HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-02-17, Page 8• •r r" • • 0711/117117111 r• 4 P. • 4 • • —.-. . N NEW SPRING GOODS T.eW: Gingham$, Prints, Silks,' Serges,. ole Skirtings, etc. • j We are in every case giving the customer the gad*antage -of the new prices. Now is' the time to ' get ,yourSewing done; Standard Shirting Now 42c yd. ? nt ..� � 3*k eCrpe �sfo8�r d}1Q0r easrisea s un''.y deiMr • ar. at 60c` yd. white ab'd' ai Sills at 1.00, 1`.25 and 1.50 yd. See the='Duchess Silks fwe are showing at 2.75 yd. Georgette Crepes and Crepe de'Chene .were 3.00 and 3.50. Now $2.00 yard.: EXTRA FOR SATURDAY ,:DN LY: EXTRA. Woien's Black Cashmere Hose, Penman's, Best °rake, were - 2:25: pair," for - 10 Doz. Men's Black• Cashmere Sox "Mercury Brandwere '75c *for 50c Men's Wool Sox were '75c, for .50c Large Size Flannelette*la leets` for Yom t� BUY H ETt� • CREAM :WANTliD O1G1� ANY DAY . AND PET , A • I TORE - ' CAN "AT T. SMITH'S S S �.. We telt Wednesday and Satur- day, 'P.M. det atur-day,:'P.M..'Get your can_any__da --WHI--aisa-bnj limit d'`t�uiattti"ty ,of grid cedar logo. ' ITL' T'JYi%11,-� A�PRECIA `E -YOUR --D. ANDREW --- 26.11 tft ACT DOESN'T WORK • The Mildmayaztte has this to .`say of .Dae i v Bankruptcy Act:, , v The new 'llankrri i y Acids being worked rather-unsatisfactatiiy in one • case .here. An- assignment was. re•-••• eptly made bya Carrick farmer to an °authorized _essignee at Toronto anit the. .cresti fora .are nsljsed-tis attann a meeting it Toronto today: The cost "tS eaeli creditor to • go to Tor -ditto - would 1 or—dittowould. be at least $10 and there are about twenty-five or .thirty,: of them. , Why, could not : he meeting:be held , illi' Mijdmay, where .the creditors Could attend without bytpense? Non::. of the creditors are going to the c.t; to attend the meeting, •acid another delay will twilit in. the .distribution. of sassesi of the assignor. • • ,ft iuu't always the man 'who talk 1opdeyt that -does the most good. ;The .'copper cent :makes more noise on the, #Iri�l)<t l late than a.,dollar • MacCRIM'l'I.O ', OF.: JUBILEE• YEAR' FOR'SUN LIFE -KINCARDINE;-,timi , T . • Among the annual reports submit-. -Di John 111sdCriinmon,-for over-4p•.;led-so- far -this' year "one of the most years an esteemed resident of. Kin=, interesting-•avarluble'-ie-thatr Of -the; :airline, died on Friday of last week follbw ilio.. a two -Weeks':, illness 'from i'nfluerr2a-'a0• °piieumonid.-•Dr.',Mac 'Sun. Life 'Assurance -Company which• _is.- irow. celebrating---with%•par-donable Crinnnolt ..was. 5..years WI age, ;and.pride its fiftieth a)iniiversary. Apart cane to 1fincardine-42' years 'ago. on -: altogether 'from ' its. unique record in graduatin ' from McGill University,• Insurance annals: of Canada of '$106,- ,, of'; new business' written u :cia?i, itnd' had a' larse . practice p during the past t ear, a s test .from ora h throughoutTi]s`.•resid residence; in Ki c - Y the e War dine; Ile was a :S tch7Rite Mason: , actual figures es furnished. by .decad a-iiiembex : rtsf.•, ie Soiiswo Scot Les -:shows,-the�remarkable_.eifect--of-ir .1{e,.;;Was very, successful .asp a' ,Iltiysi._. 000 000• a land.. Mrs: MacC4timon, who with 1. momentum such 'as the Sun Fife has' two: sons' survive. is :a sister of:Mrs: .••� ._:� M _... •-;ed�in._this -soti� _-and:=iritleed-�' 1'ievr F. �. t:I,eniiart •wh - r _- _- f many...yearn resided • . ear uekne scores :'of -other: countries -of -the -world `T•hc sons ,:. � fa'or 'I;I where it has :branched out -.with re- and;:kr.'M. Al.MacCrimmon, both live, sults fully as'impressive as in the in Rio..de Janiero, Brazil. • " ease- of Canada ' the place of its lii]Eth. Mr. Geo H Smith local rrpre- - sentative. ST., AIGUSTINE. FORMER ASIIFIELD MAN DIES VDDE NIX AT: GODERIC DesltIi carne with startling sodden: mess tp :Mr. Donald, Neil , Mackenzie, a former 'resident of Ashfield, .'but for the `,past 'tett years, of. Goderich; on Tuesday of last :week. Mr.' Mac- kenzie was driving . a wagon 'for Mr., C. C. Lee, with whom be hied been since going to..Goderich, and .about