HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-03-24, Page 1' e -.. c. S1 5.. TS° " $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; , $3.fgOTHERIVISIt. Ido 10r Mills ' t Are `working day .. and night Bran 'and Shorts on • hand. MVEN. W. E, • TREE "o-o--o•-o. o EVERYBOY'S £OLUMN o O op 0' -0 0 MONEY' TO LOAN on mortgages and notes at reasonable rates:. Fire insurance; both stock, and Mutual Companies. Conveyahcing done with neatness.: and despatch. Geo. A.'Siddall, Broker. Lucknow. los C, o .11 0 0, 0 _0 o o° to. o. LOCAi.'AND GYRAL 1 l Tomorrow Will be , Good Friday, and .a public holiday. If you want .to meet your friends I9ok in at Mackenzie's.:, They will be there.' " Inspector Bald this week paid his official, visit td the, schools of Luck - now and vicinity: • See our new' samples of wall paper -good .,values. --Dr. p ei e's Drug • Store. ' .Come in and see tables loaded with at • McIntosh's. . ' Now -is the . time Wiser, A ear . of just srived' °Geo: DR. PARKER, OSTEOPATH. at Cain. to u Y th Y r kn House. rieknow,'every. Wednes- day of rnoon. All chronic dis- eases s cceasfully ••treated.. `Os. teopath . removes ' the physical :causes._ f disease. Adjustment of the' spine is mere quickly.recured -and wi fewer treatments by .'Os- teopathy than by any other , method Best ma ket price for 'a11 raW--furs Let • 'me'' ow' when. you have any ;.Phone 85, Lucknow. , 2o- 1-tf. •. B. Pearlman.: the racks :and * Day bargains • to .get your Fer- Gunn's Fertilizer S. Rohertsou. You . can deal "1`I. l9•''•, of L." a sledge hammer blow! ,l shopping at McIntos,h's on Do r Day.. We are' ply, to know. that Mr. Da ,f d_ -Hackett, of Ashfield, who last week underwent a critical operation on his head, is improving: Boz .Social --at° Crewe School, evg. of March 28. •Program,'.a'plaY, "The lj jj acon's Secend Wife." . Admission 25c, ladies. with •boxes free. On Dollar Day our bargains : will. not be confined to only, certain lines of merchandise, but . on every, article and for everybody. -D. R: ,McIntosh. Mr John Joynt had so far .recov- ered from his Illness as to be able: tai ..came, home Saturday 'night, and return . to the city, on Tuesday • Rev. R. IaeCallum :d. Mrs. 3: A. Glenne visited on Tuesday at the Ashfield Manse : where : Rev. Mf r. HaPner- die is' iii with an attacku NATIONAL DEBATE FILLED" 'THE. HALL Eloquent Speeches and: ' National Music • Make iteaeing Program. There was a regular feast of pat- riotism in Carnegie Hall,: Tuesday night 'whets -English, Irish, Scotch. and Canadians heard much of the good that may be said of their., res- pective countries. It was the occas- ion, of a "National; Debate" conduct- ed. under auspicli. = of the Lucknow • Men'S Christian. Assiiciation," .and. the average man's love • of a contest was demonstrated by the well-filled hall 'which, greeted those who took part in the program. It was all home talent: and it was: nearly a11:a town audience. The resolution read: "Resolved That the Country I ' Represefi is -the Best," Dr.. G. A. Newton spoke for England;- Mr, D. G. • Mackenzie- set. forth the merits of Scotland and 'the Scotch; Mr. D. C: Taylor toldof what good there is.. in the Irish, and Mr. R. D. •Cameron sounded " the praises of Canada, the land to, which English, Scotch and Irish come. There " were no appointed judges, and 'therefore no ' official• verdict; so each auditor acted .as judge for him or :herself, 'The addresses were ail