HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-03-24, Page 9t •
• "eb•••
It seented to Margaret Ward, spend-
ing two weeks in the CountrY •for the-
, time in ber life, that She could
rteVer ger her 1111 of green. growing
thin s elolly Spencer.' her cousin,
laughed et that. Molly's. inclinatione
tended away. from .growing thitigs:
• the 'hankered for • ; '
• "WI' fiught.to „change
• eQui yoe'denightY
. -site ,said ode dee. y,
• Seen .tlee of the' menoteuy of term cloVetidike leavee were still :grace u
gfeen. They. 'night be •dhard
rug breath of delight.'
of wild flo
..ipere was at. ie:setrs was limited, but
lanewiesitahhiedennotrftz .b:._ chanceer of her
:'te:large.4 edge efrtew tgbv.Attienr.
t1:3 :r1:(117:4:
r w 0 0 n01 s F. fl, :rdhsse
$.1' • °1111*g• but thei
1 ' •
1 bad tell along a dozen wifiding paths,
1 through brier petchee and across a
swift stream, the search Wee really
1.hopefese, front the etart. A' needle iu
, et haystack 'would have been. easy 1y
, comparison. - ;. ' • ".
1 , The faMBY weleolued her hack with
; good-nattired reproaches,' "Y'ot -love
r !the birds and Imehes better' than you
love your kin," staid VollY's father,
y jaughing. ' "It's ii. :pity you, and Alelly
a here Can't •change placefor. a little.
She's ,aehing to hear her shoe heels
. click on the pavements,. „aren't :on,
Byrd .'
. .
_ • - ,
,..-,.,,,.. nnwe.o.0,.n."91.•:•••••
1 One -day in rebrunrY Miele Adrian
Riale appeared .seddenly from. me • ie. Eas er
where. Margaret wae dismben
ehe'tonn4 hint genial and traveVelleb.
bY, 1n het room. The sight of bim
brought uti hard esseciatious; bet sho
' Untuaged to give bine a welcome, ••
I "Where's Molly?"'he 'demanded..
Margaret 'flushed. "Mohlyre
, Uncle Adrian explained, When : he
I had dropped in at Baruesfield a fells!
t night before, Molly west -about to cantle'
1 to town. • "The child wa so drOoPY,'
'round .CliristMa.s time," lie went 014
?that John 'Spencer said IwOndol be
r worth thee price of a calf' to give her
La change, andso they packed her .offe
Shell be. bunting you up soon as ever
she gets her bearings.'•)- • .
• the da before
• t 11 e y
,Margez•et Sinned. 'She' *as weeler. ul$ifits" aud they might. s6t: it wont
log 110 vc krOaii W:„Oltl. lai:o of I be WOrth while to make thettial.
She went hcrne with her 'spoils
keeping, ••with, a lodging house thoolt..
o IT- •wartn tiend t•ired, buauntt triumphantion
and Mon.?" •. Margaret caught the des u
Marime to ber. for inspect, Moily's blue eyes, and .her heart sank.
tarn to.et etc!. of the day.'• But.she
-T.400il••sortel," Mrs. gpencer said.
deidelteew b.ehave when
traimplantee; but it might thrive in
only said, "I •wisli I could take' a eneve•
of learnesfield back •velleme.", • . ,
•.: Ohl etnele Adidan Shaw,. another,
visitor et 'the Wen, lcoked up from Ws: ••41. warm room, I shoulit tufa•
4 'tinning, "That ain't a Itard" wiSh fo • on. her tutees in elle' garden, besY tee Idttic green plaut, the cause ef all
ra'rtt yourself," lie .observed. - : Ii
"- tg 4itleher trowel in the Yielding brown the .trouble„.' •Merghret turned her
ep a hardyeplant In ed. old ,)Iill.1, .001 th, etargaret.' made piens' for• the back on it end•watched theeflying land-
•••• weeds and eurry.it •Igteit. itt e'ent''' - 'eve- seeite•stou. : It sheplit' have a ,• scape, Every. time' she •ceught 'sight of
Miele Milan/ ''spettr. lti:s.' . tiftpr. ill' •place of honor fp the warm e•orner of a gold autumn' leaf lying solitary she
• ' cheerful 141.'41,1'M:tie's dlle Dud (Pe, a .d. „et -el. 1... ...' i . it, 'n whiled' tile gave ft jump. , . k • ••• •
land When .1,,litrein'et 'senelieeltlift . sue stmistimes shone. She•.sang le, h• 'By the tline'the.engine blew 'for e
• " • ' .• tie tinat- I eitV stetion she•was pesitiye that Ole.' over the silland adiust his glasses„
. .
• Alia Helm! Ile said suddenly;
and.'ip'epite Of 'her woe- she laughed.
. . .
aloud at the epeer exclamation.• •
. . •"dliare• right, laugh," her visitor,
Said, tattling •.to beam 'o.n. her.' Yit'.s. a
dark titue of year, this Pebruary, hut
She was glad then it .was time to go.
