HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-09-28, Page 2• HUSBINDIS itELATIONS Olt "The Reopie Loved Her Mubh. ,Sitell put phim 'op:ana. 041136 and have tea 'with uu, andcwe'll„ be, very 111,ppy .end try. "to terget that Va.), not ..the young inistreas ller0 anY 10404 mid that you have been treated rudely for the holt time in. your i life." " ' • ' . (hi! .1 nen,. iteeenut foot," "Darrngh. 04,0% There is a little More talk 'between Dar - cheerfully! In my father time-01;01dpi regli end title; girl friend Oilers who : when the fantily: are here, iu fe,et....4110.• belengs'tnenotber class, bitt Who oitonot be • servants are accustomed .to have their truly, •desoribed •ita either e -"humble" • friends oome and 000 them; .it keephtlae.,ftiend or a dependent. • servants, at blank yon see, Mr. Maokiver ; his 'as Mush pride of theY don't want to go wanderieg away into her beatt Ski tiO Honorable PtItss 'repaint the town if their- triexid's eau oulehere, haStu here,. mid she does net depend :don't you see ?" —" • one' n favor, .bounty,'Cr geed will m a subset'. We indst put /some horses iu 'those vient k•pirit, At the 'saute time Kathleen stables,". Reeald•Saye, b6fore they eeparateCLu new be ,eithenputthing, presumptuoue; -after brealtfastk "it's ehame stank or over familiar. but, the Claddikh • should stand • panty. If yon don't want .girl. respeets 'herself, too thoroughly not to me, Dolly, I'll have a look at two or thtee respeot others. in cialway this morning." , Mike will take' us out in hie big boat I doi,1 want you, Ronald, but-" Dolly When Kr. Arthur comes, 1 hope," Darragh , begins, • " , ' • • # • • • ••,, says. "1 Am going to etay here for some "time . eau tell You Where to put Your hand on. I hopk,aud when.the weatherellanges,at4to • tWoorthreethetonlyWanta httlebreaking,beet ill the spring, Alike will take us'to , pe,rraghpute.M. "There's a man it Oran, ArrEtemOre, won't he ?" " more who has his hand. on a clever colt fox 4athleen's eyes sparkles at the prospect, Adige, round from the day it% born; go to for she. feelo. that whether she is Mike's him,. Captain, XlIeltiver, and:. if he. knows *tie when this haPPY day • eutnes not, " • you're with mean that I am with you tkiat ,she is itealiacied by -Kiss Thrum in 6r.' -oh I -yea knew • *hat I mean,".ahe cries ;this soheine & pleasure, An enursicin to hoisting her mime*. flag, "h will give Arrant:nor° The mere thought of it; to be you mounts that you won't beat-itt's. hurry taken in such .0041Pariv, makes the light, • in Leicestershire or in the vale." • bright heart di. the Irish, 'girl dance 'within' There you go againwith YOurill.time4 her lareaCt. • • ' • • vaurits," .Mr. • Maekiver calls out pleaSr. • Suddenly Darragh'h 'voice:in : a (theriged antly ".we're.wanting eomething•to ()Oil eadeoce.rioge Out with mournful sweetness,: ' • 10 about, Or drag lie • about; in the shape of -. "-I Some time think that all of we Thyuiles horses, and.. you. her down open hs and are destined to come to bad itt untimely -Want to make he. .vitev, that any tierews'weMaV have to put up With here are superior , ends and these ends will come ie please or • 'by means of poopia•We love ; 'Perhaps Mr; ' to any to be found in the best English, Arthur and,I will be drowned in Omitting -huntiott.etables." to Arnim:no-4-0 : • . • ' : . •"Ah,yeti I'll Warn . Moderation about . Our Lady and the Saints foritiVe you other things," Darragh says, laughing, "but • for thotie,Wcmds,'Xisti_Darragh," Kathleen •• you'll give it up to me that our hotees,like interOses, rePrehending1v.4 : our Our women,. and our climate, and our end is to Owne it will Mime whether we're . poetry, and. out oWli dear 'old laWs,. are the in the Places and with the People We- loVe • fineet and best in ..the world; but Dolly hest or not': and it seams to me that no • had stenething to say before we 'Were an ed oan be bed -,or untimely. • :God orders it rude enough to stop -her.; what was it, :all,' Mius Darragh, and .He knows better •.. Dolly? If you've forgotten, your clue is Ivheti to tithe us; than we .oari- know " when. • 'altar • . • , . , •- 'togo." .