HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-01-06, Page 4- 'w' fi ">e"figli' • •! • • a . ±eeM iii .. -goal' • .°8E iueeessful business marl knows the value of saving•• In' all'.probab iity- s•tite,..babit of earring made him• successful: Yet ' mu►y Set • on the right road to success by depoa-°' stns your money so that when your oppgrtu'n` "comes you snaky be pre,* za d $o t e edvrautage, of it. 1i111911111118i1111aiulllil�iilulnii�islsslatl�ii��i�.6iu��°• tonionbuturn yeoholomsi000isll�ammouitl /0 4 'ntsrpotated. in 1855 'CAPITAL ANA RESERVE 919.000,00 Over 150. Branches. ' •-° '," • NYIOLSONS BANK BORE CROPS, ARE SOLD . • Farmers ' needing money while waiting to, market crops'. or stock:' are invited to consult wit& the Manager of . THE MOLSONaN, . BANK Branches. Savings Departments at all Branches. . • • Si Rte, :MANAGER:, -140111.0* '.BRANCH - : 1.11 C. Tractors &, Engines DEERINGDei 1s,� Cultivators' &.:Harrows Louden Litter ; Carriers, `Stalls, Stanchio Ins and Water Bowls • ' * ' FROST . Gates, Fence Hog Wire New Williams Sewing Machines • Oourlay, Winter and • Leeming Pianos • rot salekby V. 0i. ANDREW,. - LUCKNOW TILERS FOLLOW Wise Ones. ate' bringing their' Crsaat, Elan fussy Potiiittry to . Sllverw s;, Ltd,:• and getting highest each prioea. sec rate -tests, honest weights, end a agnare deal. Poultrypage .Whether '',it .:ie new laid 'eggs pr •poultry if you bring teak here. We 'tette thefts May day. SILVERWOODS` POR SERtIcip E. AfTCHISbN. Phone 4 ` ' Uethe& 1 .8h ' Itaisii sib In ; a � ng liiovfita: PJesute. • d, t.xotion- pietuie 6ttir dealing 'with sheep on the farm dam. •recentey been eentpleted by the -Alia 1abonctoxiea• of • the United "-States . pepartment of • Agriculture in co-opefation with "the ,Bureauot. Animas Industry --Tse : Au" inaesf`b ! Y�- 8's lita•4.9 or state Sheep -breeders, associations, ie Iturs_ l-cone es, --a moth g er--de- _c �• m s�tnrt o It to� le • ' agent, • The film is in three :sectlons,.and.. tour reel.: About 1& minutes is re -, yuir«i. for' Ute: showing of the Whole production. ' The subject treated in the first and second reefs is a year with`the flock ;on ,'the' sarin,• begtaniug °til. the' ran at ._tLM time :that the ewe. 'flock should be culled prior -to. breeding, 'and: carrying if.:oa,tbrough unkil..the•• iamb" are sold. 1.sish aeaaone' prat- dee•. Is brought. out and educational points' are featured. ,'.The . third reel. , deals with the co-pperative uiarket•'• tag of wool and lambs, and the iburth reel with the aiaughiinr g of a runt • . too cheep, dressing . tbt cat'tass, and .then cutting it up..' for' Wear con. The _average farm„ idtpletg,ae;t .1s - • holt worn of only aboutout by as, -z>:,kions.--The-rest of .tlteereut -ice dna to rust and decay. The greatest poll• elide profit is made oitt of machinery "'boo it Is used °conlftiuuusly for; pro *table Work until It is worn' out. 'Stranger—"Have. you , good hit sonic.you can recommends" 'ton •' Druggist --"Here is sfimething..apok • eat : of quite • faVof ably by those who have drunk it." --Boston .Transcript. Ghesley Town Council is ylanning to _. hells • the. main street of the town - .•(red :during' the coming pit, The 4011%04 Mt i/ llxti' the utl• doi" • THE'' TE1 EPHOI `E GIRL • • ar, sisva�aw..