The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-04-21, Page 1■
• A
.LUCKNOW, ONT., ' THURSDAY, RIL - 21, 1921. •
Roper Mills'
Are. working day
=and• night.
Bran and *Shorts on
hand. "
p FOR SALE -Eggs for hatching,
from Bred -to -lay S. C. W. • Leghorns
and Barred Rocks, culled by the Q.
A. C. test for laying qualities. Eggs
6c each. Also somepurebred York
shires.- J: Farrish, R. 7. Lucknow
• . phone Dunganybn,' 82-13.
o, .0 0 0 0. o. u d. o "o o••
• Lucknow voted • °`Yes.' . . ° •••
Now for a really dry Ontario:
Mrs. R. M. MacLean,'of We11an ,
lsvisiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
D.- Sherriff. ,
Mr. Allan, Farnham,. of. Seaforth,
is . assisting , in the Molsons Bank
tnis week •as -junior,
Miss Wintlie Gordon is home after
spending -a few, weeks with friends,
in Owen Sound,
f Now is the time, to get, your Fer-
tilizer. A car or Gunn's Fertiliser
just ,_arrived.Geo. S. Robertson,
Entries., in the. Standing Field Crop
..Cbmpetition • :of: the. Lucknow Agri-
•cultural Society will' be received .,by
• the undersigned: ' The varieties of. •
grain are Oats and Corn Entries
• for oats are' • required .to ;be • made be,
fore 11 ^,24th,.1921, anti entries for;
co' t' 'before June I4th, 1921.
2-c • Joseph Agnew, Sec:
The above shoe has been' one of
our best sellers this' season.. Ab-
solutely right' in style,: and `•the',
' • °' Louis. heel 'Makes it very comfort--
• able -$$:5U. . • , •
• Mr. R. D, Cameron was in °Dur-
hart last Saturday evg., and ,address-
ed .a mass meeting in, the interests
of temperance.... - •
Mrs.' Mackenzie returned to Chic-
ago on Tuesday, ;,after being with
her 'sisters, the Misses Burgess,.
throughout the winter:
Misa Kate Mactiregor is. back to
town' after 'spending the winter
months in Florida with ''her brother,
Dr. MacGregor, of Chicago. '
Mr. and Mrs. H: Thompson, of
Kinloss,:.and Mrs. Lloyd Hildred, of
' Bervie, 'were visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. F. _ Cole, Whitechurch, last week
The -polling booth at , St. Helena
showed .a vote of. 111-199 dry, 2
wet. Formosa shows the othher ex-
treme:.• There was not a. dry vote. in
;the .place. •.. .. • ,
From ` a friend in the West comes
•the report that a half -million dollar
Government contract at Prince Bop,.
ert . has 'been awarded to the firm of
McDougall it ,McNeil, of ' Calgary.
The. senior partner of this firm: is M.
A. McDougall, formerly . of Lucknow,
and. his many old friends here will
be glad to hear of his .success.
From 'pure bred trapnested • _
S.C. White. Leghorn's, (Barron
Strain). The'. Barron Leghorn •is__.
an' English bird,' and for a Leg-
-Urn is . very large,, some' of 'them ._
being as large as the Rock. They
have. the advantage over the
" o i'thati'hey':yer'y aseldom,�.-
•: if ever . want 'to set. With' thg
••.coming-of--the-;*,arm--weather the«:_
_.. - 7red� Tait•iveelt iNith=his •:3is.�er ;furs.-
heavy :bteeds' _scent determined ., D -Beecroft.:_
to set. ' ' Not se. with the Leg•,:
At this time of the year
determined to lay. They;
Yvill also lay in the winter if•'giv-
proper. care. From Nov. 1st
to; April ;1 t; ---:-•ten- of --our trap-
nested• leghorns laid .1035 eggs.
At anaverage-Price- of 75e. -per,.
{dos., the meant . $62.78 cash
which_we-got._ _Erom__these_same •
birds,. and,_otbers nearly as good,
;� ge_exp offering you chicks at 22c
each, de were a't yunii-statrun.
Walter' Rose, Brussels; Ont:
Phone 38x.;. Box 34.