The jeurney back to the.eity was
dime). Beside her on "dile beat,
shealbe'd in protecting stiff paper,,vvas
- Margaret was silent While her visi-
tor talkedome 11dolly in the city with,
Out letting her know; eSurely she
wottid not .earrr her resentment So
tar. Still, Uncle Ad•rfan, had been
cheerfully certain ot information.
Sbe d14' -'not want to ,question. hint on.
that subject, aterwam.- • , • -
. "Yoe: /oat liolliere4, Maggie," the
.old man.saill suddenly': He ruminated
a ',while; regardinkber averted face.
"W‘elh these ate herd' times," he ot-
fered itresently. • "Ent the,- .old,„Fteue
has- managed to gather some Moss,"
wasereaching for. his Pocket, but•
Margaret saw. the movement end
caugld, erne • '• •
• ."NO1 eflease, dail't!!.!. she begged.
he effered her nioneyeagaiii it would
be the' hest.streek.
Untie Adrian, vybo• had the 'Wisdom
th.at• is better thee tinderstanding, rose
an(1 strolled' -to the window:, Margaret,'
watching hiS bacle dehated. with. Tiede,
Self . whether ,she should.mention 'his
first gift or net. She: was :eo preoccu-
Ailed that 'she -slid. not se.e him :bend,
• found that leethed iltift'et eeeee •te; he enstomed task, ' Then,' th•towing the ; gold. Piece was. at the. bottom of the
. ,later.' for Turt,....11.:torny.O.m..‘k,14 herseit as .. 1.(, • . .
had driftee In, • w'.-; ;tont a• wbtd ;a • trowel down,' she sank hack • on 'her ; swift 'woods brook,. • She 'remembered
' s:Ping. .' •• • ' ... ... " .. !-....'• • ••. • knees aud. wiped her„hot face. . What ,•distinetly haying. picked up' a .1nruddy
"But it .116 toid y.:10 heie nretterdy' enee. Plettehing. be like? , ,•. • I stone „Jest there; of course' slid had
. plants in the soutn..t.vowl.;•.• then there !.. `the re,st! of. the :work. was „eat„.ler; Pulled. out.her,handkerehief to wipe
.., nee," heeeinutEhrity 1-11 ed 'her. 'die' lett by; 1.1e,-tinle.tlyi last ouricieef earth .her flegers. NYell, with the• money so
knows. You'll &id, art i'entity.ilev.,ei, hail been, 0.("1,ctid. Into ;,t4ie Pot 'dusk utteidy lostelt• woald" be sheer cruelty by-Aptil..you'll be ,as joyful as your
..,.. ' etiot hi the Ohl pie, 1.11/irtrartd; iihe g,eott was, tallei,:.• - , , • , th-tell Molly. Instead, she would put 1 flower -see if you're not With that,
• ^ .rich• sell ie tbsegerden.* .. • .. • : The gatt• 'clicked,. and .'Nlolly .ceme ;,10Y eovertti. dollars. eVery, week •apdl.ee toot hihiseit 9ff, • • . •
. • . ,.. . • ,V-.' . I ,
: Melly latighed aelt11, .'11,0ek at her ,gwiegeig desert the wale. • ••Still grub- .. ,send ni the whele .ametint. by Christ- •• . Margaret • wondered -.Iffy what, be
• eeyou'd tidelc•she 'wee da the tree of• hing?" she 'challenged ' Ss she. paused i nuts.• , • - • .. ..
. ,
MS is the tale of a lily bud that would
not .blOOM as., a lily 'should. The
• little girl gave .it her, kindest care
- she wanted it so for Easter Day; but ever
. the 'lloVier seetned to stay stiffly wrapped
in its little green hood. On Easter Eve
;not sign of white; The.little girl looked,' ..
then turned,away. • She didn't ,have even
a word to say, but.she cried herself" softly
to .sleep that night., ' • 4 1'
, At twelve o'clock, or a quarter of, fairy -
Raindrop and fairy Light and fairy
Beauty and fairy .Love (the our good
fairies that .set things right) came and
worked' in the dark of the. night. They
climbed the stalk apd.the tall green 'stem
and dusted the -leaves and 'polished them;
they slowly opened the tight green -bud,
and,smodthed baits petals creamy white;.
two. of thern carefully' lifted up. the- fair
•• frAilfhelf OT the lily' cup,filled it with sweet--
• nesi,..all• it Would,hold,' then ,POwdered it .
deep AVM shining gold.
