HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-04-07, Page 71
, * •
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* 111.1a114 XI Tia. 11111 10 10. VIA 1St IBIS 10 111111111. 110.1311•1111 1110. 1111.11•" alarmed the moiadts andthcr Wild-
$ flower and fern corner. •
,r..;i, ..aa....
'W Birds Are Forest Policemen.
• ". o
$ !begets have done and are doing
By DDR. J. di groat deal of injury to the foreats et
rovincal oard of 'Health. MIDDCETON . 111 Canada. The .forest aervices,afederal
(PiBOntario ^
' The TOrOnt0 nOSOltal for /nn.
in affiliation. with iftellevue and.
Allied 'Hospitals, P.Iew York City,
offers a three, years' Course or Train -
ng to youn7,stwomen,. having the re -
mitred educatiora and dehireus of be-
coming nurses." This Hospital! ham
adopted the eight-hour syster,n- Tife
pupils receive uniforms of the School.
and protrincial; are carrying out pro- a ,motithly allowance and travelling
Or. anaarataa will be glad hi ansWee .illigatinna 'on Public Health tectivesmeastires,, end tlie federal •da'' I 7'Z'irtigir!tt Itt(if aigatir?otT NaZ1741:. V:her
tere through. till' Addresa him at tbe Parliament Bldg's*, 01 Phrtment of, agriculture .has a staff Superintend:pt.
., of entomolgists 'who. devote aIl 'their I
Toronto. • 0 energies to his w'ork. ' Many ingena.
New titiz. *ens for Canada;
TOL 1111d, 111111111011111 Ilk Ink lift 11Ik 1111111160111111111. 'OW la ous methods are bding devised, but .
..• (Continued from. last Jeer.)
The temperature. during the rash
• period varies from lpb .cleg, tai- 102
. ..
or 103 deg. according' to the severity bath and have all his clothes put . ., ,
sects. There may be with a beavy national in
of the attack, and almost as 13,00n as through a sterilizer before being al-'•
do not eat forest inserts! butgeneraland only a feTip people to • p
lowed to mix or come in contact witlf
ly speaking it is true that, the more terest in the form cif taxes, the
The ,teinperature drelia to normal the
, thirds, the fewer inaecta. whir Canad'a is hungry for Irainig
'papules begin to. break, resulting in -other people, Whether children 'or
- Stage the progress of the disease to • Although all discharges from dims
' .. ;boys, god young men in the'past have
'''', been too prone.to go into the woods
tion N the human rainwithont which
' the so-called ,desqualriation. After this Lawns., can readi y be 'tin ens o ' .Jmm
1,•war . ,
(is conValescence is uneveptful, if throat or ear .ipay have, eleare n
11- Y arid) a un and sh' ot at everything Cahada Must • parch and wither up, -
' th bli b t 'interested in ..With a 'population of -less thou' two
have disappeared front „ the body, .
one thing th4 stands out an these persens to the square mile. compared
hands and feet,.and in additiou the
. investigations, namely, that the pre- to England's six hundred; ith only
patient on the day of leaving the hosq
gereation of bird llfe is one means Of five per cent., of her tick icultlfral
pitel, should be given an antiseptic
d theb f forest 1 a land in the West' under nitivation.
the in -
fitt, X14170 YARN OR
blankets, Georgetown 'Woollen
3tills, Ont.
GlaNTS ant.A.NT1111.'1131.18$
• . tkrote Iferbs Is 6,,igliringeelligXe'lillIkaggegg.-
, Rheumatism.' ICidneK ..x.rolibics.. • .zie 12
..I•vertiited, since- It was -liter' niimufactured
t9...give,you "lain, afore sou 1,!;oludbi:t. oteir.riinceoriteh:t. avra: agents. te
shortest .dayein the yeart"
Teacher--"Rebert, ' which: is the :lit 18088.i. bArivadaineatreittis.eteroopokoteoolierug: fleaith
• raeons, etc:: which are furnished to
Bobby -"The day your father pre-' agents.free of 'charge. Tho remedies are,.
