HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-04-07, Page 3••••••••.#
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,.....gddrese communications to Ageen0ini8t,t73 effeelaide ate West, 'recent%
•• On many' farms the•Prolneui. of MOTO 011eaPly than other rafe;telsle and it! may seen have very sore homes aHnee from the hive, ae hees that are chilled
will be in no condition to garry the
Iklating the Breeaing Flock; steff; the go -slings are ed nine truetech -with heavy -milking hands
- • •
' .---.-- • --- •
et . supplies, and feeding may Meeer such expensive plea food element, costitg Our Supplies. of Roughage;
• .
colony just what it needs at one feed- nitrogen .thA dot 'for 'One element in 'eaettUTaevaUr" ;herr Untilett4.tiatul' 1..cswiletli. .
. t77.14T ( i cenditions be a decided 'advantage. at le.ast 25 cente per pound. If the '
I. Evenr,lhen it ie heater to give eaeli fertilizer cOntains 4 Per" cent. of -
see if he does thorongh. work. Nothing in rather thee to eeteed it over -a ene tore w -i -Ad• be $20, ' .. • stru*,- and if PA ilaVe, 4uvelet you
. Watch. the new hired met milk aro; :_
is. . mere costlY -beet Plan.ie to givelt to. the colon haye the , peNYet. to • ohtaifi . nitrogee •
The legatees when fully es 11 felled it a get a uplaill-"bueie=SI. 'I '-
have teen the thing °tried, in .the •hee
,eteadily „dry ap the eos 'by stopping -
than • hired help -that :Perla •°f day, or elren weeke. The
fram the air through re soil ergeeisee HO that it is a cheap:Or. •econernical .e.e.....
, has •edeeed. I A Villig 130y lea. ueeee • e.eed_. •nest, Packing' taper Or oteigr ,which .forma.• michiles on the roots of Plan of winterifffg the animate. On
the ewe , jut an overhead. feeder right over the
•faeder • SO plants belongingeto •this etdee. The Innt, of our ,farms there is 4 -vest
the piecesseif Mincing before
velailea hliThIct eiuseleg ' should "tit be: wthaainhmeractetwiilall btb°nue.t..lotIsf of warmth Principal legurainotte-plante ' are i the Milieunt a both these reughageawhich
eeifilisten'.ted clover, atikt :ekrlree; ale we., meat • Phaa to ettiliaa as fart aa
falfe, pateet cleyek, ' vetch :and peas, possible, but as for 'making either one .
... and of these' the conernon „red • ciiiver or both of 'them eueteinhig - feeder'
than.own up: that he do ierighti: ..
When Spring' feeding is neceesery, is probably of greatest litportepee. it
jet:I.:on:raft:lir! advisable. .1310?1,131.
, There are approximately 70 pounds in driving cattle, but m.any dogs bring: sugar wnee. hoe ..yriter; mixed yrith. a of , nitrogen in 1% •toheuog ceeeer hay It has ll'heen4Ieetintated that. en . 8..
, A well-trained' dog .may be --n 'help ,
e use ' equal parts of., pure granulated
.a.na. irritate 7,t* 4. 174.11 an ideal- . It should beTheniint l'n.ean7to
wale,h etep. nee!zaestIsh:ertictiie:lofeterttrati c'egitediltoevihtbITYvv.;e11P is warm, taining it least 1,200 pounds of vege- bons. of roughages Preduced for every
and the production of this ainount of farra'having a rotation et corn; email '
top groWeli leaves a root :sYstem cora grains, and,,Clover there is aboutetwe '
up the • cows .oet •the, run and worry: I
them. Such. methods are net good f
ally very nervous .' . A dog barking ,teble matter, furnishing • taY, 30 ,ton of grain. This would,:nietneover
loudly around the bare at: milkme The time of removal . of beesfrom , 'Peulids of nitrogen in thesoil. Of one :to of roughage produced, and •-•
this 105. pone* of nitrogen in the eYeeY-oeie 0, ”S would consider that a.
*an. I believe it pert.' a farmer to thi'eal. cend514°11* - Cie"rall'Y sl'eal4ng'
the thee is fevorablet whereeheleaples entire' :plane,: lee has,. been :estimated very low figure when our grain Yield*
time le not a good busineseeproposiTivInter' quartem must ' "dePend ninon
drive hi gie emmewhoof ,7rhea oiey spa i juisy:vairtows wooni, :. ., . :, ..., that 'about 70 pounds comes from the are fairly :Inibetautiat tee ' well '7above
air. and 35 .pounds Item the soil, pro- the average.. • ' • .. '-'' • .. •J .
bother eliern. • • ' - ." . When the, 'colonies .are removed vuled that conditions favorable to the •• Of course, we cannot use all abase .