� If you haven �` musicti n. your home -=real `unigic, such as only Edison's phon`o ' Dike, of the greatest en�oylnents in life 1 • .t,'tartF ' raphs can 'give—you are taussin the new year with a song in your, honograph sang to yon atleast happiest yearof your Wei eart and in your home—let Edison's Amberola IS: minutes every day --and: 1921 will' be ;the .m,-';,, < ry,'. •.fl .1 i`. •'i t t' t The Telephone Girl sits in, her chair` And :.;listens . s._ -i -.xo :a►oree rom:.•everyt where. • She knows all: the gossip, she beers' ,all • the .newts, She knows' who is haPPy, ' and who, has . the blues, .. , She knows all -our :sorrows, she hears all our,joys, She knows-e_very-time we -are -out', . with • the -boys is within • the reach. of • eve,yone--within the. . means Of 'every 'fainilyarithe land. Edison has Aced to that. The • world's greatest ins. ventor• wants to bring music ,into your home and your dally life—so,-'as- hia-authorized dealer. we are "able td .give you an. Amberola on '`practically your own terms/ • Thisisn't an •empty •..statement—it's a:fact, and ;if yoa. will cgme'to our store we'll', quickly p ove -it to -you...... -Think-of owning -a: phonoer :f li-which h •• time and again publicly demonstrated .its •sup'eriority over `.talking machines" and or • din:try. machiliei phonographs:: This is the record of Eclison's-Amberola. Its marvelous touer genuine Diamond Point Riproduceri(no needles to .,change) and• practically snide• structible Arbcrol Records .have never b.cen ;. _equaled..; Gonne in to BCe Us today or to- ' Morrow' surer --and we predict you'll start.the • . -} aPF iest New Year ever, With :au .Amberola in-your 'hoinfr, ¢. She' knows all - our 'troubles, -she knows all our strife, She knvros every man who is meal: to .his wife..-: She - hears tie ;excuses each- fella* employs.. ' ' .4 , She. knows every girl who is .-cha-sing - the boys: . .. She, lows every woman -who. bas .:a dafrk , a 11Um Inn ttmut inmUUit11lIHhlIIIl lilIuulIlulIlIliti11 11UJIUuivaliriltiLJ111i$U11t111iIJluIIg11HHJJUJlotto11111llm in 11III : r. n i Feu in t -Published- every Thursday, morning-- at Luoknow. Ontario. . A. D.' MeoKENZIL Prosrletor _ • and Editor.: : She knows every man who is inclined . _._ ; THURSDAY, ,"to be fast. JANUARY 6th., 19?1. . _ .. ,..�.,:�..: IP fact there's a secret 'neatli eeach saucy curl. GIRLS DOUBLY .LOST .; • Of that quiet, demure -looking • Tele-; phone Girl.'• '• - ' .• • The startling statement is made in Zf• the Telephon- Girl would tell all` It- would -turn --all ---our-friends=•-into- -.04prest f'basr .. . Shed start a small vipind ..that would Atid enguT%us ut trouble and 1afl4 us. its: jail; • 'She could Jet,goa. story which. (gain- ing in gain-ingin force) '• Wouldcause balf „our -wives to sue, for divorce; r t She, wpuid get all the churches mixed up 'in a fight, • And turn all' our days into • sorrowing' nights; • • In fact•nhe could keep .all the world in a whirl- • • When you think what„ you' owe the "Telephone' 'girl. t REA A NTED. WE, TEST AND PAY FOR THE TORONTO CREAMERY (U. F. 0.) ACCURATE TESTS' BEST Melt 'GANS SUPPLIED, " AT • MACMILLAN'S *Mire Bids. 1. R. TAYLOR sn ' editorial in a.recent issue of . Cap - per's Weekly .that in�one years fifteen t -" •' is a'�aoal-�TdUxs�a- alreedr d an e h IIs u � �p through trains between ' New York, and Chicago, according toreports of the`Traveliera uAid-•Society; -and-that- the police of • 'every big city hear , and know. of 'schoo'igirl disappearances daily.: .:.:�.