HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-04-21, Page 3• 4, AUTO IFIRPAIR PAIITS l'or most anakee and tnodels c ars, Your QM broken or worn-out parts replace& Write or w .3 us deserib what" you IA ,Lot We carry the largest and most ec, npleto etoch in 'canatia, (if slightly 4ed 0!'' new parte • was auste.•,,ohli,, ece• ,,merit. We ship 0.0.D. wht, re it. 17an0do.„. Setts- feotory ,,r retania in :tot our motto., • Shaves Auto salvage rart 023..931 Trinfferin St.. Toronto, oat. _ GOrgeOlIfS.CaYeS4 ' • +gr..O.I.i.• On ,ou caves, which .a hunter •:, .npon in 187'4, by no means ' M•aminoth (eve of Kentucky • • ,titer4, but far surpass 'that of allY 4ther known. Cave in the United States '1IL natural splendor. , • •`Watik.',• g ted with carbonate, of - lime, seeping from the ground above„, • has slowly incrirsted .the whole sur- face ,of •the ca". Ceilings and walls are frescoed; alcoves, balconies and • eerrfdors are fringed with the most inniactilate , of drape rre.. • "leers, have ,the hietre of 4iltand as if never nleant.Nr, tie'tread 0. inortal feet. • The fintmations'' are curious; many bear, actual or 'fancied resemblance to ehlectd of various' kinda--weird;',fan- • tastic, 'awesome. . Everywhere crystal .facets gleate in response' to the ex- plorers' light. .Here the Walls glow softly as if with the sheen .pf velvet; there they blaze as If with'the twinkle Ot distant stars reflected in myriads • • • .•• • f r -rors giverywherer-diareend-like= point* and facets gelatilliate with Are and polor. ' • , The caveshave not been wholly ex- plored,' bpi, the visttor can travel per- haps- three miles and a half under- groend. The trip, talce, three hours: •The 1'1.10'411de to, the Icayea _is ,twenty- sev miles from the riearegt •railWay. statie . NOTHING TO EQUAL BABY'S OWNTABLETS a • Mrs. Georges Lefebvre, St. Zenom,,, Que., writes: "I do not think there is any otheroiedigine to equal Baby's Own Tablets for little ones. 'I have - used them tor my baby and would use nothing elsee". What. Mrs. Lefebvre says thousands- of Other Mothers say; They havalound by trial that the Tab- lets alwayi3 Ale just- what is claimed lor them. The Tablets are a mild but therougli laxitive which regulate the bowels and sweetenthe stomach' and thus hellish indigestion, constipation, .colds, colic,' etc. They are sord by medicine dealers or by Mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams', Medicine. Co., Brockville, Ont. , Nurse a grievance audit will grow up to est you ot1 of house and lame, 1 esk m ma tot law MR ISIL Ill ms.• r. • "MAUI" EDUCATION . . • 0 • ' 0 ft- 'P. BY DR. J. J. MIDISLETON 0, • 0 , Provincial Board of. Health. °Marin • • , • • Or. Middleton Will he glad to answer questiona on Public Health lig. p, ters through th!,ii column. Address. him at the Parliament India, 111 0 Toronto. ,• . • P ' -am ogs. Is* ipik 11.111i 11111.3111 1111,11111, INI VII, 'IL in, specific organisms of' tuberculcisis, •diplitheria, enteric\-• fever, cholera, dysentery and diarrhoea, • It -is there- fore a 'Valuable measure of Protection against the recurrence of, those' Milk - borne Outbreaks whieh figure the. epidemic records of this country Overcoming objections—One obt, jection in the past to pasteurization Was that:. it was a *Sufietitute for eleanlinesS. It Was claimed. that farmers and, dealers would be inclined ;to :be, lax in:their efforts to keep the. milk supply clean and- pure, if they knew that the milk was afterwards to be pasteurized: Such laXity can be :entirely controlled by testing the raw milk before it is pasteurized,. and keeping it up to .a certain, definite standard of purity? Anything belOw thiS standard will i'ndicate that the milk is a queStionable. purity and •cannot- be recommended. - . bacteria: ••• Paitenrized •germ -free -Pas, teUrization& is a process of litsti,he . milk at a moderate temperature , short' time, so thit any ternis it may - contain may be killed off without de - •'.un qffiekest nird-Inost-effective-forn tire.of telling those The dangers frora milk -borne dis- eases, Such as tuberculosis, are such constant.mentice to health, that the necessity:Of pasteurizing all milk with the exception of "certifiedr is 'he - coining increasingly apparent The New:' York Milk Qonimission hal re- cently recommended that no other 1 milk be sold to the public except certi- , 'fied milk and* pasteurized milk, and . the same recommendation should ap- ply to Ontario.. , . When a milk supply is certified, it Means that every known precaution has been taken to keep it pure, and to. prevent its contaraination; The milk is, obtained from cows that are • tuberculin-te0edand safeaguarded by • a very: close veterinary inspection; •' there its a Medical, inspection of the • employees,-. sanitary inspection_ of the and testing of the. .for - .1 The Toronto I-lospital alaten,,to affiliation with -Bellevin aYai Allied Hospitals, n•W.. York city,' offers a three years' t'ours e of Trate- ins to young women, having' thrt re- quired education, and desirous of be- coming nurses. Vitis Hospital has adopted the eight:bour•system. The . :Moils receive uniforms of the School, nionthlY allowance and traVelitme expenses to and from New York. For further Information apply to the Superintendent. . '• " .. considered. There is a ,general im- Peesslon tliat the (May. iumigraiits Canada -needs, are those going direct- • ly on the farms. That •is' true, but - will the immigrant coining to Canada go directly to the farm? M. W. S. Bennett, Member ef the United states Immigration•Commission, Who -worked two and a halt years inirestigating the question of immigratioh abroad, chal. lenges any, statement that the cities nal organizetfons, officers and bo. . With• 4 loan of $2:50, which he Pre - are, the wrong place for the imml-, .ys grant, se far as. the immigrant ,is con.: 't4rhe BO Scouts Association main- mised to return in a few daysche al, 4 .cerned. . , .. ,* tains that no boy ' can grow .into the 1 evieuA two or three weeks to pass with- . '.. best kind of citiZemehin'without Agog- ou.4: making any ',mention . of his in - Mr. Bennett goes On to say that th,e nizing his obligation to God. The re- debtedeess, and, in „,fidt, 'seemed to , immigration Commission ,fouildthe '•-• cognition of .Oed. os W.:. rulit;-, and --- avoid 'his, creditor. • , , tact tillbe. that 98 per cent, qf the lin-, leading pbwer in.,ths uniVerse anti the HA:ROL,D , ROBB . „ Torontia.bok *lio Wen the 2 ..1•73. mile Ward Eight School.-13oys' Bun- ning Road Race, held on -March 30, 1921, He is 16 years of age.and lives. at 20 Kingswood Road. He is the Petrel. Leader cif the .5ist -Toronto, Troop BoY •Scouts. • NEW STRENGTH FOR VICTIMS OF ANAEMIA . • ' helm q,constructive and lacot a relatlia- rtve volley of immigration7,=Empl0rt erF' AF.-iciation Maidtphai, , • • Scouting andrthe Church. .- 11,1aPY•Men who have beenitociated -.With SO:eating an well as citlaer types of boys' Work, over a period of years, helreVellitit it pre...serits..; greater 51)0r, -Ai;err-At:1.'7i 06-7- • .410iieln$ W.e.igrai. • • OBNTs WANT3E0: BLISS NATIVIS '.rz. Herbs 'is a remedy for the relief Of Copistipp.utora. Indigestion, ' Biliousness. Rheumatism, Kidney •Troubles, is well-known, having been extensively ad- . .vertised, mince it wan first manufactured in 1888;_hy_rdistribution of 'large quanti- ties of alnie,s,tacs, •Cook Books, Health Books, etc., which. 