HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-09-07, Page 5•
• lEcar Ilgotheee CireVellfle(-01•0*
,nuonok. tovAle•X. ,
Her eye is iiot so luStrotia, • '
lier voice has less of cheer,
While tidier hair, once dark as night,
The threads of lipt ii•pPettr.
%/mil I her face behold, .
That, though slie Stili is beautiful
Deer moth.gr.'s,growing
Her cheeks havelost emir glorL-
fio lilte•the blush of morn ; • a
" Her smiles have iloWn that used to bless .
. • The boart when semi sworn. •• '
And 'whew I Mark her step that '
Was buoyant once and bold,
I cannot help the.thoeglit se sad
„ That inether growing old, •
Turn back the years, 0 Father! .
Ail make her y Mina:once niere-;-
Just astoy.soul remembers her - •
In happy art of yore,:
.Wheu at her side ray 4ile in
;Full gladness did unfold.
A'ncl I, %little cliil. 1. dreamed not •
Pearmother would grow old.
. .
PeYond these hours so fleeting,
- Beyend earth's toils and tears,
In that aWeet land I hope to. gain
13eyend these mortal years),.
' Nothing stall waste her purellfe,
• 13ut,,heatity manifold •
With 110,ppiue s shall oiXOwn her lot,
' And Mother'll'ne'or grow °lit' •
, • ON Trip BEAOIL
I clasped in'inine her tender han(l., • ,
And side by bids, with lettering pace,.
sometimes, fags to face; *,
'Wo wandered; slowly on the strand.
NVO left behindlaughing Prowdr-
We felt no need of ce•ripanY ; •
• Ourselves, our thoughts, the beach, the'sea,
The clear blue heavens that o'er nil bowed,.
t I V
• • 0
Made US a perfect solitude,
Where all with peace and joy was tilled,.
Where jarring tears and cares Were stilled,.
And speeeh were interriiptieil rude, ' •
So on, vici wandered, handin luta, •• •
C'erghtd to be to each so near, .
itto heart -content, so.fond and dear,
Aldne upon that pleasant strand. ,
, 'And when our footstepi We retraCed;
• The comrades wo had left behind.
'•Exclaimed: Well; sibaNsnpon.yournfind,....
"OldliefrWliat faneies Wive you chased.
, ,
• . • • • • '
While 'wandering slowly-p,nd-aione ?
You are not wont to stroll away, ;
• What de the wild waves sa,y•to-day, •
• By us unfancied and 'unknown?" •. • .
• • c1apec1. th mnio tho uptUrned,facs; .
Their crtiller'eyes beheld no.trage" • .
Nowest FashionsSeasonable •ReOines,
Decorative Novelties, fr
UMW EA-1111fligYK •
. •
icompiledby Aunt Ketch).
seasonable Recipes.
. Okra hi -a great additiOn to chielnin gravy
O r to that Made when cooking any fow,L.It
is eomething like gelatineui ta9ffeet.
Sweetlareadefor firealtfastrt-Sw'eetbreads
tried orisp and brown are especiallynice
for breakfast. They should be par, boiled
in salted, water, out in piebeii the •eize, of a
eaddle-rook oyster ; dip in Indian meal or
fine cracker crumbs and fry in hot lard.
Pieliled 'Peachps.Nine pound's; •' Of
poaches, three pounds Of eugar, three quarts
of Vinegar. Peel thepeaches, taut two
°lows in each peach. Put them in with°
the sugar and vinegar, and cook Aim or ten]
minutes. Add a little whole allspice.' • ,
• Baked Berry Roils.—Roil biscuit dough
thin, in. the form of ft large square or into.
small squares., 'Spread over with berries.
Roll the orust and put the rolls intoa drip
ping pan olose tegether 'until full, then
Ont into' the pan water, sugar andbutter.
Bake them. Serve with any of the pudding
sauciest. • -.• , •
It was Laboueliere who Suggested bath-
ing the face . hot water • to preserve it 962'6 X:. I. '
God, hath nod together let ne man put':
esuntlerf. ,exclajined *Oh great 'earnest -
nese : "-Or no weroon either,. lolc,t4ey aro
PAO as had as the men,"
• stecaits ot Pool Feel llonV
Agneif, Sorel, famous for her wit and
beattutpmwr the fil:stachhava-diamondOint
la ace 0. • .
race patches, were first -used in 1855„ and
in 104 painted dresses were wpm inantic'.
potion of print. . ' * .