of a decidedly high,'order. Much that is good, of course, may be said Of. any, member of "the Greatest Em- pire that has. been," and though :the speakers were, limited to fifteen min- utes .each, the barest outline of what they said cannot, be given here. They were Well ' .calculated • . td impress • z useful lessog : of ''patriotism and cit- izenship upon hearers, young and oida Itwas yeast' • for thea representatives of. . England _and' Scotland to - unroll a splendid :list of men who had 'made great: contributions to the advance ment • of , the world in almost every walk of life, and it was 'well done. by, .FOR SALE -Section , of large frame dwelling, suitable for anyone' intending tobuildor to -enlarge their. home: Can also supply lot nearby if desired. -Phone 4-14, W. L. Mac- Kenzie, ' • 17-3-tf . , FARM : FOR SALE -8 acres of land, north of •• GT.R. ' Station, frame =-dwelling, good- barn► -immanent good water supply. . Apply' to Fred -Bur •ton, Cain House, Lucknow. •24-37p. mosso. Dur.:'Lou Gaynor,. of Ft. William, spent a few days of last .week with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lindsay. Gaynor w” no with/Y the nos+ holds agood .position WEDDING BELLS' • Emmerson -Nixon • A very: pretty 011ie wedding was solemnized at high 'loon ori. Nfarch, '36th at the home of Mr.. and Mrs, Ralph Nixon, Con, 10, Ashfield, when their daughter, Minnie Laurel,. -was gaited in marriage ... to' Mr. Jolie, Bir Emmernfn, • Con; ` 12, .. Kinloss. The bride, o °.was given. away by her father, looked charming• in a; beau - $i :AMA gown' of . ivory. silk"' crepe;de- chine trimmed with sequins • and lace "and wore a bridal veil acid orange .blossoms. „ Her bougtitet consisted , of: sweet peas.:. and , maiden~ Bair fern; The young • couple were, 'unattended and stood beneath . an arch of ever- greens and wedding `bells,' While the ceremony 'was. 'performed by .Rev. :R. C. Copeland, pastor' of • the 'Ashfield' Methodist Circuit, in the presence of a' numiber ' of intimate relatives and friends of the bride and groom. Af- ter the signing of thdregister all sat down • to 'a sumptuons wedding • dine#, The afternoon was spent in social.; intercourse interspersed with vocal ' and ' instrumental:' music and citations. The happy young, couple On left for their. future home near Kinlougb where a•'reception was ten- dered then: Friends and neighbors' to the number' of about .70 gathered to welcome them. An enjoyable ev- ening was spent, The presents were numerous and„gostlY sb owilfg the .es- teem in which the young couple "..4s held.. We all .join in wishing them a happy 'voyage over life's sea. Mrs. Earl Begley • and children re ,turned' -last week ,to her home ; in Lemsford, • Sask., - after spendingthe winter menthe with. friends here' and in the country'• Mrs: M.: Sproul'. Ac. companied her as far. as Toronto: • We will give ten per. cent discount ::•FOR ' SA L. G-raie -lama; 100 un all- dishes •on Dollar Day. This is fo r tens would hove as- ray 11e �' � as -good Ashfield For par been • _ - - to- R. lI: Dignan, -Lon •good. ergaihs in groceries.. We take ticu�ars apply . . . ew _,uckriow- butter' and eggs- W. W. -Hill __. don; -or Jos. Agli , -.. , �� �� boy*. were - over ; in 24-3-tfc. Wingbam Hospital, last week ' for - .> • • _ : .. - - w had an Op-. 'FOh- SALE -20Q lags. manner oat, � .treattuienL V/r11-•Andre. 