• meant. •But she was 'chieflys,concerpe
treastIre.:.YOU ..)"):61;e• lIVAity her. :eouein.. • "Going 'to 'take..'" .BuC the Weeke MOVedgwiftly tOwaid wieh trying to detide, what to do
••••biiriotl Margarett,and Olaf you'd slui•re if with t t lik?aey fereeg beedieduler•one arm? Christipas,"and Ile. sum grew siowil. Omit. Molly. She would • li•ave liked
r•ne,.so that'l wish: that you waile going,l take inc ng re found 'that the task would lo,.Walk.estraight up to the fticluia
ley's :Invitation 'for : JuSt ,inaleae" • Margatet cattle hastily to. l?e hard.or then She had theitglit., 'Het heuse and ring the 1' ie
ti t .• enough for a. Hew lett Lind ileings „,....her• feet. :1\lolly'e' last .Words. had re-
. . ..
: • and.I'd•go beek to 'town Withymil."' called' with e rush what: in her abeor-
' -1‘11rgeret was-thiakieg 'el it.•1011‘,0a -pupa. $11e had' utterly forgoten, tipele
-• eager werd.s ae on ,her. iasQgolden .ttf- Adriun'S',g,ift! Her hand :fl4w" Ili: hr
ternoott she •••set:_Out• • for the:woods,' .Peciiet; ,the4 'she. gave A rale- gasp.
'besket.itiel trowel in'entici., Her einn•;-• ,The•Pin„'and t1'--.0111 ware- both .gint!
. ' lit %vas-. till. inol•e-or • lewi • ..0 'stranger -,• Molly was anoving•lOward the house,
-.to 'her, for the•Speneere, had .'only..vee: eserenely : tied:Ware -.of . (Mester. She
'.eentlY nieved from' tlreir • ,Weptern '4 ,c'elled •,over hr shoulder. , • that there
' • hot-Ile:to the Bart:el...field place,' . MA was to •,be.•ice , cream ' for supper in
, the. two . girls were'. vary ..0engenial, 4 honor of Margaret's last,. evening.;
.* though . sometlnies.' '1\latgaret • • was' : 'Margaret.stotel stock-s&ill he theevq1-•
obliged:to simile .atf ,,lollyr!s., funny ight.. It seemed incredible that such
• „t10 whinis. ' . '.'•;. •. • ' •• •.,.a.' dreadful thing Could have happened; ,
e"She'd, jet':.elothe.s. ekeele-. het. 'Trent yet the 'empty pocket waS, an' unint.
:, laltieg..thartrin;" the elt.y. girl tuneed, 'peathabte witness. '. She . 'tried .to•
. H•NroP, 1d. las„ve ceine down here, •,if ' I, steady • her thoughts ante takes,apeount.
' :Itaclettleiteat:tdgrass bagel' ., ..._ •• , i of the matter.. The eakety. catch 'bed
,.., ' She Alls... stoning, at her 'diva. n on: l'heen. in plage the first time; that was
.- 'sense. as, :she •paused 'at theefittle •poer.1 certain. Later oe' She muSt. have nee
''-;1ollice.anregeliettdlig.sone letter that ita.steneddt..ahsentenitide,dly,to get her
, wesethere ter: her, .,, As :she"enfolded 1 handkerchief and flicked the -coin Mit-
„ehe .'single :sheet . of, paper it'Coiti 'slid I On the soft 'ground.' .• That 'seemed' the -
, Into her:hartd,T. The_letter'hiehbotel„otly.-explanation. '• • • • • , • ... • ' ,
-e.e.--,'„A-41.,_etrange. •postmarlt, was • signed Ad- ' Margaret ' gtoaned:. She was . nor'
' Ilan Shale 'eed was:levy-1nel. It Cold' thinking of her_dieleless„,:hut of her.
:.'her that tnele 'Adrian was.,somdlitig a, consin45.; To saye herself' a little fu,'
little•*gift''Itt, Molly artil.'herself,--ae- 1-coevenienee she had taken •the, foolish
'd ed 'to• her. as 'the 'Older.and • it rislt• and now 'poor Molly's.hearts de-
eendetle-abruptlyel.d.N.o_.thanks-':. • There..
was , h0. return- addms.; . .' .- 1 . ......
,. The' old uteri:- Was, -give.a 4ro-:tloing
such things, and to •doing': thent in. his
own-pecullar ,way,""..bitt: Margdret via.s,
astonished when 'she looked at •the, got down bit. her -hands:arid tes an •
coin. . • It! , was a ', twenty7deller ' gold. groped- about .ie a half-hearted fashion;
• ..__ „ .
sire was lying Somewhereapywhere
-out :yetrtrer-fnethe-t-eneaereeeo'r-necirse.
e'dier,ewhich,,she had beets. rambling: .