Long shirts were Introduced by the
datightere Of St, Lonis; who had illahaped
feet and,olumsy ankles, and the fourteenth
century also introduced tight lac*, .
Walking -sticks were used by women in,
the eleventh century, and withone of them,
it is ' recorded, Constance, wife of •King
Robert, ? knocked 'out the .eye of her• con -
Queen Isabel, of the fifteenth 'century,
PoseeeSed. the only, two Been under -gar-
ments then extant, ail previothi to her;
time having ,beCia Made of coarse woollen
,Cergel. • • . • •
The tOothIplek shoe is a creation of the:
fifteenth century, the longer the toe the
more aristocratic the feet, . and at one
.period they became so long and tinman-
ageable that they had to be -caught up arid
tied to the dress. ,.
• Daring the reign of Henry 1.V., the hoop
increased to an enormous size, the fashion.
coming to an end in 1030, and, at the same
time dresses were worn so low'in the nook
AEC to evoke from the ehair of, St. Peter a
terrible rebuke by the lips of Pope. Inno..:
from wrinkles. Now comes the testimony Latest Foonton notes. , ,
of two French Women of note as to the 'Sashee.reMaitt in favor. •
efficady of hot . water with a' fewdrops of , Poles and rIngsrare the accepted Corniee.
eider water in it for the prevention of tan , , Children' now wear black stoekings on all
and freckles; the face to • be bathed twice
per day. . . . ' • : occasions.' : :,•,'• „'',. . . ., • •
nassinglancy . is to have a bed -spread
• . Cucumber - Toast.-Piei ' freelh ' 'crisp ' A -
. ,-
euicnnihers Of medium size; ant lengthwise °f er9t°°32°. ' ' — ' . .
Plain -white 'flannel. remains in favor for
into slices; place into cold water for a few , . •
minutes;. drain. and dip each • slice into boating PqrP9se°*. • -' • . '.. ''
flour ; • then • fry (fuick.iy., u4 il of a light. :......A, novelty7'-in-•-bed•-spreade are cOfers Of
-brown-cplOr,- -in : butter or heef drippings. Turkish towelling. • • • • •
Plade the . slice Of buttered' cueuniber hot • :Lanabrequins are as • diverse in style and
from the pan between slices . of battered material as are traperies.
toast end:Serve at, Once. The cucumbers.=__ A "velvet season" is predicted, for the
may • be seasoned with pepper -and 'Walt; -
and a little mustard may be adde,, _
I , I : I fall min winter season of 18834, . ,...,:._
YelloW :rangin all shades from pale
-talien-froMT-the .
Ideal Ice-Crea,nh—The ideal and almost to 94nberes and •g-Pidbrown
Of little fOokprints in the sand. • ,•
__ .•. , , ing his rechhe. Nwt,ingta.of,orean
. :bu`t that sweet kektir aNhgl,I.MOK;;;^,r4.1:1+;‘-'-a?'. •of, ,T"cii;fiettlitYVflItifIefirsT- 13 itgar-"ftra
,==;,,,-..7Q-7.-7-,,:ik.ortii4acar.-*:•°-,-- 1"11 r•.°
........._ •-- yhorwsuoittrfrouraltelse apartr, - - - eggs: Beat the eggs.; then . beat the *sugar
• I walked With uneeeMeoMparty. • • with ithem ;. ' then the cream., -Let this just
.‘ .. - .come to eboil ; then remove from the fire;
A mislarOCK SoNM '"' flavor with vanilla ; .strain through a very
Sing! My netted. hammock, swing; fine sieve, or, If' you have none; a clean,'
'Ever lightly to and fro! ' neW piece of. cheese-olOth will answer in
' On the bough the robins sing, • •. place. of one.' When. cool, ptit . it in the
•• Violetssdot the grass below,
. 'Ah / how sweet, the Zering-tido
freezer and freeze, stirring •!uritil it is too.
youth:and love are young together: . ". . bard to turn any longer: • . • ' : . ' • .
_ • R.einOvalof Warts.Warts
. may be rei-
• Swingl my netted" harimmelf„ swing,
All•the .fields are; drifting !mew, : Moved by oauterizatipth An ordinary pin
Daisy idea noclamd: sway .•
is thrust through -the base of the ' wart,
To the eolith Wind, bending low,.