• : •' • • "Robert "didn't say anything abont - " You're:a geed girl,' Kathleen, and you • hertiew;'-he remarked to the Over and over oari-never:eonanton,_badend,whateVor_the again- that the 'stables were exesuent;'., but rest of -ns may 'de". Darragh says, leaping he didn't tell 'met° fill them with horses,« up And hiseing•Kstlileen'e broad fair brow. Dolly proteete: • ' • ' . ' Now go awayand, remember my Arran, • The horses: Will Winius; dear," • Run, more scheme, and pray that we may carry AK title her, 1::'''.*Ppose you haieno it through happily • and safely." . • objeetinn.P" daing me your brother'ente.• "Tee, laiSp 'I)arrtlig4.7 Kathleen 'Says, • " obedience and then elle goes, gallantly 'enough ; whether' ,ever wius `Mentlee Or POO is another thin," • " Well; toy folly is thiS I've °owed. 1:uyeeit to Arthur with more thought of what his head may achieve tba,i, what his 1$12. ffor through 0140 6uP00' "But you are feud of bini 29 • • Teet In 0, way.; but •I Shouldn't grow gray in .O• single day, or demeau myself in way Wat would be suggestive of Hartwell 'tteh-4-0.1tYhferVtoe'.aiirlarealoavtiev!;,;;Ilife.r.g-litsr4eulrepel; and broke it oil" „ • • `' lie, barn do that," Dolly says cleutly, "1 don't believe the.man. lives whci °Alla prefer another girl to you that pea. ueedu't weigh on your inincL" " in my pied,. but it doeon't weigh On it a bit." . • • . •-•• Theta What are you afraid of ?" Dolly. asks, StraiightfOrWarOY hUt Pairrag4'13, .0100d of confidence and gravityhas passed away.• She is ificlined to laugh now. at fears -and anxieties for the future, and rather astounds Dolly by breeking iota au unoalled•for declaration of pride and satis- faction in Home of Arthur's late remarks in. the ,House, : ' . • , Don't you wish when yea read Arthur's speeches and article!' that the men yoh!re gOing- tumarry held the pep instead of the aswileaotwrder?; deehoeiattesekleyt_ri7mplut741y, ahd,Bolly No, I ain't ;. I like the. two services, „and I've always been accustomed to hear hem well spoketi, of, and to gee them made* much of. / haven't a pa,rtiole et.politioa,1 .feeling in xne, and I never teed hdebate unless it's on the 'eubjeot of war seine - where or other -in, which Our troops or ships are eoneerned." , • ' •• " "Wretched girl! ;YOU won't entry me my position- of being the Wile of ' it,maa who makes himself obnoxious by his hreins. in the Emma and out of it, then ?" ;Darragh, says, with a smile tvhieh seems to express tutorage of pride in and contentment with heeown tot. . • • • . shall 'tell Captain. Mackiver how benightedly satisfied -you are with him and his career, ' she says, ." and afterthe ,man- ner of the nciblel Hex he 'will accept the tribute 'as his clue, and not. think you the angel,younire for holding such views; and than I'll read some of Arthur's to him and try . to rouse his Writ of ernu- letion ; but. I suppose he thinks Arthitr week and Visionary, and Wild?" . " He . thinks . reckless," Dolly seys cautiously. . • ' • ✓ Recklessl 'Yes; _that's • the vicar(' that Derragh-. turne;,,fitipay Adth,aliett agb' as: stray, bridling 6 little at; she posses within people apply to :conduct- that is • either the ackneWlsageti kovere Prodeed in, the. Abe-W.01ot of the kicobeu window itt the opposed to them or: over their heads. I, recollection7ht.the,:indiguitielt,IWIaleh:Aihe-ani ..reekhise,..in,' • .Ceptaia-Mataktv* er's • legitimate WAY 'mud -lifter the welt- maliter end hie wife,. "which teethe effect and yet many a girl possessing her Beet 44'e r, • ; 09111. AS w tii0Wki9-.41•*"P"CAlhwtO•efg, at,r.ierAai.