The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-04-21, Page 1■ • • A 1 • $2.00; PER YEAR•IN.ADVANCE; $2.50 OTHERWISE.. .LUCKNOW, ONT., ' THURSDAY, RIL - 21, 1921. • .:LUGKN4W Roper Mills' Are. working day =and• night. Bran and *Shorts on hand. " W. E. TRELEAVEN. • p FOR SALE -Eggs for hatching, from Bred -to -lay S. C. W. • Leghorns and Barred Rocks, culled by the Q. A. C. test for laying qualities. Eggs 6c each. Also somepurebred York shires.- J: Farrish, R. 7. Lucknow • . phone Dunganybn,' 82-13. o, .0 0 0 0. o. u d. o "o o•• o • LOCAL AND GENERAL' • o' • Lucknow voted • °`Yes.' . . ° ••• Now for a really dry Ontario: Mrs. R. M. MacLean,'of We11an , lsvisiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.- Sherriff. , Mr. Allan, Farnham,. of. Seaforth, is . assisting , in the Molsons Bank tnis week •as -junior, Miss Wintlie Gordon is home after spending -a few, weeks with friends, in Owen Sound, f Now is the time, to get, your Fer- tilizer. A car or Gunn's Fertiliser - just ,_arrived.Geo. S. Robertson, STANDING' FIELD CROP • COMPETITION Entries., in the. Standing Field Crop ..Cbmpetition • :of: the. Lucknow Agri- •cultural Society will' be received .,by • the undersigned: ' The varieties of. • grain are Oats and Corn Entries • for oats are' • required .to ;be • made be, fore 11 ^,24th,.1921, anti entries for; co' t' 'before June I4th, 1921. - 2-c • Joseph Agnew, Sec: • The above shoe has been' one of our best sellers this' season.. Ab- solutely right' in style,: and `•the', ' • °' Louis. heel 'Makes it very comfort-- • able -$$:5U. . • , • .,.;_`c AMERON,. URII.00H& _ CQ B .CHICKS • Mr. R. D, Cameron was in °Dur- hart last Saturday evg., and ,address- ed .a mass meeting in, the interests of temperance.... - • Mrs.' Mackenzie returned to Chic- ago on Tuesday, ;,after being with her 'sisters, the Misses Burgess,. throughout the winter: Misa Kate Mactiregor is. back to town' after 'spending the winter months in Florida with ''her brother, Dr. MacGregor, of Chicago. ' Mr. and Mrs. H: Thompson, of Kinloss,:.and Mrs. Lloyd Hildred, of ' Bervie, 'were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. _ Cole, Whitechurch, last week The -polling booth at , St. Helena showed .a vote of. 111-199 dry, 2 wet. Formosa shows the othher ex- treme:.• There was not a. dry vote. in ;the .place. •.. .. • , From ` a friend in the West comes •the report that a half -million dollar Government contract at Prince Bop,. ert . has 'been awarded to the firm of McDougall it ,McNeil, of ' Calgary. The. senior partner of this firm: is M. A. McDougall, formerly . of Lucknow, and. his many old friends here will be glad to hear of his .success. From 'pure bred trapnested • _ S.C. White. Leghorn's, (Barron Strain). The'. Barron Leghorn •is__. an' English bird,' and for a Leg- -Urn is . very large,, some' of 'them ._ being as large as the Rock. They have. the advantage over the " o i'thati'hey':yer'y aseldom,�.- •: if ever . want 'to set. With' thg ••.coming-of--the-;*,arm--weather the«:_ _.. - 7red� Tait•iveelt iNith=his •:3is.�er ;furs.- heavy :bteeds' _scent determined ., D -Beecroft.:_ to set. ' ' Not se. with the Leg•,: n...: At this time of the year determined to lay. They; Yvill also lay in the winter if•'giv- proper. care. From Nov. 1st est- • to; April ;1 t; ---:-•ten- of --our trap- nested• leghorns laid .1035 eggs. At anaverage-Price- of 75e. -per,. {dos., the meant . $62.78 cash which_we-got._ _Erom__these_same • birds,. and,_otbers nearly as good, • ;� ge_exp offering you chicks at 22c each, de were a't yunii-statrun. HURON SPECIALTY FARM` Walter' Rose, Brussels; Ont: Phone 38x.;. Box 34. DEATH CALLS W. 'J.. LYONS .a1 • LUCKNOW . VERY IMtY• 4 • On Monday afternoon of this- week Great ls• :the change'. which :• hash Mn Wm. J. Lyons pas.si•d away at 4onie, over •sentiment in Lucknow. re• - his holm O. Campbell Street. 