Past -Fleeting Day. well-known4 having emi,eratetteively ad.
mises .4.1011Z0 .
go to lied." • Ass Medical Co.. lir Zan* •
Ifontrejtr. Mention thie paper. , •
• An Irish Joke. • "
Selne saithoritiea are Of opinion, that
the bagpipes were an Trish invention.
Ala Irishman, dii3cussing the matter,
, Thoughtful Smiles,. °
beething is dear at any Price.
A bad husband cannot. be a good.
nts ,w. • . o'lf you owe nothing, you 1.1.noW what 0.
eason ith a Scotsman added insult to tit-
an., Jury 1)Y saying: "Yea, the Irish invent-
. !You are worth,-
'" ed the instrument and sold at to the There are alvvays more foolieb buy-
-era than sellers. • „ • • ,
No tine is so wise bat that he has 4,"
little telly to spare. a
Adversity is the- balanee in' Which to'
weigh your fricida., ol • -
is a mistake to think that danger- •
can be surmounted witlamt danger. ,
You'lhould- pay just as mach for
Yam experience as the resultant wis-
dom is•worth. . •
. particular care is. taken to ward off.'
' the eempslioations •which ' sometimes
arise .in scarlet fever cases ami hiring
about serieus results. The Meat/
'dreaded of these •eomplications are
nephrites (inflammation' •of the kid• -
ney) and inflammation or seppura-
tion of the middle ear, the latter :led
• .
companied by Much pain and causing
a' rise•in temperature. Kidney trouble
:an be bPst avoided by keeping, the
patient in bed'for af least two weeks
after the ritsli has disapPeared• and
,f reserving the diet strictly to fluids.
Rheumatism sometimes intervenes in
, scarlet fever, usually. in the legs, and
• causes muck pen( It requires care-
ful treatment. During the secend• or
third, week of the digease, if cenval,
ocence is 'proceeding normally, the
atjent usually develops a healthy ap-
petite and complains ,about the insuf-
ficiency of the diet .provided. It is at
this stage that the doctor 'in charge
has to be firth with the patient, as • a
z • 'too early resumption of solid food is
liable. to bring on kidney treuble.
' Complications such as inflanonation
oi!' the middle -ear are especially ser-.
.oas on account of the possibility.'of
deafness resulting,. add must be
'given earnest attention by the'physi-
cian in charge. The throat cohgestion
can be refie-ved by antiseptic gargles,
warm , applications, etc., which the
doctor will epecify. , • .
It waa formerly believed that infec-
-1;on.wae spread by !the lease particles
• Of skin during,desquamation, but this
• theory • no longer .held, it having
1 r • been defrnitely proved that it is from
the nose, throat or ear discharges
that others heconie ' infeeted. 'To
allow a patient therefore:to leave the
isolation hospital or place of quer-
.antine, it is first neaeofiry toggle that
the tonsils no„longer appear •enlarged
Or inflamed And thatanydischarge
. from the nose, throat or Ors is cania
apietelyadried , • •
aa_ All the, desquimation should ,.also
when ,the patient leaves the liaspliat.ln sight
ithstiat thinking' of the injury
even a slight discharge Of this kind. the ght cause. tinadian forests
- rare .fine' -Plate( , for healthfill 'recrea-. might "mit 'have to invite. immigrants:
recurring' a day or two later mav I
tion but I t th Who o into thera from. anY other°. source .' Great
cat' a ,"retiirn!' caae, that -is; a case
if Great- Britain, had a...large earplug,
of farniera and fe`rm, hinds, 'Canada
. . . +a pse . g
occurring as a result of comilng ini we . _.
cateful not tolb.urn them up- and
contact...with the returned patientt not to destroy tint:hintingly the no
Parents should be on their guard when, game birds' which are forest police
the convalescent child cornea holPe i mei. . Let the young people shoot as
lest itdevelop "coryza:' or a slight much as 'they like but with a camera
, , p
"running of the nose," fpr this is, not a gun.
usually the .eause of further Out -I
breaks, other„memhers of the family! 'Guto
or neighbor's beeoming infected, HE TRIEI) THE
through fondling and caressing the ' •
child on its return from hospital.