°- • -Dr illaDIVtaaggi.lt *lute' of altering current arrangements at. Dar. Apparently in more prudent, cautious eelf- ragh. Mr. •Robert- .Anneriley • writes: to control would not hesitate to do them; can Dolly' to tda the latter preparq to receive vou,ghess what Borneo! them are?". • Mrs: .Lepel and . her daughtere". Without ' delay. •. ' " I know you could never be mean, says;•DoIIy Mut Darragh _replies, No- " We mist %tic all.' We .can to cheerend nortreacherpus either, and atter all there's, amuse Poor mamme,"'• the . beide write)! no merit in not being these things." .-Then. "munething will be •saved from the wpm she goes off with a paper An her hands, in : serious way thi.t is next er corm n , :.prestably tedious to the bystander:. "Tho holies will n be Captain ; Meoltiver'e. SO theyivilt, of 0011Ttle, if ,he.hiiye them; then 1 won't ride one of them, no. not once;. .it :will be Dolly's turn, and I'llwait till ' . Arthur ocimeti." ' . , '" • "•• • • -•-• .reineixihers--that -poor •Arthur has not the. wherewithal ' to thP a saddle justat ptesent,much lose a 1000; and so' Omit rather..lrighbriouslY to keep her 'tryst for her and the girlk Robert thinks. Indeed, • With Kathleen. - ,.., ' . '• : • ' • ' he OfiflUrea' me 'there Will 'he' enough km, rWehpiocrhtellienoat inArcitshtu-rrel'adlia7bree'ina asulineeerh;;eat Ids " • tt'll have a -ptetteent talk With.her, and them to live • . on comfortably ilt London ehoWs It With 'en" edifying, air of proper , show' her what ' Ell . gjpg , her when shoi and.civilizatiOni hut.Until. wit.know *kat: pride 6,1 her lover to Captain Macki'Ver." • married, end ,take, pieueure .iii swag her their actual . income:Will' be, they must be . very .easy to. make "Mi. Maeltiver plettetire,". ;Darragh telltt hereelf uottly.,. ctintent,•poot things, to • put. lip with us iii , It's understand that he "need no tenger tarty: Then. she. remembers that . elle lies hot.fixedr the West Itish Barbary to which RObert is •903isigtag us,. 1 Imre Darragh will rifinein. here." The isTahiseotifuldnomfetnik,alts.sfenifl.li‘• eo!iforeeectt.ivithuidet on anything to give Kathleen yet,, and then - thereileotion that :She Illeralltthasnothiul 1.*shan:t feel quite Isolated from all delimit has ''-------:•-heleto , vie,' cornea Upon. her as a tepipO... speiety While the Honorable Mitis•Thynne ,LiaB Bileh .th . ',strong ,; admixture of were worldly pride in it that it itiliot always 0114 rary ' dh-uiPere'. :P. But I'll .: have .• a ' lookitifour . guest • besides; as Itobeit BM* it ,. to distinguish between the•qualities. . •,. into my : she th -inks 1.,.ae., will•lOOk.ivell-iii the .neighborhood to be dressing -ease," , she Walks. ',- delta with' her couptry--*' Pod terms with thelamily who oxide owned up .MI8 faith in finding the very thing she . ik. otarplace. As for 'Ott reap; Ronald is Always . agreeableh going .to iuuk f04 But when she reaches; , but Mr. 'Illeekiver never‘ , got On herrooin her attention is diverted from het - Well With .n4'-. familym • Abair prosperity; ,. . vied.. fei, *011104 somas to meet tier, 'wtiether or .mithexill,prove mare pleasant, to* then'," new they%) in . ad‘ferSity remains . ',no. lugubdotie tou, - . • ' • • - • • .10 be provedithe stays 1"• , • : • • ' :•CHAFTER XIV. • "Which means „that Meijer' think% he ".t. .woxiii•-•. 0 . ittroszamort.: • bad 'better go," .