noon he was 'seen to fall backward in the rig, He was at onee taken to the hospital but it was found that life was extinct, death evidently be- ing due to heartfailure:• Following t short service at `the home in, God-: $rich ort Thursday evening, . the re- mains were brought to: the home of` his .son, .Mr: Neil .Mackenzie, Ash' field, and, the funeral was conducted' from. frons there - on Friday afternoon to Greenhill Cemetery, , P. The late Mr. Mackenzie was,,among the early settlers of Ashfield, been brought to that township' ib . a small child by - his parents who moved from Cape Breton Mr: Mac- kenzie was in his 73rd' year, and it• 'a remarkable fact that hiS father is still living' and' was, making his home With him inGoderich. The father is now in ,his one-hundredth year.. Be- sides, the father, three brothers sur- vive: John .Neil, of Ashfield; 'Neil', of Toronto; and . Roderick, ' of Oklahoma: Mrs. D. R. Mackenzie, of Lochalsh, and Mrs. Scott, of Bervie, are sisters of the deceased.' There are also left, to mourn,,a widow, two sons and two daughter's: Neil; o1i the homestead,, Donald A.,: of Spokane,i Wash.; Miss- es Maud' and" Annie, of. Detroit. "The' funeral service was conducted by the Rev...i.; S. Hardie,, of Ashfield Church, of which •the deceased was s long: a ithful member. • -Q-a- WHAT'S IN X NAME 0 Tuesday, Veit: 15. Mr: and Mrs,. George Brophy have Tefta'for-:thieitn-holne. in• -the West afteh SOcndrngpthe tcintr with .,his mother.,., Ilii.' Ffi' Brophy.:. .lir°° John° Meta'be intends ]eav`Ing' rt�.ect trick far ,his . hr,n e, in -Alberta; i<ite a numher "of our;young..follc tprrt .i telt' plea ant p.e-vening• .� :�1dr=e dui•itrg the•.wee1 --a'nd all •rAptrt a very nice time, ::• .y` 1i,5 e.,ie Lr y]e 1pe it Sunday in our;b r.;', ' • ' J)!)r;ihfan, from the West, .•,; ;r: },iotttcr ,and:.sisterY n °Fie :it'h. ELECTION • .LECTiO� A'I WING! • In a . municipal' by -el 'etion, held it loin .tarn \ionday of ast week to 1111 }a • • . icy in • the. Town Council, J ,... nr:•] Mitchell were•the candidst- r a 'd : vr:t' stood , Fells 213; . Mit-. chell 2.01.. Fells had a rnajhrity in each ,of the. five -444i; . l• :, CAIi''I'.t'It . MacKENZIE, • - ' .. -- OF .TIVERTON, hiLED • Captain.. ,.Keuneth_'l ackenzier of'. Tiverton, one 'of the bd'st-known lake mariners, was .fataly injured in his hone on 'M.on lay of this Week: Ile Went into the ` cellar to, exaitnin'e an acetylene plaint,..which-wail;:not Iv-- "itis iii` rd`°cvhil'e° tie was'"'there "a - heavy explosion, occurred: '.• He'.was _heavy in",an unconscious condition with his skull crushed and both arms broken.. He passed away as he was being- taken up . from the cellar- -It • 1 is thought -that •he .;lit a match Ada causing an explosion of escaped gas. plant .Mackenzie was born in Kincardine town 8 yearn, ago.. Ile was-md'i�ried and leaves a''widow,-one daughter and two sons. c No man is 'so well knows . -as he thinks, he is, says Enrico Caruso, the world -famed tenor,• whose philosoph- ical,reflectioa is -quoted in the Brook 'lyn Citizen.. 'Ta illustrate ;]lis . point: he' tells thefollowing incident: • While motoring• in New Yorke State. :my automobile•-T6roke'-down, and .r sought refuge' in a farm -house, while repaired.the car was being friendly with the fanne ,who as and ked ins -- my- -name, .-and AT' -told him -•it--wase Caruso. d The farmer leaped' to his , t and seized me by, the hand. "Little did'.I think, I should see a: ,man like you , iat this here huMble kitchen, eirr"-jter:_cicela:in}ed.: "Garuse The great travellerd•; 'Robinson Car - neo. ,; How a,'Boy' Made Maple Sugar i4; VerntolrC"-boy;•°sledding• one -crag-- 3arly dart--spr-ing;4(,,sled'• a- tree- with`. his iiknite to see if the sap was - ru fig: 1t • tl7as., and :he. herniae 'ext.-- • astir aboyit joining a .ii'aplc- • 3ugai club. But when he ,consulted nit 'father he .found .the eq,'fitment•. vas not available. lie went,,to.'tlie agi•iculturi i _ eat:h- :r in jiis •school from carom he. Uai n„ nl' where -he -could borrow -shifts:` nut: - he. could not get -any buckets. • H4,;r4: ;ver, with his •tather.'s help," he•made . o ae.