HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-01-27, Page 4r.
IIYEf ►t kit;
to ttwpl ca* 1t" ter
.1 w4 aka ice lrllal+r kW,
afrr s sai,eY they *saki I s kTry
had they laved a &Bar a week 'far
the a9sat't y'oar4. One +Mt is t do rete
tea show in.his heaths* the asiu t
he hark saved i>R ha 1st• at* %
Which hue et tthe tit nth' yea? ,•
Leith ne *I HS-1r*A. Gitaasl t ta.Piaglig
l'aidisholi every ThY
4. D•~ MAAEBNItth, ptionsow
408 Eaton
• THURSDAY: JA NUA tY 27 'h111
to I* 1855
CAPITAL-. VE $9.0011
Over 13I 'Branches
The cost of living: is falling, also ..the price of ; food' staff..
This neeiasiates. ince ased production: Produce more and
depomiit your surplus in. The Molsonn Bank where iti will be
ready for any c>wii and. yet be.earning interest. •
I t: C.. Tractor 8t. F3ngtnes
"*De,eniNG Drills. Cultivators & H'a►rrows .
Louden Litter Carriers, Stalls, Stanchions
and Water,Bowls
FROS' Gates, Fence 81 Nog Wire
New Williamiewing Machines
Gourley, ' Winter and Leeming Pianos
a • Per sale .11'f,• -
"He, Who* IiesStates.
Is Lost"
t Dant Lsaitaite start 'UAW-.
i. !rise yo C
, . • . •poultry to i
SilVerW0� •
' td•
'Connell met as per. statute c '.rsn.
10.• • .Ree m De_Put, Reeve and Cetun
anis were duly sworn in once and.
the -'-C cis .deoar�i':'dam'; -constituted
for -.1921. •Urinates -of • • • hers meet•
rug Were read-and-oar.:motion-of°John-
sten it'Jaisiiesonf•adopted
'By-law • No, I.., to', •Mart money.
fraim. *boas 'mak ts`palr interest
coupons of Ontario fiest.•Shore R. .
Co: en Jan, .1st,' 192}, was duly pass,.
(Goderich Star).. ,•
Wilfred Allbright, the young
charged with' bolding up Mrs.
4ydiati, Hullett. Township, and. rob-
bing her of 815, *as' before His Honor
Judge Dickson on ThUiadaya o f last
week. TO .3si . Behr bete ! finite lbs
tale. He blamed isia2iome • environ,.
meat due to whi for a bad. sta tern.
life and admitted ,having sewed four
yeas in the Industrial Home" at built-`
leo, where he' received somne ednclition:'
�He woihed ' near, Blyth' and roes well'
trued: :The thought of the deed,
which -caused his '.present truble he
said was suggested by. reading dime
novels, and to Constable Whitesides
tie •admitted the' discevery that. you
"can't pull 'off that kind' of atntf any
more' Allbright is about 18. years.'
of age and was employed by Mr.•Mills
i Hullett' Township farmer, and fired:
hi the sutl►posedbravado of:a bandit;
after examining a -new rine secured by
his chum, he held up his chum's moth-
er, Mrs. Alfred Lydiatt, Wednesday
morning of last week and. is alleged to
have -stolen $15 from her. Allbright
escaped into' the bush and after be,
ing traced for six or seven m1es siahl
caught while biding in his employer's
cowshed by Chief Fihtsimmons,. of.
Clinton, and. Chief ' iitesides, of'Hen-
Sall. The lad was �made._prisener an
taken: to the ,Clinton jail at midnight.
He a'ppeared• before Magistratii' S. J.
Andrews -the followingmnoining. When
arrested Allbrigbt had the'rifle which
he had taken from the Lydiatt home.
On Tuesday night Allbright. went 'a
Cross the road to his chum's place and
was. shown the' new guan and, how it,
worked, and Wednesday morning 'lie.
amide a. `second trip •when no' one was',
in the house.' ' . It �' a�ieged ,that 'he
then seemed the:, $15 ..and :went up=
stairs and got: tl gun.; . Mrs; Lvdilat#x
hearing, a 'disturbance, came in and
started ,rip the stairs. She was •met 1,3,!
Allbright: With the rifle'and the com=
mend' "hands •up!" The ,woman siaim-
n ed the door in his faca�-.ind ran out-
side to raise'an alirm; Allkright giv-
ing• l�ilase. He '+divert h line' of
Nagel, however,and head•;3:^for rhe
'bush. _ After' getting into- the bush he
went r several miles' ' before d'onblinr,
back to, the • place • sphere' lie was .lis
,rered. •
Judge Dickson gitve the young man:
" eterbunat'eet Sentence of
ran rad .:. ¢e Sia
inontbs to. two years'in• the•'Qotario:.
