HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-01-13, Page 7The fain, of r neW watitheend ii
„eolnposed .oth eamereirs"weoden rhilerh;
insteld of a ion.nated metal- Oral
face. ' •
• cd1
es •
t-•-h-ee,hhe---e-•-eSome--ene-elieh-jehthpe , 'deetei
Newberry, who.; immediately .bonneed
* ;out Of lied. • • , • • '
•• , All right. Mr. •Clochtt he &aid
• hear you!" ,• •• heT - ' •••
• Not seeing ,Thekt Of enurs (for the
. :little fairy• had • made Air:melt lee
••• Visibje),. he rushedacross the toe*
• ' • and . opened -a door t Teek flew after
him, They:went into a SMallEi room;
and there another remarkable thing'
thhihmened. " •• • S •
. TO; tiithed a silver handle and 'and 'a-
totrent • of watereahished• out into
• •eiseep white place.: The'•smoke (it was,
really steam) Made Tuck sneesg,., He.
• *Tv.- :imek d. little frightened- la
Water running Into "a baahhaniong the
• reeks as a •faihiliar'. tight but what
did this means? '
, • He withdrew hastily. to the.hearooni
and at down on. aforitstoel:. Present-
' s ltr Toni rettiene, Walked.oyer to the
ee ...ether Aide of the room and took his
• .- statid int froht 'ol a Clehhe deep Pool:
Ateleaat„-Theck :thought titelobleedimore
like a pool thee anything -ei.se.h., Waa,
.Tore going to stv,ini? , •" •
• Ifni no; Tone began to bruah his
:tmir vigerouslYi' arcs do not 'brash
their' hair in the way niortsiledo,. and
the sight, of .Torti hanging away .at
_tehis 'head. Twit ' eerie tperilously. 'hear
;laughing Aloud: All at Mice Tom reach •
snapped,- end a • lovehee . [might
• •
thing bean tceshine .on the wall; like
it', &neer that had •suddenlYtinte
It made allethe 4room bright,
• , 4A.- Thought. '
• •
It is a frieidtly tieing to think,
trPon Oar 'Sunset &ands,
Of other Ighle girls and hews.
In distent morning „lends.
• When r aWahe, their bedtime cemes.
Perhaps. they think' of me,
'And eoftly say; "Good night, good
. .
, nights
" Dear child acress the Sear
, •
Tuck's Adventure.
Tuek the feiry had been il1,'and
• fairy doctor advised a elfaege or scene
for him. ,. •, ,e• e'thhed
"Sind -me to „Mortal. Land;h-Tuck
begged. "Tri Mental Land to eee Tem
TuOc bad often hard or this Tom
w'rl'Y and was sere he Would be
hompliny. -
The fairy's 'Parents dressed him
?Warmly arid charged him not tostay
enore than two hours: Then they clap-
ped their hands; and presto -he was
goneh . • •
f He found Tam fast , asleep in lied.
Sucli a curious place -the room was.
not at all. like a room in fairyland.
• Tuck could not imagine what the bur-
eau was for; the nig looked to him
blce a big mullen leaf, and the window
seemed to he made of 'clearest ice. •
• strangest *thing of all was
hright object that stood on a table by
• the bid It heti a round face and sit
-talked constantly, though alh it ieern-
ed to say Was one word over and over;
Suddenly it begart to wring; the rings
.• frig was as loud As all the bells in
• fairyland • put together; eta Tuck
jumped a foot high. '
e •
A moment latex Tora turne&.. the
handle once More, and the Object eva-e
dark again.. Tuck, wishede hehetiuld
carry the brilliant flower home •with
hinh • ,
After breakfast there WOO".smore
marvels. Thek followed To and
vie:ached hir‘ahe,„pour 'sorno•milk, into a
pan mach earre it over to what heoleed,
like a bigblackbox. Setting down
the pan, •Tom took a littlestiekefrola
ta boa and Scratched it on his .hltoe.
"Winit's be doing that feet" haid
Tuck tie himaelf. Anti then he instant/ -
1y added,- "Wocifl".; and clappe&. his
had to his tweeter thee little slick
burst into flame; Fire from a stick!
He stared while. Tom laid the 'stick 'on
top of the big bleek box, width caught
• '
•••• •
i rr-
Tom set. the pan. -over e ame;
then, a few Minutes later, he timed
a handle' ("So many handles!" thought
Teach, Put out the .fie and called the
cat to drink the milk• , • -
'rne next moment a bell rang, and
Tom hurried intei the hall, with Tuck
after him. The noise came froni a
'queer object on a table; it stepped
when TO101 held the thing .to Ids -ear,
Smithefs!" mid Tom. •"All
right; Pll be readyby the time you
get here." • a ° •
• "This is the moat remarleable cOun-
•till" thought Theis.. "Here- are two
People t,allciag to each. other..theough
the walls. Hoar is it done, I Wonder?"