* Passing swest the summer weather, .. • care being taken not to:Nyeund the healthy
•'Youth and love are young together. .. ' tissue beneath. Then the skin •being pro
'-,"-': e° "' •• . • tected, the head of the pin is heated in the
SW ine, my netted hanimock, swing, . - flame of a candle. It is said.that the wart
Maples; goldand Crimson, :gleam, •
.Cardinal. flowers make gay the waste,' • beeprnitni white; and fissured in a feW
_ Asters nod beeide the stream. minutes; and comes away on. the point Or
„; Like's dream the autumn weather ; the pin. Dr. Caller also sau
Ys tltt it is
- Youth and love are young tOg9ther..
.•. ' only necessary to remove one.' Wart on
Swing! my nettedhammock, swing, • ..the hand, that though there may. be a
From thelimbsocold and bare; dozen all the other e will (Reappear Without
• Thro' the houghs the north wind sings,
SnOw4lakes1111 the frosty air. , , • treatment.. ' •
• Dear ,and blest the winter weather; '' -, .. ;• ..• Decorative Notes. ,
Youth and love are young together. " •
. A. handsomelittlelittle'. lambrequin for di
• .. :, .
Lovn.00NTEitrerAirVE. tram ket is Of black satin Out. in points.
rt' bindide • Trirn the edge around the *points with
• sine y my wow s
And gazethe quiet night, • 0 short and fine sink or chenille fringe.
Made mellow by the moonbeams' light; Acrossi the top 7paint• a vine With green
feel the zephyrs from the lea. ': leaves and red berries,And on each point
. Caress me thro' the window wide, .
And as they flit • • - *' • put ef rosebud or tiny spray of forgetme-
• Bo fair and free,,nots or of heliotrope. . . • •
• • Deard love,think thee. I sit'•
A lovely cushion is made by embroider-
. Anef ,
• ing a- spray of old-fashioned pinks •on 'a
I oast my longing, tearful eyes • ground of pale blue Around the edge of
' On yonder flowery, starlit mead • —
Where father's mules repose and feed
Upon the verdure of,the lea;
hear their•wildand plaintive sighs—
And as each sigh " •• ' - •
Is borne to me, •
• Enyvrapt sit I ,
And think of thee.
the-nuehion put-- ie-full--hliff of -pale silk
the f But for • thiegarment, which. fitted like 'a ready to recommend Patnam's Painless Cerril"
satin. Where the puff is joined to Marcie:tor te.Others.
, glove, a pretence of satin. drapery about the
blue satin sew a goed-sized ink cord. The ' waist and the very transparent tights which
encased her symmetrical, if perhaps rather
.exuberant legs, clothing she had no, more
than the original Godiya. In a trice, how-
ever,Visalland had wound. some muslin
about her and, -letting her long golden
• tresses down over her shoulders, had fully'
prepared herself for the approaching speo-
toole." .She remarked that she hoped it
would not rain; though did not have On
so 'mu& CO spoil if it did. The, reporter ad-
Mits that she weighed 233 pounds and
lookedeverypound of it, but says. AO 0
Pretty mats for mornimeiktast,40rblo; Jzonsebihar ,erz.r.,,fatl--Njr.‘atiti-v7,41 stifiiififiV
17/...r tal,fgro--: titrtpl't/ .-.41f, - l'reila/-•qty,-49'.,--11,01/ ITIA,i,' 'tttutig-fiz-i?Alitik:AhOT„.:A
Tri-1:tLF:Iiitt:,Z4.*: 4'11. PAitt?tA;11:621g,zb: hthullekr".-11. iiialdthat in spiteet what
riartbWancl-Iiii trimmed with lace aercish the muslin drapery had done foepropriety
the • bottom, and have some pretty design she would ha" warmly ventured on .8.
in Kensington embroidery on them. The London Or Paris' iite,..0 wkng to
mare effective and striking the desigu, • the ter-hostitme. .
better form it is in. Stand a vase or jar „
on the ornamented end, and let the other
hang over the mantel.
A beautiful tidy for the back of a large
chair is made of a square piece of -cloth
about' ten inches each. way; on this hi
sewed patoh.wOrk of plush and velvet in
form of of a widespread fan.. The °Omen
of the block are of black velvet, and on the
top, drooping over the fan, hi& spray from
a moss -rose bush, in ribbon embroidery.