Reforbiatory. •
As the fesuit• of a,conplaint.laid by-
Provincr` it Constable Bind Wore the
Lord's'. Day .Alliance- at Toronto that
DS FOR By 3, po
'POO P tins
as the
# men ,w -
Bred fro* ftonn•
abs' •
1 �
BRR n .
•'-laws o. 2 end 'a � ...the
VERWOODS effrcers for 1921 with the exceptib1rof
• railway can-
struction work west •Ago,N; .
Thane 47• Asessor. Following are those: Ap- of lfvaikertoit bb='
..olrgg _DownsTimm Min's
P1 y
r: ..
tinexcelic+d .- nomCSS?'' Servib?e..:
cats on 'Night' Trains andtorior Cron on
•» _,T & .I
•: f tion fa+ofn any .Grand
RunkT�et' r'en
Agent. or, • C. it .
. .
• TDist-� Agent, Tor-
F F Plnllila„ Agent, •
p of .
There is a glimpse
Tam" of Uncut ' ilk the following
ia�"dote, : which appears ii '
•intelligenaen�• Far four consecutive
niggles :1 aote1 rranag had watched
• a"'fair guest : fill her pitcher' 'et' the
pester comer. "Nindarhe said. on 'the fl h riaght,
' i Woald Zee dote
ybn-wraald ?tom. t.... _
pointed': clerk.C, E.1icDonagh; Col--
leiter, T C...Tzelea ;-..Treaakmer•,; W -
I'.' Reid; Auditors, Wm. McCarthy and.
Donald.11icL eau;-M.E.O ,Dr': Simpson,
LB. of H., third . member, ' Wm. B.
Hinting; Sheep Valuators, David M.
Johnston; Richard -Jobe ton; , Robert
'Webster, Root Drennan, Thos Gar,
vey; Pence Viewers, K.J. McKenzie,
WitJ. Blank: '1tobt'r:- Davison,'' James
,Line, Thos: pi*.ac,x,RiAti Fitareelill.d,
Jho -. ' WinCrawford, • :, ao.
• 1*,onnd
McLeod, Jas.�, . opera,
Jao.•S: N_Pcargom
old. =Prank Scatty Thos. Irwin, Jarares:
K'ckley, • 'hook Attendance Oiler,
Ricbirasd Jo tan-=
cause they 'refused', o. work on. Sun-
days, R. B. •.
,_Setretarf • of
the rOli ,s . Day •
binto town ori T ursdkv
and -helds sittiin *s im tlie- Town
along M strate Poston, •Daiika
Robertsor> E.C., and Conetable,ltradg
and at a iiiieh Mr• •Dur3►ann,enaage] of
the Hydro works. 'wits summoned,,ton
aPp At Aonferenaie a ser g:
our the
protent'Was made.agsinst this -Sant
work.' and. that , anyy man should be
bounced .for refusing to Inbar an the
Sabbath was stoutly' eondemned;..Pert_;
to -on thier discharge. tickets that
err wei+e b -.arse they wouidi't •
:work on Smodai.vms deaanaann
-- `iaat.- on .:: a7' ,e, •and it seems
' t 1 toe
order five thousand rent 'arias*, Car- management liable :p
. '' - moi.
y• - eatest:
The V�or � s' r
Phonograph Value
INK of the.vast difi'erence between Edison's:
ordinary ono hs or
'Amberola, and Y g!'a.P ,
"talking machines".' The Anberota,.is the prod-
uct of matchless inventive genius -of inspiration.
Other phonographs are plain. factory -made' mar
chines, devoid of inspiration,
Thomas A. Edison's' master mini conceive° '
the Amberola to inter/din mankind . Complier-.
sial phonographs. are put together with just one
object in view -'to sell at'so much profit. , '
No wonder •the;;Amberol& has demonstrated
its superiority time and again m public cgniRlira- .+ r
tive tests'with "talking, machines'' and coinmerd
sial phonographs. ° i :
The marvelous tone of the-Amberola-the per-.
inanent, genuine' Diamond �Po,�it lltproducer (t o
- ' needles to' change) --the practically unbreakable,
everjating . fnbcrot Records—all,' reveal the' gen= •'
bus of Edt onT And the Surprising low cost of the.
Amberola,pputs high-priced '`talking m'rchines"
and commercial phonographs to shame: •
Let us show you how easy itis for anyone to
.own an Amberola. Call at ,our store .or write
• to us in the next few days., Even if. you are con-'-
v inced you cannot afford an Amberg . put i.t' p
to US to make it possible. So remezb r call or
write -soon.