'Seine ca,ses of ' scarlet fever show
little or no,,rirsh and indeed little AP-
,pearance of illness, nevertheless these
cases are dangerous to others and
hould be isolated 'for the full .period Was Restored. •
that •en the slightest discharge Vigor
of six weeks. The reason for this isev
Though Its Use Strength and
• To be tired after exertion is natural.
from the nose or throa.rmay transmit
Rest and food restore the body to nor -
the infection •altimagh the illness is
mal after such fatig . But to be
'hardly noticeable. . Mild or "Missed"
cases Of this disease are the -chief tired all the time is a yrnptom of 'an
ammo on t will not be
cause of-all.tha epidemics that occur,
correc until the blood isbuilt up.
they. being just ai infectious as :the " a
ouch ad anaemic condition is sp
more severe cases. •
graclual.in its approach and generally
so lacking in acute pales that it is of -
len difficult to persuade the sufferer
A. T. asks how to relieve chronic todo anything for it But it is not
constipation. Answer: Diet and ex -
o blood is not enriehed the trouble a Condition that Correela itself. If the
ercise are the twMost important
things to deal with. Do not eat too e
dry food: Drink plenty of water. 'Use iacrease.• 9.'he nerve's will be under-'
fresh fruit and vegetables every day. nourished and nenralgic pains will foa,
Avolt1 aperient medicines as much, as . • Digestive disturbances often a -
stilt from -thin blood sleep la 'disturb-
ed •and a general breakdown may oe-
p . 0
preferably but of doors.. •
.1. P. R. asks if 'child who previ-
ausly had whooping cough should be
allowed to go to school if another
Cur. .
Mr. Wilson Johnson,. Nineveh, N.S.,
'Britain ls not.so- much an agricultimar
o a Merchant and manufacturing
-centre, and every' year grudges more
and- mere 'the farmers or farni hands
who leave her Colonies for the Do-
nhtnions is quite willing to send
out ..countless city folk in. the hope
that they may be transformed Into
farmers in their new environment
, -
but she has;fewer farmers to spare
'than many cithertoantries from which
Scots- as a joke three!'hundred years
But, OAS, haven'teeen' the joke
yet. "•
••• .;Tomrny'scholce••a •
The teacher 'had h'eeii •speaking:ok
iraique and valuable collections pf ob
Jeets.,,of art and interest and spoke
of the fabulous wealth that hadbeen
expended hy some of the collectors on
their, particular hobbies. '
Thinking to obtairl'imme idea of the
characters of the members of his class
• , mortre ,OROERS.
It Is always cafe to trend a Dominion'.
In this direction, he asked thein whati Express Mime); -Order. . 'Five dollars
they thought they would like to col- noets three cents.
leet if they had plenty of money.: ' • ----;70,----r--..
Canada" In the past has drawn excel-
Up went the hand of a boy who was . - . . A Dubious' Farewell.. ..
.lent settlers. This,is illustrated by notr for no particular braliance-htTheminister of a Sco
, . .
fact, answers frohim were very ' ttish coantry.
the homesteadentriesFrom 4897 to •
scarce .on any subject; so tilio, °Ivor. ..earish, whose estimate of himself, was
. . ,
1919, only eighteen per cent. of the .
tunitseized. by the teacher. - -'•• not 'of the lowliest. tYpe, had accepted •
British, i i ran y was
. made 'entry for a "call" to a , Wider sphere, and waa
homesteads in Western Canada as "Well, Tommy, and 'what would YOU
".• ," .
compared to twenty seven per centof collect?
"Rents:, sir," was the prompt reply:
the American immigrants and twenty Rents
per .cent: of ' the •foreign born The lesson .was, changed, and that
from Continental Europeteacher. is redoiering from' the Slio' Or.
,' .
, In certain parts of Europe where
is' not enengiviand• to. go roundi- Pivet Tile invisible. ear 'drain invented 'by
Healing Restored:
there is a genuine. land hunger, there • •
or six acres per faxmly is all. the land A. O. Leonard, Is is a =ligature
available in eertain parts of-Belgiummegaphone, fitting s'd th
, e ear en-
rejninder; "f hae doots. We've •
paying a few farewell visits
4',So Yere gann tae leave said
One of the oldest of hie female parish-
ionets,'. as he sat down. .,,t'What •will
we, dag neo?" •
• • "Oh; Mrs. Macfarlane„". replied" the •
Minister,' in affable tones, "Yon..,li soon
get' a 'far better 'Man!"