• On Monday afternoon of this- week Great ls• :the change'. which :• hash
Mn Wm. J. Lyons•d away at 4onie, over •sentiment in Lucknow. re•
his holm O. Campbell Street. 'M'r, banding the' liquor traffic in the last'
Lyons vitae native of Ireland.° He score of years. Once, upon a time
was'75 years" of age: and had been a it supported` • seven. bar rooms and
resident of Lucknow .since the early three liquor shops,, and it wag' noted
days. For more than a year he had' . as a very drinxen town for years
• been a sufferedfrom "cancer which after ,the ,places of . sale bad, been con-
'develoPed about the mouth. Ile piss-,siderably reduced. , Now its ;';dry.'.
ed away very. quietly so that his sis- 'vote is'among the .biggest, in. -Ontario
tea, with : whom he.. lived scarcely population considered., . • :Mien .. the
knew• that the end had come. Mr live -wires of Lucknow' go after;a
L. ons -'was • an. enthusiastic,; member " thing they get it•:done,. and a nuin-
Y sid of pre -
the ,Ac.F:.& an,
and'while .he t.,c,r ot'tnein were an the a P -
was able' to' be about .never missed hibitiof 'duringthe recentcaYrlpaigii,
a meeting of the Lucknow• Lodge. The vote • on Monday stood 4511 for
The funeral winch was held on Wed- and 51 against ,prohibiting: the• im=
nesday afternoon tq' Dungannon cem4, portation of li u.or.. The: voting. was
eteryr:.was in`leharge of Old Light 'done orderly and intelligentlyas.
The rtuckn4WI Fire' Brigade , has
had very Iittle , exercise in the way of
fighting fire in the past five - years,
'but 'on Thursday morning Of last
week ,it had an opportunity to • dem
onstrate that :it hadn't become hope-
lessly. rusted.: An over -heated pipe
Carted a fire•rn,the upper story of a
frame dwelling -on Havelock .Street,
owned : by Mr.. Jake. Miller, of Kin-
Ioss, • and occupied by Miss Lillian
Patterson and her brother. An al-.
'arm was sent in ..and the firemen
were quickly on the.job; not howevel"
before the fire had made considerable
headway and neighbors' }rad assisted
in relnovisig furlriture from
house, ` for Lit was thought ,to be
doomed' to . dest,ugtion:. .When 'the
water was- turned on, However, the.
flames- ',were quickly: gotten; under
•ontrol. A good deal of damage' was•.
done • by fire and smoker and water•.
The loss was -covered -by insurance.
' • Monday, . Apr. 18.
!Jr; Robt.7 Mowbray has • had.
'Phone installed.. -ring .32 on 611. •
We announce the:birth of a; baby
boy. to . Mr. and. Mrs. Ben McClen-
aghan, ' .on Thursday, Apri1.=14th.-
Congratulations. • •
o e,
Mr. Carol ,Daniels, f Kinase n
_spent Vie week-end'at .Mr, Alex 1:lni-
snerson:s. .
• Mr. Arch: Paterson,. of. Toronto,
visited a .few . days with his' •nephew,
Mr. .. Ken Paterson: ►
Mr" (than.. Gillespie was home fr, m
Walkerton ler -over Sunday.
Miss Evelyn Garton is- e./en Eng •
.�;ei k, at her home.. -
• . . Miss ,Lillian Patterson, 'of Luck=
now, visited over "Sunday .with her
friend; Miss lean' Eagleson.
Mrs.. Hackett, of Blyth, is visiting
With her parents, . Mr. and Mrs. A.
Mi4 -Oliver. Kirke, of •Detr 't; •tis -
intUdt BOYS AND:. GIR46.
• The Bruce Old Boys': and 'Girls'
.--AssoCiationi-of7Teronto, has -fixed -on
: _FridayaJuly,lt es the date of the ah-
SA- year. On acconnt .of the increasing`
ponulatity 'Of this iciidaurinner out
ing the management of the Grand
'TtnnIt''''RailWay has, decided 'to send
"'btit'lwb• Special 'triina, One. destined',
for Sonthampton and the other for'
dottide-engitied train, as there will
IA no confusion; either of Passengers
Si of 'baggage.. The excursion has ;mg
• on4 in the summer, and in addition
to ',the hundrids who • are able to.
spend Sunday ,on the lakes,, many
°dial arrange ' to have their vaea-
tions on: the date Of the exeur-
alon. The asioeiation has certainly
done a great deal to keep the Iona:
. touch with their relatives and Mende
11; goo tofr
Miss Eva Morrison, of Winghan,
and her friend, Miss Delight ' Cloak-
ey, were week -end visitors at Mr
Jas. , Morrison's.
Iviisis Myrtle Beecro!t iwho has
been in Kincardine, for some .ime,`re
turned home on Friday.
Mr. and ' Mrs.: '-Roland • Henderson
vi.-ited . over Sunday, with; the 'form
er's� . enta•, Mr: `arta-Mrs." Thoma$-
Henderson, ,_on -:.the Bliaeva:e Road,
Mr,-iud.-Mi s. Jas, St. Marie wer
at Mildmay .a' couple of aaY "la$
week and' attended the marrnige o
the former's sister.
