HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-04-07, Page 5E.00tieggerS and iskeySmugglers ar Disgracing Canada { n April 18 Abolish 'Importationby voting YES Since, January 1, 1920;, thousands and thousands 'of gallons , ;of, Whiskey,Gin, ;Brandy' and High Wines 'have • been shipped into' Ontario. ' E %" entis alone fora Tong period' averaged four to. -' Express s fpm six 'cars per .day, and have' run as high as eight! Four car loads a day means. at least 19,200 quarts daily,'or,over '•S,000,000 ~quarts per year. , And. t the people of Ontario voted to make prohibition. • the permanent law f This imported "Booze" is the. stuff which enables they "Bootlegger" to carry 'on his, illegal trade, and allows Ruin Runners" -.and' "Whiskey y , Smugglers" to disgrace Canada.: Officers. of the law are set at defiance. , Read' what,the Chairman of the Board of License .Commissioners says himself. Importation' Makes Law Enforcement Difficult "After an expe'f•ience in the administration of the flntario• Temperance. 1916, Act covering the period from its first coming into -orce in September, I ani in a position to state that importation is seriously hampering its effec-` ti 'mess.• The War Measures Act .was repealed in January 1920; and the •- lloniireon Orders -in -Council.' under the Act were rescinded. • Heavy. ship .% milts of liquor into the pr'ovince. began at once." . The'number .of -'cases of brctch of `the'Qntario,Temperance Act have increased in even greater'pro-` �.ortion' —From. a: Statement by the' Chairman of Board.. of License Commis-, : goners for Ontario. 411 4111 NNW •'�' 1T,'`•,kli �', •!!•• dM..T""/'f'"JaryJAll4r.�,yj�,}-4kuC.. �eY.. T_." it 1NItflD JT .41,44..!1.411,x _. ._ ,• ,.R..•.p_. i�S-"' •(Goderich'' Signal) • X ffifie o$ $300 'and .coRlt ;was imposed. by Magistrate Reid. Upon i*.' W. S. Milne oi;. Blyth- Wed- nesday of this Week at the eonclusien of the. hearing of the charge et'vio- lating the, Ontario "Temperance Act • which was lodged against '• :the de- fetidant by Inspector Pillow. This :was the third sitting in the case the first being'°,at Blyth°y.and a •second en Wednesday' of last- week in God- erich. ' • • " , Inspector Pellow' called .on Dr'. ilne 'who is a druggist as well 'as a physician at his store in Blyth on March 5th accompanied by Mr. S. E. Hick • of G ode rich and' enquired 1 ,regarding > shipnyant of three cases • of rye whiskey which I)r. Milne had • received on ,Febrar r 25th. ;The In- spector found only three unopened bottles left of the••thirty-six and the .' . whele-„ca$e' hieged, on. the explantioil Of what liad ,been done • with other: thirty-three :bottles Dr. 'Milne, told the"Inspector he used large• quan- tities ..of. the •liquer, in making up "mother 'tinctures" for' various- med- icinal preparations.+ It was. -.-figured out in . court that, at. the : quantity Said to 'be used in 'a yrescription, it would require 'forty-seven prescrip- tions: a daY to use the amount of liq',.r be accqunted, far; • s Fletcher the Docter's assis-• ,taut :, stifled that: after receiving the 1iq yN-she dumped. thirty bottles of. itinto, a carboy; so .that it would be more: coriveinently got at when needed. • .: ',•• • There was n .good deal of contra=" dictory evidence between• the inspect • ' or and Mr. Hick on one side and' D.r: Milne and his.clerk•on the other as to what oeciir-red: on, the occasion of the inspector's, ,visit the . latter stating that .when he` asked •for 'samples of the preparations the •defendant :vias said to have' Marie . ;from' .the liquor. he was' told therewas none - in' •&tock; vitals the,'defendant said .Pellow ciid net :ask• for. saiitpleS. Several local' doctors arta druggists were sustained on points .iii connection:with the 'use of liquor in ii dical" ereparations Mr; R. •Nailstone, of •.:,W+ngham';coo- " : nsel for : the.,defendant.: and `Grown Attorney ' Seager.conducted the 'pro- secution ' • _ith an_X,o osite,:the Yes,'and nothing 'more. - nZaY•k•,ynurnallot--a Uri Eo�amittee 1 S ., Abi h it ig afan:. :Edison's-Ambefola1 will -ive you *.of `toe most thUusandy . of nights wonderful 'entertainment --all the rand. o" �ra, warid-s-be-st mus�.c..