'Deed, sir,".came the •despotident
and .even on, that the thrifty Belgian tirely-out of sight, is restoring the
•frequently brings ilp a fallfilY of ten': 'hearing of hundreds of people.in Ndw
The great inimigration Of Ultra.iplans York qty. Mr. Leonard'invented this
from Central Europe •whicii..baSt given drain to'relleve himself • of deafness
Canada nearly .300,600 of her Western and head noises; and It doesthis so
farm population ,was due to tirecon:, successfillly that' no one cOuld, tell be
stint subdivision of: farms which wereis a deaf Man. • 'It is effective 'whexi
only fifteenacres to start with These -deafness is Canted by catarrh or by
'Ukrainians have become a great 'as-
set to Canada, and have at their own
eXpense , erected four large" colleges to. A. O.: Leonard, Salle 437, 70 Fifth.
for hither effecation.. Then again We Aienue, New York City, will be given
says : 0A• few years ago 'my system owe 'Our fine Stock ef seVenty 'thous-. a prempt rePly:. • • • • advt.
'-nieniber of the sante family has •
whooping cough. Aftsiver: There is
was in a' badly run down ahd Scandinaviaa settlers. to. the lack ,
ee alwa -a on' ed
'had 'live in niy tithe, and every yin o'.
them, has been.,Waur than the last!" •
Mioard's.l-intment Relieves Distemper.
' - Penalty of Success.
No man desires defeat and yet
4 When all the balloting o'er; .
perforated° of wholly destroyed. natur- The laser need no longer fret:"
al drums. A request for infbrmation ' the winner has to wairk% still. more:, •
y nerves s m a, ge, of suffleient...land Norway, •
and I found myself so weak that I Denmark andleeland. ' • •
• Spring Forest Fires. -
no, need for' the well child to be'kept
at hoine providing it is not allowed - • • .
could hardly do ahy work. I suffered - Have these foreign born inade good One of the moat dangerous seasons
te.:come :in, contact with the tient
.of the ar in regard te forest fires -is
: - ' - i • " •
• Women are. perrnitted ''to q• drive -
Motor -buses in ttie streetS. Of 'Tokio,
Japan.. ,
In seine' ,pacts' of Central Africa -it
m ,
is a ark' of respect to turn
The previous attack would make itfrom headaches paid-frompains in the. Canadiancitizens' ReAd •"The Edu- *Yec
pradically • iminame to :Whooping hack and under •the shoulders,: and cation' qf the: NeW Canadian," by Dr. now apnroaphing and it licheves' all upon °Tlo'S suPe'ror
cqugh, arid it is only by direct cintgh- was often .so sleepless it night t1t j: T. M.Andson, ef Saskatchewan, who Igo. :into 'a forest on- any -business
Ing_or disdiarges gettLng! on the 'when morniag came I• felt as. tired tie' and yon willer
say "Yeal"' In one -or' •t° he:careful Witb lire; .When the
. clothing ;Chat transmits the disease, when..I went. to bed.--„, 1w'.,s • taking- iwo .'grotilliS-at.-- first .tlrere- was oppoit-snow-leaves. the -1°re•st't 'last -year's
SPRING WEATHER .has. now A .eqqeinporary, -in -"Scout;
ing,".a .paper published by the
: • • • •
Saskatchewan. • Provincial": -.:Council.
Beth are gyeatlk apprealated by these iy 'recommended pr.;Williaine Pink schOols.. And' it. "is. net onlY"in the a,barrei of shavings. After the spring
medicine' all the dine,' but it was do tion tote learning g;f English, par -4 leaves, grassand twigs are left.',hil dry.
fng Ine .no.geod. Then I ,read•the testi - tiealarlY 'among the older people, but as 'tinder, and a:lighted match, or
ok a man whose condition haff 'net it IS .di4lieult to find -sufficientcigarette stub throwndown oareleiely.
been similar to mine, and Who strong- 'teachersto meet the dentands of the falls into material es inflammable as
........ si .sa'a ... so so a4 s rurs.riogadea.rn...„,_.
