Gountr of - Bruce, Dressmaker, .deceased. • NOTICE is-Yiereb-y„gr-ven :that persons having any claims or • de -viands-against-_the late -Annie Isa bella Boyd, who`'died on or about the • cn• day' of February, 'A I). a 1921, . at lrua� x-�«.`lEl"�'•o�;va'i�•t'it"tefty ty. cif Bruce, are required to 'send by ,;post prepaid 'or to deliver tothe un- dersigned, the executor under the will of the ,said Annie Isabella. Boyd,'_ ,,their names •.tfnd addresses and full .,:particulars in writing of their claims. and statements of their accounts and the nature of the 'securities, : if 'any, • held„ by- them, duly verified . by affi- davit d ;take notiee-' -.that after:, -the. g'ourteenth day sof May,' A.D., 1921, .:,i.t• saki executor will proceedto dis- • tribute the assets -of the said deeeas- ed among the "persons entitled here- •to, haying' regard .onlyr-.ta_the: clairns.: Of Obeli Ire. slisll then -have. had not= ---icers-and_the, the, said executor will not be`lrable "for':t1FE , V-1.§nta-tor. • any part+'thereof ic ..y ,. '.i•si,.1 of whose claims hi :that ,iot tail n lass received notice. ' • This notice is given pul.ulti;t' to' :the stsititte in that behalf;' Dated at iucknow'this 19th day •of April, A.D.1,1921. Albert .11. Boyd. ..i Ziticknotyl Ont. .�' 5a5:560. Executor. Homely truths,. 'like medicine, d- ims dietresw' ue, but thlit le part of $rstivo proavmo.. Springweather re- iiinds'us• of Perfec- tion Oil Stoves, 2, 3 or 4 Burners. All; grades of. Auto,!Trac- • .tor and Machine Oils 'and' Greases; . Auto Accessories, Dominion, Nobby and Good- year Tires and Tubes. • Phone 66;•. • Rs. -Phone 21. • .) NOTICE : TO CREDITORS: In the matter ' of the estate: of �1'tl•• liam Webb,•late of the tow•tasht,a of . Krnloss, in; °the County of . Brl1cc.. . deceased. • ' • •i. OTYCE 1s .hereby giver p‘'izt't:..t to Section:. 5'i,, 'Chapter 121, •11.6.6..,T 1.44, that . all • creditors' and ' o tiers• ' having claims :against` the estat of the sa`£d' Wrlliatrr c bbd' ti " to about.' the''28rd day :of A•D•, :1921, .are requiista an at be fore the 21st day of April,: ...A.D.., i�J:1/ to: send'.by pus`.Pyi p -rid -or -•plc:.. • Iiver to, the undersigned, the. 'L\etu:r-' of irf the'said estate, full 'paittcul- ar's of:•tlietr._clats, ifiattittn£, the= na herd y£herd And tale, net 1.0.9:F. Lucknetv',Lodge meets every. • 1'iiilay;evening .at 8 o'clock in their • 1.1al•1, Campbell .street. All brethren cordjally;:invlted,. Otiicers: Noble Gt.and, Robt• Johnston; • Vie Grand, Arch. ,Barbour;. •Rec.-•Sec.,; E,. Aitch,- - son,' Fin, `See., Dr, . Paterson, Treas• .grer�, Alex Ross. �. 7,' GTE C Old Li•ghtQ Lodge l�le• .ets• every Thursday. night on Or Uiiore the f.ull..moon,-in- the '-Mast . ()plc 1-1a11; 1iavelock St., Lucknow. N.; M ,(, I• Vlacl*eliziis;' ...._. p S.: Reid; J W, J McQuarg; Sec.,: WS' .. A. Wilson Fi tine of •the. sc�cutrty (t ratla JOI Iia_ SUTHE1 :Insurance, i SONS, Ltd tree ..that after �ueli •Guelph,bKOnt.,.,Insurance, Fire and last mention d date' the • or will tiroceed• to distribute ;tire as :.._ sets of tlie said deceased- among the: parties' entitled thereto, having re- gard' e=j,ird' only'. to the elaihis of rah Lh he shall • Dated '.larch 31st, 11121 ' .. .��<>x >� � Y�iT-erltil. -J -•i'4`elill,-�,', R. R. 1, Luckinow" ` 214 5 c E\.Leutos:'. .•1•.. SCHOOL. I�.AIRS; IiV T1s. ROi"` • •Preparations. are: being made.. !or lire rural sch�al fairs- •to .be Refit isyz.tr iii' lfi io,i':Guuttty ui th i t'ot_t- thptces' ,ut •the l)elraituuiit> of A, r,cuiture; • 1 hey cy:ic1itrted this year' triuch the ,sntne as in prev-: .being iorWar:ded tri the . te'Uic.h ac -i , At•ith apltlieation ioritis #uiose re- tlutamgwseed iii the various sc,loo t.. 