With a faint. liiine-tba:tetheetreigiady-
might have occurred.nearer home She
. ; Then . she took up her plant and
aWhy,blese, Ills heart!'” she said fee). ;walked. slowly back to the Ithuse. She
vently: oeNly half will pa.y my dentist's VIiii§' net going to leave Barneefielden7
.....bm,...... -.And Mally!se-l!ttle:M„ellY: can. til the•afeetnoon of the netct day; that
' have bet hat and .fixings, so she cans.", Weeld give her the in
7 --41'. UrniTrg-1-0-,:g45:- 1)a.clf_ti.k ...the house, which to search for the moepy. „. It
: 'eh halted uncertainly. eMolly ought would be- a needWanddlaystack best--
tQ have the great 'news at•once, but .- •, b t he Would do her best. , .
the snn was already Itiliing:- After She made a bigeffort o appear gay
. a 'few:. moments, . of irreselutidn„.,-she and naturitl 'et 'supper; but all tile Otte
•• ,decided to, keep' Go. She; slipped the eslie : wits busy .with • her diffictilt.•Prob,
, plece•of meneyeintos•the brea.st Peeltete lent. • She Would' replace the• Money
.••-• Of her •svreateanti-pin-ned the -pocket 1 frcito her 'owirsalarY; of course. Mean-
.earefally With a -strong clasp pin fi ten i "1.N 11 e„
• s'.:" the tie dit .of her IA 11'-0 Th Tha I,- S a met pened,"Ue, net ?' St.I.i'ejy Molly had a ,
ly.e. eear, before the matter could be
. .
. pocket akil:Idn had, .ciftee ,diene shatter ; right to 'klItitV,; and yet, the knoW16.ake-. set right. -That Was-iintliiiikohle. 'A:
service When She hurried fistful 'her 1 vein:it ' only ' make her .:unheppy.• letter' .:,fieoni._,Elatnestieltl. •• seen after..
. iroOni late SatlirdaY'afteenceine-to buy 1.1dirougli. ,the ;bettered . mtifilns aml Christmas ,added to'ber,euthapoiness:4,
--eee-1--- her • Senday: stipPlies "at the,''grecery I broiled.% 611,101q.1),' \t 11 wrestled • Molly,. writing With. floarishes on new
":--•: 'rroencl.• the,- corner, r't he : action ' made 1.•witit herself ;,. hy. the time she ,had stationety, :e,nurnerated her ..'gitte:',
;•the' ice --elleatti- here d'ee',ICeeping eite:'"best--for,-ehe-last, like a
her thiniteof..fowti. with 4 .I.ittle pang"! elciked•clown
• ' of distaste, • . ---..4"7 • •, - - •• - , ..'.• .,1 eision -o t- taken:L.01re emuld :keep hee child; she announced -hi .a. pottsbript
•'• The. south 'WoodS were_ sweet. with .divir'cotensel 'fol. itewhile, • - that her godnfolher had sea. her '110'
ealeyeeaetnam.• and t‘,Iiirgaret".• took a ' :.$11e,,,:senut Cite petit.. foi•eitoen Lir:the eeeers. ' • . . - • ,' • • • -- -
. .
..: --,roevii-.-.0-nlielittelte ,With• a little..more_
shouTW' she fell -Whet hadelutp:-
• —
.The little girl stirred ill her sleep. to • °
. say, wanted my flower for Easter. Day,"
° Then her eYelicls-moved, for ,she'. dreained
she heard laughter and ° whispered•
word, flutter of wmgs and Silver crles,-.L. •
"Quick, be quick,. or' she'll open her eyes'!",
• And deep in:her-dreams 'again she stirred..
The fairitls fluttered Around the wpm,
,and hid themselveS in the fireplace, and
.cldng In the gauzy curtain's lace, wviting •
. for dawn if day to • come ;-* and the littls
girl slept 'Fah sffille an her face, and tho•
tall white. Iltrwer .Was :fair in the gloom. '
At peep of, daylight she Nvtikeneir wide
,"Easter is here, I. think," she said.
• She sat up straight in. her little he--
. and thought of the Illy plant,
Then day brake over the edge. of the wood, .
and a ..ray ; of. sunshine came peeping
,thrOugh A.nd shone. on•tha,spot w'here' the
lily stood. , • • . • . • f
".0h, most beautifa—look!"- she cried.;
She . could scarcely believe that•it was true,
yet: there was the illy, brave 'and new.
"Everyone° come," she: Cried, f`and see
- what a i.,,vanderful. thing gas happened to
°. me!" . • , •
The flatver'' nodded .away :in. the° .
'The fairies folded their tired wings—dear '
little helriful, happy things—and silently, '
• •-,1.,Aaftly stole And the little girl sang
• .all.Easter Pay! .•
hear : ' •
answered. "It bloonts 'at Easter there," , •ouestion. ...She was already.:, halfway
dotv-andstoOd gazing at it. for a' while:: .
'ittilier WeeklY7darnIng,with a lighter
Where 1 carne Item," . Mra. .;'Avery: closet.•: But Margaret did not hear r. 6- '
Somehow' its: .braye :beautY, Made, her siZetaisveats4sotreafid417enrc- the . Starr).* pink
• ''
gaeeteontethe Plant' back. in the ',vin-:
glad in spite of herself. She .