• •
for whonlatbei are Published.and are: pills. decided to .give.tbie medicine" schools 'where you 'find the foreign, seals come ort and the. hew grass and
-iiied?-4hIrtige Startg the danger-% great-
o.ord-initting.• t lus-rwork ....4...the_..--B6y beies4-felt nnieh- -.better-J. coritinited:4-llie-..:ThAsessitv of...:ma_nitoba..--fais...•.sle.-...iy_redneed.,..„ ..,peenle. do • _P_Ot realise_
fij'a "1513-tisicrIng-ii-eatice-1.--:L- Ones- .
day, Mild, and bright.;. the next: raikr'Scout Movement:thrOughoat their re- taking the pills utitil• 1 had. taken sii foreign pareVagc.. yott find children that Just at the .cfOie. of winter
-,•• More boxes, and I can only 'Say 'I am Of the foreign born as. leaders in the through which' there is Scarcely. any:
' 'And bliisterY; ia ektremely hard on the' sPF6ti*e.,1)1nitilewea'-' .1,•' • .._ , .
baby:. Conditions are such that the-, ' , • . - ' ., ' glad Itial so, as i arti now enjoying -Me '.iiiiites'Sions an -e -in-= tfie-,--.c461-iittly at 'danger4frOnr. fire • in ccimes-
Persons interested in thenWolleubs •best of health, And I .adVise all 'Men least one. Provincial Government on •the most dangerolie season. Care
mother cannot take the little one 'out •
the juniorj-b-raneli" of sooting -Wilk! Who Nel-run down to give these pills • Canticii;li after 'all .$5n1-Y7r-a•Op-e-ating, by all who' go lato the Woods at this
IV!. the frail air So much to he de-.
••••.: On „a larger' scale the Welecnire- to and time means a great .reduction„in the
be 'glad to know tliat a new, booklet a good trial -: -. " . . .
sired. Re is cqnfined to the house. 1,
. .Wiiich-ts sO Ofien.over-heated and bad ;;,."1' • ° ,- fire:hazard. • • ' .
.., a
- • 'describing their work is now ;Aran- : D Williains' pink Mild b b
r., . • can• e o : the assimilation , of the. foreign born -----
able- from Provindal_Scaut-Head- tattled. :froni. any dealer in, medicinert-wlricir4as--rcharaCterized 'the history '''. ------'-- • P77----7-:'-‘4;47-'-'-' .
-`-'-fy-.-ventilated."--1-4 catches cold 'hie
Tiarters,. Moo! and Sherliourne. Sts., Or by Mall at 50 cents a box •or six .of the Mother CountrY... The Flemish "The head of a child does not in -
little steniabh-and did:- -
Termite., itpon.applicati6ii-:-.:- -"-' hoitdeftirk$2:50.-frem The•Dr..Willianisr* .ai-Easiesawnd theTienoTts Who ft:Mad crease in siie liftef-the' several ' yeax
alitadY Wielding a 'big' infineade* in. a fair trial, and when I had. taken six horn, More. than half 'the students at
"ordered. and -the mother soon has a -
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
says. a scientist: '
sick' baby to leak 'sifter. oTo preir4it .
this an •occasional dose of Babits. Own eiungyoung
Tablets s•hottld be given They regn- • ;A.boy in northeastern Ontario built
late the stomach and bowels thus ere:. tiP air original, -and profitable business
' venting•-7--om7battishing7eolfilinntle'Llirtakink_rorirdra tersfade
fevas,•golic or any other of ithe many • With digging' tools,. luncheon and
-minor -ailments. of chIrdflood The -some,-iiiihiag tackle or a gun, heakotild
Tablets are sold by medicine, dealers..go to the- weed8 along a -creek two
.or bYrnaif•at .25 cents a •beit from The miles away, or Jo the rivtr. • There,
Dr WllUams' Mediciae Co., Broelqille, while he hunted .or fished; he.'kept 13113
• • • • • . , • . • . . .