•'• Dolly sayslanghingly but •dolefully • t� Darragh: "it isn't 'pleasant "Now,6Kethletin, come2and tell me ill . either tehave to tell ''''any ..one' that he or our net* and •let it Pleasant, feir Ihaveh't she is detestable th'sOttie' onyelse, and yet ,niuoh that's 'pleasant to. think . 'about that's just what •Meriatv'ttipecte me to tell . mysetf;!.". Darragh 'Batik with 'A lone that 'BfilAgaiikiver -nnCtindassign it its•aleasson. contradicits her ,wards. :She is-- hoping to for his going.?? • .,,. - • .. . , _ -: .,. •• avert the btifeting Of the storm which she «i think Lithouldbe more inclined to tell , silent+ Sang In Kathleen's breast 'about him. that Mrs. AnnesleY. was detestable; ' something' and to hell appeals to the girl's' and assign that ifirli •reason; .for hie going;" • erositY to mike the best of . things. • thyr4agti gala' .., promptly. ' "Your "'future • Darrag eve that's pleesanAtO father-in-law ki e, dear old man, Dtilly,'one dolefully; as, if the: Ways o . MISR of .tits sort I like"; 'Iie "aid lieve"ciuollunite:: were more thenshe. ecnild bring herself to and,luirult, •beiltameti by him, or s 011 430118ider, With resignatio41. "..Fhelina and feet that be separated me from my fault km ,Molly .areajtist ye knew . swept out of the ' folly, end oared foible still."' way in the Amish of wather that llitrs..•Ppet.' ' Deily looltaekhoWiatfillly for a Moment, .. les is throwing overythe rest of the dlitrt l !eo-Wititfirtly that Darragh says -.. . • , Ohl it's a sed sight" and that it is, Mise ' • "Vhat•dolUh want to ash mei Dolly? • t. Darragh, in the .kitoberil not one' bit7Of: ;mew shers'ii something.,'' , : ' ••• • ' oOmfort ; but Mist". Powlett going., °Ver.; •:', "lilies Mr.' Mihkiier been talking to you ........6vorythirigtvith.hinep;.endakpititiasA&these", :01.-ttirlatty,th0 ;I:Ohm:4m; 1,74:111479., i.,•1-i-0:1---ataFidI-4,,T-V4ret -7.1&,, -1,(001,7itmisfrt .. ‘-vr:r-6i .0N711Wit411%,-flmir ' - - -. 'AV -q.1,7t,Mtleittttift.MILIVaiag),th, Italtaccdtiamitir . . . like .of whom she's intiterner'ved in her life." . "Dolly, you have the Spirit of divination ." If that's the worst gbh does we -needn't upon you. • He has done both.' . Mind &beta her, Kathleen.. Molloy never parragli makes her •confessieri ot having ••• Was good at tortibliing You know. Eoglish been judgedand eondemnetin:boldibliOyalit • cooks like to have their kitchens clean, and tioc'ents in which there ism toil& toPeh e• as she% :ilOing the work we needn't mind or confusion. • 'Whatever her' 'diem* ay it." " .. • .: ' - „ " , have bean, she Inia•grappled with it aneoro. "Brit it's her tongue•., that goes faster ipete the best of her, belief, and overcome ti her mop,Miss and the mop's • it. • • , -.. . . g all Over the glace, no think what the "Will you tell the . What it was ?" Dolly „ . , . ettluit bey arict.her sheers at her bet-. ailttio Taber eyes there is something about . a she nothing ballan odd Job Wthheli Darragh Which is. utterly Opposed to the beservant tii.these that are not possibility ofthe commission of; mere folly. wester and • Mietress here even. But under pressure Or tenaptatitm Darragh ,to Molly, 'If your housemaids • might he led into grave emir. ,oLit why f000rtai and th° bedrooms no should, Mr. Mackiver foresadtbis., and warn 011haVekePtY9Urkitehen,down hr against it ? .. - : - • , • s37: _ . • you ought all to go and thank "What do you Want tO know abeut-the you haven't poisoned' -thein folly? or the fault"thet,may be r Darragh dhirt.' Said Willy, "(When. replies; • 'The folly's the most'interesting e want their carpets dusted. -Copia because that ,is a done ' thing, an On- them and do the Work' twoonipliehed fad ; the fault will never he." for the kitchen, I hi:low-theklhe ' spate the hot words With tenth. tar .'niq master too well to determined emphasis .ths,t