HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-01-13, Page 6*
By 'EDNA.- TUIGEER:iiIht :
tee e'en Ot.'• CeOtit tie Qe. Ct,e% W#4 •
- _
Accordingly they drew iiere. new
Mother just outside the door, and Er -
Mina begaa her *tent jut where she
should have ended it,
"Ruth Eeniitosi" owe it was almost
like stealina---lurtitig him sitar like
elate-inst. lit the right time. Be el -
47 way, wins people Whenhe . 'legs; but
• at first: --if he ("Jesuit singe -lie% plain
:In the little ehapei of St. Bernal*
itath-lrenfitton turd Erinetnit Vincent,
ftrateyear nurse* in train-In/Comsat Side
by • nide. • : •
As Ruthlistened to the reeding ie
eihe.bMn On heard BrOfinatrettlet
• intleth hn a sigh that Was almost a
!Whet is It Ermine?'" she attired,
- sh her friends ani.
"What are y g about?'
°A lanes lac tot -Lantern," Er-
•Inina answered. "It's his last week
'tient warm almost desperate." '
• Where was no time for Ruth. to
speak.. They .ratie with the little choir,
•' , and the sound of young voices over-
• fiew.lag the. dial ehatial echoed along
the- corridors of. the hospital:
"Joy to the world, the Lord'is come!
' Let earth receive her Magee"? .
• Suddenly, from without, it voice
•. high and clear like a bird note' took
• up thehymn.. It was the voice of a
child singingOn Perfect time and tune.
•• •The chorus *thin the chapel softened
mail the new voice seemed to
4 " The hymn ended presently, aa two
by two, the nurses walked briskly
Away to their corridors. As. always,
• Ruth Reniston. and Ermine Vincent
. Walled together; but, not as always,
they talked in sober tones. '
- "A home for Jack -o' -Lan -tern," Ruth
was repeating. "If may- somebody
could hear him 'sing before they saw
'bis freckles!" ' ' . • •
' "That's the idea, Rufus: rm get,-
•. tine up a sort of scheme. Don't, ask
'ne or you'll be abetting me in it, but
with or without abetting rm going to
"Iliad a home for Jack -o' -Lantern.
Teem!" ' •
• Ruth stood still and shook a finger
• Warningly. . • ' •
"Then sit right down and count ten,
• Mischief," she said. "0 ErMina, I'm
• lust as anilones as you are! .1 suppose
ought to nip your scheme by asking
'about it, but I won't."
"Floe people' have been 'lip here to
zee him in thelp,st two weeks!"'ineen-
they do la bookie and then,* boy,,Uould in alotte 0 his grin,: and he hasn't a
'conteright out =id telt about a father veil good !my of expressing himself
and a mother and ,fi. home.. ildaybett xeePt of time In mask, Sack -o'-
- CO
COOld. slag a father andoa Mether ngLt Lantern IS •reallY• Martel' than •BalPle
taut. the . :,00in himself .irtheut wee /our husband- will be seep,eed_tho_w
lairiel,,°. - ----' - -' . Tie was ern ' -big
. uch he knows about baseball -all tbe
ripitchers° iiiniee Skid evetithing.
"How welultil.I smew • . . , tesiit- ti.,2. es 40_4 old him tn. sins la
ing,,yiss Viiiient1 I, can't see d .L. I" Z
hope* tnat a fairy wittla-P
centatIt.'" * - 1 d'It was lovely to he him sing then
. , ` • " • • bt
Cooling by Graded Temperarure.. , =told pricklY, teasing, unreasona .e . _
' e 17
Not everYone realizes what tomPer- he
selves. We• are extra uke now because of cheese„,
. k la kii chewininanede: ptlieekdoedniimentnn.d tiOdraci tea ittnito.
atilt* -13"a4 III C"kiirt$K; 'let- ti4e *bk. selw littatio3T-awnderine est:Tier-At ;cestveqry..1•1:Yonemiti tie vin'egarlor heat the of, three °
determines the palatability ef a dish. :: -3 ' "-- ” - • i one-half cupfu4 Of greted eheese and' -
perfectly or nary aik nm e e. -1 , #11.ka,d 01:ihrY sotpTrrenind to:I:n:1:d: "-
telligent use of graded heat 'largely never ruees what it was " ' •
"What if 1 should find QUt fortyou? t t. ....?..._ The higher the tepaperature'eieed theaa. aented Sop', "you know 1 eggsrt:tiff
I could steed * the Corridor, sum then __ens at the rigut l'illaeo .1 knew as more ,prepounced is the Savo/tot tiler 4 - ' ' ' tura on crackers and brown. the etrack''
4 wr • dna I'm not a bit clever. But a 1 e PnPrl en
leant I'm not too stupid. to Icnow that.