• . Lucknow
' 1. ALITY: BADS -i' �-IcE GOOD
L. '� TER,k—CAT = EIRB ::.:.... ; 0 H. _ H.. ..
,A--4armer- nesr.: swift _•.Ctirient.:ic _ The editorof:the.:Brnssels,,Fost eve
calls lost his automobile end' garage idently"got his share of the bad coal'
by fire. 4, eat upset a lantern 'sil the • just now.faahionabte, and=this is' what
"garage a the O7ter:eras ea'n ing he had to say about it: "One "good
Some parcels•: into t}se . house.• •.:' feature of a mild minter is. that •coal'.
In this.''case experience :las a` dear; may., be husbanded 'and: that, is 'an im-
'tea. cher the fazaier had ;probnitbly' • •-rtaint matter these'days When quare-
heard, and'• rend'men-r times that it is tity, quality 'and•price are trying to
dangerous to p s•ee:.lanterzns where •.bib ail past records; Some .of the
the -r. may; be upset; 'but no doubt. din Boal milies,and old.slate or: stone quar'-
missed ibe suggestion as intended on-
Tres must:have got badly 'mijced up o;
for" �oiher fpllnct,." r else cars•.: must.hhave--been-loaded' at
:Too often .such•caution: is unlieee{ied, gravel pits; Sud ing by the•grad'es seat:
s�ith:: thea . haat di �tcr occvrs.;�'out The price- it -'4-1;' no ;"-matters
sov, ba*r►s and: outbnrldin s• are .w.hat'the quality▪ "• '
bunged •annually• in Canada • br.lan.
'teras:;being upset,: B •s ninly praiid-
inig:'too •on which the 1autern Cnuld
puna ,up,'this •f re wa te' would, rte "NODICiu T,O ‘CREDITORS
.. •r
to a. ims:t13! 'damage „action ..bad •..not
iaiiiie§ Ti- ampbel3: tha't ' Andito•: eip'eined. at. ,ibis
•bdarnager;,arn .
aini orm ie Carried. phrase had beemm put there kn *stake
•ase •the. _ _ ....._Part• ._. . �-f _:
• bs omen trod that -the mesa Vie"
- Jsaeiiesesai=.lo1<6nitosr: t11at= .. Gleak
send for 'silt** 'for .moi : and pot dsseharged on this . grounds at All,
. • but rather •first then
advei2ase ft►r,appiicatnons for �►��- }t''` �--
7cans quentl_v
no. ....resent . a-�d #rid •_a.. ..
titer wort; fat them
the following aneounts .were P ee or their
d:- ]lunican�al '° wo `ld. • oleo -
tion supplies. $8.7,5; Ele on eiPene;
es, PIS; J. :Savage,. gravel S1S;; " R.
Turin :grafi, a:, lingh • Stewart
gravel 14.75: Jiffs. Tsioley. •gr i m
s3.a0: C. O'Re. C: -towing teams om
Lake- . : J Dunbar, tefaratd
• CO�'TY
I'he 'local Bopid ' of .the •'Con ety` of
'trine/under the ?,let her, : 1p arrCe._
mot" was €Pre-noi'n'ed, in Walkerton Jag,
•Thuasdss, • :The follo'a ng officers
deterinme the meritss of the various
,gam for' help' to--arother� with de-. •
Pendell, e d 'em:. civ iC•V,
-Chairman;"Ills. (1 hicleima:on.
Kincardine, Vice -Chairman; Gee. I'
McKay. Wilkeruin, Se_ tare; tree-.
utive Com u ee, ; kis. I.E. Shoemaker
Paisley, Wm. Eldridge, Wis.-ton, and
]p the ,matter of the'estate of Alex-_
. ander li.: 1cDiarmid, late of the
Towrnsliip °bf Tinto s in the Ooun-„
fv `of B arc
rat e, gentlennan, . deceased.
! ot.ce;..m hereby given •that gall per •
son ha c inn ,anV • elaima Sr de nand
aga rest-Zlm )ei 7Alexander R. Mc -
•Il airanisi,-t who=` ideal. -01' .'urs ie
tenth•. da -y• o ' September, A.D., ,1920;
k the 1 ovnsiiilr '' df : Eire}oss°n tlne:
•'Goaiiitg 'of Bruce are-. required � `
quiresd •to
seld tis. post•rireppaid�'pn to deliver to'
the uindersigtied.: executors under the
Wilt;of said Alea'iander=McDair-
irid, their names and ,addresses and
"full particulars in writing: of their
'crams •
and s
tatenaents of their as-•
-eeunte ;and the nature' of •the secnt'it
*:arrsoiielca'"i3y them duly verified'
tis nEdavit. • `•
~ And take nntire tbit: a.4ter. the•fif'tit
day of February, A -D,; 7,:+21,•tile said
etitecutoTs will 'proceed "to distribute.'
the assets of the -slid. deceased:among
r which
ice.,;,'• lt'hie oe of : aQ- -- W Wn eA•ron.