• "Art • . to what ,becomes. of these girls,"' -says the writer, "the puldic is able , to judge Brom what it reads from day to day in newspapers. It is not an uncommon occurrence for the, - Wolf to dgch up to the sidewalk in a fine motor car and- ask Red Riding - hood to go for a joy ride. I Once'- in the car she is",,at the mercy of the man at the - wheel.•- The automobile alvieYe;..,. 1. _0--a emmerit--p art --art y -it school scandals; of which there are too man "The, 'truth its, we are rearing too S many butterflies in the fir ni' d to , States :both boys and girls, and giving: them too -many automobiles to play with: The rearing'. of tad many growing children is delegated by parents to school teachers and the Y. M. C. A. tayveak; unhappy, rl characteess lives EC 1H if nothing 'worse." r • - OH�TROL OF WEED True it . is that "good tithes once in ' - • a while are all right," • but , the kind — - . • ures and Methods. for. Get- -of, good times these' misguided young folks crave are the devil's opettsdoors 1Etg Rid of Theiii. to ruin of body and soul O, the lost - • 4 _.- ..._.. .__..nun 'o . •. _". 1iducatton..Must - tiecompa:xy 1,�gia- Oita- Alas how many of them Heger • ` latidn :0--srmers , Bike _ to Be had areal home'! •And somebddy kg. responsible. -Evangelical. •. Shown ,•`MCeeulte of Experiments • on Over i3eventy Farina. (Contributed' by Ontario DeowitmQnt of Agriculture, Toronto. "Any„ person who sows any wheat - ar'other grams -knowing. :It:tobe la felted by the dteease known.,as smut a without°first• using some -Ri•oper, and available 'remedy tb , destroy , the ,'germs -of such 'disease; shall Incur, a penalty of not lesQ: *Ilia . $5 and' _not more:. than $20.'. - 'A :few" years= aro a.t investigation Weft . made :into the effectiveness of this act and It Was: found that out of the., six hundred, townships •..of :On- • . torte, only.; ninety-two• were malting ' any. effort, 'to. enforce. it. `-In ;forty- twoNOTICE TO' CREDITORS to nine only had_ ins ectors -been=a -, - -- • n- the. -^matter of_the-.estate-of.-Angus-: . 8. • wee n m dA el 3 •le ' , lsl•ttd �' o and ,�, the To--� , 8 t T�atlaesotE •lair .-o t s to � - � �' '�"* �` - �• rrai:tsf�etory; •Fourteen • reporters` that ported the work• of he inspectors „p as of Huron in the County of Bruce, education: Under legislation. Farmer, deceased • there •is The Act 'to 'prevent; the .---NOTYCE'•is`•hereby,`pu giveirrs dant'apread-of-Noxious<Weeds.Thejmatn- to Section 56, Chapter 121, R.s.p., clauses of ,this act are as follows: . Id 1914,„iiiitt all creditors and 'others Every occupant•01 land,' or if the having c aims against the estate of land is unoccupied; •the owner, shall the •said' Angus Matheson, who. died C91t. down ear. :.destroy ` all . 'Canada on or about the second, day o . DFtob-. Thistle, Ox -eye Daisy, Wild bats, er, A.D. 1020, are required• ori or .be- Ragweed, and Burdock 'growing. _fifth day! f Februa ryy, A thereon and all older noxious weeds foro_theo' r growing' thereon to which 'this act 1921, 'to send by .post prepaid or' de- liver to the undersigned, the Executor °ay be extended • .by , bylaw as ,of the- said estate, full particulars of hereinLfter. ,provided. so often in year as. is s their claims; In writing, and the, .nat- wo'y' u9lcient to prevent e •r peeing of their seed, if 'such by proper' education. M+ ore of the security (if'any) held :by • i thein., :the work •wan partially satisfactory. Out: of the six hundred townships of :. the.