But before he could puzzleit out
.there Vasa new noise. "Honk; honk!"
in the 'distance. He had learned that
in . Mortal. Land a noise generally
Means _that something is going toliap-
• Jobs—Already Furnished tp.5,0
250,000 VeteraflM
Outlook ve.
In spite of the fact that •Britein is
pending 000,000,000 in tryntige
solve the post-war problems of mein:
ployment, there are B011.500,000 men
ivithoht work in the United Kingdom
and unemployment he inereasiag. •
Britain has 4.2,600,0,00, people in her
woi•icing classh The ;hatar 'thou over
• 7,000,000 men, irnore than .half of her
entire. number 6f Workers.' Demobil-
ization has retiiire4&,,525,000 to eiv-
than life, hut the War had unfitted
Maria of *them for return to their.
former trades. Many were Phitheiho44
disabled. Mans had enteed the ser-
vice directly Mom scbooi and. pea.ce
found than in the • unskilled 1,03or
The•governmenit, by the varied ac-
tivities of the empleyment exchanges,.s
his found jobs for 5,250,000 a these
buthhe situation of the en -service
Man is still a -serious problem. • .
'Here are the reconstruction and re-
employment projects that the govern-
• ment is now carrying out: •
Ex -Service Men.
• Out-of-Woele Donation: .This was in-
stituted immediately on the signing.
of the armistice. 'Each uneriaployed
a -service man was 'paid 24 shillings
(about ;5.75 at: norMal • exchange) a
Week. Later, due to high living costs;
their apprenticeehip; they must he,
;ha* and Seethe die. other :three oe fele;
years; accepting' meeenwhile a hoh's
Pa* The50 men are about twenty-five
years old: many are married. .
` To enable the.: to resunte their ap-
prenticeship the gevarnment offers a
weekly bones eir condition that both
apprentice 'and employer will intei
into_ en agreement that the epprentice-
ship will he completed. 's A total of
forty trades mut 44,004 men lieeeidt by
this plan. A million phi:ands has been
spent; £5,500,000 remains to heespenti
Industrial Training for .• Disabled
;Men: Men physicely unfit or phytile
cally disqualified to enter their former
pursuit receive •vocational ,thahdrig.
Five million Wends have been t
spent; 928,500,000 remains to be s,peet.
There are about, fifty •goverament fac-
tories and 200 other • centres training
• overs25,000 men under this pine ,
The National Scheme: •This the
latest plan and is being worket•mit,,
•Each British firth is to take 64- dis-
abled men tohle extitircithreeitieteer cent.
of ,its persealhel. Se 'far. 22,4 ilithtta
'have agreed and have'. absorbed 218,-
. • • • e
-Appointments 'Depart:month TWO
hundred and thirty thousand •officers
were derrielalized.. More than '415,000
are till out of work. The govern-
znent is
officera• ir: ,to learn • their b nteaskse,
• asking b fi
agreeing. that after a Year ofk free
work they will pay the officer at
f4 ($20 at normal exchange) . weekly.
•During the -'first twh years the gov-
errunent provides a bonus for theof-s
ficers' maintenanee. •: This clause,'
which else provides for Mee of -a high
Standard of education who..served• in
the ranks, givei gimlets for edneation
at higher institutions. • So har• 42 910
Men' haire been aided b- this depart-
ment. •
Employment Relief.•Work•Act: This
. -
iict YaUey on tiVite
. •
•A• tihrilling adventure in therthnber-esprang, Vent again • 'ad 'hammed „like
landa of Nev Zealand ni ;related by' a twanged! :bowstring. The bag hangs •
Mr. Daividt-Blake,e4ho Met with it as, Ing beneath, leaped up an *Ma,
.a. reset of ft • itilaarr,e1.,• Wall a ,raan.:.anct down. I was jt:olted Irene ray
nained 'Swede.' Do Vita knew `the. and, for tai' lithrrible minute, with on* '
great divide on Mould Siberia?. asks' hand clutched in the chains, beteg Over
lefre Blake ilia the Wide World I4taga-1 the abyss. SIOWlyt painfully, I drag- .
'zinc 1 bad aleontract for eutting out: god ThYrkelf up. again. My nerves were
and sending dOwntlie timber froze the in rags, nay linibs shookhared My teeth,
'tipped Pfohes. Aereas" the gulch, taut, chattered. •1 took off' nty belt and,
as a'boWstriiig, a 'steel cable stretched/ reeving it through a ebah IbIk, shifted.
for eeight hundred feet. The kauri position; then I buckled the. strong
logs, slung. to an underhupg trolley leather round My waist. •
Funning on hue' sheaves, were sent This is what had happened The
ver the wire to the other sides .A Pin in the levier block litad worked' •
glide rope, booked to the • • trolley loose. The.wite bad jumped the groove
served to c.hecic the run and ease. the in the' slietiVe heeominhe Jame
timber to the landing stege nied 'between it and the iron casing,
Roti McKenzie, Duhcan and Senertz and the log bad braked itself by her
9 • the day late . toren. The las did.wiZern7st:eliff.:14eit'ainriad vsihadtbi- binieni4t.istclubnrdritigenedthe
71t "ig t:1 1
orked ' gen It 'was the 'en
, log -a .mons.ter twenty . feet .1ozig by
thirty in girtlytbunreakly 'for
• launching. I waseen the pointof Ova
into a gain front the southeast. It
ardeloPing throngla the defile.
ing ,the hignal; When; fancying 1 hio4 ltaih and whed-chiven hail _Mated'
ticed a slackness in one of the slings, across -the .darkness in 'fierce gusts.