'M'r, banding the' liquor traffic in the last' Lyons vitae native of Ireland.° He score of years. Once, upon a time was'75 years" of age: and had been a it supported` • seven. bar rooms and resident of Lucknow .since the early three liquor shops,, and it wag' noted days. For more than a year he had' . as a very drinxen town for years • been a sufferedfrom "cancer which after ,the ,places of . sale bad, been con- 'develoPed about the mouth. Ile piss-,siderably reduced. , Now its ;';dry.'. ed away very. quietly so that his sis- 'vote is'among the .biggest, in. -Ontario tea, with : whom he.. lived scarcely population considered., . • :Mien .. the knew• that the end had come. Mr live -wires of Lucknow' go after;a L. ons -'was • an. enthusiastic,; member " thing they get it•:done,. and a nuin- Y sid of pre - was the ,Ac.F:.& an, and'while .he t.,c,r ot'tnein were an the a P - was able' to' be about .never missed hibitiof 'duringthe recentcaYrlpaigii, a meeting of the Lucknow• Lodge. The vote • on Monday stood 4511 for The funeral winch was held on Wed- and 51 against ,prohibiting: the• im= nesday afternoon tq' Dungannon cem4, portation of li u.or.. The: voting. was Lodge; eteryr:.was in`leharge of Old Light 'done orderly and intelligentlyas. FIRE 'CO. ••DQ GOOD 'WORK The rtuckn4WI Fire' Brigade , has had very Iittle , exercise in the way of fighting fire in the past five - years, 'but 'on Thursday morning Of last week ,it had an opportunity to • dem onstrate that :it hadn't become hope- lessly. rusted.: An over -heated pipe Carted a fire•rn,the upper story of a frame dwelling -on Havelock .Street, owned : by Mr.. Jake. Miller, of Kin- Ioss, • and occupied by Miss Lillian Patterson and her brother. An al-. 'arm was sent in ..and the firemen were quickly on the.job; not howevel" before the fire had made considerable headway and neighbors' }rad assisted in relnovisig furlriture from house, ` for Lit was thought ,to be doomed' to . dest,ugtion:. .When 'the water was- turned on, However, the. flames- ',were quickly: gotten; under •ontrol. A good deal of damage' was•. done • by fire and smoker and water•. The loss was -covered -by insurance. , WHITECHURCH ' • Monday, . Apr. 18. !Jr; Robt.7 Mowbray has • had. 'Phone installed.. -ring .32 on 611. • We announce the:birth of a; baby boy. to . Mr. and. Mrs. Ben McClen- aghan, ' .on Thursday, Apri1.=14th.- Congratulations. • • o e, Mr. Carol ,Daniels, f Kinase n _spent Vie week-end'at .Mr, Alex 1:lni- snerson:s. . • Mr. Arch: Paterson,. of. Toronto, visited a .few . days with his' •nephew, Mr. .. Ken Paterson: ► Mr" (than.. Gillespie was home fr, m Walkerton ler -over Sunday. Miss Evelyn Garton is- e./en Eng • .�;ei k, at her home.. - • . . Miss ,Lillian Patterson, 'of Luck= now, visited over "Sunday .with her friend; Miss lean' Eagleson. Mrs.. Hackett, of Blyth, is visiting With her parents, . Mr. and Mrs. A. i.►•nmerson.-- Mi4 -Oliver. Kirke, of •Detr 't; •tis - a. • intUdt BOYS AND:. GIR46. JIM • The Bruce Old Boys': and 'Girls' .--AssoCiationi-of7Teronto, has -fixed -on : _FridayaJuly,lt es the date of the ah- SA- year. On acconnt .of the increasing` ponulatity 'Of this iciidaurinner out ing the management of the Grand 'TtnnIt''''RailWay has, decided 'to send "'btit'lwb• Special 'triina, One. destined', for Sonthampton and the other for' dottide-engitied train, as there will IA no confusion; either of Passengers Si of 'baggage.. The excursion has ;mg • on4 in the summer, and in addition to ',the hundrids who • are able to. spend Sunday ,on the lakes,, many °dial arrange ' to have their vaea- tions on: the date Of the exeur- alon. The asioeiation has certainly done a great deal to keep the Iona: . touch with their relatives and Mende 11; goo tofr Miss Eva Morrison, of Winghan, and her friend, Miss Delight ' Cloak- ey, were week -end visitors at Mr Jas. , Morrison's. Iviisis Myrtle Beecro!t iwho has been in Kincardine, for some .ime,`re turned home on Friday. Mr. and ' Mrs.: '-Roland • Henderson vi.