HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-03-03, Page 7e 7 • generally' 'Stop aileeittleg that a Werklialg Male -MA de .bettitT in the env, aletbegindeellined their own pro- position. Maley cif them as knocking their own game, when they should be boosting it. " "Tentbeginewithr-eack-efaratert-whee •wants hired help sheuld be sure that eke conalithrine under which sethelocip Hath EgsCrefH The questioll of wileY° to laceste the As Po ten, you end 1 Want as Eggs to he hatehed sleeted never • ....-• poultry louses afel yards. Is erre that near 1,00 pet cent, Ihetehes as Itte caili "get warm.eir up after• they are 'laid; -shauldeleotnioeitrefir,ce-esideratiole•get. It is a bilge step toward lalgger :before one begins- -the -exPenditura of profits, thereforegood business, peraetly rod money.. One Piece, of; If you are like Larn you get a lot i!s required to •work and live are'ac- advide which will apply to all cases of free advice on this point, °et' hick a large acre Production that are us- ceptahle to a self-respeeting man. If alike is .his : Never' locate the houses you ignore, because yeti don't know hag their labor the most ecenotteicallY they are really attractive, • so 'much mod yardaeai. a damp, poorly drained *her it is good advice. and' making tile most etmeeY. the better. This is net hard on the plot of ground, on which shade trees, .* Per instancea,we are told, t'aat we Alleiber thing: •Are you making the ordlnarenfarm, but it is far tee often grass et Mint lase fresh hatching etgge. But greaies% possilole use oi your labor:, ignered. The hired snap needs a bed unless it present a good opportunitieS why: Also that we mutt gather them and clover crop not tbriy saving. machinery? Tim farmers on as well Os a lantern"- reere ietsuch ter drainage and-improver:lent: as soon as they are laid, that we many- of the smaller farms in the a thing ' , as too long"houis, even on A ' Other condittorts being favorable, must teen them often, and keep the eastern part ef Canada could learn farm. • Eight hour a are out or the locate 1•the houses "mad Yards where cool and most. But they Will be emivenient to the botise From stu.cly and experience t have some wettable lessons in the use of qttestion, but sixteen are einneeessaree la,bor-savitig reachiaery. front' their unwiseeand unprofitable. • , --of .... ..... ,.."70;;;;,•,./.4e; z - .......,..:,,-... Acitdr.........legi..., to Agronornlete 73 Adelatle St West, Taroete. ..•... e Better Farming in 1921 • °Hetv- am I going .to handle the Work' ken my farm 'in 11.921r is a question every farmer is asking. hire:. • eelf this winter. . ee ., • • e,,i• Tile smartest farmers I know don't . pet off figuring. out this. peoblept pa - 41 ' til the opting work 'estats. They !mow they•aeill then be too busy, end it may. he too late to make juet the , adjustments they would like tolnalte cousins. en the larger farms in, the utt job on a goodfarneewitb an em - 1 to attire labor, purchatie labatesaving West ' :. ployer who is reasonable gaid fair, is .inachinery, .and provide some. a the Offen two, znee may be see n at work the best kind of a job foe Any. works , things that, may be needed to make in moderate-sized fields with a teamseenjobs emelt to be at a peem- , et.: their elvorkeren reore , contented and 'both working at a job that ,could heee hues and they will . lb& if the prolier efficient, • educatzonal effort , is substituted for easily been done bY ore n 1 'th I Min see three ways of helPing larger equipment. The farmer of the the Present 'viewing- with ajarm' and tho 1atuation4 'First, -reorganize fee West has learned lohg ago the value 'we'ri g°1`ir to statte to" death' , fern work to reduce ahd distribute' of larger eauipment. Many -Eastern the labor aed to nrake each hour af fartnerS have thought 'this •wae sine. labor more productive; second, use ply betelase the fields were larger,' CR°C TAMING LESS Iabor-saving machinery to the fullest thus making it Practical to tte-e gang PROFfrON MANY LINES possible extenti third, try to make plows • and fella. to six -horse d* k '•• our 1'f:therm's more efficient lter'Itlak- This tile of equipment ea° celtata5 Red Rose Tea 'People Make ... leg working • and living' conditions be used'. to better *advantageit ee , .