I enounted the iog. , . •Flannel shireand :trouser's, which. 'rep-
' This was Smertretutoment for resented all my • clothing, were littie4.
ferrect vengeance. As Wick as protection sheerest the fierce .cold. I
in he evung his aimand sprang the coed not Move to:ease my hoiition,
hook of, the guide rePei rom the
s" eleet ' On the iiistaht the Inge iog
gathered headway down the taut wire:
Some one Screamed, -"Jump, ' Dave,
• jump!" _Brit thee as no time:.
All this happened ie`a flash. I threw
rayielf face dOwn tepee the log altd
grippedthe sling' chains with a grip
of death; Bushes, fgrotind •and tree
stunms fleiviliackedard, beneath mein
,a mad blur of speed.- The racing
heaves, in their iron block casing,
sr�athed 'and shrilled. Fife fla
from.tbern. Fire ran along the wire.
Showers ofsparks flew out Open the
winde '
• • • - . .
this 97a$ raiSed to 29 shillings. Sp far 'act eonternplates government `building
Suddenly there:w
ee a jar, :the grind -
435,000,000 hasbeen thus eicheadect Projects,' which slmll employ the ex-
This sum, is to be raised.to h40,000,000
by 'March 31, 1921. • '
- Unemployed Insurance Act: The
•Donation Syetem obvieneely an Om -
service man. In the. past feur. hears
tranSporte.tion in •Britain has c.ltanged -
from rail transportation to the use of .
motor etude route's. Britain'e roadel•
and- s..hrielc •of .rnete; oh metal. • I
acreamed and eloied "rny eyes. There:
was a jerk that- wrenched •iny arms
-theihe sockets, and the mad rush
stopped. •• The strained , wire above
perreand so he wetehed Toni eagerly. ergency . endtruinous beth fine cannot handle this traffie, and Maio •
• •
• pi ked. up his books and went ancient/ and in national Morale.' It arterial mi heade are h:built in LMt
out of doors. Tuck' followed, of course. evill be diseontinued,ofeatardmasn, doneandetheeprovi
, A
lee• formed on the chains area on the
Wood; my Clothing froze bard and •
• The, night was as dirk as the month
Of a pit. A eingle lsig star broke; at
Intervals, through •the •wrack of flying
scud. I watch ed it idly as I lay.du
a sorte
of trance..
• h • •
. . , , •
' I awoke in atwarm bed. It was Dick;
my chile coinpanion; that had come
out along the Wife in the :nierninir
after:the storm.. Relied brought with
him a sort of chair of ittreng rope run
iiirighein a:. pulley; but -.how he had
Managed...On that swayhig, efipperet,
log, to get Me, helplese andeuncorie
sciotra, frith the Chair I detuot know.
Smertz ?. The boas got hints awaY
from the boys locked him inside, his '
offihe and stood guard over him- until *
the polices catee. Otherwise they :
have jellied hime.„
.The noiseegrew: louder, ani at length, when the functions Of the donaticn ;This act also hiroVidee for gOvern-
a great bon' On four wheels rushed in eme, will be supplanted by .the tdne in et housnig projects There is a
View.. It was :Met pulled bt- dragon- erapleYment Insurance Act. shortage.ot 500,000 houses and 55,000
flies' or by field nikehlis -carriages are Under this plan • each of th'e 12,- fewer anen are emploYedin the build.:
.hauled rn faltylend; in faiteit wai net 'qoogoa workers. of England will pay iflg. trade now than in 1914,tdie to
pelted at all, It simply ,Went, aTuck. a email 'weakly • Cum toward urielnpley- /*As d: Man power in the war and
was ahteunded, ' t meat insurance: and •when urierriploy- the hefu.eal of .,the thade4 *union' to
All at -once a clock' strnele. and Tuck ed W111 eecelt-eh a weekly' balms . for -dilute their unions with unskilled men
knew that his time wee up. Bopping maintenance. N4t, iitn who has not "Londen alone• has piojecte denninding
b,k ot the neareot eihp heid fohr instailmenteh Of his. dues 500 bricklayers, who in; turn
• The force. that. is going
to Carry', you tp rourgoa1is
coiled . up •iuside. of You -in..
your deterinination,„ your',
pluck,* your grit, your
originality; 'your.. character,'
in a strong, • persisten. ,
tenacious purpose
on'the ac
• aeon 'at. home.... ; • • h. e
, ' shall receive thebinefits, Of the plane:provide' . r the employment a 4.0,000 • The:Need .orT04. ay. ..