-ited . over Sunday, with; the 'form er's� . enta•, Mr: `arta-Mrs." Thoma$- Henderson, ,_on -:.the Bliaeva:e Road, Mr,-iud.-Mi s. Jas, St. Marie wer at Mildmay .a' couple of aaY "la$ week and' attended the marrnige o the former's sister. Mrs (Rey.) Go11an and Mrs. Wen rie; •of -•Luck-now; visrtecl, n -Tuesda last' at the Manse.-:. We are pkase to report' that Mrs. Scoble's healt is very muchimproved,.end4l.or�e sh will soon bein her usual•ooyl healt there were very few. ballots spoiled -7 2 put inblank, on the south .ide ;ar Ina nu,ti,c'. U 5i,': ansa' took their plait .��y well, .The, 5. spoiled oli "the. north; • 'l he south . -side gave 20 wet .votes an t. -toe iw th buy,. were. 7'�rii Ai+•sn, • Robbie• A'n-. 31 - , • .i. drew, Austin and Eldon Reid. About f i n .. • sitt9LE COMES, iiLENTS. THE BOX SOCIAL AID DAN*"` No sort o4 entertaihrnent is • n}ore success�tul iii a• coiintry sehosilhorrsr or hall than a, bus' suciat; - lout °in •a town,• none, is less •sucucessful This feet ,explains the .rather small, at- tendance• at the Fire •( ops. `box social in Carnegie Hall Tuesday • 'night. The' s0ra11, •atten'dance is regretta ne, as funds - are , much . needed to' finance the', town bac p. and the•, iiasebalt Cigb.. 'In 'their own inteests ',more bi the:.; liusinGss ' .cople should have turned out and paid the• adniissiun fee of 25c�"wliether they.ren,ained to ; the program or not. }ipwevcr, fo1'k• do hot often, do' that way,'.. There w a. quite a, niee program, mainly r,�usia ala'by y local 'talent before the". auctiona Sale of lunch boxes., -.1? -our bo;; ,'con• '�•ibut,•d' a very amusing little drama ST.. •H LENS • Mr, Chas Miller, of •Worktop, Fisk' has been visiting at Mr D Ferrier's,. Mr: T. B. Taylor is • on.the ^sick 50' .boxes °were. offered.. or sa. e a u "-'o"o'n'e'they t}•ent'. at an, average jirice o RNEGIE.' HALL. BEING •WIRED $1:25; The ,dance '}+tliich folio led `va: GA quite an enjoyable affair. •' As ex- The .necessary. steps ` ' for wiring penscs., were,.low, the Fire Co:. real . �Th ' Carnegie Hall for: Hydzo lighting • ized•'some cash but of the. enterprise have.* lastbeen taken. The coni- but not -•the ainount expected: tract,. was .let, by' tender', arid•.,went to . • o=o.•o Drinkwalter & Cousins, •the�loeal el -.e:, ectricioners and pluinbers; S coir "BELFAST - a the wiring; of'tht. tract: includes ineer'"s'. res: Pump house and the eng idence; It' will take :about a ihonth to complete the work • : o -o -oma • •.CHURCH 1,1$•*; . • Methodist' Church: Rev. J R. 'Pet-•°• ,ens} A of Bel'grave will conduct the- service in the 'n ornin'g,••'and' iDr.. Darby, in the evening. Dr, Darby. - ie the repre•sentative • supported' by the•' •Epworth • League's: of the, Wing- 'ham. district.: Let all the meinbere. 'of the League•be• present.: The ;past - ;Or will., be absent on .:, anniversary. work. The.; April. meeting bf tineorith Kinloss W. :AMS. was held iP - `tht period, ..,4r van-: list. • We- hope to see him' around • churdb, and the study • Majeske 'Gaunt, eldeet 'daughter of• Gollin With a Clase: of- sp./A, the mein era aalr• Mr.. Snell on Wednesday,. ,April 13 We *ish Mr. and Mrs.. Scott inan.37 years of haPpy .married life. • is- true that "foreignerC, mainly made _up the "wet" vote on_ _ Gotten .contiriued the Study, of ,Ax., . The -next Meeting Will be 'held in•the have very feyi . Of -that 'pert': The:Vote here stood 100 dry, and orilY 2. Wet. . Tuesday, April 190, . a -baby -boy arrived at the 'home Of Mr, and ht the be)ne_of•Mrs,134 Naylor.