'are furnished. to litgents free of charge. The remedies,ar t e. price that alloWs agents tO tunities for cleveloping the bo,:, re delude their. money. Write Alonzo, 0. • ligiouslY' than. does any' other move, BwrioinestrAfearicmalenCtot.o,n12tilifisst.o.a7etki St. Eat. ' ment instituted solely for beYs.. Its , aim to develop the 'boy' physicallY, „ . , mentally and morally is being realized, Very- widely. , The. Boy Scent MOvement has beeti . •• . H is Excuse. Gus Stevens, the. village white - Washer and man-of-werit, was a frequent borrower of small sums from clevelcsped on suelt broad lines as to his.neighbor, Major Norton, and as a . embrace all classea, all creeds, and rule he 'repaid these little 'debts' at at, ON sante time to allow the great-. the appointed .time: But On, one occa-, est possible independence -to individ- sion when he had been accominodated.' Loss of .Strength Follows When • " the',Igood •Beemnes Thin. 'Anaemia is 'the medical term. for thfri, watery blobd., The: suffer loses stfength, becomes short of. breath and coniplains of palpitation of the heart after the slightest exertion, such ,as walking. up stairs. lightest- ta,sk beck:elms a burden. There is a loss of ambition, the viotinf loses Weight and as the diSease Progresses the ap- •petite is affected., Color fades linni cheeks and lips and fainting spells • may occur. , . , Anaemia is not a disease that cor- recta itself, and it unchecked it gressee steadily. But it can bei.ecini- batted by good fciod, fresh. air .and a proper tonic for the blood: As the blood, becomes'. rich and. red- under this treatment,: the ..nymptrans disap- peal.. as in the case of 11/11Ss Evelyeen JOyce,:Westirille, *hose mother says:: "Almost from; ,lniancY .thy daughter was7 Very delfeate; and , was often under the doctor's pare. As her 'father had died of • conslnnption my frielids. feared alie 'would .fall a vic- tim •to : that :dread disease : , As the yeara went by. and she was Merging into womanhood began to fear that, I would lose her. Then 1:deeided to try Dr. Williams' Pink' Pills, and I &Mid" soon see a change- rer the bet-, lie-tat.,threO YO,re, . Epidemics :sometimes, esult-Itis e dut of Public Health autlioritiei to educate both the.consumer'an dealer tO the danger of nen-pasteur- ized milk • and the liability -of milk - •borne •diseases .being •conyeyed .by it. raigrarite in a general way, and some- times. *erY specifiCaily, kiltrv"' .w.11.abi and bletaings, Js neceesdry te'tbo grateful acknowletiginent of Hi favors ibest type of citizenship awns a whole- emplbyrnent they are • going into be 4 • z in ilte education -of. the fore they leave their homes, their wives some thin._ and other dependents..., The reason . growing heir: No matter what the boy may be -:-Roman ;Catholic, protestant or Jew --(and in Scouting there are.all three). this fundamental need of,. good citizenship should be kept before him. The, BoY Scouts Association, as an ,organized body, recognizes the religi- ous element in 'the training of a ,boY, but it is absolutely non-Sectarien in KS attitude toward religions traieing. Its policy is, that; the religious 'organif zatioxi institiltion with which the Boy Scout is' connected ' shail. give; definite attention to his religious -lite. If he be a Roman Catholic Boy Scout„ the church of which he. is e member. IS the best •cliantel for his training. If he bea Hebrew boy, tire Synagogue. will trate him. in the faith of his fathers. If he ----be 'Protestant, • no matter to what denornination`of Pro- testantinn he may belong, the Church „of which.he is *an ailhereet or_a Mena- -mentla to gain a wider knowledge of ,ber Will only perforin its fulI duty Canadian condition's 'from people of when it accepts this respqnsibilitY? • his own birth who are always to he It is interesting to note in ithis con, ,found. in the cities' and .towns. ,If .when the inunigrant first lands he is. not- trained or evert equipped to go cut On theprairies to settle doWn and get a living from the soil, ,what is the use of sending him ourthere"tO be come' a..disgrentled and ,dissatisfied citizen? . Immigratieu ie. a problem of great consequence to the people of Canada to-d'ay. Immigration. has a. great influence on.inclustry and .on Our prosperity which .is: the. basis of re- venuesfor the government. .The pal). lic generally, shottld Seriously protest against any goverarriental.