• ."'We call it elle' "'ilia in ngland, ly ;from. the depths of •• the clothes'
Wheh 'She had. Pgt the room Mai Mai., down the stair's°. ' She had one hand.
, . , ., ...... fl.errilmn,libinilliegr'tehoertiiiittlLiudoe:wlidth-ofthfreagr,otanhetr,
'Alielnia.: that as hat whet. 1.1riele Ad- . e.
Nan had 'Meant,' After .611,4: It a'ai t 1:Yripg is Conning, yes I know, _,....,,,e...
enringtime, and. EaStet. , As she send For the birdies tell7Meletie ' e',--- -
her neledie swiftly in and--out-she--deel'eeheyjate singing inehe trees.. !
cided, o Rep ' her Useless wo.rrYilig• :MY delightedeheart to -Please:•••'- e
At length she folded. up•hereeork and.,1 • ' . ,• .- '
„pnt.±on be r .raincoat and rubbers: TheitA All Of nathre, everyv,therer
„she PtosSeci the •room, and PIeliftl. tit 1 In ilieTilofeheireeteWill ;share-
. .
the rosy plant.' , • „....zeothiticrenammit _flowersesayl
•.beiou -d'owit- et the ehurch," ' .' :
• • Spring is coming back out
she said. "There'll be nothing lige,
lie -r •in the Whole elihneel teeuerzowe '
I know there won't." . • ' : .:'
HeLlueieid ;wee. on ,the• knob : when.:
Spring Joyousness.
there'. came a: Sotimd- ofelight stens ren-
ning up the stairse:The next instaitt
-refine, rerite••was. „raised ,e.the first of teen took her two seuares_and then her the door tlew open. The shoe. o eo ' •
. .
, .
• Th-eYe w theeectild- s'o gezee,
In her floral, spring array . -e.
,All my heart.is singinget000 • :
In this jOyous time to Wee. '•
'Oetbber;• last irear'a shoes balked a conrage failed. • • '• • • tacit sent Alargarere 'litirdeti, SpinTfbag•-•••-LOve_is creeping, in our bearte;•
feether servite, dite-dentisrS-0111-.Was.- - --Mrs--sPencer wrote'. after •a" •while ' •otrt of her arnis to the floor. ',.: . AiAs_'old-Winteren-oweleparie; e -e-
unexPeotedly high. When .she broke that she could -hot understand Why the',„e---"011, what have 'I done94' 'the „ in -l• And • the warmei• daYs will seeni,
her' glasses just after .thanksgiving, two girls seemed to be seeing so little tiuder cried. It Was Melle4 •SPeneer, I Alakeng 'fie so sweetly dream, .• :
she was seized With panic!. ' It Was like' of each Other A later' letter bought . bretighenp, shert in alarm'. . . . ' 1 . • „ ..: . "
trying to•-elitnb a greased pole. ' ' t t two • edger ['thrilling spring is in the air.
, . .
After it While 'the panic subsided to
grinding :wortdr,• If she 'Raved only a
Mai gal e
hands! and .drawink•ber a,efess• .the 'Melting life all seem. so fair:
threshel,d, thrust her hite •e• 1; That our hearts all. long to ,sing
•"Thinle_of iteethe priee of'a ticket to
. money, Meg, I could •.snap up Hilda
the newsthat Atoll): had found we:irk
de.the city.'
-Margaret' was 'troubled afresh:
• •
Tdizowetemeehetr_own_segeurcese,Moll "You've .eonie to. see me I" • she eried. ..Wilt the' joVousnees of epring • •
would be needing; moneY Ulore than MIL
s 'Wha -odtve'rlonetu;-- -- - -
-- -72- ---:-----------,--- ''''' •
--L- I
.. - ' • - -.- - - -_---„, . • _,...._ _ Msylly!s dark head dipped I had: • '. ----------'740-7---- _
M' With the first :So come,'-alle tretlurect-11:Pubill-ws-'41" Easter-Egis-in-ther
ardi pasied sloWly:-
glirke i.a.sharned. tp, . end that's the truth,' • . ' , , .