HeetoM the other ialriee about the arid ere are o er linhtme elateses, other men:, ,Arrangements Are dbeing referm that' *needed tos
wonders: the strange'brightfswerip butthe ae.hvill aseure neteonai talent_ considered with the -Joint Industrial • day•! •• . • .
the Wall, the fire stiek, .1..0 44. rest:
Some of would not helieve him..
ployment inserince; • • ,.. :Council of. the Buildtng; Trades to ads• .
. 'Chit Liabilities. Depart:Thee.: This SOsit this. matter so that • housing
'Tat 'it's the' truth," ineisd Tuck. hind, was ettabtished ttfio pp:ov:id.,e mOney schemes -cart he begun: e e ',.. • ,,
Then he looted vvistful. "Fairyland for ,ex -service mea who were ekilled , - ' ' ' ' ' c• - • - . e
seen -ea -stupid; -be•said.- ."No stratige laborets bet yelte Vereeinahle_toebuy '•,.. • ' ' • „ ' . •
Ies• eightness• .of heart...Abe, eptrit of
' • • • • a
letting. geed the Sober view ,
Al heehig life Minh; children do.
thirtge happen•here. • HOW wonderful tools- 'Aldo tee ena.ble men forrnerly1 uneiriployment, in divided
ahd indireet resets. The ' direct reh
live in a piece like Mortsil Lend!". far £4000.000 hes been Spent since the
thegiant's` strength 1
the conitiction that :he,
'. The 'strengths&
• a inuscle is enhanced a hun-
dredfold by the. will-pbwer.
The same irtuscle, 'when
moved from. the, giartt's
arm, when diVorced ftom '
••the, force, 'of 7 -The injghtk
sustain but a frac--
fion 0f -1)16 -weight it did a
raornent 1.iefoxi it. wiis
&irinetted. '
• it niiist seern th he Tom Newberry and in bu.eines.s to reopen their shops.. So sihto cases of direct hesultstf the war
armistice; £4,000,000 is •still to • be sult ceine.s in the general induetrial
Itret4akingettimearpt• theslatih
That out of ceitettiaioncalmuesshriegs.
The time fondle and:Meditate - • • ,
On thetsimple joys ere it be too late.
hi:tenth •tt : • „, eh, e. , ,.- represeion. Tire *Teat .result comes To trainp through, ;the -. woods _With a
Land ,Seteleinent: To enable:men ho to the men who at 92e beginning' of deg it heel; • ' - .. .
-bur ferbie;•1,7,500.000' silent; ;23-;90-tht the war entered mat Planta andtnitads To build a are and 0111 '
.sgo.t,? tie-speni,. ' . ' - . .• tions manufactories- and---.-noW, witithethearbethe--spaelime ;roof otteroddrat
Oderseas Settlement
, , ....ie 'these factories cliieed, have no trades ." ' :eaors, ' thehFor these ' - •
Oreeseas Settleineatt To enable men . ol owmg And know that the whole wide world
- schemes have been instituhedi but 'of . is. yoit. ra ! :4;-• . : • • : .
vvor donations:, The. same plan that
and their families -to emigrate to colo -
hags -and -pm-chase-land -there, 00,0.00
spent, £1,000A00 to be spent.
•Breken ,.,Apprentiteehip---Schemee'
When the war Caine many men s.eiving
they apprentiheildhs eenlisteth They• -
tare now _rettirned to civilian .and
e'wou'el • like to follow •their old trades.
Buthishaaing- herved eat- one year of -
k - . •
• is applied to exhiervice men. At first
24 shillings weekly bottles; later rateed
to .29 ChilIings. . ' • .
'before the war, these proChte
son hetyeeea employer and _employees.
Exhierhice•ineli and cihiliens 'are alike
• r • • r
Runs on All Fours, Bites an
Fights All Who Come Near,
and Devours Raw Fpod
• The fantastic stories ., of Rudynitis...-'.
Khiling!s Mewgil end Of T.a.men of the
Apeinhave Viand. it:parallel in real life.:
In the cape of a North-hedin hill lieby
stolen and: mated by a -leopard, itee .