at the right time I cohld come to the '4"ii It8 Is.° heard him that that IllY hue" 31°°d" esPmili/Y whell di7 Ileat'' em- I'M.di d u • t r r.t
band is 1 think :an a PloY i ers in ts oven.
door and hold out ray hand itke these,,,,,, • • -- w ell' • ''' '" • t • ing=and to be grateful-" ' Oyster crackers mair be crisped in
It would he',a signal,' mid you could --#:
d. ree_ I should have given fee . example; the character -
o an e sa‘ or ca..Stop tutheredgmY child- yo 0 •
eme the °vele dippea ha hot buttet aPd
A 11 chance; though. It wasn't square." '
',Ralik las istic taste of reaSt be f d ea , ' ere, my - of urrgre,a-...7 diacenv •, rolled in 'gratedl eheese or in nut
begin to sin that
.same song yott sang this mornIng-,- e
your very hest.. And AnaYbe-:-nundr I :riy 1 ad what ir d • th '
"My dear girl; 1 cairt get ht throu Ir
g, •boiled and the oystera .-steWed,, each " . tnc,'..w. )O. re ta. ke,ing a,. wt. Tiiit carulharoubds;o7st.trhaterTblea4" IlIcelagaated-7ftli ' .• .1
of hrcdled oYsters; if the beef were ere
a er velY•
turm , eewenneth interruPteci er; • , , . t ,
, g,very sewn
only say maybe-,"; ,, .• , sci" ..4„.'t If it herto7d teeeecie7meamt•eTt4 would lone 'much of its fitteme- . .
'rd like to try itt"..braeallted Jaelt"°1•`: tle .bo e it copiantt ;hive been -ver;i The rule applie‘to, vegetableA 38 she w nt on f kl "lit a wa We're
"We are: a clever erowd," I '• Gileese wafers spread with dates ane
nuts' that ,have been maelied• to a paste
high teiaperatuie, by far the greater the habit of tessing.the talk back and. 'cheese andblackberry LOA, Or with a •
"Shall we 2" 'said Jack. .were so intent upon --each other, that creased to an unpleasant degree hy
number are better biked than boiled.- forth. That's Well enough, as long aspaste made of clietese andaptile butter:.
.c evete, parsnips, ,beets and aqua* We can just folksy our own fun without' To make a ' delicioud sweet cracker
conceit.•B he • • t pour chocolate sauce and. grated wait
ut we were ginning o , •
,^pniuntstn.corNne-ekrer7ell-buttered , rk:.:ce.ption,, . ,
r ourselves 'rth d•
thing ive'd.'haye been strikifig peset
afraid; and that's fatal.. 'The next Ittikes, or Melt a asecolate cream on a •
-But balling does; more than te en- I'll"
:JO Fl.r,
To pretect you from freudulent SO'
WRITING STUDIOS, subsrait your song
Paellas to me, end will edvise you as
to musical settings, International copy-
rights, end publication of year soon«
Residents. of Canada corrinunkicats
. ,
Professional $ong Arranger.
"So ahould I," ,said Ermine: They load been titlitin o d ad few th ha th ' fin.' •
g s y an a , a o ers• ve earvor tgirls are retilly witty we've all got ers coated with n mixtuxe of cottage
d• if rtrinly3etal•O or thrYe.e. Of the are alwaYs geod, SO are butter•cra . •
Lanterr crook , • ' well, for, although. tlitniPet It0111810e.9. quick, au
they -had not seen tlge people Who,
Ermine nodded. , entering the corridor, had cisme down
That day Ruth and Erniina had through it until •they stood upen the
their hours oft .togither i morn,. threshold of xoom 211. Miss Leech
into. but, contrary to cus , Ermines and another couple, man and woman,
avoided Ruth, and when , bey were were looking in at the boys: ,,
together listened half-heartedly to her; "There he is,"• Miss Leech was say -
plans for the .vacation that was very • ing. OI ain.sure he win be just What
near. • ,., j you wish. He is eight years old. We
"Are yeti cross about something, Of . his parentagee. HiS name is
Ermina,?'1Ruth asked at length. I Ralph -a quiet boy of -excellent men -
"Don't Ask me questions, • Buthie,l talitee_et .: • . • - ,
please delft. 111 tell/you fibs if you' Ermina's 'eyes Hashed, , and Ruth's
do." • • . pale cheeks were as ikinli ,as prim -
Ruth Ruth looked troubled- as sbe•Atood roses.