• their Winter quarters, . care Activities of, the •hatteria ' exist. 'It rotighagee• eit . feed except ' .Where se '
.are neerethobarre and not let og.
veterinarian half a chance to save Or spring dwindling, because
If you have a 'sick' cow !give the fmul
should be taken to guard' against will be seen, therefore,. that the 70 veer intensive flutem of fanning la -
cow is devitalized • from sianes- a. ann
animal by calling him early.- Whe eta; change. of temperature 'front indoors
to ctutdoo' re. ' • of . the pounds of nitrogen at .the i lowest followed; We must husk .a part of our •
market value. is worth $17•50, Sr near- corn from the standing stalk- and a
half dead, the veterinarian mae lye es mueh. ae that •one ten. of 'portion Of • our atrsew miet., be used .
blamed for losses; though not respone.
•be .eag ,cleeee, are more or less high grade fertilizer. It • is hard to for bedding of farni stock But Oen,.
Bible: • Cows iake larger doses of overtime by the larger honeyerodue., realize that 1% . tons of *lover ex- with all of the roug -.that-Is Made .
.medicine than men, and medicine Costs era, or by firrnrethat buy. andbottle tracts from: the air nitrogen .equal ,to available through siloiag e shredding.
money. The veterinariansdo. a lot of and sell to the stores, • For this rea- that contained in one: ton of our beat the cern' foddee'and th . e ing of the '
good in the live stock business and son the beekeepershouldcultivate his fertilizers. ' True, seine of this may email gra* there it to little of . it
. , .
farmers Can learn much from them. near -by towns as•"the hest outlet -Bete be lost by careless .handling of the used as feed for our li 6 ateck;..,, • - ..
,Their ' fees should' be promptly and he will get the bent : prices and avoid manterefroin. steck, but for the most The silo has been • e moans of
Part it should, ultimately go hack. to Making. much: of • o eta:timeliest '
know any vete that are profiteers or deem : • . , •
with the commie:slim, inerehants in the the soil, if the hay crop is. not sold. ' roughageS• useable as • f . ; While ' . a •
,. ,
c'heerfully paid. "The writer does not meas." debates, to see" nothie.g *uglier,
any that have become .unduly Wealthy a • .e.-,-L-0—.--e- . It has been ,found that the. soil eilage has been 'elapsed es a roughage :
from their prat:tics.
Lime as a Soil Builder. ' • organi§a Which furnishes,. the :clover itself, eisb.supziorit. is
With nitrogen .from the air does not
FaedUlg the Bees in Spring. ,,' F • : ' • •'
ertde sods contain sufficiency' of
." thrive in an acid soil or .on One lack- lent mei contains a fair •attopertion
Inge* lime; cOnseqUeritle if we .wish , Of great when made of cote. Live .
For years I have diseontilmed me- the three most essential elements for to build up a • soil through the clover I tstoBii:te4kwtfreel.offnedeedslinolna.gi..estas lieliagicsfe.a.e . thtiftier.
breed as •• eicperien:ee proves that na- and potash. ' 'Should any of these he ity. is -found; to correct eliiit condition and -
r4 ..sstrtoawcI:c, .
tirely stimulatAve ,feeding • for mirky growing ,plants, nitrogen, phosphorus .plant it is necessary, Where soil aeicl.7
wait iatawieetee quartet •aho.-iiiiitisi ttirily:- • The. two latter-eleinents are lacking plants teannot grow satiefac- ber, -an aPplieation of, lime •,in• some 'creates an appetite for some. dry
tural 'stores etrehest If the colonies term • .... ___ eeeeee • - • . .• roughakes, such as. strawshredded .„, . •
supplied, there will be.enough' present foand in the mineral soil ,Particles. and ' .GrOundliaiestone is the most pOpu- •fedidereor, hay, -and 4th way We..areh
for there to ear a brood. in the' ria- also in the vegetable matter that is ler .and effectiee. fotrn of lime. If ap- able to a/Rae-such dry .fed.s to good ..