Dolly says- in-olleaning whatliget. dirty "-You're a little .preild- of 'yciiit Strength. ' So she had her answer .of will and purpose, are you not ?" ' tiled, Midi( Darragh'r ' i4.11;ii, and yet kbaben't :half the will ahd is MAY, doing ?'l ' : -. purpose you have for Inetenee; I suppose 'xi alwiri doing Whenshe ain't., no power on earth would make you give Up a or he Work, Miss Darragh: Captain Mackiver now you've pledged your - her pipe, like the harmless .self, to him -not even it he 'failed to'do all 9/ . . • you expect from hint, rint even if he proved . . . Ind; Kathleen ; .12er0; look .at a (IOWAN and left a',nallee. that telied upon She showed Kathleen El thi0h hilt ?" ' t abal bracelet to match. "Ronald 'coulan'# anything base ; SS fit 'for our Lady the Queen, for ,the zest, men don't go oucand do h 1" doughty deeds in the battle field for the ittbleen, rid shall iltIVE3 them, -sake of gratifying the vanity of the girls my initials and yours engraved they're engaged to,,or the WIVBES Wilf6 Share aucl when I'M married and way, eel hope to •do often, you 1 "11 I could, only stay and see Robert ;or an hour I could come to a better under- standing with biro than .We shall arrive at after weeks of correspondence," he says to Ronald, . and •Captain Miteldver can only roily-• . "My dear father, in MY heart I believe -that Dolly's intermits are safe in her broth- er's hands; don't- think me ungrateful for your affeetionate Anxiety about me when I say this, 'but'Bobert Ahneslei will not lose one pound. Of pony% fortune -if .he demi, he'll repay it." • :11 • • • "1 shall like to have that down in black and white HaeltiVer• .seye-a, nd remarhsthat it oan,..be• arranged in t servants cd as,:oanxkante7ik the lib.iYe tile 90r:de_ es rp.eoan :ter annti. than it Was before we oame," Mr. Mackiver hihtivith remarkable quickness, and with-, rejoins self.eamplatiently. "Dolly takes a "Dolly's frightened out of ber life by 11.1e whole lot of theta," Captain Mackiver gays complacently. Military disciplinarian as he is, he rather prefers that the woman who is tabs his•wifenhould know leas how to .ruie than how to peeve. ' • "For when we're married,"? Ronald says Iconsidthe4tioir Vut<-1xitmtlie4lalgar,Ltaigute generally means that the wife has to keep house upon, little while • the husband oriti- pities the arrangements and °evils at the bills. . •• • • • But Dolly knows nothing'of this state of being yet. . • 4CRAPTEIC 3t.V. • Two tams or Taw CASE. on the property, WI order tbatrIt sa3PY.tbiell gook wrong with nay etfaite, you may ,001310. dewil and Make ewe Qt. your inoneY.' He ' Opole in: a 'deeply Aggrieved . end miured"tobe) Dolly!e generone spirit revolts at the idea of bong given euely' bold over . • • • , ,4‘ Dear Robert, I want nothing% of the kind; yori're blue of that . and Itonalct will heten to me and be guided, by we. AS for • Xackiver, you nauot be, tolerant to ide views; .kucrify how .rigorously. bueiueee- like he , ; • " I mu WT. -Achim dictate the . terms I am to make with 'MY Own sister. He talks as if be, and not I, were your guardian. I shall pay the ilarest regu: Italy, aid. if Ronald wants to handle .tbe oapital SO011 all he's married suppose I shall find slime ,way of paying it, wbat: evar the stiorificte may be; but you're net married yet, and old Meekiver OStSitie hIS rights altogether iu interfering" • "This is not the °tone which Polly has been anticipating, hut she is great at making allowences vvhere Lovell trarmly rand well: Accordingly • new she renahads' herself,' and'. puts it es it plea before Mr. Kt/Oliver, that Robert has unex- pectedlythrustup•onhabdipienboyrin.thoues Lorpeesipionosailbaimlitiibeys,,, . To -Ronald she only says ", that he Must