The edge is finished with lace. .This
design is, pretty tor a block in a quilt or a
Sas pillow:, • . • „
Alaretty way to fli a palm -leaf fan is to
paint it. Mix some ultra -marine of*Prue-
Si‘n blue with a little silver -white paint,
and Make it quite thin with boiled linseed
oil. Paint the 'fan on both sides, handle
and all; with it. If yoinchoose to decorate
it, paint a poppy or some buds and Menai,
on it; tie a blue ribbon around the handle
and it in a convenient plebe. If you
prefer to make it pink, use crimson or .
madder lake and white in the sanie way. .. •,' ThirtiYears ago Bismarck suppressed all
public, gaming tables in Germany; but,
according to reisent reports, there is WV/
more deep play in that country than ever,
and Berlin is • thecentre of the gambling
, A fire broke out on Friday night in Mr,
J.. M. Woods! dry goods store, Lloydtown,
which, together with the entire stook and
allcthe matter belonging to the post -office
and telegraph office and 'shoat 250 in post-
age stainpa,was goon reduced to &sliest. The
"G Parsohp!' who is' generallY Etat? at /*gar. &Ins spread to Mr. WOW -new dWelling, ,
tee, was knocka off his balance .and coma- whioh was also /nowt ed ha a short thine.
• .
plotely non,plussed by an addition to his . The loss Is estimated at about e1,000, Witl*
ceremony by an aged .r. &troth who, immti- only 01,74:10 insurance. The cause of the
diately after hearing the wOrole, " Whom fire a waltnown.•, ,
-7SPAtrIsii7gTrt-TportrilLfe;berea oUrrasit, • worked- in
'outline ernbroidery, are usad for bedrooms;
For travelling and useful Wear, fine cloths •
with narrow lines and checks are proper.
One .form of engagement ring cenobite of
a Circle of Small diamonds and sapphires
alternating. : • • -
A new -lace hea;vy texture, is terine
Kremlin guipure." It is employed ,for trim
..ming 1,nany sorts of fabrics, • •
.New Shades likely to bs as shori-lived,•as
the melon Season. are " watermelon green"
and." watermelon pink."
Creani net embroidered With pines! in
gold thread formed the flounces on soni.e of.
the Goodwood. dresses this year.
• Some. pretty auburn bonnet e have ap-
peared in plaited dull -gold Ootd, edged with
gathered „velvet and trimmed with rings. •
New laces are offering :in white, cream.
and black-and-tan shades: There are also
laces that show,embossed silk figiires on
net backgrounds..
, .81101'41MA 14 D. -
Itt &tore everY Professional and, kualeess man.
will coed to know shorthaod, Ana perhaps tele-
graphy. if he wishes to 'swigged in life. fasfey
hose:leas men employ shorthand Writers, paying
then] as high as $100 a Month. The Collegiate
-M. A., is Prineilial, includes these subjeets in ite '
' conimerdal course 'of study, and every young
Mall and yY0iiian make a note of this.einit
write for OS prospectusbefere sVecting a college
.in Which to get a business trat ing, This same
school has lone had an exeellont record as tlie
preparatory department of queen's University,
The teaching latiiir lias. been thoroughiy re -
01 ganized:
' Alan cannot dream himself into, a noble
oharaCter ; he must achieve by. allignet
effort. : •
complicated, medicinal preparation With
the various ingredients so'adjusted and harMen-
i4ed as to slew% toleration andassimilation by
irr.table stop-16(0as; and the special action or
forin of energy .of -each separate agent, and at
the situ° time an effect peculiar to the chemical
manipulation of. the compound, ie agenired only
by loug awl patient study of the properties and
uses Ur 'rneclioine, and cannot be imparted from
brain .to brain any more than a juggler eau
endow an onlooker with the capacity of keeping
ntimber of, balls in•motien in the air by show-
ing hint how it is dune. This explains why
wagarmit's 1,„i1OSPHATES AND OALISAYA,
an °Weenie of experience, aedomplianes the
Object contemplated, while ate fraudulent imi-
tations substituted by come druggists disappoint
the invalid.. • •' • •
" I'm sitting on' the style, Mary;" eaid
Mary's father. when he refused to buy here.