• action whieh *Old _prevent' the entry, of de- sirable • immigration': into 'Canada. constructive policy of selective i131: •migratiop is needed' and it is Up to :Canada ,to establish- .,,,a--censtructive eliey-based_on a careful examination: of conditions here .and abroad ,to the , why•the immigrant goes fo the cities, Mr. Bennetcexplains,„is-lhat he has a betterrehance to earn a little ready money and that there are also oppor- tunities for him, if he .is sof a foreign tongue, to talk to' men of his own peopleewho speak his language, which Is most essential during. the time tb,at he is learning the English language and the local situation, "If the oppor- tunities fan the farm are greitter'than those offered in the City, the ImmI- grant will soon nad out and act ac- cordingly," says Mr. Bennett: • Mr. Bennett asks hie question should anyone blame the newly ar-: l'ived immigrant for going to, the plaea *here he finds Compatriots,. a 'place of worship, and helpful surroundings for•him to,get the right start in a new land. If he cannot speak Eiaglish, he has an •opportnnitY , in •the first few . . . . •tervals, she took the pills, ,always with the best, Of results. •NoW. at the age. of sixteen: she is a. line healthy - ;ficial constitnents of fresh milk. P as- • . f d .t,.. .• f ,. , ..d • who see. the wond,erful charge inksr. o e nee ion is, o comse, an elm., emit, . . teurizataon"may be • defined' as the ex- as iii Poughkeepsie, New York; Where condition that she owes it to Dr. Wil; postire Of milk ..previously eleanedli a--fewyeaas. ago ..a serions epidemic Hams' Pink Pills," ., ... , filtration. Or •centrifiikalizatiOn), to , a of scarlet fever broke out due to int, 'Mi.% lc:Tee herself says: "It gives to gOnffrini.,':ihe''Sthte- ' li':-Tfiii- agliert peria,:ar.utheil la; --old-_,Hiasteurized ' milk : This at aike Start- T•e; • -1711.e-Ouie. — temperiature• net .exCeeding,:q.§.13 _deg ' ea an agitation Whith. resulted • in using D g ei'lfsiil . Di Williams' -15y-iii-Incit.li01.1-11--ce- • Williams'', Pink Pills' 1 have. 1 . gainedin:weight, and from a sickly -girl,sUfferingL from headaches,::dizzi ness and alariguid "feeling, ,I ani new ly.-v-ooling it toa_temperature as much • 7-10-10,w' 50. deg, F. as possible. • P.PugfikeePsie. ad"ting prOinances • cotripelling ;the, pasteurizatiOn-of all -.7, WiTer 6. pitstettrized 'milk •canno, be niilk with the.exception of "certified." Pui:ciftised or where for other reasons It;certainly' 'seems too bad. dial we it Vie: desirable .to- pasteurize milk at , . . must wait for epidemies to qtimialktP- , 11,()-nec, ;thelproceSiein ,e4SiTY. be Per, tiublic interest in such matters, but ' .fon'oed withotit special. apparatus; as at the present tune this, appears to be 'f°11°ws: ' ' ' ' • . -de' Op the only route by which drastic and .: '. 'How -,to pasteurize=_Take a saucepari; fit .at the bottom s' piece ahatitlialf_an antelLthiaL nect‘on.that Eloy Scont'Headcivarters statistics'show that the great Majority of tScout Troops in Ontario. are. eon - fleeted with Churches, Scouting activi- ties being specially . promoted by the churches .concerned as real, Worth- while . tor. their boys. And exitertenee; Shows that the Sunday, ,Sehool or Oburch• gehoOl Class Organ- ized on 'Scout linen has better.diScip-. line, better attendance and greaterin- terest than Was evidenced before, the Boy Sybut idea was put One morning, howeVer, the major unexpectedly encountered Gus at 'the. 