1 r rides. well si«a erred, N: half of Lot- as g Also' some, r f - a few • years ago. heavy, excellent=for-feeding; several tons well" preserved- hay,' several. . loads- good oat straw: Apply to Wm._ Mackenzie hors_g--dealer,_Lucknow. 31-3-•100c ' • 'FOR SALE -Ford runabout first class , condition. ;Apply to' J H. Ackert. 7-A-100. • Administrator's Sale of Lands .Admin Under : and by virtue' of the °powers granted to the undersigned .by -the • of: Surrogate. ` Court' of the•County of otos in they estate of .the la there Will: be offered Thomas -Joynt; ' for Sale .by public-auction-ori--Satur- fo dayof April, ril, A.D. 1921 ->-day,;-thQ Jth , T - �- be::hour of 2 o'clock in_ the after- -noon 'at-Miller's store at -St: Helens -7roon 'at-M•x , , R. Bennett* • Auctioneer, `the_ byo ofTe r . ..the.„eftst.,half. itollowinlf.Tjre`P '�. of the east hall of lot': number ;wen-' -t tWoii tlt''nieresion:f - �y i wa osh n Wa n. of West the' Township .the County of Huron • less 'a roadway. There is situated . on., the property .' one frame following. bnililiiigs ._.., . _. "trio •-86x40, barn, . with stone foitndatigo, nation - a fraise- house, atone f u . and 18x28. -'A spring.creek runs through the farm: 'This farm -will ,make •s od :grazing farts.; ''eration on, the nose; Albert : Tay o an operation fog.- hernia, and : 'Louis Taylor for' the removal. of .tonsils. All are; gettittg..oi! fie• = Having the' very best' facilities in -buying- ods, -the- money,. on the spot thereby' securing, ail ,'tile discounts and . • a*rt' :advantage : 'that this ' s all' 'our customers can be" as brings, cured of big bargains .at McIntosh. r both speakers .'•. Mr. D. C. Taylor's , task was not so easy for ,the troubles , •of ' Ireland; and the 'anti-British attitude taken by a. large element of , the Irish .people. "(hiring and since: he war, has created an uniavorablelinprgssion-of -almost all`' things Irish Mr: ` Taylor, • how, - ever, pointed out that in happier' days • much • .good" rad; e:' -out of -Ireland.-anil that thg island. had con tributedy man y • far-seeing' statesmen; • and distinguished oritors: to the par- liaments of Britain. " ; - Mr: Cameron, ,in a. _really! fine ora tion, told of ,Canada's -vast expanse, its limitiesscresources_ and the great opportunities, which it •pfesents to the man of brains and energy. As a lebater,v he made the strong point that after all,. 'English, . Scoteh;. and' ' Irish come to this country and stay' here ;• evidently, thinking it a better, country to live' in than the•one they leave. . • 4 pleasing" feature of the program the musical' numbers worked• in 1 • 'DOLLAR DAY TUESDAY, Del[ARCH .29th; win .Lucknow ., Merchants. . The following Are offering,Great ..Bargain Prices, to, make this •the GREATEST DOLLAR Read Sentinel Acis. ' Shop early. DAY. We. ,liaee prepared a store, full ` of barganii for' you„ and your dollar will go• a. long way past' its present .. ialue."on Dollar Day • at' •Mclntosh's .store: • WESTFORD • t 1itr-h'sY . cel Mr: F. S. Brown, of Brussels, ;,is .:... g . re show -in .the yac opening his picture tore in the Murray Block ::Fri - ants Fri- day night -see 'advt., elsewhere.' Ile • y being ere Moneays, W,ed' •stenos � h ya; iesdays and Fridays,, and ,when Saturday; the-romds-mPxo�ze--w►.ill, run . g° T per tent' at the i 80' days:. i- :-an(cdnd For further' particularshe undersign- ed.of sale apply to t • ed. . Dated at Winf ha'm this 21st day Da A.1,1921. ,, • T March, Jahn Joynt, T. It. nneti, • • for dministra.... �AiiCr