Ont. ' ; eyes•--opeir-for7streight,'. -well-Shaped
• . • , .. • .
trees", ' • froni- six :In ten feet tall and
. BOY: wheirlre-found.
Canada's.Caplittil CRY has the distine- good . oneS, fie dug' them' up carefully,
thin Of ilaVing.witlere SCOlitif Per mapihauled' thent-,into-taAm and set them
la -than .anY.- other- city -of -46,0o- exi,-:.iit4for_lits customers., Per iterY2tSite
he receiVied froin one dollar :€0, five
'More people in America... • If the .Boy
_____TAeclifts, of Ottawa were to join hands. &Oars, according tt,its'size and kind
they.,:eaeuirLhe able to encircle it very- :Fni' l'airilid.tdeiftirhite-a-sh- 'Witt ameeli
ite "charged a higher .priCrthan tor
Large Taking of Whitefish
refuge in England, arefbut a few 'Of
, the foreign horn immigrants who help-
ed to:build up British indestrY. 'Cana -
de's' Chief -industry is a,kriculture, `aed
What One of the Best Known
Travellers in Canada Says.
culturarM§VaitY Is due in dIg71-11.11-"iirg-t-tr-rf". .5
11 irthhe;
• The Dominion Thilierfes-tlideli re- • no 'small degree tollfe-thrifty and liTsdirafted-a-estrinantaia as: they -say
• patent medicine .advertising. Heretofore
I have had a, -profound contempt. for
patent inedicines, particularly So-called.
.littinients. Perhaps_ this is due to the
reason that -I 'have been blessed wfth
sturdy constitution, , and have ne*er
been ill a. day in my life. one day last.
porta that upwards, of "50,000„000: Anstrione ; new Canadians *Who'hav
fish egg § have been Placed in the. come 'te the wide acres of the • West
Smoke Island, hatchery, ,Iirthe Wine"- tfrom the over crowded lands Or Milk;
lieges's; .These eggs were •collected ope, 'and Whose • Children to -da Y are
at the mouthof the Waterhen river, •proud, to speak English, and to sing fall ,after a hard day s tramp in the slueh
which 'Carries 'the:discharge of Lake "The Maple Leaf Vorevelf."-f--A;Et. developed a • severe- pain
IP_ag t Weterhen :Lake, • ' • ' •,. m my legs and, of course,. like re 'man
of .11Iontreal, I
le Lake Manitoba; With Lake.]
periniental Statio him physically, '1 coMPlained ratl r
Winnipegoais freeing earlY'iti
I Forest El
• .n. bnistereUsli% The good little 't ifsays:1'
e livnime etitI
. , test difficulty _was- ex- ° nt -'esta- Imre"- -•C - -'. I '' '
. .
. . •di ahead. said; Just-to-inniltir
ri,_•;_lim'_10_•unb 'til:smhe_eowitInt)essomwtoi .1t
-The-- Domirtion-Gofern • '
rs ago wider the
perierided .in seciiring .the eggs, the lished about fonr Yea " - 11
collection Of .1620..da treble ..t.fie tionir -P - -- - .---'-. - -3;(
quan_ a _eta maga. pate ria,- This s .9. -
is 1 lain -Tie()) .FliANIs.
: th 11-14 es* a ter"'
e wor_< d -so,
of• MlNARD'S LINIMENT • anti . gots
% int the pain disapnettred,
tefg. and outfit finding it necessary to Forestry Braneli of the Department of:
ctil4 you. ciln toil
ay nter_11the ,Ogg:sialleeting.. camp.. The' the Interior, a forest eXp,erimental t 1a>4n.,- ,13.1ruet:e f
- E, JOITNS, .'-
,j- hoe ei.iY 4
, * ,* " r'iliffillreC":14-111-§70.-72-EE --
To hav,e1 savecl Abree persena' trent harder. to Bometimea.lie tramped
mild to find a particular kind of tree;
• death 'by. drowning 4 'three different
• times is an exCellent rectard;, It is. And .WhereVer he went he: was alxv.a.ys:
±held ---by ,Assistant.. Seotitniaster Ed. ..611: the lookout ,for species that••be
• Ward- Walker. .09 years • oid .aitfil a Acnikttnat-Ititdi his mil nelghbbr
-Seout since.19_11)-WGrindaby....„He was
He alwaya..aslced the Owneact the
recently. recoininended for' One of the
land on which he foetid the tretia for.
highest. Boy Scout decorations: . "
• .• . es. ,*• * • '; permission, to take , them,' tand few
withheld it Sometimes they asked
•New 13oy Scout troops nre being.