-ti• 1 More pleasant. , 1 flelde aie large, but ecareityoflaronir • . I Furtner Pystenient. , It is often possible to Orange the and the need of more eConomleal pre • Setae of our friends =meg the e ' cropping systeni to reduce the aere- duction, rather then large aced fields; graters, in speaking of our letter to age, a crops' that t require a "large have been responsible for the !etre the press ea grocers' profits have in duction of., large leberessering Ma- chinery in the West. Suire'iy; it is tithe on many farmsin the East to give each man at, leasf. four bones. propagartcle."' ' quantity of labor and inerease the, acreage of those that require less. Mom land can • be seeded down to a ;rasa. „A,' tiling fanner said last ,spring ; 1 at seeding•motre and more and proyide riding- imPlements. • • of my cultivated land to grass. I will Power, mathinery can also be used pasture dairy cows, use a milking to good advantage to save man labor. " machin,e, and cultivates just the area ,W1-.cee a 1..ast: arnouet of work must be of laid that we can work bureeives." This in a sane yiew to, take. •The total pi:eduction. of the ;farm will be decreesed much less. and the ,profits elicated that apparently it has been construed by some readees„ to niean that Red Rose , Tea was the only ar. tide on Which. the gamer takes a smaller prod, in order to give fits cus- tomers a higher , , It was not our letentaan • to convey suehean empressice, as We know that eree;del into. th.e ehortcst ,possiole meet grocers sell well known brands Peeidd, owing- to:unfavorable weather; a :other good at less Profit then they wae the retie last epeitig, the trae.- meld Imelle some brands equally. well knew'', mid for the Same reason terewill pe eallutibie:stipplerrient to. . . and o er ui dmitee, so that. the care -learned the lanmeere to thoee quest morningte M•est of the eggs Are found , of the .poUltry may be .made a part tions.. And. here they are for you, if in a •feen favorite neetee In these of the regular • dioree of , the , farm. by- • any chalice yon de net already nest* often ten (lir a "dozen eggs area. If one is going , to get the mast out into* them: ' a I found, Those laid in •the morieueg . seetenmtixed 'so that it Will'fif in With eggs.;.! ' - ' , ' ' ' five holirs, one bell go -g onafien :erre Of the business the work must be L Why must we nee fresh' hatchieglimee been under a hen threet3literate or ,te the regular' iloutine of the faxen and Bethese the life germ in the egg other., Naturally,' the •firs e egg laid interfere as little as. poesible with groves Weaker the longer it kept is stimulated by this beaf.„ and iis. ; other branches of, the!farniinge - And without Wain ' and;' a tWeaklife. germ: leaves. its dormant stage: It for hoesing the birds 'comfortably, 2. Why must we keep hatching, eggs hatching Feason, alMost- to freezing. „,zitpririre Above all r other things never under- germ means ac, , You 1.1 -ill get no fs',Often an .hour before the egp aree - take the development of •a profitable 'chick., " at ears a poor hatch, lost picked Pp aftet tile:last lien lest -es: farm flock , before Making previsions tune, and lost money. ' . , The eggs cool. down, in tlie early growing, a large portion Of the food cool ad gather them- as soon as laid: The result is an egg. it whleh the supply end • simplifying the work of Because "warmth ,stiorts the . life germ has either•been,killed or meal. feeding ,and caring for the flock. germ growing, befere• iove are ready ened so that the _chick - dies (luring . . The Oiler 'essentials are warmth, for it, and exposes it to quick death hatehing, and at egg •which deteri•eis drynessalighe, cheapness and durabil- from thange in terimetettureat-just as :lies very cpileklY. . ity. In order to -assure proper light- an unseasonable miring lay will start gather your egg a km liatchitig . - ger of' later ethme ussutngaatlind. 