- Sub- ete A cordial invitation is extend- • . The Presbyterian Cmgrogatio '•gate„ of their liniditeeastrY. Th date fiked -now Jane •Th date yas to have been May. 29t Further particulars. . : h. ST. GUSTINE Quite a nuniber of, our farmers re- port that they are through seeding. That's' doing, It up in good Rine. Mr. Pat Carney is not ,aS weii as friends would yriah. Charlie Desmontie, d Greenock, is visiting his sister Mrs. Brophy, Mr, and Mrs. Sullivan called on their aunt, *II G. Brophy, during. We are sorry tO raliOtt that Mrs. There well a the hothood redently... of the death . at _be.red•hy numher, of ,the older year, •. and she passed away on: the a cettain. Of • Mrs,: Wm. Struthers; of ed ,LucknOW .fog years v. -here. he took part la eleariag a -bush farm. ',About the year- 18'70 al sort booin develOped In. Minne- sota, and North Dakota* and at that hive GradY died sortie years ago. 0' 2nd- Sehool end thoseawho braved the • cold snap enjoyed a good- prograni • TWQ exercises "The New„„SchOol" .and t`The Conquariag Cross" Were" 'given, - The . next 'regUlar 'meeting. „Will: De held in the elnirch PP. Sata May 7th.. of the Guild meeting on -Moo ay, ev- given. The topic for the evening , was ,a Cliscrission on the Good and Evil Effects of,: the War, taken., by siateda of solo by Mi. Watson;: . mental 'selection: by Mre. R. M. ,MC- •trchestra. An arousing Rein was an,' bY_s apinber:of girls. The eatinganiat „„teek ie. in -Charge of the Look704-Cortinuidi°7--- Partioi Nib are ''.1ising•tbeiracari for hire. or gain tivat pay lionse fee The Council have given instructions that 1/Y -law regulating the -above must be rigidlY enforced. If ,you fail to _Secure your liteme •ToromPtly By order, • The Village A pier entitled "linme Ties ay. the al a Dramatis) Club 'of trlisitY Chtir'ela Myth, will be given in the ted Halls Dttngsmi non,•att the erg, d A.pri1.141 tinder aux. 40ii IOC 1359. • SCHOOL ,REPORTS' , gbect attendance and efficera.weie el, We'd for. the •eoming year,' Darina and 'Initter :knife and: Ole sister workers in, the-W.M.S., regret worker among .and bake' had •th, gift: in tokeii .,our wisl•eS 'Your feture -welfare: 'We 15riovr rick! Mrs. J. Alton, Mrs, IV: G.. Gard Officers. :elected- fOr the "Year ..ljeaSherwoo.d.."1,aat year was a, v'caa arleiallv there being left in tbt- The. effirers• fo:. the', Sunday are as folloWs: Sant., Walter Altbir,:, Seca,' Tillie Sherwood. Trees ••••Ittlea „Alton; Organist!' Janet; -Traz'kott: MRS -HANNA DIES • 'MONDAY, APR. -26th. The Sheriff's Oath and 2 -Reel Comedy WEbNESDAY, APR. 26 - Fiat he News earaoy With All f,hoyes, ,Two glows each evg., 7.30 and 9. o EVERYBODY'S COLUMN o \IONEY TO,LOAN on mortgages and -Companies. COnveYancing done • with neatness arid despatch. ftlt..p1KKER; OSTEOPATH' at the . of disease. , Adjustment of• the .ipine is pore quieklY .secured and avith ,fewer treatments. by. Osteo-. ttobros and . garden tor 'refit.- A -,iirfien. at the peat...Office, call. next "d .-and see the .:eleeiric washer at • •frame Suitable, for .anyorie iu'ad-Wringenain Oat SteWart bell .:6701 ataaiino T.• land- 453. Sr. II: Total 1291,73. Stewart. . Sr, Pr. Total 515-P. MacDougall 2/3,, C, 1910.4nnetia272°, A. MacDollgall Jr. Pr. Total 515=41, MacLeod * perfect attendance for month. Nancy A. Gollin, Teacher. Rogues differ little.' Each begins parentlY: lfe.r Usual health.. }retina -Was 70., years of age, 'Intying 1851:. • Since the death of. "her hos-. tile hrisiness in Winghani, =and she, - had the reputation. Of heing, woman -n.r:v.ty.ed by three_ dflughi, 71 '111 draniclitOrg ttro , Mrs. ,, Robert • ' Allen .a4•41 Prls-lra, ye l`F ago. The funeral waq hold IN MEMORIAM ". Mr. and Mrg: John.: Bahlwini" tones; Ontario Gather 'round Our door. Silently they bring before us Faces NV() shall see .tin mere, • Ruby Curran, 141001 gilftki .(lon, or Jos. ,Agriew,,Lueknovi. FOB 3 A LK-743:repm ed house!. hard.' ri soft Voter inside, goo -d - number of fruit trees 'and stabfe, all -to Mrs; Wini Henderson, - .1)0.yid Houston, wish to' thank the friends and neighbors for the ' daughter, Marie" Graee.. THE- COCA MARKRT 114149.; 44 44..444 f;111.00 • ka