Margaret, -•I resin(' into writing that I Probably brs
neteope eeni
. n aetheee :
b. •
. • „
-ussaan—ta ster rvice
'tintrYt Stri
. Ink her that there ha
w.as.1 teful 'letter jest :the way Pyrnsiled ;end who buyt 'Eaeten e -es kecle•s how
co _
something •almost -tunny ilbmit the Way ; into rteatn a motnent ego., What, they ate made: •
she had forfefted alt of 43at.110.:sti.e.m.ier2.S•01.1 going to d.0'0W.. Your "Plifut ,Astat, • of fhe psis ,are :made 'be'rree
'ertineri Pirst sOft "
for elle Sake a few-eeearee_es etei ..seergeteet :stooped' to up the
With sudden .distaste she eatigik titi4 broken. poi.7,771Ther-terne fierist f- . . . 3 Irt"'s
escape. -The- weather Ifts w.arin and it lieautiful?''- . • . in. teuldroner.and then; .A`hen still ,
bright; it Could .SteY there, • Mit of As 'shd lifted the. Plant' somettrinc'esti-fte-24-ttlee,-datte..lutoLe.b.tettgeor hriek-
0 _agarin t,. and alb dr- Ingretli-ee ts .boi 1.. •
the little Pet end set it Pot .on.the are help me :otti';'.' she said, ,.."Loek,
• Iltitillers---brvitation-it's--tetne--aP-14 • fell ,to• the:flobr Willi a sharp' eItek-;--it-, shaped preceS, -Of eitanyeellefeeefu-sizei
_ . • . Ned dte `Walking in' cal yen." . • .• ' The . day berote Easce"17,. was 'daititTsmal.14iim-111,..ahleet ellat rolled ee 1 ft1•3, • eia e . T1 )ieoes are
--oraMei.f.e..e.tieuLae Inspiring 14,,f1,14 1,11(' maudrite. that the was. empty, Til'll•t-laght,Alltlzgairel;:t_Wrcle-teeeMeilY. withee!bie atidemise Margerei 'cieree lindel, the sofa, maa-e.-a di\ P. Hiirowli -liege-copper _catitdeons
lean breast of vt' fill h • -but lee e ou a ail ts )111 11 0- • • •• ' ' • '
• ,inidnighte•Easter tuns:Slit • the7eatire'trreFVaTffilliTtrriX4.41e,•011-4-Eajl-t-a _ • \sell ide•open, '-ga meg. ninths. --. • • '
. S ?tin at •nocm-groin her:work. lieed-liked- • . . g. • • .
't • .1 '1 d' t • ' • t' •
. - tt,..g.k.VAUtti•••••tix•lip,,,,,.....,...-.4..•.......-..:-..,,.,.......„„,„....,,,,„_„,;,' - Lw.ard the fireplace. and, maltieg geld' -' When...the • 'sci-fi 'sugar bricks' at•s•• • •
--"Freeerie- Hamilton, • ..turineris.. of the, '. fa,ltdie.. the 'bier „and f its - aceeeseti es Mot cifildi ti It iti . it S . petulant • . „: , I ••I ..suppcse ire'ehari.Severlast fag Ole tte.eupd shape tlemselvee ' lititte• eggs,
.. • .1 and.greW ilai.•dee.aed'hatelere elthatzge .
.1"Crliigi'-dild'aninfiee-Perviee,.......g.it es.. .0 l'I&'pro .relito-v ed.' [he 1)1 announced', -Mat`gnret--cola :not ...restrain .eall•rA ritl•I'll‘Illgre'•fl..e.AsvlietrGY‘v'evi.,415.S 'II/tilting. back •the i piej•scie,:' she said,. . ... . . ._'... ..
. . . , . elle..rede.' , ... , .. , , ., . ',... _ctirtatii,4, to 'get ductre.:tighlf.e.e."" -ce• s et blinked. at the thing, the. insuleeetilles.-soft.• And, atter the....
' • '" , ' "r - . • -•""'" ' lied been. inistteressfel- whereupon he ,' • NA, 1,*. eir eat th.' iolly vole, tn. a • sontething.,that noeieethouglee•etin.teletu''...10;,e'llthlieabe.wihIclre. d: ., ..... :. . e , '.;,. . '11 "Anil" is .fer Lind ie' 'is'' 'ciiiorecl4 (0 911
-etriltieg-a'ecount ef t•heesplendid ,sbece.to...the archimiitidrife'llititethetr gein.t•i,..em..1.1e; it?
• flurry of 'minute -it. peatlturitibn points. ' swered • pressing her face deatest 'the i Moll: hail a. teem:- to ()ncl., , You, ,the taste -J..- ' • - - • • '
• • •••'tat It' . We. wertesalwaYs requested to• 'Celan 'orderee.them icresalte a•furfiter search. „didn't .on tell inc at li vs i.9. 'I • Id • • : "'S••• •- 11 e. W' ' 1:: .'• ' • 'A.'. • --• .' 'flipped. lt bet- with veer. Auutd kerchief ,...1 fi I-
nowolit.cs , rttlInfel.iii , bieoei;n111,,,r . id:;tritty.i.ttr. pi:iikt:eit. grie.. at:•.:In-u-(-.1."-Te-rg-gs
• „ • - . •
' In. lull unif•Orm, mid we stoot• his,ide 'cditsitle the chm•cb. . Th,e3. went outehave fentid the 'Money then'.; 1, that.everiing.:. thew ;•olt shoveled it in 1' ".2"•'.