r -. . , • ., by Dudley Holmes his 8olieitor < 81-3-c. • PIANO TUNING, Mr: 'J. J. Merlihan,. of Guelpb;'re • table piano tuner, will be.in Luck-, note first weep of April; Orders left With It. J. Moore. !Awn. FILED Don't ,forget the... box social in tho. schoel house on, Thursday e:•ening, Barth ,31st, A :good prtigr.,rt is b- �g; arranged. Si -rbc.. siicngth of the equ noctial. gilts: of Faturday, . one ,gide` that 'Oct :1iing' Sol:-W:L•3 lilt +r:,l nisi' than, his ;usual oopo?.tion :i.y _more' is toy wind un:hi, near -fa • the c'e,net.• . t -areas gal lines.' H'Qtve� e , t -a seems favi': tl,' hso we f•.a' csiisi hat sonictinte:-today: he ti'•.• � be wirh;. .t 'us in enr : 'Ahern hem <1` :c ej •:, _.:; Clifford _Hetherington has return- ed home from Toronto 'to help -his father Move • his :farm stock,-- imple- ments and •household , effects to his new 'farm near Winglram: The -con .. -. • ditior of the roads- has made such a: long .move' very tedious.,. but, . his many friends and neighbors 'purpose .* favor- able a=him=a:."1'►ft.: tire first; fa .or get n„ able day.. .• , Mr: and Mrs . Heath : and family, of Tees Yater, have .recently taken up their abode ,on the Fallon estate. Mr; Heath is ,n blacksmith by.•trade • 'th he 'will start up bust- ries is. , nights ' '.a new up'to-date haveput'in •, We _. .. , - e-latest'de h -P -a r-..�h• � stock- of Wa � ,.,�! .� signs and patterns,. -• Our -_.paper_.._ Inches wide,' which• allows , a de .1opmen ei tho `d sago. �s Later -neer izdel.-l'4nnt on. � We• have labs-tt . "'tg" arranged girth a-iirst� .c g gut on the paper:. We -will give 10 per .cent•, discount of all our paper on. ' March • 29th. Dollar pay, ��day+ .BASEBALL.': 'welt, attended meeting held Ataw Tuesday evening:, last,, it was: oaten- decided:. to., organize baseball imonsly deci Cameron; Murdoch & Co.. Johnstone "Bros. • Lucknow lIdwe. & •Coal Co.: Taylor & McMillan • Wm. Connell , A. a: Fiiira� Son Drinkwalter & . Cousins W. J. Davison At M. Spen! e . . Con. 'Decker'' • Thos.' E. Smith B; Blitzsteifi E. A:.Renwick ' T. W.. Smith• Rae & Porteous « J: G Arunstrong. .Ackert . 8& Rathwell , Peter. - Graf p. Mallough ' ' <Sy. J..::Little - ^Ales Ross R. J. Button , •F.;' T. Armstrong, W., W. Hill • •D. R. McIntosh 'N. D. Mackenzie N. L: Campbell. • Wm. Allen ' M. A. Treleaven 1'FRIHAY, LARCH. 25th. aTiStanCeaid. 11'N. "Who Cares" AND . arlie Chap IN "The ,Fireman . , C. - 28th. . . . _ .. NI�A��:1��A� � ank May� IN The Marriage AND comedy .. • FORT-UESDAY, DOLLAR DAY- . SPECIA'L.: SttOW APTERNOOrr., 3:3O, EVENING, 7:30. NG X730 1?,Mi. AND `9 010 tVg.y1 r_: ,, O: sFlOtitiS .EACH , IW • CHURCH, NEWS. was M J W but whether • Th re' will be. a. rci► - • ` ; li rch 'on __... _. in ucofferedal . _....ser, _._ _. ... ;Ong -iii 'lien usual good style, Miss. tion, _., .• z: 'Good • Friday .eve •on • sing., at'13::0 Mary' .'Aitchison pleased the Scotch. W C:' Smyth, •our local piano duress Fill be given with -wire ire 'Banks • and Braes,": .' Mr• er has hid Th element, and organ ' clean , - M C 11 m . etween :the 'addresses. • e- h' burg will depend on the •rias Chu Joynt contributed an njeltsli• ; s in t rvk ley. � - d 'crests -6t'."'t�"�Pora -Ce Wield the• Irish were .delighted with .tuner aG.. some . rather distant calls: this `-past "Killarney": » .rendered _by. •• Mrs.. . . ... ;.,.. a e' a truer Killarney { rtn lit If you can •sh p n e on- - -•---n�bni . --a e - ' .., . las