new bonnet. '
. rainless nod Prompit
. ,
great reniedy for corns, is absolutely safe and
painlese, does its work promptly, without in the
least interfering with tiati comfort of patients,
and ia absolutely alone seaside, painless remedy
for borne. , Do not be imposed upon by danger-
otis counterfeits. Use only putnam's -Corn EX -
tractor. Beware of' . base . substitutes. Sold
everywhere by druggists' and dealers in Medi-
cittes.,. Take only Putnam% Painless Extractor '
N. 0. poison & Co., proprietord Kingston.
Courtriene:not_ ao_man. --ge-Ont-and
batiiwown regord. He thinks too Much
. toeing Nitto •writes I have used Mag.
hetioRedicind and Mil Much pleased with the
restilt. . It has cured no after DOeters and other
medicines had failed." . •
Augustus Viretgkete thought another_wo.
rollin. babiawife:and.heittlier".—Made his
Wifeterriblyjealotte.,-- •
olIse-ItpreirEZFAIredineim - •
Ask for Weibel' "Rough 4in Corns:" 15a.. Quick
complete, permanent cure. ' Corns warta
•btirtions. . • • • • • • •
• • • •
.• To wash a mule safely, de it With a gar-
den hese, arid stand -on tne other side of a
fence while you do t. •
Flies anti Buns., ,
Flies, .roaChee, ante, bed;'13ugs; rats, 111100,
'gophers, chipmunks, cleared but by "Reugh, On
Rats." . 150. . • • '
' —Geed gnin'•-in-eNyinirnin weather.
• .
ot saan;.. •
Nervous Weaknees Dyspepsia, Jmpotence
Sexual, 'Debility, cured by • Wellif Health Be
newer." $1.
--Musknielone are the best fonndatiOn
for a breakfastin dog days: '
• • • Don't be Alarmed • .
Bright's Disease; Diabetes. or any diseasn„ of
"the kidney's, liver or urinary organs, as Hop
Bittters will Certainly, and astingly euro you mut
It is the only thing that will •
'Lads Gleans's Bide. . . , , . '
,•, Queen Tietcifia his arrived at Balmoral
Lady Godly& rode through the streets of' n.,..,,i,
.Coyeritry once more a" Week ago laat Mon- .'"",""'.' ' . • '
,.day for the first gine 'singie.1.877.,' She Was . ' . ,. • '',„ ig; *en- sipainelpte;,..
personated by a star from „ the Oir011ii, Mid8 .The'PrItiiiIple upon which PoinAm's14.... he's
• Nand FOrester. 4. correspondent of the ,,CibootnizainEkridnekeerinn aets'is entirely now. It does
.New York Herald; who had a- little ehitt. : the -flesh, thereby producing
O but acts directly•luponi the external
with her just before she started *:ont; thin covering of the aorn, separates it from the under
describes her costume ; " Godly& Was just layer, removes the direct tirefieure from the part,"
then stepding in frOnt of her glean adding
.. and at once effects a rad cal ,gure, without any
a little gatize to the. 'soniewhat . WO- $0antx pain or 9LT:infests' le rile treatment, suffering
ttitnthnst4 twrikliP
upper ,part Id her flesh-eolored satin Catnap. 'and by•the etirutPleterese:of°the
.Girl in hammock •
' Reading, book .
. Catches Win
By hOok or,crook.
. Girl 1171 kitchen ,
• ticrubbing pan
Cannot gobble
Any man.
Titi Years later,
Head in ',Atari.;
• Aphorisms tor the Hyspeptie.
In the third edition of his treatise on
" Indigestion," Dr. JOE B. Gill, of the
Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh,
, . gives the aphorisms for the dyepeptio, to '
learn by heart : •• , •
Let, each man take that which he Midst
by experience, to suit him—not his neigh
, bor.; careftily.distinguish between natural
tastes and acquired bad habits.
One man's meat is another Miul°13 poison.
Earn your loaf before you eat it.
Always rise from the table mandated.
. Stimulation mint be followed by de-
pression. . •
• Live peaceably•with all men..
Eat slowly. •
After' dinner sit awhile, after' supper
walk a mile. • •
Bat 'when you are hungry, notwhen it is
Meal time. '
_ Bat only shoh_tt ijuaritity that you shall
be -hungry when meal time comes round.
Let your food be proportionate to yciur
• work.
Be temperate in all things,
Nature loves regplarity..
' Dr. Diet is the best physician•
It is not good for man t� be alone.
• Idleness is the stomach's hangman.
The opinion gains ground la Eutope that
the recent strong utterances in the German
Official press indicate Bismarok's desire- to
CiScredit the Republie in France atid to
. assist in re-establishing the Monarchy.