facing her friend. Here was the °jai "You. didn't-ethen you didn't'. come
iinpulsive Ermine. ., , - • jfer Ralph at all!" ,gasped Ermine.
"Is it-" Ruth began "Tell nie;! . "Oh, my dear!! said Jack's" new
. .
can. be baked or the racittof the even
as potatoes are. .
• Creates new flavot4 by meaaft new
hanee. the -natural flavor' of feeds; it and scintillating. Ateeeleo • . Goccabut margperit,es are easy to
substances Through high.•temperatere. suphie;
"YOu absurd oia Gtven," protetted ,maket Boil o.-cuidnl: of sugar in one -
The fresh crust of bread, *tiffiris and "Yeti're trting. to ,aettteneee .mquialtrtterre,ofornscuaofuthir.of dw.fit,Luinietuitthise
for being bright!. And you haven't. yet
toast; the well-hrOwned top of a rice hot pour it over the Well -beaten white '
fish all have a new and tlelicious "
surface . of tCido me of your great discovery."
broiledn or • baked meats; potiltry and
pudding and the criep The. discovety,", said Gwenneth
fresh:ereted cocoanut and a teaspoon?,
of an egg, add A third of a' cupful 45f*:-..
soberly, "came when we realized that:
--ea person who never said agything
person , en sic fol of r_anillat For foundation t use o .
•. .
a certain little bad taken k
small, plain crat ers. u a. spot:
of the mixture on each cracker and
clever,: but whe, just laughed' and lis-
tened . and appreciated our nonsense', brown the crackers in a moderate oven.
-end, whd put in in occasional ,sensible You tan -terve toda crackers in a
ehtffid wayabldicingtthem. • '
remark just at the proper momeirt, or ian4: deli.
,a hied one if we were toe sarcastic; . Make a sYrell o sugar water, stir.'
a quarter of • a capful of . sugar. Over
and who was alwaye tkOTC'e.t ehd good
the ,are until , it hegins to burn; add'.
tempered and modest without an iota
ft to the syrep, pour both over one egg .., .
of show-off-a-pess in her whole syt-'
tem, ana..._,, , • etifilo whipped and stir in chopped
."Why, Gs en'" Sophie: "f Why, oecein nuts and.aiittle oandla. Place •
Gitehl," •• • • ' ; • , . ' "the cracker's hi the even until icing • .
flavor due actinitchange in,the food
Ermine • . ' material. , •• - .
i mother, and she began to laugh. "le Moreover, balcieg insures the Ceten-;
"Don't ask .me! l'm having' somel that What worried you? V'sg, thought. tion of ininerals and ether Valuable
underhand dealings' With, a fairy .of I had.come for Ralph andlititt Jades1 substances that are dissolved in.boll-
my itemmintance, and that's all I .tvilliadorebte singing had turned ma away ' ing',..and lost when the water -is poured
say. Good -by, Rat:aline!" ' ••• . from him?. .I never. once thought of . •
n on Ermine hovered about' room 21.1.' been here in the,hospital, in.the sergi- foods impoyerished in •that teat,. cauees
into e s e .
th ' ink. Th Constant use of
During the first part of the after-! Ralph. I had never heard of him. I've
She Arranged and rearranged thel cal ward, for two weeka, and rye malnutrition IS •StlrelY as does a diet
planta in Ralph's whitlow; she fici.the, heard Zack sing every morning.. I that hicks someone of -the Onportarit
ebird and atjack's request carvetle.alltneettealletateeeteeetetetelteeentefeittny fOniituffs. .. ,, • - •
little bird from a large piece of .euttle. husband, so that we might 'gee him. for .Some foods, bowevereshonld. not be
bone; she told cowboy stories for the first time together. Weeliia a to tete - le t d - 0. th
.subjectedIntense ea urine e
.t."• ••1 '
whole of tIze cookinf .prdeess. or, .
out that:.it was a 'smell ,,thing tobeCinnamon tea bilieuito 'are falltiliar#
and took littladiroplea things xvithout .every other minute she darted unto freckle -faced ." She hesitated, th
curly hair or with Swilling black eyes le ' te and J. k his f - we 43 • - - " ' - - n s a 'le ' '''' for three or four minutes' the White •- - ., • • - • - - .