.. Heasay _ u�;, There. were
;aaarked' bat'it ,s-emec,�:athe• cora- g im, ems far seaia .brad a 9� i_
sisteait,. o te:aguest mmaen to labor •om tba P
:A , of east sa•Sae- .p mt3 s of 'these,
Sabbatan to gush opeaatons ,ram the a 16 � fi�biwibly.,ennsidesed o#'.tvhicir
las .fti ni o' 'next cles bess�eu3e..ihese 1 3 were. 'Ekon;' Cln h V'. The uilowa ee
aloft enol eco., -i; mor •
at apteti Sia a valid. 'ref o. al dhrAd=kit rnnau £+gi@id I$
their . - .. the IIinrore=st - . ,
C.maan adiourned tIII 3F'eia. ,'ftI at
w.� ,-. rt-iaLui i tact Yea ';' r` oa_. - .UM'._M CS
h' •
be 2 1'is beside y
,plied the ainanager.•, -
'"$ •"That the bell!" nlie
"Wh3 the hey told five it
ahiaisn, sties 'that• I *sass not
on any ateomnt.'."
a O
bed„" re- >
H�lld• iCame�a n, $. cr, g a at
e* lshned. r at Kimito-
seor., or. th.. , $vdaro scare:
was flan sae dine, had a anariuw,es�ne 'from d a
`to• tonli'it lest w�. 3Ie' clianbed a pole or
whish thiere twno• 'spattsfr�e-s.
ealth &omit � pantos.vats He
fro crat ora'«' lige• tr<ld +ate ,
• 4
r 3•
A woreinent to have twO Indies on were ono the pole gave way and 31:
the Hanover soh* boarid nrOved via" *rem to the giontai toga/1er:-. Cant, I
ewe intrortanetr fa ,,bets t4e
' Ye' to nuo:`rosr_ lett itit3n `J0D or less 'and.
ta?. 3ainaarl:" sag e��w m e -`i � Toronte,.
�. *, ". � nlld • i►z: iscrile Coun
II n a..
�t ..,. ... as :_.. ...akix
r air.. ism �'ni.. iiri into sat iag!ee- is yFatl ` lIId 331 a i extra 40130 ,
Mem 'hat rile men wenldet be asked a!'
t -.� _� _ � _ E ,-th _ .� . >aozne itis `akin •county of Bruce. e
tharanntLY with New Testament •teaph
bot,oitte SS Votes and Slits Jai:Oleo:a! tvatitToltnets thus einmpeti mimes ,,,..t14,0..v.s.z.1 7- -
„ gram. 4Jr zasases.-45. * • Pat Year eavtag4 nlulble hut. ,The Of'. Vet' Of Makin
Four• young men • from' '.Hanover
who attended a -hockey-mateli'reeentlly
at . Gliessley ' were kin .an intoxicated -7:7
Condition and later -Were fined x$30
-each. :One _`
of then. erre .adraat`.:ecl-having' :.
• •
taken :a ;drink of Gide; i Mined with' . .
whiskey—evidently evidently 'a bad mixture.
The first ..dol
r deposited
• . Yh in
a bank ..
may: be the dtst:•brick in the new.
home you've dreamed of.:'
In'the •mattet of the estate of Angus •'
Matheson, late of the` .Township
' of Huron:in the`County'of Bruce,,
Farmer, deceased,
NOTICE is hereby • given. pursuant .'
ML-Sectioc�-wki.Cliaptet 12'1;:—A:B6o-
1914, 'that all creditors'. and .others
hac'ing claims .against the' estate ..of •
the Said Angus - Matheson, .who• died
n•or a•
boar •the -
t second dayof '
Oc b'- .�.
et, "A;l1 1920,• are .required' on or. l>e_ *—
here• -the filth' -day .of eke car lD- :
,1921, to ;send by post;pr•epaid or de -
laver to the undersigned; the Executor
of the said estate, full, particulars of
their claims :in �wriitin :and=tii
r g,
.Pre of the security. (if • any' hc.'d . by
And 'take ` notice' that after such
'lest 'mentl`oned date -the said Execnt-
or will `.proceed .to distribute the as-
sets •of • the. said deceased : among the•t
parties entitled .'theret+o, • having 're-
IiId onlyo nthe claims o.�vrhich lie
shall then have notice. • •
regaid the claims that °the spid ehemiters :will hot he.
:ahle for the .waid assets' or any part,
ney, shall not then have „received not -
This notice, is gilven licit. to
,the jr behalf.
E. E. Balfour. Joseph* Agnew. ACCURATE TE'sis;. BEsT PRIM
rg. vbeleis the 'unrest te. the wile II crushed to dmitta *.to- it -was be had aim alma, t.'& -y bm'elfli fr.:. 'a t4=. at i ' ' '