The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-03-17, Page 4• • i•i L .04 tXSHED nom - pal ll �1 t elnalsinwtastaene . nett, > e'1�1 • .!E'sq ` . . , as Crime, ^• iftfSINEISS TOMS e .' NMOWING :is so diseaneerting as continual changes. • We. try to. -]seep ear`relatione with basiness mien a stabea not ehanging.waft. evely igetnatian of the =any mare -nwitSDAY„ gmacti 17., 1921. • TBE INVASION OF GERMANY It is said ,that the Germans, a' hole and in .the United. States, are in a great rage Over the irivesiou of the Fatherland" by keen& and >iitrjt- ish tro#Pii;'°' , Through private eor espeuidenee we learn•. that this rage and hate is directed chiefly a the:,Bri " '. it spite of the fact . that it is the''. 'Fernch -who have stood out for ex- treme measures, and that there are many more French than British sol- diers in ,Germany- .An old German= American, who was venting, his rage against the "English" on being told that the British • wished to be more lenient than the French, replied; "That may be so;but if we had only` the 'French todeal with we.' could soon, kilt . them off." With the Brit- ish also in. the game, the situation,. so far • as fighting is concgined,. is regarded as hopeless. The story is told that Wherethe ex: Kaiser learned that Britain had de- cided to stand by France •in •the war, he became despondent, and on being asked the' reason replied that the', "English"e were a stubborn people and wwould not yield to force. It appears that the...government of Germanyapproves: of the ridicul-. ons offer, made .'by its representative es to , the Allied conference' at Lon- don. .Actu=ated bythe Mme stupid selfishness as chatacterized thein throughout' the war;`, ' the Germans• evidently regard the deraands of the Allies as an act of robbery,,' and the plain ,talk of ,Premier Lloyd George fell upon deaf 'ears. . It, is said'..that the ,.ex -Kaiser; from the solitude of ' 'his prison •'home in Holland, ! ` ,has published a book in Which ,he maintains that he has been" throughout .a pacifist, and that Brit- ain, :France and Russia were respons- ible for .the war. • Perhaps be really believes -that; and perhaps' the -filer= - man ' ,people believe that, There es .no_eascoentinge for, bfir e e . The insane egotism of . the tie rman is lis ,undoing. He sets out •with the assumption that it does not really ,matter' with, -regard to people whb Ii:HAMILT.01 vacs/sow >ali:AHCH— A. Gleaaie, Me'age!` 4.. 4 haeepiritM.is' 1855• . CAPITAL AND .IMESSBVE S8,D09,0o0 •Over 130 Bwiches THE MOLSONS : _BANK The Nelsons Bank wait every farmer to 'feel _that he has a real . frend in the Manager, that he Will receive s hearty welcome. rind canna .safely discuss with him his. money steeds. "`..TON 8 i DER RELIEVES BR®n .1101.- s TISsY Ar cAr f • T. S. REie, MtN.t6ER, .•LUnT' 1 • 4 LEC -TRIP MACI- I N IS Call and' examine -Connor's' New' Perfecting Washer and Wring er before buying. �Rl UCK-NOW._ eare net 'German_ does net Matige Who Hesitates Is. tpsr !Don't. te. Start today. „sells 1.Eggs and Whether Such.rtre robbed or kii.leA enslaved. Lf :it made' for the 'great- nesi of the Germans these things would be •gooti; , That mien. teasle'ae: lived .ontside: of GernieeieL- and, did . ' -being German, should este riebt.s, - -antle‘cia resisteand overt ;re::: the one werte.W.ale peop-e of the world - For :Sale 'BY A; M SPENCE; 3LD.,. L1 CKNOW us hack, in the ;dry :column-• where we". were fora short. spell before 1919... The vote will be On :the question: "Are you in favor of the prehibition of the importation, .or bi nging into , the produce of liquor fol• beverage purposes?" And every' voter,. who wants „to see a dry. Ontario . should vote ,"yes.". ..• A bare majority of • the votes cast Will be sufficient .to bring the, prohi btion into force, -but it is harly nee- essary to say that thebigger the majority the better" it„ will be. The voting will be under the Dominion Act,' and women have votes equally • with' men. itis Highly desirable, that every. vote be ,polled and • that every voter' who wants.to see John Barley- corn put down' and .out,, should; vote' "yes." — MAIL CONTRACT And make money.. S1LVEILIV* &IDS, FOR SERVICE carred at • Ottawa,-nntil nese; ..tiu-P : day the 8th April; _19'21, for the con-. 'veyaince IIis Majesfy's 'Irpils, on . a proposed Centred : far four years, six times per week oxer' Bolyrood No: 2 turas ileonte, 13o,l. 'the ;;L'oetivae ee General's pleas -tire. ' Panted notices' cent -Vein* further infennution as to condi-dons of pro-. poSed„''coetract may be 'seen abef •foiens.-ofe Tender may be ob- fns Uerefords was.8190.00, paid 1!Y W. J., Y c iter -,ay, os l ruesels," fox' l:ay Leaf, a reefer calf-onsigetd.