• in.: the 'soli. • The former, nitrogen, .is plied at the 'tete of, 2.- tens • per acre advantage -and tecura a valu-e for them.
found , in Ahe vegetable matter only. when seeding to grain, at'Whicb time that itevOuld.riet be possible to Obtain ,
Thus,lit-will,I he seen ••that a soi e- the clover it , usually sown, hese re- 'otherwise end' get the roughage 'cone
ficient, in vegetable :matter is *eking 'sults will be obtained: Subsequent ap, eerted into -Manure' to help . conserve
in nitrogen ' .. - , :plications, of ' one ton every three our •soll fertility. . In folloWirig sighs •
feeding our efforts are di- '-‘...
itrogen; • we ' fled; when buying fyreeeeeosemesfureelmlY::.Ersnidfifttxce.s . to: , amirit.aini,437stemI• of
reefed Largely, ' :teWerd, :ReePhig. the
cemmerciel fertilizers,. is • the amost
. • * Arnong the matty tests condheterLat .soll. • in' a: stale of high eereductivitse
the 'Experimental •'• Station, Itenteille, whiebis one of theforemost Problem
• N.S., ehe. One carried en in half -act -6 ,of _to-day.e ,- • ' '.• e . . ; ' - • • -
Y titir.Sef.vant .Ekctriaty , .4, •,••••• . plots ija • of :particular • interest. .There., •I have a • friend who each 'winter i•
was 'little epperent 'difference in the 'hgees
ome• instebuthnechabiack, •vyerteyedStaiejleitdat;eetakie;e: ,1:.,.
is between walking and riding
in 'ael, average of.'foutl'halfacre plots 'Which :rris-.C'hief ' ehject is to feed, the steer
• crop of 'grain on 'the. 'plots • and the ..
•• •
' Although' the. use of, electricity is .a wete.lineeieetehen.seeding down at the .all •1114.• netigheges he has pet away.
Ilriering. the ,
automobile. . . , ••., , • , .
Won:e'er:fel 'aid. to the laundrY, it .is rate Of 2 tont: per acre was 42 bushels 'efeate.11,watith eihl. )47 : .
preparation.,S There are,.: fee coUrse,. half -ache plots; not lineal, •30 bushels along after Porn.planting•,sometiine. he... .
takes there 1:•6..ek to the ;Steele yet* .: •
e are°.;eallnag
Olt") -as valuable ee • e help in .food an 15,• Pounds' .of oats, and 'ea the tyre. th
.eleetric ranges -whieh.•ere Tillt:riel,8 4nd. 31 Pouncle• peteeacre.. 'After, the
slew and quite eeperisiese _But elrete '
. 'igeat diffeienee . in: the doe& gt owth•.'• in ,
oais •were cut there was a noticeable *here hie. ear:Sete •te• sell' there' foi
ahout two:cents alive per pound than .
liegeity., As yet, they dee •
leant h
:which will help nittele'in ceoldage.. An • e
favor Ofthtlimed'areas• and:the yield 'he Paid. They are net fat cattle, but
of :haY, the. f011oaing Year ,avetagettehaVei'grOereejelteegeodfie'Sleallel. are; ... ....._....e.
suitable • for ' hirtehere Or feedete fax
' • • • - , •
. .
are .' numberless smell- acceteeries •,
electric toaster and ail 'ele.‘etr; T'IWill' 40360 ' newels. Per acre from the- four
later are -not • only. effieierlt:h. e- ra-d"c197. lie:tied pee* and 2,4S0 pourels per acre
alma aniellietUig:7 se.me farrier - who -events' , to finish.
Spitable _ait_efeetheehreakfeat. 14811.-1-1,. a.aiereleni, itn,hde ate -tea -Pores' net 'limed, deliffer- theatre' 'All lie:Plane 'onlele",gateireg a
A lighthreelefaseenayeeneise ofefruite. „._ .. ,....., ••• . --..•••• ......, ., _• • . •' . ' ....• :
bl... agIi3<xlee''ljeralliae. thfaer ::ehi,iseilseilgte:eV-c-ienr;tgetit-e-•••..-
•eeteel...whieh , het .heee Placed in. the: wt2;08011.0--.peueda Of .elovet :hayeeereacre.-- -
. -.