Robertson build .. ,. .:mouse: -;Map A d r§ and 11I arrow ld b tter f b , Eldon Henderson, made ,a hit m sing- nes hbor,'be Your home in' " . did Ross,, 'than :your g .ng "O Canada," as James-.. --the-remotest so�cner, the ' w.orld will .a nW . -side : Wath a .couple- ... g ; ..root a hyo your of Lang _ • lea in ke a beatelt H i e selectionsc Another-, _Plea pp was, .a duet by Mr. and Mrs. door number' cCrai irt, • recent. -arrivals '=in' J. Dq g m ji►lsym. and riot long -out :��`a�SRiI-.faCi eie land. th re from I coup•le of piano duets by Mrs Smith Miss. Alien, and selections by a • and boys' orchestra: ented -a . menu. repret3 . . ....The entertat>ln . - : turn to the' pre=war popular• -alms" t°e sion'.,prices' of 25c and 16c,;a,<pleas- ing change'from the 75c " we have been paying for some very sniffer-, mb; yet the. L.M,CA. ret'. est Pt"oe'Ta `;nli�d�a' handso ..b Rex.. The a 1r:. c' a u ' • hp ser, South Kinloss Church -The coi.ducted virts. hest sabbath : n-iTT be. f C:1►ns Cu;iinxiiig, ] t , , e b5 :' lied• -will Coolcston-n•, iibile..the 'pastor Helens : and: Sant A41. - UMW -Preach-it-St. I, -I tnae1d:, . y an• Chou le -'l he .•s. re`s1i telt or: en- and ;Mrs.' Janies Murray :cos .•,all be • ,continued rta . bodied 'a'numlier iif., people 'Patrick's' Lnrii's `Div ii*herr astep° iticrssaee� ter • --gal, on ,5�. •patrielc s 'l.e,•_rleac••wered rtoas'li?..� and even- ing. c T`era►s sf_ rales -- °°- - ,, _ . --- . m . ,soo op., to:: form _ .� ing ale' ands` the bals►nce: �thitr ii-lna�•the for in the. North_ 'Wellington >, team _ _.. s_.so Butte?... ':..: :ills Ade •r a town league and • to enter a sen The, election, of oflicere resulted as, follows; Hain. Pr'esldenf John Joynt, .Geo. 11 Smith;: :M,P.P., _ President.,, �, . ,, ." •. _ Vice=presidents, T. S: lteid,.. Robert aria" er, Vi1'ellittgton Met.. n • tR g to ohs ,, Coy; Cnptaltt,'`-Telft rd'Aitchison; Secretary, McLean Jolinstoil; Treas., M. C. Bridge., n town to Material , is available t . give LucknOw a winning' team this season.. The diamond ' rill. be put in shape it soon as possible and the boys are determined : to get, to work early. end practise faitbfnlly through Out the snmmer. it was decided purchase tie* uniform,. The cit - ane are fitted to eaPert the toys •107911i all **MU•slut tbi 111p' Poi .. r "a ,� .ii•ia+• •. On .°2 Day you can buys r patet►t medicines, drugs, toilet • articles at 10 Per cent •discoutlt en a11..purchases p wards. Sei;eral of ::one dollar and,up Ces :. -bar sins slag _at, Tir:...,Sper `a.Itecial g_• Store. ' Dui .. •S j NOTICE • o AUCTION .•SALES Thoii►as Kempton, .lot 12, con. 12: 'of 'Ash.ielc3, Will -have an:,auetion sale ' - k a„d iniplefnents ' on .Tuesday,. March '29, coniniencing the o'clock `p.m: :Everything will be sol'cl, as. Mr. Kempton' has disposed of his "fano' . " • • • Albert' Nesbitt,a . c :rii `Melifi'liarri-Let 9; -Con. ---7:0;= E; *.D .Ashfield;` twill • have an: auction h7s - farm -stock. and a:n~ -nf - -commencing.. at iiients on"�;Apjril 1st., ;re!, h 11 b sold as' the' proprietor .has .sold ,his tie1.o'rcib%lc::p:m ....-•Everryt ing- night.. nig The "Red" movement in .Russia;. the ; impertinence :.of "Cerntany,, the i 'tion Vin' Spain,. the Seinn • assassinselatid. and .:the F'ein,'tiutt'ages•-ate' -Ir � - ,Qwn hold:.:: ups and robbery' n our to Biblical prophecy , land, according 'are only sign's of'the, tiniest but who would•have thought that such chaos 'fe'would ever find an inroad: and'stn • atones and -playing. ball- on Throwing the streets In I ucknow are for= bidden and ofVend rs will be pmgge cuted and made to pay done.