If an 'egg is boiled steadily
any backhenes, but with lots of light the corridor Ralish was expecting ' went n gayly, "I wa bo ' t ten deeene example' clever' and a hie thine to be wise and !olt are always Wereome and are easily
. • - • is new /area , ae aery, ahead of the fainee. I -we came fikr ' - kind' and that the, one -person we Prepared. Make a paste with soft but- . •
• e
... 'There Jack site i'n 211, getting strong- and they were ' Often . disappointed', Jack -o' -Lantern" • ' will he hard and the yolk soft, 'whereas ter, half. a cupful of sugar and -two
er (weal day and Perfectly mire ;that when Miss Vincent returned; with "It won't be neeesaary for MisS a it is Put into &Pan of boiling Water .coillthet posiibly „del' without. was- • i .
• . • . .. • •
a home when the right time comes. presently. Ermine t'heard•Reth's stinat" Rath said . as they skitipecl. tat place where the water lees mtt boil, Gcademe e - , — . . ' toast tilted eliin, and .heat t.he tbast
. . .
he'll Ireme a father and a mother and neither. , . • • - '•• • Leech to ,forgive .you this . time, .Er- ,apd the pan is withdrawn to a, warm Goodness! Titne's up. There's Your, _tablespoeefele c,d ground einomnon; .
Spread it en•creekeis, or on rounds of '
sister in the doorway, making signals.
deeadful if I•couldiet get ,him, a. home. not 'belong in that •pait of the buildt. • "Will you, Ruth :PP askea Erinini. , ,
cooked. e• • v. A ea e; a loaf or -a of the hand; 'and it was a: very proud Feantittlanttet. • fillihgs are gOtially .
If he gees -fe some. institution next I'm. 'What was she doing here? Er- '. . • (The Etid.) • .•-oint, Of me,„4 ihio. is li at • to iieri. - -. . • - • '. " - • ' sula `Mix half a pound of con::
in n . end humble Sophie,. with a heart full PoP T. ,
• 1 Health-4he Evert '
ri__Iie..._ hot oven kept„et .. t
and. here 4un 11 it •is of love for her friends -thou gl y she Oectioners' sugar. . .
spoonful of butter, then
- add two table-.
' and 'a level • table-
. . „ cooked Will will he•overdOne•on ?lig:outside could not really believe in their: great
.. - '''.' "CaULY• • ' •• ' ' 'and'uhdeidene inside. r.tbat.is because - _.; ha ' ' led,. <I - - / spoonfuls of peantit butter and oat, ,
. - discovery t t snuggled down into .• .
' 'To nothleg else touching his life tai the • stibitance formed' by .cotainti ciertecreare to moisten the miaeure..
._ her pillows wIth. a sigh of content. •
the aphitrisra:"As a man thiakethAn, high temperattite on the surfaces at ' .. ; . ____.-.. • '-• e te ' .. • ; Yeti etaa Mike .i• filling” that, has a.
promis' ed him that. would be quiet voice in the coiridor. .Ruth did :vrard the trurses's honie. . • . both 'the -tate and 'the yolk will be she vanisilid *ith a riodanda waye or the-Oricketti in the oireri. -• •
week, Ili he down. and, Inch and mine stood in the: cloorway watching
'scream." • hex teed friend's head appearing
Ruth smiled as she' walked toward through•the•banisterse Ruth came up
• the diet' kitchen. She was used to to the landing, and behind her camb
Ermine's impulsive :threats. ,She had two People, a man and.a woman. he
acted as. Ermiha's pilot in the .first woman was very pale and walked
stornlY .deYS of probation •and had slowly her band was on her husband's
helped her sail through with colors Arm. "She made me think of Easter
:flying. She had been present when lilies and telling stories after .supper
even -Ermine's. pleasure -loving 'guar-. and everything that's lovely," Ermine
dien gave her due praise for nersever7. said afterwards. "But 1 wished Ruth
• mince, and in'Ruth's own pleasant -home hadn't brought her -up."