'fireless "cooker .111'. the evening • and; 'a . this'Ilancl; ems plowed there. \Vag InallY I-Wa-S ,0T- ..111S11111-e-,;bselc-011--.114 --
Coffee and toast prepared. at the table`
imonnt of root, deN;elopment Alit -eV -Or ---::: e 7..: '.' '-'--7-7-':-.*:•-'-'-'-- .. .
decidedly . marked difference in the -ssz:LdY;',F4141'. • .'; ' .. '' . ', • •• • -
, • ..
ni is rtot difficult to succeed ith them prefer to half milk 'the cows rather syrtipn dom.
' (steed by the lack of one fenced en- if a few simple rules are followed. 1
;proving the poultry has been (tempi - ,
'4'''' chieure to confine the best hens during mull'ilY 118 heP" for hstehhig the eggs
-i• the weeding mum. only otee colony as ineubators de not give very .satis-
, 'tehfistheenelboesustrei:lecesan. bmeagteladeedto7thenumberbest I. esta4einvet,.! 7Abtto,:ir, ttbehenfie9;tir.,:,,,thc, „haytwOor,
house and a eeueee yard is needed, yral feauett:rysedresuorlpts;it sIensafiex
ehased. Then. the eggEi from thia EsPilnicle Ivith wann weie`r: "'lit every
male bird that can be raised,or pur-
e1nall flock cen be used to develep the
I ney should be wrinkled eve*. ••Alay-
teleeeird day until the last week 'ghee
, '•bl'aecl..4ra for the conlieg year •I ' in wir take about five weeks for the
Off Most firms there will -1;ie muukr• eggs to hatch when set under.' WO.
, -
hen i that can be &wed as useful , A nifidituri_size4 hen oast cover four
' birds alt'hough 71.0t qiiite good enough ' eggs. '
to use . as 'breeders. These dill bo i As 'soon as the little birds are dry,
.given free range during the breeding -t•ake from the hens until all are -hatch -
1 ree range floalt will fointah the 'set- eci.
for . Mothers, shut in a coop so that
If it seems best to keep the hens
1: geedon and if hen hatching is used, the
tin hens to batch and brood the the goelinge cannot wander away as.
a Frequently farm flocks do not im-111:
they che not heed tile call of the hen.
moithee, and I usually use thet-reetliod,
one prefers to raise without a
chicks.from the eggs laid by the best
f preve rapidly °because the best hens 'wrap warmly in a blanket, then fill
lay first and are broody first. When' a jag WWI: Nefertiti water and set in :the
.. the lest layers become broody they ate., makae a the hex yvhere the goslings
• . set upon eggs laid by inferior kr" can crowd about it, Cover all 1111-
" thiit havejust started. Thit removes , ly with . blankets . Be awe theY. !Ira
some of the best layers from the kept waxen, though not too warm if
thence of egg production for a long the weather is hot, for they are very
period. More iinProvementt Would he' tender the flrit few weeks. • '
- : possible if the eggs from the ...best when they eee from twenty-four
.layers had been placed in an iacu- to thirty_see hours okl, I give the first
' tinue layitig* to reprodece themselves ' Much and sometimes will eat 014
Even .thea they will never eat
. hatter and these hens allowed to con- eeeee,
as often. as possible during the breed- grase. They never have the aplietites
. ing seaSen, '' ' .. ' for grain.that young duets develoP.
' 7 The number of roosters neeerisa27 • They should be fed alone as they ean-
to 'mate with a in-eedinit fleck is a not eat as fast as ducks or chicks and
debatable .clriestion and, of. course, de- -there it danger that they may: Starve
pends on the individaalitY of the Trial°. to death. Bread and milk taakee the
.,. birds: The male is sometimes blamed. best eeee, although I semetimes make Wee' way; and, after alt, the nearer
.. for •a lack of fertility that is due to a, johnerYcake :of cornmeal and mid- We follow 'nature the better will he
the liens, :' The male .is 'half the flock , dlings with a little. soda arid Moisten- the veva*. . . .
but it is: the, hens that produce the . sed"yeith milk oriarttermilk, then baked There are ,excelittous to thPe'ruk,
eggs. If the hens areloverfae.or lack- equete hard. When ready to feed, moise however.... Spring feeding is aniply
' ing in vigor they ' will not produce tee with mak or Water but do not jastified where the eelonies are really
. good hatchable egege e'en When mated 'have it sloppy. If it, is possible to setioueey depleted in bath bees and
with -the best male birds. • . 1 feed the bd.-however, it, will give• '
• .