'A:s . in.pte\ taus. years, tike prize •nt•oney . must 'coulee j,rolll the' s0ction., lit �yhl t tc yoi;tltctitiuli i�: E. iia{ -c . to slid a' slight change •has" :btett made in' regard': to this in.•tho fact that: au• .agreerilent;must be signed' by the il •''tar ''of -^the. sehool,,boatcl ptovici- sc.cre . y :_.iu fQi •.the lt'»•tticnt of prize uii>iit'y over�"th } f ilei`; _ elvr Ci: ut :=stile vv(.t to e b fact ....that these competition s proved most attractive, and instruct-. iye, it..is riot expected tbat.,tiny (11tiic- ulttcs_;will arise regarding:, 411-e••-4.ig ai;reenunti- Tileseed is 'S'OP iliod lay :-.tin' -1)ee- partatentrielo tth planting' . and the laying out ut rile blot`: In the case of eggs ., Lor •tire, c'hicfice'n-ra181ng Colli etitten, , there •:are ' a' ailable through. the Depart- lil.ent but 'iniist be purchased by: those entel'ing this branch, T•ile•:Grops• are oats, barley, potat- oes, ntangolds, heat's,. turnips, field. esti, stVeot corn,' carrots, ottinils, "0- .INSLRANGE-=-Excelsior. Life, : Fire,' Wind' and ,:A leemobile. W. P. Reid,' ratclw.oav - I;hone, Dungannon ---,-•:w ▪ 70 r 10 c 41 The -school fair: plots wiil.not be ' gudsed,by the Department, but each • .• section inust;'arrange ..locally to have some interested; ...person., judge the , • p1ot5' during Jtty. of .August." Score car 1 dill be stamina by the Depart- u!eiit for this purpose.. Stothers, district repro .:.,itative,. - believes .:titat'the results.:• • popular...:iiigh-C.ut, made ,h_—:Canada's. best shoemak- ers. Black''-Ifid --of- the ftuestilaf. ..1 ity, , Prise $9.00 pair. CAMERON, .' MURDOtIi & • CO. 11.10.110, STOLE HORSE ,ANI) ` RIG ti ill be even mare .encouraging for =ptent y cats. - re • : and ,prepaions ') 4 ipri& The Mildmay Gazette tells the fol» lot fng•: A Hawick farmer drove to. Clifford last Saturday evening.: arid. put 'his horse and baggy in the shed while he transacted his. business at the stores. .A,n hour or so later, . when' lie Walt ready to go home he 'discovered that his outfit. had been stolen. The pal- tiers and sweet peas, ro pupil willbe .allowed utore than orie crop ex. cepa iii the case of five girls in eacli School who may, in addition to a plot o); a setting of egg's, .have llewgxs, ice in the neighboring towns were inrtnediately notiped, andthe guilty party, a young man front Hamilton, Was' arrested at Ea1nteraton o11 Sun. day..-1Fftern4Qu1 • aaly ,larger nuin1ier. of .applications, • than ityear ago; • '..'t-77471"47" 4 ' SI CKIA.l'{S Al'' rLESHERTON' Suckers. have -been :biting. •• freely' mound• here recently—the human • • Specie -A, A. .slick gent -registered at the. Munshawousef a couple:, of •.;, FF e1 '= :tits ▪ A:: -Ii., -Rya -u, :Ottawa•, ": tr, l • atniounccd hi•mself- as• agent Torr Toronto papers, :.and several 'maga• liners rthullt•he sold below the ,agent's ' l�t'ieo We. ,have'.. heard. of A. nuntbe> •' ci,ltu bit- witrac iu.0 ly at_thisarui--- .tre; 7ory din ttrg �ronr theLL end o€ , lky;uCi s line, • .After _ run$iing ' a hotel uiif o1 over. 'tweitty.'dollars; Ryan' de parted Without farewell or . lfquida» tivat-of his: debt. What's • the use of moralizing . over.'..: -the depravity• . of huutati nuturel• Doesn't the Bible say "The poor suckers ye have •al- ways with you?'" We' have them, , anyhow, i nd probably' will until' tha. r end of time. But fishermen like Yty»•n i' an get'their desserts in the tong run, .• • tao, and a Warrant • is now ready fell * . crook's arrest when lie is run to - ,eezth.- • '1eshertou .Advance, r A.