, ' there was no guest more weiceme than 1 She could not afford M hesitate,
his heart So 18 he" he more nttingie seat footle is a ton_condector of heat., :The Hospitable 'Hear • - •.„, distinctly Oriental lialiok 711b.. i
applied than a 111•••aia's' health •• - • t 'to e paste a dozen stoned dates and .
Winter isthe season for COY tee :half a teaspooltfal of ground cloves,
.petties: A homelike, rooni, some hot,. arid inahire wee.
Foods thattere injured.bO centineed
Heelth can •be established onlY .131' I blot' temperature-should:be baked for
thinking health; Just as disease -!.s twenty :minute* In a very hot oven;
tablished by thhiking 'disease. „ Just the heat should then be reduced and
as you •must think success, /expect it, the feeds' left. in tlie"oiren u itil they
e, Ermine, with her gay laugh and tune however. • Piet hand went behind heel visualize make your mind, a:huge are . cooked throtteh. • • •
bled curly head. Lieut. Bob, Rutlea in the piearranged signet te Jack. A. SOCCOSS magnet to attr•aet it if yeti are
brother, onee-said, "I like.to see a•butO 41ie 'thtee Visitors stepped into". the AO attain' If you'. want to be
corridor, a burst. of toyoue teem game healthy, you must think health ',you
from T00111. There steed the old -infest expect it, yeti must visualize it,
headstrong Ermlea_ youtenust: attract: it- byernaking "iour
terfly make good." He had talen'Miss
. Leech, ..the.superintendent of nurses,
to dinner, and they had tented of Er-
• 'Anna.
"She is wonderful. witli children "
_Miss Leech had said.
"I was a lonesome yotmgster oiy-
•• Melt" Ermine ' told Rut . "No one ups tem(' Ampulsiely to her hnebahd.
--belled me to Play- eitaPS if had "Isn't • it beautiful; :George?" she
had more fun in that gloomy old house toned. ,"Arexat, you glad youtanie?"
watched ever by serviots, I Should' 'fbe • matt nodded and patted her
not be overdoing it now" hand.
'TheerOwellabefore-this -morning-In It was Ill/t right. These 'were Ralph's
gain her 'end, and yet -Jack -o' -Lan- mind a huge health magnet to attract
tern deserved a bottle- • ee. mine health, .abundant health. • As
Thesow-o,-and ical defect's weaknesses
with- wisbfil grown -eyes and tender Mig• P '
Sophie: '
Sephie's pleasant, -round- lege- -was
lessereendethineumelt and tbq
had faded.frow: het cheeks. 'Her hair,
in two childish pigteils, was brought
fitrward 'over her shoulders astshe'laY
or diseased conditious.' exist le tha against a pile of pillows. Her etelids
Imagination ; as long as-the*Mittd. la .drooped, and she ltedituntil-G'Weri-
wth, visions of 111 health' the body neth entered; like a • tred-out
must Correspond, because our bodies' Then her whole face flashed alive in
the chapel, the charity Ward at St. goatee_ olisistoeeete bone detainee
and Ralph, two w•alf petiente; had *teaks this man and women to rooin
been moved to room 211 in the chit- 211, and 11 the eery" threshold denial or dise3se, the denial of everee
dren's• corridor of the new Jack was. e'elv4tille. them away from thing but the ideal ,conditese; upon
De this two -bed roam Jack " now sat Bailee ,Ruth tried to speak, but the the Idea that only that which Is good
erect singing to himself. As Fornipa
• . • e- put odown. his tray,- he smiled- at her,
o and ft wee not herd to see why the
oteliad giver! him his name. Under eery
lightehluee white -lashed . eyes spread
•• mouth of generous proportions, al-
ways curved in a smile. • • -
"Nis*, young man," she admonished _toe_ this morning, you want to get
s ' • - strong enough to. run races after your
bath; you'd better wonderful
breakfast One to get 'ready!, Two
to keep steady! ' Three to eat breadyi•
Go! ' Ralph; what -do you. thhik the
fatties:will .bring you if you don't. eat
oatmeal .?" s
"Ralpla_doesn't believe- in fairies,"
▪ "0 -Ralph, after yesterday and ill
- -the ale& thiegatthey, 1 let,b-- by- Tone- pile
"He doesn't beli in 'Santa eta
. ..e.eteeeot-fairieseer anything,--11a-jtist-bet
, Hoes in people. He says nothing but
-- people is realty sot" • -- • - .