. A mating is not necessary for eaeh much hettei• ras•ults• and et°•en a &in -
fee -bile egg as experiments have prov-Isiderable expense for the fie•et few
ed that fertility will' be present in4Weeks wit. pay in the, end. e
eggs laid ley•flock es long .as eveo ' If they can he kept froth. indiaes-
weeks :after the miles have been. re- thin and from getting wet or . cold,
. -
ineved., This means that the. breeder i there should he little eifficulty'in rate- ,seFer thel.thernan who can lessen her
-,••-e;• '. must Nealt-about-two:oe three Weeks ', ing thene. , It, ie Well to feed about five work by. the use of labor -.Saving Ma-
before the teeelts of accidental Mate I times a day for the firit two weeks; 6itinery, ,the'applianees•-Which are it.
•, ings Will show ,nci effect it has been •greduelly lessening the feeds until . by taehed te.fhe electric ligh.t •socket tiee
e found that the first eggs after....a.mat- °the term . they are about two Months .a. yeleible. field" to ineestigate.e By
.. days., The practical value • Of 'this :will be enough. They require a great leolting• over . the variety of . imniet
eingt*Rr be infertile for about 'ten old the • morning- and : iv: efilog . feed&
•-:''.T - : *riteariiii-thet"tiliie 'breeders . sheet& be that:is now beineem.ariufactured, the
• '..neaterl . Up. about "three ,weeks.. before the weather is wet, they be given .ileesewele. we ree tze, , , e ee neey
11 ' el ' that 1 'a!' t •
, . entount • of gesture; hew -ever, and if .• • ..... , '.
els .will be used or soldfOcliatching. plerit.y .of • ChePped .grase ...and. Weeds . atreeeeds in solvnignea.Jaege . part • of
leVeetigations in ttepriestieg and They 'shoul•d. haye water-. deep enough the horieeliold preblent Eleetrieity is
--,--tedieree'-hatching have proven. that .so they 'eau, wash out their eyes:ea-id ..orlerless,:'Clean; dependable : 'Thete. is,
" ' - ••• ;Some- hens ley ' eggs tvlii`di:eareenever euaa.neetEse. _Viey7,-. will 'fie,E,Tge't -Wet;
: -- -- • wtfl .
. , . _ . neteelabe-reee :rnechinerTliiiefereiei-Ne
... feitile, while other. hens lay `ego. that •le is: better enot to glee it •at meal
e eee .neerly " alwayS ' Produce vigoroas ;time. 'If .the weathet is at all'faeoe- fires need he built, so. the.sterage end
'chicks A geeeral rule in Matine is to able, pot on the grass' every day, Cerryine a fuel -are 'eliminated with
---e'eemeeseeiglie4.enealet ,toiterriageierethO tleerlittleeet will spread; out if kept . all the accompany'. glaber , arid dirt:
- -..- . .
•:•:- ek-SiatiCehreedse:Ten• or t-vvelNe females long,' On It 'board floor. • Orateritieet-be -Sere* theePlug". - th 1- a. • • • :
a.: the limed areas. thus greatly in -L. Ca.:readies .sahscrint-.one ••tio -,six- wai , . -L.—
eo,,-thee socket: and by ereirtg the eleetrie toaster_ and e ...
carefile however, that the little
to e role brings geed resultswith fel:- press ehe buttone
eides being se 'eleeteic pereolitar. • There ..are -*nail.; eeeeiline that store of vegatibieliater leeffenelpideetitalietererAilintetalWee
the e2ee,
,• ', ":• . D
easily put ;into. use, electrieal appIl-:. portable electric oyerts. •and. electricni
.: end. trogenecariying triatereals, $e,017,292,069.- ear:. about $350, - pee..
' • "American: breede like Reeks 'and loWs ' do not become' cold' or "damp, •
• Wyandottee. Fifteen feinalee: to .:a - If for any. reason they are wet; Nellie • ancet are very .eteraetive in appear,- waffle irons. •• Ari 'electric grill eerth i .' Lime, therefore is- most valuahle 'capita. '. Few.. °mettles ...reached flit."... .
'' •
---- - - tility - • • .• --e. --a- ' ' ----2------ as si soil 'builder beceu'se it 'produces figure. : ' ' . • . ''''''"- -
, . ,• . ,.