'tinge. the life limb)! placed na the inethater 'ne-under The' hen. Tho nmount,of heat .netet- sary to 'wake them tap vorie.3, so nut t. veie are on she safer aide to he ewe . they aever ,get ally heat. • • The sources a premature, heat, leeet coreinaon are the seen heated eel:ars, tr. egg -mores, ; The kitchen :re PerleaPet the worst place on the farm, for them., The faetor most•hrirriful is that eggs • are gathered only once a day, in The' Tate efternoon, Many 01 these egga were eaid ar,e,und ten o'clock 'in the mg and a more even distribution of tree buds • with the d sunshine( it is often necessary to dee being' killed- by frost. viate from the forin that inspres the ex -Eggs often to keep greatest wirinth at the tenet cost. In ether influence* from a all laying hoeses in A cold ,dimate germ to growing. seam provision should be mede•so that 3. Why must we tete the sunshine" will reach every portion Because if the egg is of the floor at some time during the in one Positioe the •yel day. In order to accoihplish this ,to the life germ; tends the best advantage, it is -necessary to top. •If it is allowed to ,have, considerable 'frontage toward the gerra, 'because of tli the south or southealt. During the of air that is going eit i cold winter days It is most diaficult, adhere to the shell ahd ; ',et: most esential to have the direct 4 Wit trust V'e keep will be -much greater than if an ate -the teams when ea -Witte -as are alma that they recommend Red Rose Tea, 3 . . , . . . S' , - . . PI tempt were made to celtie.-aee. more thin its tise as p:teeteal. The tractor simply, to glye their enstcenerse the sunlight . . • ipeiet ? • . -, i „ . land than could :proper]; be farmed ' • • I " ' : lo • ti best possible value. ' , • Beedusee the porous• ' . can ae Operated -a maulnge: aY . • • ' . ' • % ' In many cases' whert, a four-year then horses; it fee. some farmers in' • In oar 'letter 'se •tneittleixed , Red - Fertilizers Guaranteed . serba the ;necessary moi rotation of forn, 'oats, wheat. , L1,14 the West mike ePeevit:ce a operat-i Rose- Tea because it naturally came i . grit to our mind mei becoese weknew Mow can We be sure , exactly what that moisture' from the ' ; the egg healthy; and if . clover et a fieeeyear rotation of coen, leg theie tea :t9re dee arel nig at• due, e cratea'wheat, and clever and thdothe ing - ' , e , , . ' ,d- that grocers Were 'seine- it at a less we 4re getting? -The Fertilieer Act, it is, weakened mid. rpi ' worzz. is/resit:nee • . . . . , . , .. 0 , • • ' . . • • , - • . ..• • ..• are t'ae.el,..an.adtlitienal 'Year e••:tild. be - A. greatee .gibit'Lur'ou of ',the'', ti ne- poe .Limited, o . the Demielon of Canada provelese. . Every egg is fertzliz peofit than they :make on othee teased. • • a ded . to thri rotenone, psereaps smite toe et teen: • lAeor ail. eaten, ret nee '7 11 • Edtaaherooks foe -this esseta"nce in that, it reqturee laid, .while. still le the • . . ;Other' grass,es. seeded with the tine. •the cost 'cf. Inee ,I•aaer. e It. rhou'd he e °'!°.° t'e a ate • :- .fertilezer • nutnefecturers to attach lore. the ...white is:.'foria 4_1,--:„.... iebeit:t to 'the :package,. of .fertilizere• •the 'yolk' still clang*. to • • othy, the heed left to grass 4 ' year • of eereemhe ret, • Lowever.. thin it is •sel- !'•..4,' „ t./.... • une e: ---• ... . , . • • i . :•.tivo . 4o.figer,,,44 'used I for: paeture. dor, nrefitalee: eo, etrerat,e A eye-teie • , • Ihel It For Us . .611..,Aich,f,he.y guarantee the per ;cent "ter; As Soon as feitil: . .r.l' . • • . : ' ''' . . •• Sc& ;.C.systerif would iteduee the, eiSork when the teaces oa tbe' farm - ere riot • •••.:otir, years ego!.'we liMed:half •bi of nitrogen the. plant •griover, phos- tgerm,•after e little Ote a' photic acid. (the plantldpenerte• and dormant goesi to sieep! (Wring .fhe bear' season ef ,the , year, usea •t9 t,le- fent* eatent. :The erac-• 1:0-aere field on tier fern: with':hydrat- . , ,,:•: . Would Add rather alike 'de...tenet •ftera tor rilloyad .1:0. ilea hi:addl.:ion to the. ed. -Hine tat theerate of : about 5,06 • petask (the plant etrengthefier).whielb and' in a normai. fertile. the coritents.of the bags, carry., -These la still dormant atthe ti the productivitea of the:. :Arne, and feanes.On the•faereeind le :on& a Se*.'pOunds per acre; just to:see what ef- are 'net AMAginary:fignres; but 40 .... ' ' Gerin,*eakeis. W ,• . would reeks it .poseible to Ideedle- Wail eresesacaneit:'he cepeeteet to tetilece 'feet lime•Would.hav'e..en our•soileTbis, • the lan'a thee,' twee ..raeltiseteeleaea.,..