__.g;___.....Po. �........•.�.. ballads, hymns, comic numbers,-, - ,.a.. -t songs and dance —b -and mnslc�, bates g • • nil ..: -that will'ke-cp--all :thefat ..Y hits happy at home .365 nights a year:.. 'And* • can'' own this ,greatest pboAxo•- tin=€1}�t ailratiealli,...�t_ ' -rs u. own tents! Thomas A. Edison' has said-- so aid- co-lira wants to `grin¢` music --real 'Music--:- into music-' into your, hoine.• �Conie to our Kora rig�St away and learn fun p��t a y r Mr Seager ....Who ;plumed lip: the' evidence in ,a ,strong address at the, 'conclusion of • the hearing laid • stress 'on: section 88 •of the Ontario. Temper '; II ry -Tot auce: Act which places.. upon the de,:- ..Carroll' 2 bowing.: to. the '•I'xyr stet 2 fenclant the onus ...of -s. satisfaction of the magistrate- what has been •done, with 'any liquor. which :1VIeQuillu► :defendant is known to, have received:. I ' Ta Otherwise he pointed out,"it would be . McQuillan ;imposs•ible to enforce` the Acta:: The ' :B.—M., Magistrate found that the defendant; - A.—R. accowrt ho, en. liad-1' not'giveri°•••a•wsatisfaetslr� _.� of the dispgition of -: the',li'quor in; ' . , question and imposed the fine of • .. 4396 and costs (_mounted to 361..65) S S. -No •-Far, IV.. To • MUST I1VMPROV'E.SERVICE laghan 7 'don 400. S r: 11 Martin 6 i ier _6.08. Jr..• IlI Insali's C -- _--Jnr-�K`•.n_,. » - ..] • SPRING" RE-1IND E:: • ,.." AT• THEN -10 NEW-. 1IARDWA:R • Cleveland coiled Spring Wire and Woven Fencing Martin, Senolo Paints and Var- nishes. Harness Sundries and Supplies. Automobile Accessories: - A 4 . All grades- Autb;' Tractor and .Machine Oils. f T,f you lntend building be' use to :get 'our prices on Lima Plas , 4 ter, -Roofing Materials. .,. A Car,of Portland Cement•just arrived. Sporting Goods for. all :seasons. GIVE US :A CALL. AVE ARE HERE TO GIVE YOU SERVICE. • RAE Ph-ne 66.. . % " TEO S Res. Phone, 121.. — SCHOOL:,REPORTS S; S, No. 4, West- Wawanosh,- 'Junior: ' -• Sr.: III Total 365,-M Miller 311 T Todd 23.4, Bi McQuilhn• ',Ir. • III.: Total 865--L.. Weather - Bead 323, D. McQurllrn , even 319, G;' 1VIcQuillia 519, rM, !Vis .298, S•: Lavis 29'4, I Lynch 282, is L. .Durnin 2'63; E:• Gaunt :: 262, W .McQuillan 246 •C', McQuiliin 232, R . Purvis; 216 Pherson )..85;.: Lyons -146 orwroordlorrrgonmommor • q Lueknow Lodge meets every ' lfriday evening, at • 8 o'clock in their .. Hail; Campbell -street. All .brethren cordially 'invited: '-Officers: Noble Graljd; Robt, J•ohnstpn;-•'Vice Grand,. Arch Barbour; ..Ree. •See.,,E."Aitchi=. • ;son; . Fin: ' Sec,, .Dr. Paterson; Treat - 321 ,G . -Gem,. 1 (tree, Alex. Ross: I A..ii`'&,A,M., G.R.C. Old'Light Lodge ,:"- 1 meets 'every. Thursday nigrt on or • • before the full`nioon, inthe''llilee ,`- Wo,odley191, R.''1%1( one; Hall, Havelock . St, Liicknow. Woodley 153' Y A I V 'W.M., N, G. Mackenzie, 'S.W., T , ° S teidi J W., J VlcQuaig;' .Sec., al. 340 H„ Miller,",303.1.7' l W A:. Wilson: 7i, E•• Pritchard: 263; - W 1 , 3g, .A Mi11er '232, M:Thom yons 118; I# jirds 113x: JOHN: SUTHERLAND & SONS, Ltd. ;' '96,'31. Purvis '85. :. - Guelph, Ont., Insurance; Fire and,' M. Miller 103, • , E :: •' Marine. tat •200— . , . , • Ryan's.. Evans,' R. Forster. • C1 .. roll 35. average. att.:3,0. 