Mtn ' to take. only '•certein kinds of
...,:dormed in maily parts 01 Ontario, :The
trees, or trees- front.certain -Alerts:of
latest towntoreglate
ii ,r new Scout or,
ganizations with _provincial. Ifead. [the Woodlazid.'•.ThatallP when he of
Sitartera at Toronto are Port.
--- • • *TeretrtolinY--for-the,tre es- the ownrs
Merritton(tworefused. to hike, anything; and he never.
' '
had ._te_p_ity nic.re_thair twenty:five
troops), DuenVille. (a seconiHroopl-,
Whitby, Minden; .11.1clinsond; ,Fort Wil Cents for a tree. Often he was allow-
• Ham Ja third. •troopl, Tr'enton (a ed to do &011ie Odd job in retinal 'tor it.
. eeenda tan° lintrdboul t daien At itrit Uui bsy pntd eceaahAL_AL-s;e2:.4).6,;
troops in the • tides of Toront6;.•,Otta..• and -wagon hy :Working for"
4-inen-w116-owned hemi -but -when -h -is -
la.thre gbriilietort truClii:"Ife • uieir
of•termation Mid, will be ehartered by it iin"Striti irriralinr:iirtiiite
the Provincial Council later. ,
* * * * •
"The Trail," Ontario's publication
for Do)' Scout .0flicers and .Lenders,
for most niakea and niedele of ears.
Taut old, broken' or worn-out parte
replaced. Write or wire 1.1:4 des -crib -
Ins what you want. 'We carry the
basest and Meet amulet° Steck hi
Canada of slightly used or new partii.
and automobile canto:us:At. We shin
C.0.0. anywhere in Canada. Satin -
factory or refund in full our motto.
Intattoe.anto Salvage Part supply.
n22431. Dulferizi t., 'Toroutat Ont.
Ilia trees In the spring, to get•the best
10801( 8.
- Ho alsO thig had set Mit Wild ferild,
mostee,•gratutes and plants, for Which
he received from ten te twenty-five
cents apieed. At, hisnuggetition, many
, people, planted wild.flower beds, ^and
he beeanid so expert In making treed
grow that people' often hired him to
set opt Milt trees, vines, shrubs, 'ber-
ries end rare planta from nurseries.
Fer that werli too:tally received
thirty-11re coats an hour. When a
park was laid' out near the smiare, ho
' furnittlied the trees, se out prituts'and
5. -Lift Right Off
'without Pain:
,• $
,,, .... .. ,
-"Freezorie" on
an -...aching Corn, -instantly that 'corn '
to'ps'hurtIng then shOrtty yOu "
right off With fingers.- Doesn't hurt'a
-4)4; . •
Tour. druggist Sells a tiny 1iott1e:0
"Freezone fon a few %cents,.suffititant
to remove every harn,corei, soft corn...,
or -corn between the tees: and :calluses. •
In skating, as in no otherl sport,
man has suCceecling, in imitating the ia admirablystuated for .the purpose,
flight ef birds, especially ofthe birds AS it is a territory horn which the
,that Soar and float, „like. gnilS„ hawks Wilber has., been 'Mit in the pastfifty
and vultures. A 'geed skater ;Will or sixty years, andhe new. forest is ,
=Move for_hours. without apparent ef- 'c(Miing ed in various stages cif growth
oka part ef the".rallitary reservatjen,"
thatia-Inat-ienutivd at thepresei t
time fqr mibarf purposes. ,The tract
Best For Children
-If 4tou._WishLthem.,;_to,_haVe
healthy hair through life shatnpoe
hot water. Before shampooing
tquch spots Of dandruff and itching,
if any; with Cutieura Ointment A
clean,,healthy scalp usually means.
good hair.