1' h beautyas. Weir as three oe four heats and two pans. will:
eehTele lienlieeiglete avitleeletaghonns.----I-n •theyeethenewtap warmly and let their a c . .
meny -eases a larger i number of . fe- dry by the heat of their ewn -bediee. ni . • . ' , ----- • . --ePOWehelkeeP•leeetetwe.ekifferena•disheee:e eUitable! environment for theeelevet • -.'-.—
'...-'e---I-• -males per.- melee layeehrleagheaverey" thave_riever had.rieuehiaccess in .1"eih- • The henefits', Of ' ..electricity-,. are at once e : , . • , •-•. , • : , •., l'plarit through which :•ferm seat earl
---- -,
'. . , ',.. .good resiiitt hut, of cenerse, they might lag, the* after thoy hada:Too -i-eiet, everleble- for -thee. . 7:- e t, c_. a is- not terly...a.r. ,bee ur e up- most econorni'cally. ._
;" • • '
• "X
- - - - ' ' ' fermeeiewelleas •the -The- lee ri • f n • fine
itY home The farm eightlite. and ' thing On hot summer elayeeand nights • '
ewer -systenis . are sintple m. con- :but • ni the wintery tune it is e great
structiori and operation, 'easy to oil aid in circulating .iverni air OVer the
and easy te "care for. The standard roe* and refreshing it by stirs-ingt „ 0,
pleete, ere s•toritIFITeliZFO-th mate to eThe-userof-the-eketregefan aleeemak . .
Stand • everf:Clef lieird'iretegeee4hie itepeteible during:the ennun rette7gereVoeee_ .,r4 e _,_
arg-e,powet .:plants.:areealso.inereaSe Abe. rne_a_le•_41._ the kitchen •welien there end 14 handy : for . 6atcY14. P6-tiltfir .:.
ing, their service • Ekttct are . becoming are extra men.. to cook for and Mu& wheivtreatmentlor:liee7',:is necessary.,
available to eel _‘eyee-ineretteing neni- 'calming to be elo A e. • ' : . ; ,., . Place the coop against the sniall tree-
her"of fern heImes. .. • . " -.1. :Running' e sewing riraelibie May door in .a hen }levee and the hinds will
:the,..herne ,that :. is to be equipped mean tired_rrinselet even though Penn- run' ire uritil the •erate its frill, : 'Thee
With.. electric ' lahoresexhig , devieee .lar.opirtion sienetirnes ciatees- sewing . they are •easilY caughtandthe opera-
thoeld'ebeeproaerly• wit:Kt: ' When . hie as "light" _ worls. An electric 'motor tiori .eat he repeated trail all the hens
stalling' a ∫ all the eatillenent attached to the sewing, machine re- in the house-have_elipPeciethtough the.
ultimately' eleould'-beelisted Iiindetlia oen-directeher entire attentioneto
' e the ,e Electric light.s and 'beaii-, f.eedfin.g :
small .door into the crate. ..... . • .
which. wellepro.bably he taken Care Of !neves all strairt from the seever, who
gerteeet she is•maeleg. : . 77-reeVillelieipeeoeptedeceewinter-eggeeleite.:
. 7:Erearle"lieeellee eriteikelteefeseible-feregueh-raCth4paS-ulu"--"Qtek-e---11"0 -cs-the
,.-wife:74.tin *ion to .eonsiclorls a power the family to, •enjoy the leng winter. 'ed. stock whicii is expected Ta'
in.? nitachiLie. The nurnber 'of evenings together; Kerosene lamps Preduce 'hatchint-t'egg' enet0' "Ptinic*.