.rfr4Thbage7Loton4tforie Chlalocliitangkposiret7il°4de elit
Stuart: Baker, when •. In the vhlage:
of Dhurigh.iii,•;tho caehar Hole; :on
• . . , •_ •• .
diah northeaeteni ftontiei Was eon- '
fronted -ineelielocal•-•courtletinses wake-,
Prptesteefrona-a-certain nattee-lie -
was. unable to do. his .shate -of hherti '•
head mending, because if he !eft hem, • .
his little wild son away tote
4uggPx• • ". • : : •
--1111•711.acer Waited. th.e- man's liuUIb
.eee the heild•chihl,"sand feint there •
a boy o.".e.teseven,, -naked, who ran' e-
mirial•• iketsesma.lhanlinal. _
TAt' the oght Of the etranger the chile." •''
, sniffed about Cur and ended. by- bathe
Mg .allefotirs to:his father', backing .
teyhy; yourcall!
is to be in -tune with the eihe•greatest,entost tiOhionh-haane
its being . e to the •reeetegs
s. •. ..• °tall., • , _ .4; ' . se , .
ll- ; Iteetft __beets: „tide • end• :haste
-• . 'ep irite :flags. , . .
. „ • • _
And ydu'laugb'elond With the careless
'between his legs like an anievels enter.
• There, are. atilt 100 000 ,uneinplojied Of a ,happy girl or:a merry boy' • ' 1ng a burrovr. The child was a4n4aft - •
. women in the UniteVICingdom, and Oh, • the poignant. ;need of the -world blindsuffering from :cataracts end'histha.n•
•• eis dT,women--haeh• eeteee••s
are litidet feliea7ekhaehie - headawas-coheredeltitlietheyhgetateeantheetth
..1i.jothinineesh•loveeofhtheteatt,h-tende scritehese . - - e • • • • •
and 'civilian. Ti'e- ex -service won:en . ' • • An Extraordinary Tale
are *hope wa% e‘ively insuch : • • te—h-• •
. 1 _ , PO ho erd act
er as the • - Ntherten.h. Auxiliary Arinh • .
soldiauxtheet , • ''ef .ctganheationi • • ••
tory Your bor
• The S'The father's story is that when the
Peril had. come uphill the child anit •
Ices, two years old a feenaleeleo-
Chiipsehtteat_heeeteheaturi. lfarjr A•ite Force, f • the. ' ectilinhas 'a Thehrecent mania. or • o
eet mother • :in .rehtichteileideesitat
e-Pst,--e' he-i"-.1fie hOlterehe 0 arta untnr. as ,o.wn ,Negicc, ful . :-0 . Precautipne.,-• - ./i'a7-e":,n',.••",""::'1•-•:"--At'''..3."ATY.'s• iNeavalhdgervie- ••ce,- • reirPtleallf.C4ialetrehrh.. e.°1-g-'whi.-jaSsv-li!ei.lehr9eet.1er;,-; babY'-frein. the • Mother -eandebpuedee
• ,
. . • . .
hove-refl.:era Officee. .. • ' . ' ' - -a - .- . ' -- '.. - • ' • 'It '' " aW4Y.,, crit40.11-1)410kl.e.:-.,-..-&—it%
:. ' ,''.-'-.. ' . - ;.- . . .. . •. War Conditions .1ii-Crfaied:,Dangor.. . . . ... . ... . .. - :..,.. . . . ...: , ... New "Polfidei'•AdOpted.
. • Johnny hreas as it 1.5 calledecatithieh theme inferetion et:•sem_reellpox from C06,,L1".,..7. 71'1......•
', gress %ea ..Quaekgrase. . twitea-grass,. ser the 'ivorld.:s OM e Of' ahem tehaght . • krioi n., a a. a . .- . . , . -
14 hreieethe -is.h.great ,deal like tem( --tcontat t with .p.eep e ro , al parts ...0 pose e , free)... .: . , ee .,
.• I • y . with tin r • ', r 3
..-4 'af...the .nicient, tiine.'stuatfilet. .Tthre(llaedt.:vgtir:ne,Ineef4..; ":5-Ttfilitilti7j1 '1111.131" . C°1'11"
. , , , • .....-•
, . 34.1.• . .1, 0.5h trade hrithitatOla nadec the Card It as mere hum ug. . But est it tauP1).:47::..c....:rabs.:e. kL1141...4.,....tah.:6-;., Parii, ty..,!Iv:::3711-12.itect.....,:.,,.._.,...., 7.
. •
of ,eh.. .00ntlieg to til,se temperametitel.or•other
•• • .
..1,O he* are 'mail'''.
.BeltaverA in, this ,aneitekiinit ittitlevisiliieeds. lesre.a:. • e.,oteict.n. eohhooutte.4.10.::Traigeol:L;a4 :.ciatee.