:street •crystals. The.crystalrzedehpir
'the retie 'of ;tee icoeoRasie. 'behind. erelese timed -their Tettiell :as. te'arrive eleeti• in _drifted. leaves. Ilere'e' our sure etmettli,...the plant, .peshed 9close.i
. . . , •
' • the window •sill hail • come Ito.'tll'tr'ac
'With the earth," - . . ,
' • • "rl els right' here. at Inv the size pi, jest half the •egg, and thee, '
if -14'1111s," :Alt -1 rgaret . is• mOulded. into •egg shape, in Inotildi
. , .. . ,
and thki delicate sughr hewers ' and
Vol al.•darltnet4.•:- - - , , . • - --• .• •••
. • fol. As .. tee -„Ii rsi• trolte. of midnight but 1 (1O Wan e yOu. forti:,eating nie shonethe d'irififte 0 Illee'''-delietteeleattlernd.lallf_d II le t a e... ten S, It •,.
pained •ft''.'n 'effige:ef the d.ead .01.1.0`4, 'elFetrle signal. giv.i,n from • 1,ie eittlie-"'However,. ' I. dowerEs le". ;teeter&,:marearet einneee at: hot; in sin.pi•i,,„.., hane ceelier-consin's • arm, I Ithow". made of real feethers, whiclietre glued
been able trf save pp to 'that time • • "It doesn't Qeein a hit like IN ••te • • jiiels 761-71rIrrtcr%"67"1.41Tir
:0. wee evep perlieWa touch ef the 1 priests Walked up anti down with The, little grilie letter. -that i'2,ame Ave..d", - she' 'remiu4ted •It W4as 1‘161134" wile. caPtured tile 7
. .
'• rou .1 •
of hilt '',•barbarie, his rentiniseence's Lerd! ;while •they cat4;, wit irlind„dmek by return wits danteladye•wAto. had mile •upstelie to thing. held .it old ''sletinefeeed!tuft the. pieces • .rolling. tt.;
• leo st; pstreeree,.. There,. search . 'reund the church. and.' the .•
Alte-7diele. The thee- toearrvve infote the ickon'i.tefhses„, at thleie enite .104 doller:1; you inteste 1, sem me •
about heir bast eleven lit Ifighte-witten ;1114";- ivefore Again, ritey., re; tuoilen ' I'm net kllpitl enough ,to Perfect lo intent' hei while. it. The t•siltd s . t
uLS 0111 uuu' ibe We's -*yapped' *- almOst Por.ted that the.e. had beeir tinLwhite nowsrs 0,1bow," „,.§1W,,roorerd YeTilrow. t he. two ehalkes • trye sealed toget.ter,
- •
showed a stilt) of sin: on svfrich was• fond %eke, "C'brist . .1 , N. ,teat, • - • • garet had enduite gut ,
looltxt1 116.1.1r' 'are -Atilt eon- asid ecitlored_hYe,
trite ,a, thl'ec-yeer-old stars:" ', •
;tinder the .dome stood a, catafalciite vealed froindlie;great eloek, the rii,tr6-
101.011 • le s 101111111'f) :WU; Wprst 01)( I,W a "Sometimes the alleluia plant, bros. ' 'Molly mid tile tool: of relief; for , . ..• .• , .. ......
lb, first .tino, she reativ.e.t evliat 'e'er- 1 :' e
. • . . . • , • bane. • .
• bearing a ,gilt coffin., 'ilie .onen t p ' f l'etregrad elmotlilecti :It a bitter • signiticatit little blot. hlurred:' sonis exactly (et time,". tee.latuthide , • . i ,-, • art ea $ • • •
ii 1 le • ' 1Theettuffr little 'Easter. chicks. „are'. _ .
• risel'" At nil • • • - •
•for' It should lia-renteitibered tite-4.-11„0...dral: the etrittlery: et the fortress- • . • sorrel," silo (.111114, etatr her I hew' rinveSt.Pd.ri 'She settle' to a body gvneralty entide • of 'papier- •
. " beamed out iu e entitle of one handrei .
rink,. i 1 e_iet_i,s_.,1e• geneottoite • was .
tonclied.off, end the swift flash kindlee.'"-4 '
f (I Mstinds of eandleseeme ••
lear‘reVor graven allowed
ti iTnifeh-:-or-uto Ate -el
.eye grew .acrustoitted ,to the Shadows?
tens of thousands of unlighted minding.
the tere o
oitilining the ar1 hes. the ((11 1(105 ititi nieg• round the building,. The emir- .,
the•elher..areltitectittat feetures Of the Mous 1 0l1g1pg109.0. lighted the tapers.
• eathedfill'were'•just visiblec 'The Wick they carrieil,•the-"royal (16(irs1':of 1.11W
Of eft,;•lf of these, emetics, had been
• • ;',„tel101ed :With • yerosene and 'Was kir:
'rounded. with it thrend^:er
witleirtran'from candle W .eahdle.