Mae Ines on e .arket, is •• abeam; - - -elecespentegeterieerea•menerw,that-leee heavily all: whiter' de
cetintleat, a They , all are Or. „teem • he and their light is, at. the best. 'bicker- I n°t Pr°duce eggs in. the a '
equipped :with reversible" weingeke.• ing and dim. ' Electricite .10M:de 4 strung germs' Thld• i" VillY llianY
Met. of them are. now being • Made flood of light in every Part of a room. farmers v•II4O• ntaic•e Tt') effort t° obtain
with metal uhs. The, dirtying gears The doeryard, .the barn, and .earee „winter eggs do produce eggs • in th'e
and -be i -.9 b • " -. - e'e ''..-e-, 7 - - ' - '17•#rds•:11T,14 yjiratuilclinv-:ethi- hgyp-, )?Abo 1 APtinS. whieh hatch. out, a 'large per
or under the.rnachine se as to •prevent i'eady-•fQ1' •iistaint use at any hour of I cent ."•°' vigul'emeehiatue-': ' • ' - . '
any chetee ef injury to the opetater. the day or night.. . . •••• •-• ea- I: •Feeth alt in the peeiltre houses
The ironing of clothes is Otte as The .electric vacuum:cleener Meet 1..hollis to keep the hens healthful. Sun -
hoe and tedious a, task as the washing. earrying heavy rugs • to the ya.2:c1 to rshine on thefloorlie'lp.S to dey the nit -
Electricity will furnish the heat . for be cleaned, and there is no TalEillig'of.' ter and 'destroy disease ,germ.e. •Birdse
the iron asewell as the power for the •dust es when a broom is used. • Cur-
heayy co'fati hoes; r b t oe h '
usual).Y. keenehealtine under° naafi% ,
weisherf-'-', Theeuse. of the - eleetele iron thine
, e: . eel o e , tic
, . Conditions: and they , are . somethin'g
lessens the Pala ,of Ironing one third covers and ilelielelitell'-'ill-i e - - ' ntoreethenernechines Yo ever eert
also be easily end •theroughly cleaned
I If f raiSiiing a 'con,' 'sparws sitting around .in the fence
by this electric frietel. • cor.beris Nvi,,,th ,ac.o. ltie *14 eettp.:. The:
use of the
11.011:61gbad." 'dill" be 'Outlived into -a sup- etow's and hawks appeer. healthy .and
eigerous, eta:tare ean teach the'poul,
If the water' for the.: • ' • . . _ .
irymAn, mach, About the menagement'
ef hene: , ''''' • ••• :
. . not . lpei depended:upon:: When thie If they rail lie kept well and stroll c
fowls lire ori free.renge the fettilitY Until. they, beg,in to .feather; there is
-heeint to rue' better with a smaller little°:trouble to . raise :ehem. After
rrambereof male ' than ' ,:when thee-e.lieyea-ref-ea-theredethoi-caneseeft-fee
themseleee .s.agel :Peer -• e•-1:Pf!tke .."-Ol. '
pasture .with 'only a little . grain. e
. If . ic i• :::Poi0iTile.: to. 'spare --aa-,614-...1
'gocrie te raise the ..little ones., it will be
• mere: •satisfactory than any other
' tine •' eoun.try. ;makes it • acTyantageous
Method. , They are not only Oft guard
for every farm woman , to stiedy the
eve4moinent of the day and nikht,
* subject Of geese raishigrif she-wisl
- - - ''''' but ehey•also find just the food which
, to inore,-theripost—of—her—t•oultrylzind- th-e-gtomiiii.fa.meortma.......will.raise them
gain the 'greatest profit frohi the food
on almost nothing in the way of grain.
--:---;--- ''.--:-:-.; -.:-Liehieh the teem produces. While hene Strange_teLrelate they will take .them
• a . are alrnoetrare eseen i . eauee _ . ' in the wet grasa ter on the water and
feerVeheefe the ceareeet -feed-whiletit :7house•nrciPerlY wired. in the beginning.
fend-Whieh :ditY :;,•save; • geese -ire -eon- ..
little ones grow. •more rapidly . than Perhaps the‘first machine drab:else-
: et: nection with liens will bring in Sur- .
prising returns for the time,.. and .
with the hest of ears' ' ': ••
°r::' E•aer:11'i‘eIt'ed•I-3-'4"-11"2"•°• fain ti thatr-Iin=g008e=rifra•menVer-- ‘civei,' 0
they net only keep, theteselvee during...
fifteen eggs an will hatch in About
the summer and fall, on the, grass.#nde
'four Weeke se it is well to 'lee there
Vases, fruit from the orchard, but the •lay until the end Of the season, p.role-
-Other' poultryt especially 'pho ducks, ably the. middle or last of June...
will 'eat a ..piuch greater areerunt of
-herbage beeaese Of running- with . the
' .11eciase of this fonds:rest for green
hreedifienertreere: ad -ear yalded. •
• *How to Bak e'Goslings.
' ' The growing: popularity of geese n'1,
ISEWE No. 1,121. •
bake them Mercy as soon ris dry or the
'goose may leave the remaining eggs.
When all the eggs ; are ,hatched, shut
the mother in a coop for a few days
until the legs are 'strong enough to
carry the fat bodies, fOr the !Ad goose
will lead flieen long distatices. Even
.be-providel for.nighbsesed *et vtreath-
er.-Itiis sometiMed neeessary to drive to one, ,beside
her into this as she is Tilt° indePertd-slant, even heat: There are several
ent about. caring for tho-littto bade, ?.ritaltessn the Marketlind ali. give geed.