--_prav-inee;• fifteen- oiriy-' reported that ..this act 'was • successfully .forced;•seventy-two that 'it was par:' Bally enforceii•an the remainder re. Ported at i . w d .ii!._.. i ._a4settactically., a_dd- Tettei.. Its would seam irons _this 'in vestigation that legislation is .having -.•' but little' 'effect- do the: control of weeds • in :Ontaiia• • - • Legislation witho,it education.-ts,-_- '-k- in the, opinion of the ,wester, useless.:' ' It is only '.when the. senffinent be �` those concerned is behind en ata .that: is can be'Iraccessfuliy enforced a4nd, such sentiment• can be cro••,led,only. • • • cutting or destruction does not in 1 . I • regard to; +edtfeation, •.onstdetw • abl .. molve the._ >' has ech _ n __. _ ._..-_ �--•And-- take -notice 'that .aftr, suety: �..- destruction-...�bf gl earns { . -_.h •d ne _by rite Olitahib -. 1 • Scat j holt caltilitl-'-- Experiuleiltlit last mentioned diste the said Execut-r , Lniodi. . This ol•ga'nization in co -oiler• or will�ptQeeed,.tQ�distrihntethe_as-• r seta' of the'said 'deceased among •the1pailty may, and upon a ; petition' of . at the . dntario hgt dcultural Co lege' .. has• parties entitled • thereto, having re gird only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. • 'Dated 'J'anuary 4th, 1921. ' Donald McIntyre, Executor, R. R. 5, Lueknow, P.0.,•Ont. '274- and Y. W W.C.A. There is, nothing that will ;take the plate of the American home and • good old-fashioned, hone. raising which sees to: the goings and hamcomings of the young folks and pre- scribes he duties and home respon- sibilities for a11. , Good times once in> a while . are, all right, but good times i all Op , thug : aro, if1. +rads and lead CZEexpo Int .when sou use yr. Chase's Ofna ment for germ$ and • akin 'alta. Does. It 'rd'iavi•s at once and audit. ally heals the akin. 'Sample ple box Dr se's 0111 lit tree It You men** this and ss, sw4 tbt• to e, s i tee r of s v" d• • e council f o ape loc l luAlei atio �yi.tii the�oepartattent of� Botanr° fifty or mere re ra• tepayera shall, appoint at least one inspector to enforce the Provisions. of this act in• the tnCliiiGt-. Patty, and fix.the ainoun't of relnun- eration, fees,' or chargea he4 is to receive for the perforniance • of :his earl' tied on during life pall eight years, co-operative experigients in' Weed . eradication. Over,. sevent farmers have” conducted Successful • experiments, , ' The weeds expert - 'malted with were Perennial c".)ct Thistle, Twitch Crass; Biadlicr Cant• pion car Cow 1l'nf. Wild Mustard Oa - duties; and if a, vacancy 'occurs in Eye ?!airs, .1, Id bindweed, Wild • the office the council..sitali fill ll'e C' Mesa •' .. same forthwith. • lis sift iAt ae ex , , perimentd, "Any person who r,.,win• ,I "e' ' '' !ruin which definite or Otte u offers t0 sell any Flags, t• ,vt.' • . r' be toad, le ngtithe other•seed, or any seed grain i.sne; , °‘ ' .-r4i •�.'e or controlling the width there is the seed of Canada , . 'mid Weeds. .d a ia, year until Thistles, Ox -Eye Iyalsy. Wild .Oats ,, more .ds euclr yeRA• . untd > eed, Burdock, or Wild Mustard cos:t„ dugs 't s•t, 0 o',osta9 is 1 f war 41001 ollinitte .incur a, the L4. weeds.itt iii �dfit little" OR II 014 Mg , oyi a ..st a • ,F y , k .9• , i. 4 , „A 113, 31 °,