proinise her never to Worry :Robot about. that money ;" and he aboords the promise glibely enough, for want of money has never been due of the irksome' trials -wider which Captain MackiVer has Labored yet. „' • Tee I old • naan acoeidingly 'takes his diapanture after utterihg wit -mintage that • sound like-prophecieg, , "There is a storm brewing in this land, • Mr. A.nnesley,'" he says, al and if you take. the advice of .a man Who knows the Ripe of the tirade, you'll pell. at' ittr'• sainifice of a little now, rather than remain to have your possession4 kid waste for want of labor, and your life held cheap by thou,' who will regard }len at, the Opium of. the evils, that are coining upon them 'through their Own idleness . and felly." ; • • ' / . quit ( willing to stake my life and property, upon the right-mindednemi and probity of the tenants upon this estate," Nr.'"Atinesley sari stoutly, and Mr. Meek- iver .replies "DO so if •yoti,-Will,;. but dtaxilietake year: sister's; she bel.t.ngs . to * now, hod her Weal is very dear to me. Her money must be withdrawn from land. and. invested in she:lathing ter' safer and more reinuneral tive before shall allow: the •marriage to take plaoe." • • o raw money now means thiti.:th me," Robert .Annesley says, 'pas- eionetely-;:' ""if Ociti had been engaged- teDolly-When Shift -titans- was ofteredisoe, •Must. trust te rny- honor and diseretipn, or break off the matoh : ; But thougb. he speaks thus defiantly to • Meoliiver, he gives Ronald clearly to understand that he has no desire to See. the Mitch broken off, no desire. in -4614_10209: :anything but the most -.amicable arrangw ment oOntMne .to . exist- between the two families • . . • . Dolly is a prim a thousand,• and you're a hanky fellow to have ,won her, Ronald; asfor the money, that is all, right ;.• you know that as well as I "do ;`, if thayOrst comes 10011 always sell, and if I Oen, carry out, my plane for increasing tile value of the property•Itsnall be able to repay -Dolly as she deserves to be -repaid,.. and that will be -something very inn& Over and, above' the interest • your father demands mean- • time 1 Ilah't • be worried, my plans need maturing in*Order to work Weil." • 01 hope :it won't interfere with your plane tobeer. that I.'want to be married in May," Ronald tia,y13,.. • • ' • "May's rather seen, isn't it ?" Robert Annesley says thpughtfully.." My.wife. Will be in deep •MOurilitik. Still,' and her poor mother 'will. naturally • shitek"from• the thoughts of anything like festivities; and .on the other hand, I can't alloWiny only 'sister to be married,:in a hOlotomil-OOrnor manner." -" ' • , ' • • "1 dcii't.care "how you arrange it, but it must be arranted tar May," Ctititain iver says.' Darragh has jutt been 'telling Jait:o''S, legend,' Of 'Arralififore;Tatid somehow or other whenever Darragh ,Ints been hold.', ing.converse with him, he feels that it Wili. be better for him to make all fast between himself and Dolly 'soon. The legend is of That e-vrer-g Eden Where the immortal brave . Dwell a laud Serene, • seen. ar Whose bowerse beyond the shining wave At MIME ore are cim-rns: loufcr O' oltg.toraos• jain,„deihres you may get a g Haysrto him. :" And Whoie &Brasil • roan. , or it Mountain?" • .• Neither: • An enchanted island of the blest; I shan't be at ail *surprised if, you dorilt—see-,:itv,-4:0aptain-rHaelliver 1...-Otten Ittlfg▪ 114r-PrillIgancethiti.,11 - • "Do you -as for eXaMple ?" he asks. . "Well, AS „for example this- morning when you niistook me for 'bony, and laid the rosebuds and-shammake upon the plate before me." • • •• "It Was all the shanarook's.fault ; Dally has no enthusiasm for your idolized green • leaf.