. ,,
to. shadees- of:hind-5,-as. corres-
__ . . . , I
• • liar, and killed her • 'There their ca ' ' ' • .. '..' '
&Opal:m:1.1y •b.eeti reered with theeleo-• ..„:
• . . .• •
• nes.e 'To icies aree .:
eheeheetteehe ,,eeteeeteh_,,,o h.....eheereheheity iaten'sive, eirltive-., ,tries Ili "e" -b eli .,t, hedlaeaee. is endemic, t if., a ' real menace to our tiatienai eq.. mete. as 'yet. to be deterneined. The Wafts...Gt. individniVs.., tile • gueatiOn . is .
fr. • . • • i, lion,. hnt 'a5 every 'farmer: knows.; ,ith arti.eee •''.,• .., TAW:;31U-71".1'llgar,fii-iiii-ervetTifirre: -rerit':-ArrAta'-ur`•''''''T.4....erlh-ahrartidisia-la atvr.".44.61 ' - c-tt-1.-----4.-- ''''-'1.11741": .4 ' ''' .."..L... --.:1 the Child -and their claim -wee admitted
. • .. •• • . • ,.41ar'EAt- '' ' :
.. ".. ., . - . , • , i ..„- • ,.. „,•.,ii,.,,,t,__rove...0eber,..eiteet., .,;11., ha,a toned in tile re. • 4 .4. . .
, hetv nalfelive pe.e tie., a ,1,4 h • • .hi . ---- - - , -: • ...- --, -,. -.ea- -, • •••-•-,. •-„,,,.,,,37,1,„•f.....'r,t4:••••,-IN't.-”Alr- • of ..a..h.: eco:aa • - eo. 2b, -Teethe-el e_aed_ ,,,-„eetea ehrea. ee• . tt ' le.asserced ,that the sauere 'held - . ae eta he eaeee • .... .. ..,,• : •
- , the . entire field ttinlese preeasitienary., , een i." tn.crees e'en 1mm:tree:on-tea .. .
. • (tistially With' erenareenaffs). ex-i-dWateii. -.--.7.1.ethheeeht.tat.7"cliugehscit.•;-e•;,-'c'i-ied-,bitS7a314-' - -
.., , . - - ereet,t the,. harriee., • of raccitattorr` international barter It:lay:re:Mt; . ••
.• measures ,are ,, • .. ealt Orderly., steady -going in.dividnak. un-•
- ' • taken. So, 4t is . with. ' ; In ,s.mallpox, the il.ret :eynipipme .P1.1!'' againi the disease, the One preventive • 2-.• •Proteet British. ''maletifaeturere. ,
fou ht with every 'one who eitnhe 'near *•'
.---- malliflos tUtthadelitafeil Ph•ohle - 'Ire .•-hGaahhhe;'hha'itah-hete 'ell-illa-and-eihx-eiht ' : h ith h' • • .-eit fi t' • LI the to' bill- . Melt- . hibits the ' .
eeneaeuee-st tele- as-eV/tee ---e ec etc. - - • - ye- hen, pea etnnht- • .• • • ..• , liiiie and seized any Village fowl.= that.
faiaginatiitiabuttpereeeheriaheaiadegifte-- - --4--- • . - e -... .....„ a...see...se.-- .
4 • * • ' ' ' ' x'st elasiing about threat tlaee• •Vollowed by •
the 'pea who keep the d aease tree t -.. . , _ , -, • _ .,.., e _ ,Here: are. two examples of elle thief: s, ortat'iOn of dyes except underlicense, „ • h!ecIyould ceapttnirse, dnetypitt.lanigithem:ivealtvh-. -• . • , , e • •
•, • . • ., the eforepeeetione eruption. •: I -ever iivene of vaheinalion 'againet. small-'' ' ' ek 1 f th'
is an erne e o ets
, . , ,• .. e
sithirinit thb War ed With 'force of -character. . - .... „ „.- .• .
:The. esrratelatet band: (with hiegers. . et • • . i. '. • '....A...estees- --•-e. . • '
. .
. During, the pa 51 decade • 0 ..twil. pee- ' Subaidas when !Lie. erup.ion a pp bro
IPI -d ...
,. - ' ' • t' . ears. • • • . • • .
., •
many indttstries, 'of rwhkh 4.yes. and'
• ..
i , - ad •and -fiat at the ends) uh este a"
. ._ tt g , • • •
e.ttraordi' gee rerildity„ and his knees' • ''''', '''• ,
:-,itr the country In thigkenhehthe feyer begins whee ! . - ,
lie t.ubre•dartna lehe. and Ithiitethereeoptiethgoothe;aretehainples, were builti an energhtice•-rddegeh•de-hizaeitaheh •peee 'had litsitdeeallittea Ohtll
int ot 'thedaegers of the ins14s'S•78 1 iieeruption a ppea rand.Sus.ually e
e i eghe mete _than • a -thousand defithse tip at great care hattd..expense. , This.