71larieN �I7uririit a l *r • 14; 'E. , 3i W. Wawanosit. 1VIarch� : _ taI` 9'00•, Pass 540=b1: 79;:,1x'. Falco»er.'695,• 1' I •Tetal 825, •-Pass 495' ;PAT - . , � Tce� RuralaTelepltonep Co., ha Se rte- ; • Bru SCORES AGAIN ceived notification from. the`-.Muniei-: i pal, and Railway Board ,to the effect iri ib'- jekba- tint sc b fondO S° SU �• British . papers are ef p ore than twenty •• Biat P pnot. m •sentatives • of :all that • Bile ,,, on a arty O e. . nited any s pal*. l'es n� .. a h._ . - n f .•h a as a- 't11 g etim es wi .d u de w 1 oa p t Needless to say, the are no bias' a 'pix,, twenty -Elbe stations, with the result ;Irishman rarely comes off second ;that • the' service is overcrowded: best, when er ' quickness of wit'' is su sribers`ao .a party line is •Fifteen . b required, . the' roper number wltb twenty as • Pat wad : Servat: in the -army, .dn the Maxie -rink It will mea a gen- hi's. two companion happened, to beIto}w•the men,, gen- .. lista-nail-2a d a_Sc-atchmar.. • eial shaking up ' heir' Irish friend, telt, and `the -itastaulation . ' of, nnutaa IV. nY a level .two gave miles of neW : ;lines of wire, a'"lively-_.time _with theft jokes and,cer- w iii; Al. service : xs - , _ • .. improvement' in the ea, 'I.?... sisal-.te ein___g,, , -__ da Piiewas•called away' and -:rain -ta-result.—_,._ , ill. One Y ' :77 •ft:. his -coat hanging on a nail: The: • r -o o b--- Nicliolso ;aiglisht�'ilan. .and. the SCotchnli i `see 1? _._ _ ' JUST LIKE A'CHICKEN - Sanas litte'- Pain -.sem the'.' oliportdnity ' of painting -a Bonk" V Pat's coat. 'An exehange . prints • another. of Sr. I ey's head on the back ofJr. ' roan soon returned,' and those true stories' about newly -mar The - Irish graduates.. "You'. look Cattier foo in" first' -at his- coat. and; fixing' _.tied. college;' g a "' Said'to."his �''=i'run ,. 'looking ,. _. riends said:::S1OWly.,� _'tired viny_: dear,.- Mr Gx Y A ,� 115 eye . On his . �, ,f �+-�i-illll e orra, and which eine of you :two wife ",I am tired, saMrs: liked R. Ca B. , ' inyour face' .hir''my- •`I'lleard.you say. once that .Y... .. ;has. been wiping ' ' coat?"1 • . rabbit so I ;want . to the 'market this hTo: morning and •gigot one: I meant • to surprize yoit with broiled rabbit for -� - - ,: =�•' --� •d,i�ned,,-, blit.: I'vg, been at 'wort. on : it all forenoon, and 1 havent ` gat.'it r picked et: son '6 ino> a thin half _p . Y Jr. Sr. Lean enzie Jr. theism whie era are to be allowedp - a d sol f the ted Kmgdoin M is p lines asol nd ARMSTRQNG' J. G.. 73,' '1VI LViartin ;6p,,..G. iu / . • • ' Total 250; Pass - 1-50�-A. 1 Jr: II, S:URANCE Excelsior Life', . Fire, ..'Wind. and Automobile.. W. P. Reid, l. •ucknow Phone Dungannon 70 r 16.; '. =:• • #. „I.VIecUonegli : 1720,. E. Gard. r' its • 1 i 10, H. Gardner 1365; . D. And erso.31, 10''10, G. Pepper.1125, M.Web- ;---- stet 414,'. \Jr. 1II. 'Total -1486 W: Pepper. 1li84, CRltciiid 83$,— . B: Cooke 817,. J Sr., II. 545. Total. 1333—A:' Ritchie: 64. -0, k.'. 24 . M''. Pepper . 1066; P.. Cooke 90'7 X00 sem. Pa Hun - W '°Total •600, J,; Ii,itcliie 810, .M R,eic�' 670,, 387 'C. Tnglls ,13 2 ter 605 ' ' --If Total 11 53=E.' MacDonaali b.stei '1iwry, D: Anderson 986,"•W;” We • .1 irst; Total :924-B. Gardner 902 • leis. Total- .102$-F.; Rit- Sr .:Fran ehie 012, 1i .Ritchie 875. " Ilun- .•. milt;. I'iiiiiers,` fiotal •7 . tel 706: W. Hunter 668, N .Anderedn 600 G:' Webster 440,'E -Rigid 467 X iii ers: • Total 520 "C. Gard-' '. nir 49'1, S: 'Gal4ner '434. l Avert :e :att. 30. Valetta 11 Tiffin; Teacher == Farrier Im l'I Farrier . Best ' Fnlcen-er vier,:- . er Notal j50,....,... ' • s 90-- 148;{ •rc 18 1 . T. In�las� si>eile s •--fol the month. -N,. • M•; O'Callaghan, Q `Far- Inglis her. A.0.. Clow, T•eac • Belfast "• School L. B ackett, ` b• Altop, ,J, I i:- ▪ .'Vint, A. Bowles, C. lack- Cooke. ' NI ..tlizcketl - Cianaton, R. n + - .; 5 T..