'Post Oflide,. . Gus!' he exclaimed. "Didn't - you borrow a little 'money trim 'me ... several Weeks ago?" , ' "That's right, major," said the old Man. "I sliere'ly did.". • f.."You told me you'd pay it back in three:er four days. Have you had tad luck?" • ' • •' "No, •snh," said,Gue. "I'll tell yo' • how it Was, ,major..1 lacked jeat.,$2:50 of havlif $10 in de savin's bank, an' 1 ° • iised4t 'fo' dai. • It's 'all right major,I 'an' I won't' forgit it."' MONEY OROERSt -Buy your, ont-of-town stipplies with • . „ . . . . •Miriard's Lirilnient stellevis DistemPer, •• • • Returned lib Kind. ' .• An Irialithan ,paid a. Visit te •lie as qUick-tetripered and it Wes.- not. long.before_he_liad_an_argument7With .4. native who .Spoke very broken Zng- lish. 'Seizing •a," dish •froni a -counter end that it inay safeguard -our -close at hand,' Pat let flt•whh it and te.rests and promote Vie, general wei-: the Chinaman's head was cut. :On be tare, regardless of any one class. ing ;brought before the English consul, '-Canada --needs new 'peap16;-., treeds he was asked whyhe had' ittittlt-eci-the thenx badly,. on the .fainis and hi all native. ••• , • • • ' 'lined induStrial activityWhereif is : "SOre,!' replied Pat .• "„he spoke , now almost impoSsible to get' meta to. broken English and I just gate hint _ , _ , • • . do the great =bunt ef necessary broken China•in return." ; • Dominion Express' Money Orders. Mire Dollars, costs three. cents. The North-West FUT Co. of Mont. real was ferme•d in 1779, in oppotitien to the liudsor: Bay 00. • It Set up fur trading -posts in' the country west bncl" north of Lake S'uperior. A bitteetrade riva4ty: foIlOwed- for Some, years, until' -they, were arivalgamated in 18.21. , • Minarcrs t.inimant for •Dandruff.. Aecor"ditri-to OffiCial returns fo,:. the .. . year 1918, the `awn .. of $635 'Wts col- . •lected in fines fa setting •fi.re to for- ests:ii'differeert par6. Of C?nsda. and • one man 'received a jail 'sentence kr this offenee. • • -. . 4.••.*,?, '" . ,... :' iatiglOkher:tn_iteep- iiipStry'iticiving;` Certainly, there are' ,4ieopie who should not 'pe. permitted to- come into. -th_e_country, because in. the very an-, ture• of- things their admittance means, conflict and'radical social-,distiir,bances I "JaWeilt,' all to Dr. Williaths' 'Pink in. our midst. •Canada already has its his beaten. you but •stay • and • study FREEZONE Corns lift Off with. Fingers ... ......... Drop a little. fi,Preezone”- on an ach- -big corn; instantly that .corn .stops _hurting, -then ..shortly _you lift _it .. off 'with fingers. It doesn't hurt a bit:. •••, •,, Your-druggist-selle-a-tiny-bottle4of • "Freezone," for *a. few cents, sufficient • .• to remove every hard soft' or 'eorn between the toes,. and, the cid, _Lases., without a particle'of pain.' , •-• 1: 'America'!" . • NOrway has ° eSttiblished nationall- domestic science Scheel -for-, girt.- at • Stavanger.: ,• ' • . • • . Share Of. this • Iro*Witnay'.fri'Oet,..his.,lik'e again il,Bams' Pipit Pills can be. ol.)7 , Canada is •not :the congested coun- • „ . T_ asrwell..•aa,other girla, of -my, ago; and Tur.n. not aWay from the Mall Who • FF P • Plerleer • Dog Remodtei: , Book on DOC DISEASES • and How to, Feed, . TMatled Freqe-to any -Ad., dress by -Ow Arithinti-' Z. May Glover Co., TAO. -1'11-Wast Stint -Street Yorki U.S.A. , . • . • :brough throtigh any.,medicine -dealer; ,tyy. that ;Labor' leaders. wou d -have . The hien- cott of. living is increased " ilk --1 lati br 4 t . • • • • -to-date-1h . § (n115.': er. bY perif. . or_ six peeple tfitnk: ..0a.11-64.1-6„ • • •••• y ores ---Cry...ettizen;Should Omit. Education, bowever we hope "the Ultie-Of etietitfon "Of el' -vi e, ,,..