I to, work by ties and:Starts... Inventors ' .
sort, lovinghection, but with4C'teardeiicy
toes remained upright ; almoirt at right ' •4, ' s '' th: •
• 'have had A• long period 'of comparetite etires. sign. obsetheh is, tee eruPtiou. ac- _e,
cite' • Of . H ' , altene .trahe Will • now. be lost • iinlesse-Pro- angles tie theinstep. Latet- he leatned • • .4
ttreedetii : thothesinallpox.: ..,1;th,e, '..:- the . hOintienied • by. -.. 'slight rive. iii :tem: i thtet` 'Y 13U 'I'll
• • . , . la. • '7 frOna 11.1.111POi. rOildWi g the .Atneri-• i ,tected. -- . ' , ' . - h . '' ' ' ' • ' 'coinmonly hails' hands. of this type': ' •
, . to eat -cooked food, consented tie sleep ,
•• farmer who . suinmet-ialloe; the. Weld peraturh., ' . • , ,„ .,, , ,
occupet ion of the i Ad- veeeina.-• .• e.3,.. The. !.Anti-Liamping "key' . Induite I . , .. .. , . . in. hit.faebehei wet . ante teamed . to: ,
- PhiloSopliers. gtudenta and preach= ,. • ' • . • .
. .
',Infested with the keg White'foots et , ,it ehoole he remembered that echeits , . , ,• , . • ; . . ; •• . , , . . , . , , .
boner-. fingerea liege. - ' .7 ...
41 • ' • . I tent hit; Is said) have : • - . • ,,... -. as enfor, ed .ar.ong Alt acheol tries and Collapsed. ExehangeSs eil ., . .e. ,. • ,re. Pa& ainglibtl' tiow the 'villagers by 'seriee oe•entei.r.'..,,. •
h • 7"Ulli`e ' . k .' • we for a tong 'time- hade seldom- . have chic-it:enema mad that
(lilac - t •t • eleitdeen:7" Aid" Wet as' a moil g' thobet' This bill .1e• no*. under Calhifint•dieentei hahdohe'hhth- Mr Baker has contributed a -detail- '
hitehilcians vaccinate tete •childten..ann e therefore an ertihijaa, , ..00Pes.:Ily, e : . . „ ,, • . . . . and • • : ' ee. and 'long eel's. Perions tvitli Such .' , .
aduits who could. not fereish• ev td.ence. sloe, .SirRobert is p edg. .. : . ,, . , : • .. • .. edatahh Of the aim to The Jotirnal of. •
:fears -elves Wherever.- there.. wits . the ' papular eruption •beeoming vesicular. •
e Of s 'recent vaddinittiom?'"hBetWeert the ' to intibehice it as the first •meaeure ef ' lianas' are uPt. ay i atum tory ocrety.
. _. money-mat:arse leeeiee it 130 b. ,.,: 1 His ,... . s .
. li• hte t dangef of catching' ,thts his- , °cat -ring in re, person mere
!lau ten ' •yearti of 1901 and 1917 only.Care person the new sessien Of. Parliament • aftett
' I • • lel histita - ' '. ' t- e '44
the •coMmerc - . ct. .. . , . , 1 ,.. _. , . . i .. , . . .
*ase. • Aad we Were careful to See that or theive :Feats of ege. eine d be .re-
•• ..
'Med as . robable• snialinox • The • • - -. • t . • .,
in the eith ot, Havane died, Of the itt$-: christrnae$ . As it e name iMpllete, it. lp
•-t eft!' hetiall tong' and tapering
- ;
. .
' i • ! The hande of ettiethe ae,torti aod ,Daby Chair That Become Go-cart .
'when' the iniMenity• of. the vaccine, .-ea .. P • - . - • .. 'ease... in .1903h -ere - Pateeth a lave. re- ! a- -protective nteathlreh • id ;11-17eieen. I I-41144-.-- are.- - - i - , - - • — ----,j .,. The iorkst...-thing: -in t4.8-,.wil ,tii 4 --
,:orare. ott Are were. ar„..iiii:-.Tacettiated7..:trante--preqaationa--sitottitt-be-'taken--as-4 - • , .. .
.., ... ,.._._k_gnirIng,_,14,acciunt.,..._. ...co. eyerkt shn fa at : hd unmingtieforeignegoOdsh Unsiereellinahe aad'- artr hi duterh;tilev;I:notf . ante'Dienolmtitieet-,Ine .
baby -Chair •-in convertible offitAnd Into': ‘--"h-
It as fix this. way that smallpox •has . tri cases_ ot recognizea smallpox, enerat. . e
wit.nie ninety'. • h! .. 'of birth, This, the British, marketa.tlie „Protection Of 1 dalea- '
, 'host e_ heentita I - ai -- hatale,hita_fhlthata ,T;;;;Ytreliet;e7lieti. tami.e1;:etn./e.1"....,1„eZleett .11_,_' 1-4.,,,",..,..,...,.......
----e-'-.-,--t--rencierefi-one. ot ih4u.e,ait-tear4liw_Wl. hut -141'0h. hal' de -c10,- i.121C-=' etree, Ilea • ' •--4ye redneed-theenaiiiheeettairteitiduatrieetheg•ardede•ne hkey'h-L. •
' ' - • - factious dieeteses. ' In tact,„it became ;that, the disease is not , einallpoe. . It ! bell ; "(115e8 a: ...•.ibs., and there a.re leduetries in the ecortoinie struetere ``phetchic". t:thiesehtiege barrOt, ‘, taper- •
. • eri 11- beton ----P '
e eat the •Wheeli are. thereby swung .•
• .
an 'uncommon sight .,to iiis--a•-tiox,is even. beet to take hail peectatettors ' eo l.e. ee„ heeee.. .