° ,• . • • • " She wastes her enthusiasm on a brother It Oomes @bout, after all, that litr: Mack- who eciesn't deserve it, and :on--." sue, iver has that perecninal interview with checks herself, blushing eoarlet, and then Robert Annestey forwhich his soul craves; goes on— for Mr. Annesley deaths it expedient to i "And on.your career, and her intention . preemie his wife end her family in:order to of making you a :moat 'perfect wife. •Now. assure hinnielt that Allthinge are 'arranged Myenthusiaerne are broader and lest" per- i for exataing -Maxima's ornfort. . •,; 7-- sonals they are vested' in , my ..00tintrY's He is staggered and annoyed •at first, glory and beauty; and the comingflajii of ; when Mr. Mackiver approaches the subject her prosperity, and in her bygone triumphs ; of ,the borrowed money and the way in' of song and eloquence and war; if you which it is invested in the direot hnd down.. could claim as your ovin the land that has right way in which it is 108 habit to deal given birth to an Emmet and an &Cowie% • With all matters. Mr. Anneoley is annoyed it More and a Wellington, you'd be hilt of With Dolly even. ' . proud enthusiasm too, wouldn't you? even "She had noright to betray my private •it YOU couldn't get any praotieal good out affairs to the Maokivers, though she is going. of it." ' • ' . to •merry ii,dhald. • A: family confidence "Your enthusiasms become you id any ' should be observed sacredly; and if they rate and are so muctii a pert of -you, in filet, 'put theserelv On to Make her break it, my thatti wouldn't See you lote one for the poor girl won't have a very happy life with world; henoe MY fatil in the matter of the them." This he says 'to himself, forgetting shamrock this gi" .. . that Captain Etizokiver has the first right She laughs at his a ology and attemipted to Dolly's confide:nee now, and an indis. explartetion* but there is always an lin4er' leitable claim to knOW ail that May affect ourrentiof sadness in the• merriment that the Mrtune ot his future wife. , goes on between these two. , . Old Maokiver's a nieddlegorne, tame- i" 4 should like f 0 nod a fonr-les,ved ils,r3),-old ass I" Xt. Annesley says to his shafteroelt one day ad give it to y0,31';'itti!L sister, ening to her in a :fultnie the same talismad against all evil, and would give of big arrival. 'Yo have told you.•the :power Of conferring *11 good upon P that :money of yours, it seems your fellove•oreattires. • (To be dontinned.) . evening their names. If lionida's 'regiment is , him abo . ordered into action, he'll do his part and he wants me to give you a bill of sale V1641'41.0100110140.1 • ,(00ntinUed.1 • 0114r.r141, 11. wonderful and ..),Uystorious otaratOo pOwor fH kloi•oloped which to so varie4 in its ,Oporaticua ' ttutt uodissase or ill health can.possibly.exist or resist ha power, and yet t•. is Harraless(fer _the most frail '.Weitian, !oniltest lava:lid or smallest Olalat9 800.. ' ' " l'atieiltS , 'Almost 4°444 or ncarlY titlug'" For ,yeato, and given ue fq• 14kysicaattii, of. Drib/1114%3.0a other kidney •diseases, coin% pls.ults4-Sovere 00'102, calloti, soikautup Nifta..ht,v,P • been cured, 'Wenaen !Vile nearly erazy agony Of neuralgia, nervousness. wake...". fulness. and varictio diseases peculiar to , women, People, drawn out of shape fr'etu excropiatiag • pangs of lthetuaattsui, • ktiatnirug4y asa ehronIC,. or suffering tom ser0141,0.4 '; ' • ilrysipelas! •• • Bait rheum, blood poisoning, Ciyoveptua,' fiat. ,gestion, and ml,fact almost all diseases trait. Nature is heir to Have been cured Bitters, Prba Of which Can be found in every neighborhoectin thel101own , 1 • 6 HEALtgi OF 14QMA l•S 'THE. HOPE Rang • Pr_ SI\ 4t. ATEGETABL; •COMPOUND._ 11, 'Sure Care for 'nit tritatAnt WEAK ittissEInetdina teucorrhcea, regular and Painful DIensMoation, • Inflammation and Uleoration . the Womb r" flooding, 'PRO., .4. LAESUS UTERI, &e. far Pleasant to theta -ate,' efficacious and immediate 1- . Its effect It is a great help in pregnancy, and red lieVes'pain during laboirnitirat:reguler periode. . ADIDPILE*Enng Of either sex., iv seeenti to lib reniedithat hea ever. been betel.