>Hackett, J. Bocc.les, .M. Ni'cholscm, ;. .--G. %lenry ALJ'- rg -Vair .'I : t I, -N. Cranston, 'T• I1oa?ry, G. Vall:erton Tiltes, is responS- an Tlve ) er:--E •Viiia,. P..•Thonipsoii,,k• able•.fol' the:'follawizig zenit - ' -Ry .Nicholson,, meson. , roll 24; average #tt.s.'22.' . . on r d,, .. SDI NOW=FH;1V1SELF,.. : The Walkerton '1`eleseepe• telis this r lito y have have heard of twin 'brothers • as' looking .as much alike as two , pe • but the Vogt brothers, .'two well known farmers of this district, c$]•t- int take the:cake. Fred Vogt, •of Bair& Corners, se resembles his , brother,. Will, of Carrick; that even their own children can Scarcely ,tell them apart and have Mistaken i lea But the tor the Other' many -'a' Alimax., was resolved ono tnornigg' halt aha 'two brotllara arranged to • inlo'wn. Fred had soiiise Susi- nesse to do and ccaine in an;`l oiii•-ear-' when •• he was', Surprised. to see his brother `standing...a few feet away. b "Hello, . Will, . you are in • early' this morning," 'he said. There was no re- ply. He was talking, to his own.•'re-. f eetiait• in` the big wall 'mirror. lva 11e was in Fox's jewelry store • ..0.0.o - 1.r Brad'Street's - -Says, "Commodity` price* have fallen 40 per cent". nt" - Its . took bad the people we Y don`t sem to know,itt J -s. • �.. ;CLEANSE VE 5 -, . P R ESE I ELIEVES PYORIMILA. • .A-K,pa `r Ar • ��LXL 2..� es'. tzvie The only. kind of vice shunned . by 'sortie young men to-dey•'is advice: -Thos_d born::"with a -golden spoon -in•. riioutlk uxiaY••liave to talce :thei'r, � 'their ewter sl oobn:" 1�eYliCiMs-1&te�]'--Vii'-On'i..$ 1� `nr tale By . - A.* t „, PIBNCE, M.O.,' L1 CKKNCW ASTM 'USE Ci '; l x y AH n 4� r Z tensa ,A t R � 60. ,, ishrr. 06; :DI ltiaolntlie i near_ the, .r. 3�".-bilks it sunk in• the rI . fir., r g .krhnst-e0 + icl:=sa�ui attel :laaud, . _vuilere .>t::vas ^ .. __, "�' A. Macl:enxie J. Purvis 40, .f. Wraith:25. found standing on all fours'whcn t9he 1.—e. T1tTin 'Si, 1). Wraith ' 48, A• r receded, and. exposed it .to r• riieti 4 "41ew. Itaihleen M. Welsh; Teacher. SB. S. No. 9' "Kinloss. en eilY 70,- 11 Ditcy 'McLean 64. - • T Auctioneer, .1.Iolut, j uritis' rivet •. nliicl3i . raii,'aivay :from the G•k.:T. R.- , tation on - M.offtlay:.evcning of last Week": after kicking .itself'free from' - tlie• buggy, and which was last-, seen alive careering down Colbdrne.street .i yt ,the postefnce, was found in the Sati,gecal: river:liy `M'ik `Nhn` 'i'aek , on :Sunday: afternoon.' The steed ap- parent kopt, on.a -straight course to` rile Bend, and entering the San- • - .geed, which vw as swollen high with • • the f1�eshetsr• swain to the opp'esite ablate wTiese, in. atieniptiiig to land ~" ' III, M iclzityrc i1)' It. Mackenzie, 70, M. 1u+ • 111. Z'i Purvis 55, '1V . patdsnll 62, G Gaunt ,.40.. .NoiA S• Snuff Primer -II; Dac�soll eo, II, Just Guaranteed 'No on roll 24 average a t the • sin 'the bronchial tubes, give NO Stabkin®—No SprayinU— o au .kenie63. Swallow a Capsule att. 17i Z•MAI3 Is 24, a e1aI Patterson,. l7e . RA► • , , A. E. •to restoregguorinel ,breathing, Sop mucus ion >ifgbts of quiet sleep, contains >de S.S. N`o. 5, habit formla drug, i1.00;Znott rdrug- ' • t al fat's. Trial �ree at our sgenci �otQ te. .I450, E. CJa�drier 8 149 Ring W., , tshfield." . Ritchie2356•' al, l'vitelle i of twiAg. 17 51-�E. 45. Templeton*, 1 OQM, AGENT. a,� lTRQN4 Sr, . IIS. .Total • A tiew'twind factory was ,recently opened at Walkerton -in tl +ildin,. , -ono tinie'.occupied by t -r ' Co-operative Binder 12% tory. -The present' co ndcv and will make f: }mow..,,".. - = • . . •