' "I'm glad you don't feel•that way,"
said Miss Vincent. rieberly.
' • "I believe in fairies but not people,"
said Jack stoutly. • ' •
• . "So do r sometimes,' agreed Miss:
°. Vincent. ' •
"Ralph says he &man% any
fairies," Jack what on. 'In is going
to got afather and a Mother' to -day."
Ermine fleshed. _
• "Perimps," die replied. tt.tilf the
right Thaler and mother come, he will;
but if the 'wrong ones obb acit come,
they'll go .away again."2' saw that man and Ispinan'I couldn't
•Barnahaa.. had overflowed; and Jaik y 946-0f. thelloct,ors, had asked Ruth
are but an estension#0f. our thoughts;
our minds objectified.. . •
Health Is based upon the ideal of
the body's perfection an the ahem**,
6.; • •
wernantput her finger to her lips:Heil
era were 'filled' •with ° tears... ,--, -
'Let every•heatt Prepare teem
, And beav'n and -nature sing,'
And heavai and nature singe-",
• Erinina eame• close .to • them,' • So
-engrossed-had-she -become-1w ths-sue
cesstof ter. scheme that she had for-
gotten.; Ruth • , • • • -In,,propOillen.,_to the physician's
rrue very plaheeeseeeethisieeed. 'ability to suggest Perfect Soundness Of
They had reached :the-the:shot:174f betty to hie patient, to etspallee,him
the room. .• ' • • • as physically perfect; in proportionto
"Plairi!" . repeated eithe • woman his...Politer to see and. to .1mpresti•npon
"Plain! ',Leek at himiKeeorge!" • ; the •mind of his patient the image of
Neither of • hern.. glanced' toward the ideal, instead . of that of, the kilts;
Ralph with .his soulful dark eyehOend easeeee discordant, suffering individual;
ensivetealtatlitt .Theirteyestwere' Upon ' •
Singing for a 'father and a mother,
jettettot-Laateiti 'Otte tiMietelttietaitreatT: ttontkeinitotfoe
.The woman went swiftly across the ;In Ur,uguny the Id* forbids the sale
room and, kneeling' by his bed; touch-
ed-histhandt "••-• -
• "My little boy,:' She Said,. t"WOUld
rou 'like to Crone With ha ariebe our
for US' can be real.* the highest:sense
of the'werdethat ell physical dlicerde
are only the. absence of harmony, not
the reality of our -being, e truth of.
Ili:. Health is the evert tins reality,.
diseaSe es the absence • of reality.". '
Is only seeming. .
a smile _of. _welcome- __ •
, "Ofle Gwen, -dear, it's -good to See,
you" ,,v1p.,eried softly:- "You're -the
first of the girls they've flowed to
come.", • ••
OBecatisell was the most persistent,
and they got tired of keeping me oet,"
declared Gwenneth, heti at
the convalescent With. aoterinhle of
moisture on her eyelashes. for Sophie
had been very near the verge- "I've
proniised to stay only a few ettnetes,
If I tired yell, they miehtn't let the
reef -Wine, and then--2-r-don't loriow
what would happen! The pack'wotdd
turn and rend ree!' „They: speed_e_ligtO
spire time ,yotir back doorstep,
whieing to get in,• arid they are jealous
getteveze -
ftagrant tea and 'a plateful Of tempt-. orange. juice 'in• creain; ,siread , it on t •
ing v`40: look very InN4t•ing moderatelO sweet crackees. •
to guests have tramped through • • .
told and sleet to See .you, 'Here are .• True -wisdom, lies ea. gathering thi
recipes 'for. , eteekee •9pd...peecieustilifigs out of elic:h. 'bear at
sandwich Allings. '• ' it goesBettiten.•• ; • •
. .
,If. your guests- car'e Ifer theese., yew . „ •
'can tempi *their appetites .with a„ filling Minard's Liniment Relleires Colds, etc
--e-By ALFRED FITZPATMCI,C, Pre:Opel' Frenitief College.'
, . .