° the Publie tor et' onemes ut the Pruners it is the 'Greatest Item4.4y the. Pr.?i44.: WHIBNEY C011iELMETS of Either SOD 'Flail Reliefin Its tee... • ti'DIA, littofSBABoo BLOOD penult= . %eradicate every vestige of Humors from the • . • •Bleod—afthe sanie time will give' Wee andsttength to the System. Ad marvellous in.results ati the Campeund. 42/Both the Compound and Blood Purifier are Pre, • pared at: 233 and .235 Western Avenue, Lynn, )1fass. Price of either, $1. i313; bottles for es. The Comewand . is sent by/nail in the feral ,pills, or' of Weenies, „ rieelPt a price, $1 Per box'fot.efther.' ffirs. 'Inkhorn 'freely answers all lettere. of. \ Enclose 3 cent jtamp.: Bend for pamphlet „Meatier" thl‘s Paper. ' , ' • E. razors:Vs Lirme Frrls cure Constipa• - tion Biliousness and Torpidity. of the Liver. `‘: 25 cents. , • : aarliteih by all DrOagiets.7/8s, . • ew ' • ' A •.• Seel •• the has • che abh the - the • . • and •eica • vrrii gclgt viol othi , • . ' 121,7For several fears we have furnished the Dairynien of America1with an. excellent arti- ficial color, for butter; so toeritoous that it met • with. great suocese evei7whef.1 receiving the highest and1/4 only prises at both Interoational Dairy Fairs. • . • _e • farBut by Patient and scierndfle chemical re- search we have improved in sevbral points, and now 'offer this new color as the best to the world. . . It Will Not Color the Buttermilk. WIII Not Turn RanoIdi, -It to the • " heapest Color tuacieo • trAnd, while prepated oil, is so eompound:: ed that it is impossible for it to beceme raikeld. • LirSEWARE °Emil imitations,. and of all other oil colors for the? are liable to income •remold and spoil butter. ', t urn you cannot mt. the “linproved,' write ui to know where and bovt to get it withmiteura expense. - • 06) • WELLS; Itii'limapsON CO., Earns ciao. VI: HAS BEEN PROVED The SUREST CURE for .7771;-:WISMAAre. .... 41.. Sate:that you4re a tictint,? TPCEN DO A HESITATE; Ube Kidney -Wort at once, (drug - IV gists recommend Wand it will speedily over - mime the disease and. restore healthy action. For 'complaints pe • and aise Kidne3r W rt 1.,,eam • desie.!. to,..,,,z0.,„.,,,,=„med. .5 0 such as pain :I as it will act promptly and safely. Either Sex. Incontrnienee, retention. ofurine, 0 brick dust or ropYdeptisitti, anddull dragging 5. pains, all epeedily yield to its curative power. 2' 43. 1301433 Pr ALIA'. marecasTs. Price $1. gl 1. RUPTURE • 041‘ BE °UMW IN SIX MONTHS 131t IONIAN'SELECTIO-COUTITE . . , . Warranted to hold and be oOmfortab bte)e) 1) te 11. 0 13 14Nt QUEEN air %ASTI. /10BCNT0 AMBhER. SUGAR -cANI 1VIACI-IINEW5r. iEW ElliltiON SCHOOL MIS. IfilECAYETV & SONS, Welland, Oat. • Early Amber Cane Reed imperted from the Southern States. Sendfor catalogues and prices • OIL AGE to Secure, a, Business Education or Speueerian Pen• manship is at the 'SPENCER- , IAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Detroit, Mich. Circulars free. •MUSimel nO vr uesi 0%0: od f3fs 0 p itic bentkidsIiubestrti.oshoot' • ataiotcue free. Address goorei Watertoft,NX. the. It• (actin Or& awn ' sevi soi.i3 Lora sow ..ados Itsal :C°1:13 • • in I• I 'a N glair • tort gent • Mr. nand dem . spui ••notir • .havo • :••Xes ••••• T: sopa dem beat that the • the evex • pm..., -tits ,• lany cern •WhC • thID th'e 1)4E 11111 • val wit tin • abi obi •in( ,