- tivougbs. .ut• of basark.00tl =. :ut .down'some, trees;, sawed the,'' •r.unka in sections about two • feet' on: split them_ in.:o„li,:attrl`tlien, with -a great ileal Of,wal l(, hollowed' rlrt th�ei frircez „ thiliCaltAIOng .t1ie tough:§ t •, iic_ to .collecC ihe sap. 'Che . spouts' Were, 'fade of' $uritis: ,.ranches about 16 inches -long. :He beganoperations, in a grove of iaple trees about the middle of; .tarch and; ,fi:nlslied.. the Second. week .1 April, and in that• trine with thiii rude equipment made 60 potii1Gs• of igar and 4% .gallons of syrup.' The .ry'ii'father bought:Eia:rt of --his -silo- sets; giving-Yii,n a pi��„4l p.iyiiieei`"t't, now throb i the club work .ilia _,,;ung,- mans- has•,;started. in: _anotImi- rillu of -agriculture. • Garden- Zhlt fiat Chit otit`:theU1d;.canee.,ot...cur' ran t' s soon ab they are through frui,im, :id; thin'•rionie of, the new growth. epi ber the fruit is borne orlh.two • nd three_year..old wood, • -Try • a few new- things-tn� each ye.erw_. "doifTdepenl`tiiiiii5'on theiii until 'hey have proved_.:their value, ' •. Styeet peas-'ai ilti'tl b lifi ripe -'j-iikr as early as..possible: They delight, 1r; aool ►nolst weather. ' Harden off all planta before plant- ng,;in the. garden jiy reducing. 41to heat, and Water given them, .`)iii, "hardens the the tissue and makes . the plant better .able- to 'withstand the outdoo} conditions. • Retunias are old fashioned but there.. ate �, rely, :plants,.,.that=•wd.ir-ailir —. teed as well under all •sorts of onditions, - • r $mail onion sets give more green • onions per quart of seed and are Just se good as•the large bulbs sometimes urchased, ' •► You need not plant more apple'.or lurn,trees than you•ea'n use•the fruit t wtlt But plant that many,, Perhaps be it dozenor two: dozen, but eve 40140 04 ilio •Dlptip, An income tax •form was rettirneil p recently -with the following remarks: p r O -o-0--= Y'Siri_/-belongs to the Foresters and lof't`Wish to Haiti the Interne Tax," • • at/ I 11 q hone. N n 10'.fi' Olt .\ li�.Y,ir t'il'e -Serif for Cash-W:e"'Self"Cheaper, `!'h n•'•I'lie 'Credit Stores - Too busy to. write - ark ad ' 3'ou will find us .> in , r new stand1& by the timtl •thi: paper'reaches '•y'Otl• e••L:uckno v `Hard r•e Coal Cc.: °,THE STORE TIIAT h'E�"ER: DIS.1 PPbINTS J s • �.. , ter_ - The NEWEDISON "Tfie Phonograph with aSoul" •.boyt �- _ 7.,.f �'- y,•xat urbi)r1° �.e% QLticth'�¢St x -1-K: �' ,nrn,rdiai���� _ 1,',Time, o .`V hail e I:'Ii:ED ? ` : Nervous?.Z pined? Put Rr.Ci;ET...n Dov on the •.Neaa;:• 'Edison, relax into .a chair, let :the ;:music" flood the roorn with melody? at•id comfort.' The music--pr'ot uses• -a-mnood•clrange' Ai Mr. Mr. Edison, has devised a ood Change Chart,by. which you can register . your re, ' ` '. -. �ctiolis' to music. Comp in nnid' .get our . 4 ft • ;"su 1 • , ,make the ex )eriment.in your.own home:- Ilave every memberof your.family, also•, your. _friends` fill : out charts. ~lits Illi.. Edison would like•.•to study, your • .charts In connection with ills•$beat researc11'.. into the efi`ects'6rmusic'on. Vie. minds and moods .of men. • • If you don't• own a New Edison, • : come • ..into our store and••lall -out a-llloocl •chap :e° Chart; ;U et Mr. 'Edison all the' Mood Cliange• Charts be needs: • J •:. G. ARMSTRONG, FORDYCE T�' ►'j�c� ° ]a , , , w -i_ add" i •itWA ' --Tues y',. eb, 1,,. \ it Li R " 'Mr. and Mrs. John Martin sj' -t:: r. . the week -end at ]'"rank :l)oylr's , of Teeswater. , • ; • Mi'," Dat -i '' 'Ia, iin ]itis retur-,er]' tri r� as fro.. u•t�,t very Well of late. , John Gibbons' and 'Pat Ale:Glynn ha sold their forms' to :Mr. O'11a1- 1 f f' , y , a rw pr, vr�5, London llospital Dan .h t i in the spring: We''ure'very. sorry to1 . " . . ,r° ae •tit( � a Sinn, and Mr., Gibbons", ...._.. ,.,,..,,w,,,w...�.�,,,�`,,;��,. ' ti;hbors s►'nd friends; ti COUSINS FURNACES SUPPLIED ANTI • Ei;I:CTRIC WIRING. • AGENTS roit `THE HECLA o ,ilio l:j e'rho t' is , PH L1 LSS rJJRNACE. rill TI,NSTALLEDt.PLIJMIIING AND lose Ir M eG1'4