• . $y order: of the •Connclf. . •When' at the,Post Office, call nett door slid gee the electric„ washer atS ''Dick..,No•trollbla to show it.:i . 8. 144410010 ' ,.: • ;, carol .comtiiuiiit3 _as_ . R _ 1,t i11:: pteac7i,,.,. the to such a P� 'ffii'�,.antion+., r n ns • Subject'. l r "flee 'n Morning s'u J, n i • €r , in d . ub s �n J4 T ate r.,� �' Evening 8 fif a of •:Fr, ° ing; ;a Permanent'"lSassion'" : ,'k ou a•re invited to•'these 'services,:: • kindly_, i _., , ...-.. ' -• Re-* ("hag,. The- induction._ ..of;: to'Of _ hag,_ into the charges'' `of 'Cumming Helens' 'and ast• Ashfield' will take to c k .: in :I place on Meech 31 at 2 oe theafternoon TheRey. R. MacCal- liim v. ill:, preside, '''Dr... Can,Tiber "' f . .nett• in thio ' Early ill the New Year a local fa ser was relieved of. a 'quantity of oats. Iron his granary, on' a later datea piece of .Machinery Was taken frons the saw mill, and on an even- lye roerai sacred _ . . t. last week : thiexts:._..e. .entered _.., __.....: _ .... _iniv'-;otr :tiondav ke«;a ._ P• ._ _. . butchered a Le�atioi��l• ettiii.. ,Millers stables, , • ,being In tTie hams a de away• with".. - . The yneei ink•oiihn cl ani, tt� OiCe ' �ch it ups l.. 'Mr..: Stobie; W hiterbui • i, •..: x,11 a c sit .inter alto the il' t, a.•• Ik rr•s the . 11Y . . Gollan will address the .ro7jr:-ga tion: regular meet - at The Guild ]field. their g. farm • • :poi t ._._._.._.... ,. c►irtm-i , _ Darted. with .singi;stg' after which rs '_'R: -4« �:....o=o-o--+ • Meitenzie read the scripture 0 5s a FARM- FOR SALE South4talf Lots 47' and 48, ton. 11, }futon Two., "close to school and , church, convenient to Ripley and LuektlbW. ' First. class soil, good brick arid stone House'•, barn .40x90 ft with .:stone basement.. Apply to :. V.. D. MacLennan,. i4.4.125 � 3, t 1ekupw, ; 1'e f uc tion sate ' will be• an a e -he i There' the ' farm : stocit. and; implements :,cif the :.estate.of the ,late J. McGuire, s' 26 Hiirori '�'iwp , .4t` Lot' N 2,is.-.and_.,...",-'.. .'"-- ---•-'r ,oirda • 3Iarch-.2S.,.:coxnmcnc ng _ 'on . at one p.m ' 314.• R..McCharlea, Auc-.• `ictor Whitley will have. an auc-`" Sale of• ` horses", vehicles, •:. tionat. the Cain House 'harm on S , •etc�:.at Aril 'and; com1 lefii iflg = 2- o'C1oCh x :, E eryt; i on the bifl will be sold. R:'rMcCha'rles¢;.Auc:.. John':"Gibbons, Lot 29, Con. 11, t<r, Wnwanosh, will have an unreser-, _tea .arietion • ,. of "his farm stock \. and. implements en.. March.28, cam- ' at,.1,..0'cioek• pa e. R i��-PnrVi , Jas Mr. L. tinnier, Lot, 12, Con. 0. and sentence prayers 'ge:‘,:a,:- e 1 . A veru instructive addso, th.. farin ments, on Apr..w_. 'farm• stock• •and-.imp1e • "c "Livint; Close to .,:e11:::11;, ' 7th,'• commencing at 1 o'cock .p.m - topeet'ifile.n- . 31.3-100c given.by Mrs. N. �::iiaek, J, . P'[1RV1S, Auc. strumental selections •by 'iii»s'• frac John ,91cCarthy, Lot 1, Con. 7, W. ss. Sae lya : isol► have an . unreserv- n and Ml '. ;will 'i.'iC;1i.Orra were mucci enjoyed,: also' a 'solo bD.,y edAshfield auction sate of 'grain., farm stock Miss doanna MacCalluin �ind'tead: and implements on April $, coni- inge by: Miss Jessie Ossgoode : tela teeming' at 1 o'clock p.m. -J. rt•1' miss wilde mama,` . v .s ..Aga:. 31•3•p. « Kinloss, will have an auction sale of • • • .10