•. . . :telt-net- thtishe'dt- , lied. to adjust tet-Whaterer • iniaiiiiir -iv..gu 440 :'-'1end'T;r4ag •• . . " down tie the giourid. and !oi.' a vehlel•-•
marked lie
‘ teen. ee einiost certa In sign in eblekenpuee 'since •suiellpox hag of 00ehtehtetr, . .... ., ..
. , . • ' 0 I eop e orare .1 I ner . np at* i
. .. • . . • • - • poestble the exeleange eendinees. .' " • --, •.,h . .. .. , . ... - . • .
,. that he 'was n• fehegner coming trete ten been_ diegrioeed.ae c 1.ekeupox. the . e . e e. inteetious dia. ' These ineasureit.' it ti hoped; 'Will •
. tot the baby. .
. .
eale •areletee. eensitive and religious. ,
, Ocilla Ettrapeen, eountty wilt, b din riot • mild 'form of smallpox making the, er- ; , • ' " '
hhts sedden• fever, i help solve the ' two big, probleiresecif .The .na.its -are 1.1.141tiPg'shfl..
.. r .
rot Mere common of tato. ay taking ' .,,Vi". • :
•ti'f el ill foety eight ltours ' ere I •t' ' e• 1. $ tt•`' it ' " • . ' •• " . .."-:: '''.-7-4-7h - •••'' ' ' '' ' •
,e'preventire '1111:r•arar.vf.3 iii.:-.,..iie. tor alt these precaetiens metnlierSi of the !..''
einellpext• • - , ..
enforce, or 'Mee, tin; nee of vaehtne -as -
. _
• , Symptoms 0., 1 east. '
. . ' b's .., ,.., .., family will • be pretecteil 'against • pose •
' slid* istection., ,„P•tiblic4t
l f; t'vrish end aradnal'S. tessini. tirite Eligland is testrairlirg":11er fa-
. erePeatilln: on forehead, , ;cresting to vete that for the: firet ' -4'
i , .t tic ion ere k! p • sior. . ; -is ire, , ee ,,„ . . .• , 4
. An a 0 04- Pre,..-. 14 sl/e eear enditht lune 30tli
,Pette.‘, F. telleh Soldier to his bayonet... •
oealte is the, nieltname hit•enehy
ti given ,thel. benefit of •eitei.y ! ,: ,,.. ••:o.'bc+iiy. The •temhera- ' moth free trode !hiller = '' f v t `• . . ' ' "r------7.•‘4 '''..-'.1.--- .
.' flow lite d',•-eaeti 'again inee.tees ilie l.d. tie , i i iiai h. appeire.., and " ecetior...- It ie expecied that the wilds;
- • . • • •• tete front ten '..:,-.,,,It'ectrt days the • ureS whl he hotly conteeted !n' tome"
Britain hail! 50.1 vi•Ssel5i, "thiited• Siit
• Calliediare people, . Foy •tillii Mete it ret . . .
'doubt •• • • • ,
-Peet* About. Smallpox. 480, abd Japan 10o.. ... , t. • • . •
doitrtAl reessobs. t)„ne, .1s,, of .course,h • : •" • ; • . • - . _... . I di6Page passPa.. throu4: ,Varinus stage?: ,•euarters. - " ' . .• ' • .
. ' our careleialeee in reaard to tha mat • , ehThe inimunity •oh eileeitiadieiTh", 4.. h P. ttntit the eruption.e heaotne etust-litee. ''. • .The aeOlhera, howeveris riot 01)6 fei,jr.
•. ter of 'vaccination; ' "another ' fa - that ; etbout five yeere. • . . •,, ' 1.- ti ride Sintilhitsh nttaCht a Persolt iticartolliat6 solution. Trade and ern-
kmre.thongit histanem ef second' ployment are i;IdiAsollt,blx linked,. And
feet. that daring tile War. lams) mita. 1. People. should be vothinated aetaith ft •
betted our ,citleens e ere brdught in stnailpox because of the dang.,>r ,: et e (nee ki Ilayo,.bc.en , repotted. .. s• . . • '
. ,.,
. . trade' gi.ews slovate •
, .•
• ... • ' , ' • t," ' e . • ,
- •••• • " h • t e :A . ' •
• , Ll.
• • .
▪ 1 • •
, eel
• .
Hides ,Wo�I,Furs
vie nave hien giving oute many
ehippers fair and tattle -a abre
:returns. ' • ••
WiLielAiii STONE 0ONS. L,TO.
Woodstock, Oita •