„...ete ebentatraiteely. .• trelei , tertainactaid le, ie,little..coMpared,•With. nimt opr: setente , actually the findings.. Of . eorripetent • ... There '.is itethir.g gained by ..irying ilens" the . nuMbb..'" ot, tean4.- on 'Cie .iterte soil' needed, . but,. 11 13 . all we • • to • 'cuItiefite ,niere . land 'elein vett . he letree can -be 4ie,e.u-teil When 'a leactoria •eould. get melte at. the tittle, during • • • • 'reeniisteteetreeteelaaeraouireseeaaa tija ., ' •This:fertilized geim. r charge. take eeMplei 'oftfeetiliterei at .4114 hispeetoes • -.Of the : 'De:pertinent i alit imtit warnith 3D 11 t•,•:;k" VII: Mini of . heat te • woritea -timely:and well., • Toeproduce purehesed,•hurmere. often the ,.tractor ,,thetrnsh.of.ceoa ,eitork; ..This•was done .t.ithee and • it -ten" 'rides, dep. a erapet.eith' the 1c, inuoia.a ,teu-st isatieed Otte beet' •aavantag?e -as aultsli- ibefereeetheat•wae adetrii, eed the • pl. "' o. o ,. ' . elides •thosen •by :these authoretige.. The consequence is that .eleetge.e..f;gtietteillitheelk...012 . nosh My weCit, it et' le t!thte *ark P1 511 •t ate Toe tearn labor 'foe certain- kinde 'tire • field, 'Was' seeded. donne - to., cloyer. .. tba,producti of the fertilizete•ilettentity .7" eteneeeeAdfreidd'enteteredatid'Oatr.6iidltnita -fifeetteek.„. raid tee_ seneed.erstearethe etre* • : The heir not limed:. didn't., 'Pro 6 dlte.elereale-ayit Op:theta, a• elieCking tip..lik eggehandledeemdea. the * • . ninth leSet labor .a.11,1 'exile:lie . than ..if ..- The present labur, shortage' f011oW- • Was ' plowed:and put. to Wheat a'gaila ate prtinie e'en lie'..iiitea- evi:h ra t•?deas. tejetif week in pressing.• •• e. eauch heY, - so. the fallOwing falleit these the fertilizer enatinfactureeete b0044 agencies of, 'inspeetion; e befit° .vidieaktionesii.‘iiiir;hteii-gitermis..6octiwnte ' • • theegroundeistpleweel- nheneleatelareni ..ing.-14e.:.:13/4:4,.....1154,141..-pi.'abohlyi,4 after- harveste-the- e e d Wag '1. -till.'------;- --7 tor his,o-n.iiiiiieraloii. to fiVe mit to .attl°•evatt'::Tte.N'e.eineeeP'i'en.,7dth's, , .--iiiy. . A •ivin tha Pa Ahead .of •beis .,work siittnelateetheeiduntion.O1 lee*. tapeSeploWetitexed• stubbled •ont-tfor,eletheete -0 ... ,a........,: :-; -.• „.: •-"Tted'etiii, de ei-ere . fa len °pert flop .4t• ..+Jlo Of form,r4Ver.,!giavAng atiacluaerye ,and..,t.... WAS , fertilized Avith !. about -3001 . . u ere ale ot, en.':tini;gs--•'eciiich ... •, rigt time. It is rot neeeseeray. the enay eeentuallY epee!, to the' beeefit pounds. of acid phosphate to .. . , ',for. luttelAg - .. • . • ••• the acree . . . L . • ., . ., assist lathe .maintenance -of the .qual- .• , . . . , • • The •dorroant. etege. ie largest , field• that- prottar..tv:4- the -nit eit t: :O1,• I, Tr .of 1.ts.:;;-•)"iott,•011. ,V., -al. 40111. lb 'and' the Whbat was. top dressed daring • . Is leech, the ',seine AS' ‘' ] sulyenbtainea from higlier :gredo.nla:TL'e'att-stand-lbuse----but -ace lft it of the Materiel:: Fertilizer*.ef low- egretre - •,•• • e „ ..,; . .. . . keep:informed of nen eypee• of taboret the winter ,et the rete of friere'•4 to ,araeed. . tm will ,InetegiteethailaminiaVre Vinge. Ottree bide. the .ander ..culttvation, ire . And :heeteetip Study the epeeatien end urre Of nee'28 bushels to •-the-aeree,aedawe could feeiabdr. .._ • . , ..e.youeineeteredeeeetheekrea of slivinee :-.Indenit.11,re - n- •theat-" e eteett •detoimeineacre e-The-yield-teria-abont . The fertilizer .ma.n, know wake iiii..-look Outf'•eon' •,,inothictient ley eoifig-the-i-94. in. the mathines. -.. They 'may -be .aide to• sate 'easily. see:that it• Was ' the- limed- half s't this. • Me 'kith= .that his Only. Claint "en hesithent; right: - '- tett timee byeusing th,e beet iced of iabee.,ozi yOur farm. : • e : ••••,.• t .• • of -the field whith.yielded bentelere _ for,a place ni•thelinsiness World tests ree - •• e :i ••-• proper -Varieties . of •graiii;aand,•-rvIter, : - If. eve are geing to:bold the tabor' • :When in. wheat ehetlast timee the ,ixttori: the service Which lie. raiders the ''d" D I ; t Ciao& , . Giie the..Rats,:NO ,Rest:. 1 ncerrung im netteleary, :by using the right aeiceara ..We tnoiv ''ttai:A• onour ferieee or et: .same field .was .