Mrs (Rey.) Go11an and Mrs. Wen
rie; •of -•Luck-now; visrtecl, n -Tuesda
last' at the Manse.-:. We are pkase
to report' that Mrs. Scoble's healt
is very muchimproved,.end4l.or�e sh
will soon bein her usual•ooyl healt
there were very few.
ballots spoiled -7
2 put inblank, on the south .ide ;ar Ina nu,ti,c'. U 5i,': ansa'
took their plait .��y well, .The,
5. spoiled oli "the. north; • 'l he south .
-side gave 20 wet .votes an t. -toe iw th buy,. were. 7'�rii Ai+•sn, • Robbie• A'n-.
31 - , • .i. drew, Austin and Eldon Reid. About
f i n
.. • sitt9LE COMES, iiLENTS.
No sort o4 entertaihrnent is • n}ore
success�tul iii a• coiintry sehosilhorrsr
or hall than a, bus' suciat; - lout °in •a
town,• none, is less •sucucessful This
feet ,explains the .rather small, at-
tendance• at the Fire •( ops. `box social
in Carnegie Hall Tuesday • 'night.
The' s0ra11, •atten'dance is regretta ne,
as funds - are , much . needed to' finance
the', town bac p. and the•, iiasebalt
Cigb.. 'In 'their own inteests ',more bi
the:.; liusinGss ' .cople should have
turned out and paid the• adniissiun
fee of 25c�"wliether,ained to ;
the program or not. }ipwevcr, fo1'k•
do hot often, do' that way,'.. There w a.
quite a, niee program, mainly r,�usia
ala'by y local 'talent before the". auctiona
Sale of lunch boxes., -.1? -our bo;; ,'con•
'�•ibut,•d' a very amusing little drama
• Mr, Chas Miller, of •Worktop, Fisk'
has been visiting at Mr D Ferrier's,.
Mr: T. B. Taylor is • on.the ^sick
50' .boxes °were. offered.. or sa. e a u
"-'o"o'n'e'they t}•ent'. at an, average jirice o
RNEGIE.' HALL. BEING •WIRED $1:25; The ,dance '}+tliich folio led `va:
GA quite an enjoyable affair. •' As ex-
The .necessary. steps ` ' for wiring penscs., were,.low, the Fire Co:. real .
�Th '
Carnegie Hall for: Hydzo lighting • ized•'some cash but of the. enterprise
have.* lastbeen taken. The coni- but not -•the ainount expected:
tract,. was .let, by' tender', arid•.,went to . • o=o.•o
Drinkwalter & Cousins, •the�loeal el -.e:,
ectricioners and pluinbers; S coir "BELFAST - a
wiring; of'tht.
tract: includes ineer'"s'. res:
Pump house and the eng
idence; It' will take :about a ihonth
to complete the work • :
o -o -oma
•.CHURCH 1,1$•*; .
Methodist' Church: Rev. J R. 'Pet-•°•
,ens} A of Bel'grave will conduct
the- service in the 'n ornin'g,••'and'
iDr.. Darby, in the evening. Dr, Darby. -
ie the repre•sentative • supported' by
the•' •Epworth • League's: of the, Wing-
'ham. district.: Let all the meinbere.
'of the League•be• present.: The ;past -
;Or will., be absent on .:, anniversary.
The.; April. meeting bf tineorith
Kinloss W. :AMS. was held iP - `tht
period, ..,4r van-:
list. • We- hope to see him' around • churdb, and the study • Majeske 'Gaunt, eldeet 'daughter of• Gollin With a Clase: of- sp./A,
the mein era aalr•
Mr.. Snell on Wednesday,. ,April 13
We *ish Mr. and Mrs.. Scott inan.37
years of haPpy .married life. •
is- true that "foreignerC,
mainly made _up the "wet" vote on_ _
Gotten .contiriued the Study, of ,Ax., .
The -next Meeting Will be 'held in•the
have very feyi . Of -that 'pert': The:Vote
here stood 100 dry, and orilY 2. Wet.
. Tuesday, April 190, . a -baby
-boy arrived at the 'home Of Mr, and
ht the be)ne_of•Mrs,134 Naylor.- Sub-
ete A cordial invitation is extend-
. The Presbyterian Cmgrogatio
'•gate„ of their liniditeeastrY. Th
date fiked -now Jane •Th
date yas to have been May. 29t
Further particulars. . :
Quite a nuniber of, our farmers re-
port that they are through seeding.
That's' doing, It up in good Rine.
Mr. Pat Carney is not ,aS weii as
friends would yriah.