I always feed se /oral times a day its resulte. , All of them WZ.yrk MOYe tat.
they will erow fasterl then if left to
'Pick for, tlieneselvee.
• e
How to -reduce the nuather of goele
crs Is a problem that seems near solu-
tion in Saskatchewan. The Depart-
ment of AgrIculture of that province,.
in 1920, conducted a gopher contest
In the; selloolt, with, the restilt that
1798 schools entered, , and 2,019,233
gophers Were destroyed, at a: costae
'the department of • $3,159.75, or .156
cent each. 'What thie reduclien in the
• number, of goehers riieens. in the sav-
• ing of foodstuffs is hard to estimate,
but it 'would be very great,: at at.
anelyetis ef the pouches of one peeket
gopher showed 367 kernels of whole
Oats - •
. M1 a4ritge acre:of garden has been
estiamted to contain 55,000 Weenie.
refactorily from a .wall eireket put in ply \ tank .by an .electric Motot; much
for the purpose than from an ordinw .106r. is saved. The same meter can
electrieeli esp.-elect. be usedfor turnieg :the .ehurn. end the
_• e The Mingle ' itilee-Valeableetratehl lee: creare freezer. e eie.±.) '-:••:. a
for the: laiii: AllW:: -1-Tli-X66-Yetg ' eetlectrieitk even Peorlinees- te; de -'-eu
getting good results veithethg ma e "dishwashirtg• for aks. The dishes are
-depends upon a women's -.ability to ScraPede and put into racks which are
fold clethes, properly. If she maeters. plavleyvdeitner, atebyeliniiddeffereetnereldaningodsoathpe
bleis, nearly, all kinds of clothes can an
he ironed With the mangle excepting current turned on. This current mug -
these whiCh have ruffles. Rompers, es the water to become heated and to
children's sprees, mothers aprons, circulate freely. When the dishes are
shirts, and collars can be satisfaetere clean, the soapy' water is run out of
ely end quickly done with (he mangle. ..teheevetlewasher je
d clear etiervraetnisg
le ironing. with the mangle the worker y
places the° folded elothesshetween the turned on and the (lithe* elated in
heavy rolleis which are usually heated clear, het water. They are then taken
by gas, gasoline' or kerosene, and out of the cylinkr and allowedto
turned by electricity: Byeusing a dramuntil dry.
heat and cold
Mangle the week' ironing 'can be dope Electridity
in from one to two hours. • There iS 'and, Powerand light, and all of these
as much diffetenee. between using a tar be obtained froth the aiiine irino-
hand-iron and using a mangle as there eeet light or wall socket
borat compel the women-felk„..to
pen and.closeetwoorathreeNge
Itrotigkethiteenietle,--yarde -every time
they g6 out to ;leek up eggs:
,Wherf we consider ourselves as
earmerg for life, and make .farming t
practical study;•;:then- We ta e
pride in sur farms and live stoelt.
Diaecsow 3raNt3.---Tne handl- '
nig of 'these, skins •is our su0.
cielty. It1ft1 pay you to shio
to um if you have throe or moro
skim,. but on a lost number the .
freight charges 106 too heavy.
•• • -err, •
The eimootheet looking axle is
, rough; and pitted imply 'the
-.snicroscope,_Thepowdered mida
IA Imperial Mica, Axle Grease
1114 in this roughness. arid makes .
• every rubbing surface smooth. -:
• +''' a>
erly and will last"twice as long
as it ordinarily would.- '
Imperial Mica Axle Grease is
the beste•and ihost economical
grease you „can_ bey:fee: 'Ur.:
wagons arid trucks. • , .
Leather 13 honeycombed I with '.
pores -thousands of them to
, • . . every square
, inch. To pre -
\refit these
tiny eop_ere
ings 'from
au,b-sst,ori,bwienal '
d moisture •
erial ,
Eurc? Har -
Oil. ,„
tient ocloczeiap.dulike.tohpesipt;trres9pegfi - ---
_,-flexibIe_rind ,new-lOokiing; ' .
It contains no acids.and 1
it will' net turn rancid. I
Farmers, teamsters and
liverymen use and recom-
niend it
Sold in , '''%,
convenient tuxes givacaut
„ebvyttrwcOnthleorria.. .
p1',11.v AI,Olt. I, I MI ritIt.,)
• .