• again • seeded • with ,fatmere•:,'of..theecountry;„heeteelieelt-V, 13-.Yere-W Pia -J(4:4 '2I-1);-,.--" '- ..:•The I- -7 Writer - iiaS 49 and the - weir' Of- ofethe Proper-s•iclitd-of-feetilitierneee:::: -traet.---sdaitioital-:;labor, lOnt-ittliine • .clover. to be ,ent _fer the -last: harydst. ,...„.ii. la . 3,--iti. res e --:In .:-p" thug- out , . Since fhe diseoye y; -- , at ',--eeeUineteapaethe,mtoitt -effeetitete-aeee-tate-titse Inatiteseetimes •theamosteiaciteerelet4it we eteeetiateeeelees 'and the young,- But lastdepring 'we. dis.eovered• the .1' good geede.Matedal Which -Will-glee ;glaridn-4h,o ihtiroid7 :.i. ;i.i Et;Iliarpir41, '''imae. • or - rats.- 'Brit et is en ezelisary • et.. , -Produce al 111'1 13 tee• i ' .fatreees. try to Melte. an are eit• leed min that...are' liaying the, farnee. wheerlinieda-zeetioe _. woe the • oily one that result:se-tend; ioneequently , build- -me ondtotlieel-'-futnishie to to body 11 50- alielinee es- keep a•cleeeeneateh,tfen'"tifiet. '(1 11 gerateeleheet..prifei ter'weetaiit the' City?, •-". :hail: grown any Cloyee, end that , it on de .acre, and. half eel twa knee.' .I.' have titled With a'. gotidenany the rate 9f about. „Vie tene tie the aere. :hitsinesS for-him:As amatier .of fait, called. 'Internal, seer Von 'will -4i has Sign of theLireapPearaliee c,io" at •t-4. ...... ' I imoiv this' is' easiei...TOaie?. than •done," a faimer bus fertilieer has 'en in, .to .do With: eerie ant rta t forictiOS use •the traia at *nee., . t • '.•:.• • .,.... • ..e. - imeieregAtil 'Mg thie, and -here nee..thett "'We Wete ahje to 'mit. a' Sedd: erten' that: fi_mtely better .guarantee than al theft . of the '-hurnen- 'econo y.i.' as.:eet:inide., LOrge *ire tritne 55 se to eel- espeeialbi 'if • w ' • . setetiel • en:, • . ei It Wet:tee:4.We'. 4 .-4i,:3.,taa1!/.1..1101:.e...2u0i-,,.f.1,1 rought abmitepeeebielaelie..1*.deasten t:itteurettftuttarloartttr:eferriyEllifite.74m..4less.t.;:ttpfifa -. '-elik,---th. ' -, gerfite-lirittrti.:'Ilit ncreaeed yield withotit met Addi- 'iti to 17 - Seeentde '!We: hoae• shorecri ditienel -bueliele per /writ, ., .. i ' -GeBell,• SAS.. • .. . :: .- - - • :at • . : medical peofeesion Vise, he vat** rats in the .seete trap in. one mighe.. • tiondeoutlaY of •liboxer Ent it( -mil be Warkirigeliee-rd.". Th.tada"We • thii•i:: et.e we threshed' We tarned•the:hanet- ,, - ,..2... • ..........i_ .: , .. , . • ... ,. gland, extracts 10...s. ...pe.. done. 'There' are farme•re doing .itainetlie• *ark. will 'be lees monotoitous."1 er • of ,; the maehine, into one of. the ee p. , -, . .. ty deficiettetel• •A teePttleif s. ng Olitt, iiiii*g -Oil t D • • .• catil • • which•ncenr...... . .,e•••••'.,.." ' , •' .., e,„ ,rataieealeti...effectieeaeRate.:ads: idry,-- ... .; ., , elteryeeeetione of XanMat:•-- and. ',.'cr.iir .-PoUrtlif:„`.4.4.,....:ng ,...ip Alia eltif, is' .rnore :nioxcia--of •---ther.hfrn..-L:ndtkept,the'lclqer re!s. orinance,,,n.--, ..alyy--,.,.-... • & .: • I - • ' • ' . " • ' 1 etraw•• • This is • -Valuable , for feeding • , ae in • 'Many , leetence. e -,Pi:' aratUtue of •knowing at:dation get • on.. to. the ase . faern-management, e• ..•mvestige•tiens" •pientante"• • , .. :,... , •• . • e• ..,. . • ,.. „. . , . ..... , A., Holefein ettW• recentle -,•eclipsed..e. ....Mimi that it • is •these• met Who'ilave It is true .thAt threes men wili drew,. eettleeAltneetettergemd.es, second cron• all-Canadierieeecords-fortideld of-.mille yield, •peptie,"and o her leads. seem di:traps,: :Orme in . a white a tee •-wille . : and 'ie. fieer comlitioxe -••.,F and probably aee. v ,I eta , •This be so. curtnmg that no matter., leeitathe • higher • wages. in , -tie . cite,' than -toey.,hay. - r°P3 , and ilercentagp. of ;butter fat : accord,- .1Ntlil he trileonly,:wheit u d tre'selated train ia 'belied he, Will tot -.go .rtear ...e in . itteeeettritiey--in dollets;!i these results ewe will :. biSe our .,plan • ing to Report No 12: issued . bythegases.,.„ Thente...hkeeeb. ex... - e ta ..,... - •caheearn.". neelieemar- ,•ip.:-._It.,wit. then he fottnti e good:plane te- t hue," ateialteeed•• of, - the : yeaent n witiene. to eceity -out: : a ...-iimingepteigratinnfor '1,iiiiiiiiiiiirDeartInent, 'Of 'A ;.;,.lil --.1.