. The, Goverrament has received a telegram
• from 4.dmiral Pierre, the French .00va-
naander in Madagascar, stating that the
trial of 111.r. Shawl the English missionary
arrested by the Vicarial:, IC0811164 in the
disithirogg of the charge.. e will lie
liberated. — •
cushion when completed sWould be 'about
half a yard long, but not quite so wide.
A trig° scarf that is tasteful and quite
inexpensive is made of dark green felt; it
should be about half 'a yard wide; have it
.piiiked• on the edge and on each end nut a
strip of silk patolfwork, familiarly called
"crazy patchwork." • Have the strip 011e -
quarter of, a yard deep.. Make fringe of
the felt, out in very narrow strips,..and six
inches deep. Earth edge of the iiilk.patoh.
work should be feather -stitched.. -
46110;0y Your Llite,"
is. good Philosophy, hot to do o yOu must
have health. If bilious •and constipated, or
blood is Out of order, use Dr, •Plerce's
'Pleasant Purgative Pellets," :whioh are
Mild, yet certain in their Operation, . Of
all druggists. •
Sir Henry Tyler, President 'of the Grand
Trunk Railway, Joseph Hickson,' General
Manager, and ,other gentlemen. cOnneoted
with the company will arriVe.,, in Detroit
t •
11 you experientie bad taste in mouth,
sallowness or yellow oblor of skin, feel
Stupid and drowsy, appetite unsteady, fre-
quent headache or (liminess,. you are bil-
ious," and nothing Will arouse your liver to
station and strengthen up your system
equal to Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical
misery." By druggists. 4
Women's Chit.Chat. • - „
• It is stated that certain gloves worn by
Mine. Sara, Bernhardt in " Fedora '
measured no lase than 4 feettin length.
Boastbeeflambnauttonandaitt„" Bald
the girl "who Waite on the table" at the
Beaoh. "Well," said the old gentleman,
"I've never tasted iti but you may bring
tiva so'.5 and VI1 see what it's like,"
At a wedding recently In Canton, Ito., rh
.. . '
It is reported that cholera has broken
out in. Sumatra. '
VENTION in Toronto' last .week it was
stated that five years ago there were only about
1,800 shorthand writers in Canada and the East-
ern States.' Now there are river 0,00, and the
number is daily increasing. •This Work andthat
of telegraphy are suitable for ladies and gentle-
men alike. Both subjeote, and else book-keep-
ing, are thoroughly taught in the eOmmerMal
course Of the • •
pC/i Irkz• rpiiiTrril
. - • ,
The steamship Spark, arrived at Queens.
town from Montreal, lost 140 sheep on the
kil and Patience suebeed 'Where tome
fails." The Oleo skill and patient research
which brought forth Kidney -Wort illustrates the
truth of the fable. Its grandsuceesti everywhere
is admitted Disease never comes to lin without
,a cause. Ask any good physician the COMBO and
he will tell you something interfere* reagens the
working of the great organs. Kidney -Wort
enables them to OverOOMe all obstruptions and
preserves perfect health: Try a box or bottle at
once. •
At Vienna; Saturday, King Charles of
Roumania was vieited by the Emperor
Francis Joseph.; -
•t Faded articles of all kinds restored to their
original beauty by Dia.mond Dyes. Perfectand
simple. 10 cents, it all druggists. • • ,-
...311. Waddington, Fiend' Ambassador at
London, has not been summoned to Paris
to disci/Be the Tamatateaffair, as reported.,
free use of alcoholic stimillante and narcotic dru
*rho woman who'seeke relief from pain by ty
'finds what she Books only so far as sensibility s
destroyed= temporarily suetiended. No Sure was
ever wroaght by such meansand the longer they
are employed the More liopelese the ease be -
wines'. leave chloral, morphittard belladonna
alone, and *molars: roil/how's Vegetable Com-
The Egyptian Khedive has lotted an
order that the eleeticins shall laheld for
Deputiee in' September.
• ilionanzit Mine,
of health.' le to be found in Dr. It. V.,
Pierce's' " Favorite Presetiption," to the
merits Of which, at 8. retnedy for female
weakness ett.aa kilidted affections, thousands
,teetigy.. • 4. •„
The rioting between ono:Igen:Len and
Catholics at, Coatbridge .was renewed. en
Saturday and 22 arrested.