„ ., t '4210,trancTne-Eir!„Willia . of .3-,60,3,910-squarc_nalesnclet us -.1.10,1).sto_k,est, „ • . • xes Or . -this _point ef" view, and ..43-C41:tr":01ThigiaditiNtf0 hillf,Pint bottles, Y1117-ellitrige gktana place e • dernirather than their ,chre. - k 11 0-t' 1:00 • •th • bottle" or , P - square miles of what inightihe classed' hot t containing thelniiik, and ,Steri.. 'in I Ctd.. within_ the, saueepan, and then pour In some v_ery hot, (bet not -bail- ing) water; put over -firer and ,when - Witi'r comes •to the. boil remove. • • the saucepan and set•it "aside:for fif-• teeirinillutes. Theirataluflt to the : sink ,,and, 'put it under the deld -Water . so that the -het water gets rapidly4eplaced by told: "Keep the •.•bottlesin water" till a meal has been prepared:, • L,BY the anicro-organisms which are capable Of being cultivated , • tieect,tot: • less than five per :.cent. , .these Which can be eultivated, froni tho.„ Original milk; the' fermenta- tion bacteria can be destroyed ,or, in-. -7111hTt'eVae-AS".-ts- delay -the- --natural- • 'enuring of the milk swim' tweTveto ' 'twenty-four hours?,,,the Milk mean - shire. keeping .perfectly wholesome._ Pasteurization will also desthy the • W. 'E.• C... asks if flat feet:can be Cured, ---------' Answer: Yes, in many casei-wheie the condition not %become chronic: Beth -flat ..-feet-and-7weak--au-kles-:- .deriendent upon wpak and:poorly Ae- .veloped niutcles -as -much-As ehangeS ,iii -the shape vp the-bonest-m7What4s • ls Cariada Bar the Do?. 'want immigratien ,stopped., ;Lobbyists have been busy at Ottawa for some tine picturing before , members- the fearfat-tesultpentialyniemOhat would likely t011ow if °Canada, doesnot bar the,door to iimnigratibn., The un- ,employ.ntent....situation-ia....DRt a new Labor leaders end the babor Press • required to prevent • this is proper exercise for the•feet,and lower 'part of Ole- leg6; also sliea .that.-perhstt .,the;•,toe,t_to be moved. atul that of 'Chronic cases hos. beer.' effected,. but it is slow and :'-"tediona . process. Rheumetisni is sothetimeS• the • con- Isibuting•cause,of-flat feet,:light shoes another', poor tnusele-' tone. a - third. Consult a reliable orthopedic stirgeon, grans and all -for years to Come. The before getting a, foot support, or .4e. present difficulty 'IS- tlnit capital' Will fore starting the feat eXerciSes... not gamble on the present ,higli cost prOdUction. 'Therefore it is not the puSli', cramp and b,end-i3fir es:7 ure .problein. Winnipeg •Canada have been dealing With it anguallyfor the Tpast twenty 411'e em 12.32ient at the present tinie is due buying goods'niade dear by too high a cost of :prodtiction,. in 'which; labor figureS, largely. -There is. •abiindance of work in Canada and' therewill be. Plenty • tor- eVe'rybody .to cleirinniz: at "present,as „nadeSirable or .unPro- ductiVe areas.- This leaves a.basis of atipreximatPly two and a half LAM:Will:: •scpiare Canada could -absorb the entire ponulatipa :of the British Islee..,(England,,Scotlana and Ireland), _raid _then, have 3.5„(li ess..p.e.O.p I e the square .mile than no* 1.)1 the Oki Land:: Placing our present poP11-. It's Really Amazin the amount of nourishment youll find in a Sinai dish of-- with*creara or good, milk added Sweet Withlts-pwn sugar, developed from the ,grains in the making. this stardy blend . of wheat and, malted -barley contains,in compact form and at low cost, the nutritive and mineral elements needed. to build.' health and strength. • 'scarcity a .wovk thkt. Is causing' the: -trouble,but the ocapti,, ,The prepagithda that •,Labor,leader-s- heye,..been • spreading in the Labor rieSS . IS' f• ab;thitirelylll'A • mid lass •distinction. The phase of the .possibilities. for the future -are sO immigration question ,considered by , 6.2i.eat?:•..ts :.thereanf t.eaon :why lo a thern, Is T,i0W-W0l-ahlin1iVat 10 afet' -Itart-OV•the -Great - Labor er to be more concrete, should elo"ie, our,:gateS to .the people :hew will it.:affePt. w 8.7 IAN; t :Britain .eSpepally,', •er to the erS , speak of -possible..initnigratioa4kg•Lr_073opte of • FFenie, 33elgiuni.:;•:. or- .gregates thatAill iikeiy ilooa Canada,- unitedates, from whence sp iViany St per cent, of wonien,school children, find ender, included in iminigraticin totals, that da not enter:the labor'intif.'„1110111U1 katStailsties show.. -that f of eVery. twenty niale ininiigrants, oirer, 21:years Prue original and only Genuine. Of age, the average is about three skilled laborer, ten unskilled Wtufiterii, and. the' Other seven, of profess.lonal and miscellan•eons occupations: What -would Canada have done In Pee -war yearS Withotit inlinigration? Where will Canada he „If ,,the resollition now before the"Ottawa'llou.ie 'ghat Ali Mi. migration:be. imspendeduritil a nortnal condition .of. dffalta is tatebliailedP Y.1.1tUoi:i.L .8, ATHLETES-- lVfuscular fatigue' quickly yields to • the use of latigno.0Q,orlo that meana an 'average of .4 neeple Per -,,.square anile in Canada; ; •.:. ' " The optiatinn per squIre 'le' fbe .dreat Britain,and Ireland is 374. The kturrim census 0! 1913, gave 40„412,220, :or a. population ,of:, 193 Persons to the square thlie. In 1912 the•popttlation of 13elgium nas 7,510418; and the Donn- ' lation Per'square nitle -Wad 658. per sena. The population of the German, Empire in Etirepo'in 1911, was 60,190; gr a population. a 311 to the sqitare.mile. ; • • face °Cam aboite,,i1S7 More any , won a..er,whY...tte tu1irnFrafle :and of - -13elgiuin; 'Should not be turning their eyes to a ceuntrY Birch-. as '-calitida” 'where the : Try a tube today. E. OF itIFISLIJILAITE $.1t.ora THE LEEMING MILES CO., LID. • MONTREAL Agents for Dr. Jules BengUe RELI EVES PAIN 'You can just teil by its healthiv, ----Ertirilulonintinaljt-dedvivaddr;I:_hgriootd!".:LS, IF I. only had soniepoin's 'Lini- ment!' How 'often you've said - that!, •And then when the rheu- matic twinge Subsicied-lafter hears of auffering-'-you•forget,it!' • D'on't do it again--get'a bottle- le- -:•• day: and heck fl. hailliy_for possible use, • tonight! .A.sudden attack may come " Ons—serit-re•i:i.= liithhagioreinuseles.". ._:.:paios and aches resulting frorrCe.xpos- _ -'nfeiT.-:-Youlli_soon. find_ Varmth and reat lief in Sloan's, the liniment thatpene- Oates laiihoui rubbing. Clean, econemi. Three,Sizes-435c, 70c, $1.40 , backa.che stiff joints-. neu-ralgia, the'•• • Ilse Cuticura Talcum To" Powder and Perfume An ickial fete, 'skit, baby and dusting povvder. Convenieneand edonomi- cal. it takes the place of other per- fumes. A few grains sufficient. Sesp2Se. Qintitnent 25ninci 1.11kilt1125e. Sold throughootthellenriniont CanadionDepori 1.0MAIIP. !Amite.% 344 St, Pao! St,, W.. MOntrellif new-Culicure Soap staves without mut. ASPIRI Only -Bayer" isGenuine 'Warning!, • Talte--ii,o -chatieeS-Witit--- .....;_atiliptitutcs.lar *enable ',13qyer. Tabiete ' • Aspirin." tinlesi-yett see thp -name • Bayer' on package ,or on tablets you • are not getting Aspirin Mill.; In every ,Bayer. , package are •directions for • ...Colds.... headache, Neuralgia,- Blight: Earache ; • Teethe„ ` bago and for Pain. Handy tin l'okes. ot• , tweslve; tablets coat feW cents: • Druggists also sell larger packages, . MadeSil 'Canada, Xspiritt the trade 'mark (registered in ('anada), of.Bayer', Mairafaettire • of Moneaceticaeldester of 'SulIcylieacitl. , " •.., ISSUE No. ••••'•