..tine..tuhi:th---s-__ofi-SOlving:_112.6..Prefilersi. real. part .in thin permanent Pelle9- for
Of unempleyment Is fOi.'the Govern- i relleVing--.-onemploymerit. ter thenS.:-.--
meirts-of ',Canada to -.begin the long ands of individital farmers apply' for: ". .
eittottie task of 'preparing its' busk •,..bnah lots, of ,I60. acres with in the Clare
lands for .settlement In the clay belts !, lande. 'All applications Should, VI% Io
of the * North.: OWIng .to .etirtimerf callked in tetwnships• mese:mit-able for
fresisi,:-farms.c.kt ..northern-eleY landa:141qOr.e:: • Bettlentenfikt--Cdfienient"
Eas largely been a waste Of time and ' centres in such townships the Governt
nioneye Only by clearing Whole area's entente sheltie provide .comfortableand ..
will thjs barrier tOsettleMent ever bel,„attractive ,comintinity. catePs4 bterin .:
eeercome. ,paerning tinder, preeent I hands should be 'hired: by the. -year:. t
/ore the. boost-, ,and le :wholly unwate , in The towns and cities, thee, etiuld .go. -.7.•
Onditions, whereby :each settler clearse .feeteedl:of beteg ttareedeoelreft-Whenet- '
..a..ernall patch, in tputtleg the Cart be the basy•season is Over, to congregate._ ,
‘railte4::-. M-least-66---peeeent.--ofeeachtererthelorea • ibort-.period"-tb .htipTiii 7.7
lot In 'carefully selected toetushipet clearing :the brash lots ..tif their; em
should be :cleared by means. of leree pIoyero . They • would not, of cost -Sec.; -
In :ahead." • . t • - t . •
enough aleeady to Inte inc for slippin;
gangs ii fll 'in * 4 42 44Y .iiibefiaidukaldlOtotseThienys.liWat:bkis; on
rneathidee 111.11; s'
Iferefn :lies. one icilition of unemplote.
30 • C lit e camps.
OEverybodytt been .so good," laid meet., now stelking .beford es' daily lit• the nearest , odminunity canite arid .
Sophie, happity, , with' 'a treotaleus lite hreadlinee Of tie .cities. Work :share:in all its social•attivities. . ...
ttaialturir as • durin I ri n' ni ' a'' '
ittle boy?" . •
'e," said Jack-te-Latiterne
was 1 Icing for you." '•
"It all came out jtiist as I planned:*
said Ermine, squeezing -Ruth's aim.
"A kerne for Jack-o'-Lanterii." °
!Tote 'Ermine, it Isn't a bit 'right,
not a bit. That etraene3phtt home, and.
those were to be Ralph's father and
mother. They're wonderful people, and
Ralph would have had a w•Onderful
11"6"intitee.ii ineah lack -will. have. t 'After
" "Five timer they did tie tett:eine... Imo( _de" eitteeentiet Bum tettst
, J'aelt.- • •• had to have them-for-Jack-o'-itenternt
"I• think if I -wire a bov and wanted, othees•win want Ralph, he's so good
• • a father and blether More than Rey- ileek at - hat,,,L.,_pratahled__jaeh," _
• Citing else in %voila, I -alma& gni Conviction died out of Ermina's
to the fairies with it,t' Miss Vincent She was not quite sure. She had never,
tette::: craftily. "Everyone bat to do been quite mite. • •• '
• hi•i; best for the fairies, and if one "Poor Miss Leech," she said eeri-
e -ire Prowling through -the corridor tritely, "I'm always confessing to her,
-sea:. heard a, bay singing his very best and she's always forgiving me. There '
ktt the:right' time it'might'diin ,afnl may be a limit to •her forgiveness,
say -You car, 110.11P 011O wish,'the way Ruth. I suppose have to take, this
to her. What do6you think?"'
-r don't know, Ermine, reellY#
don't. 1 *anted a lanne for jack just
as, badly as you. did, BO badly that I
didn't dare ask you about your scheme.
I-1 hoped it would work. I wasn't
, smart enough to think up one 'myself.
If you go to Mira Leach, I will, too."