Charlie Desmontie, d Greenock, is
visiting his sister Mrs. Brophy,
Mr, and Mrs. Sullivan called
on their aunt, *II G. Brophy, during.
We are sorry tO raliOtt that Mrs.
There well a the
hothood redently... of the death . at•hy numher, of ,the older
year, •. and she passed away on: the
a cettain. Of • Mrs,: Wm. Struthers; of
ed ,LucknOW .fog
years v. -here. he took part la eleariag
a -bush farm. ',About the year- 18'70
al sort booin develOped In. Minne-
sota, and North Dakota* and at that
hive GradY died
sortie years ago. 0'
2nd- Sehool end thoseawho braved the
cold snap enjoyed a good- prograni
TWQ exercises "The New„„SchOol" .and
t`The Conquariag Cross" Were" 'given, -
The . next 'regUlar 'meeting. „Will: De
held in the elnirch PP. Sata May 7th..
of the Guild meeting on -Moo ay, ev-
given. The topic for the evening ,
was ,a Cliscrission on the Good and
Evil Effects of,: the War, taken., by
siateda of solo by Mi. Watson;: .
mental 'selection: by Mre. R. M. ,MC-
•trchestra. An arousing Rein was an,'
bY_s apinber:of girls. The
eatinganiat „„teek ie. in -Charge of
the Look704-Cortinuidi°7---
Partioi Nib are ''.1ising•tbeiracari
for hire. or gain tivat pay lionse fee
The Council have given instructions
that 1/Y -law regulating the -above
must be rigidlY enforced. If ,you
fail to _Secure your liteme •ToromPtly
By order,
• The Village
A pier entitled "linme Ties ay. the
al a
Dramatis) Club 'of trlisitY Chtir'ela Myth,
will be given in the ted Halls Dttngsmi
non,•att the erg, d A.pri1.141 tinder aux.
40ii IOC
gbect attendance and efficera.weie el,
We'd for. the •eoming year,' Darina
and 'Initter :knife and: Ole
sister workers in, the-W.M.S., regret
worker among .and bake' had •th,
gift: in tokeii .,our wisl•eS
'Your feture -welfare: 'We 15riovr
rick! Mrs. J. Alton, Mrs, IV: G.. Gard
Officers. :elected- fOr the "Year
..ljeaSherwoo.d.."1,aat year was a, v'caa
arleiallv there being left in tbt-
The. effirers• fo:. the', Sunday
are as folloWs: Sant., Walter Altbir,:,
Seca,' Tillie Sherwood. Trees ••••Ittlea
„Alton; Organist!' Janet; -Traz'kott:
'MONDAY, APR. -26th.
The Sheriff's Oath
2 -Reel Comedy
Fiat he News
earaoy With All f,hoyes,
,Two glows each evg., 7.30 and 9.
\IONEY TO,LOAN on mortgages and
-Companies. COnveYancing done
• with neatness arid despatch.
ftlt..p1KKER; OSTEOPATH' at the
. of disease. , Adjustment of• the
.ipine is pore quieklY .secured and
avith ,fewer treatments. by. Osteo-.
ttobros and . garden tor 'refit.- A
-,iirfien. at the peat...Office, call. next
"d .-and see the .:eleeiric washer at
•frame Suitable, for .anyorie
iu'ad-Wringenain Oat
bell .:6701 ataaiino T.•
land- 453.
Sr. II: Total 1291,73. Stewart.
. Sr, Pr. Total 515-P. MacDougall
2/3,, C, 1910.4nnetia272°, A. MacDollgall
Jr. Pr. Total 515=41, MacLeod
* perfect attendance for month.
Nancy A. Gollin, Teacher.
Rogues differ little.' Each begins
parentlY: lfe.r Usual health..
}retina -Was 70., years of age, 'Intying
1851:. • Since the death of. "her hos-.
tile hrisiness in Winghani, =and she, -
had the reputation. Of heing, woman
-n.r:v.ty.ed by three_ dflughi,
71 '111 draniclitOrg ttro , Mrs. ,,
Robert • ' Allen .a4•41 Prls-lra,
ye l`F ago. The funeral waq hold
Mr. and Mrg: John.: Bahlwini" tones;
Gather 'round Our door.
Silently they bring before us
Faces NV() shall see .tin mere, •
Ruby Curran,
141001 gilftki
.(lon, or Jos. ,Agriew,,Lueknovi.
FOB 3 A LK-743:repm ed house!. hard.'
ri soft Voter inside, goo -d -
number of fruit trees 'and stabfe, all
-to Mrs; Wini Henderson, -
.1)0.yid Houston, wish to' thank the
friends and neighbors for the '
daughter, Marie" Graee..
114149.; 44 44..444 f;111.00
• ka