---,-.tgre'!ket.. for oseVeral j.rea .plEoe Wet they,etaye tlie meet iteenee.11-011reOtire-efa.r1,--• e .' .. et- --, • hik'reportagiaesettrettecorde-tirPeee •eonistining. one 'ornne . , . • . • 4. Pre_Paratitiltde tO... Iga7ii tiiei trap : liggetzy-pti..3...1t.e.:.te:: :..... of such 'sub-...coins...S. familiar. "with it; 'then se,t'..it inettlitive 1) u18 150 85 le tile 'bank 'atiPleared..e,P iliOd :10.41: to corni t yildn. b. Nine timet out *of t en' the. teem Wock-.1' ;The . untitled, • half .'..Of the field. :Wet forinatice of all Pure. bred cattle stances, .• .. '; •• . ': •-- .• • 1 • • . •..• . - • - .- agetin eC-ood bele 'ter tr. ' ," ' '• 1- e't - $,I-Xed of" the -' (h511 't•lie eitYladal lieetefileeettati tent:00ft Of has - e ed. •fiein'Ariril 4.4,919itcy:Mar0Ii.31LI9:20:,,'--Reieentlereoaaiteeteecloet eeitire--AliieriealOr-rew:•neeiate derineeleeitedtbr as -s e •• • • ,. ,- • .. . „. . , ...„ , • . over., Also.4he-standardst-ofetetrekedelareed, tettat-Laneteee-naee .• , elle ' ts'affilrytfreins;•• cepa" '..,- • • :, . .. . • . e • • . • .•• •• - :.• .• ---elateggeenrotererintelee-de"dfighalint livrpg.:-our osual •yiehle on the 1111100 pot time and • A list' of 'belle alialified for xegia-.:plinted-,Partk of giti, ..' front' reeently - • ' Pollen, . ate - 'alio, :effeettiVe, in:getting • . ex.eteee S .e......e. Set eft dee et et:x.1'0611g is t Will Pay. about. 4.00.,. per .Cent. . on, , the ;,. teaticei. 'Inc nen-168,0f the. cov.4..artlf deceased' human Lein or fronf living,erk of tate; '''....A. greet helpelnekeeping e. - • . I. ={' h ell f a., eretkotait la the .cite ie eca . . • , - • , ...,• ., .. • dedeeddiettetttetenteeenetim.eletetteetion, we, viaertieantearanetethee-ee teeetree, 'She :end ' mtiel,riCeese:inecather,tilhitoini.,tecil• az,ittltilitottril..tii,:iiiit.t,•iiteptei..;/:41.taitgs4„%dlifitlk•-fSi.....1 . have' k good crop afeeloYer..seede.athielt daiiivjh&,nv Inejoir,,the!hreettptg.,i4:41 '441-.;:igM.s.4.40-1,-;',IMIF4.67-4.4%-littre...#.00:4Itift'zi.--ezo' Prieltrare-iir -r- Si -- -tth tee. is on 1 t .ca vie& 'Produetion.,ret ;of•iejevetettoin Whether dietetijire- places iantich.te take refegee and to - • . • :al. oeporantity to!, ef haetaked we Week -able to, get,80 • • , . I ge."0--.; quiredatotal prodection pereentege' of enat on Was - nettial„ or :•pey ehelogical , see tie it , that they " have • as . littl.i• • 'most useful" and as one ail* .. . itatest it tefely,e, The eoneary - .. ..• . eheiegs:cee be hivested 'in dairy. come: .seeon4 'crop by•theeshing for seed thP eumber Of . del- milked, and, t emains .to • be • seen.'" • ' ; • a . .• .. a :thence as eposailele, to obtair •itiode . . ' I.' • . tioy:s: pei .teilto feeding inc :out , of. thetat, ,n4 ! iii ' the 'majority .of -cases thee ittimber . As is .usime, the" -pateete .ie 75 If ..6077,:tody ..i/ot10, eteeteand:keetteet .., , 'thcainetniGilartick*..v.41„...io.,..tii.: isfodir;.:.anii .mathiti,' ...fclig.i.o.g..t..ka strew to the Oda:. . • • I, . . , of ihnes-Milkedtperetlay. t••13)6 "lit:It ,Vefeleri.haVe "seliedl'ulpon. this •iittieet, tie, se, res', xtetive, cainealga ,against''• .•.-ottilteiThlik4. ... .try. : .Aft-e..r a small' aectimulatioit 7 of ',, 1.. !. i c„ ' 11:: „...,,. : ....1,4„:: ,, ; rilettioned metier* h-at'rtlig,latelY been !Mon akin apes' 'leek:eta make nieiieY; ratee theee :petite :would; sonn he•re.s, '.•:' . „ .. • : , title Icinclathe etorkmeneoon; becomes , Simple .e,eil.t.;•orn est..: la Sehjeet otexperimeat at the Ontario and are !how offetingteietlicinee• Om- deceit in enhtledise ...Iv-eared:Ile efiteets-••;„ ' a. aroar:e tor on eilented Nide, aed. nee, earl' spite .of •the handed. of 'page' of aAgetealterai . collegeGuelph, and: tinning ,giond extractewhichtare 'sup-. 'Areeet little !e-..aP.• , -..- ' e • • • ' •''• • • • ' . at' 'let .GilleftW1y4 , longer a ehleed man."' ,.. .1Ie 1 becomes: advice and diredioas for testing seed ellecdoneld CellegeeQue.,.itis.intereste •• dole% a commatt, , his own • boese with -added .-0PPortunt. ils.corne. Many, farmers- ittat Will not gel legit a itele thatenenyeel the, Ayeshiret While. in rrefully diAgnosed ..cases ,a : ' ttte ,,. ' . e• • . . ....• poled to -reneWerolith :Mid preloeg'llfe.... ' •.' .... ..t.,.