•by W. Je Gregg Son:, Gorrir.. . In Shorthorns .CIivcf'To ntull, cer I r &ssels paid the. highest i ;it c,. pe.Ya lig 4300 for RPAnPearl 2nd a, 'four- tar -old "Barr 'Flora." The Short- horn hort horn 'consignment of '38 head aver- aged' $$129.50. eel, IL McEwen, of Bron, also paid' $300 for .the• Aberdeen Angus- hEnfer 'b dY of Elm "Row, conttibuted by W. Bre Irenry, o Be1gravc 'thee: seven "Toddies" .consigned made the. high average of $191 75 " A. ca"onsiderable. rui bee eft :the: an- irrals Tent into the.. h iree& i i r: ^u who. ere begjtning in the pure bre4l lite stock game, and ''hey should give a good'"•account 'of thaniselves ''17ae: atm' of the Association is to first disc pose' • of their • surplus stock anti is the •. second place advertise the r.=erits• of the respective breeds anti, encourage a_ large,' nurpber : of our. f.irmers to start • in the breeding'. of pure bred stock. Such efi'airs must' have a beneficial effect on the stand - and quality of' -the live steel: in our section... • Mr. R. T. Anion;, of Moffat, was the Sectioneer in .charge and. gave' satis-, faction to 'ell. Yr. Amos, is e yeung man who has been in the, pare bred stock::bnsiness for sonie time and has lately taken lip , auctioneer work. Mr.. Oscar Klopp; of, Zurich, assist- ed 4,1r. Ainos, at the ringside and on the block. Mr. Klopp,. is a Huron, County boy who,lias lately taken up this' work . and . can . handle • himself With credit at work ^:of this 'kind: The prices rec"eiearl' ate both the rood quality .:of the cattle: as well as the work' of :the auctiopeer.,: PU•REBREI) SOLD. WELL'. The Hitian ,County Breeders Aa sedation's sale' 'of. pure bred . stork held in . Wingham on ,T'hursday,..3lar. 20th, drew a. • good crowd ,and , oc'd Prices were realized - from most of. tl:e annals offered. All the Animals' forty -mine iari''niiinber, tvere sehl: • £l e total',Ale amounted to $6, r 52.50, an, `average -of $138.00' per 'heed. The 'bulbs • averaged' $136?5 and .tbe cows and' heifers. $138.50 Four 'llerefurds-wele-~seld':--at an' tEmptsANCE electors 47.--tni: and, eonnty. have -Se often been' called:. -open „te yote ppon the question of *little wonder that manyare asking. • • Yrs. jainee Scott; thoeght to have 'been the oldest raiident ..of llritce? Connty, died at her. home. near. Eden able •,e ef 100 yeare and feel- days: haVing died about.. 36" years the: Eden Grove district. aed raised datighters., The' eight gong '`ai• 'still -living:- -lint- the -.:claughte:rs..iee eked rage of .$12L25 • The top price one; Mrs. Gregg; having.pessed away ave Applf_ed Vipt Keeps the Skin Soft and Smooth lkiff ANY men.suffer. from • AvA irritation :of the skin as a r6sult of shaving. With eczema,,, and. becomes most .a,nnoying and unsightly.„ • .Cbase'S 'Ointment after shay...! ing the .is overcome • •• and such' ailments as garber's • itch and Eczema.are.cured, 1SO cehts him, all dealers, or Eamanaort. only'a few anonthe See. The'•ol.i hely` had ',throughout her? • 4 doctor until hie ilinets. She • 1 Utiried a#e NA -Offices of Hol:vroode hole it comes that they.are esited -the Post !Mee' lesPector: ' Net Office Inspector, • MONTREAL racksom Sleeping cats on Night Trains -and •again on Apill 18. ,The following!' 'Mt the Ontarie Temperince Act Ilibitittete.„,,the.;_en:tentr:ef abolishing Yen ever beezt.'in Leavenworth, 'fez- ,Wfrtime Order-in-Con/keg w.." Ks-Edison hesitat- ed his '8' favorite of "What Edison. What other great roaria favorite song* -would you like --t homy? -Come irk-- Edisoreafivarite -Booth 12:19ineires aseed the commerce! travel - tare, the ina" portation and the ship.: ler in thle suinkleg tar- .:;\743.? ,nient, into , any part Of Canada' Wh.e re Part.or.Cit's FrialdPal Day. Ftain that's a 'dry' town; 'alright." proVincial prohibition obtained. 'So informative from any Grind "TheY can't sell lig-am. at .0, long as thiS Order-in-Counal• Was, in Trunk Ticket Agint• Or G. 'Fe' Elor' ' there?" 'asked ene of the nem. force Chatario wai ehry, but it Vrearee• a snaee, sae! eee tra'teLer- The= or has been Lee eel, and ses a. resul : ,,,-; ,- v. F. Pkilijips; Agep% Luelmev.i. helve denlY one- snake -ea, town; and, we Imee "wet ,F.e'llars7 and-"ium-run -. e 't--.-.andirei in arkg-Ioir. „;:,:e-aiii-'&alii- tie-, ormaneo 'Ian. --pas.--ied. What le• thitkiiiii, day, it was mt.: thea to bite." , as ',"Bell 26" which provides oaths: if.. . . .I ask the DominioneGpverement .to R. A ir ANTE ,4VUUNATIC TEST% MT 1PRICX eli?.., ee.er.ed f."..;.;-: arra' 'rer-ei';fer eTe: ;eel,: tit:s1F-ars.. ;elle/It...7e eree.H7b,.. farg,faeseitkie:: ' . 11141.Viiiiim.atra. a . er enough to lay fee le:4 ee. eel ;, ..e.,,,..tes, „,,,,..ft' thet Ls* vie de e bode • U. ,get twel kinds. of musicywhen you —so perfectly that you feel you. are liStening to „the living ariist. The .NeW Edison wilt' also :play ' all the. talkIng74-4achine records. • Always remember this! The New Edison does all' that itny talking -machine can do. And,—it also does all that any living artist can do. , You can pay for your New Edicon, or you cdti -