• "Ilchow whet 111 do, Ruth. till
h "Sc400d,„1;.;--..reen't • 'eevertetalk. tet ed. ahtitetet, pronidrid,....kfaxticalateedbelabbrate'Preiii: • .
about it: yet, TAO -6K cry Tr tried:14n thelell and winter menthe, as well tide for `thhi war.h..;41,Bianenc4onu-ledbablen3aoi.
g..spec pe ods of h e practical Inish for sent
se:teeplatiteet elta7.sts! Eat our 304 playment; Thu policy of extended' north at once With warm clothing,
laud-dlearing should not he simply an te4te.and_snialLPortable sawmills, .A.--
'erileAeneye measure,, "• but 'should. en- suitable „site- for a „community camp
gage elle attention of the Federal -and could be *eleeted In tbe tent -re -a each
Weal GoVertitnents the whole year townshiii- oPened, and the necessary. •
round-- Sliopld any of the woriteq at buildings erected Thet.wotiteoft fence -to
thesci-cortanueitY tgaraPS Wish to re- ing •trees,' Cutting ties: PhIpWood.-"and -
main on some of the, dear:ell lots they other lumber could be started ' •fin- " •
Could be sold tetthem on eaee termo. reediately. •
For the beet' 20, 30, yes; and .for. 60 Becauee of existing Conclitiorie of
years, land•clearing,in preparntion for iettlemenettilany men, 'even. aniong
•-fgaitre settlement shOild be an urgent the. unemployed,: are naturally !oath
and essential department of every to face the hatriships *Volved:. The
•Goeernment le the Dominate. • • Writer !nig the opinion Mat this pre -
The big industrial' plants of the Do- Make tan largely be overcome When:
• minion, as well as the vOovernments, the men are well clothed • ahd "tensed
• •ean assist • in this great-undortaldng in fill:Y.' equippeci„ coimtnunity 'ciimps...i
Eve,* large industry_ eliettleneOply ler, _Whie.“-aperidLeo-:'ratiell--, on -able-bodied::
ft 5:tilt/le toWnSiiip Cir mord mule hush :nic,n cn the. cities, when an equal ,ex'antL.
sband,eletoingtrieght• hiade. penditure in . Wele•oeganizedoteireets_
.-tt• butieesselbeattiotra•otentelet-tetiat pFovidep''MAmuta'ting ernploy-' "
elan enterprisesseinploylui great belie tette tee many thoutands the
bins ,of workers. instead cif "laying- hp:kith-ler envireurrent 'of the north.
(Oft tnen when a: pinch (Tales, they NVollifed men. in enniFortrbie •• sow,
'could ettabliab large latd-clenaring cainps, not. the bread lines of
.canips and hansteteatt by •proxy. ,in :,t4it Cities, IS the'sointiOn. •
Oh', way ari.ontlet,wotrid .besrovided j lot Canada ter: time".abauden heti.*
for teraitleiable percehtage. of the ' f1 ab polie'. of homesteading: her
hodie#1 r,..rnployeec.r.ow firmed •in- i bush clay lands by individuali, Work.
okf8 tatitlYbuhgainIsis6)41k4 as irniegte'."Itathair3te,leatgahrethsr tuntIllierettrel nboawr'' •
.1404 -leering rirpartinerit would ' trii-1-e,--great,permanent land Clearlrg policy
rrnvct• lotont:+tative. I,,urrs• ity using large gangs. or difinfiyioled
ter, too nti itele will nleaye find. i• men, tieing la (Immunity mine*, 'sup. •
:toady markr.s. Ir. Canada well .41. in piled -With every facility for education '
the bordering etateet, ".• ane ehtertaitenent-ahe isorles not., .
The farmera, too, can ,take yety I eiteepted.,
of intoxicants to women: • Iles and stittf, our flowers and regard.
. , t • t us as yhunk, angels while. 'you can;
Liniment for Burns, etc. -4 •yon'.11 soon be Well again,' and we'll be
Salk Caddo '.
, votowro IMMAT WORM,
. G. L, ow, . Totowa
e •
WI '10
I. #01 •
'The enlorgernent of the directorate of"the Bank of Montreal, white
decided upon 'at the recent nainial totte„ting, as "a kesult of the extolling
*cope of the institutiOnehas resulted in two gentlemen oftwatlonal reputetitni'
being added to the hoard, namelePthe Hone Sir Lerner Mule, R.C.M.GeOttid
that woman, Jack s %other. 111 ask
Oeneral Sir kitlitir,5t!rri •
# •
• or
• ° ••
4 a
• tet—!..
• I.
`'"'""-‘,"""' • .