• ......ees_e.....,a• ., I P•lee fee Wielibraeht and saArig: ... ' : i to the 'tionble of teeting '.their seed! vn-ere . Milked three' times a day '.444 'theret tare no doubt benefits 'ee be bat ._,. 'emiressiOnaR04. ' -!(.: onitee let us go ,o ,,he ,,..•.••ea ?I.:4 ....o•,..t. those thit. ark.. , ..1 ... Hnet Abent the ,hours ip .tcowt Ail_d.,;,,.e0iii,._.NOIr iteieL:.itzli_a: eimple-little -trt-elel4sorreseof•tireerfoliteselearetiMeete- Oferitefir•thetedinirastration'iti stie`h reili-,,..,., . c... tr.' .,..:,.4.': '.\\..-... . • ....' t_,.. , •'....:•..' fatriaiar isitit., ifo :.. -.7finiiii.ir-.7trii-:-.-aiW that the fern waieh• is gene reliable and,tery edsy.l. the Ayrsitiees the greal..ost- 'yield fOneedies, :Unless every phaee tif• .sedi a ..,:".7 •,76415°: 7 a7;'7774:re,. ?Pr': ' z• e'S.1.61q 4 ! i' ori • ie on . the 101) 111011 .itextret ,..,--Justehold. , the _ear;,ta .7 to_re414, • Until& 1. the.*YeaT-,4:reditd. to •,e4 • mitt:tree eatrtoehia".• ie •-•'lleinteughly-auederetend' t:the' .',. :iit,,-; faff::-;. --:- • ,, •., , .. :, •.: & •: 'litany u,ge.. .-.- --- . . . _ . . •I then the• di-tree/Ian, .,auf"le -the tinti! !live . yetir -thuniti nail •On top of A [Melted by. the Nora SeotiadAgrieule teat to '1e ,,!IF'ari, oi... -_to,-,,... J9;,..e.r_s,.?.Q.f. _ ; .required to go•.. to aed front.. work • ip ;kernel intl. Press doWn, quite hard. If; turil College,. Treee, .tiCd• Ttlii beet It he much better to leave.mich Mat- • . r A. ll/p *.:9:. .. Din....... i. reltiede .:111teen, be. tr.to.:.z.l.hatt.m.seles.., '' Raid l• the , eider_ lee atlinterie the. (155 'Will •Intut :.the , kernel is ' pressed' doilit -into . tlie., perc:utitge . of bufter fat to • a cow tete to those who knew the. Most about .. ' "" . • • IktwIppez . e_ally. average Iting.er than in the coue-ti tole Aide."' that ear 19 the hege,' Try! Weed tn. Pijuce 'Edward :Islintit'.. Of -them' ' (the ' tlotors,) :arid • they- • knove, a • ._ . ,_ A I tr:1, . In the countine Abe Woremeneo e. two. et !pore korneja. if the, kernel:. the Holsteins, the reep.rd $ield•.for the4 little et...014h ah_ouf thee tiel..ainaztenee•-• two/tether( iii•tirerled; ' s'Itit The course[dtied lilbi:Otb-Ati.doiti let° . the coh.,:•.that:'.i.-cir '.• is •creellted. -tde.aniAteoneowned l. of Wee., te --e ata ..„,--- a e. -a- a • -., ! . - , • year -he will eat :put in thenufiletlik it good' seed elite "fitealiiiiie it liee rhY thee Oelerty I -Fm ae tteitish Cedurne . IfeWlideseit e. livtinge`wheletotee' exe 11101ESINOODPURS . , . ... . , -Iifeiiit T;Tido oe ber of hOurs. of harcl,• Intelleate riniC; Of,' _mqpieite ;quelitleot :of . hepeteandettiae.andeetheabeef pert entage-ofebiltte e open alllyl ii4tit ' that wftl be eequiredeof•enher eictiled'unifor,mity, '. ' ' ' ' :fat In another ilritiah Celumbian, Of. mount of mental' :v. 1 '1 •e .. . :e. ee 4-$r a dottkii 01,1P: them altag, IIIII, 4,i:-'.alitin7 ..; , or eenimon labor- in the. indeed:4ot. ' , . • i ' the Ierseyeathe first in point of yield togethee with .. ,. ' • When it eontes to living :•ottilitturis., Trees on the Farm. . .. ; le Fie :enemal. :owDed . Et t- tdgetteld; On• cooked -rood t,,) IP. ...I..' . - .. =4;^` Soil. n'ill reeste6 paymeee at -1. Dee,: teriot - While: the -hest - pereekdge - cif 4--:-. ,-,. .il•, ii 0E' en'alilo- Cia., ' •O -,, , '- , 2, TrtY okadathayeer rout lea, e • . ,:the eery hig"heet.weeleti. prle( 5., • :he gif,V•job ie. in s'ome -ways etie More . ' Farm 'foreetny enakee 'fig:Oiling- y ' . fat 1i •rattriliuted. tt i thiee-yea. •olii i .1' )11...'"..'4-..,.=q (.1' .1)4';tr:t.1:0-' Yea:Lintel e tetteketiVe, The ' faitilarIt;..S.-.1" Ot ,l,;-.arn-rt - I potter. by: - - - . . • N - • • 1 , 'STOttit SONS Lttore.ft . ed that the 'factor* einetAtor - has •• - ' --- 1 M '• ' ' • b " • ' areetIne tan er profitably • • °weed in Britieh Ceiumbie ' • 1, o ' ' • • • e • ' : ' ' '' ' ' - WOODSTOCK. ONTARIO .knO:rit for . 30111 'tittle' Mgt it j1 wn..1-• ' ' - -. -- • • 1 - . . .7,-2 , eanttor. • e• e ;11 rot l,e-der ' -: , 2, . $uptilyiti g . tiniber •for• r„eni .. eear-pla Sitortiveree6Wned et Rude] : • ! ?title ef 4 s ' - ' -- ie • ' . , . . . ESMOUSHED „18.10 ossery, in'oeferdei edeire geod ialior,: .