Seip2St. Okaiteat2kstal50t.-Talana25c,-Sold.
throug,houttheDominion CanadianDephtt
fort, arid" , With nq violent -: -motion of and differeni kinds of trees. The tract
. , , _, .,
arms' Or legs. He• progres.ses, as the resempiee sd .mitch Of the cut over
birddoes, by constantly. changing the leads ifr.Onotario•arid.attiebed that the
equilibrium of his body : To perceive lesulte!or .the exPerialen'as made !in' h .,••.. AspiRIN.-,
the likeriess-tnpd -:the -beritity . of • it, -will he applicable ever..e. great :•ex- '
, .
Watcb. a groupof'skaters . from o tear ef •EaStern Canada, The.exPert•: ';' • ••• - • --"----,--
._4p,p16 tufty biijklingA:111elitS cover.too wide n•range: to be : "Bayer"e.e, &lir. is Gi.OriUifie
where closed windoWs shut-.,,* • thet.gqrie -iiiiii ti-iii-biTerikite; IAA; Ail e. .-------------- ----- - - - - -- --
America,. Pioneer Dog Remedies.
• Rook on
and How to reed '
*Malled Free to an Ad=
dress by the Author.
U. Oisa Glover Oo.,
115 West SIst Street
sound -of the, 'steel on the ice; and th'e wet& theresult will be to lithe* IUiw
"only -impression ember -through -the oluicidY forests- of different kinds- of
-Neuralgia; Gout,
for quick and Sure relief.
$1.00,2 tab*
nts•trstoltta meta CealaD.
Accents tor 11j .Ittlea Item:116
trees grow, end how hest tti handle a,
cut oyer or, burned o' forest area 162
order -16 -get -a or .spritce,
or birch,or, any other desired tree
-TaarayaraLia:',"t Stiviv7I-Alregdy vafNable
infOrnmtloa has been secured tied this
will he 1nereaged as eat% year goes by
and the effects of the different Meth-
,eds ef treathietif beconie .
"'Please," g-aspet Mrs. Newlywed
excitedly, on giving her first order to
the butcher -"please send me a peund
ef steak and seine -smile gravy!"
, •
Life constantly weighing tis in
very sensitive vales and telling, every
one of us precisely what bis
weight is to the lest kohl f dust.
Minurd1 1.1111mirt •for Candruft.
. P-
.. Warriffig: !raw no chances with'
substitutes for -genuine "Bayer' l'.ableta.
of Asptrin.".'. 'Unless you see the nanie'•
"Bayer" on ;package or on -tablets you
are not getting Aspirin at alLIs every
Bayerpackage are Iklirections for
Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rhen
mathim, Marache.,Toothaehe, Lumbago
and,for pain. Handy tin boxes of o
twelve tablets eost few tents. Drug-
gists also sell larger Packages, Made
1 Linirnen
An Canada. Aspirin is the trade Mark
tiegistered n canada),of Bayer
Malaita c t are of Mon o acetica c I tl es te r • limiligilisi..101111111111.1=6
' i"
oftiailey:deacid,- 4.,. ; • ISSUE No. 14-'21.
Get busy and relieve those pains
rith that handy bottle Of
_ Slosta's Liniment _ • •
TI JIAT Sloan's does, It dots thin,
oughlytzeisdrates without :rub,
7--tilyt-tts the afflicted patt
. prnragtjy roller -es most_khds of_exter.„
411c -pains mul:tichea- -fifid it
rip:in-and non-skIn-stairiiug, Zell; a • •
• handy, for. sciatica '
over -exerted muscles, edit joints, back,.
' ach4, pains, bruises, qtrams, eprains,
bad weather after-effects. •
' For 39 ars Sloan's. Liniment has
helped thousands the world m cr. VOtt
-.aren't likely to be an exception. It eer-
tainly does pioduee results.
All driiggat8---35ce 70c, 41.10:
• • .
4 .4