Beauties Coptibeic tor Prize4
London hat beeAlty competitionW
the public,. are invited to vote for the
they think the loveliest among tbe
lees famoue of the sex, Mrs. Langtr
off with the icad.,,...whiohalie-lield-fo
ree weeks. Then Sile.Was °verbal'
'Lad'YAnidley'and Lady Lonsdale; t
tresses, Mies Gilchrist and Miss Lire*
well up, while !ars. Itfaddicik ad Mis
Venue, also of the stage, led a rusk of
who tailed off to Miss Florence St, JO
Miss Phillie Broughton, Artigsling
rear. AS the fifth week Lady, Dudle
Lady Lonsdale forged ahead, wi
votes each itgainit 128 for the Lily, w
collared' by Connie Gilchrist with 12
Miss Clement Soott Drew lying a
third with 125. The field maintain
Same order until three weeke age,
Lady Dudley and Ludy Lonsdale dr
out by request, it is supposed, and
Drew tOok up the running, the nu
being at last accounts.; Drew. 181
°bust; 174; Kati, Vaughan, 154;
Venne, .131; Mrs. Maddiolc, 137;
Langtry, 128.
—Poobs' wife remarked to'hita, as
started.out the other night to take s
with the Browne, that she expecte
B. would have a stunning coiffure.' "
I'm sure I hope eo," grumbled roots
haven't had anything goad to eat sin
last time We were atinother's."
La •
• '••'
for all diseases of 'the kidtieyo
: has sPeellio action On this must ha
, organ; MiablixigIttoi throw off' torpidity
intuition, etimidating Pie herilth7 searetlOn
-the Bile, and by keeping. the bowels in
condition, efteethig ita regular disellargd:
Malaria. 1,f3rcniall'itult'brinirtra
. malaria,kave the
--wort will'sitreir geld:C111101.,
, 'In the Spring to oleaize the fiyetemi:
one should' take a thorough wain* of it.
801.0 BY•allitUCCUR S.sPrioa
_Error several Pare we' hat.° iiiraislie4
mairlmien• or Ainerlea with an •enellerit
fleial color forbutteri'sameriterious 0010 in
with great -anemia everywhere Weaving'
highest and only Prizes at both hiternatiO
.terBat by: *limit umiseientiiie ehendeat
search we have iinproved:in Several points;
now oast this new color LIS the best ,in; the war
It Will Not, Color the
.Will NOt Tarn.Ranctd.. it Is the .-
. . , , .
• , Strongest, 'Brightest' and •
• ,...
.•,•P Cheapest ColOr-filede,
14'And, white preeereti Inoti, 1. soeomponnd
ed that it is impossible for,it 50 beedine rancid..
tirsEwARE. ot ell imitations, she ors
other oil eglors • for they are:liable to heroin
rancid and, spolf,the butter. . , • ;
WIZ you cannot get the ”improved", -Write u
to knew* where and bow to. get It without eat
4!xl)opse;* • • •• (40),
:,19SLF44•RICItAIVOSON'ik CO., Peritegtee Vt."
vgiRAB# ithahoga
in llas stood the test for Fivier,Thait
YEARS, and has proved itself the b
z remedy • known fpr the 'tura'
„and aH Lung :Disea0004
ung or old. SPLfio EVERYWIIERI
Trlco 06.1;..an4 $1, 00 per 33644.10.
. ,
.441 •
Electric Appliances aro ten!. ea 30 Daye T
To MEN ONLY, YO0111.0 ,SLO
0 are Butterfat!, Mita
Lost Vrraart, Act MP
%mon; W.istineViainrsisits,exidelithes.
of a Pansmut, Ilitunit retaining frOMAninilli
Oatare. Speedy relief MideOninint.
rates of linavrit,‘ MonuildlillktntOonGualtiarnina.
The grandest discover/ of the Nineteenth niskturr
fiendat oneefernlustriitedraiKhilet Mr*
-tVOLTAIII 11111116«,1111A11$11,411. "11
0I,9 Awaits. slots iis;ts itozad; amiti
ooliwymuli fres., Tiunikeka,
CAN BN CrURED IN SIX lifI*110 fl
ono tarolf,
1011101, 1141010-*T1It,
Warrailied ti; hold Anal* Ritiffittak•
itelV .
A.. NI Vto WE A.
4 gt110$14 �T ABT tiostO
.10 entirely, °veto:mho by
can raitiik ant
Weer. Try MO arid be efired. Uuett
Ciro/11*r arta itionernatittiou
4 qdeen es4lot east, IT