• „ham. Qurv. claC•ws ens reeord,for •that , ' '' . " '' '' . . • . , • e te previde .eimileetoes" that will. he 'At- • ' at. Itar ideit mg ;employment . for Min :' .1)1:1'0,:-' '-- .. -tennee.. ef Ma'. And a:Itiece. ' dSelfereede teciteee. ea -le -ea -1. ate ,,'• '' , .. trw.tivi: aaelittle :retire 'attention 361 ' • n . 0..111s :ti. winler • , . • -.I at Watel•ford, Ontario. than self-made 'he •-o.nftr.t if the *i. ell 'on .tho rarnil ,4. Making *este laridt, ,' yle• • •ntent.• ' • e - • i le .s4:z.,:,- tarm ie•,.., : • e.ly eeti•-• L- ee!: ,ie .11,ech to "bola fartit lebo.r. Mr, eldttit.' , , -. . . ... . MAW IN ,E.,4.?4,4.1).A.. I.V. I.; fltainineeei, in seeekineeof diet' ' a a ere 18!.(1,1' Ilizili:,:;111, 3 ClItitli41';',.(Ng Llio. .4.. . ,N....,. lIbta • ee Din- ' this peefteely tete:Stied .tere (.1 74 • try for the I. ,c; o'R• ''.. •.1., 3 ,..:.thZ:4(#•1 ....Mt . .. .- • • ,t 1 .6• Iriereagirg the .eale .1.00,e. ' t '.."e tee ail!, •••••1••••••.•• Aill,•••,• • • 1 . arm. . • .. . way ef-:fh•Cr.z•eare e; .. thee teeten-eig. 44on,•01roe.se . *."' l':: 'jilt 5 401 . Ve i '...i whIni 'he Attys.; . ., 4 , . ! . . n • teems, e oaf! cir wle,oni., the %%Mee e . i ;;,.. l.r , ital. Pia te" e --eae: . ,' • •••llee •soleet. le of OW, 'ra-Iniaborl • iirolo sugar iteniiiis•fil sheme? Sep I• • •,i• !ether palled tel IIm ber Bill at etas valid..., eta '' d•-""tead • ., • tali., t. N a . I.,...._.. :..1., . ' , , i• 1 .4,7 ......, '. •:: .: . ,., „w... '..%ify, .:AsmerS; *Air $0011 410 Aril:444g. .._ . ... . - • • .A. ' . a•ighter Said he opOter." 1 ••1-:w"e' a. : .. '*: ° • .. . 7, often -three or tette times a day, Keep in a cool temnerature, ftom 46, to 60 deg. F. ... • ',.,. ' . , _. _ . ,. ..... -' Moisturo an Important Factor, • 1 . t°'° g' moilllisfou'riteh' readily ePee:inonteatiess. ineistu'ie. • egor '°filerloz? The egg shell is tery,poroute, anti thee -iteaocaetnttaeinthite rgNatire provided a sufficient' Anti:mot .1' of moisture in that egg, and it is up • emein there. to teed espeelauy le we are going to evaporatioe ' et, e . OM these eggs e for .any 'Length el the egg, ivilll....• ume, to . maintain that eneisture and e . le- ' "gireethe hatching .egi at'eliante. gagt:(:hs:illgilegagb-st •Conci.Thietioln.asPiodfiiithe:vialliiria:::ietoire;:gisttiitiaret•,. • -will leave the egg dependt• on three... ture to keep egg. The drier''the 'ale, thettaster and .; . 't cannot get the move •moistere. it Will; Seek front -- j1 abcalt•:'"••• the egg: The warmer vhe 11.'„ri ....31-1014.:,...- iuk..4.s1;17.:e it -si,..ei 5., '..qina un6di i s:tteilritp.e.fte:i,it*o'riteiN; .,ttIha.ekEll'enacokiru.- :et:he:CIL l't 1.1i:1"2tet so: l',e:trh:a:. ,.‘ • :: . r•-• arid .whri.' " Watch your mojetere .befeee• hatch- '.:*e !,,Y•°,1k.,_ .c.!_tist ing, and you vont .have .. io ninth' ea: L4e 'egg trouble :While , hatching:, teThey'"'eeent. II, becomes Seend e .qtifte. nioiet"atmeisphere.. Out .4, ° to sPealt; ground hied or g. lienaniten She sterile ••••'• • g the germ heeenest. fireleorie an, the dmin earth. ; .. he,..A°fiele,...Yitig• protected.. from i.bi clii-:•pg ,Silno: ..• 1: ° • Our ' fourth it.ettialt 7/mitt ..iit te: . • .1.. mins dorm= ln 'tern -eggs often.. Derteg the eetua. to the egg. hatching time frequent turnirigs are `,...- cessarei • to helPful. •• A hen sitting on eggs. turtle. , dingeie the them' dozens -ef. times ..eVezty &Y.' it is applied, ii well to teen eggs be:ng heid•lier in- • ''' Even In an,cub: atien..ateleastemiee:ever:a-twenty- . e. . esteof dcol-- four thouree tpoe"teelereethein, es to giew .. •A-1-geteember.af tint pobiehatthes7 ' '''' . that it .-wiTI both undereherts and in tecithaiars are r• -or-later .ivitadneeeetirelyeto -fau1.4 itscut4tiott ._.:... : . the better. or poor -machines, but °to - a 4arge -ex..--.-'' ".. .....-. ' tent to ."-careless :Iiardlltig "beforesetaeegg germ tinge .ared no _ante:ant"' of.. care during, _ f e 'dormant incublithee can reniedt,- the, harm, al- -• -stage petit' •ready broueght -teheut by- thelee • eoritti-e- - ninote'lhey tions. e . • „. ., . :,.. . tiOns- meet Reeamtilieeaet•he egg ie. ' a lieve-obtleete, and ,should he 'treated as niche CHANIINESS • t •••••••• DIRE eke'. e • EEO neeetable,Feenfiewee NtwIniprdvtd:Stmnig Ail tested. sure te e••ei, 3ensheitt. 6.4043 DU,Ptt.Y:q1.sr-EatisItt.e; • de&