At half', past eleven the only light
was 'front the Acandlos round' t le hie1,
Where black -robed priest3 Were, chant. • Nothing nuire dramatic,,More Mute+. •
' ing odlee -for si.„'e. 00111.d possibly be finagined tit**
•the.dead. '•At about twenty nrInutos to the almog instantaneous eimege from
1e0t10:babIS wefe tie•own open, and as.
the cbott. burst' into the beentittilflute
shut Onkel. anthem , the • clergy up;
reared, in their festival vest„M'ents of
tenth of gold. •
And'' so tive Master, mese began.
twelvn the hiln 11 %Vt Iliawn. ()vet the
•dettd Christ, and the irients) feigning
Sttrortse, qtivati c;art to .3 110 ,VAils of the
ie011oStasis'itndant minced 10 (111 tirchi-
intew.e. gloom: to blazing light; from
•thooplaintiv(I 'dirges of the funeral se11!
vice te the • Jubilant. straine • of the
1eister inane •
aster, Morn
MAUI' GIL brii'Ve Wind-tloA,yers, in your sheltered . mioks ;
Lift highyour golden erewn, fair daffodil*;,' '
Sing, sing your niaddest melody, 0 li.rook.--; , .' -•
.. 'De wfiv!d,..but Yesterday, was 'grey' A114 ellill.
Narcissus nesqling in the'Acrider grass..i. ,
' „And,violets.blue As ore the. skies ,tbove,
Hark to the rapturous- song in -.winds tht.)t °pass: ..
"I'Wo'thing,i there be. illimrifttil—.1;11e and I.o-vo '
, . . .
.. .
0 1.11Y,\. lifting bp Yciiir fragrant breath • . . ,
. ,Where snowflakes spraut themselves.but yesterday,
You softly crY:- "Where is thy stlup,-,- 0 death
. p grave, where. is thy .bousted 4VictUrY?".
e ,
UL l,4 "To Itarneetield fi)rIdliSt•Or.' Wei" . ; mache, _although. s °met in) es of .wool,''
, .
•Mtirgai:e4 ?•1•ho41;.....itrr eeait. lee, ,; ...nieen :01" m 0 -( .
y .
SI'lle said! “1 'w{111t '3`.°11.t° 11`1A.P 1.1 all: i 1,14",*1 otttting 'lin '(if the Vatter; 15, a- •
;VII ,tn,iist • he 'needing ft; Inv,' t 110 t .,11,111 I • : ' ' • ' • .
t,d '_1.,1p1 t tii'.4....411.1.(1 S.r. • In OS tly dote' by,„.
' . seee,e../ (...res heeen fe 4,1e -re. "oiee, ; girls m ho .",Ttaild'iltr•-----ethy -,n-ai.ling ittri
Ina' t•ni no -Ionizer- P1 ing.in 11)110 'he •-soft feittbers• on,the forms, as., tile
,I said, "The city 11 1' 11114' 111 Vehrhary. :.boilies are, called. Tbett I he bodies '
I hut . when' spring came hat...lt 1 1110'w ; are turned over 10 the men Alio Color
• i where I" belonged, 'flurry'. \\ 1)414 the'm ti'41.-61, 4. .glue is ilried; - •
• ' 1 yotir •sttit ease, dreg? 'litie's...down at! T1: . • • e ••• -
Iese nten -art- exrpilrnt werkm(n. -
the deer. W.0 can ta hi..,t he fly e-rt-el'o ek ' . • ' .- • . . •
, i and' Sit •vitli• theft' biatsltee,aed „paint
jtoil) 11141 )11 0111 to the -ferat,, ii:pok. -.. , 1
the suivs• Awing for 0141, ;41)0.01;4) t-i.,,,,,t,...4 catvlier,•; tt.l . cloy., '01)1' 11131011 an.
Sleeves foldime bleits.os and ,col -.1r;.(11 In at' It. to (TiOr the di 11( .1ft t to '
levy. lug nili,„, t'Tlie sonth 'woods ' are, '0.0 alh.e1'4. ' After tbey are. c •lial •.,it ;ht.," •
on0 mass of altelltelleS,'''shoellteg over 1,, look .0xSctly .1.111, a e1,11.wil.. 6f 11.1,V
her shmilder•lo itl a t gavel. 'who i„itood ;Hee; reiel,e,:n.!: ,
wavering in' a shaft of sunliebt. . 1. 'Thee •tie,.. 'el* • drivil
Mat'garet hesitated ire homer, "Ill ;•
be 13.1e1as soon tis 1 tifend me ellelela Ill' ''`I 113 1'4'1 i"" i".' s41 ''''''''''.• "''''''''
1.111111'1.e iht,c ler‘e lette'cle.„ e•ee ..>.t..s
p.,1111‘11,." she Sale.. •
' "Leer what?" .eitilly o.oheea, hollow -1 hot on then12,,
.......,..,, .• .•
• r•b